Binbank is a state or private bank. The Central Bank will allocate funds to maintain its liquidity. Positions in bank ratings

In 2015, the BIN group attracted the attention of analysts with large investments.

According to Forbes, the group's transactions in the domestic market amounted to approximately $1.5 billion. Billionaire Mikhail Gutseriev, who owns more than 39% of the bank’s assets and 51% of the total business structure, in an interview with RBC, commented on the generous expenses for the crisis with the desire to “return money to the Russian economy.”

The BIN group of companies receives its main profit from the oil and coal business, as well as from real estate (shopping and office centers, warehouses, hotels), construction development, banks, non-state funds and other sources of liquidity.

The largest share in the structure of the company's financial income is occupied by Binbank with total assets of 756 billion rubles (December 2015).

In the ranking of the portal, calculated according to the Central Bank, the bank occupies an honorable 15th place in terms of net assets. For a number of other indicators - for example, net profit, loan portfolio - it is listed in the fourth or fifth ten or is not included in the list.

To success at the bottom

Over the past year, expert forecasts have changed. The assessment of B&N Bank's creditworthiness by RAEX analysts remains high, but in the medium term a decline in its position in the ratings is possible. According to experts, future growth rates may slow down compared to previous periods.

Binbank's assets grew dynamically in 2014 (increasing by more than 100%). Capital increased by 49%, customer funds - by 78 and 96.45% for individuals and legal entities respectively. According to Rus-Rating analysts, the main reason for the positive changes was good diversification and capital support by a financially independent owner. However, risks remained from the predominant concentration of resources in the oil and coal industries.

Positions in bank ratings

Mikhail Gutseriev and Mikail Shishkhanov, following the “buy at the bottom” principle, pursued an active investment policy during the crisis. In the RAEX rating, Binbank by assets for 2014 rose from 31st to 20th place. On the Forbes list, he moved from the fourth reliability group to the third, taking 20th place in terms of assets and 28th in terms of capital. Forbes calculations also take into account the adequacy and profitability of equity capital, large credit risks minus reserves, and the share of deposits individuals in the credit institution's liabilities.

According to Expert RA, the level of B&N Bank's creditworthiness is assessed as “very high” (A+). This means that, despite adverse macroeconomic changes, the bank is likely to meet its financial obligations to customers. In the RAEX-600 list (until 2015 - “Expert-400”), B&N Bank took 296th place with a net profit of about 4.6 billion rubles, having risen by about 70 lines compared to the previous rating.

The first negative forecasts were made in the fall of 2015. For example, S&P analysts noted that since 2014, significant pressure on the financial profile of B&N Bank has been exerted by fast growth assets. The subsequent uncertainty regarding the future structure of the group's income negatively affected the experts' assessments.

RAEX also notes a decrease in the share of highly liquid financial assets B&N Bank, which fell from 14.4% to 8.5% over several months of spring-summer 2015. According to RA Expert analysts, given the current instability of the economic situation, this may indicate an insufficiently conservative risk management policy. Factors that improve B&N Bank’s growth forecasts in the long term were also announced: low share of risky financial transactions (27.5%), high-quality IT system, effective management organizations, a high level of loyalty on the part of shareholders and authorities.

In 2015, the founders of Binbank outlined a strategic goal - Top 10 banks in Russia. However, B&N Bank was not included in the list of systemically important credit institutions published by the Central Bank. The top ten “selected” included Sberbank, Promsvyazbank, Alfa-Bank, Rosbank and other credit institutions, which concentrated about 60% of all domestic banking capital. Some members of the list are inferior to B&N Bank in certain indicators. For example, Otkritie Bank ranks 18th in terms of assets in the December RAEX rating (497.16 billion rubles), and B&N Bank ranks 15th (753.8 billion).

