Biography of Maxim Fadeev. Vadim Fadeev. Hero of the USSR Vadim Fadeev Hero of the Soviet Union

On May 6, the famous composer Maxim Fadeev was born in Kurgan. Thanks to the work of this talented producer, many bright stars appeared on the Russian stage. Among them are Linda, Katya Lel, the Serebro group, Nargiz Zakirova and many others. The musician does not stop there even today.

Sports or music

In 1973, Maxim turned 5 years old and was sent to study at a music school. This choice of parents was predictable, because they themselves studied music. His father was a talented composer, and his mother was a singer. At the age of 12, Maxim already knew how to play the bass guitar, and at the age of fourteen he won the main prize at a jazz piano competition.

Fadeev was fond of martial arts and at the age of 17 he had the third rank in Aikido. He started training because he wanted to show his peers his capabilities, achieve success, and prove that he was an ordinary healthy guy. After all, he was given a terrible diagnosis of “heart disease.” And one day it failed him.

When Maxim was performing another exercise, his heart septum burst due to the large flow of blood. He lost consciousness and suffered clinical death. The doctors worked a miracle and brought Fadeev back to life, but the door to the path to big-time sports was closed.

Carier start

Soon Maxim became interested in dancing. He skillfully imitated the movements of Michael Jackson, took part in various competitions and was already thinking about a singing career. Fadeev became the vocalist of the group “Convoy”, and in 1990 he performed in Jurmala with Shukenov’s song “Julia” and took third place.

Then he sang his own composition “Dancing on Glass”. It seemed that the victories ended there. A complete surprise for the singer was the appearance of Sergei Krylov, who came to Fadeev directly at home and offered to go to Moscow.

In 1991, Maxim and his wife moved to the capital. Fadeev began working as an arranger. The earnings were small, but Sergei Krylov helped the singer’s family in every possible way. After some time, Fadeev got his own producer, and he released videos for compositions from the album “Time of Wild Animals”.

Fyodor Bondarchuk invited Maxim to write music for the film “The Blue Army”. Sergei Bondarchuk was supposed to star in the film, but, unfortunately, he died without playing his role. Fadeev's music was of no use.

Career success

In 1993, the singer met Svetlana Gaiman, who dreamed of becoming a pop singer. Maxim began producing the girl under the pseudonym “Linda”. Her work was crowned with success, she became a popular singer and a youth idol. Then material wealth came to the producer’s family.

During his work with Linda, the composer wrote 6 albums and received a large number of awards. Linda herself became “Singer of the Year” nine times. The performer and producer worked perfectly together, their collaboration brought enormous results. Just look at the main hit of the nineties “The Crow”.

Fadeev again decided to try himself as a solo performer. His song "Run Across the Sky" became a popular hit. Soon the singer left for Germany, where he composed compositions for films.

In 2002, Fadeev became the producer of the second season of Star Factory. By that time, he had already stopped collaborating with Linda and produced the singer Glukoza, the groups “Monokini” and “Total”.

In 2003, Maxim founded a personal production center and became a co-owner of the Monolith Records company. In 2004, a new season of “Star Factory” started, where he again acted as an idea generator and project creator.

In 2006, Fadeev founded the Serebro team. Already in 2007, this group performed at Eurovision, taking third place. Soon the composer began to have hearing problems, but his friend found a good doctor who returned Maxim to normal life. He wrote the song “Breathe” by the group “Silver” almost deaf.

After this incident, the producer revised his view on many things. After some time, Fadeev presented a cartoon in 3D format, the plot of which was written based on his book “Savva”.

In 2014, the project “Voice. Children”, where Pelageya, Bilan and Fadeev became mentors. A few hours before the blind auditions, Maxim was hospitalized due to kidney problems, and it was decided to postpone the shooting. After treatment, Fadeev finally took his mentor’s chair.

It was his ward who became the winner of the project, and the show became one of the popular programs on Russian television. In 2015, the second season of the program was released. And this time, team member Fadeeva won. For personal reasons, Maxim did not make it to the third season. He was replaced by Leonid Agutin.

