Church Orthodox calendar for April. Calendar of church holidays for April. Bright Easter Week

April is one of the busiest months for church holidays and fasts in the entire calendar period, which includes a considerable number of festive events. Let's get acquainted with all Orthodox holidays and fasts for April 2017.

Church Orthodox holidays in April 2017

April 07 – Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to the Holy Scriptures, on this day, Rev. The Virgin Mary learned the good news that she would soon give birth to the Son of God - a man who would become the messenger of the Lord and salvation for the entire human race. The Orthodox holiday belongs to the twentieth and is celebrated with special care. It is not customary for people to work on this day.

April 08 – Lazareva Saturday. On this church holiday, it is customary to remember one of the most striking events of biblical times - the resurrection of Lazarus. The holiday falls during Lent, so it is allowed to add caviar to a regular meal.

April 09, 2017 – Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Otherwise called Palm Sunday. This church holiday is usually held in a church in which willow branches are sanctified.

One of the culminating holidays of the Orthodox Church. In some countries it is considered state. Christians remember the resurrection of Jesus after his crucifixion and the opening of the gates of heaven for all true believers.

April 16-22 – Continuously bright Easter week. During this period, the traditional Orthodox fast, set on Wednesdays and Fridays. Throughout the week, it is customary to hold religious processions and sprinkle with holy water.

From 23.04 until the end of the month - Spring meat eater. The period that usually occurs after the end of fasting. It is allowed to eat products of animal origin.

April 23 – . The popular name for the first resurrection after Easter. People celebrate the final arrival of spring. On this holiday it is customary to eat egg dishes, sing songs and dance.

April 25, 2017 – . It is customary to go to the cemetery, clean the graves, remember the dead, and leave treats.

Calendar of church holidays for April 2017

Multi-day and one-day church fasts in April 2017

It should be noted that from the beginning of the month until April 15, the Orthodox Lent will last. The entire week before this day is Holy Week (see. orthodox calendar higher). The most crucial period before the onset of the Bright Feast of Christ's Resurrection. Today it is customary to highlight Easter food and remember the presence of Jesus Christ in the tomb during the service.

In addition, in April 2017, there will be one-day posts on Wednesdays and Fridays. At the same time, the exceptions are the days of Great Lent and Easter Week. Thus, one-day fasts in April should be observed only for two days: the 26th and 28th.

Also see: everything, church calendar.

Easter of Christ is a triumph of celebrations. The Church in sacred hymns calls Easter great, opening the doors of heaven to us, Holy Week, the bright Resurrection of Christ, calls for its glorification the earth and heaven, the visible and invisible world, for “Christ is risen, eternal joy.”

The Easter service is celebrated especially solemnly both on the first day of Easter and throughout Bright Week.

Bright Resurrection of Christ. Easter. Sretensky Monastery. Easter Matins, Liturgy. Choir of the Sretensky Monastery. Recorded 2010

(MP3 file. Duration 163:06 min. Size 78.3 Mb)

In the evening (at Holy Saturday) in the temple the Acts of the Holy Apostles are read, containing immutable evidence of the Resurrection of Christ, after which follows midnight office with the canon of Holy Saturday. After the 9th song, when singing (to katavasiya) irmos: Don't cry for me, Mati There is censing around the Holy Shroud, then the priest lifts it onto its head and takes it (Face to the east) to the altar through the royal doors, which are immediately closed. The Holy Shroud is placed on the throne and remains there until Easter is celebrated - in remembrance of the fact that Christ the Savior remained on earth for 40 days after His Resurrection.

Since the times of the apostles, the Church has celebrated Easter services at night. Just as ancient Israel was awake on the night of its deliverance from Egyptian slavery, so the new Israel is Christian church- is awake “on the sacred and saving night” of the bright Resurrection of Christ - the herald of a luminous day of spiritual renewal and liberation from slavery to sin and the devil.