Consumer rating

IN popular rating portal "", which takes into account customer reviews with the bank's answers and the number of problems solved, B&N Bank is ranked 7th in the so-called "Major League". Over several years, more than 2,750 reviews were left about the bank’s service and loan products with an average rating of 2.2 out of 5. The company’s specialists responded to 90% of the messages, solving, according to resource users, 325 problems. Over the past 12 months, the bank's specialists have dealt with almost every message taken into account from clients who left feedback on its work.

As of the beginning of 2016, users left the largest number of reviews about B&N Bank deposits and credit cards - more than 500 for both positions, the smallest - about mortgage lending (7 complaints), leasing and deposits for business (2 reviews each). Three times fewer people rated the bank’s work as 5 or “excellent” than as 1 or “very bad.” There are fewer moderate ratings of 3 and 4 (“average” and “good”) than “bad” ratings.

The total value of Binbank's rating on was 43.1, which is several points lower than the average for the resource (35.4). Negative reviews include customer dissatisfaction with the conditions early repayment loan, terms of consideration of the loan application, general level service.

And has now become a commercial financial institution average size, which has a branch network in many Russian regions. In 2014, its net income increased fivefold, reaching net profit figures of more than $69 million (more than 3.9 billion rubles). Binbank's reliability rating, according to the Central Bank, is 20th place with assets of 413.2 billion rubles.

Rapid growth

Binbank has been developing rapidly over the past decade, stepping from a series of medium-sized banks into the top twenty in Russia. The crisis year of 2014 turned out to be especially eventful for many. The financial institution acquired several assets, including Binbank Credit Cards (formerly Moskomprivatbank), Binbank Murmansk (formerly DNB Bank OJSC) and ROST banks. Moreover, 55% of the assets in the total share were provided by B&N Bank itself. As a result, the organization's rating increased significantly.

The acquisition of assets contributed to diversification, increased business diversification and improved the position of the consolidated group in terms of assets: according to this indicator, the bank ranks seventh in the all-Russian rating (as of April 1, 2015), a year earlier - only 40th place.

Bank rating: "Binbank"

The economic crisis has noticeably shuffled the deck of Russian financial institutions. If some of them needed serious governmental support, then B&N Bank, on the contrary, strengthened its position. Moreover, thanks to the rapid success of this particular organization, the influential portal recognized it as Bank of the Year 2014. It was ahead of the recognized giants. Among them are Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank and other partners.

Foreign experts also noted B&N Bank. The analysts' rating from Standard & Poor's corresponds to a “B” rank. This is a good indicator for large Russian banks, reflecting both the strength and certain risks inherent in regional economies. Other indicators:

  • 3rd place among the most reliable commercial banks in the Russian Federation (04/1/2015).
  • 10th in terms of profitability (04/01/2015).
  • 18th in the Interfax-100 rating (1st quarter of 2015).
  • 27th in terms of net worth (04/1/2015).

Analysts' forecasts

The acquisition of significant assets, observed over the past year, imposes certain analysts who note that B&N Bank’s strategy is opportunistic and at the same time aggressive. It may be subject to high integration risks given the significant size of the acquired assets and plans for further business expansion in the currently unfavorable operating environment for banks in Russia. Meanwhile, the disparate structures within the group can sufficiently complement each other to form an organization that becomes a strong market player with a business model that is sustainable in the long term and has a stronger ability to generate profits.

A positive factor is that the acquired assets correspond to the long-term strategy of strengthening Binbank’s market position in the retail segment and diversifying its business profile. Thanks to the newly acquired assets, the company's position in the retail customer deposit segment has improved. As of April 1, 2015, Binbank ranked 7th in the rating of Russian banks for this indicator. In addition, the company was able to enter the market of several important Russian regions. In the future, the branch network will include 450 points of sale in more than 60 regions by the end of 2015 after the planned closure of ineffective branches.

Reliability rating

Based on the results of an express analysis of financial statements, BankStars Information Agency assigned PJSC Binbank a reliability rating of “satisfactory”. According to BankStars, this institution is characterized by a moderate risk of non-fulfillment of its obligations to creditors and depositors. However, the bank's stability is sensitive to unfavorable developments in the situation.


