What are the differences between moisture-resistant and laminated chipboard? What is the difference between MDF and chipboard, what to look for when choosing. Russian Laminate Company

In modern furniture production a wide range of materials is used. The most common are laminated chipboard and MDF. Both types belong to fibreboards, that is, they are made from wood waste, but they differ significantly in their operational characteristics and properties, although their production technologies have some similarities.

Laminated chipboard - what is it?

Chipboard (chipboard) is compressed wood sawdust and shavings; formaldehyde resins are used as an impregnation and binding composition. The slab has a heterogeneous structure; the density, depending on the grade, is 300–600 kg/m3. For the production of furniture, types with high performance are used. More loose varieties are used for technical purposes or as packaging material.

Next, the chipboard board is laminated - covered with a layer of melamine film under high pressure. The result is a laminated chipboard (laminated chipboard) material that is ready for use in furniture production.

The coating performs several functions:

  • prevents the release of formaldehyde, which is quite harmful to the human body;
  • protects the stove from external influences, moisture ingress;
  • gives the slab an attractive appearance - laminating films of various colors, decors and textures are used to make furniture laminated chipboards.

There is an international classification of environmental safety laminated chipboard. High quality material used in the manufacture of household furniture must comply with class E1. When purchasing, check with the seller and ask to see certificates. Products of class E2 are completely prohibited in Europe and have significant restrictions on use in Russia.

MDF - what is it?

Decoding the abbreviation MDF (fine fraction) says a lot about the raw materials for the manufacture of this tile material. First, wood waste is crushed to a homogeneous fine fraction, dried and compressed. The main binder is lignite, a natural substance found in wood. Formaldehyde is used in the production of MDF in small quantities, and additional processing of parts completely prevents their release.

The result is a material with a homogeneous and high density(600 – 800 kg/m3), smooth and even surface, free of harmful chemical substances. As a protective and finishing layer on MDF, in contrast to chipboard, a variety of materials are applied: PVC film, wood veneer, enamel, plastic, etc.

What is the difference between laminated chipboard and MDF?

Each of the materials has found its application in furniture production due to its structural features and performance characteristics. Comparing the main indicators will help you understand the difference between MDF and laminated chipboard and make the right choice.

High strength is one of the main properties that must be possessed furniture materials. Dense MDF board is much stronger than chipboard and even solid massif. Products made from chipboard are also quite resistant to mechanical loads that may arise when using furniture in domestic conditions. The main weak point of chipboard parts is the attachment points of hinges and fittings: due to the loose structure, gradual destruction of the material is possible.

Resistance to moisture and steam is especially important when choosing furniture for the kitchen or bathroom. Chipboard parts behave well in rooms with normal or slightly increased (in the kitchen) humidity, provided high-quality processing cuts and joints. Through unprotected or damaged surfaces, moisture easily penetrates into the chipboard, which leads to swelling, disruption of geometry and destruction of elements. MDF parts are much more resistant to high humidity and can even survive a flood.

When choosing materials for furniture, technological capabilities are important. Deep milling and drawings can be applied to a dense MDF board, which provides unlimited design space during production furniture facades And decorative elements. Laminated chipboard does not provide such opportunities - a loose surface cannot be properly processed milling machine. MDF bends quite easily - this allows you to make parts with streamlined shapes. Only straight furniture elements are produced from laminated chipboard.

In terms of environmental friendliness, MDF is close to natural wood; the absence of harmful substances allows this material to be used in any residential premises. Application of chipboard limited in children's rooms and hospitals.

Cost is often a deciding factor when choosing furniture. MDF is 1.5–2 times more expensive than chipboard and is used for the manufacture of premium and luxury furniture. Economy segment products are almost always made from laminated chipboard.

The cost of MDF facades can vary significantly depending on the type of finishing material. The most economical coatings are PVC film and plastic sheets, higher on the price scale is enamel (painting), the most expensive finish is veneer natural wood.

What to choose for each room?

