Deviant Moon Tarot - “Favorite working deck in the premium edition. How to work with clients on it? Comparison with the classics. Is it suitable for beginners? Lots of photos and a corporate layout.” Deviant Moon Tarot (Mad Moon Tarot) - Deviant Moon Tarot

What is this book about?

This book is dedicated to one of the best and most popular decks of our time - the Deviant Moon Tarot. It always evokes strong emotions - from complete rejection to adoration. Despite the fact that the deck was released quite a long time ago, tarot readers still have many questions about symbolism, the interpretation of cards in various situations, the psychological aspects of the arcana, and this book is dedicated to the answers to these questions.

Who is this book for?

This book will be of interest to both devoted fans of the deck, as an additional source of ideas for work, an opportunity to discover the deck from new sides and learn interesting practical developments, and for beginners who do not know which side to approach the deck from, and where to start. And of course, the book is addressed to those for whom the deck is just a collection item, I hope this book will inspire them to dust off their “Deviants” and use it every day.

What is this book for?

The main purpose of this book is to provide basic information for working with the deck. In this book, I want to talk in detail about each plot, the heroes of the world of the Deviant Moon tarot, analyze in detail the symbolism of the cards, and teach you to understand the unique language of the deck, frank and permeated with black humor. For the convenience of transition from the classics to the “Deviant Moon” tarot, the main differences between its arcana and the classic and basic Waite-Smith deck for most tarot readers will be given.

CHAPTER I. Dive into the world of the deviant moon

Features of working with the Deviant Moon deck
Deviance. About the difficulties of survival in a crazy world.
Lunar cycles in the Deviant Moon deck
Sign language in the Deviant Moon deck. Watch your hands!
CHAPTER II. Major Arcana Tarot

CHAPTER III. Minor Arcana Tarot

CHAPTER VI. Workshop on working with a deck

Features of working with the Deviant Moon deck

The classic Waite Tarot, drawn by Pamela Colman Smith, was released in 1909. And despite the fact that the most literature is devoted to this deck, the more time passes, the more difficulties it causes, many tarot readers prefer modernized versions of this deck - isn’t that strange? I think this is natural, and the reason is not that it is filled with complex occult symbolism, but that more than a hundred years have passed. The world has simply changed! Waite's Tarot is the world of an Englishman from high society, by and large infinitely far from us today. Of course, this is a classic, and knowledge of it is necessary, but this is a book that requires a translator. The Deviant Moon Tarot is a modern classic, its images are caricatures of current topics, which is why they hit the tarot reader so hard, killing him outright - falling in love forever, or causing disgust.

Hence the main characteristic feature of the language - the answers are given clear, precise, a little rude and often funny. This is not an oracle, but when reading, be sure to look at the picture. Most often, the answer lies on the surface. So, in response to the question thrown in the hearts, “Am I dancing something?” you may get 2 Pentacles with a dancing gypsy, and when asked which direction to move, 2 Wands - “dig deeper!” Therefore, it is very important to look at the picture. However, we should not forget about the hardware - the deck fits into the accepted tarot system, and it has a classical basis, but it places emphasis in a completely different way, so my advice is to contact Waite, and in contrast, additional semantic layers of the “Deviant Moon” deck will be revealed to you. This deck is very laconic, and every detail is not random - the time on the clock, the color of the dress, the grin of the fish - everything can be a sign and a key to interpretation. Look at the gestures, pay attention to the phases of the moon, to the interaction of the characters, and you will see a full picture of the situation, your interpretation will be as complete and clear as possible.

About the difficulties of surviving in a crazy world

“The world is a hospital for incurable patients” Arthur Schopenhauer

“The fact that we live a crazy, completely crazy, crazy life is not words, not a comparison, not an exaggeration, but the simplest statement of what is”
Lev Tolstoy

Deviation is not a synonym for insanity, schizophrenia, and other serious mental disorders, it is a behavioral deviation from the social norm, and there are a great many of them. The behavior of a teenager who, in spite of his parents, walks around with a pink mohawk, piercings and tattoos all over his body, or a person who, contrary to common sense and a sense of self-preservation, runs to save his cat from a burning house, or a desperate drunkard, thief or drug addict, can be called deviant. The concept of deviation is primarily associated not with the content of the act as such, but with its assessment by society, which can roughly be described as “millions of flies cannot be wrong.” One of the main causes of deviation is anomie - the confrontation of sociocultural norms with reality (Durkheim, Merton).

