The great power of Tibetan medicines. Medicines and drugs Tibetan medicine balls

TIBETAN medicine, Chinese acupuncture, healing with the help of African shamans and the operations of Philippine healers are phenomena of the same order. Exotic is exotic, but more and more new clinics Tibetan medicine open all over the world, and everyone is included in its supporters large quantity of people. What is the secret of her popularity?

Our correspondent visited the main clinic of Tibetan medicine to check whether the treatment according to the method that appeared several thousand years ago is really so effective?

At random

- Give me your hand here- before I had time to come to my senses, a monk in orange clothes grabbed my wrist and began tenaciously feeling it, pressing on the pulse with the pads of three fingers. - Do you often have a headache? Why don't you get enough sleep?

I was silent, not having time to recover from the hail of questions, and the healer continued:

How many years ago did you quit smoking? Why don't you drink coffee? You damaged work two important element out of five, including fire. This is bad.

Continuing to mercilessly scold me for my “unhealthy lifestyle,” the monk let go of my hand only after about fifteen minutes (red fingerprints remained on my hand) and began tapping my spine. Having finally pressed firmly on a couple of points, the monastery minister sat down at the table with a sigh and, sadly shaking his head, began to quickly write out a prescription with oblong Tibetan letters on a gray piece of paper.

That's all? - I was surprised. - And what is this, all the examination?

Yes. What, did I say something wrong?

Everything is right... just somehow fast, or something.

Well, why waste time? Go get your medicine.

Dharmsala (the Tibetan-populated town and region in northern India where the Dalai Lama's residence is located) is simply packed with foreigners who have come for treatment at local clinics. Although it takes 12 hours to get there along a mountain road. Tibetan medicine is still one of the unsolved ancient mysteries. Already in the 3rd-4th centuries, large-scale conferences of doctors from India, Persia and China were organized in Ancient Tibet, where aesculapians shared the secrets of healing with each other. The system of treating people, developed in a remote mountainous country about two thousand years ago, has not changed at all since that time: Tibetans refuse electronic equipment and prefer medicines made from mountain herbs, turning away from antibiotics. The diagnosis is made simply - by the patient's pulse, palpated with three fingers.

Herb Collection Squads

WHEN you look inside a Tibetan clinic, your head begins to spin from the smell of thousands of herbs. The doctor sits in a small room, and in the hefty adjacent room a bunch of employees are sorting herbal balls, putting them into dozens of jars: these are for alcohol addiction, these are for colds, these are for toothache. Separately, there is a huge glass vessel filled with the dried flower “ing me”, which grows near lakes; it is often bought up by women as a sedative.

- The basis of Tibetan medicine is precisely herbs from the mountains of the Himalayan range,- says Samdup Lhatse, director of the main Tibetan clinic "Men Tzee Hang" in an exclusive interview with AiF. - Previously, Tibetans (like the people of China) used animal components in treatment, such as dried frogs or bear bile. But since they began to believe in the transmigration of souls in Tibet, the government forbade doctors from killing any living beings for medicine. Then our medicine became purely “herbal”, and also began to use minerals and even metals - for example, gold. The only exception is that we drink an infusion of deer antlers for immunity, but he sheds his antlers in the fall.

In the courtyard, the doctor commands a group of strange people with cans and umbrellas, armed with alpine equipment like sleeping bags and hooks. Every spring and autumn, Tibetan clinics form search teams that “comb” the mountains, collecting medicinal herbs and roots. Many times experts have tried to grow the same wild herbs (for example, the heng plant, which helps with headaches) at home on the plain. However, it is useless: they die, the air does not fit.

- We can say that our medicine is different from all others,- explains Samdup Lhatse. - All doctors treat an existing disease, and the point of our work is to eliminate the cause of the disease so that it does not appear at all. According to ancient Tibetan tenets, a person should visit a doctor at least once a month to prevent illness at an early stage. If a patient neglects his health and does not see a doctor for two years, the doctor may refuse to treat him with Tibetan medicine, because nothing will help.

Actually, any medicine is not magic, and miracles do not happen.

