Do-it-yourself damless hydroelectric power plants (HPPs). Do-it-yourself home hydroelectric power station Small homemade hydroelectric power stations

An interview from Moscow journalist Andrei Polyakov, who kindly provided us with his material, which due to his workload he could not post on his website. The conversation may be interesting to someone, so we posted it here, adding photos and sketches that appeared in the video.

The conversation took place in the summer of 2011.

  • Micro hydroelectric power station from an air pump (snail).
  • Homemade Stepper Low-speed generator on permanent magnets, without gearboxes and rolling bearings, at a mere cost.
  • Turbine made of Wood. Is it really real? Sketches.
  • How to Transfer mechanical energy for 100 - 5,000 meters without electricity?
  • How and what to make a generator from extreme conditions network shutdowns?
  • The film “Village of Water Mills” is a hint about Harmony with Nature.
  • Gravity is a source of energy. Scheme. It's simple.

Erast, at what stage is work on your homemade micro hydroelectric power station now? Will the moment of the first test come soon?

We are just doing it for now. We do what is called “a teaspoon per hour” because of the abundance of worries that also cannot be pushed aside. 95% complete welding work. In other words, the “machine” already exists. All that remains is to stick around with little things, and with them, as you know, there is more fuss than with an array of iron. This includes cleaning, painting and drilling, riveting, assembly with bolts, installation of magnets, windings with semiconductors.

What is this product in general and what is its operating principle?

Simply put, it's a regular air pump. centrifugal type, 1.2 meters in size, of which there were and are a great many in enterprises and collective farms, in common people or in the slang of technicians called “snail”. Its body is slightly reshaped, the outlet opening is opened wider, and its operation, already as a micro-hydroelectric power station or hydraulic turbine, is designed as if backwards. That is, the entrance and exit for air change places, the exit window has become an entrance-socket for the incoming water flow of the river. The body is located lying down, which is very advantageous in shallow waters and on small rivers. Water comes out along the shaft, below and above from two holes cut in both decks. The shaft has stainless steel tips.

An impeller from the same pump with a slightly larger diameter is welded to the shaft and inserted into the housing of this former pump. With this arrangement, a centripetal vortex is formed, which rotates the impeller one and a half to two times faster. Moreover, this acceleration is also helped by the flaps fixed inside, redirecting the flow to the impeller at a more favorable angle, and even with the formation of vortices in the gaps between themselves and the impeller flaps. Thus, the centrifugal air pump became a centripetal type hydraulic turbine, presumably with a power of 0.2 - 0.5 kW. And with even greater current strength it can be “stretched” by 1 kW.

Photo 2.

What is the point of this alteration and what do we get as a result?

We have an energy source made at extremely low cost. One average pension is enough at cost to produce it. Its power, presumably, should be about 200-500 Watts, based on powering the walkie-talkie, emergency lighting, charging batteries, video-audio equipment, computer, etc. It is transparent, installed and removed by one or two people. Moreover, this is an example of implementation on just one axis of rotation, in two assemblies of birch bearings. Everything is cooled and lubricated with water. Without any gearboxes, pulleys or belts, without high-tech bearings that require lubrication from petroleum products and protection from water with all kinds of seals. Birch can be soaked or boiled in oil, drying oil, rosin, wax, paraffin. Impregnate with any acceptable water-repellent compound. This was precisely the main feature.

A ring 600 mm in diameter, with thirty permanent magnets, should be attached to the impeller. EMF (Electromotive force) occurs in six or nine windings filled with resin to insulate from water. It turns out, in the likeness of stepper motors, a low-speed multiphase (6 or 9-phase) generator. Then, through diode bridges, everything is output to two wires of the cable and, already on the shore, it is finally straightened to direct current. And then “do with him what you want.”

So we are talking about the fact that this thing should work at any time of the year?

Yes. Even under the ice. And almost all year round. But apparently it will be necessary to clean the grass and twigs from sediment and remove them from under the ice before the spring ice drift. Autumn slush - fine ice during the first frosts - is also of course not needed. In general, a couple of months a year fall outside the year of operation.

On what waters? On small rivers or what? That is, in a small current?

It is designed for a current of about 5-8 km/hour. Not less. And here this is exactly the range in areas up to 3-5 meters deep on the core.

How can we call it “small”? Look, when you stand at Kazyr, such power rushes, it takes your breath away. I just want to “come to an agreement” with him, and then harness him somehow...

Photo 3.

It's clear. Using the example of this micro hydroelectric power station, can more powerful ones be created?

Yes. More powerful ones can be created. But I wouldn’t go down this path at all. I have a blank from an even larger pump, designed for 1-3KW. The body and its “native” impeller. I brought it once for the same purpose. But now I’m thinking, is it worth cutting it? Because I want to stop making welded structures.

And what we are doing now is smaller, at 200-500 watts. is done only to show that it is possible and it works. Because some people don’t really believe in that either. And then, if we repeat such a thing, then in a tree. Entirely made of wood.