The beginning of Easter Matins is preceded by a solemn procession of the cross around the temple (during the singing of the stichera) in order to meet Christ outside of it, like the myrrh-bearers who met the risen Lord outside Jerusalem.

In the vestibule, with the doors of the temple closed, Easter begins Matins exclamation Glory of the Saints and singing according to the Easter rite.

When singing after Glory, and now second half of the troparion of Easter ( And giving life to those in the tombs) the church doors open, the clergy and worshipers enter the temple.

After the Great Litany it is sung , compiled by St. John of Damascus (VIII century). The initial words of the irmos of each song are sung in the altar, and the choir continues the following words of the irmos. Each hymn ends with the repetition of the irmos and the singing of the troparion three times.

For each song of the canon, censing is performed. As the priest greets the people, he greets those praying with the words: “Christ is risen!” Believers answer: “Truly he is risen!” and, looking at the Cross in the hand of the priest, make the sign of the cross. For each song there is a small litany.

After the 3rd song, ipakoi is sung

According to the 6th song - kontakion, and ikos:, then - (three times) and (three times).

According to the 9th song - exapostilary (three times).

After singing praising stichera and May God rise again the primate reads the Catechetical Sermon of St. John Chrysostom: in which, based on the parable of Christ the Savior about those who worked in the vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16), everyone is called to enjoy the Easter celebration and enter into the joy of the risen Lord, after which the troparion of St. St. John Chrysostom: (the only hymn of the saints in the Easter service).

They are sung both on the first day of Easter and throughout Bright Week. Easter Clock- This is a completely special type of watch. They do not consist of ordinary psalms, but of Easter hymns, the same for each hour, and are sung.

Done liturgy St. John Chrysostom

The liturgy on the first day of Easter is “to wound, to work for the sake of the vigil.”

The Easter antiphons (,) are sung.

Entrance verse: In the churches bless God, the Lord from the fountain of Israel.

Instead of the Trisagion - Elitsy was baptized into Christ....

The main feature of the Easter liturgy is that the Gospel, 1st Conception from John, telling about the Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ (“In the beginning was the Word...”) is read by the clergy on different languages, especially in the ancient ones: Hebrew, Greek and Latin, on which the inscription on the Cross of the Savior was made. Such a reading reminds us that the apostolic preaching spread throughout the entire earth, among all nations.

Instead of Worthy - .

Involved Receive the Body of Christ, taste the immortal source.

Instead of Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord, Videhom Light True, Let our lips be filled, Be the Name of the Lord and the 33rd Psalm is sung.

According to the prayer behind the pulpit, artos is consecrated - bread with the image of the Cross or the resurrection of Christ (). It symbolizes the invisible presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. Artos is worn during religious processions; throughout Bright Week it stands on a special table in front of the icon of Christ the Savior, to the right of the royal doors. On Friday evening the artos is broken up and on Bright Saturday after the Liturgy it is distributed to those praying.

At the end of the liturgy, the clergy celebrate Christ with the people. Since ancient times, Christians have given each other red eggs when kissing and greeting. The egg is a symbol of life. The egg, painted with red paint, also reminds us that our life has been renewed in the depths of the Holy Sepulcher and this new life acquired by the Most Pure Blood of Christ the Savior. The custom of giving Easter eggs, according to ancient church tradition, owes its beginning to St. Mary Magdalene, who, appearing before Emperor Tiberius, presented him with a red egg with the greeting: “Christ is Risen!”

The royal doors of the main altar and all chapels remain open throughout Bright Week.

In the evening it is done vespers. Entrance with the Gospel, the great prokeimenon and the reading of the Gospel by the priest in the Royal Doors facing the people. The Primate performs Vespers in full vestments.

At its core, the Orthodox church calendar-Easter consists of two parts - fixed and movable.
Fixed part church calendar- This is the Julian calendar, diverging by 13 days from the Gregorian calendar. These holidays fall on the same day of the same month every year.