Based on an analysis of the balance sheet structure of Binbank PJSC, the BankStars agency assessed the liquidity rating as moderately high. The conclusions are based on the volatility of funds in deposits and current accounts of a bank and a group of banks similar in asset size. The company is able to ensure timely fulfillment of repayable obligations on loans and deposits in the event of a possible stress scenario.


By 2014, there was an increase in the level of capitalization financial group up to 13.05% due to an increase in equity capital while simultaneously reducing the volume of assets of Binbank PJSC. The rating of the ability to compensate for possible losses in the event of stress scenarios being realized with one's own funds is assessed as moderately high.

Loan portfolio quality

According to the reports, the volume of overdue loan debts of B&N Bank as of January 1, 2014 amounted to 3,623.61 million rubles. (2.63% of the loan portfolio), increasing in December 2013 by 189.61 million rubles. Provisions for possible losses increased by RUB 156.14 million. and amounted to RUB 5,752.92 million as of the reporting date. (4.17% of the loan portfolio). The reserves created by the bank for possible loan losses cover the current overdue loan debt with a coefficient of 1.59. As of the reporting date, the loan portfolio is characterized by a slightly smaller share.

Growth factors


  • increase client base and growing market share;
  • strong support in the form of capital injections from shareholders;
  • diversification of the resource base.


  • high exposure to integration risks associated with assets acquired in 2014 and an aggressive growth strategy;
  • weak operating profitability, primarily due to the weak performance of the high-risk unsecured retail loan portfolio;
  • slowdown in macroeconomic growth and unfavourable conditions operational activities for all banks of the Russian Federation.

Major shareholders

It is expected that the main shareholders - M. O. Shishkhanov and M. S. Gutseriev - will support the development of Binbank and provide sufficient capital to achieve large-scale growth goals. In 2011-2014, they made regular capital injections: 16.3 billion rubles into tier 1 capital and 3.9 billion rubles into tier 2 capital.

The assets owned by Shishkhanov and Gutseriev in non-banking sectors generally complement the business of B&N Bank. In particular, pension funds and insurance companies owned by financier Shishkhanov can provide a synergy effect by offering clients comprehensive services, allowing them to increase their client base.

Capitalization and profitability of PJSC "Binbank"

The credit rating in terms of capitalization and profitability is characterized as moderate. Capitalization is provided mainly by capital injections from shareholders. The moderate rating is based on estimates that the RAC ratio, unadjusted for diversification and concentration risks, will be around 5.1% over the next 18-24 months. This forecast is determined by the following expectations:

  • An increase in assets by 34% in 2015 due to the consolidation of the banks of the ROST group and Binbank Murmansk (14%), as well as organic growth (20%).
  • Capital injection in the amount of RUB 10 billion. in 2015, despite the fact that 6 billion rubles had already been received in April.
  • Capital gain (1.5 billion rubles) as a result of the issue of new securities for the consolidation of B&N Bank Murmansk.
  • Capital gain due to the initial recognition of assets of the banks of the ROST group.
  • A decrease in net interest margin from 4.3% in 2014 to 4% in 2015 due to rising funding costs and increased competition in the Russian banking sector.
  • Expenses for the formation of reserves are about 3.5% in 2015-2016 compared to 2.1% in 2012-2014 (average) due to the deterioration of the general economic situation.


In 2014, B&N Bank’s access to reliable corporate clients improved. It is private financial institution, therefore it is not subject to sanctions from US and EU regulators (unlike large Russian state-owned banks). In addition, the growing size of Binbank allowed it to serve larger clients. As a result, the company attracted a number of private and public corporations as borrowers and investors, thereby strengthening its customer base. The risks of lending to related parties are assessed as moderate: loans to related parties accounted for about 2.6% of the loan portfolio (December 31, 2014).

During the period 2015-2016. B&N Bank's core earnings are forecast to be weak due to expected weak performance in the unsecured retail loan and credit card segments. Profit from operating activities in 2014 was negative as a result of significant expenses for the formation of reserves of Binbank Credit Cards JSC, acquired last year.