The main trick is this. To show that this is being done, well, practically for free. We calculated that it would be possible to even install permanent magnets from household equipment by removing transformer hardware from meters or electromagnetic relays (starters), winding wires from anywhere, selecting them according to the cross-section and number of turns, winding them, and filling them with bitumen. And it will work. There will be no magnets - we will make excitation windings. If necessary, we can even make a turbine out of a log. Let's choose something more even, drill with drills or feather drills, drive the blades on wedges (under the right angle) and get a mechanical drive.

There are plenty of ideas and ready-made developments. We can even build a swinging blade and transfer energy by reciprocating motion to the shore with a simple galvanized (or even aluminum) wire from an overhead wire from high-voltage poles. And then use it for the movement of the sawmill frame or convert it into rotation of the machine parts. This was successfully used in past centuries and in Holland, for example, it has survived to this day, after 350-400 years.

Photo 4.

A separate topic is the use of winds. For all their inconstancy, they have great strength and using their great energy in mechanical form You can accomplish a huge amount of work in just an hour or two.

Everything is based on the idea of ​​“how to do it without money or purchases.” In the most critical case. And not because it is impossible now, but because one day it may become impossible. Turn off the switch - extreme weather ensues. And the switch is dying. Look, our “Shusha” has already given a sign. They fussed, ran around, and then calmed down. Almost all. But there was a sign!

The word “wood” was heard here, but everyone will say “how will wood work in water? Will it still get wet?”

Great question! And quite natural given our upbringing in the society in which we were born and raised. But imagine that we were born in the 17th century. Would we have such a question? It would never have occurred to me! Everything on the tree worked there. And in water and in fire and in foundries and forges...

Photo 5.

Ships were tossed and chattered in the seas for 30 years. The Japanese (and Chinese) still have water in the provinces for washing in wooden barrel heated over an open fire, similar to the school experiments of our childhood (when water was boiled in a paper cup). The water wheels themselves, which powered almost all the machines and equipment, were made of wood and worked in water. Barrels without water dry out and begin to leak. There are laws of physics and “secrets” of carpentry that not only deal with wetting and swelling, but even use this to increase the strength of the entire structure. Many rocks do not rot in water and whirlwinds and can even survive metal.

Rice. 6.

In addition, if we mention vortices, it is useful to know that they work well in devices made of diamagnetic materials. That is, made of non-magnetic material. What exactly does the tree have to do with it? best option. Burnt clay and stone are also good. They are the ones who can catalyze processes in water. Look at the rivers. It is these materials that water comes into contact with. And if you are careful and observant, you can see the seemingly supernatural behavior of water in Nature.

But that's not the point. This is all interesting, but not the main thing yet. We are considering the topic from the point of view of so-called extreme conditions, this is the notorious word for emergency situations. The upcoming circumstances will not ask us whether we want to construct in wood or consider it junk. They will simply leave us with one tree and several iron stashes around the yards. That's all. The enema will wash away all our dreams and delusions. But we really need to understand what we will be left with.

We must boldly admit that we are sick with technocracy. And it will be our destruction. Especially in these times. Well, for example, our mega-toys were washed away or blown away, something collapsed there. Well, this is actually happening these days. Here and there. Collapses, sinks, burns...

The earth is alive. She wants Harmony. She breaks our toys. They interfere with her life and threaten to destroy her, while we, with serious faces, run across its surface with all sorts of shooters, and do big things, either under water or under her skin. Yes, we tormented Mother Earth with our stupid games! Especially with your own negative emotions, aggression.

And now its Harmony is approaching. Wow! And she feels good... Silence. Space sounds. And for us there is an emergency. Extreme conditions in the middle of Great Harmony. Absurd and that's all.

But I understand perfectly well that it is simply impossible to convey these things to most people. The psychology of perception has changed too much. I was treated for habitual thinking for about 10 years.

Photo 7.

After watching Akira Kurosawa's short film "Watermill Village" (from the "Dreams" series), I was very inspired. I felt to the depths of my soul HOW HARMONIOUS IT IS! And only 10 years later I began to understand simple words, said by the elder. And then I still had to “cure” from the desire to make everything from purchased welded pipes.

Photo 8.

I've been very lucky in life. Reality taught me difficult lessons. It took me eight years to create this micro-hydroelectric power station of ours. He collected the iron (while the collective farms collapsed, and their remains had not yet been consumed). And for a long time I could not begin to do anything. There were no opportunities. But none. Such languor of the idea forced us to hone everything down to the smallest detail. Learn not to demand from Reality and from people. Don't get attached to the result.

Later, he started, sacrificing a lot in his life. Few people know anything about this. I advanced by 70%. And again there was a break of one and a half to two years. And all this led to a simple thought: if I had immediately made a turbine in a tree, I would have done it long ago. On your own home workbench. This all helped me understand that this is the only way it should be. Due to upcoming conditions. For a year I toiled with the thought “how should this be arranged?” It took me a long time to find a solution.

One day I lay down on my bed and began to meditate on a completely different topic. How, I wonder, did these ancient Greeks soften basalt and cast statues from it? I remember a friend told me.

