Gasoline generators: what the buyer needs to know. Everything You Need to Know About Gasoline Generators Maintenance Notes

Many manufacturers of household and portable power stations like to indicate incredibly high generator power ratings on the packaging or casing of the equipment. At the same time, only in small print in the instructions, in a mark with an asterisk, do they indicate that this is the maximum peak power, theoretically calculated based on the magnitude of short-term current overloads or inrush currents. Asian manufacturers of generators are especially guilty of such marketing tricks; they are not particularly shy about slightly exaggerating the advantages of the equipment they produce.

The point of advice No. 1 is to base your choice and load your generator, focusing only on the nameplate value of the generator’s rated power or on the power that the power plant provides in long-term operation.

Tip #2. Provide the generator with the necessary supply of oil and filters

The oil and filter change interval in a power plant is quite short and at the same time depends to a very large extent on the intensity and degree of load on the generator. Since it is often difficult to predict how long a generator will be used as a backup or emergency source of electricity when the central power supply is turned off, at least a minimum supply of oil and filters for one replacement will allow you to remain in a critical situation with a working generator.

The point of advice number 2. As a rule, generator manufacturers recommend making the first oil change after 25 hours of generator operation, and subsequent changes every 50-60 hours. Please note that this particular period for changing oil and filters may occur during a critical situation when trouble-free operation generator will become vital. Otherwise, instead of liquidation negative consequences lack of electricity, if you have a working generator, you will be forced to sit without electricity or run around stores or friends in search of Supplies.

Tip #3. Cool down the power plant engine before refueling the generator

After running an electric generator continuously for several hours, many power plant owners immediately grab a can of fuel to refill the generator’s fuel tank to the brim, thereby immediately making at least two serious mistakes!

Most small home and portable power stations are equipped with fuel tanks on top of the body to allow the fuel to flow automatically into the carburetor due to gravity. Imagine what refueling a generator will become if, in a critical situation, your hand trembles and fuel spills onto a hot engine, or you fill a container with gasoline in the dark and it flows down the tank onto a hot engine or exhaust system. And at this time, there is a fuel tank above the hot parts of the power plant and you, bending over the generator, hold a canister with a flammable substance!

The meaning of advice number 3. Allow the generator to cool for at least 15 minutes before refueling. You can survive a quarter of an hour without electricity, but at the same time you will protect yourself and your loved ones from the fiery hell! At the same time, do not forget the accompanying rules when filling the fuel tank - do not rush, be sure to illuminate the work when refueling in the dark and in no case pour fuel into the generator tank to the brim.

Most common reason failure of all generators - poor fuel quality. Since almost all owners of generators keep power plants filled in case of an emergency, even the highest quality fuel begins to lose its properties after some time - it decomposes, loses its most volatile fractions, moisture accumulates in the fuel system, varnish deposits and insoluble sediments fall out. Therefore, manufacturers recommend initially using only fresh, high-quality fuel or at least adding a special stabilizer to it, which protects it from decomposition for a long time.

The meaning of advice number 4. To operate a generator, of course, a certain supply of fuel is required, but it is highly advisable not to store it for a very long time in the generator’s fuel tank. If you do not plan to use the power plant for a long time, empty the fuel tank of the generator when it has cooled down and run the engine until it itself exhausts the remaining fuel from the fuel system.

No matter how attractive it would be to plug the generator into the outlet of an apartment or private house using an adapter or a cord with two plugs and thereby ensure the operation of all electrical equipment in the room, do not do this under any circumstances! This is dangerous for the lives of not only your loved ones, but also even distant neighbors from the house opposite! The power of even a small generator is enough to kill your neighbor or the electrician who is carrying out renovation work on power lines.

The meaning of advice number 5. Use either separate extension cords or permanent indoor emergency wiring that is not connected in any way to the central power lines for connections from the backup generator. Practice shows that in everyday life there is no need to be clever with different schemes automatic input reserves that are used for industrial equipment, because it is either too dangerous or too expensive.

Tip #6 Store generator fuel in a safe environment

Throughout the civilized world, the maximum acceptable standards storing fuel at home. We haven’t gotten to this point yet, and we have more problems with providing high-quality fuel and lubricants, so this advice is purely advisory in nature, based on international experience in operating household and portable generators.

When forming a supply of fuel and oil for the operation of a generator, the idea “the more, the better” does not justify itself at all. For example, it is strictly not recommended to use large cans with a capacity of more than 20 liters to store gasoline. The reasons are simple:

  • When filling the generator fuel tank from a heavy and large container, there is a high risk of fuel spillage or overflow. That is, it is dangerous and inconvenient.
  • A long period during which fuel and lubricants are used up from a large reserve tank can lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of fuel or oil.