The advantages of MDF are obvious, but it is an expensive material. Furniture made entirely from MDF is rare. Manufacturers usually offer combined options. The cases in the vast majority of products on the market are made from laminated chipboard, and the facades are made from MDF, laminated chipboard or a combination of both. This approach allows you to use all aesthetic advantages of MDF and prevent a significant increase in the cost of products.

For a layman, the difference between materials in finished furniture is not always obvious. This can often be determined by its appearance - parts with milling and bends are made only from MDF.

For each room in the house, optimal recommended solutions can be identified for the selection of materials in accordance with operating conditions.

  • Living room, hallway. For cabinets, cabinets and other furniture in rooms general purpose you can choose facades from any material in accordance with your budget and individual requirements for appearance. To save money family budget Chipboard is also quite suitable.
  • Kitchen. Here the furniture is subjected to special loads, changes in temperature and humidity, and exposure to food contaminants. If finances allow, purchase a set with MDF facades.
  • Bathroom. Here it is definitely recommended to install furniture entirely (including the body) made of MDF. The low moisture resistance of chipboard automatically excludes the use of this material in rooms with high humidity.
  • Bedroom. It is better to prefer sets made of MDF. Furniture made from laminated chipboard is acceptable only if it is of very high quality, with careful processing of edges and joints.
  • Children's room. In terms of environmental indicators, undoubtedly better than MDF than laminated chipboard.

When choosing materials for furniture, it is necessary to proceed from the operating conditions of the products and financial capabilities. Cost is the only point in favor of chipboard. All else being equal MDF conditions– the preferred material for the manufacture of furniture facades. Such products have all the advantages of natural wood, and in terms of strength and moisture resistance they even surpass natural wood, while being much cheaper. Wide choose finishing materials allows you to make furniture for individual requirements every customer.

In this article we will answer the most frequently asked questions when choosing cabinet furniture. And the most basic of them is what to choose, chipboard or MDF. First, let's look at the production technology, because... The key differences come from this.

laminated chipboard- laminated chipboard. It is produced by gluing large chips, therefore it has a heterogeneous structure. Known since Soviet times, when it was widely used for the continuous production of standard furniture, which was in every second apartment. Now it can be of two classes - E1 and E2. The first one is considered safer, because its composition minimizes the amount of formaldehyde.

MDF/MDF- Medium Density Fiberboard or medium density fiberboard. Manufactured by pressing under high temperatures. Consists of smaller wood fibers than chipboard. Paraffin and lignin are used to bind the composition, which makes the boards absolutely safe for health.

Which is better: chipboard or MDF

There is no clear answer to this question, because... materials differ in several basic parameters. Let's look at some of them.


Furniture made from chipboard is much cheaper than furniture made from competitive raw materials. This is due to several factors. Firstly, chipboard is a more common option, which means its production has long been put on stream in many factories. Secondly, processing of raw materials is less expensive, because does not require special preparation. The finely dispersed fraction of wood requires a more careful approach. This includes special equipment that dries fibers, and pressing machines that require big square production premises.

Nowadays, cabinet furniture is rarely made only from MDF, because the final product will cost a fabulous amount. Most often it is used for facades, where more elegant carving is required. A side walls, are often made of laminated chipboard, and the rear ones are made of plywood.


The structure of MDF is more flexible in terms of finishing, which means it can be given any shape. That is, carved headboards or cabinet fronts will look more like natural wood. Moreover, there are products that at first glance cannot be distinguished from wood. Of course, it will cost more (see point 1), but it looks more respectable than furniture made from chipboard.

However, furniture made from laminated boards is more variable in terms of color, because the film covering it can not only have any color, but also imitate the color natural wood. Of course, it is more difficult to give it texture, so the coating simply copies the shade very accurately.


MDF is a more modern material, which means its production technology has been worked out to the smallest detail. Manufacturers, competing with each other, try to use innovative technologies, which every year make products safer for use in residential and children's premises.

However, laminated chipboard manufacturers are not lagging behind and are also using new developments that make their products quite competitive. Every year the amount of resins and formaldehydes in the composition decreases, which means the safety of such slabs increases. At a higher cost, it is still worth giving preference to E1 class chipboard, especially if you plan to install this furniture at home and not in a public place.