“Took off” something. Then, since things were going crazy, I started thinking about a turbine made of wood. Twisted, spit... And Ooooh! Oh! Here I “saw” her in all her glory. And I was so inspired that I really saw her beautiful. It is beautiful!

The electronic drawing shows the assembly diagram. This is, of course, a pitiful semblance of the imaginary, but I still think it will be understandable.

Rice. 9.

Absolutely in the likeness of a snail pump. Two decks of shields connected in a tongue and groove are edged with a set of slats, like a cooper's stave. Stretch to two main load-bearing beams two wire hoops - sixes or belts made of the same wood, pulled in with wedges or wire ties. In both decks there are holes for the impeller, similar to the same water wheels. This same rotor is inserted into them onto two beams with bearings. All wood. Only the rotor shafts are made of hex head bolts and threads similar to wood screws. This (without details) is a turbine made of carpentry-assembled wood with elements of cooper's assembly, just one of several mental developments. Some things are already designed and in the model. The nodes and connections have been worked out.

Photo 10.

I already mentioned in the last conversation about the period of conditional poverty. Useful thing poverty. She makes you THINK. During my next move, I brought with me an impeller from an even larger air pump (scroll) 250-300 kg. And I began to wonder how I could deal with him now. Shaft 1m. long and 100 mm. in diameter, with 90 kg. the weight had to be pulled out with a huge puller, which is not there, turned on a lathe, and inserted on the other side, welding more parts.

I again ran into money and orders (because I sharpen myself, but I don’t have my own machine and there’s no access nearby either), I ran into turning work, transportation, etc. And then I finally realized that I was doing nonsense and now I don’t need it. I spent so much time and money transporting this rotor so many times, just for the sake of my own epiphany. Been hanging around with him for so many years, trying to turn him into water wheel or a turbine and only now “it came to the giraffe.” And I began to understand more deeply the technologies of the 17th and 18th centuries from the perspective of technologies from the times of the Earth’s transition. I realized that all this is our hardware by and large no need. It entails welding, with all the connection problems, lack of power in towns and villages, consumable electrodes, disks, turning work, fussing, and essentially MONEY.

If I had money then, the necessary conclusions and insights would not have been made. If I were now offered to live that poverty-stricken period again, but with money, I would refuse. Otherwise I would have sold my insights. Then they could buy them from me. But they are expensive. You can't measure them with money. I simply lived the lessons that still lie ahead for everyone who believes that there will always be money.

And even since we have created some workshops, we can do this in hardware together, on our equipment, chipping in with our pensions and earnings. But this is still a certain complexity. It does not show how to LIVE WITHOUT MONEY and live without technocracy. But I set a goal for myself (I deliberately turned myself in this direction) - to collect possible information, adapt and distribute it widely, to show how it is possible to do something without technocracy. Literally from what WILL REMAIN WITH US AT OUR DISPOSAL and there will be no other. When the hour "H" comes.

And later, having explored the topic of upcoming events on the planet even more deeply, he formed a system or concept of technology and technology of the transition period called “Stalker 2012-17-30”. With a bit of a joke, the decoding of the abbreviation is as follows:

Armageddon Technology System of the Human Concept of Unified Development.

And Stalker is a guide to the unknown, the transcendental, the anomalous, which awaits us all. And if Stalker is a guide, then Stalker technologies will help us “go through” the period of Earth’s transition.

We certainly hope to complete it. There is no miracle. Everything is very simple.

When will this happen?

Now we will wait for spring. Maybe we'll make it earlier. We’ll cut out half a meter of ice with a chainsaw and “fish” for it. But I wouldn’t make any deadlines and I wouldn’t promise anything, especially so. Few of our deadlines come true. Let's live by the process and not the result.

And I can also add: We work with it only because we started it once. In fact, our interest has long been directed to other areas.

Let's touch on this area just. That's what I wanted to talk about.

Yes. These are gravity wheels or the so-called unbalanced wheel principle, which is the simplest and affordable alternative for any yard or household. The question is controversial, of course, for people who are not initiated, and especially for adherents of the orthodox scientific approach. But those who search in this area have long understood that gravity can do useful work. And we were convinced in practice.

Returning to the topic of the previous conversation, the dogma ABOUT the IMPOSSIBILITY of creating a device with an efficiency higher than 100%, or an engine that turns itself, seemingly without consuming anything, and even produces work, is a false dogma. And those who do not know about it or do not believe in it often do everything successfully and everything works for them.

At the end of the second millennium, a lot of contact (channeling) information began to appear, all kinds of references and warnings (in books and other literature) that flows of information about “new” sources of free energy would soon simply pour over the edge into thousands and millions of minds, and suppress they will become simply impossible. Millions of people will receive information on a conscious level and make “their” inventions in real life. Disinformation will also not be able to stop this truly gigantic wave. This is exactly what is happening these days.

Quite legally, there are many sites where, along with misinformation, there are a lot of gravitational wheels exactly similar to those that were presented as not working in books like entertaining physics by Jan Perelman (or other authors). But they work. And there are hundreds of types and principles. Enough video. Turning a blind eye to this, proving to yourself that it is impossible, this is deception, editing, computer graphics, is hiding your head in the sand.