The meaning of advice number 6. It is better to store fuel and lubricants in two or even three small cans than in one large one! Refueling is more convenient and safer, and the fuel supply can be replenished or replaced with a new one more quickly!

Tip No. 7 Use grounding and only high-quality wires to connect the load

Life shows that many of our compatriots, when purchasing an expensive power plant, try in every possible way to save on wires, and generally regard the need to ground the generator as a meaningless requirement from the manufacturer.

Why you shouldn't save on wires:

  • Most often the generator is used for open air, respectively, the wires are affected by moisture, sun and heat or frost. The cross-section of the wires must withstand a load of 25%-30% greater than the maximum power of the generator, and the cable insulation must withstand the negative impact environment and be resistant to the influence of fuels and lubricants used in the generator.
  • The cross-section and length of the cable should ensure that the generator can be removed as far as possible from the residential area. Even the most expensive and high-quality generator is still a fairly noisy device with toxic exhaust gases that you should not breathe even in the absence of a central power supply. At the same time, manufacturers recommend limiting the distance of the generator from people to a distance of about 30 meters - this way the negative impact of noise, vibration and exhaust gases will be minimal, but at the same time the power plant will remain under full visual control of the owner.

Why you shouldn’t skimp on grounding:

  • Automatic generator protection provides for disconnecting the load only when there is a short circuit or the current load exceeds the maximum permissible. In the event of an electrical breakdown on the housing, without grounding, circuit breakers will not be able to fulfill the protective functions assigned to them.
  • For stable and safe operation of electrical equipment, the generator must have a clean zero, which cannot be achieved without grounding.

The meaning of advice number 7. Don't skimp on quality wires and grounding. Cables with good gauge wires with reinforced insulation and modular pin grounding do not cost so much to save on the safety of your family or on the repair of electrical equipment connected to the generator.

In this article, we have already recommended that the generator be located at some distance from crowded places. However, such distance from the owner of the generator may provoke thieves to steal an expensive portable power station. The means of protection is simple - just fasten the frame of the power plant to some stationary mount or massive structure. For these purposes, you can, of course, use a standard U-shaped lock with a quick-release bicycle mount, but it is best to purchase a steel chain with a reliable padlock Full construction.

The meaning of advice number 8. In the event of a massive power outage, not only you, but also various dubious individuals who will not be stopped from stealing by ownership of the generator will want to stay with the light. The chain and lock together cost a pittance compared to the cost of the power plant. If you follow the advice and equip the generator installation site with a modular-pin grounding, you will already have an excellent place to fix the generator. It is best in such cases to use a piece sewer pipe with a lid painted to match the color of the lawn. You can place the ground loop terminal inside, and use a powerful lawn anchor to secure the circuit.

If you purchased expensive model gasoline generator, you need to think about the quality of the fuel you are going to use. After all, not all brands of gasoline are suitable for reliable and efficient operation. In this article, we will fully answer all questions regarding the choice of fuel.

What does the quality of gasoline affect?

First of all, high-quality gasoline for is a factor influencing the frequency of refueling. The cleaner and better the gasoline, and this is, as a rule, no lower than A92, you use, the less often you will need to refuel your equipment. The fact is that bad gasoline contains many impurities, as a result of which it burns faster and requires constant refueling. Therefore, if you save money by buying cheap brands, then in the end you pay approximately twice as much.

The duration of operation also directly depends on the quality of gasoline. Low-quality fuel leaves sediment on the walls of the gas tank and engine, which affects the operation of the device. It is worth noting that most often, various engine breakdowns occur as a result of using low-quality gasoline.

Which gasoline to choose

As a rule, the best gasoline for a gasoline generator is A92. Practice shows that when choosing higher grades, the advantages are not great, and the price is sometimes significant. When operating a device with a four-stroke engine, only clean fuel is used. For two-stroke engines, gasoline and oil can be mixed. This is also done for better work engine, and to increase service life, as well as to reduce fuel consumption. In addition, some oils help the generator work better when low temperatures. There are several types of fuels and lubricants, which are classified as summer and winter and have different viscosity and fluidity.