A positive factor is that the regulatory capital of B&N Bank is supported by a subordinated loan in the amount of 12.7 billion rubles. As of April 1, 2015, the organization’s capital adequacy ratio was 13.2%, which is significantly higher than the minimum level of 10% established by the regulator.

What is the rating of B&N Bank? This question interests many. Public Joint Stock Company "Binbank" is a large banking entity, the main office of which is located in the capital. The bank was created in 1993 by Mikhail Gutseriev and acted as the operator of an internal offshore in Ingushetia. At the beginning of the 2000s he was engaged in financial services for the state company Slavneft, then private organization"RussNeft", owned by the founder of the bank. What place does Binbank currently occupy in the ranking of banks? Let's find out in this article.

Work of the BIN group

The informal group of BIN companies worked in three main areas: the oil industry, development and finance (including an insurance company). The bank has been actively developing and expanding since the beginning of the two thousandths and continues this policy today. Binbank acquired a controlling stake in Bashinvestbank in 2008, and in 2014 Moskomprivatbank. In the same 2014, Binbank included SKA-Bank, Akkobank, Tveruniversalbank, Rost Bank and Kedr. Thus, B&N Bank has significantly expanded its presence in the regions of the country, even the most remote ones.

Purchase of shares in MDM Bank

In June 2015, an agreement was signed to purchase a controlling stake in MDM Bank. The acquisition of MDM Bank became the largest in the banking industry. This merger expanded the group of companies' capabilities in the field of corporate loans and attracting more clients.

Thus, by June 2017, the Binbank group of companies had 14 branches, one of which is located outside the country, and 432 divisions. The average number of employees exceeds 12 thousand people (as of 2016). Binbank cards service 15 thousand ATMs without commission.

Wide range of services

The rating of Binbank is influenced by the fact that it can offer individuals a wide range of services, including consumer and mortgage loans, deposits, refinancing loans taken from other banks, issuing debit and credit cards. The list of services provided by the bank to legal entities is much wider: loans and deposits, issuance of debit and credit cards for corporate clients, currency transactions (transfers, control), salary projects, investments, etc.

As of August 2017, the company's assets amounted to 1.2 trillion rubles. Half of the bank's liabilities consist of deposits from individuals. In second place cash corporate clients (16%). Ten percent are securities. The turnover on open customer accounts is 500-700 billion rubles per month.

Loan portfolio

The loan portfolio by August 2017 amounted to 173 billion rubles. At the same time, over the past year the number of accredited legal entities has increased, while the volume of loans issued to individuals has decreased. The retail loan portfolio is formed mainly from long-term loans for a period of more than three years. The corporate loan portfolio is more flexible in terms of maturity. The company's securities are represented mainly by bonds. The turnover on transactions with securities is quite high, which means the securities themselves are liquid. The bank's net profit for 2016 amounted to almost 13 billion rubles.

Binbank rating and reliability

Today, the BIN group of companies receives its main profit from the oil and coal mining industries. A significant share of profit also comes from real estate, construction, participation in non-state funds, etc.

It ranks fifteenth in terms of net assets. According to other indicators, such as profit or loan portfolio, it drops to the fifth ten or completely drops out of the rating.

During the crisis, the bank's management pursued an active investment policy. According to the RAEX rating, the bank won 11 positions in 2014, taking 20th place. Forbes moved it to 20th place in terms of the number of assets and 28th place in terms of capital, thus changing from the fourth to the third group of bank reliability. The Forbes ranking takes into account various factors, such as return on funds, loan risks and what part deposits occupy in liabilities.

Bank creditworthiness

“Expert RA” highly evaluates the creditworthiness of “Binbank”, that is, despite the unfavorable economic situation, the bank will fulfill all its obligations to clients. In the RAEX-600 rating, Binbank PJSC managed to reach 296th place, which is 70 steps higher than before. Since the fall of 2015, negative predictions have also been made regarding the fate of B&N Bank. Analysts from S&P, for example, believe that the bank’s financial position in 2014 was influenced by the rapid increase in assets.