Wear resistance

The durability of a material depends not only on its composition, but also on operating conditions. For example, in the kitchen and bathroom, any furniture can become deformed under the influence of moisture and temperature changes. The service life is also affected by the microclimate in the room, which, in turn, may differ in winter and summer.

Processing technology and edge material are of no small importance. Modern factories use such types of processing as postforming and softforming. There are no fundamental differences between them, the first one is simply used for products of simple shape. The laminating film is wrapped around the product and completely sealed to the edge.

The softforming method also involves special processing of the edges; its cut is rounded to the front side, which makes the corners of the furniture safer for small children. Both of these methods prevent moisture from entering the edges and inside the slab, which means it will not swell or deform. Both of these methods are great for kitchen and bathroom cabinetry.

Materials that can be used to process the edges of products not intended for wet areas, can be:

  • Acrylic
  • Aluminum rim

They do not protect against water ingress very well, but they affect the final cost of the product. Unlike the first two methods, these options are less expensive, but can add zest to the appearance of the furniture. Contrasting or metal finish looks interesting and unusual.

As for the wear resistance of MDF and laminated chipboard, the first option is considered more durable. But due to its high cost, it makes sense to use it only on furniture facades, and make the rest of the array from chipboard. Moreover, the wardrobe in the bedroom is unlikely to be subject to frequent moisture.

To summarize our article, we can say: before giving preference to one material or another, you need to decide under what conditions the furniture will be used. Kitchen sets It is better to choose facades made of MDF with edge processing using the softforming or postforming method. And for a simple chest of drawers or cabinet, a more budget-friendly chipboard with acrylic or aluminum edge is quite suitable.

Ask a specialist to name the two most popular materials for making furniture, and he will confidently name chipboard and MDF. They have long been successfully used as wood substitutes. Although their production technology has similar features, the properties of the materials are different. Once you know these differences, answering the question of which one is better will be easy.

LDSP - laminated chipboard. Its basis is wood shavings, firmly pressed and impregnated with formaldehyde resin. The additive resin is not safe, and there are two environmental standards - E1 and E2. The second allows more harmful substances, so laminated chipboards of the E2 standard are not used for children's rooms and medical premises. The surface of the boards is covered with laminated paper film with the addition of melamine resin, thereby increasing the strength of the material.

MDF - wood fiber board. It is made from sawdust, the binder for which is lignin or paraffin. This stove is safe to use. The board is stronger and more resistant to high temperatures and the presence of water than laminated chipboard, thanks to smaller and more uniform particles.

Properties of MDF boards

· safe;

· resistant to water and high temperatures, mechanical damage;

· soft, fine processing and finishing possible;

· the price is higher than laminated chipboard;

· perfectly hold hinges and other accessories;

· more varied types of finishing - in addition to smooth colored coatings with enamel and plastic, panels, carvings, cornices, and pilasters are widely used;

· practically have the advantages of natural wood (and are cheaper).

Looking at the elegant products made in different styles, it can be hard to believe that they are made from MDF. In appearance, they are completely indistinguishable from furniture made of natural wood.

Properties of laminated chipboards

· limitedly safe;

· resistant to temperature changes, moisture, mechanical stress;

· hard, which excludes fine finishing;

· cheaper;

· limited in finishing - covering with laminated film, although with a wide range of colors and textures.

It should be noted that in most difficult conditions Kitchen and bathroom furniture is in use, so it requires special attention. In addition to temperature and humidity, accidental impacts, frequent opening of doors, it is exposed to household chemicals, boiling water and oils. Therefore, experts recommend choosing MDF for such furniture.

Comparing the properties of laminated chipboard and MDF, we see that the main advantage of laminated chipboard is its attractive price. Do you need economy class furniture at a minimal cost? Then laminated chipboard is what you need. Needed beautiful facades threaded? Fine finish? Beautiful, durable and safe furniture? Then the choice is MDF.

Today, the market for repair and construction materials does not experience a shortage. Moreover, sometimes products with similar characteristics are offered, in consumer properties which is quite difficult to understand. For example, both laminated particle board ("LDSP") and "Medium Density Fiberboard" ("MDF") - panels are excellent for wall cladding and are the main materials in the manufacture of furniture.