IN winter period A92 grade fuel is mixed with fuels and lubricants of the following types: 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, 25W.3. In summer, W oils are used, numbered 20W, 30W, 40W and 50W. There is also a third type of fuels and lubricants, namely 5W-40 and 25W-40. Such fuels and lubricants are universal and can be used in a wide variety of weather conditions. First of all, before using oil for mixing, carefully read the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer. Some fuels and lubricants are mixed outside the generator, but if the model is marked SELF-MIX, this means that the oil is added to the generator separately, since the model has self-mixing technology.

Experts first of all recommend paying attention to the amount of lead contained in fuel. This substance has a very beneficial effect on the operation of the engine and all equipment in general. Lead does not leave residue on spark plugs and the engine. That is why lead-free gasoline is not recommended.

It is also not recommended to use old fuel to operate a gasoline generator. After six months of storage, the flammable substance undergoes oxidation, as a result of which it causes more soot and soot when used. If fuel is stored at high temperatures, oxidation can begin much earlier. Therefore, before making long-term reserves, you should think very carefully.

As it turns out, not only fuel quality affects effective work generator, but also its correct refueling. So there are a number of recommendations that will help extend the life of your gasoline generator:

  • The tank should not be filled completely. The distance from the upper edge of the neck to the fuel level in the tank must be at least 20-25 mm;
  • You should not pour fuel frequently, as it becomes saturated with oxygen and oxidizes faster;
  • Do not leave fuel in the tank for a long period. It is worth draining the fuel into a canister and making sure that the gas tank is clean when not in use;
  • Fill the tank only in well-ventilated areas;
  • Clean fuel filters from time to time.


High-quality fuel (not lower than A92), mixing fuel with fuels and lubricants and compliance with basic rules when refueling are the three main factors that affect the quality of the generator and its service life.

If your generator is running poorly, turns off spontaneously, produces little power, does not start the first time, or does not start in low temperatures, then the cause may not be a technical problem, but low-quality fuel. It is worth thinking about changing the fuel, for more effective use this technique.

But when choosing, the buyer may have a number of questions regarding the purpose of the device and its functionality. Knowing the answers to these questions, it is much easier to navigate the rich assortment, and in the future more confidently operate a home power plant.

How to determine the power of a power plant?

In order to determine the power of a power plant, you need to carry out simple calculations and take into account some nuances. A simple calculation is to calculate the total power of electrical appliances that will simultaneously be powered by the generator. Further nuances. Electrical appliances can be active, that is, those in which an active load dominates (electric stove, electric heater, lighting lamps, etc.), and inductive (with a dominant inductive load). The latter include electric motors, pumps, saws, compressors, refrigerators, laser printers And other household appliances, in which the inductive load predominates, especially at the moment of switching on.

In order to calculate the power of a station with synchronous generators to power active electrical appliances, you need to sum up the power of these electrical appliances and add 15-20% of the reserve. For quality work electric generator paired with inductive devices you need to add together the power of all devices and multiply by 2.5-3.

It is known from practice that for power supply hunting lodge with 2-3 light bulbs for lighting, a refrigerator and a TV, a 2-kilowatt generator is enough. Builders using a drill, concrete mixer and grinder need to purchase a station with a power of about 6 kilowatts.

How many phases should there be?

For single-phase electrical networks and electrical appliances, single-phase 220 V generators are used. Three-phase 380 V generators are used in houses with three-phase network wiring or in industrial enterprises. When using three-phase generators, it is important to maintain equal power on different phases, but the difference should not exceed 20-25%.

What are the basic rules for using gas generators?

First and very important rule- overloading of a gasoline power plant is unacceptable.

The engine should not for a long time work in idle mode or at low load. An adequate operating mode is considered to be a load from 20 to 80% of the rated power.

The generator cannot run continuously. After running out of two tanks of fuel, the engine must “rest”.

More about high inrush currents

Any electric motor at the moment of starting needs several times more energy than for further operation. A good analogy for this feature is the example of a heavy cart. In order to move such a cart, you need to make a serious effort, but once it picks up speed, it will roll almost by itself. Overloads of inductive electrical devices during start-up last for a fraction of a second, but even during this time it is necessary to provide a power reserve, and then the station will operate without interruption and will not fail. One of the “record holders” in the cohort of devices with high inrush current is submersible pump- frequent inhabitant summer cottages. At the moment of start, its energy consumption can increase by 7-9 times.

Generator Maintenance

Before each start-up, despite the presence of “insurance” automation, you should carry out an external inspection of the generator, check the oil and coolant levels. As a rule, generators are installed outdoors, and this can cause dust to contaminate the unit, which, in turn, can lead to overheating of parts. It is necessary to change the oil on time.

