Business idea - Installation of dry toilets. How to open a paid toilet How our people took a taxi to the toilet

Many cities are experiencing a rather serious problem - the lack of public toilets; the solution to this issue can be taken as the basis for building specific activities, namely business on paid toilets. Not always, and not everywhere at the right time, you can find a “saving” blue booth, which is quite strange, since like a business on paid toilets in our country, it is considered the most stable. Probably, most entrepreneurs simply do not want to get involved with this not very “fragrant and beautiful” business. And this is in vain. Today we will tell you everything about paid toilets that have become known to us since the early 90s.

Don't remember the crisis

Business on paid toilets much smaller than other, larger types of business, therefore it is not affected by the economic crisis, since it practically does not depend on the financial situation of clients. All people need clothing, buy medicine, eat food, and visit mobile latrines, regardless of their financial situation and the economic state of the country. Probably every person, at least once in his life, has encountered a delicate situation when he really needs it, but there is not a single toilet nearby, at that very moment, a person is ready to pay 10, 20, 40 rubles. just to visit a public restroom. This is precisely what many businessmen who install paid toilets use so successfully.

The most current locations for blue booths

To toilet business brought maximum income, you need to decide on a suitable place to install a mobile restroom. To do this, you need to analyze potential clients, the time of their activity, and where they are most often located. Squares and parks are considered the best places; they are crowded with young people on weekends and in the evening on any weekday. The majority of the population prefer to relax in these places after a hard day of work, mothers go for walks with their children, and if there is a fast food restaurant nearby that does not have its own toilet, then there will be no end to customers. There is another good option where you can locate a paid toilet; these are construction sites and the areas adjacent to them. Don’t forget that parking lots, bars and cafes, any markets and summer cafe areas are also crowded places.

What will be required to implement this business idea?

First of all, you need to rent several mobile toilets, enter into an agreement with service providers and hire a human operator for each outlet. Cabins can be rented or purchased. The average price of one mobile restroom is 20 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the number of cabins, their configuration and other factors. If you want to rent a mobile toilet, get ready to shell out about 3 thousand rubles. per month for 1 cabin.

A few calculations

Let's roughly calculate how much it might cost business on paid toilets. Let's take 5, which is served by two operators. Let's assume the booths are rented (less expensive method). Every month you need to pay 15 thousand rubles. (1 cabin – 3 thousand rubles). Don’t forget to calculate maintenance, which will increase the cost of rent by 1.5 times. The result is 1.5 * 15,000 = 22,750 rubles. Plus the operator’s salary – 20 thousand rubles. for two workers. As a result, monthly expenses are 42,750 rubles. (consumables and toilet paper are delivered by service companies free of charge). If the price of visiting a mobile toilet is 20 rubles, then 72 people per day are needed to cover the costs. Anything greater than this number is your net profit, and in a crowded place 200 people can visit one restroom during the day! Of course, these calculations are too ideal, but they give a clear idea that business on paid toilets, is a promising direction.

What they don’t sell by subscription! One of the fashionable retail trends is to sell something unexpected or shocking by subscription, for example, fresh new socks. But where are the socks off the startup Looie!

A New York startup called Looie sells subscriptions to... a paid city toilet.


One of the traditional problems of cities, which makes the city an uncomfortable place, is the lack of a sufficient number of urban public toilets. As business analysts say: the lack of street space is a problem in cities all over the globe!

How our people took taxis to the toilet...

In 1990, a special report from the mayor’s office was prepared in New York, which went down in history under the name “Toilet Crisis.” This report stated that out of six, exactly five city toilets are unusable and are beyond the concept of sanitation, and that tourists and guests of the city of New York are not new to taking a taxi and going to relieve themselves at their home hotel, rather than looking in city ​​toilet"

So. The first problem is that there are no toilets. The second problem (sister of the first) is the dismal state of those public toilets that already exist. This also applies to design that does not provide privacy to a person, and unsanitary conditions.