Simply put, the modern world is sick with the success syndrome - a person is obliged to build a career, earn a lot of money, buy a good house, a car, have a status partner, brilliant children, but the resource for obtaining all these benefits is limited. Many people find themselves superfluous at this celebration of life, and, realizing that they will never legally get a lot of money, they can either take the path of crime or rebel against them, or deny the norms without offering anything in return, with the help of alcohol, homelessness (retreatism).

This is the main theme of the “Deviant Moon” deck - about human survival in the Procrustean bed of the rules established by the world. Some of her heroes are completely naked in front of this cruel world, others are firmly clad in armor and armed, someone skillfully plays the role imposed on him, showing the “ceremonial” light side, and hiding the true “dark”. Her heroes are not some strange mutants, they are you and me, playing our roles in this theater of the absurd called life, substituting our “I” in the proposed circumstances.

Lunar cycles in the Deviant Moon deck

Of course, the deck is dedicated to the moon not only allegorically - as a symbol of the “lunar” states of man, but also physically to the Earth’s satellite, the Moon, which has a huge impact on the physical state of a person, which is a completely proven, scientifically substantiated fact. People have long been using lunar calendars to plan their actions, choosing the most successful days for planting plants, cutting hair, starting new projects, etc. Likewise, each “Deviant Moon” card contains clues in the form of images of the Moon in different phases.

We can see the following images of the Moon on maps:

1.New Moon. The moon is not visible. During this period, the influence of the Moon on a person is minimal, a loss of strength and mood is felt, the body is weakened, and immunity is reduced. A good time for rituals associated with growth and addition. It is not recommended to start new business.

2.Waxing Moon and month (horns to the left). The first quarter is more for planning, for laying the foundation for new things, but you shouldn’t be too active. You need to get down to business seriously in the second quarter of the waxing Moon. This is the most favorable time for all things, emotional upsurge, cheerful state.

3.Full moon. The moon is completely visible (round). This is the peak of emotional intensity, extreme situations may arise, a person is under stress, mentally unstable people may have a breakdown or health problems. A good time for the most powerful magical rituals, enhancing extrasensory abilities and sensitivity.

4.Waning Moon and month (horns to the right). There is an emotional and energetic decline. This is a time for peace and completion of affairs. There is no need to start anything new, plans should be transferred to the new phase of the moon, there is no need to overexert yourself. Suitable for cleansing magical rituals.

5. Lunar eclipse. The “halo” of the moon is visible. The impact is felt 2 weeks before the event. The most “dark”, unfavorable time for a person, threatening real disasters and dangers. Ideal time for black magic rituals.

Sign language in the Deviant Moon tarot. Watch your hands!

The heroes of the deck have a unique artistic feature - this is the contrast of rough, frank and static faces and thin, very expressive, graceful or strong hands that speak to us through sign language, and it is they who bring the cards to life and give them dynamism. The first time this thought struck me was when, in response to one of the questions about how to behave in a difficult situation, the cards literally answered with the proverb about the three monkeys: “I hear nothing, I see nothing, I won’t say anything!” (which perfectly reveals the very reading of the layout, the essence of which is advice - just don’t interfere).

The author attaches importance to hands and gestures, consciously or not, giving the characters artistry and expressiveness; fingers are carefully drawn, nails are painted with varnish. The Priestess has thin wrists and long fingers, I would like to say about her hands - they are nervous, and as if created for refusal, the hands of the King of Wands are reliable and kind, and like his children, I want to trust them, the hands of the mother of the Ace of Wands are gentle and caring, and this pair of hands is only for the child, and for other concerns there is a third, strong hand, and there is simply no better expression of a love union than a couple with 4 wands holding hands - it is these hands, intertwined with each other, which are covered with ivy, that convince in long-term, honest relationships, but the Chariotman does not need hands - he has no time for sentimentality, he is the concentration of the power of mind and energy. You cannot call the deck a theater of facial expressions, but undoubtedly, it is a real theater of gesture.


Fate is always on the side of the reasonable (Euripides)

The plot of the card tells about fair fortune telling. In front of the old blind gypsy sits a rich townsman, clutching his face with his little hands and paws in horror, and pressing his tail to the leg of the chair. The fortune teller sets the Wheel of Fortune floating in the air, and a red demon looms over it, beating the beat with drumsticks. The client is so fascinated by this scene that he is ready to believe in any, even the most gloomy prediction.