The frequency of maintenance depends on many factors: the model of the station, the intensity of work, the quality of consumables, etc. On average, gasoline generators require attention after every 50-100 operating hours.

In addition to replacing consumables, periodic inspection all electrical contacts must be subjected to tightness bolted connections, vibration level, performance of protection systems, etc.

A generator that is used very rarely requires special attention. Prolonged downtime for the engine can be more destructive than daily hard work. For example, in an “idle” engine, the flexibility of the ring enclosing the piston is lost, soot forms in the working part, etc. Experts advise to avoid such situations, and to run the station at 75% load for about one hour about once a month.

Which brand of gasoline is preferable for use in gasoline generators?

You need to use pure gasoline without adding oil. It is better if the gasoline is unleaded, otherwise the engine life may be significantly reduced due to the formation of particulate matter when leaded gasoline is burned.

For engines with overhead valves (the Latin letters OHV are stamped on the valve cover), you must use gasoline with an octane rating of at least 85 (92, 95, 98).

For engines with side valves, the octane number of the fuel must be at least 77 (80, 92, 95, 98).

When filling the tank of an electric generator, do not fill the gasoline “under the neck”. 20% free space should be left to accommodate the resulting fuel gases.

The figures below show the control panel and the main parts of a four-stroke gasoline generator that you have to deal with during its operation and maintenance.

Gas generator device: 1 - fuel level sensor, 2 - fuel tank, 3 - fuse, 4 - 12V power button, 5 - 12V socket, 6 - voltmeter, 7 - 220V socket, 8 - control light, 9 - ground terminal, 10 - engine switch, 11 - cover/dipstick for filling and oil control, 12 - oil drain plug.

Gasoline generator structure: 13 - frame, 14 - fuel tank cap, 15 - manual starter handle, 16 - fuel valve, 17 - air filter, 18 - muffler protective screen.

The first 20 hours (the figure may be different) of the gas generator’s operation is the time during which the parts get used to each other. Therefore, during this period, you cannot connect a load whose power exceeds 50% of the rated power of the unit.

If you plan to always run the gas generator at an altitude of more than 1500 meters above sea level, you should check with your dealer before purchasing whether it is possible to properly upgrade the carburetor. In high mountain areas fuel-air mixture a standard carburetor will be very rich. Performance will decrease and fuel consumption will increase. To avoid this, install a smaller diameter main fuel jet in the carburetor and adjust the engine accordingly. Even with a modified carburetor, engine power will decrease approximately 3.5% for every 300 m of elevation gain. The effect of altitude on engine power will be greater if the carburetor is not modified. Running the engine at altitudes lower than those specified for the modified carburetor may result in reduced power, overheating, and severe engine damage.

Checking the oil level. Checking the oil level in the engine crankcase is carried out before each start, since high-quality engine lubrication is extremely important. an important condition correct operation gas generator.

Checking the oil level in the crankcase is performed with the engine not running. The generator is installed on a flat horizontal surface. If the generator was running before, wait about 5 minutes after stopping.

The oil level is checked using a dipstick inserted into the oil filler neck. Before removing it, you need to clean the area around it to prevent contamination from entering the crankcase. The dipstick is removed and wiped with a clean cloth. It is installed (without screwing) into the oil filler neck until it stops and removed again. The oil mark should be located between the mark on the dipstick and its end. The figure below shows the process of measuring the oil level.

If there is not enough oil in the crankcase, you need to add it to the lower edge of the neck hole and install the dipstick in place, screwing it tightly.

Refueling. Refueling must be done in a well-ventilated area. When working, smoking and using open flames are prohibited. You need to work carefully, avoiding spills. Inhalation of vapors and skin contact with fuel should be avoided whenever possible.

Gasoline generators usually use A92 gasoline (at least). But in any case, you need to use the brand of gasoline that is indicated in the operating instructions for the generator. Do not use leaded or lightly leaded gasoline.

The fuel consumption of a gas generator depends on its power and can range from values ​​less than 1 l/hour (with a power of 2 kW or less) to 2 (with a power of 5 kW) or more l/hour.

If the engine is four-stroke, pure gasoline is used for refueling without mixing it with oil. In two-stroke engines, a mixture of gasoline and motor oil (for two-stroke engines) is used as fuel in the ratio specified in the instructions.

As for the adjustment of the gas generator carburetor and the engine speed controller, they are usually carried out at the manufacturer. The voltage and frequency at the generator output depend on the engine rotation speed. Tampering with carburetor settings will usually void the warranty.