Gravity wheels are the smallest “pawn” that can be sacrificed by giving it to us in order to save the remaining “pieces”. There are more serious developments. And here we can recall the phrase from the New Testament: “But even dogs eat crumbs from their masters’ table” (in another place children). A hungry person will really go through grub. If you are truly hungry, then where does all your pride go? They gave me a piece and thank you. Why should we be picky?

Here's JUST one example: (YouTube - Chas Campbell - Gravity Wheel)

Photo 11.

One good American guy made a gravity wheel about 3 - 3.5 m in diameter. Below are gearboxes - chain, belt, pulleys and flywheels. The electric generator rotates from them. The roller is very “pinched”, but despite the low quality, we were able to understand that this is a type of unbalanced wheel with a controlled shift of the center of gravity. And naturally, the white disk covers the mechanism that controls the loads. But it’s clear that it’s pale burgundy color the weights, probably interconnected with a slight play, are closer to the center on the left, and further on the right, almost on the periphery. At the top, as they rotate, they rise, and at the stage of movement at the bottom, they also rise. That is, at the top they move away from the center, and at the bottom they are pulled towards it. There is no need to pay attention to the white lines between the outer rim and the inner disk. These are reinforcement elements for rigidity.

Roughly speaking, the loads describe a circle eccentric to the center of rotation of the wheel itself. The rotation goes clockwise. Uncle includes a load of 2.5 - 3.5 kW on the power tool. This is between 3 and 4 kW of mechanical power. It is not so important on which rods (swinging or not) the loads are suspended. The mechanism for managing them is important.

At first, the control mechanism seemed somewhat complex, but workable. And later we came to the conclusion that everything is much simpler.

Rice. 12.

Here is a drawing from the Do It Yourself magazine 15-20 years ago, in an article about water wheels for your own household. Such good old water wheels with rotating plates (blades) began to be used after simple, steam-powered water wheels with static unregulated blades, so that the blades would enter at a more favorable angle, slap the water less in vain, and in general their efficiency is higher than simple ones. They are already a hundred years old or more.

Rice. 13

And if we slightly rotate the drawing, remove the details we don’t need and add our own, then this is what happens. A direct hint from the past. You can imagine two hubs with spokes, spaced a short distance apart, having a common rim. And a crankshaft passes through both hubs, the middle journal of which is spaced from the main axis (main journals) at a distance of 0.5 from the difference in the position of the loads on the radius. The third, control, hub is attached to this middle neck. From it there are rods (pushers, rods) to the load coupling units (movable coupling, with play, since points A converge and diverge. One of the rods must be rigidly connected to the hub, the rest must swing.

That's actually the whole mechanism. It is very simple, which many people fail to understand. This raises a lot of controversy. The mind cannot accept the idea that this is simply how it works. "A! Just? - Can't be!" They say it must be difficult. And it is rejected. In fact, “everything ingenious is simple” comes from things like these. Not primitive, but simple.

It is noteworthy that by “random” coincidence(and as the wise say, there are no accidents) the drawing of the Gravitational Wheel was number 13. What does this mean? Mysticism, Rock, Devilishness?

This is Mysticism, but far from rock.
"13"- It has nothing to do with devils and other things, where this is attributed to people who have had this attitude towards the number “13” drummed into them since childhood.

"13" doesn't resonate and is not proportional to any numbers, dimensions and vibration frequencies of this dimension.

IT'S BETWEEN. That is, it symbolizes a transition, a transitional state. It's like "Tone - Semitone" on the keyboard, in music, in color, in sound. So “13″ is the number of TRANSITION. Everything is as it should be.

It's a sign! (Laughing) It's time to GO to Wheels. (Laughter again...)

How else can we move into the future? With a DE-energized socket in your teeth or what?..

Let's return to the turbine. So you can do something like this? Without attracting any large funds. It's still a tree, as far as I understand.

Yes, the fact of the matter is that we want to take the path of not attracting any funds. All we can attract is what we don’t need to attract. It just might speed things up. No more. Maybe we won’t attract anything at all. But will we do it? - Let's see. Maybe we'll find something better.

Because while we were “making” the turbine in a rush, we had outgrown it. It’s no joke, a year and a half breaks. Time passes, the turbine stops. We involuntarily communicate, consult, learn new things. As long as we live to see the bright moment to take on this, maybe we will outgrow it.

It seems to me that something needs to be brought to the end.

So we are finishing the turbine. It’s not easy, but we jokingly agreed - we work in “retro style.” We joke with each other - imagine, we fly around on saucers, and then we wanted, “let’s build a sailboat or a yacht, a real piece of wood. Let's take a walk, let's breathe fresh wind, scrapes, chatter. Like once upon a time. IN past life" And we work with the turbine, thinking about something else. Otherwise, those who are expecting a turbine from us and have invested may not understand us if we give up. Here we are trying for the sake of relationships, and not for the sake of a better result.