Fadeev proved himself to be a competent and talented mentor. The children worked with Maxim with great pleasure. He showed himself to be a true professional and made every episode of this program an amazing show. For participation in the project “Voice. Children” Maxim refused the fee because he loves his little students too much.

Personal life

When Maxim played in the group “Convoy”, he met a girl named Galina. She began going to concerts with Fadeev, and they soon got married. But the wife became seriously interested in the singer’s friend. Constant quarrels began and the couple divorced. After a short time, Galina returned and begged her to forgive her. But it was already too late.

One day Maxim was selecting girls for the filming of the next video of the group “Convoy”. One of the extra dancers was named Natalya. What is known about her is that she was born in Kurgan and has the pseudonym “Daria Ukhacheva”. Fadeev immediately liked the girl, and he decided to marry her at all costs. Three months later, Maxim and Natalya got married.

The wife became pregnant, and they eagerly awaited the birth of their daughter. But due to a medical error, the baby died during childbirth. Afterwards, the singer composed the song “Lullaby”, which he dedicated to his daughter.

Soon Natalya became pregnant for the second time. She and her husband moved abroad, and her wife began to be observed in one of the clinics in Germany. The Fadeevs remember the wonderful six years in this country with special warmth. It was here that their son Savva was born.

Despite all the possibilities, her husband forbade Natalya to study creative activity. He was afraid that star life would turn her head and she would leave him. But Fadeev’s wife turned out to be a modest and homely person. The couple have been together for more than 20 years. They raised worthy son, who now plays the piano, writes poetry.

The producer used his prototype as the main character in the cartoon “Savva: Heart of a Warrior.”

Maxim takes on any business, and it brings success. His songs are popular in Russia and abroad. He also owes his success to his family. His wife and son always understand and support him.

The composer has brother Artem, who also found himself in the musical field. He writes songs for famous performers.

Vadim Ivanovich Fadeev .

Vadim Fadeev was born in the Kuibyshev region on January 7, 1917. After high school entered the flying club and graduated in 1938. Worked as an instructor. In January 1940 he was sent to military school pilots. In July 1941, at his request, he was seconded to the active army.

At first he fought as part of the 131st Fighter Aviation Regiment, flying an I-16 aircraft.

Once, in the area of ​​Kodym (Moldova), Vadim Fadeev with a group of fighters attacked a column of Romanian cavalrymen. Having fired all the cartridges, he went down to the ground and chopped down the riders with the plane's propeller. Fadeev received his first Order of the Red Banner in the harsh year of 1941 near Taganrog. Finding himself among the infantrymen in difficult times, he raised them up to attack and, setting an example of courage and bravery, together with them recaptured the dominant heights from the enemy. During the war years, the story of this incident of an old soldier, a participant in the liberation of Rostov-on-Don, passed from mouth to mouth.

In 1943, Lieutenant V.I. Fadeev arrived at the 16th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment and quickly mastered new technology, became an excellent leader of the pair, and then a squadron commander. Vadim carefully kept the document issued by the commander of the Air Army, an order granting him a double food ration and permission to individually tailor clothes and shoes. None of the ready-made uniforms suited him; everything was too small.

His brilliant abilities as a fighter pilot were fully revealed in the battles in Kuban. Possessing enormous physical strength and endurance, he made 5-6 missions a day. Sometimes he shot down several planes per flight.

From August 1941 to May 1943, Fadeev made 434 combat missions, participated in 51 air battles, shot down about 20 enemy aircraft, and destroyed 80 vehicles, 15 guns, and up to 200 enemy soldiers and officers in assault operations. Together with his wingman A. Trud, who later became a Hero of the Soviet Union, he shot down 44 enemy aircraft.

Vadim Fadeev died in an unequal air battle on May 5, 1943. In the last sortie, breaking away from the main group of our fighters, led by A.I. Pokryshkin, he and his wingman Andrei Trud met a group of 12 Me-109 fighters. In this battle, Fadeev shot down two planes, but was seriously wounded and died while returning to his airfield.