Certainly. No matter how hard we tried to create cures for AIDS from our herbs, we failed. But they dealt with SARS, because in spring and autumn Tibetans (for many hundreds of years) always take herbal pills to prevent viral colds. And as a result, during the SARS epidemic in China, not a single person fell ill in areas populated by Tibetans.

From the AiF dossier

Tibetan medicine was actively used by aristocrats in Russia until 1917 - Nicholas II sent special expeditions of doctors to Tibet to take lessons from local doctors. The Tibetan clinic of Dr. Badmaev operated in St. Petersburg. Her regular customers there were the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Empire Protopopov (he was being treated for hysteria), the famous Grigory Rasputin (who corrected... impotence) and even the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna herself, whom Badmaev supplied with Tibetan herbs that allowed her to stop the bleeding of her son, who suffered from constant bleeding. Tsarist officials specially visited high-mountain monasteries in Tibet to get acquainted with the achievements of local medicine, and the then Dalai Lama personally sent Emperor Nicholas special boxes with herbs necessary for the treatment of hemophilia, which the heir to the throne was ill with.

The Tibetan Medical Code states that nothing grows on earth that cannot be used as medicine. Doctors treat patients with acupuncture, massage with medicinal oils, cauterization, herbal baths and compresses. The main (“fatal”) diseases among Tibetans are considered to be body diseases, childhood diseases, women's diseases, diseases caused by demons, old age (!), poisoning, wounds and... sexual impotence. However, Tibetan medicine does not treat diseases that have emerged in the last century, such as AIDS and the Ebola virus. There are no ancient recipes for how to treat them, and doctors give up. Although, for example, cancer early stages they treat quite successfully, especially blood cancer - the herbal system helps to quickly cleanse the blood of toxins, although not in all cases. The main principle of Tibetan medicine is HOW one should live, what to eat and what to drink, so as not to get sick.

in the following issues.

Tibetan medicines, Tibetan medicine preparations, buy Tibetan medicine medicines, buy Tibetan medicine preparations

This section provides a list of Traditional Tibetan Medicine drugs that can be purchased on our website.

Most Tibetan medicines can be purchased from the doctor who diagnosed you, but if you already know what you need, you can purchase Tibetan medicines from our website without leaving your home. You can also get advice on how to use Tibetan medicine.

Tibetan medicine has many treatment methods, this can range from recommendations on lifestyle and daily habits, to full courses of drug treatment. But here it is important to understand what Tibetan medicines are.

First of all, the defining property of Tibetan medicine preparations is that they are all prepared exclusively from natural ingredients, are environmentally friendly, and, as a result, do not have side effects and are practically devoid of contraindications.

Tibetan medicine preparations are complex, multicomponent compounds, which may include minerals and metals, roots and fruits of plants, animal tissues and gems. Since one Tibetan medicine can contain over a hundred components, their preparation requires special skill, which has been honed over the years. It is important to note that the skill of Tibetan pharmacologists is not based on experience, but on the most exact science that has developed over 4000 years.

What are the methods of action of Tibetan drugs?

The methods of action of Tibetan medicines also differ from the Western medicines we are accustomed to. Tibetan medicines strive to reach the true cause of the disease, and do not just suppress its symptoms, like many Western medicines. There are cases when the cause of a disease “contradicts” its manifestations. For example, chronic pyelonephritis in Tibetan medicine sounds like “cold kidneys,” but it manifests itself in the form of an increase in body temperature. So, in the West they will fight inflammation (reduce “heat”), although this will still lead to relapses. Tibetan drugs will fight the “cold”.

Thanks to pharmacology, elevated to the level of an art, Tibetan medicine preparations are especially effective in treating chronic or chronic diseases. If the disease is still in its infancy, the skill of Tibetan doctors will allow them to recognize the disease even before it becomes “visible” to Western doctors. Tibetan drugs, having a gentle effect on the organ, will return its natural functions to it, instead of replacing them with artificial elements.

What diseases are treated by Tibetan medicines?

