Fertilizers for plants, from improvised means. Organic fertilizers for seedlings and indoor plants

In order for home flowers to grow well and please the eye, they need to be fertilized periodically. If this is done with the right means and on time, then various plant diseases can be prevented.

5 most effective fertilizers for home plants that every gardener can afford. They are not as well known as fertilizing with sugar, wood ash, and so on, but no less effective.

Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are a wonderful fertilizer for all flowers. After drinking a cup of natural coffee, mix what remains at the bottom with soil in a flowerpot. Thanks to this, it becomes looser and lighter.

Potato broth

When the potatoes are boiled, drain them and cool. Then you can water your indoor plants with it. Starch is important for plants, as they store it for unfavorable periods of time.

Aquarium water

Aquarium water contains substances that stimulate plant growth. But it is recommended to use it for feeding in the spring or in the first month of summer. Also, this should be done no more than once a month so that the soil does not turn green or sour.

Water from washing cereals

Use water from washing cereals (rice, buckwheat, etc.) to fertilize the soil indoor plants. Such water contains silicon, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, from which “green friends” will bloom and grow even better.

Onion cocktail

Fertilizing with a decoction made from onion peels has a beneficial effect on the growth of all domestic plants without exception. The husk is rich in vitamins C, E, PP, group B and A. It also contains potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus and manganese. To prepare an onion cocktail for one time, take about 50 g of onion peel, pour it into 2 liters hot water, bring the broth to a boil. Boil for about 7-8 minutes and let sit for three hours. When the broth has cooled, strain it and spray the plants and upper layer soil.
When using various fertilizers for home flowers, try not to overdo it. Excess nutrients can cause plant death.
Natural homemade fertilizers are no worse than store-bought ones. They promote the growth of flowering and ordinary plants, and are an excellent prevention and treatment of their diseases.

Potato tubers are covered with skin. It is of no value in cooking, but is actively used in agriculture. The main thing is to properly prepare raw potato peelings as fertilizer and to know what plants they are used for. If everything is done correctly, the farmer will receive almost free fertilizing to increase productivity.

Benefits of feeding from peelings

Application of inexpensive organic fertilizers for the soil allows you to minimize costs and the introduction of chemicals. There are not very many effective natural fertilizers, which forces farmers to look for new opportunities to increase productivity. And if not every household has manure or droppings, potatoes are present on the table of any family throughout the year, and waste from one root crop, even with fine cleaning, is at least 15-20% of the total volume.

There are many advantages to this organic feeding:

The versatility of the fertilizer concerns not only a wide range of plant crops, but also seasonality. The seedlings are fed with gruel and watered with an infusion of potato “waste”. In some cases, ground peelings are used, obtaining a product that can be stored throughout the summer season, and not used immediately. Such organic matter is used in spring, summer, and autumn. It is rich in potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus and other valuable elements, necessary for the plant at every stage of development.

How to prepare?

Organic fertilizer will only be beneficial if properly prepared. Potato waste must not be used fresh. When laid out on the beds, they will begin to rot and attract the attention of rodents. It is not recommended to bury raw peels in the ground. Decomposition will take a long time, and the risk of plantings becoming infected with late blight will increase.

The procedure for “converting” tuber waste into nutritious fertilizers is quite simple. The peel is thoroughly washed, squeezed, dried, and then one of the following harvesting methods is used:

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Dried potato peelings are more practical as fertilizer because they have a long shelf life. Frozen peels must be used in full straightaway. If it is thawed, you cannot put organic matter back into the freezer.

How to store cleanings?

The peel begins to be collected in autumn or winter. If it was not laid in compost pit, but dried or frozen, organic matter must be properly preserved. Otherwise it will not be suitable for use. This is true for organic matter prepared in any of two ways.

The dried peelings are transferred to fabric bags. Polyethylene cannot be used. They do not allow air to pass through. Dried naturally potato peelings In order not to worry about the presence of pathogens when we fertilize the beds, it is better to store them in a cool place, and then in the spring you can feed the plants without fear of scab and late blight.

Heat-treated skins are stored in a cool and well-ventilated area. They are completely devoid of pathogenic organisms. Frozen peelings are left in the freezer or transferred to the balcony when frost hits outside. We must be careful to ensure that they do not thaw.

Preparing potato peelings

There are three options for preparing nutritional fertilizers with potato peelings, which can be used to fertilize various plant crops:

The pulp is placed in a hole or dropped next to the plant. Watering is carried out with infusion. Flour is used as a universal fertilizer. Its main advantage is its long shelf life, but it is not recommended to immediately grind the peelings in the fall. Flour can harbor pests.

For which crops is the fertilizer suitable?