RAEX also indicates a decrease in the number of financial assets of B&N Bank. This is proof of the lack of conservative control over possible risks. RA Expert voiced the prerequisites necessary to stabilize the growth of B&N Bank in the long term: a reduction in the number of high-risk financial transactions, effective management of the organization, high-quality IT support, a high level of tolerance from shareholders and authorities.

In 2015, B&N Bank’s strategy was aimed at getting into the top 10 banks in the country. However, the goal was not achieved. Binbank was unable to overtake the ratings of such largest banking structures in Russia as Sberbank, Alfa Bank, Promsvyazbank and others. These banks hold more than half of all banking capital in the country. However, according to some parameters, the banks from this rating were inferior to B&N Bank. For example, Otkritie Bank was in 18th place according to the RAEX rating, which is three positions lower than B&N Bank. Bank ratings are now quite popular - they are viewed potential clients, partner organizations.

People's rating compiles its rating based on reviews left by bank clients, taking into account the answers of the bank itself. In this rating, Binbank ranks seventh, which is an average figure. Over the course of several years, about three thousand reviews were written about the bank’s services and offers. The average rating of the bank is 2.2 out of 5. Company representatives resolved more than three hundred problems identified in the reviews and responded to 90 percent of the messages left on the portal. Over the past year, these figures are even higher.

By the beginning of 2016, more than five hundred reviews were left on the issues of B&N Bank deposits and loans, 7 reviews related to mortgage loans, and two reviews each were left on the topic of leasing and deposits. The work of the bank’s specialists was rated “excellent” by three times fewer users than by one; ratings of 3 and 4 were given by fewer people than those who rated B&N Bank as two. The ratings of Russian banks can be trusted.

In total, the rating of this bank on the above-mentioned resource reached 43.1, a couple of points less than the average values. Based on reviews, the main problems of the bank include the timing of consideration of loan applications, unsatisfactory conditions for early loan repayment, as well as a low level of customer service in general.

Problems of B&N Bank

In August 2017, Alfa Capital Management Company received letters about the unreliable state of some large Russian banks. B&N Bank was among them. At the moment, there is a heated discussion online about the current situation, the reliability of the information from the letter, as well as the real state of affairs of B&N Bank. The bank’s activities have long raised a number of questions and have been questioned by experts. The loan issued to the unprofitable Rost Bank in 2016 in the amount of 250 billion rubles caused great bewilderment among analysts, because the bank’s reporting should have indicated a reserve for the loan of at least 52 billion rubles, but this was not done.

A few months later, Binbank decides to acquire the financially unstable MDM Bank, which also causes reasonable misunderstanding on the part of experts and analysts.

Not the best of times

According to the Bank Analysis website, this credit institution is experiencing better times. The bank attracts funds from clients while investing resources in loans. That is, money is taken from the population in the short term and invested in long-term projects. The duration of assets should not be greater than the duration of liabilities, as this inevitably leads to risks. The analysis indicates that the bank has a critical margin of safety, which is insufficient in the event of a sudden outflow of funds.

The bank relies on interbank loans (as in the situation with Rost Bank), providing these loans with guarantees and guarantees. However, the most reliable type of loan collateral is the borrower's property, such as securities or precious metals. And this figure for B&N Bank just fell to 18 percent.

Binbank does not have a clear ownership structure due to the large number of offshore companies. Therefore in case global problems, the bank will have nowhere to get financial assistance from, since it does not have strategic partners. The state does not participate in the bank’s activities, which may lead to administrative risks.

Transfer to the ranks of the unreliable

At the end of 2016, there was an increase in the mandatory reserve fund of Binbank, which may be a sign of the bank’s transfer to the ranks of unreliable ones. Analytical and statistical data about Binbank indicate the presence of many problems in the long term. In this situation, the owners of Binbank decided not to conduct an IPO until 2020 (initial public offer bank shares). This was also facilitated by the decision of the Central Bank of Russia to include B&N Bank bonds among the illiquid ones. Since July 2017, bank bonds have not been accepted as collateral.