In short, toilets in the city (street restrums) are the exact opposite of your home bathroom in an apartment. I still don’t want to visit them (many people are either disdainful of going into city toilets or feel shy, having been forced to almost publicly perform their intimate needs).

Well, if you want to go to the toilet (oh, God forbid!), you won’t always find a toilet in the city.

Which looks especially strange with so many fast food eateries and coffee shops on every corner.

New York startup Looie set out to solve both of these problems (the insufficient number of city toilets and the discomfort inherent in their design). He set himself an ambitious task:

    firstly, equip New York with a dense network of public toilets within “walking distance”,

    secondly, make toilets clean and private, just like in your home, creating the illusion of a “personal bathroom”.

How can you create the illusion that while walking down the street you have looked into “your own” toilet? It’s very simple - every citizen should have... a key to an individual toilet.

This is roughly how the “toilet problem” is solved in higher educational institutions. Of course, university teachers and staff cannot visit the same toilet with students, which consists of five or six plywood stalls, in which everything can be heard and sometimes even seen. As they say, a student should not see the teacher visiting the toilet at all. This not only destroys the “pathos of distance,” but also simply contradicts everything human that distinguishes a person from a humiliated slave reduced to a bestial state. As you know, one of the measures of humiliation and suppression of the individual that is practiced in prisons is a bucket in the corner of the cell, open for everyone to see.

So, university teachers have the so-called “key to the teaching toilet.”

An exactly similar service was invented by the New York startup Looie! By the way, when translated from English, the word Looie is translated as “lieutenant”, “second lieutenant”. That is, this analogous name plays on approximately the same association - “a toilet for officers” (not for ordinary soldiers).

Now, by subscription, anyone can purchase a key that is universally suitable for all points of the New York chain of public toilets Looie. (Of course, if you locked yourself in there, they won’t open you from the outside even with the same key).

In addition, a subscription to Looie private toilets provides you with perhaps the most important thing in this business idea - a mobile application - with a city map, on which, thanks to the determination of your geolocation, all the nearest “within walking distance” toilets of the Looie network will be displayed. No need to look for a toilet - look at your smartphone, it will tell you where the nearest Looie toilet is.

All that remains, of course, is to do the most important thing. The points.

    Point One: build really a lot of Looie toilets, because if there are 5 of them in the city, then the project does not make sense,

    Point Two: as soon as possible create similar services competing with Looie - the same network of private “public” toilets. Then the price will be lower, the quality will be higher, and simply – there will be more toilets.

If every major city always has at least several taxi companies and the consumer has a choice, then exactly the same should happen with the business idea of ​​Looie paid toilets.

At the dawn of the entrepreneurial era in the USSR, paid “cooperative” toilets appeared almost the very first - and were very popular as a very profitable business.

But then something happened again and we forgot the famous phrase (to whomever it is attributed!) that “the level of civilization of a nation is determined by the cleanliness of its public toilets.”

We again began to “don’t care” (unfortunately, not “...-don’t care”) about our cities and ourselves, not to mention people we didn’t know, from whom we could even make money.

Looie subscription toilets are cleaned 7 to 10 times a day, depending on the location's traffic.

The symbol of the toilet in the city is a huge key (pale lime color), reminiscent of an old medieval workshop sign: scissors, there, a huge curly pretzel... On the huge key “sat”: a little girl, a boy and a disabled man on a wheel. moving in a wheelchair.

Needless to say that the entire Looie network of toilets is also adapted for disabled people?.. It seems that this goes without saying!

A subscription for a clean, private restroom costs $25. New York is a problematic city. That is why his problems are so close to us. For example, with a population of 8 million people, New York City is sorely lacking in public toilets. Just like ours.

Now you know from whom you can safely borrow and adapt to your realities - the best business ideas that are applicable to our current problems. New York, New York city is the dirtiest city in America, as the whole world claims... Not so hopelessly dirty, judging by this initiative, even the like of which we have not yet heard of...