Under the heroes’ feet you can discern an inscription, the beginning of which is blocked by a fortune teller, while the second one reads: “who departed this life.” This phrase is most often written on gravestones after the names of the deceased, followed by the dates of death. The history of gravestones stretches back to the Middle Ages, since during the Inquisition it was believed that witches, vampires and other evil spirits could rise from their graves; they were completely covered with stones for safety reasons. This is a kind of “place of power” for fortune telling, and it is clear that it was not chosen by chance.

Body language indicates to us that the fortune teller is trying to suppress her client, and he is completely defenseless before her. Her thick, large hands radiate strength and confidence, and she points one of them at the client's stomach - a piercing gesture that indicates a desire for brutal dominance. She does not give advice, she makes a verdict that cannot be appealed. What does fate have in store for him: a broken heart, support, death, or a light of hope?

Moon phase

The moon is not visible behind the Wheel of Fortune, but judging by the bright lighting and clear shadow, it can be assumed that this is a full moon. This is precisely the time that is ideal for fortune telling and strong magical rituals, a time of peak energy, when a person’s emotions are off the charts, he is especially susceptible to environmental influences and is very susceptible.

Difference from the Waite tradition

Classical Waitean iconography depicts the Wheel of Fortune surrounded by four divine beings, which are a reference to the four prophets, that is, we are always talking about karmic, natural processes, controlled from above, then on this card we see “manual” control of the wheel. The question arises about who controls the querent’s fate - divine forces, devilish ones, or just an old gypsy fraudster. And besides, the question of one’s own will has been taken out of the equation - after all, you can spin your Wheel of Fortune yourself, without turning to anyone for help.

Here it is necessary to figure out what kind of personality we are talking about - either this is the “arbiter of destinies”, an authoritarian person who is inclined to suppress other people, not listening to other opinions at all, or his antipode - a person who easily falls under the influence of others and is unable to make his own decisions. This could be a meeting between a false healer and his patient: the first sincerely believes in his greatness and the healing power of frog ointment, the second is ready to smear himself with it until death, because he is not capable of critical assessment. Extreme fatalism, a person believes that everything is predetermined and there is no point in fighting. Belief in anti-scientific theories.

Work and money

Everything goes as usual, but some surprise may await you, both pleasant and not so pleasant, depending on the neighboring cards. The most important thing is that you are too focused on some point, and this prevents you from working and assessing the situation objectively. Don’t be influenced, think for yourself, and don’t panic – fear has big eyes. If we are talking about the business sector - literally the gambling business, banks that “spin” clients’ money, network marketing, and in extreme cases, various “scams”, financial pyramids designed for gullible clients. You should not invest a lot of money; the calculations must be careful. Don't be led by advisers.


The relationship is established, but one of the partners in the couple dominates, and the other submits, and obediently waits for what his partner tells him to do. The situation for people is not very comfortable, because the leader carries two lives on his shoulders, taking full responsibility, and sooner or later he either breaks down or simply loses interest, the weaker partner is completely helpless and infantile, everything is done for him, but he lives in constant fear that he will be abandoned, so he is completely dependent on the leader. It is possible to have both a woman-mother and a man-child, as well as a classic over-aged child who holds on to his mother’s skirt all his life.


The only thing that fuels life is risk: the more you risk, the more alive you are (Osho)

On this map we see the oldest circus trick - swallowing a sword. The sword swallower is one of the most courageous circus performers, his skill requires long training and careful preparation; when swallowing, the blade of the weapon passes millimeters from the aorta, heart and lungs, therefore, if the trick is unsuccessful, the sword swallower receives damage to internal organs, which most often leads to lethal outcome.

Looking into the eyes of our stuntman, widened in horror with bloody eyelashes, we see panic in them, and we understand that he has already experienced a lot of pain (“crying tears of blood”). Thin hands with nervous fingers grabbed the ground, this is his only support, as if he is trying to charge himself with strength from it. However, the sword swallower is trying with all his might to amaze the viewer, both with his sophisticated pose and his bright red and gold suit, and the thick mask on his face is designed to hide his uncertainty in front of the public. Similar masks are often depicted on the faces of executioners, but the sword swallower is an executioner who is ready to kill himself for money.

Moon phase

A circus trick is shown under the light of the waxing moon. This is a good time for new beginnings, but you should not take on too much and get involved in situations that require a lot of energy, since the moon does not provide enough strength, this is the time for planning and the first steps in any business.