Potato peelings are suitable as fertilizer for almost all garden, fruit, vegetable crops. They are versatile and effective and are an excellent alternative mineral supplements. For perennial crops, such organic matter is added to the soil in the fall, and for annual crops - in the spring.

Additional fertilizing is carried out in the summer

Organic beneficial fertilizer, unlike mineral compounds, does not simply release nutrients to plants, but improves the composition of the soil. It promotes the formation of humus - a fertile top layer. Speaking about the benefits of potato peelings, we cannot ignore the composition of this fertilizer.
It is rich in glucose, vitamin C, starch, fats, potassium, and salt. Getting into the soil, this set of nutrients enriches the soil and generates heat, which is especially important for the full development of vegetable and garden crops.

What plants need to be fed?

Potato fertilizer is of great value for crops that need starch and glucose. Fertilizing is necessary for raspberries, strawberries, currants, and melons. It is also useful for other plants, including even indoor and garden flowers.

The need for nutrients, which are rich in purification, is especially high in seedlings. Feeding is best done in the nest. The gruel or flour is placed in the hole and covered with a small layer of earth. A second portion of fertilizer is added on top and sprinkled again.

Fertilizer for indoor flowers

Potato peelings are perfect not only for use in gardens, but also for home gardening. Indoor decorative crops respond well to organic feeding. The greenery becomes more lush, and the plant itself is more resistant to pests and diseases.

For indoor flowers watering is used. The infusion is added once a month. Fresh peelings buried in the ground are useful for saprophytic and epiphytic plants. Dracaena, orchids and other flower crops with aerial roots need decomposing organic matter.

Fertilizer of vegetable crops

Melons are fed by placing gruel in the hole. It is recommended to water cabbage, melons, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, and squash with potato infusion throughout the season. This will stimulate the growth of green mass and increase productivity.

Radishes, garlic, onions and turnips begin to be fertilized through watering from the end of May. Fertilizing is applied every 2 weeks. It is better to pour the infusion into the furrows dug between plantings. This will enrich the soil so that the plants receive all the necessary elements.

Fertilizing flowers

Perfectly helps to keep flower beds in excellent condition. When replanting perennials or planting annual flowers, you need to add a small amount of gruel in each hole. As practice shows, 1 scoop is enough. Further care involves watering with infusion during the active growth and flowering phase once a month.


The fertilizer is most useful for raspberries and strawberries. The first is fertilized by the root method. They bring in flour and loosen the ground. Water the bushes with infusion. On linear meter landings need approximately 5 liters. In the spring, ground peelings are also poured under the strawberries. Top dressing is used for mulch.


Annuals and perennials respond well to watering and root feeding. But, if we talk about the bush that benefits most from potato peelings, they are considered the best fertilizer for currants, especially black currants. The berries grow the size of cherries or raisins and acquire a wonderful sweet taste.

Fertilize currant bushes with dried potato peelings moistened with water, burying the peel at the roots 15-20 cm deep. This fertilizing is carried out when the soil has warmed up sufficiently. The event is held every two years. If the quality of the harvest does not meet expectations, it is carried out annually.
Watering every 2 weeks helps to increase the yield. In winter, the bushes, if the soil is covered with polyethylene, are also fertilized. They shovel the snow, scatter the cleaning materials, which are then buried.

Fertilizing fruit trees

The trunks are dug around, retreating about 50-100 cm, and the resulting furrow is sprinkled with flour. The soil must be well loosened. For each mature tree It takes about 1 kg of feeding, and for young ones - 0.5-0.7 kg.

This is interesting to know! Peeling potatoes will help get rid of slugs, wireworms, and Colorado potato beetles. It is enough to spread the peel on the ground, leaving it overnight, and the next morning burn the waste along with the pests that have accumulated on it.


Organic fertilizer is not used for related nightshades. It is contraindicated for the following crops:

  • nightshade;
  • tobacco;
  • physalis;
  • tomatoes;
  • capsicum;
  • eggplant;
  • potatoes.

Potato peelings as fertilizer

And a little about the author’s secrets

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In order to properly feed your home flowers, it is not at all necessary to run to the store for ready-made fertilizers - if you look closely, then in the refrigerator and in the first aid kit of absolutely every housewife there will always be ingredients for preparing excellent fertilizers! By the way, not everyone knows that to prepare nutritional supplements you can take milk water, potato decoction, sugar, honey, banana peels, boric acid, as well as toothpaste and even castor oil!

Milk water

Various people love watering it ornamental plants with variegated leaves and spectacular ferns. Milk is rich in microelements that can stimulate intensive growth. And preparing a valuable milk supplement is as easy as shelling pears: 100 ml of milk (necessarily low-fat) is diluted in a liter of water and the composition is thoroughly mixed. Ready solution green pets are watered according to the following scheme: after every two ordinary waterings they are given one feeding with milk water.