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In addition to the traffic jams that we talked about in the article about scooter taxis, many cities in our country are experiencing another rather serious problem - the lack of public toilets. It is not possible to find a “saving” blue booth everywhere. And this is very strange, given the fact that the toilet business is considered one of the most stable in our country. Apparently, many entrepreneurs do not want to get involved with this not the most “beautiful and fragrant” business. And in vain. Today’s material will be devoted to the mobile toilet business, which came to our country in the 90s and continues its rapid spread today.

Forget about the crisis

The mobile toilet business is much less affected (than other types of business) by the crisis, since it depends little on the financial situation of clients. People eat, dress, buy medicine and visit public restrooms, regardless of the economic state of the country and their financial well-being. Surely, each of our readers, at least once in their lives, has encountered a situation when they really need it, but there is not a single restroom nearby. At such a moment, a person thinks little about the cost of a paid toilet and is ready to pay 10, 20 or even 50 rubles. This is successfully used by entrepreneurs who install blue booths (the most common format) in the most crowded places in the city (preferably where there are no competitors).

The most relevant placements

In order for the toilet business to bring maximum profit, it is necessary to choose the most suitable places for installing booths. To do this, you need to analyze which categories of citizens of your city are your potential clients, where they are located, and at what time they are most active.

Parks and squares can rightfully be considered one of the best places. On weekdays - in the evening, on weekends throughout the day and, of course, in the evening (young people are especially active at this time). Most of the city's population prefers to relax here. Some people will decide to go for a walk after work, others will come with their children on the weekend. And if there are cafes or street fast food vendors nearby who do not have their own restroom (and most often this is what happens), then you will have even more customers.

Another relevant location can be considered construction sites and areas located in close proximity to them. Builders are people too, and they will also be very happy to take advantage of the benefits of civilization. And given the constant increase in the number of construction projects across the country, it can be assumed that this is one of the most promising niches for entrepreneurs involved in the mobile toilet business.

In addition, relevant places are parking lots, cafes and bars (especially summer cafe areas), markets and, of course, all kinds of festive events that can be held in various parts of the city. Examples include celebrations of City Day, New Year, March 8, February 23, various concerts, exhibitions, sporting events, etc. On such days, “toilet” businessmen can earn more than in a couple of weeks of work as usual.

What is needed to implement a business idea?

Another advantage of the toilet business is how easy it is to implement. To do this, you will need to purchase or rent mobile toilets, enter into a contract for servicing the stalls and hire operators for each point. By the way, in crowded places it makes sense to install several toilets in one place. This way you can save on operator salaries. After all, one person is enough to work with several booths. By the way, you need to agree with the office that will clean your mobile toilets.

Restroom stalls can be purchased or rented. The average cost of one mobile toilet is 20 thousand rubles. The final price depends on the configuration, number of cabins and other factors. Renting mobile toilets is estimated at 2500-3000 rubles per month for one stall. The cost may be lower if you “purchase” several copies of the product. In addition, the rental cost depends on the frequency of maintenance. By the way, maintenance increases the rental cost by about 1.5 (frequency – once a week).

A little calculation

To calculate, let’s take 5 mobile toilets, which are served by 2 operators (one - 3, the other - 2 cabins, respectively). Let's take into account a less expensive method - renting booths. The monthly fee will be 3000 x 5 = 15,000 rubles. Let's add maintenance here (which will increase the rental price by 1.5 times) and we get 15,000 x 1.5 = 22,750 rubles. And let’s add the salaries of the operators - approximately 20,000 rubles (10 thousand each). In total, monthly expenses will be 42,750 rubles (toilet paper and other consumables are delivered by the service company free of charge).

With the cost of visiting the toilet being 20 rubles, to break even, 2,138 people per month are needed, 72 people per day, or 15 people per stall per day. Anything more (and the average toilet attendance in a crowded place is 200 people per day) is your profit. Of course, these calculations are too ideal to reflect the real state of affairs in the toilet business, but, nevertheless, they allow us to understand the prospects of this area.