Difference from the Waite tradition

Unlike the classic 7 of Swords, where the emphasis is on the scam, here we are talking primarily about risk. The hero of Waite's 7 Swords runs away from the battlefield with stolen swords, and his further fate is unknown; in the Deviant Moon deck, the threat of the sword trick is real and beyond doubt.

Psychological aspect. Deviation

In extreme cases, it will most often show extreme people, this can apply to everything - extreme sports, extreme types of sex associated with causing pain (BDSM). And although the psychology of extreme sports is ambiguous, most psychiatrists believe that craving for such things is a sign of depression and auto-aggression, an early suicidal phase. A person cannot live without risk; he simply needs an adrenaline rush. In addition, it shows demonstrative personalities. But we must not forget about the positive aspect - this is a map of all experimental scientists and pioneers of science who experimented on themselves, inoculated themselves with diseases, became the first passengers of their aircraft, etc. , and the practice of swallowing swords directly contributed to the development of endoscopy.

Work and money

We are talking about a dubious project, possibly fraudulent schemes, so proposals must be examined under a magnifying glass, and not fall for beautiful presentations and other “tinsel” - they are trying to show off your eyes, but the partners are not competent in this area. The risks are extremely high; it is not worth investing money, no matter how attractive the offer may look. If we talk about loans, then you must read the entire agreement, and especially the footnotes printed in very small print - payments may be unaffordable for you, and delays can lead to serious problems with collectors, even criminal.


Your partner strives to make a strong impression on you, and is ready to do literally anything, but do not be deceived - this is more posturing than true feeling. He doesn't show his real essence. Traumatic experiences from past relationships cause a person to close down. A person can deliberately keep a distance from you, you need to understand the motivation - it could be the fear of being rejected, of getting another injury. If we are talking about relationships in a couple, then people get the necessary experience together, but there is no intimacy between them.

Dear forum visitors, I am opening this topic for fans of Patrick Walesa’s “Deviant Moon Tarot” deck.

Deviant Moon Tarot is an unusual deck. Unlike anything else, moon-faced images, frighteningly beautiful in their madness, are made in a surreal style. According to the author himself, when creating the deck, processed photographs of mental hospitals, tombstones, and cemeteries were used as backgrounds, elements/symbols of arcana and characters, which, of course, affects the energy of the deck...

The truth-telling deck cuts the truth without hesitation and without trying to embellish reality, turns your soul inside out, looking into its most hidden corners. Despite the obvious psychological and psychedelic bias, it is excellent for viewing absolutely any questions, it is talkative, rich in details and, despite the apparent complexity, gives clear and fairly unambiguous answers.

Interpretations in my practice differ from traditional ones, according to RU, I won’t say globally (the key meanings of the arcana are mostly preserved, but they acquire their own shades, nuances, subtext, that very zest-deviation, which I personally lack in classical decks) .

Let's finish with the lyrics and move directly to practice.

Please note that the materials posted on my behalf are solely my personal opinion and my personal experience, do not claim to be the ultimate truth and may differ both from the author’s intention and from the practice/work of other tarot readers working with this deck.

Request: if you want to post material on this deck that you are not the author of, please indicate the author or source.

Best regards, Eugenia

And love is poison.
And love is hell
Where our hearts burn forever.

A. Vertinsky

Deviant Moon Tarot is an unusual deck. Unlike anything else, moon-faced images, bewitchingly beautiful in their madness, are made in a surreal style. According to the author himself, when creating the deck, processed photographs of mental hospitals, tombstones, and cemeteries were used as backgrounds, elements/symbols of arcana and characters, which, of course, affects the energy of the deck...

No matter how hard I tried to characterize it, I couldn’t find a more accurate word “deviation.” She is not just crazy, she doesn’t tell us about those crazy people who, in straitjackets in a room with felt-lined walls, try on Napoleon’s cocked hat. It is precisely deviant and shows us ourselves in our own irrationality, draws out fears and shadows, allowing us to see the other side of the coin even in the most seemingly ordinary everyday situations. And who knows if we are not even more crazy than those whom society is accustomed to calling that...

Lovers. The familiar name “Lovers” sounds too innocent and sanctimonious for this lasso, so I sweep it away with a clear conscience.

So what do we see? It would seem a rather laconic image of a man and a woman, whose naked bodies merged in a passionate impulse of love on the seashore. Mountains can be seen in the distant background. The full moon is shining brightly, and a small wriggling snake stings a man on the leg.