After all, the main point is that we will be saved, first of all, by trusting, good relationships, selfless help as in our own family, no matter how much we try to implement this. Otherwise, if everyone is for himself, no pieces of iron or wood will save us, no matter how many we make and stockpile. Behind these just a few words lies the main thing. Just one mention, and life depends on it.

Well, you will make a turbine. Of course, she will give you an idea again, but I think you will follow through with it. What a fundamentally new stage can we reach with such gravitational things?

Well, what is 3.5 kilowatts in your own household? In fact, there is no need for more. This is more than excessive habits. Any carpentry machine consumes about 3 kW. This is electrical power. And if we cut out the “generator - wires - engine” link, just like that, the “clack” is cut out. And they did a direct mechanical transmission. Maybe even our own variators. And there are even fewer losses. The yield is greater. Our carpentry machine, made in any way, especially if made using 17th century technologies, will work from this power. This is enough to provide for the entire economy. Turn on one or the other alternately and that’s enough. Of course, we are not talking about the mandatory presence of only electric stoves and kettles with irons. Natural fire gives much more health to food than all this rubbish. Perhaps as an exception or a spare addition. And light generally requires little things of energy.

Let's draw conclusions: In principle, by combining these things into a certain system, a separate farm can be energy-closed, self-service, say, along a river of some kind...

Or without a river.

Yes, without a river. And these huge substations are not needed, there is no need to disperse it all. As I understand from what has been said, this can be done by almost any person who is more or less intelligent. For some wheel that was invented a long time ago, there is an engineer, there are people who are ready to do this. All this is quickly done and replenished independently, from materials from Nature. That is, we do not lose anything in any cataclysm, since the electrical mechanisms will not fail.

Yes. Yes. We are considering precisely the moment of life in extreme conditions. We are not currently setting the task of creating an alternative to centralized power supply. We just need to survive. The management circles have done a great job of making their future for themselves. Right? They did everything that was considered necessary for their own salvation. We also have the right to do something for our own salvation. You need communications, lighting, minimal video, audio equipment (if it still continues to work) and mechanics, machines. We need to build, make materials, alternative equipment. We want to live. We are given such a right, right?

A question of quality of life. How exactly to live?

Regardless of system shocks. After all, everyone (if not the blind) sees these shocks.

That is, you are optimistic about the number 111, which is developing rapidly in 2011, a new date has been set for the quantum evolutionary leap. Either 11. 11. 11. Or 05. 11. 11. And that the symbol of salvation 111 is a bus that runs along the route Tayaty - Karatuz, number 111 :-)

The combination of circumstances suggests a lot. But I’m not particularly stuck... Maybe the fact that we have come to new information and have new experiences is also the manifestation of all these signs.

(An example of the implementation of birch bearings on a pottery machine in 2006.

Photo 14.

Since electricity tariffs have recently begun to rise, renewable sources of electricity are becoming increasingly important among the population, allowing them to receive electricity almost free of charge. Among such sources known to mankind, it is worth highlighting solar panels, wind generators, and home hydroelectric power plants. But the latter are quite complex, because they have to work in very aggressive conditions. Although this does not mean that it is impossible to build a mini-hydroelectric power station with your own hands.

To do everything correctly and efficiently, the main thing is to choose the right materials. They must ensure maximum durability of the station. Do-it-yourself home hydro generators, the power of which is comparable to that of solar panels and wind turbines can produce much more energy. But although a lot depends on the materials, everything does not end there.

Types of mini hydroelectric power plants

There are a large number of different variations of mini-hydroelectric power stations, each of which has its own advantages, features and disadvantages. The following types of these devices are distinguished:

  • garland;
  • propeller;
  • Daria rotor;
  • water wheel with blades.

A garland hydroelectric power station consists of a cable on which rotors are attached. Such a cable is pulled across the river and immersed in water. The flow of water in the river begins to rotate the rotors, which in turn rotate the cable, at one end of which there is a bearing, and at the other - a generator.

The next type is a water wheel with blades. It is installed perpendicular to the water surface, submerging less than half. As the flow of water acts on the wheel, it rotates and causes the generator for the mini-hydroelectric power station on which this wheel is attached to rotate.

Classic water wheel - a well forgotten old one

As for the propeller hydroelectric power station, it is a wind turbine located under water with a vertical rotor. The width does not exceed 2 centimeters. This width is enough for water, because it is this rating that allows you to produce the maximum amount of electricity with minimal resistance. True, this width is optimal only for flow speeds up to 2 meters per second.

As for other conditions, the parameters of the rotor blades are calculated separately. And the Darrieus rotor is a vertically positioned rotor that operates on the principle of differential pressure. Everything happens similarly with an airplane wing, which is affected by lift.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we consider a garland hydroelectric power station, then it has a number of obvious shortcomings. Firstly, the long cable used in the design poses a danger to others. Rotors hidden under water also pose a great danger. Well, in addition, it is worth noting the low efficiency indicators and high material consumption.