The conclusion made by the Bank Analysis website is quite predictable: Binbank, as well as its clients, will face difficult times in the long term, perhaps this will even result in a scandal and loss of client funds. And although information about the problems of B&N Bank is disputed by both the bank’s management and the Central Bank, the facts are indisputable and speak for themselves. The only thing that can be guaranteed in the current situation is that the bank’s license will not be revoked. This gives hope that the bank will adjust its fund distribution policy and straighten out its financial position. And we, like investors, can only wait and watch how this situation, contradictory in every sense, will end. In any case, it is still premature to panic and queue for your money.

3 based on 220 votes this month Reviews Deposits News Rating

Deposit and lending rates B&N Bank

Min. loan rate - 10.49%

Max. deposit rate - 7.1%

Main state registration number: 1027700159442 Assets, billion rubles: 420 Issuing and acquiring bank cards: American Express, DINERS CLUB, JCB International, MasterCard Int., Rapida, VISA International Binbank official website: Single toll-free phone: 8 800 200-50-75

Public Joint-Stock Company Binbank is a large Moscow bank. ВВВВ The financial institution is headed by ВВВВ entrepreneurВВВВ Mikail Shishkhanov. The strategic directions of activity of the credit institution are lending and financing of commercial organizations and enterprises, as well as raising funds for deposits from private clients. In addition, the bank is active in the international foreign exchange market. The bank was established in 1993. The founder of the bank was ВВВВ MikhailВВВВ Gutseriev.ВВВВ The purpose of establishing the bank was to createВВВВ an operator of a special offshore zone in the RepublicВВВВ Ingushetia. Throughout its activities, Binbank provided servicing of financial flows from the BVVV oil company Slavneft, owned by the state, as well as from the commercial VVVV oil company RussNeft, created, like BinBank, by VVVV Gutseriev, who at that time was already the former VVVV president of Slavneft.

Currently, Binbank serves over twenty thousand. legal entities and corporate clients. The bank's management is actively developing retail ВВВВ areas of banking business, in particular mortgages, car loans and the issuance of plastic cards. Over the past few years, the bank has also been involved in investment projects, in which the bank acts as ВВВВ underwriter ВВВВ and co-underwriter ВВВВ for bond loans issued by issuers from Russia. Currently, there are about half a million bank plastic cards issued by the bank in circulation. To service them, there are more than eighty BBBB banking service terminals and more than half a thousand terminals and BBBB ATMs. Binbank's regional network consists of almost two hundred service and sales offices, one representative office abroad (in the UK) and eight branches in the territory Russian Federation. The central office of B&N Bank is located in Moscow.

At the beginning of 2015, Binbank was in twenty-second place in the list of the largest Russian banks in terms of assets. Half of the bank's liabilities are formed by raising funds on deposits from individuals; funds from enterprises and legal entities account for thirty percent of net liabilities. The bulk of the assets is formed by the credit portfolio, which is dominated by loans and advances issued by ВВВВ to small and medium-sized businesses.

Third Party Ratings and Rating Agencies

Expert RA A+
S&P B-
Min. car loan rate
Min. mortgage rate 6

Latest Reviews about Binbank

It seemed to me that opening an account and receiving a card was a very quick process. Registration within 5 minutes. Otherwise, a very cozy bank with friendly service.
I really liked the bonus system. I haven’t managed to collect enough bonuses yet, but the minimum is enough to pay for the phone and other little things. The management of bonus points itself is very effective and convenient. A good plus is that there are transfers between cards of any banks with a minimum commission, which, in principle, eliminates large overpayments for transactions.

oleg_kostromin, 17.01.2017 Link

With the amazing intrusiveness of the bank staff in offering and imposing all sorts of services that the client is currently not interested in at all, the bank staff regularly manages to mess up in providing exactly those services for which you apply. Next, you need to check every piece of paper and receipt, since then it can take weeks to correct errors. The most annoying thing is the imposition of insurance on cards; they can call or write several times a week.