Moreover last years both of these products are used not only in the production of economy-class furniture products, but have also carved out their niche in the “premium” segment. Despite all the similarities appearance Both types of construction and finishing products have significant differences between them, which allow their use in some industries, while in others their use is undesirable.

However, before answering which of these two materials is better, in the production of which products it is better to use “chipboard”, and where “MDF” panels are more suitable, it is necessary to understand the raw materials that are used in manufacturing and the production technology.

What is "MDF"

The Russian abbreviation "MDF" is a transliteration of the English abbreviation "MDF" - "Medium Density Fiberboard". According to the manufacturing technology, it is a medium-density wood fiber board produced by dry pressing. The starting component is fine wood chips, which are pressed under high pressure and elevated temperature. Used as a binder various types urea or lignin (non-phenolic) resins modified with melamine.

A patent for the production of this building and finishing material was received in the United States in the 60s of the last century, and production began in industrial scale. In Russia industrial production“MDF” panels were mastered in 1997.

What is "chipboard"

The manufacturing technology of chipboard - “chipboard” (“DSP”) involves hot pressing of wood particles (mainly medium-disperse chips) based on mineral binders. Today, the production of single-layer and multi-layer materials has been mastered. The abbreviation “LDSP” means laminated particle board, for decorative covering which uses melamine film. The manufacturing technology involves laminating the surface simultaneously with pressing the base material (plate). Modern products can have smooth surface, or they can be embossed, quite accurately imitating the texture of natural wood.

Safety and environmental friendliness

If you carefully consider the manufacturing technology of these two products, then theoretically, “MDF” panels should contain fewer environmentally hazardous and harmful substances, which are resin vapors used as binders. In some types of particle board, formaldehyde-containing resins, which are inherently harmful to health, are used as a binder, while in the manufacture of “MDF” panels, a more environmentally friendly and health-safe urea-melamine resin is used.


During long-term use and temperature changes environment, from resins, volatile substances are released into the atmosphere. Of course, they do not lead to immediate poisoning of a person, but after a long stay in indoors, lined with chipboard slabs, in the absence of ventilation, there is a deterioration in health.

Today, manufacturers apply the following gradation of safety for each of these products, which is widely used in their advertising and description:

  • “MDF” panel is the most environmentally friendly and safe for health, both in terms of the volatile harmful substances released and because of the binders used - lignin, which is used in the production process, when heating and pressing chips, is absolutely environmentally safe.
  • chipboard "E1" - class for health safety and environmental friendliness is in second place, and the amount of volatile substances released depends on the type of lamination.
  • “Chipboard” of class E2 is initially harmful to health and poses a certain environmental hazard - its production has been discontinued in the West, and in Russia it is used only for construction and finishing work non-residential premises, and the production of furniture products from it is prohibited.

Cost indicators

Considering that wood processing waste is used in the production of both types of these building and finishing materials, their final cost will be influenced by:

  • manufacturing technology, which for MDF panels is more complex and labor-intensive, and, therefore, more expensive;
  • brand (country of origin) - foreign analogues of the Russian “Medium Density Fiberboard” boards are more expensive;
  • additional properties- fire resistance, moisture resistance, resistance to biological effects, which are determined by the specific brand and production technology;
  • type, kind and quality decorative cladding(lamination).

Due to a large number Finishing options for products have a greater price range, which is determined by the type of decorative cladding. However, overall the cost square meter products are higher than the price of laminated particle board.

Comparative assessment and application

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question “which is better than MDF or laminated chipboard.” Each of these plates has its own purpose and, accordingly, scope of use. Panels made from laminated chipboard of class E1 and MDF boards are now widely used in the production of furniture. However, each of these construction and finishing products has its own advantages and disadvantages, which to a certain extent limits and narrows the scope of their application.

Today, in the production of furniture for the mass user, the following practice is widespread:

  • facades are made of “Medium Density Fiberboard” panels;
  • body elements - walls, bottom, top panel and shelves are made from laminated or multi-layer painted chipboard.