The moving part of the church calendar moves along with the date of Easter, which changes from year to year. The date of Easter celebration itself is determined according to lunar calendar and a number of additional dogmatic factors (not to celebrate Easter with the Jews, to celebrate Easter only after the spring equinox, to celebrate Easter only after the first spring full moon). All holidays with variable dates are counted from Easter and move in time on the “secular” calendar along with it.

Thus, both parts of the Easter calendar (movable and fixed) together determine the calendar Orthodox holidays.

The following are the most significant events for an Orthodox Christian - the so-called Twelfth Feasts and Great Holidays. Although the Orthodox Church celebrates holidays according to the “old style”, which differs by 13 days, the dates in the Calendar, for convenience, are indicated according to the generally accepted secular calendar of the new style.

Orthodox calendar for 2017:

Permanent holidays:

07.01 - Nativity of Christ (twelfth)
14.01 - Circumcision of the Lord (great)
19.01 - Epiphany of the Lord (twelfth)
15.02 - Presentation of the Lord (twelfth)
07.04 - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (twelfth)
21.05 - Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
22.05 - St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, wonderworker
07.07 - Nativity of John the Baptist (great)
12.07 - Holy First. apostles Peter and Paul (great)
19.08 - Transfiguration of the Lord (twelfth)
28.08 - Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (twelfth)
11.09 - Beheading of John the Baptist (great)
21.09 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (twelfth)
27.09 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross (twelfth)
09.10 - Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
14.10 - Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (great)
04.12 - Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary (twelfth)
19.12 - St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, wonderworker

Days of special remembrance of the dead

02/18/2017 - Ecumenical Parents' Saturday (Saturday before the week of Last Judgment)
03/11/2017 - Ecumenical Parental Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent
03/18/2017 - Ecumenical Parental Saturday of the 3rd week of Lent
03/25/2017 - Ecumenical Parental Saturday of the 4th week of Lent
04/25/2017 - Radonitsa (Tuesday of the 2nd week of Easter)
05/09/2017 - Commemoration of deceased soldiers
06/03/2017 - Trinity Parents' Saturday (Saturday before Trinity)
10/28/2017 - Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday (Saturday before November 8)



In worship Orthodox Church twelve great holidays of the annual liturgical circle (except Easter). Divided into The Lord's, dedicated to Jesus Christ, and the Theotokos, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

According to the time of celebration, the twelfth holidays are divided into motionless(non-transient) and movable(transitionable). The former are constantly celebrated on the same dates of the month, the latter fall on different dates every year, depending on the date of celebration Easter.


According to the Church Charter on holidays Nativity of Christ And Epiphanies, happened on Wednesday and Friday, there is no post.

IN Christmas And Epiphany Christmas Eve and on holidays Exaltation of the Holy Cross And Beheading of John the Baptist food with vegetable oil.

On the feasts of the Presentation, Transfiguration of the Lord, Dormition, Nativity and Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter and Paul, John the Theologian, which occurred on Wednesday and Friday, as well as in the period from Easter before Trinity Fish is allowed on Wednesday and Friday.


Fast- a form of religious asceticism, the exercise of spirit, soul and body on the path to salvation within the framework of a religious view; voluntary self-restraint in food, entertainment, communication with the world. Corporal fasting- food restriction; sincere post- limitation of external impressions and pleasures (solitude, silence, prayerful concentration); spiritual fasting- struggle with one’s “bodily lusts”, a period of especially intense prayer.

The most important thing is to realize that physical fasting without spiritual fasting brings nothing to the salvation of the soul. On the contrary, it can be spiritually harmful if a person, abstaining from food, becomes imbued with the consciousness of his own superiority and righteousness. “He who believes that fasting only means abstaining from food is mistaken. True fasting“, - teaches St. John Chrysostom, “is removal from evil, curbing the tongue, putting aside anger, taming lusts, stopping slander, lies and perjury.” Fast- not a goal, but a means to distract yourself from enjoying your body, concentrate and think about your soul; without all this, it becomes just a diet.