As for the disadvantages of the Darrieus rotor, in order for the device to start generating electricity, it must first be spun up. True, in this case, power is taken directly above the water, so no matter how the water flow changes, the generator will generate electricity.

All of the above are factors that make hydraulic turbines for mini-hydroelectric power plants and water wheels more popular. If we consider the manual construction of such devices, they are not so complicated. And in addition, when minimum costs such mini-hydroelectric power plants are capable of producing maximum efficiency indicators. So the criteria for popularity are obvious.

Where to start construction

The construction of a mini-hydroelectric power station with your own hands should begin with measuring the speed indicators of river flows. This is done very simply: just mark a distance of 10 meters upstream, pick up a stopwatch, throw a chip into the water, and note the time it takes for it to cover the measured distance.

Ultimately, if you divide 10 meters by the number of seconds taken, you get the speed of the river in meters per second. It is worth considering that there is no point in building mini-hydroelectric power stations in places where the flow speed does not exceed 1 m/s.

If the reservoir is far away, you can build a bypass channel

If you need to figure out how mini-hydroelectric power stations are made in areas where the river speed is low, then you can try to increase the flow by organizing a height difference. This can be done through installation drain pipe into the pond. In this case, the diameter of the pipe will directly affect the speed of water flow. The smaller the diameter, the faster the flow.

This approach makes it possible to organize a mini-hydroelectric power station even if there is a small stream passing near the house. That is, a collapsible dam is organized on it, below which a mini-hydroelectric power station is installed directly to power the house and household appliances.

First, let's define the operating principle and types of small hydroelectric power plants. The flow of a river or a falling water stream rotates the turbine blades and a hydraulic pipeline, which is connected to an electric generator - the latter generates electricity. Modern compact hydroelectric power plants have automatic control with the ability to instantly switch to manual mode in case of emergency. The designs of modern factory hydroelectric power plants allow production to be minimized construction work when installing equipment.

Types of mini hydroelectric power plants

Mini power plants include generating devices with a capacity from 1 to 3000 kW. Fundamentally, the thermal power plant consists of:

  1. turbines (water intake device);
  2. generating block;
  3. control systems.

According to the type of water resources used for generation, mini hydroelectric power stations are:

  • Channel rivers. Such stations are built on small lowland rivers with reservoirs.
  • Mountain. Stationary stations that use the energy of fast mountain currents.
  • Industrial. Stations that use differences in water flow at industrial enterprises.
  • Mobile. Stations using reinforced hoses for water flow.

Dam types of stations are characterized by high power, but the construction of a dam is expensive, and in this case it is impossible to do without permits. To get involved with officials in our country is not just to complicate your life, but to call into question the implementation of the most good intentions, so let’s abandon this idea right away.

How does a mini hydroelectric power station work?

The principle diagram of the operation of a hydroelectric power station can be chosen from several options:

  • Garland hydroelectric power station. From one bank of the river to the other, a cable with rotors strung on it is laid under water. The current rotates the rotors and, accordingly, the cable itself. One end of the cable is in a bearing, the other is connected to the generator.
  • Propeller. An underwater structure resembling a wind turbine with narrow blades and a vertical rotor. A blade with a width of only 20 mm at a high rotation speed will provide minimal resistance. A blade of this width is selected at a flow speed of 0.8–2.0 m per second.
  • Water wheel. A wheel with blades, partially submerged in the flow, and located at right angles to the surface of the water. The flow of water presses on the blades, rotating the wheel.
  • Rotor Daria. Vertical rotor with complex blade surfaces. The liquid flowing around the blades creates different pressures, causing rotation.

The photo shows a mini hydroelectric power station based on a water wheel

How to estimate the potential capacity of mini hydroelectric power stations

Before building a mini hydroelectric power station with your own hands, you need to determine the power you can count on. There is a reference relationship between the speed of water flow and the power that can be removed from the shaft in kW with a screw diameter of 1 m.

The speed of the flow is determined by measuring the time it takes for a chip thrown into water to travel a certain distance. Having made simple calculations, we obtain the flow speed in meters per second. If in in this case speed is less than 1 m/sec, then the construction of a hydroelectric power station will not be economically feasible.

At a flow speed of 2.5 m/s, the power will be 0.86 kW, at 3 m/s - 1.24 kW, at 4 m/s - 2.2 kW. The relationship is described by the dependence: the power of a hydroelectric power station is proportional to the cube of the water flow velocity. If the flow velocity at the proposed construction site is low, you can try to increase it by installing a difference in flow heights or by installing a drain pipe with a variable diameter at the outlet of the reservoir. The smaller the outlet diameter of the pipe, the higher the flow rate.

How to make a mini hydroelectric power station at home

The operating principle of a small homemade hydroelectric power station can be understood using the example of a bicycle with a headlight and a dynamo (generator).

  1. From roofing iron we make three blades with a length equal to the radius of the bicycle wheel (the distance from the central hub to the wheel rim) and a width of 3-4 cm.
  2. We install the blades between the spokes of the wheel, bending the edge of the blade around the spokes to secure it. The blades should be aligned evenly while maintaining the same angles between them.
  3. We immerse the wheel with blades in a fast river to a depth of one third to half the diameter of the wheel. The generated electricity will be enough, for example, to light a tent.