It was getting dark. The warmest southern night was coming into its own, enveloping the surrounding area in scattered moonlight. The calm, gentle sea slowly threw one wave after another onto the shore, creating a deceptively peaceful, blissful atmosphere, inviting one to indulge in love pleasures, which our heroes did not fail to take advantage of.

Who are they? How did you get here? Did you purposefully come to your favorite place or did you meet by chance on a deserted beach? Do you know a moment or an eternity? Will they then go their separate ways or continue to walk hand in hand together? This all becomes unimportant at the very moment when we step away from the role of the neighbor peeping through the keyhole and try to feel like one of them.

Closing our eyes, we plunge into passion. There are no more surrounding problems, it doesn’t matter at all whether someone sees you or not, decency, morality and other social norms imposed on us from childhood are completely abandoned. There is only you and me, and no one else, and all artificial taboos are sinking to the bottom of that same sea much faster than the titanic rammed by an iceberg.

It would seem, what could be more beautiful than this sensual madness? Can there be at least one but? But... Don't they really feel these poisonous bites? Don't they really understand how bitter the hangover of this passion can be? What makes their life so miserable? And this is also absolutely unimportant...

By plunging into the world of our lovers, we can feel such an altered state of consciousness that no drug can give us. The feeling of delight, ecstasy, joy from the merger, it cannot be fake. Yin-yang, and the banal phrase about two halves already seems completely meaningless. You begin to understand what it means to be one with someone else. And let all the snakes of the world bite you, you will give everything just to remain in this state as long as possible...

But let’s move from lyricism to practice and from the “empirical” feeling of the map to the mantic one and try to save our essay from pulp-novel epithets.

My Lovers say that the choice has already been made. Not once in my practice have they pointed out rivals, love triangles or doubts about whether it is worth moving from words to deeds, no. What flirting, what games? When this lasso appears, I can safely declare such a force of attraction that will destroy everything in its path. It is impossible to refuse this path. They are already poisoned by the very poison that Vertinsky wrote about in the epigraph to my essay, and the main mystery of the lasso is whether an antidote will be found in the future, when the spell of the night subsides, passions subside, and previously blinded eyes open.

Let's look at the girl. At first glance, it seems that she is absolutely dependent on the man. Bright, innocent, miniature against his background, thin wrists limply wrapped around his shoulders, head thrown back. However, no. A snake bites a man. Everything is not as simple as it might seem, and her power is much greater than it might seem in this apparent lack of will. The man grabbed her, pressing her to him, he was much more absorbed in her, although... in this situation the roles change quite often. Partners become so dependent on each other that these are really trifles (one of the frequent motives for me in this lasso is such a strong mutual need, even if only for a moment, which very easily develops into dependence).

The full moon only complements the overall picture, demonstrating the intensity of passions, the power of instincts and the loss of the ability to think rationally.

Our Lovers are not threatened by anything from the outside, the sea is calm, the mountains are in the distance. And the colors of the lasso themselves are quite static.

In personal life, the lasso, in addition to the storm of emotions described above with an admixture of poison, in a calmer everyday life predicts a fairly successful development of relationships, the acquisition of harmony, unity, and strength. Arkan only warns that even if a relationship is conceived as a light affair, it will not be possible to forget about it so easily (and, by the way, it very often shows the development of relationships that began with such a “no obligation” and “nobody does anything to anyone” must" into a rather serious and far from the calmest novel). Under this lasso, the ununitable is often united; partners from different social strata, different upbringings, characters, etc. begin to feel the wonderful illusion that they think the same about everything in the world.

According to Lovers, my partnerships are defined as quite successful due to mutual understanding, coherence of actions, trust and desire for a common goal. In scenarios for finance, business, and career, they talk about the need to unite, find a partner, and attract the necessary connection. Lovers endow us with attractiveness both for the opposite sex, if we talk about the love sphere, and for business partners, various kinds of projects and plans into which we are ready to plunge headlong.

In essence, this lasso of success, it in itself is dynamic, bright, means the birth of something new: feelings, relationships, projects, ideas by combining opposites into a single whole (remember the numerological meaning of six and the influence of Venus on it).