The advantages of “MDF” panels in comparison with other types of material include:

  • greater moisture resistance, which makes it possible to use it in the manufacture of bathroom furniture;
  • higher strength characteristics, which guarantees more reliable retention of furniture fittings;
  • the ability to process (sawing, grinding, milling) edges and surfaces without chipping or delamination;
  • possibility of use as a basis for the production of curved products;
  • large quantity species decorative finishing and more high quality lamination.

The disadvantage of this product compared to laminated chipboard is that it is less resistant to temperature changes and high temperatures.

Various types of laminated particle board, due to their lower unit cost, are more widely used for decorative cladding internal surfaces residential premises.

Choosing sheet products for interior decoration You should also pay close attention to its physical and mechanical characteristics.

“LDSP” is divided into:

  • moisture-resistant, having a special paraffin impregnation, which complements the increased resistance to moisture guaranteed by the manufacturing technology;
  • fire-resistant, impregnated with fire retardant additives to prevent fire.


The video compares two materials: MDF and chipboard. Watch and find out which is better.

The difference between chipboard and MDF lies, first of all, in the use of different raw materials in their production. Although both types of boards belong to the group of wood-based materials, their components and production technologies are not similar to each other. The strength characteristics, environmental friendliness and structure of the boards depend on the manufacturing process.

The abbreviation chipboard stands for chipboard. The material is produced by hot pressing of pre-mixed wood waste, including:

  • bark;
  • wood chips;
  • sawdust;
  • remnants of rejected products, etc.

Add to the resulting mass adhesive composition, containing resins and formaldehydes hazardous to humans. But modern technologies have made it possible to obtain relatively “clean” E1 class slabs, although it is still not recommended to use them in children’s rooms. After pressing, the material is cooled and cut into pieces according to standard sizes.

Based on density, chipboard is divided into three groups:

  • with low rates - 350...650gk/m3;
  • with average indicators – up to 750kg/m3;
  • with high performance – up to 800kg/m3.

The external unpresentability of chipboard boards is improved by sanding or lamination.

MDF in the Russian interpretation cannot be deciphered. It's just the sound of letters Latin alphabet MDF, which is an abbreviation of the phrase “Medium Density Fiberboard”. Translated from English, the phrase sounds like “medium density particle board.”

The composition of MDF includes fine wood shavings, crushed to the state of flour, which ultimately provides the boards with a perfectly smooth surface. The production process involves gluing the components using the dry pressing method. Paraffin or lignin released when wood is heated is used as a binder. This factor suggests environmental safety material.

Density MDF boards close to that of wood. On average it ranges from 720 to 870 kg/m3.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that MDF is the leader in the positions discussed above, chipboards still occupy a larger segment of the furniture market. The main advantage particle boards is their low price, therefore, manufacturers continue to make furniture sets from this material, thereby reducing the cost of finished cabinets. Often there are combined furniture options, when the body is made of chipboard and the facades are made of MDF. This solution allows us to produce headsets with an improved design, making them more affordable for most consumers.

The advantages of chipboard include:

  • availability of choice;
  • pliability to rough machining;
  • relative moisture resistance;
  • sound and heat insulation properties.

Disadvantages of chipboard:

  • formaldehyde resins cause health problems;
  • “open” ends contribute to the saturation of the slabs with moisture and the subsequent destruction of their structure;
  • re-screwing the screws is not possible;
  • thin decorative treatment This cannot be done due to the friability of the chipboard.

Advantages of MDF:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • high density;
  • resistance to temperature and humidity changes;
  • moisture resistance;
  • maintaining hardness while reducing sheet thickness;
  • lower cost compared to wood;
  • smooth surface;
  • possibility of performing fine decorative processing.

Disadvantages of MDF:

  • high price relative to chipboard;
  • lack of established production in Russian regions.


If the material component when purchasing furniture is not fundamental, the choice should be MDF. The material has greater capabilities and improved characteristics. The headset will help you save money while maintaining the visual appeal combined option furniture making. Namely, the body is made of chipboard, and the facades are made of MDF.