If gasoline is already poured into the tank, you need to check its level - using the fuel level indicator or visually. Maximum level should be located no higher than the shoulder of the fuel filter (see figure below).

If there is no fuel in the tank at all or there is not enough fuel, you need to add gasoline to the shoulder of the fuel filter - approximately 20-25 mm below the upper edge of the filler neck. To avoid fuel leakage due to thermal expansion, do not fill the tank to the top of the neck. After finishing refueling, you need to replace the fuel tank cap and screw it tightly.

You should not make large (for a year) reserves of gasoline; six months after production, tarring reactions appear in gasoline. After this period, the use of gasoline risks excess carbon deposits and smoke.

The rate of chemical changes during gasoline storage depends on temperature, contact of non-ferrous metals with gasoline, degree of filling of the container, amount of transfusion, etc. Storage temperature has the greatest accelerating effect. An increase in the temperature of gasoline during storage is accompanied by accelerated oxidation and tar formation. When the storage temperature increases by 10°, the rate of resin formation increases by 2.4-2.8 times. All the most commonly used metals, when in contact with gasoline, accelerate its oxidation and the formation of tarry substances. On the other side of the wall metal canisters impermeable to oxygen, unlike the walls plastic canisters. Copper and its alloys have the greatest accelerating effect. Repeated transfers of gasoline from container to container contribute to a decrease in the quality of gasoline. When transfused, gasoline is saturated with atmospheric oxygen, the intensity of oxidative processes in it increases, and tar formation accelerates. The process of oxidation and tarring is significantly accelerated in the presence of resinous substances previously deposited in the container or residues of tarred gasoline from previous storage. When gasoline turns reddish, this is a sure sign that the tar content exceeds the permissible limit. If the container is not tightly closed, low-boiling components evaporate. The evaporation of light hydrocarbons leads to an increase in the density of gasoline and a deterioration in their starting qualities. In gasolines obtained from direct distillation and thermal cracking products, low-boiling fractions have the highest anti-knock properties, therefore, when they are lost, the octane numbers of such gasolines decrease slightly.

Engine starting. The gas generator can be started using a manual or electric starter. There are generator models equipped with both types of starting.

Starting the generator manual starter is carried out as follows.

  • Disconnect electricity consumers from the electric generator, set the voltage switch (fuse) to the “off” position.

  • The fuel valve opens.

  • The choke handle is set to the "closed" position. This action is performed on a cold engine and is not performed if the engine has previously been running and remains warm.

  • The ignition is turned on (the engine switch is turned to the “on” position).

  • The starter handle is pulled out until resistance appears, released to the lower position and jerked sharply, or immediately jerked sharply without releasing to the lower position. In this case, the cord is not pulled out completely and is not released sharply from the upper position in order to avoid damage to the starter.

  • After the engine has warmed up (1-3 minutes), the air damper is set to the “open” position. It's better to do it gradually as it warms up.

Starting with an electric starter can vary greatly depending on the degree of automation of the process. In the very simple version, when starting with an electric starter, the same actions are first performed as with a manual start (the tap opens, the air damper closes on a cold engine, the ignition is turned on).

The engine switch is set to the "electric start" position. After starting the engine, you must return the switch to its previous position. On some models of gas generators this happens automatically.

If the engine does not start immediately, the time the switch is in the “electric start” position should not exceed 5 seconds. Restart should be made no earlier than after 10 seconds. If three attempts to start the engine fail, you should look for a malfunction due to which the engine does not start. The battery may need to be charged.

After starting the engine, open the choke.

It is prohibited to operate the generator without connecting the load for more than 3-30 minutes (the figure is very different for different gas generators). The minimum load on a gasoline generator is about 10-20% of the rated power of the generator. The fact is that if you do not load the gas generator, the fuel may not burn completely. In 70% of such cases, plaque is deposited in the combustion chamber and on the spark plugs. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically carry out preventive maintenance - run the unit for an hour, connecting to it consumers with a total energy consumption equal to the rated power of the generator. This helps get rid of deposits and associated soot, as well as maintain engine life.

Load switching procedure. Must be observed a certain order. Consumers with the highest inrush currents need to be connected first. Then connect the devices in descending order of the last. Finally, energy consumers with a starting current coefficient equal to 1 are connected, for example, electric heaters.

Stopping the engine. The operation is performed in the following sequence.