Potato broth

The richest source of starch! Regular feeding with potato broth helps strengthen root system almost any home flowers and have a beneficial effect on the reproduction of beautiful plants. To prepare a useful starch fertilizer, pre-prepared potatoes are boiled in their skins, after which the broth is drained and cooled to a temperature of about twenty degrees. By the way, home flowers are treated to this nutritious decoction no more than once a month.


It is generally accepted that to the human body Sugar doesn't do any good. With plants, it’s completely the opposite – sugar serves as an excellent source of nutrition for them! Glucose, which is part of it, acts as an excellent building material for a vulnerable root system.

To prepare the sweet top dressing, dissolve two teaspoons of granulated sugar in 500 ml of water. And water the flowers with a useful solution no more than once every two weeks. Handsome cacti and spectacular succulents especially love this type of feeding!


Honey is an indispensable biostimulant for the full growth of a truly incredible number of diverse plants. You need to take it undiluted, carefully applying the sweet delicacy with a brush directly to the growing points of your favorite indoor flowers.

Banana peels

Banana peels contain quite a lot of potassium, an excellent natural flowering stimulant. Beautiful azaleas, bright begonias and delicate home roses respond best to banana fertilizing. By the way, preparing such a fertilizer is very simple: a well-dried banana peel is crushed in a coffee grinder until it turns into a brownish powder, which is subsequently sprinkled on the soil in pots before each watering.

Boric acid

Ideal fertilizer for regular foliar feeding! A solution of boric acid is endowed with the ability to stimulate the formation of new buds and growth points. To prepare a life-saving solution, 1 g of boric acid is diluted in a liter of water (a 0.1% solution should be obtained). First boric acid is poured hot water, and after it is completely dissolved, it should be combined with the remaining amount cold water. The prepared solution is used for systematic spraying of flowering plants that are in the flowering or bud formation phase.


With its help, you can quickly saturate green pets with fluorine and calcium, and also significantly reduce the acidity of the soil used. One third of a tube of toothpaste (the main thing is that it does not have a whitening effect) is diluted in a liter enough warm water(with a temperature of about twenty-two to twenty-five degrees). It is especially recommended to feed existing houseplants with this solution in spring and summer.

Castor oil

A wonderful remedy for stimulating flowering as quickly as possible! For each liter of water to obtain effective fertilizing, take a teaspoon castor oil. The prepared solution can be used to both water and spray plants. The main thing is to remember to shake the nutrient liquid thoroughly before each use!

It is known that plants love starch, and indoor flowers are no exception. Potato decoction can be used as fertilizer.

The potato broth must be cooled and watered over indoor plants. Thanks to the starch taken from the decoction, the plants store some useful substances for future use.

It is especially useful to fertilize flowers with potato broth during budding, active growth of bulbs, tubers or other organs responsible for reproduction.


Granulated sugar is often used as a top dressing. In big flower pots Scatter one teaspoon of sugar over the surface of the soil before watering.

You can dilute granulated sugar in warm water and fertilize the plants with it. One glass of warm water will require two teaspoons of sugar. The sugar solution should be watered once a week.

It is known that sugar breaks down into fructose and glucose. And plants need glucose as a material for the construction of new cells, and as a source of energy for all kinds of life processes.


A third fertilizing product can be tooth powder.

You can often observe a picture of drooping leaves on plants. There may be several reasons for this, but they all lie in the root system.

Perhaps the roots have rotted due to overwatering, or from too cold water. In this case, you can try to save the plant with tooth powder.

The solution is prepared from two tablespoons of tooth powder, the same amount of wood ash, and one tablespoon of copper sulfate. Wood ash will provide the necessary nutrients to the plant, copper sulfate and tooth powder will help cope with the fungus.

All components need to be mixed, add a little water to form a porridge. Next, you need to carefully open the root system, push the soil to the side, lubricate the stem and roots with the resulting mixture. After this, put the flower pot with the plant in a dry place and do not water it for a week.

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Most indoor plants cannot tolerate acidic soil. You can correct the situation with toothpaste. For one liter of warm water you need to squeeze out a third of the toothpaste tube. The calcium contained in the toothpaste well nourishes the root system of the plant. You just need to make sure that the water is +22C.


Using bananas as a raw material for fertilizer. More precisely, it is not the tasty fruits that are used, but their peels. The banana peel is crushed and dried, and when it is time to replant the plants, it is mixed into the soil.