Lent, Holy Pentecost(Greek Tessarakoste; Lat. Quadragesima) - the period of the liturgical year preceding Holy Week And Easter holiday, the most important of the multi-day fasts. Due to Easter may fall on different calendar numbers, Lent also every year starts at different days. It includes 6 weeks, or 40 days, which is why it is also called St. Pentecostal.

Fast For Orthodox man- This a set of good deeds, sincere prayer, abstinence in everything, including food. Physical fasting is necessary to perform spiritual and mental fasting; all of them in their combination form the post is true, promoting the spiritual reunification of those who fast with God. IN days of fasting(days of fasting) the Church Charter prohibits modest food - meat and dairy products; Fish is allowed only on certain fasting days. IN days of strict fasting Not only fish is not allowed, but any hot food and food cooked in vegetable oil, only cold food without oil and unheated drinks (sometimes called dry eating). In the Russian Orthodox Church there are four multi-day fasts, three one-day fasts and, in addition, fasting on Wednesday and Friday (with the exception of special weeks) throughout the year.

Wednesday and Friday installed as a sign that Christ was betrayed by Judas on Wednesday and crucified on Friday. Saint Athanasius the Great said: “By allowing meat to be eaten on Wednesday and Friday, this man crucifies the Lord.” During the summer and autumn meat-eaters (periods between the Petrov and Assumption fasts and between the Assumption and Rozhdestven fasts), Wednesday and Friday are days of strict fasting. During winter and spring meat-eaters (from Christmas to Lent and from Easter to Trinity), the Charter allows fish on Wednesday and Friday. Fish on Wednesday and Friday is also permitted when the holidays of the Presentation of the Lord, the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Temple, the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter and Paul, and the Apostle John the Theologian fall on these days. If the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Epiphany fall on Wednesday and Friday, then fasting on these days is canceled. On the eve (eve, Christmas Eve) of the Nativity of Christ (usually a day of strict fasting), which happens on Saturday or Sunday, food with vegetable oil is allowed.

Solid weeks(in Church Slavonic, a week is called a week - days from Monday to Sunday) means the absence of fasting on Wednesday and Friday. Established by the Church as a relaxation before a multi-day fast or as a rest after it. The continuous weeks are as follows:
1. Christmas time - from January 7 to January 18 (11 days), from Christmas to Epiphany.
2. The Publican and the Pharisee - two weeks before Great Lent.
3. Cheese - the week before Lent (eggs, fish and dairy are allowed throughout the week, but without meat).
4. Easter (Light) - week after Easter.
5. Trinity - the week after Trinity (the week before Peter's Fast).

One-day posts except Wednesday and Friday (days of strict fasting, no fish, but food with vegetable oil is allowed):
1. Epiphany Eve (Epiphany Eve) January 18, the day before the feast of the Epiphany. On this day, believers prepare themselves to receive the great shrine - Agiasma - Epiphany Holy Water, for purification and consecration with it at the upcoming holiday.
2. Beheading of John the Baptist - September 11. On this day, a fast was established in memory of the abstinent life of the great prophet John and his lawless murder by Herod.
3. Exaltation of the Holy Cross - September 27. This day reminds us of the sad event on Golgotha, when “for our salvation” the Savior of the human race suffered on the Cross. And therefore this day must be spent in prayer, fasting, contrition for sins, in a feeling of repentance.