In Tibetan medicine there are no “specialists”, and all diseases are treated by one doctor. This is made possible thanks to the ability of Tibetan medicine to see the real reason behind different symptoms. Also, thanks to the unique balancing of the components of Tibetan medicine, they can affect different manifestations of different diseases. Thus, we can say that Tibetan medicines can cure any disease.

Tibetan medicine knows many medicinal forms - decoctions, powders, pills, mixtures, medicinal oils, ash medicines, dried decoctions, medicinal wines, medicines made from jewelry, medicinal fats, various suppositories. In practice, they mainly use decoctions and powders, but in necessary cases They also use other dosage forms.


Tibetan medicines are products of natural origin, ground into powder. And no chemicals! Mainly used are herbs, tree fruits, leaves, bark, as well as minerals, metal oxides, and animal organs. Tibetan medicines are distinguished by the fact that they have no contraindications and do not cause side effects. Their purpose is not to kill any harmful microbes, but to help the body overcome them itself. If Tibetan medicine treats one organ, it never cripples another. On the contrary, its action is aimed at the entire body as a whole: if one organ is healed, then the condition of all the others improves.

Medicinal mixtures in Tibetan medicine are compiled according to the following principle:

  • Main active ingredients;
  • Ingredients that support the action of the main ones;
  • Ingredients that prevent and neutralize side effects the first two groups.

Herbal infusions and teas

This is the most unique remedy of ancient Tibetan medicine. Their secret lies in a special cooking method.

Tibetan healers say this: “Decoctions (teas) are the smile of medicinal plants, pills are the look of plants, and Tibetan infusions are the soul of plants.”

In Tibetan medicine, medicines are distinguished by taste and strength. The strength of a medicine lies in that property that manifests itself in it with greater force than the rest.

The preparation of dosage forms begins with the collection of medicinal raw materials. There are many recommendations for collection and processing medicinal plants, minerals, as well as other raw materials. All of them are transmitted orally or in writing from Teacher to student. In practice, learning to recognize, collect, and process and store raw materials takes years.

Plants are collected at a certain time and, most importantly, at the right phase of the moon. Then it is infused in vessels made of special clay, the mineral acids of which extract almost 100% of the biologically active components from the plant. After this, the herbal infusions are kept in narrow containers for several months. cylindrical vessels from Himalayan pine. During this time they lose excess moisture and acquire a high healing concentration.

Water-loving plants are not collected too close to water, but not in dry places. If a plant requires some effort to absorb moisture, and along with it nutrients, its strength increases and the strength of its effect on the body also increases.

  • Branches and stems of plants are usually collected in the fall, when the plant has strengthened itself for the long winter.
  • Plant roots in Tibet are collected in autumn and winter, different types at different times.
  • Leaves and shoots are collected during their growth period and during the rainy season, when they are full of juices.
  • Flowers are collected before they begin to wilt, and fruits - after they ripen.
  • Plants intended for the treatment of heat diseases are dried in the shade or in the wind.

The healer prescribes medicine only after a thorough examination of the patient, making an accurate diagnosis, accurately assigning a specific disease of a particular person to a certain group, class, type or type of disease, to a particular type of disease.

Wind diseases in Tibetan medicine


  • sweet - various molasses;
  • sour - old wine, vinegar;
  • salty - red mountain salt.


  • oily - eagle tree;
  • heavy - black salt;
  • soft - pink red lead (not included in medicines without special treatment).

Calming remedies for wind diseases


  • bone: from lamb ankle bones;
  • four juices - from meat, wine, brown sugar and butter;
  • from heads: broth from the head of an old ram or a ram's head that has been stored for one year.


  • butter with nutmeg;
  • garlic oil;
  • oil of three fruits - myrobalan hebula, myrobalan bellerica, emblica officinalis (the second and third are replaced with the fruits of hawthorn and apple berry);
  • oil of five roots - kupena, asparagus cluster, gorichnik, juniper, tribulus;
  • aconite (wrestler) oil.

Wind Disease Treatment Cleansers


  • soft thinning agents;
  • soft rinsing;
  • washing and liquefying.

Bile diseases in Tibetan medicine

Properties of Tibetan Medicine Medicines


  • sweet - raisins;
  • bitter - wild cucumber;
  • astringent - white sandalwood.