  • Electrical consumers are turned off.
  • The voltage switch (fuse) is turned off.
  • If the generator was operating under heavy load, let the generator run for several minutes (1-3 minutes) without load.
  • The ignition is turned off.
  • The fuel valve closes.

At emergency stop generator, you must immediately turn off the ignition.


To maintain the equipment in good condition, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance of the gas generator - in strict accordance with the operating instructions for the specific model. The main maintenance work comes down to ensuring normal operation engine. The generator itself does not require special maintenance. All that is required is regular removal of dust from its body to avoid cooling problems and replacement of brushes (if any).

Typical types of work maintenance and their approximate frequency are presented in the table below.

Approximate maintenance schedule for gasoline generators*

Replace Clear Replace Gas tank filter Fuel line filter Replace
Types of jobs Every use Every 3 months or after 50 hours. Every 6 months or after 100 hours. Every year or every 300 hours.
OilCheck +  
Check +   
Clear   +  
Clear   +  
Check  +  

* - The table contains approximate data; the exact data should be found in the operating manual for a specific gas generator. For example, an oil change is often required after 6 months or 100 hours, rather than 50.
** - the first oil change is performed after 20-25 hours. Sometimes the instructions require the first oil change after 8 hours, then the second change after 25 hours.

In addition to the above work, it is necessary to perform others related to engine disassembly, but they are performed in service centers.

The chart shown only applies to normal conditions operation of the gas generator. If the engine is operated under extreme conditions (prolonged high loads, high temperatures, high humidity and dust), the time between maintenance must be reduced.

For gasoline generators, it is necessary to use only high-quality oils for gasoline engines. If we're talking about about a four-stroke engine, then SAE 10W30 can be used as a universal oil for operation at all temperatures (if the generator is started very rarely). It should be borne in mind that at temperatures above 4°C, multi-temperature oils are consumed to a greater extent than conventional ones and can cause accelerated engine wear. When using them, it is necessary to check the oil level more often than usual.

The optimal choice of oils for different temperatures can be made using the following information. The most recommended oils depending on operating temperature:

  • above 4 °C - SAE 30;
  • from -18 °C to +4 °C - SAE 10W-30, 5W-30;
  • below 4 °C - synthetic oils SAE 5W-20, 5W-30.

When using SAE 30 oil at temperatures below 4°C, starting may be difficult due to lack of lubrication and use of this oil at low temperatures may lead to premature engine wear.

Avoid long-term contact of the skin of your hands with oil ( machine oil carcinogenic). Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The oil must be changed when the engine is warm (1-3 minutes), this ensures quick and complete drainage of the waste. To replace, you need to unscrew the plug with the oil level indicator (dipstick) (1), unscrew the drain plug (2) and drain the oil into a suitable container. After this, screw in the drain plug and fill in fresh oil through the dipstick hole (1) to the required level.

Air filter maintenance. The air filter cleans the air that enters the carburetor, where it mixes with fuel. During operation of the gas generator, the filter gradually becomes dirty and ceases to perform its functions. A clogged air filter worsens the quality of the fuel mixture, disrupts engine performance and leads to accelerated wear.

To prevent this from happening, the air filter must be serviced regularly. This is done as follows.

  • Remove the filter housing cover.
  • Remove and inspect the filter for dirt and damage.
  • Damaged paper and foam filters are replaced with new ones. A dirty paper filter element must also be replaced. The contaminated foam filter is washed with soapy water, wrung out thoroughly, and dried. Cleaning the foam filter element with gasoline is not recommended due to the fire hazard of the latter.
  • The foam filter is moistened with clean motor or special oil, wrung out and inserted into place. Do not allow the skin of your hands to come into contact with the oil.
  • Close the filter housing cover.

Cleaning the fuel filter. Before entering the combustion chamber, the fuel passes through several filters. One of them is located in the fuel tap. It needs to be washed from time to time. To do this you need:

  • close the fuel valve;
  • unscrew the sump nut and remove the o-ring and strainer;
  • wash the sedimentation tank, filter and sealing ring in gasoline;
  • install the parts in place and tighten the sump nut;
  • Open the fuel valve and check for fuel leaks.

Fuel tap with filter: 1 - fuel tap, 2 - settling filter, 3 - mesh, 4 - o-ring, 5 - settling tank.