On May 24, 1943, for courage and military valor shown in battles with enemies, Vadim Ivanovich Fadeev was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Vadim Ivanovich Fadeev(December 25, 1917 - May 5, 1943) - fighter pilot, guard captain, squadron commander.


Vadim Ivanovich Fadeev was born on December 25, 1917 in the village of Fedkino, Terengulsky district, Ulyanovsk region, into a family of teachers. He lived in Kuibyshev, where he completed 3 courses and a flying club, where he later worked as an instructor.

  • In 1940, he graduated from the Chkalov Military Aviation Pilot School.
  • In August 1941, he joined an active unit.

Vadim Fadeev was tall and strong built. At the front, he was given a personal double ration. According to contemporaries, he was cheerful and sociable, played the guitar well, sang, and read poetry. As a joke, he grew himself a long beard, for which he received his call sign “Beard”.



Streets in the city of Samara, Sevastopol and the village of Kievskoye are named in honor of V.I. Fadeev. There are two memorial plaques installed in Samara: on the house where Fadeev lived (Galaktionovskaya St., 38) and on the street named after him (Fadeev St., 56A).

In the Krasnodar Territory, seven kilometers from the village of Varenikovskaya, along the highway to Anapa, there is the village of Fadeevo, named after Vadim Ivanovich Fadev. A monument to V. I. Fadeev was erected in the village.

Vadim Ivanovich Fadeev(December 25, 1917 - May 5, 1943) - Hero of the Soviet Union, fighter pilot, guard captain, squadron commander.

Vadim Ivanovich Fadeev was born on December 25, 1917 in the village of Fedkino, Terengulsky district Ulyanovsk region in a family of teachers. He lived in Kuibyshev, where he completed 3 courses at the construction institute and the flying club, where he later worked as an instructor.

  • In 1940, he graduated from the Chkalov Military Aviation Pilot School.
  • In August 1941, he joined an active unit.

Vadim Fadeev was tall and strong built. At the front, he was given a personal double ration. According to contemporaries, he was cheerful and sociable, played the guitar well, sang, and read poetry. As a joke, he grew himself a long beard, for which he received his call sign “Beard”.

On November 27, 1941, the pilot of the 446th mixed air regiment, Fadeev, in the area of ​​the village of Bolshie Saly, northwest of Rostov, was shot down by artillery during an attack on enemy positions. He was able to “reach” his positions, secured a meeting with the division commander, reported to him about the German forces he had noticed and insisted on striking them. In the infantry battle formations, he personally participated in the successful attack on the Five Brothers heights. For initiative, resourcefulness, courage and heroism, according to the command of the ground forces, Senior Sergeant Vadim Fadeev was awarded the order Red Banner. At the same time he was awarded the extraordinary military rank of “lieutenant”.

In 1943, after being wounded and due to a conflict with the regiment commander, Fadeev was transferred to the rear. After that, he ended up in the 16th Guards Fighter Regiment under A.I. Pokryshkin, where he became a squadron commander. He proved himself not only as a strong air fighter, but also as a competent, inventive tactician:

By the end of April 1943, Captain Fadeev made 394 combat missions, conducted 43 air battles and personally shot down 17 enemy aircraft and 3 in the group. Result: 20 enemy aircraft shot down.

Shortly before his death, documents were sent to award him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On May 5, 1943, while carrying out a mission to cover his troops in the area of ​​the Krymskaya village on a P-39 plane, he broke away from Alexander Pokryshkin’s flight and was spotted by a Me-109 group. The couple broke up and a fight ensued. Fadeev was wounded and dragged home. His wingman, Andrei Trud, could not tear himself away from the Me-109 and was unable to provide cover for the leader. Fadeev was able to land the plane in the floodplains of the Adagum River, but died from loss of blood. His body was found only on July 11.