As you know, money has no smell. However, this type of business organization of paid toilets not everyone likes it. Few people undertake this business. And completely in vain. After all, this one is almost unoccupied, and the need for such services has always existed, exists and will exist. Therefore, paid toilets are a necessary, in-demand type of activity that can generate a good, stable income.

Today, they invest their capital in a wide variety of businesses, often forgetting about the existence of the urgent needs of the population. For example, in Moscow there are currently only 4 thousand portable toilet cabins in operation, which is clearly not enough to meet the needs of such a large city. As a result, a situation of catastrophic shortage of toilets has developed in the capital, which, despite the obvious need for service, few people are trying to solve.

A distinctive feature of modern business is that it is mainly developing at a rapid pace due to the implementation of creative ideas and the use of innovations in the areas of digital technologies and the Internet. However, there are many areas in which the specifics of business limit the possibilities of using revolutionary approaches. In such cases, companies operating in such industries have to take a different path and develop by improving the quality of services provided and improving service. Such areas of activity are, for example, medical institutions, automobile centers. To attract customers, these organizations place the main emphasis on carrying out measures to optimize the service. At the same time, companies involved in the toilet business are only taking their first steps in this direction.

The toilet business has many advantages. First of all, it should be noted that this business is undoubtedly humane and profitable. In addition, this one is not affected by defaults, global financial crises, or other shocks. Nothing can force people to give up the need and desire to relieve themselves. At the same time, no one wants to break the law either. And relieving oneself in inappropriate places, by the way, falls under Article 20.1 “Petty hooliganism” of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, which states that petty hooliganism is obscene language in public places, offensive harassment of citizens or other actions that violate public order and tranquility of citizens entails an administrative fine - from five to fifteen times the minimum wage or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days.

Recently in Russia, and throughout the world, it is most often practiced installation of toilet cabins. This is due to the fact that such cabins have many advantages. They do not require a foundation and weigh only 80 kilograms, so they can be installed anywhere. In addition, to use them there is no need to connect to the power grid or communications.

Such a mobile toilet cabin is a structure made of environmentally friendly high-quality polyethylene, which is easily sanitized and can withstand temperatures from -500 to +500 degrees Celsius.

Anti-vandal plastic can withstand impact loads of up to 300 kilograms per 1 square centimeter. This is especially important when it comes to servicing mass youth events. In addition, the scheme for attaching the door to the door arch is designed in such a way that acts of vandalism can be avoided as much as possible, namely, the door is attached along its entire length, and not using metal hinges, which can be torn out without much difficulty.

The toilet cabin is completely autonomous; it does not need to be connected to the city sewer network. Cleaning of the receiving tank is carried out using a standard sewage disposal machine. Another advantage is the lack of contact with the soil, which makes contamination impossible and environmental safety is fully ensured.

The optimal volume for the receiving tank is 250 liters. Smaller tanks are not as durable and require much more frequent cleaning. Large tanks are too high and therefore inconvenient to use. For this reason, the cabins are not only extremely inconvenient to use, but also to transport. Toilet cabins with tanks of 250 liters are designed for 500 visits. Once this number of visits has been reached, the receiving tanks must be cleaned and are then ready for use again. The light weight of the cabin, only 80 kilograms, makes it possible to install it anywhere in the city.

In European countries, so-called special toilet cabins, which are modules that are designed for people with disabilities. In addition, cabins that are designed for women with infants are also classified as special. They differ from ordinary ones in that they have tables on which children can be swaddled, as well as chairs with holders so that babies can sit quietly. In our country, such ideas are not particularly popular among entrepreneurs, since they primarily care about the level of profitability, often forgetting about the convenience and comfort of consumers. After all, it is much more profitable to install several cheap modules instead of one expensive one, while receiving several times more income.

Another miracle of engineering in the field of toilet business is the so-called smart toilet, which was brought to Moscow from Sweden. This toilet performs a kind of educational function. The moment a visitor enters the cabin, the door is automatically locked and it does not open until the visitor drains the water and washes his hands. And if the client, for some reason, lifts his feet off the floor, the toilet will come to the conclusion that there is no one inside the cabin and will start the disinfection process.