  • chilled - camphor;
  • light - cassia tora;
  • dulling - calcite.

Soothing remedies for treating bile diseases


  • elecampane tall (roots);
  • Sophora yellowish;
  • svertsii chireta;
  • three fruits - myrobalan bellerica, myrobalan hebuLa, emblica officinalis.


  • camphor;
  • sandalwood (white);
  • saffron;
  • calcite.

Cleansers for the treatment of bile diseases


  • are common;
  • special;
  • strong;
  • soft.

Mucus diseases in Tibetan medicine


  • hot (hot) - black pepper;
  • sour - pomegranate;
  • astringent - myrobalan hebula.


  • spicy - red mountain salt;
  • rough - sea buckthorn;
  • light - white red lead.

Soothing Mucus Disease Treatments


  • poisonous fighter;
  • various salts.


  • pomegranate;
  • golden rhododendron;
  • “scorching composition” based on naked pongami;
  • burnt calcined salt (in the form of ash);
  • burnt calcite.

Each of these agents (with the exception of the “hot composition”) is used as the main component of multicomponent drugs.

Tibetan medicine cleansers


  • strong;
  • soft.

Tibetan medicine recipes

Medicine for insomnia

Drink warm milk during the day, and lean meat broth in the evening. It is recommended to rub sesame oil into the crown of the head, and when falling asleep, drop 1 drop of warm, melted, pure butter into each ear.

Treatment of low and high stomach acidity

They take preparations from the plant Zopnik prickly. This is the only plant in the area of Eastern Europe, which stabilizes the acidity of gastric juice during long-term use of its drugs.

  • Infuse 3 tablespoons of the herb in 1.5 cups of boiling water for 30 minutes. Take half a glass 3 times a day.
  • Infuse 50 g of herb in 0.5 liters of vodka for 12 days dark place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. There is a month break between doses.

Note: in Tibetan medicine, zopnik can be taken in parallel with other medications.

Tibetan medicines for weak stomach

Wear jasper around the neck. Adjust the rope so that the length of the cord with jasper is opposite the stomach.

For dessert, take the following herbal preparations for 7 days in turn:

  • Take wild strawberries in any form (in the form of decoction, jelly, compote), arbitrarily. You also need to prepare an infusion of the whole strawberry plant, dug up during flowering. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of raw material with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 45 minutes. Drink a glass in the morning and evening.
  • Blueberry. Berries in any form.
  • Black elderberry. Berries in any form.
  • Sea ​​buckthorn. Berries in any form.
  • Kalina. Berries in any form.
  • Mulberry. Berries in any form. The best mulberry is considered to be black, unripe, dried.
  • Any mint. Pour boiling water over 3 teaspoons of leaves and leave for 10 minutes. Drink 1 glass in the morning and evening. After mint, repeat the cycle.
  • Viburnum is a female berry, women can consume it all the time, men can use it through a cycle (skip it once).
  • All year round Every day, with first courses, Tibetans recommend consuming ginger in an amount of up to 2 g per meal. 3 doses per day. For a year, or even more, take Echinacea tincture in alcohol - 30 drops 3 times a day.
  • Use echinacea tincture with vegetable oil. 1 kg of flower baskets or echinacea roots pour 5 liters of fresh sunflower oil, leave for 40 days, strain. Take Tibetan medicine 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 2 hours after meals.
  • At peptic ulcer you can add the same amount of stomach to the echinacea tincture sea ​​buckthorn oil. Take 2 tablespoons before bed for 2 weeks.
  • Powder from the roots of snakeweed is taken orally 0.5-1 g 3 times a day, washed down with boiled water.

Tibetan Treatments for Nausea and Vomiting

  • Dry the orange peel, grind it into powder in a coffee grinder, take 5 g of powder orally 3 times a day.
  • Infusion of barberry leaves (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water) take 1 tablespoon orally 3 times a day.
  • Consume coriander greens internally.
  • Consume up to 50 rowan berries at a time.