On May 24, 1943, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command at the front and the courage and heroism of the guard, Captain Vadim Ivanovich Fadeev was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Buried in the central park of the village of Kievskoye, Krymsky district Krasnodar region.

Awarded the Order of Lenin and two Orders of the Red Banner.

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  • Malinkin E.M. "Fadeev Vadim Ivanovich"

    (25.12.1917 – 05.05.1943)

    Vadim Fadeev was born on December 25, 1917 in the village of Fedkino, Sengeleevsky district, Simbirsk region, now Terengulsky district, Ulyanovsk region, in the family of engineer Ivan Vasilyevich Fadeev. He grew up in Kuibyshev, where he studied at school No. 6, entered the Kuibyshev Institute of Civil Engineering and the local flying club, where he remained as an instructor, continuing his studies in the aviation training squad. The Fadeev family lived at the address: Frunzensky district, House of Specialists - st. Galaktionovskaya, 38, apt. 95. My father insisted on studying at the institute, but Vadim only lasted three years of study. At the beginning of January 1940, with excellent characteristics, he entered the Chkalov (Orenbur) military flight school.

    Fadeev began serving in the Far East. Immediately after the start of the war, he asked to be sent to the front. He began performing his first combat missions in August 1941 as part of the 131st Fighter Aviation Regiment. The young pilot’s first combat vehicle was the I-16. And soon he received his first order, but in battle on the ground. This happened near Taganrog, where for the second day a unit of Soviet infantry tried to recapture the small mound “Five Brothers” from the Nazis. According to the story of one of the soldiers, during the next battle, a plane unexpectedly flew over the German trenches and, despite heavy fire, calmly landed on the ground pitted with craters 300 m from the front line. The pilot jumped out of the plane, quickly found the commander and showed the enemy firing points on the map. On a tip, the artillery immediately began firing, and then the pilot led the fighters into the attack. As a result of a fierce attack, the mound was taken, German mortar batteries were defeated, several armored cars were destroyed, and 2 were captured, a lot of enemy personnel were destroyed, and also captured.

    For taking the height, sergeant of the 446th mixed air regiment Vadim Fadeev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and also received the extraordinary rank of lieutenant.

    Since May 1942, Fadeev has served in the 16th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, which was part of the 216th mixed air division of the 4th Air Army of the North Caucasus Front, performing combat missions on Yak-1 and Airacobra aircraft. He served with the famous pilots A. Pokryshkin, B. Glinka, G. Rechkalov, N. Iskrin. Fadeev was a real hero - blue-eyed, with lush hair and a neat beard, almost 2 m tall, weighing more than 100 kg, he wore size 49 boots.

    Lieutenant Fadeev, thanks to his strength and endurance, made 5-6 sorties a day, sometimes shooting down several enemy aircraft per sortie. He quickly mastered new equipment (for example, the American Bell P-39 Airacobra fighter received under Lend-Lease), and by 1943 he became the leader of the pair, and then the squadron commander. Vadim Ivanovich carefully kept the document issued by the army commander - an order to issue him a double food ration and permission to individually tailor clothes and shoes - nothing from the ready-made uniform suited him, everything was not enough.

    Fadeev’s brilliant abilities as a pilot were demonstrated during the battles for airspace over Kuban in the spring of 1943. In just one week, he destroyed 10 enemy aircraft personally and 1 in a group! In just three weeks of fighting, Fadim Ivanovich shot down 20 enemy aircraft. Victory here predetermined dominance Soviet aviation on the entire Soviet-German front. The first pilot of the 4th Air Army to be nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the battles over Kuban was Guard Captain Fadeev. Here he received the second Order of the Red Banner.