In the negative aspect, that same detachment from reason comes to the fore and our snake plays a fatal role. There is a risk of “getting stuck” on a partner, poisoning his life and one’s own, a kind of hang-up on the feeling of pain, an unhealthy manic passion. This is a relationship from which it is difficult to get out of with an undisturbed emotional background and psyche; it is becoming dependent and unhealthy. Lack of independence and inability to act alone. Epiphany can be quite painful.

One thing is clear with this lasso - it won’t be boring. Should I lose my head or not? I’m afraid, and here you will have no choice... So enjoy this state here and now, and do not forget that the best antidote to all these ominous “Buts” is located in the same place as the poison - and that is Love.

Each of the tarot decks is unique and answers specific questions, despite its universality. Before working with the Crazy Moon tarot, we recommend taking a closer look at your inner sensations.

If you like bright images, it would be better to work, for example, with the Lenormand tarot deck, or with the Valley of the Mirages tarot, and leave the crazy moon arcana alone. The artist who created the images used moonlight and photographs from cemeteries and tombstones. Although the cards come with a companion book, it is not recommended for beginning tarot readers. The images are based on unreal and asymmetrical images.

Interpretation of the major arcana of the mad moon tarot

Let's consider the interpretation of the major arcana, taking into account the specifics of the deck:

Arcana Direct interpretation Reversed position
Jester The beginning of a new stage, lack of experience, innocence, stupidity. Missed opportunity, wrong choice.
Mage Shows a person endowed with skill and talent; the magician is busy developing abilities. Talent is used to the detriment of others. Lack of creative energy and imagination. Inability to quickly learn and understand information.
Priestess A woman's wisdom and intuition far exceed her age. Indifference, inability to see the situation several steps ahead, sensual coldness, detachment.
Empress A sign of feminine strength, abundance, motherhood. Inability to give birth to a child, infidelity, conflicts in the house.
Emperor A strong man, an ambitious leader with self-esteem. Lack of experience, feeling weak and indecisive.
Hierophant Inspiration from above, the ability to control emotions, mercy. A sign of powerlessness (including sexual), unnecessary advice.
Lovers A time of passion, love and harmony. Conflict, rupture, distance of partners.
Chariot Travel, the desire to learn new things. Difficulties, delays in plans.
Justice A sense of balance, strong-willed character, sincere feelings. Stereotypical thinking, nagging, psychological ossification.
Hermit The person is an introvert who voluntarily seeks solitude. Public socially active person who shares knowledge or information.
Wheel of Fortune Events are dictated by fate, unexpected changes and luck. Unexpected negative result, possible accident.
Force Gaining power, authority, enduring character. A sign of defeat.
Hanged Indecisiveness of character caused missed prospects. Time is lost. Feeling of a frozen situation and running in a circle.
Death Changes, transformation, completion of a stage of life. Unexpected changes, negative events.
Moderation Connection, partnership to achieve high results, directing energies in a creative direction. Conflicts, feeling tired, disagreements.
Devil Depression, pursuit of money and material goods, lust. Greed, the willingness to do anything to achieve a goal.
Tower An accident, a sudden break, the destruction of illusions. Quitting your job, being on a losing streak.
Star Speaks of the emergence of hope, creative energy, plans and fantasies. Doubts in one’s own abilities, superficial creativity.
Moon Deception, control, outside influence, manipulation. A person is in illusions, fears, and full of despair.
Sun Meetings with friends, engagement, successful marriage. Loneliness, relationships cannot be called stable, distance, separation.
Court Getting help, starting new projects. Delays and obstacles, the fortuneteller blames himself, regrets what he has done.
World The battle was difficult but it was won. Achieving goals, success, fulfillment of desires. Unfinished business, project failure, collapse of plans.

Mad Moon Tarot Deck Gallery

What questions does the Deviant Moon Tarot deck answer?

This deck of cards is specific in nature and is not suitable for standard layouts on love, relationships, financial issues and health conditions. She helps the fortuneteller look beyond reality into the area of ​​the subconscious, fears, doubts and look them in the face in order to win.

When working, you need to work through each lasso separately, so it is recommended for experienced tarot readers who want to create a psychological portrait of a person and determine what is preventing the client from moving forward.

The Deviant Moon Tarot has surreal, absolutely unique, sometimes frightening images bathed in moonlight. The cards were based on processed photographs of tombstones, cemeteries and mental hospitals, which the author changed (some “twisted”), turning them into character elements: clothes, hats and shoes or the background of the card.

The Deviant Moon Tarot is perfect for tarot readers who want to explore their own facets, access the Unconscious and come face to face with their shadow.