Spark plug maintenance. For gasoline generators, only those spark plugs specified by the manufacturer should be used. Information about this is contained in the operating manuals for the equipment. Maintenance of the spark plug is carried out only on a cold engine. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • The spark plug cap can be removed and cleaned if necessary.
  • Using a spark plug wrench, unscrew the spark plug.
  • The integrity of its insulator is visually checked. If cracks are detected, the spark plug must be replaced.
  • A special probe measures the gap between the electrodes, which should normally be 0.7-0.8 mm. If the actual values ​​deviate from the required ones, the spark plug gap is adjusted by bending or bending the upper electrode, or replacing the spark plug.
  • If necessary, carbon deposits can be removed with fine sandpaper or a file.
  • The candle is installed in place manually to avoid thread distortion.
  • Wraps with a force of NO MORE than 25-30 Nm. After screwing in the new spark plug by hand, it should be tightened 1/2 turn with a wrench to compress the washer. If installing an already used spark plug, it should be tightened by turning only 1/8-1/4 turn after tightening by hand.
  • The cap is put on.

Preparing a gas generator for long-term storage (preservation)

When placing a gasoline generator into storage (more than 3 months), it is necessary to perform a series of next works carried out after the engine has completely cooled down.
  • Completely drain the gasoline from the tank and dry it through the drain screw through the carburetor. With the drain screw loosened, remove the spark plug cap and pull the starter cord 3-4 times to drain the fuel from the fuel pump. Clean the fuel filters and install them in place.
  • Change the engine oil.
  • Remove the spark plug and pour one tablespoon of engine oil into the cylinder. Rotate the engine shaft several times so that the oil covers the rubbing surfaces. If the cylinder has been coated with oil during storage preparation, the engine may smoke slightly during startup. This is fine.
  • Screw the spark plug into place and turn the shaft with the starter handle until resistance appears. At this moment, the piston is at the top of the compression stroke, the intake and exhaust valves are closed, which prevents internal corrosion of the engine.
  • Place the generator in a clean and dry place for long-term storage.

As mentioned above, gasoline oxidizes and deteriorates during storage. Old fuel causes poor starting; it contains resinous substances that contaminate the fuel system and can cause engine failure. How long fuel can be stored in the fuel tank and carburetor without causing functional problems can vary depending on factors such as temperature, air humidity, and how full the fuel tank is. Air in a partially filled fuel tank causes fuel to deteriorate. High temperature and wet air accelerate the aging of gasoline. The problem of fuel quality deterioration may occur within 2-3 months or less, so it is recommended that during long breaks in operation, drain the fuel from the tank and carburetor and always use fresh fuel for operation.

Possible malfunctions of the gas generator and methods for eliminating them

Possible reason Elimination method
Engine won't start
Poor quality fuelChange fuel
No fuel is getting into the carburetorCheck whether the fuel valve is open or not
No spark at spark plugCheck and replace spark plug or magneto
Empty fuel tankFill the fuel tank
Engine stops
Air filter clogged
Low oil levelCheck and add oil
Clogged oil filter Replace
Fuel filter cloggedClean the fuel filter
The hole in the fuel tank cap is cloggedClean or replace the cover
The engine does not develop power
Air filter cloggedClean or replace the filter
Piston ring wearReplace rings
The engine smokes, the exhaust gases are blue
Increased wear between valve stem and guide sleeveReplace worn parts
Increased wear of the piston and cylinderReplace worn parts
Increased wear of piston ringsReplace rings
Increased level oil in the crankcaseCheck and adjust oil level
The engine smokes, the exhaust gases are black
Motor overloadReduce electrical power take-off
Fuel supply too highAdjust fuel pump
Air filter cloggedClean or replace the filter
The engine gets very hot
Cylinder fins are dirtyClean cylinder fins
Unstable engine operation
Speed ​​controller malfunctionFind and eliminate the cause
Increased oil consumption
Increased clearance between valve stem and guide sleeveReplace worn parts
Piston ring wearReplace rings
Cylinder wearReplace cylinder


A generator is a device that produces electricity, which can be dangerous under certain conditions. When the engine is running, exhaust system parts heat up to high temperatures. Therefore, the operation of a gas generator must comply with certain electrical and fire safety rules.

You must not be allowed to be present in work area strangers and animals.

Avoid using the generator in areas with high humidity, in an open space during snow or rain. When working with the unit, hands and clothing must be dry.

Do not use the electric generator near flammable materials, flammable and explosive gases and liquids. The generator should be located at least 1 meter from other equipment and walls. You must be careful not to touch the engine or exhaust pipe while the gas generator is running. This can cause serious burns.

Smoking is prohibited near the generator, and open flames or sparks must not be allowed near it.

Handle power cables with care; do not touch live parts of the generator. Damaged wires must be insulated or replaced immediately.