    While still a senior lieutenant in the Guard, Vadim Fadeev on April 17, 1943, together with eight fighters and four cover aircraft led by him, went out to patrol the spurs of the Main Caucasus Range. Flying over the sea, he noticed that from the direction of Anapa there was a group of 12 Ju-87 bombers, accompanied by Me-109s, going to bomb the Soviet paratroopers dug in at Cape Myskhako near Novorossiysk. Later, another dozen and a half enemy fighters approached, including the latest FW-190. Thanks to the well-coordinated interaction of groups, precise and bold maneuvers, Fadeev and his comrades managed to neutralize the enemy’s quantitative superiority and the technical capabilities of the enemy’s new aircraft. A total of 10 enemy aircraft were shot down; thanks to the determination of Fadeev and his group, the enemy raid was unsuccessful.

    By May 1943, Vadim Fadeev made 394 combat missions, conducted 51 air battles, shot down 17 enemy aircraft, destroyed 80 vehicles, 15 guns, and up to 200 enemy soldiers and officers. Together with his wingman Andrei Trud, who also later became a Hero of the Soviet Union, he shot down another 44 enemy aircraft. One of Fadeev’s character traits was his disdain for danger and even underestimation of the enemy’s strength. According to the memoirs of the former commander of the 4th Air Army, Chief Marshal of Aviation K.A. Vershinin, at times Fadeev behaved simply recklessly - he could, having abandoned control of the group, chase a single fighter, turn on the transmitter in flight and perform arias from operas, make figures over the airfield aerobatics at low altitude.

    On May 5, 1943, while carrying out a combat mission and breaking away from the main group of fighters led by A.I. Pokryshkin, Fadeev, together with his wingman, met a group of 12 Messerschmidt fighters in the sky over the Black Sea coast. Vadim Ivanovich shot down two opponents, but was seriously wounded. Having managed to land the plane in the floodplain, he lost consciousness and died from loss of blood. Only a few days later the search group found the forced landing site.

    Vadim Ivanovich Fadeev was buried in the Plavnensky farm of the Kyiv village council of the Crimean region of the Krasnodar Territory, now this is the village of Fadeevka. Fadeev’s air regiment was based here, which was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) on May 24, 1943. At home, in the city of Kuibyshev, the family remained - a sick father, who worked for many years in the 17th colony and died shortly after the end of the war, mother - Varvara Fedorovna, who after the war spoke about her son at a rally dedicated to the assignment of the Kuibyshev DOSAAF aviation club named after V. I. Fadeeva, sister Yulia (a student at the Medical Institute in 1945) and sister Rufima (a doctor in 1945, married). In addition, through the database of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation ( it was possible to find out that, according to data from the list of irretrievable losses of personnel of units of the 216th mixed air division from May 1 to May 10, 1943, V. I. Fadeeva was left behind by a widow, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Fadeeva, who lived in the village of Popovicheskaya (now Kalininskaya) in the Krasnodar Territory.

    A workers’ village in the Gorny state farm in the Crimean region, a school in this village, and a street in the village of Kalininskaya in the Krasnodar Territory are named after Fadeev. Both in the village of Fadeevo and in the village of Kalininskaya, monuments to the Hero were erected. In the city of Kuibyshev, for many years, All-Union sports competitions in motorcycle racing on ice were held for the prize named after. Vadim Fadeev, who was a good motorcycle racer. The name of Vadim Fadeev was assigned on August 20, 1964 to a public garden in the Oktyabrsky district of Kuibyshev at the intersection of Lenin Ave. and st. Pervomaiskaya. In the Industrial district of the city there is a street. Fadeev, so on May 6, 1965 the former 7th Longitudinal Street began to be called.

    November 15, 2011 on the wall of house No. 38 on the street. Galaktionovskaya, where the legendary pilot Hero of the Soviet Union Vadim Ivanovich Fadeev lived before the war, the grand opening of a memorial plaque took place.

    Sources and literature used:

    SOGASPI. F. 1683. Op. 21. D. 27. L. 1, 7, 33.

    SOGASPI, F. 656. Op. 101. D. 20. L. 1.

    Lipatova A. M. Samara streets names. Samara, 200. pp. 208-209.

    Mikhailov A.I. Heroes of the Samara Land. Samara, 2002. P. 258.

    Book of memory. Samara Region. T. 8. P. 111.