Tibetan medicines for liver diseases

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of saffron flower stigmas (preferably fresh) with 1 glass of boiling water, leave until cool. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. Take it for a month, a month off. Divide 10 g of mumiyo into 56 parts. Drink 1 part with carrot or birch sap 2 times a day. Break - 6 months. Attention! Mumiyo and alcohol are incompatible.
  • Infuse 2 tablespoons of calendula flower heads in 2 cups of boiling water until cool. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.
  • Pour 500 g of dry wormwood into 8 liters of water. Boil water to 1 liter. Strain. Cool. Keep in the refrigerator. Take Tibetan medicine 2 times a day on an empty stomach and 1 tablespoon before bed for 30 days. Then - a 30-day break. Don't snack on anything. In extreme cases, you can snack on a piece of bread. Wormwood - very effective remedy for breaking through blockages in the liver and gallbladder diseases.
  • Mix 25 parts seedless raisins, 7 parts saffron, 2.5 parts aromatic rush, 2 parts gorse, 16 parts honey. Add enough wine to make a porridge. Take 1 tablespoon orally 3 times a day.
  • Mix 3 parts valerian, 2 parts wormwood, 5 parts honey. Take the medicine 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Take broth with coriander (you can add mint and cinnamon).

Tibetan medicine for rheumatism

Rub the sore spot with specially prepared medicinal infusion: flowers and bark are collected in September - 1/2 cup of chamomile, half a cup of dahlia petals, 1 tablespoon of forget-me-not petals, 1 tablespoon of red carnation, 1 tablespoon of alder bark, 1 teaspoon of willow bark per 1 glass of water.

Before use, the decoction is aged for at least 2 weeks.

Medicine for kidney stones

  • Pour 200 g of alder bark into 1 glass of water, add 250 g of honey, mix, boil for 10-15 minutes, add a little soda. Take 1 tablespoon after each meal.
  • Strawberries also help if you eat 200 g of them 6 times a day, but they are more effective for the liver.

Tibetan methods of treatment for asthma

  • Mix 1 cup of water, 1/2 cup of burdock collected in May, 1/2 cup of aspen leaves, 1 teaspoon of fir needles. Add a little soda, leave for a week in a dark place, and drink 1 tablespoon in the morning.
  • Mix 1/2 cup of nettle collected in April, 2 tablespoons of quinoa (also April), 1 teaspoon of ground reed leaves, 1 teaspoon of fireweed tea and 1 glass of water. Add soda, leave in warm light for 10 days. Take the medicine in the morning too.

Cleansing the body according to a Tibetan recipe

Mix 100 g of St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle and birch buds. In the evening, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Strain through cloth (gauze) and squeeze. Drink 1 glass of honey before bed, 30 minutes before meals. Do this daily until the mixture runs out. Repeat the course after 5 years.

Tibetan recipes for rejuvenation

  • Immortelle, birch buds, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers - 100 g each. Mix the ingredients, grind, pour into glass jar. In the evening, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. At night, drink 1 glass of warm infusion, adding 1 teaspoon of honey. After this, do not eat or drink. In the morning, heat the rest and drink it with honey on an empty stomach. Have breakfast in half an hour or an hour. The course of treatment with Tibetan medicine is until the prepared herbal mixture runs out. Repeat after 5 years. Helps against atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, hypertension, restores overall tone, cleanses blood vessels.
  • Thoroughly wash and peel 350 g of garlic, finely chop and rub in a vessel with a wooden or porcelain spoon, weigh 200 g of this mass, taking it from the bottom, where there is more juice, put it in a glass vessel, add 200 ml of 96% alcohol. Close the container tightly and store in a cool, dark place for 10 days. Then strain the mixture through a thick cloth and squeeze out. After 2-3 days, you can begin treatment - drink the product drops with cold milk (1/4 cup) strictly according to the scheme. Drink 15-20 minutes before meals until completely used. Attention! A repeat course of the Tibetan method of treatment can be carried out no earlier than after 6 years.