Before repairing and servicing the gas generator, it is recommended to disconnect the spark plug wire to avoid accidental starting of the engine.

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What kind of gasoline flood to the generator

The generator, like no matter what kind of equipment, although it does not have a soul or reason, for some reason “sensitively” responds to the owner’s attitude towards it. You may have heard stories more than once about how “you just bought a generator, worked for two hours and - everything generally does not start” (c). In the overwhelming majority of cases, the protection against oil starvation simply worked and the generator does not start specifically due to low oil level. Let's take a look at how it generally needs to be serviced, and simply use generator.

You bought a generator.

So you've received your generator, removed it from its packaging, and inspected it for any damage that may have occurred during shipping. Make sure that all pipelines are connected to suitable connections.

After studying the instructions, you need to fill in a sufficient amount of motor oil, do not spare money on high-quality oil, not such a large volume is required, we recommend synthetic motor oils (for example, CASTROL Magnatec 5W-40). In any case, when using oil, take into account the temperature of the environment where the generator will be used.

The next step is to fill the fuel tank with fuel. USE ONLY UNLEADED and high quality gasoline. Increased attention should be paid to the purity of gasoline, because mainly canisters are used as intermediate containers for gasoline; you need to be sure that water and/or foreign substances and dirt have not gotten into the gasoline. The introduction of fuel additives with methanol (various octane-increasing additives based on alcohols) is categorically unacceptable. The octane number of gasoline must be at least 87, in other words, it is 92 petrol. We do not recommend using 95 gasoline.

Before starting work, the generator must be installed on a flat, dry surface. If the generator is not equipped with an exhaust gas removal system, the generator can only be started outdoors. Required condition Safe operation is to ground the generator. This is your safety, do not neglect it. The next stage of preparation is an external inspection of the equipment, check all connections and the correctness of the selected power cables.

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What kind of oil flood to gasoline generator

What kind of oil is needed flood to gasoline generator— tips for using gasoline generators! Company...

Be sure to turn off all consumers that you plan to connect to the generator, and only after that can you start the engine.

Please note that equipment must be inspected before each start-up and after 8 hours of continuous operation of the equipment.


· Open the fuel rotary valve.

· Pull the throttle lever towards you.

· If the engine is equipped with electric start, press and hold the Start/On/Off button until the engine starts. If the engine is started using the Recoil Starting System, you need to move the button to the Start position and pull the starting handle sharply towards you.

· Be sure to let the engine run for a few minutes. Gradually return the throttle lever to its original position.

· Only after this can you connect current consumers.

Generator stop.

· Turn off all current consumers connected to the generator

· Disconnect and switch off the generator load.

· The engine needs to run for a few minutes without load.

· Press and hold the Start/On/Off key until the engine stops completely.

· Be sure to close the fuel rotary valve.

Running in the engine

The generators we sell are extremely reliable equipment. But how long you use your generator depends on how long it will last you. Proper running-in of an internal combustion engine generator is the basis for long and trouble-free operation.

Despite the fact that it would seem logical not to load the generator during break-in, we strongly recommend that you give at least a fifty percent load for the first one and a half to two hours of running in the generator. It is impossible for the generator to operate for a long time with minimal load or no load at all. Please note that you will need to check the oil level every time you fill up with fuel. It’s even better to do this during break-in every 4 hours. The oil (on a hot engine) is changed after 20 hours of operation. After this, the run-in can be considered complete.

Regular use

If you don't use generator constantly, we recommend running the unit at 50 power load every month for at least 2 hours. Periodic starts prevent moisture from condensing inside the engine and generator, restore the oil film in the internal combustion engine and significantly reduce oxidation in electrical contacts.

IMPORTANT It is better to run the generator for 2 hours without stopping than 10 times for 12 minutes.

If you are using the generator in a high ambient temperature, please note Special attention for free access fresh air(the engine is AIR COOLING, don't forget this). It is necessary to regularly clean the fins of the engine cooling jacket with a dry cloth. At low temperatures, proper spark plug electrode gap is especially important. In both cases, correctly selected oil in terms of viscosity will be an important point.

If the generator set is operated in high altitude conditions, please note that the engine power, and consequently the generator power, will decrease by 4 every 310 meters above sea level. Those. at an altitude of 1500 meters, a generator with a power of 5.5 kW can realistically produce no more than 4.3 kW. This is especially important for those who buy 1 kW “magic suitcases”. And they are trying to use them in the mountains.
