Air safety. choose a non-toxic air freshener. Review of air fresheners for apartments - which one is better to choose? Car air fresheners

Sweet odors in your home can increase your risk of serious health problems, including cancer.

Whether you want your home to be filled with the scent of cinnamon apple pie, clean laundry, or forest morning freshness, rest assured, there's probably an air freshener to suit your needs. But did you know that its sweetish smell can be harmful to your health? Over the past decade, scientists have conducted research that has identified potentially harmful chemicals contained in such refreshments.

In 2015, the U.S. air freshener market generated approximately $1.8 billion from a variety of aerosols, electrical installations, candles, oil diffusers and other products. According to the National Consulate for the Protection of Resources, 75% of families use such funds.

University of Melbourne Professor Anne Steinemann has conducted extensive research into the health effects of fragrances. She found that one quarter of the ingredients in air fresheners are classified as toxic or hazardous. “Ultimately it comes down to individual sensitivity,” she says. – Symptoms may not appear. However, just because these drugs don’t kill you doesn’t mean they are completely harmless. Some effects may appear later."

How worried should you be?

Fragrance products have been found to contain hazardous chemicals that end up in the air you breathe. However, not every researcher confirms the fact that these drugs are harmful. Kent Pinkerton, professor at the Center for Health and Safety environment from the University of California, Davis, specializes in the effects of toxic substances on the respiratory system. It studies the effects of particles present in the air both indoors and outdoors.

“I'm not sure air fresheners should be banned,” says Dr. Pinkerton, “we don't have strong evidence. But definitely for some chemical substances need to be careful. As you consider this question, think about what your lungs experience on a daily basis. Our lungs are like a filter. On an ordinary day, even the clearest one, we inhale millions of particles and still feel fine. Either these particles are non-toxic, or they are retained by the filter.”

When assessing the potential risk of using products like air fresheners, you need to consider the weakest links. IN in this case these are people whose lungs are already more susceptible (for example, those who suffer from asthma or chronic diseases lungs), as well as children. “Children do not have a fully developed metabolic system—their bodies are not able to process certain substances,” says Dr. Pinkerton, who is also a professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Davis School of Medicine. "Regardless of what's in the air, children are 30 times more likely to be exposed to substances due to the relationship between activity level and body size."

Dr. Pinkerton believes people should consider the risks when making the best choice for yourself and your family. “We have serious concerns about prolonged exposure to harmful airborne particles. Using air fresheners for years has potential risks.”

5 Chemicals in Air Fresheners You Need to Be Careful With

If you do use such products, be aware that they may contain the following chemicals.

Volatile organic compounds

Volatile organic compounds are gaseous byproducts released into the air through a range of products, from paints to disinfectants and vehicle products, the Environmental Protection Agency says. The most common volatile organic compounds are classified as toxic or hazardous.

According to a 2015 study by Dr. Steinemann published in the journal Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, air fresheners may contain acetone, ethanol, d-limonene, pinene and acetate. Depending on the length of time exposed to these substances, as well as individual sensitivity, toxic VOCs can cause a number of symptoms, including irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, nausea, headaches and even damage to the liver, kidneys and central nervous system. nervous system.

“The most common chemicals found in fragrances are terpenes (limonene, pinene, etc.) and they are quite toxic,” says Steinemann, “when they interact with ozone in the air, they create a number of secondary pollutants such as formaldehyde and ultrafine particles. Ultrafine particles cause heart and lung disease and respiratory problems.”

To reduce exposure to such substances, the Agency recommends increased ventilation when using products containing the above elements. And also follow all precautions listed on the packages and throw away used flavors in special containers for the safety of the environment.


The scientific community addressed the issue of the safety of air fresheners about ten years ago. As a result of research, it was revealed that the abundance of potentially dangerous chemical elements and byproducts such as formaldehyde are released into the air every time the spray button is pressed. In 2015, the journal Science of The Total Environment published data assessing the risk of these chemicals affecting the respiratory tract under the most realistic scenario: using products containing harmful ingredients in the home. Scientists have found that electric air fresheners release significant amounts of formaldehyde (17% of the maximum limit). permissible norm) and when combined with other products used indoors (such as cleaning products and furniture polish), exposure to formaldehyde is 34% in 30 minutes.

“Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen,” says Dr. Steinemann, “In terms of symptoms, you may experience irritation in your eyes, nose, throat, and you may experience coughing, sneezing, bronchitis, and dizziness.” The reaction and intensity of the symptoms that appear depends on individual sensitivity.

According to the World Health Organization, other sources of formaldehyde include the following: rubber contained in chipboard and plywood, paints, varnishes, cleaning products, cosmetics, etc. “When using some chemicals when combined with others, the possibility of pathological reactions increases, notes Dr. Steinemann. “You increase the risk by combining products with fragrances, cleaning agents and disinfectants.”

Worried about this substance in your home? Formaldehyde is one of the few air pollutants that can be measured special device. Assess and then, if possible, eliminate the source. If this is not possible, try to reduce the intensity of exposure by using sealing materials on all finishing surfaces and furniture.

Phthalic acid ester

If you have a pregnant relative or small children spending time in your home, you should consider safety usual ways eliminating odors. One study conducted in 2007 looked at 14 types of air fresheners. It was revealed that 12 of them contained phthalic acid ester. Moreover, even those that stated “unscented” and “all natural.”

Phthalic ether, which is used to eliminate odors, causes changes in hormonal levels, poor sperm quality, birth defects and reproductive pathologies. Moreover, a type of phthalate ester called Di (2-ethylhexyl), found in products such as air fresheners, is a carcinogen.

1,4 dichlorobenzene

One of the main ingredients in mothballs, odor eliminators and toilet fresheners, 1,4 dichlorobenzene (1,4 DCB), has been linked to two serious health conditions. It can cause deterioration in lung function. And as a result of an experiment on mice, it turned out that prolonged use of products containing this element causes liver cancer. This is reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Even a slight decrease in lung function can have serious consequences,” said researcher Stephanie London, lead author of the study. – The best way The best way to protect yourself, especially for children with asthma and other respiratory diseases, is to reduce the use of products and materials containing such compounds.”


For people suffering from seasonal allergies, chronic asthma, lung disease or the common cold, air fresheners should be prohibited. This is reported by Jeanne Tuck, an allergist in Cape Gerardeau and a spokeswoman for the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

“Sprays, candles, and fragrances all contain substances that irritate the respiratory tract,” says Dr. Tuck. “Patients with asthma and other chronic lung diseases or allergies already have inflammation, so irritants can make the problem even worse.”

According to a 2011 study by the American College, volatile organic compounds in air fresheners can cause a 34% increase in health problems among people with asthma. “The example I give is: if you don’t smoke and walk into a room filled with tobacco smoke, will you feel sick and suffocate? And if you already have a cold, how much worse will you perceive polluted air? If you are sensitive enough to exposure to volatile organics, it can be harmful to your health. As an allergist, I do not recommend any fresheners to my patients,” says Dr. Tuck.

The safest method of using fragrance products indoors

If you are concerned about the effects of volatile organic compounds, phthalate ether and other chemicals contained in home air fresheners, but still want to fill your home with a pleasant aroma, try to use sources that are close to natural. Brew mint tea or peel an orange. Only natural clean sources free from various harmful substances. Even essential oils can contain unsafe chemicals.

Another way to freshen up a room is to simply open the windows. “Why use air fresheners at all? They are not intended for air purification and disinfection; it's just a chemical mixture that masks odors,” says Dr. Steinemann. Best smell is his absence. This means your home is actually clean.

Who wouldn’t want there to always be an unobtrusive and pleasant aroma in the house, and at the same time it would be absolutely harmless to our health and the health of our children. Store-bought air fresheners are not very good in composition, and the smell from them does not last long. Why not make your own air freshener from... natural oils? You can customize the scent based on your own preferences.

So, we invite you to make your own aroma diffuser. Nowadays such diffusers are found in many homes, but they are not that cheap. Homemade flavoring will cost you less. It can also be placed in the car or on the desktop in the office.

You will need:

  • empty small jar;
  • bamboo sticks (sold in hardware stores);
  • vegetable oil;
  • essential oils of your choice.