1. Great Lent or Holy Pentecost.
It begins seven weeks before the holiday of Holy Easter and consists of Lent (forty days) and Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter). Pentecost was established in honor of the forty-day fast of the Savior Himself, and Holy Week - in remembrance last days earthly life, suffering, death and burial of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The total continuation of Great Lent along with Holy Week is 48 days.
The days from the Nativity of Christ to Lent (until Maslenitsa) are called Christmas or winter meat-eater. This period contains three continuous weeks - Christmastide, Publican and Pharisee, Maslenitsa. After Christmastide, fish is allowed on Wednesdays and Fridays, until the whole week (when you can eat meat on all days of the week), which comes after the “Week of the Publican and the Pharisee” (“week” in Church Slavonic means “Sunday”). In the next week, after the full week, fish is no longer allowed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but vegetable oil is still allowed. Monday - food with butter, Wednesday, Friday - cold food without butter. This establishment has the purpose of gradual preparation for Great Lent. The last time before Lent, meat is allowed on the “Meat Eating Week” - the Sunday before Maslenitsa.
In the next week - cheese week (Maslenitsa), eggs, fish, and dairy products are allowed all week, but they no longer eat meat. Making a fast for Lent ( last time eat fast food, with the exception of meat) on the last day of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday. This day is also called “Cheese Week”.
It is customary to observe the first and Holy Weeks of Great Lent with particular strictness. On Monday of the first week of Lent (Clean Monday), the highest degree of fasting is established - complete abstinence from food (pious laymen with ascetic experience abstain from food on Tuesday as well). During the remaining weeks of fasting: on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - cold food without oil, Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil (vegetables, cereals, mushrooms), on Saturday and Sunday vegetable oil is allowed and, if necessary for health, a little pure grape wine (but in no case vodka). If the memory of a great saint occurs (with an all-night vigil or a polyeleos service the day before), then on Tuesday and Thursday - food with vegetable oil, Monday, Wednesday, Friday - hot food without oil. You can find out about the holidays in the Typikon or the Followed Psalter. Fish is allowed twice during the entire fast: on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (if the holiday does not fall on Holy Week) and on Palm Sunday, on Lazarus Saturday (the Saturday before Palm Sunday) fish caviar is allowed, on Friday of Holy Week it is customary not to eat any food until it is taken out shrouds (our ancestors in Good Friday did not eat at all).
Bright Week (the week after Easter) is continuous - fasting is allowed on all days of the week. Starting from the next week after the continuous week until Trinity (spring meat-eater), fish is allowed on Wednesdays and Fridays. The week between Trinity and Peter's Fast is continuous.

2. Petrov or Apostolic Fast.
Lent begins a week after the feast of the Holy Trinity and ends on July 12, the day of the celebration of the memory of the holy apostles Peter and Paul. Established in honor of the holy apostles and in remembrance of the fact that the holy apostles, after the descent of the Holy Spirit on them, dispersed to all countries with the good news, always being in the feat of fasting and prayer. The duration of this post is different years varies and depends on the day of Easter celebration. The shortest fast lasts 8 days, the longest - 6 weeks. Fish is allowed during this fast, except on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Monday - hot food without oil, Wednesday and Friday - strict fasting (cold food without oil). On other days - fish, cereals, mushroom dishes with vegetable oil. If the memory of the great saint happens on Monday, Wednesday or Friday - hot food with butter. On the Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist (July 7), according to the Charter, fish is allowed.
In the period from the end of Peter's fast to the beginning of the Assumption fast (summer meat-eater), Wednesday and Friday are days of strict fasting. But if these days fall on the feasts of a great saint with an all-night vigil or a polyeleos service the day before, then food with vegetable oil is allowed. If temple holidays occur on Wednesday and Friday, then fish is also allowed.

3. Assumption Fast (from August 14 to August 27).
Erected in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Mother of God herself, preparing to depart to eternal life, constantly fasted and prayed. We, the spiritually infirm and weak, should all the more resort to fasting as often as possible, turning to the Most Holy Virgin for help in every need and sorrow. This fast lasts only two weeks, but its severity is consistent with the Great One. Fish is allowed only on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19), and if the end of the fast (Assumption) falls on Wednesday or Friday, then this day is also a fish day. Monday, Wednesday, Friday - cold food without oil, Tuesday and Thursday - hot food without oil, Saturday and Sunday - food with vegetable oil. Wine is prohibited on all days. If the memory of a great saint happens, then on Tuesday and Thursday - hot food with butter, Monday, Wednesday, Friday - hot food without butter.
The food regulations on Wednesdays and Fridays during the period from the end of the Dormition Fast to the beginning of the Nativity Fast (autumn fast) are the same as during the summer meat-eater, i.e. on Wednesdays and Fridays, fish is allowed only on the days of the twelfths and temple holidays. Food with vegetable oil on Wednesday and Friday is allowed only if these days fall on holidays in memory of a great saint with an all-night vigil or a polyeleos service the day before.