Phyto-collections Naranfito

Phytotherapy - This is treatment with herbal medicines, Tibetan medicines and collections compiled according to ancient recipes. It helps restore a person’s natural balance, stabilize all body functions, and eradicate the causes of disease. For four thousand years, knowledge about the healing properties of plants, minerals, organic substances, as well as unique recipes, the effectiveness of which has been proven by time, has been preserved and passed on in Tibet. The centuries-old experience of Tibetan herbal medicine gives every reason to consider it one of the best in the world.

Phytotherapy– one of the main methods of treating a wide variety of diseases at the Naran clinic. Characteristic signs of these drugs: multicomponent, manufactured exclusively from natural remedies(plant, mineral, animal), joint action in one direction of several components.

The multicomponent nature of Tibetan herbal remedies determines their complex effect on the body, which achieves restoration of the balance between the three constitutions “wind”, “mucus”, “bile”, normalization of metabolism, work internal organs and all body systems (nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive systems).

Herbal medicines are formulated based on eight various types substances

1. Metals: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, steel, zinc, etc.

2. Minerals: malachite, pearls, pearl shells, coral, lapis lazuli, various stones

3. Earthy substances: different types of clay, rock moss, mountain resin, various types of salts: rock salt, red salt, ammonia, alum, salt and etc.

4. Trees and shrubs: camphor tree, lemon Tree, cypress, coconut palm, cardamom and nutmeg trees, pomegranate, barberry, acacia, grapes, apple, pepper of various types, myrobalan, pear, cherry, eagle tree and many others

5. Herbs: saffron, gentian, mint, chamomile, cloves, etc.

6. Juices extracted from herbs, trees, fruits

7. Decoctions, obtained from roots, trunks, twigs, leaves, bark, flowers, berries, fruits

8. Substances of animal origin(bile, musk, horns, fat, bones)

Medicines in Tibetan medicine take the form of powders, pills, extracts, infusions, decoctions, enemas, ointments, syrups, medicinal wines (tinctures, balms)

Characteristic features of Tibetan herbal remedies

Based on their composition, Tibetan herbal remedies can be divided into two main components: main and secondary.

The action of the main components is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease itself, and the secondary components are designed to protect and strengthen the body. This approach makes Tibetan medicines multifunctional, that is, while treating the underlying disease, problems that are less noticeable at first glance are also eliminated, for example, strength is restored, the immune system is strengthened, sleep is normalized, etc.

Unlike Tibetan herbal mixtures, preparations from the Western pharmacological industry contain only one main medicinal substance. Therefore, on the one hand, in critical situations they provide a quick and powerful effect, and on the other hand, they have a huge number of side effects and contraindications. Thus, diuretics of Western pharmacology help remove excess fluid from the body, but do not have a therapeutic effect on the kidneys themselves.

In Tibetan medicine, the main goal of treatment is not the elimination of a pathological symptom, but the restoration of disturbed balance in the body through the gradual normalization of the functions of all organs and systems.

Tibetan herbal remedies never cause allergic reactions or addiction.

  • Of natural origin, they consist of minerals and medicinal plants growing in ecologically clean places in Tibet, Mongolia, as well as in the Altai mountains and on the coast of Lake Baikal
  • They have a unique composition, many components are not found anywhere else in the world
  • Does not contain stimulants
  • Have no side effects

Thanks to this, a person who begins herbal medicine treatment immediately notices significant changes in his health: his well-being significantly improves, and strength appears. As treatment continues, the feeling of health, vigor and strength becomes familiar and as if taken for granted. Tibetan herbs restore the functions of all organs, stabilize well-being, eliminating the causes of the disease. And when the cause is eliminated, the symptoms of the disease disappear. And no allergies, and no addiction. The healing process occurs naturally and smoothly.

  • Many years of experience in the field of herbal medicine
  • For the first time in Russia, the Naran Clinic combined all the treatment methods of Tibetan medicine into a single complex and used them in its practice
  • Unique certified herbal medicines
  • Herbal medicine is used not only as a separate method of treatment, but also in combination with other methods (acupuncture, acupressure, moxotherapy, etc.)

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Endocrine system diseases
  • Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women
  • Skin diseases
  • Digestive diseases
  • Diseases of the ear, nose, throat, eyes
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system
  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Individual intolerance