How to do?

You just need to mix a little in a jar vegetable oil with your favorite essential oils (you need as many essential oils as you feel is right), cut off the sharp ends of the bamboo sticks and make the edge a little like a brush. We insert the resulting sticks, tassels down, into a jar of oils. The more sticks there are in the jar, the more intense the smell. That's all. And completely harmless to health.

A diffuser can also become a stylish decoration in your rooms.

Sometimes even after spring cleaning It is not possible to get rid of unpleasant odors in the apartment. If you are also familiar with this situation, do not get upset prematurely.

With these useful tips you can improve the smell in your home.

1. Soda

You don't have to run to the store to improve the smell in your room. Nowadays, natural products and means to neutralize unpleasant odors are more popular. One such product is regular baking soda, because it has the ability to absorb all annoying odors.

You can freshen the air in your home using baking soda very simply: place several containers with baking soda at different angles living rooms. Be careful, because you need to place the soda in places inaccessible to children.

2. charcoal

Another effective natural air freshener product is charcoal. It will help neutralize strong unpleasant odors; besides, coal is perfect for rooms with high humidity. Remember to replace the charcoal with new one from time to time to achieve the desired effect.

3. Water and vinegar

It's no secret that after cooking, a whole range of different smells reigns in the room. If you want to remedy the situation and improve the smell in your kitchen, prepare a natural vinegar-based solution. To do this, take a small container and mix in it table vinegar and water in equal proportions.

Add aromatic spices or natural citrus fruit zest to the vinegar solution. Place a container of this natural remedy in your kitchen to absorb unpleasant odors while you prepare dinner.

In fact, such a product can be used not only in the kitchen, but also in other rooms, because the vinegar solution has the ability to absorb the smell of tobacco.

4. Essential oils

In fact, essential oils are among the most effective natural remedies to freshen the air. All you need is to add 15 drops essential oil lemon or lavender in a spray bottle pre-filled with water. Shake thoroughly to combine product ingredients.

5. Fresh flowers

Gardenias, pelargoniums and orchids are exactly the kind of fragrant plants that can significantly improve the smell of your room. Jasmine flowers also smell good. To enhance the aroma of plants, simply place a bouquet of fresh flowers in a vase of water.

6. Air purifiers

The best and most effective assistants Air fresheners help combat unpleasant odors and harmful microorganisms, in particular viruses and bacteria. These natural remedies will be especially relevant for pet owners, because they perfectly eliminate odors that are inherent in animals.

If you don't like aggressive and intrusive smells, try vanilla scent. Sprinkle a few drops of vanilla extract onto a clean cotton swab and place it near a window or vent. You need to change the stick every 6 hours to achieve a positive effect.

No less effective means is natural freshener based on pine needles. To prepare it, you will need to bring 3 pine sprigs, 2 bay leaves and 1 nutmeg to a boil. If you want to preserve the rich aroma of the products, it is better to cook the mixture over low heat.

Orange air freshener is one of the most effective natural remedies that will help improve the smell of your room. To prepare this remedy, cut an orange in half, remove the pulp and sprinkle salt inside. Then place the orange bowl in an airtight container - and that’s it, the natural air freshener is ready.

Rosemary Air Freshener: To make this remedy, boil fresh rosemary leaves and a few slices of lemon for one hour. If you want to keep your home smelling fresh for several days, it is recommended to add a few drops of vanilla extract to the product.

Natural air freshener based on dried flowers: to prepare this product, grind rose petals, as well as leaves of laurel, eucalyptus, thyme and sage. Mix all the ingredients of the product and place them in clean bags. Once the smell becomes less intense, add a few drops of natural alcohol to the herbs.

7. Don’t forget to ventilate the room

In addition to using natural remedies, do not forget that you can improve the smell in your home through regular room ventilation. Although this tip is quite simple, airing it out really does make your home smell nicer and fresher.

If you want to improve the smell in your room, open the window for at least 10 minutes every day. Thanks to this, you can get rid of unpleasant odors and fill the room with fresh air.

The best remedy for unpleasant odors is a regular stream of cool air, so don’t forget to ventilate your home daily.

Why you shouldn't use air fresheners too often.