4. Christmas (Filippov) fast (from November 28 to January 6).
This fast was established on the day of the Nativity of Christ, so that we could cleanse ourselves at this time with repentance, prayer and fasting and with a pure heart we would meet the Savior who appeared in the world. Sometimes this fast is called Philippov, as a sign that it begins after the day of celebration of the memory of the Apostle Philip (November 27). The regulations regarding food during this Lent coincide with the regulations of Petrov's Fast until St. Nicholas Day (December 19). If the holidays of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 4) and St. Nicholas fall on Monday, Wednesday or Friday, then fish is allowed. From the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas until the pre-festival of Christmas, which begins on January 2, fish is allowed only on Saturday and Sunday. On the pre-celebration of the Nativity of Christ, fasting is observed in the same way as during the days of Great Lent: fish is prohibited on all days, food with butter is allowed only on Saturday and Sunday. On Christmas Eve (Christmas Eve), January 6, pious custom requires not to eat food until the appearance of the first evening star, after which it is customary to eat kolivo or sochivo - wheat grains boiled in honey or boiled rice with raisins; in some areas sochivo is called boiled dry fruits with sugar. The name of this day comes from the word “sochivo” - Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is also before the feast of the Epiphany. On this day (January 18), it is also customary not to eat food until taking Agiasma - Epiphany holy water, which begins to be blessed on the very day of Christmas Eve.

Monday, April 29, 2019 16:28 + to quote book

The car a man drives can tell not only about the wealth and taste of its driver, but also his character traits. learned from psychologist Anna Khnykina what details will betray a pedant, a macho or just a simple-minded person.

We have all seen cars on our roads with bright airbrushing, aggressive tuning, “thieves” license plates or strange inscriptions on the rear window. If you look closely at these and other details, you can tell a lot about who is driving the car.

Psychologist Anna Khnykina explains what to look for Special attention, so that in just a couple of seconds you can understand whether you are on the same path with a person or not.


Airbrushing your car is almost like getting a tattoo, i.e. the motive is the same - the desire to broadcast to the world something that hurts very much or causes an emotional reaction that cannot be appeased. Usually we're talking about about injuries that you want to perpetuate or make them heal faster. Don't believe anyone who says, "I just painted a lone wolf on the hood, it doesn't mean anything." A person doesn’t even put on clothes just like that; every day he makes a choice depending on what he wants to say to this world today. By carefully looking at the airbrushing, you can make very bold assumptions about what is happening to the owner of the car. The only caveat: I would like to know its association to these images.

Clean interior

A well-groomed and clean interior indicates that the owner of the car is a decent man and pedantic in most matters.

A clear advantage of such a driver is that you can cooperate and interact with him. He most likely does not have chaos in his affairs, he will not cancel it a second before the start of the event, you can count on him. The downside is that such people are sometimes fixated on cleanliness and like everything to be on the shelf, sometimes excessively.

Dirty interior

If you see empty coffee glasses, garbage, dirt and dust in a man's car, know that this is a man who doesn't bother with details. Paying a bill on time or attending a meeting, the ability to complete started tasks, and responsibility are not his strong point. But this does not mean that you cannot build a relationship with him. It’s possible, moreover, you can be very comfortable with such a person, just don’t expect reliability and protection from him if he simply hasn’t been able to wash his car for the third week, not because he’s too busy, but because he’s lazy.


Monday, April 29, 2019 08:51 + to quote book

Pumpkins need to be removed from the garden before frost. The usual harvest time for this crop is middle lane- September.