Andrey, 10.08.2016 Link

Over the past turbulent year and a half, when all this began with exchange rates, I decided to transfer most of my funds into euros and quietly bought as much as possible. It just so happened that in most cases Binbank had some of the most favorable sales rates, and after my first visit it turned out that for purchases over 5,000 they give a discount of 5 kopecks from the rate. Not to say that this is a trifle! And it works out really well! In principle, this is not the most original promotion, and other banks also have this, but very, very rarely. And then they issued a card for those who periodically buy currency from them and it is always very profitable to do so

ARTem, 3.08.2016 Link

I recently bought air tickets online. I paid with a B&N Bank credit card. To my great surprise, immediately after the purchase, an amount was written off that did not correspond to the cost of the tickets. Moreover, the write-off exceeded the amount of the available limit. I saw the debit only in online banking; I didn’t even receive an SMS about the debit. I called the bank and they told me that they had debited both my purchase and the earlier purchase of tickets, although I had not purchased them before. The excess written off has not yet been returned to me, even though I wrote a statement. They also cheat with cashbacks and return less than the promised two percent of the purchase amount.

Svetlana, 25.11.2015 Link

Deposits Binbank

12/4/2017 Binbank launched the “New Year” deposit with a rate of 8.3% per annum
A seasonal deposit is opened in rubles for 150 or 200 days, the minimum amount is 50 thousand rubles. The interest rate of 8.3% per annum is fixed for the entire term of the deposit... 10/9/2017 B&N Bank launched a new deposit “Hit of the Season” with a rate of 8.5% per annum
The deposit is opened in rubles for five months (150 days), the minimum amount is 50 thousand rubles. The interest rate of 8.5% per annum is fixed for the entire term of the deposit... 10/5/2016 Binbank and MDM Bank renewed the “High Season” deposit with a maximum rate of 10% per annum
The deposit is opened in rubles for a period of 300 days, the minimum amount is 50 thousand rubles, every 100 days the interest is capitalized (credited to the deposit account). After 200 days, it becomes possible to close the deposit early without losing capitalized interest... 06/21/2016 “Monthly Income” deposit
Do you want to feel like a rentier? Invest funds for a period convenient for you - and live on the interest, receiving regular payments at your own expense. Or enjoy monthly interest capitalization. The choice is always yours... 05/31/2016 Binbank launched the “High Season” deposit with a maximum rate of 11% per annum
The deposit is opened in rubles for a period of 300 days, the minimum amount is 50 thousand rubles, every 100 days the interest is capitalized (credited to the deposit account). The maximum rate of 11% per annum is charged during the first 100 days...

Binbank news

12/7/2017 Binbank automated budget planning and control using the 1C solution
Implemented at B&N Bank centralized system expense management, which allows you to automate the processes of budget planning and control... 09.22.2017 The Central Bank decided to reorganize B&N Bank
The Bank of Russia decided to implement measures aimed at increasing the financial stability of B&N Bank and Bank Growth... 09/22/2017 Shareholders of B&N Bank asked the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for reorganization
The owner of B&N Bank turned to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with a request to rehabilitate the credit organization through the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund... 06/23/2017 The loyalty program of the BN Exclusive division of B&N Bank was recognized as the best
BN Exclusive became the winner in the category " Best program loyalty", established by Frank Research Group as part of the study "Private Banking in Russia 2017"... 03/11/2016 BINBANK retained its leading position in the ranking of the most reliable Russian banks
As of February 1, 2016, BINBANK took 3rd place in the reliability rating of the largest commercial banks in Russia. The study was prepared by the National Rating Agency based on its own calculations and published in the business magazine “Profile”...