Air fresheners have become very popular. They are used at home, in offices, cars, shops. The market share of the flavoring industry is growing rapidly around the world. Laboratories can create any scent. It became possible to artificially create the smell of lotus, rain, or thunderstorms using certain chemicals.

Meanwhile, more and more experts are talking about the dangers of air fresheners. After all, homemade flavorings may contain substances that pose a real threat to human health. In particular, they can affect the respiratory system and cause allergies. You need to be especially careful when using aerosols in a room where there are small children.

Research conducted in the United States several years ago found that residents of homes where artificial fragrances are frequently used have a serious risk of cancer.

The dangers of aerosol fragrances

Rospotrebnadzor classifies air fresheners as III-IV classes for humans: moderate and low-hazardous substances. That is, they cannot definitely be called absolutely safe.

Spray fragrances can cause headaches, irritation of mucous membranes, allergic reactions and asthma.

According to experts, aerosols pose a particular danger. However, gel and other air fresheners can also have harmful effects on the body, since their production uses polymers, dyes and artificial fragrances.

However, the widespread distribution of aerosols is cause for concern. Air fresheners often contain sodium nitrite and sodium benzoate. They are toxic, poisonous substances and can cause DNA mutation.

If aerosols are used frequently, including in confined spaces, anemia may occur.

What else does aerosol air fresheners contain? harmful effects on human body? First of all, these are propane and butane. IN large quantities they negatively affect the respiratory system.

Linalool and solvent can cause severe allergies. Formaldehyde poses a serious danger to the human nervous system. Formaldehyde is toxic; it negatively affects the central nervous, reproductive and respiratory systems of humans, affects the mucous membranes and skin. It is prohibited as a preservative in sprays.

Harmful substances in air fresheners

After reading the label, we can detect substances such as benzene, propane and butane, sodium nitrite, etc. in the aromatic mixture. Formaldehyde, ethanol, pinene, benzene, petroleum distillates, limonene - all these substances in aerosols can be harmful to humans. And phthalates affect the functioning of the reproductive system.

  • Sodium nitrite (sodium nitrite) is a reducing agent. In food production, it is used as a preservative element and is listed as E250. It is used in construction, medicine, paint production, and photography. Toxic.
  • Phthalates (salts and esters of phthalic acid). In cosmetics they act as a binding component. They can accumulate in the body, causing hormonal changes and negatively affecting the kidneys (the liver is also at risk). Diethylhexyl phthalate is able to slow down the breakdown of fats, increasing their formation in the human body.

Foreign odors are present in every living space. Sometimes they are not noticeable to the residents themselves, but are clearly noticeable to guests. The smell of tobacco is especially noticeable. If a smoker lives in the house, then getting rid of the unpleasant “trail” is very difficult. Also, unpleasant odors coming from the toilet, exhaust gases from the street, and kitchen aromas significantly worsen the atmosphere in the house. Today, air fresheners help combat this phenomenon.

How to choose an air freshener for your home

There are several types of air fresheners, thanks to which a pleasant aroma is maintained in the room and even optimal humidity in a residential area.

Humidifier with air freshener function

A traditional humidifier with a freshener function works on the principle of natural evaporation. Water poured into a special humidifier reservoir acts as a kind of filter. Water molecules coming from the humidifier bind dust and dirt particles. Contaminated water passing through the evaporator leaves behind collected “garbage”. A container of aromatic oil fills the home with a pleasant aroma, which can be selected according to personal desires. Humidifier - the purifier produces no more than 60% humidity. Such devices are capable of producing from 4 to 16 liters of steam in 24 hours, and have a capacity of up to 5 liters of water, which is enough for 10 hours of continuous operation. Depending on the type of humidifier, the electricity consumption is 32-50 W, depending on the performance.

When choosing a humidifier-freshener, you should pay attention to the area it is designed for. A device that is too low-power will not cope with its purpose. A large humidifier will use a lot of electricity unnecessarily. For a room of no more than 20 m2, a device with a capacity of up to 5 liters of water and a capacity of up to 8 liters of steam per day is perfect.