If temperatures below zero are not yet expected, there is no need to rush into harvesting - ripe fruits are stored better. Pumpkins are cut with a knife in dry weather, leaving stalks 3–4 cm long. If it rains, the fruits must be dried.


Too small (undergrown) and very large fruits It is better to use it for food within one to one and a half months. Not suitable for long-term storage pumpkins that have been frozen, broken or damaged. Therefore, we advise you to immediately sort the entire harvest into groups depending on the expected shelf life. Harvested pumpkins feel best in cool temperatures. room conditions(in a cool basement they will quickly rot).

The easiest

The fruits of varieties belonging to the large-fruited pumpkin species can lie in room conditions for up to 10 months, while maintaining an excellent taste. They are not necessarily large, and even vice versa - most of the portioned varieties loved by summer residents also belong to this type. The pulp of this pumpkin is thick, fleshy, bright and tasty.

When they eat. The stalk should dry out and become woody. After harvesting, it is better to let the fruits sit for 15–30 days.

Your pumpkin is large-fruited if it has:

O The leaf is kidney-shaped, with smooth edges.
o The stem is cylindrical.
o The peduncle is soft cylindrical.
o The fruits are round and flattened.
o The seeds are large, smooth, thick-skinned, the rim does not stand out.

The tastiest

Butternut squash is more popular in warm regions, but in last years They began to grow it through seedlings in Central Russia.

The fruit most often resembles a club, although in some varieties it resembles a ball or ellipse. There is a lot of pulp; when ripe, it delights with a rich taste and aroma. Pumpkin retains its properties for 5–6 months, then gradually becomes tasteless and fibrous.


April 2019 begins with the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, dated 7th number April. This festival symbolizes the beginning of the atonement for human sins (as it was called in a certain period of time). On this day, the Virgin Mary received the good news that she had conceived and was about to give birth to the Son of God. Any work, whether physical or mental, is considered sinful on this day. All the strength of a true Christian should go into gratitude to the Virgin Mary for helping Jesus Christ enter this world.

Lazarev Saturday

The Saturday that comes before Palm Sunday is called Lazarus Saturday. In 2019, this holiday falls on 20 April. On this day, everyone remembers the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus Christ. Lazarus is a young man who was forced to die in order to show the whole world how sinful he was. The horror of Lazareva’s death overshadowed Jesus Christ, and he shed tears. Because everyone must remember that every creature of God is doomed to eternal life, and only a human being, by its sinful essence, is doomed to death. And therefore Lazarus was resurrected from his tomb-cave. He lived for another three decades, preaching Christianity in Cyprus.

Palm Sunday

Continues the series of Orthodox holidays 21 1st day of April- the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or Palm Sunday. The ancient Jews had such a wonderful custom - to ride on horses or donkeys, symbolizing the winner. On this holiday, all living people remember how Jesus Christ ascended to Jerusalem as the conqueror of all sinful and criminal things. And Jesus was free in his suffering, ridding the earth from the kingdom of filth.

Easter (Bright Resurrection of Christ)

The same one religious holiday, when each old woman shouts to the other across the entire street “Christ is Risen!”, and she answers her “Truly He is Risen,” falls on 28 1st day of April.
This event is considered the greatest holiday for every Christian person. After the third day of his death, the Lord rose again, and his body succumbed to miraculous changes, according to the Holy Scriptures.
On this day, according to tradition, they bake Easter cakes and go to bless the eggs. On this same day, Lent comes to an end.

Bright Easter Week

Continuous Bright Easter Week falls in 2019 on the 28th 1st day of April. In the first week after the Easter holiday, on Wednesdays and Fridays, fasting is canceled and the Easter hours are sung instead of morning and evening prayers.
Every day, after liturgical songs, a festive celebration is celebrated. procession and all the bells ring, expressing joy.
The whole week represents an hour of rejoicing in the fact that Jesus Christ was resurrected once upon a time and at the same time a completely eternal period of time, which should remind us that someday in the Kingdom of God time will no longer exist.