Today it became known that two key shareholders of B&N Bank - Mikhail Gutseriev and Mikail Shishkhanov - contacted the Central Bank with a request to consider the possibility of reorganizing the credit organization. The Bank of Russia promptly approved the allocation of funds to maintain the bank's liquidity. According to Kommersant's information, after the decision on the fate of the Otkritie FC bank, the regulator took a very tough position towards the shareholders of B&N Bank, demanding to reserve existing problems urgently, but the scale of the problems is so great that shareholder resources appear to have been insufficient.

As the press service of the Bank of Russia reported, the owners of B&N Bank asked the regulator to consider the possibility of reorganization through the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund, “having not found the possibility of recapitalizing the bank using their own funds.” “We will make a decision on this issue in the near future,” the Central Bank clarified. Thus, Binbank may become the second large private bank after FC Otkritie, whose recovery will be handled by the regulator itself. Later, the Bank of Russia announced that it had decided to provide B&N Bank with funds to maintain liquidity. The volume of the loan is not disclosed.

According to a message from B&N Bank, “possible options for exiting the current situation” were discussed by the top management of B&N Bank with the Central Bank during last year. At the same time, at the beginning of the month, B&N Bank stated that they were not experiencing problems with liquidity. Now, according to B&N Bank, the funds provided by the Central Bank are “sufficient to fulfill all obligations to clients.” At the same time, the bank extended the work of all its branches by two hours from September 20 to 22.

At an emergency meeting of the board of directors of B&N Bank held today, it was decided to elect Mikail Shishkhanov as its chairman (replacing his uncle Mikhail Gutseriev, who had headed the board of directors since March). “Our goal is, with the support of the Central Bank through the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund, to carry out an effective financial recovery of Binbank and Rost-Bank,” the bank’s press service reports the words of Mr. Shishkhanov. Currently, the bank is “in an active negotiation stage with the Bank of Russia.” As Mikail Shishkhanov explains, “the problems of Rost Bank, which was taken into reorganization, and MDM Bank turned out to be much more serious than expected in the conditions of a falling market and the current economic situation.”

According to the bank's reporting, Mikail Shishkhanov controls 59.7% of the bank's shares, Mikhail Gutseriev - 36.4%. The remaining share belongs to minority shareholders.

The problems of B&N Bank have been talked about in the market for several months now. Alfa Capital analyst Sergei Gavrilov named it among four large private banks whose fate could be decided this fall. Last week, the Central Bank decided to give the status of systemically important bank, comparable in size to B&N Bank of Moscow. credit bank, but Binbank did not receive such status.

As sources told Kommersant, two weeks ago a meeting between Elvira Nabiullina and the owners of B&N Bank took place at the Central Bank.

At this meeting, according to Kommersant’s interlocutors, the head of the Central Bank set strict conditions, demanding that guarantees and guarantees be given for a huge portfolio of loans (about 600 billion rubles) transferred to Rost Bank, which was personally rehabilitated by Mr. Shishkhanov. Let us recall that on such an anomalous scale, not a single sanatorium transferred bad debts to a recovering bank.

“But relations between the owners of B&N Bank have been very tense since the beginning of the year,” says one of Kommersant’s interlocutors. “That is why Mikail Shishkhanov was removed from managing the bank in the spring. And Mikhail Gutseriev refused to be held accountable for those decisions that were made without his knowledge and participation.” To this, according to Kommersant’s interlocutors, Ms. Nabiullina reacted harshly, saying that they were given very little time to solve problems. short term or the regulator will take action. Probably to agree on possible options The owners never came to save the bank, and therefore now the fate of the bank is in the hands of the Central Bank.

Expert of the Finam investment holding Vasily Oleynik:

If we are talking about debt obligations, debt subordinated bonds, then they will most likely go to zero, no one will receive anything from them - that’s it. Secondly, despite the reorganization of Otkritie, in August another, in my opinion, about 300 billion rubles was withdrawn from the bank. capital, and now the hole there is estimated at 1 trillion rubles, although initially even the Central Bank said that the hole was no more than 300-400 billion rubles. That is, there is still no trust in the fact that the state is supposedly becoming the main controller, the main owner of the bank.