Unfortunately, “smart” toilets were not able to pay for themselves, while the profitability of standard toilets was and is at a very high level. Here, too, the townspeople, with incredible persistence, preferred ordinary toilet stalls instead of using Western wonders.

Another problem with the functioning of “smart” toilets in Russian conditions was the constant breakdown of sensitive electronics, which regularly suffered at the hands of Moscow vandals. The first such toilet cabin was put out of service just three weeks after installation and start of operation. As a result, business owners were forced to abandon the idea of ​​using “smart” toilets and return to ordinary blue-gray stalls.

An important point for this type of business is location selection. Places with high traffic volumes are most suitable for installing paid toilets. However, you should not locate such a business, for example, near restaurants and cafes. Indeed, in accordance with the requirements of sanitary standards, such establishments must have toilet rooms. As a result, there will simply be no one to use the paid toilet services. At the same time, the location of toilet cabins near summer cafes is a good and popular idea.

A distinctive feature of this type of business is that There is no rental fee for placing toilet cabins on city streets. The only exception is markets, where such a fee may be required by the owner of the building.

The most difficult thing for the toilet business is process of collecting all necessary documents. It will not be possible to install a mobile toilet cabin without an agreement concluded with the City Water Utility, without the appropriate permits issued by the sanitary and epidemiological station, the town planning committee, and other governing bodies. In addition, you must obtain a waste disposal license. Although in this case, city services, as a rule, meet the needs of entrepreneurs, since they are more interested in keeping the city streets clean and tidy than anyone else.

In general, to start a toilet business, you must obtain the following documentation: a hygienic certificate from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, a certificate of conformity issued by a certification body for industrial products, permission from local administrative authorities, permission from the fire service department, coordination with the water utility of waste disposal points from mobile toilets , licenses for waste movement.

According to expert estimates, more than 2 million people use mobile toilets every day, and in Moscow alone. The standard cost of the service is about 0.3 dollars. As a result of simple mathematical calculations, it is clear that annual business turnover reaches $360 million, and this is in conditions of a catastrophic shortage of toilets in the city. If the number of toilet stalls on city streets is at least partially brought into line with the existing demand, then the number of customers will increase significantly, which, naturally, will increase the profit received.

To start a toilet business you will need starting capital of about 10 thousand dollars. A quarter of this amount will be spent on purchasing two biocabins. If you purchase not new equipment, but used equipment, you can save quite a lot. In this case, the purchase will cost from 250 to 300 dollars per booth. But the quality of such products, as a rule, leaves much to be desired, and yet it will have to be used daily and very intensively.

The payback period for two toilet cabins is about two months, provided that the number of visitors is from 200 to 300 people with a service price of $0.3. The key factors for business success are a systematic and competent approach to work, a thorough market analysis, the presence of constant demand and need for such services, and a low level of competition.

As it turned out, almost all high-quality materials (the republication of which was not directly prohibited by the copyright holder) are already on our website (over 1,500 business plans and guides). And new articles about the specifics of opening a particular business do not appear so often.
Well, since The task of our site is to provide comprehensive information about opening any business, in the future, in addition to the full texts of articles, we will publish reviews and annotated links to materials that belong to publications that have prohibited the copying of their articles.
So, if you are interested in the material presented below, follow the link and read the text on the source site.
Note: Since we cannot guarantee that the copyright holder will not make changes to the structure of his site, we will be grateful to you for reporting broken links.

Public toilets are an unsinkable business

We have collected a lot of materials on this absolutely win-win business line on our website. This article from the Kommersant Money magazine will not be superfluous either. Firstly, it was written later than everyone else, which means it reflects the most reliable picture. Secondly, comments from market professionals, a favorite technique of the magazine, provide useful information about the specifics of the business, truly first-hand.


*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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