Humidifiers-air fresheners are:

  • traditional, working on the principle of an electric kettle;
  • ultrasonic, in which a special membrane is installed that vibrates at a high frequency.

Important! In a residential area, you should use a low-noise device that produces no more than 40 dB. This freshener will not disturb your night's sleep.

To understand which air freshener is best for your home, you need to clearly outline its objectives. Modern humidifiers with aromatherapy effect are able to humidify the air in the room to an acceptable 60%, clean the air of microorganisms, dust and bacteria, and fill the room with a pleasant aroma. These devices use a variety of natural oils.

Wall mounted air fresheners

These air fresheners consist of an aroma block. They are very convenient because they do not require space for placement: the air freshener is simply mounted on the wall in the room. Their advantages are:

  • long period of operation: one unit is enough for a couple of months with regular use;
  • ease of use: lightly pressing the device provides a pleasant scent for more than 8 hours;
  • have aesthetic appearance, are produced in different color variations;
  • do not require maintenance: after use the unit is replaced with a new one.

Such mechanisms are not without drawbacks: they do not eliminate bad smell, but only mask it.

Aerosol fresheners

These air fresheners are very popular, but unfortunately, they are also the most harmful to the environment. With their help, you can eliminate the foreign cutting odor in the room with one click. The scent lasts no more than 2 hours. Aerosol air fresheners come in a wide variety of scents. Pine and lemon are popular.

Toilet blocks

Blocks for toilet room are available in two types:

  • hanging ones, which are attached to the rim of the toilet;
  • in the form of sticks that are glued inside the toilet.

These air fresheners can eliminate unpleasant odors, refreshing the toilet area.

Important! When using toilet blocks, it is strictly forbidden to handle them with your hands. It is necessary to wear rubber gloves when working with such air fresheners.

Aroma crystals

Outwardly, they resemble a small picture: an aromatic gel cartridge is placed in a crystal-shaped frame. After the gel has completely dried, it should be replaced with a new one. This device eliminates unpleasant odors for 1 month. It should be placed especially carefully on light-colored panels, as the air freshener can leave stains that are difficult to remove.

Important! A freshener based on aromatic crystals should only be used in rooms with installed ventilation.

Electronic air fresheners

Such devices can be used both in residential and office space. They are:

  • oil;
  • gel;
  • aerosol.

Modern gadgets have a spray interval setting and a can indicator. They can work no more than 15 hours without a break.

Important! The best air fresheners for the home are devices that do not mask the odor, but eliminate it. For example, OUST 3in1 air purifier “Morning Dew”, Armed “Ecosphere” and others.

Rating of home fresheners

  1. The most popular are aerosol air fresheners for living spaces. When choosing, preference should be given to those products that first neutralize odors and then aromatize the air.
  2. No less in demand electrical devices. Autonomy in use ensures their easy use: there is no need to monitor the air freshening personally.
  3. But the best air freshener is a humidifier with aromatherapy function. Although the devices are more expensive and require regular maintenance, they are increasingly preferred. Modern devices multifunctional and easy to use. They not only eliminate unpleasant odors, but are also “air washers,” which is extremely important in a city apartment.

Are air fresheners harmful?

Traditional aerosol air fresheners are unsafe for the environment and humans. The most dangerous substances are those containing volatile chemical compounds. They penetrate the human respiratory system. Sodium benzoate and sodium nitrite are especially unsafe. If the air freshener contains these components, then you should discard the spray. That is why, before purchasing an aerosol air freshener, it is worth studying the composition in detail.

The main emphasis when choosing a air freshener is its harmlessness.

Gel air fresheners are safer. The danger of such air fresheners lies in causing allergic reactions. In a house where an allergy sufferer lives, the use of gel air fresheners is highly undesirable.

The safest are air humidifiers with a freshener function, which use natural aroma oils that have a beneficial effect on humans.

Important! Aerosol air fresheners are designed for the toilet. Their use in a bedroom or children's room is strictly prohibited. For such rooms it is worth purchasing an aroma humidifier, for example, AIC ST2850. This 23 W device is capable of serving a room of up to 25 m2.

Modern air fresheners can be completely safe and still perform different functions. They have different shapes, colors, dimensions and can be a wonderful addition to the room.