Drawing of one of the options for constructing a mini hydroelectric power station

An example would be a small hydroelectric power station for a farm with a capacity of 3-5 kW from scrap materials:

  1. The rotor can be made from an old metal cable drum with a diameter of 2.2 m. Using a grinder and welding at an angle of 45 degrees to the radius, 18 blades need to be welded. The rotor rotates on bearings. Support – metal pipe or angle.
  2. On the rotor you need to install a chain gearbox with a gear ratio (gear ratio) of 4. Next, the rotation will be transmitted through the VAZ 2101 driveshaft. The use of a driveshaft will reduce vibration, and the coaxiality of the drive and generator when using the shaft will be uncritical.
  3. You will need a step-up gearbox (coefficient - 40) and a three-phase generator. The generator rotation speed is about 3000 rpm. The total reduction ratio of the two gearboxes will be 40 x 4 = 160. The generator should be covered with a casing to protect it from moisture and safety. The estimated rotation of the water wheel should be about 20 revolutions per minute.
  4. Can be adapted for generator asynchronous motor, and take the control unit from any small machine. You will need a VVG NG cable 2x4 long from the rotor to farm buildings.


The total manufacturing costs will be about 10-15 thousand rubles. The main expense item is wage welder and worker helping to make and assemble the structure.

The main advantages of such equipment are the low cost of electricity, environmental Safety, inexhaustibility of the energy source and simplicity of design.

The history of hydropower begins with a simple water wheel, which our ancestors came up with the idea of ​​installing on the rapids of a river. At first it was used for the mill, thereby facilitating the work of the millstones. Later, people learned to use the power of water for a variety of purposes - making paper, sawing logs, blacksmithing, and even brewing. The crowning achievement of the creation was an electric generator that was connected to a turbine. This is how hydroelectric power stations appeared, the principle of which is used today for home inventions, including in today’s homemade products.
Its author managed to assemble it literally from an old washing machine, slightly modernizing it and wisely using the resources of the nearest river on his suburban area. He claims that he has been living without an electrical connection for several years and does not pay a penny for electricity. The power from the hydrogenerator is enough to supply electricity not only to all electrical appliances in the house, but also to support the work of the workshop with power tools. How is this possible? Let's take a look together.

Operating principle of a hydroelectric generator

This home development uses the original washing machine body. The engine is remounted into generator mode and placed back in its seat. The Pelton wheel is used as a driving turbine that accumulates water flows and transfers kinetic energy to the generator. The alternating 3-phase current received at the output of the generator is passed through a rectifier consisting of three diode bridges. Direct current is supplied to charge the batteries through the controller, and from them to the 12V/220V inverter, again obtaining a variable frequency.

Materials, tools

  • Old washing machine with inverter motor;
  • Pelton Wheel;
  • A small piece of awning;
  • Plywood;
  • Plexiglas or plexiglass;
  • Silicone;
  • Waterproofing for plastic - paint or mastic;
  • Self-tapping screws, nuts, washers, bolts and sandpaper.
  • Drill with a core cutter, drills and an attachment for self-tapping screws;
  • Reciprocating saw or jigsaw;
  • Hand tool: spanners, pliers, paint knife and silicone gun.

Assembling a hydroelectric generator

Preparatory dismantling work
First you need to disassemble washing machine, leaving only the details we need.

The machine is a vertical type, so we remove the end cover from the front side and dismantle the electronic control panel for washing modes.

We take out the outer drum and dismantle the pump and excess water supply hoses.

We don’t need a flywheel for washing, nor do we need an internal steel container for laundry.

All that should remain is the outer plastic drum and the motor on the shaft.

As we can see, the remounted inverter motor already produces electricity when the shaft rotates.

Now you need to disassemble the engine, leaving only the shaft with bearings on the housing.

Manufacturing of hydraulic turbine

A rubber gasket cut from an old chamber will help seal our shaft. We make a hole in the middle and place it tightly on the shaft rod.

A small Pelton wheel will collect water. This invention is almost one and a half hundred years old, but it still remains relevant and is used even at some hydroelectric power stations. It must be secured to the shaft so that it can move freely and does not touch the housing.

We mark a hole for it in the housing for water supply, and drill it with a hole saw.

Using a jigsaw or reciprocating saw, we make a drain hole in the shape of a rectangle, and close it with self-tapping screws with a piece of waterproof awning. It should look like this (photo).

Next we need to make a plug for the tank of our hydraulic turbine. We make it from a piece of moisture-resistant plywood, cutting out a circle equal to the inner diameter of the drum with a jigsaw. We make an inspection hole in the plug itself to monitor the operation of the unit. Which will then be covered with plexiglass.

We coat the end of the plywood with silicone and push it inside. We secure it with self-tapping screws through the turbine housing.

We cut out a gasket for plexiglass from a rubberized material and glue it to the plywood with silicone.