You can proceed as follows: dried banana peels are crushed in a coffee grinder and then the resulting powder is sprinkled on the soil before watering. You can dilute the brown powder in water and thus prepare a liquid fertilizer.

It is known that bananas and their peels contain potassium, which is necessary flowering plants. Fertilizing with banana peels provokes abundant and lush flowering in plants.

Coffee grounds

It is worth trying to fertilize your plants with coffee grounds. Used natural coffee grounds contain a lot of nitrogen, which is simply necessary for plants. In flower pots you need to add cooled grounds from natural coffee to the soil. This natural product will not only saturate the soil with nitrogen, but will also promote its breathability.

Just don’t water the plant too much after adding coffee grounds to its soil. Cherry tomatoes have a special love for coffee dressing.

In addition to selection best fertilizer for your plants, you should also pay attention to their watering.


It's no secret that it requires water for normal development. The watering factor depends on the type of plant, its variety, as well as the needs in a certain period.

By watering flowers, the turgor of the leaves is maintained, that is, the elasticity of the tissues, thanks to which the flower is kept in its chosen position. Water takes part in a variety of chemical processes that necessarily occur during plant growth.

It is absorbed from the substrate through the roots. But bromeliads prefer to absorb most of the moisture with their leaves.
Plant tissues conduct fluid to all its parts. When watering flowers, moisture always evaporates. This process is called transpiration, and it affects the entire surface of the leaves. As a result, water is constantly absorbed from the soil.

If flowers are grown in hot and dry conditions, then water them regularly and plentifully. After all, the leaves lose a large amount of moisture, which the roots must compensate for by absorbing water and renewing its supply. The substrate must contain a sufficient amount of liquid so that the plant does not experience a lack of moisture.

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Don’t forget - any plant also needs air between the small particles of the substrate. Excessive watering leads to the filling of air voids with moisture, which can result in rotting of the roots and even death. Therefore, watering is considered a rather scrupulous task.

Indoor flowers are especially sensitive to watering. The conditions of their maintenance directly depend on the internal microclimate of the room. Water helps photosynthesis take place and supply minerals to the plant. The need for watering of a flower primarily depends on the microclimate conditions of the room - its temperature and humidity, and if the indoor flower suddenly falls. You should also take into account the type of plant and the specifics of the root system.

Indeed, from proper watering will depend on full development any plant, so it’s definitely worth familiarizing yourself with the rules for caring for a specific flower before placing it in your home or garden.

It is very important to water your flowers correctly. After all, water is a symbol of life, necessary for everyone, both people, animals and plants. Some flowers like heavy watering, while others like moderate watering. But they love being sprayed with water. Their leaves just need moisture...

What is required for watering

I don’t particularly bother with watering my plants; everything is simple and effective. A five-liter water bottle stands on the cabinet; at the bottom of the bottle there is a tube attached to a dropper that is distributed throughout all the pots. The water supply of each plant is directly regulated by a clamp from the dropper.

Watering flowers is a separate issue. It is imperative to store the water in bottles, unless of course there is a spring. In the apartment at least 2-3 days. So that the water settles and does not water from the pipeline. Be sure to feed. After all, plants also love complex nutrition. The life activity of your flowerpots depends entirely on you.

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So if you look at it, then different flowers They water differently and require different fertilizers. After all, there are those who like more moisture, others like less, and prefer a dry climate. And many people want to spray more often. Heard folk method for watering flowerpots. Throwing into water for irrigation eggshells and so they insist and water it.

However, that's not all. Not everyone knows what the dormant period in plants is, how it goes through and how to care for plants during this period.

All about the dormant period in plants

All living beings experience a period of active growth and rest. Plants are no exception. During rest, plants stop visible growth, physical development and other physiological processes.

It is known that plants can have forced or organic dormancy. During organic dormancy, the plant does not experience an increase in physical fitness. In order for the situation to change and the plant to become more active, it must create certain conditions: temperature, lighting and watering regime.

Forced dormancy in plants is precisely the conditions of growth inhibition. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the lighting level, lower the room temperature, eliminate fertilizers and extremely reduce watering.

For many plants, forced dormancy is necessary, but it should be provided in a forced form.

Which plants require a dormant period? How to shorten or extend it

Plants intended for cultivation in room conditions, are divided into three groups.

The first group of plants includes those that can do without a dormant period. This group includes: tradescantia, clivia, cyperus, ophiopogon, pelargonium, etc. Such plants are characterized by normal development even in winter period. Only with a decrease in the level of light can the plant's growth be slightly slowed down.

There are also plants that, for normal development and growth, simply need to remain in a calm state for some time during the year. Such indoor plants include caladium, orchids, cacti, gloxinia and others. Without rest, this group of plants may simply die.