We drill four holes on the sides of the window rectangle, and inside We place clamping bolts in them. We will attach plexiglass to them so that it is removable in case of unexpected breakdowns.

We seal the joint between our plug and the body with silicone.

To protect the electrical part of the unit, the author installed an additional plastic casing on the edge of the turbine using self-tapping screws. The plastic case itself was painted with paint to protect the plastic from cracking.

It’s time to assemble the engine and install it on the unit. We attach the stator to the mounting bolts.

To obtain direct current for charging batteries, we attach a strip of three diode bridges, each per phase.

We cover the engine with the rotor cover and plug the excess drain holes for the hoses remaining in the housing.

Installation and connection

Our hydrogen generator is almost ready. All that remains is to fix it on a frame made of welded corners, and adapt the water supply using hydrants. The output power of the generator can be adjusted by the pressure force, or by the diameter of the hole in the faucet nozzle, which supplies water directly to the turbine itself. Directional drainage will also ensure that water is returned without harming the river.

Among all alternative sources energy, hydroelectric power plants are the most popular. This fact can be explained quite simply - with the same investment, the return is much greater. The only drawback is that a river or stream is needed for stable operation.

Classification of mini hydroelectric power stations

Depending on the principle of operation, there are four main types of hydroelectric power plants:

  • Hydroelectric power station garland, additional hydraulic structures are used to enhance the flow of water;
  • a classic water wheel, the simplest option for a homemade hydroelectric power station;
  • propeller, suitable if the river bed is more than 10 m wide;
  • The Daoye rotor is used for the manufacture of industrial micro hydroelectric power stations.

What all these types of hydroelectric power stations have in common is that they do not require the construction of a dam to operate. This design- it is highly accurate and expensive engineering facility, the construction of which costs many times more than the hydroelectric power station itself.

The second criterion by which small hydroelectric power plants should be divided is the possibility of application in domestic and industrial purposes. It's about that the same type of hydroelectric power station may have several options for supplying and discharging water. This makes it possible to create power plants that can operate in closed system pipelines. They are relevant for factories and enterprises, manufacturing process, which is associated with high water costs. In addition, the power of the installation must correspond to the demand for electricity.

Household installations are much simpler and cheaper. But their installation is possible only if there is a constant source of water. In this case, we are not talking about municipal water supply.

Advantages of mini hydroelectric power stations

  • operates almost silently and does not pollute the atmosphere;
  • does not affect the quality of water in any way; if desired, filters are installed on the drainage system, which makes the water suitable for drinking;
  • the operation of the station does not depend on weather conditions, electricity is generated 24 hours a day;
  • even a small stream is sufficient for the operation of a hydroelectric power station;
  • there is an opportunity to sell excess electricity to neighbors;
  • there is no need to collect certificates and permits.

Comparison of homemade and factory mini hydroelectric power stations

For household use you need no more than 20 kW per day. This is not much, so the feasibility of purchasing a hydroelectric power station manufactured industrially is called into question. It seems that there are no difficulties in making a wheel or propeller type hydraulic station. But in practice a number of problems arise.

Firstly, it is difficult to make the necessary calculations, secondly, the thickness and size of the parts are selected exclusively experimentally, thirdly, home-made hydroelectric power plants are manufactured without protective elements, which leads to constant breakdowns and, as a result, additional waste.

If there is no experience in hydropower, from the idea homemade installation It's better to refuse. It is much easier and more reliable to discuss the issue with your neighbors and jointly purchase a factory-made hydroelectric power station with a guarantee of quality. In addition, the companies that sell these installations carry out their installation.

Review of mini hydroelectric power station manufacturers

In fact, not many companies are engaged in the production of mini hydroelectric power stations. Intermediary companies try not to disclose this information, as they will lose the lion's share of income. Among those factories that are really worth trusting, CINK Hydro-Energy needs to be highlighted. It is a recognized world leader in the development of hydraulic equipment.

However, before contacting the company manager, it is necessary to calculate the costs of information processing, logistics and installation. In most cases, the amount will not be much less than that of intermediaries.

Which company to order a mini hydroelectric power station from?

Considering that the equipment is quite expensive and manufacturing requires precise mathematical calculations, it makes sense to turn to companies that have proven themselves in the market. Alternative energy is a new direction for our country, so the list is quite small.

1. AEnergy is the largest supplier of high-quality hydroelectric power plants; the company provides a full range of services from collecting and processing information to installing a hydroelectric power station.

2. INSET is a company from St. Petersburg. She independently manufactures hydroelectric power plants, so she is personally responsible for the quality. The advantage of cooperation is that it is possible to order a micro hydroelectric power station for 5-10 kW.

3. Hydroponics is another domestic company that independently manufactures hydroelectric power plants. Warranty for all products is 10 years. Most interesting model Shar-Bulak with a power of 5 kW.

4. NPO Inversion - a design bureau specializing in the development of alternative and standard energy sources. Distinctive features- the presence of non-standard hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of 7.5 and 12.5 kW.

5. Micro hydro power is a Chinese company that sells several relatively inexpensive household units.