Honest, open and straightforward, this deck is well suited for predicting people's behavior and describing psychotypes. Complexes and fears, aspirations and hidden desires - she can reveal all the ins and outs of a person, look into his subconscious. Please note: almost every character has a distinct character and does something. The deck “speaks with pictures” - the main meaning of the card is encrypted in the action depicted on it.

The “moon men” depicted in the Arcana are honest and direct: they do what their intuition tells them, act under the influence of instincts and do not hide anything. Looking at them, we see what they think about, what they want and are afraid of.

The character of the deck itself is tough, even rude: it can cut from the shoulder, without caring about maintaining the emotional balance of the questioner. The truth may be bitter, but if a person is not ready for it, then why ask the question?

This is a non-classical deck that we would not recommend to beginners. For full-fledged work, it is worth working through each card separately in order to get to know it as closely as possible and understand its essence.

Patrick Walendza worked on the illustrations for three years, but says the concept for the deck was three decades in the making. He collected material for illustrations by traveling throughout the northeastern United States (in the New England region) and photographing 18th-century tombstones and ancient houses.

The technique of illustration is also unusual: each Arcana combines a drawing and a photograph. Take a closer look at the deck: if you like its aesthetics and straightforward nature, why not give it a try?

Major Arcana Meanings

ARCANA 0 - Jester (MADMAN)
Unaware of what surrounds him, the jester begins his journey through the canal. Having no life experience, he does not feel fear.
Direct position of the map: the beginning of the journey. The inexperience of a young man. Shortsightedness. Act without reasoning. New opportunities
Reversed card position: missed opportunities, uncertain actions, ambiguity.


Gifted with the gift, the magician is skilled in everything he does. Although he has only just begun to understand his strength, his talent is undeniable.
The direct meaning of the card: the desire to use one’s strengths and creativity. Sleight of hand. Awakening talent.
Reversed meaning of the card: using talents is not for good. Lack of imagination. Disorder, disorderly effort. Learning disability


The high priestess sits over the city like a winged guardian. She protects the knowledge of which she is the bearer, since wisdom is achieved only through life's trials.
Upright position of the card: higher knowledge. Intuition. Women's wisdom accumulated over the years. Virtuosity. Erudition
Reversed card position: ignorance, lack of insight. Hiding true feelings.


The Empress sits on a throne in the garden and holds a flower growing from her own body. Goddess of fertility, she is one with nature.
Upright position of the card: woman, strong personality. Fertility. Motherhood.
Reversed card position: infidelity, domestic squabbles, sterility.


Dominating everything around him, the emperor confidently sits on the throne. He is satisfied with what has already been achieved, however, he is looking for new spaces to conquer.
Direct meaning of the card: strong man. Leadership. Accomplishment. Ambition.
Reversed card meaning: incompetence. Weakness. Indecisiveness.


The priest prays for the souls of the townspeople. His position goes beyond just the clergy, since religion twirls a person like a puppet.
Upright card position: Divine inspiration. Control over spiritual needs. Following the requirements of the church.
Reversed position of the card: originality of methods. Helplessness. Bad advice.


Merged in a passionate embrace, two lovers are surrounded by a lake in the desert. The moon puts them into a hypnotic state. And the snake pierces with poison.
Upright card position: Love. Passion. Romance. Harmony. Unity
Reversed card position: division. Parting. Argument.


The driver is preparing to leave the city. Past trials have made him strong, and he takes this experience with him to new lands.
Upright map position: traveling to new places. Fearless discovery of the unknown.
Reversed card position: collapse of plans. Bad strategy.


Presiding over the city, the referee weighs a ball in each hand. While appearing to be purely honest, corruption is often hidden from public view.
Upright card position: balance. Strong character justice.
Reversed card position: abuse. Partiality, prejudice.


The hermit hides from the bustle of the world in his alcove. And although he is completely removed from the city, he is never truly alone. The decaying fish next to him is a reminder that we can never hide from ourselves.
Direct meaning of the card: loneliness. Exile, the desire to be alone with oneself. Rejection. Secret knowledge. Stealth.
Reversed card meaning: communication. The desire to share knowledge and participate in public life.


The gypsy stared into the future with an unseeing gaze. She spins the wheel for a restless city dweller eager to discover his fate.
Upright position of the card: success. Luck. An unexpected smile of fate. Predestination. Lot
Reversed card position: failures, unexpected events.


Man has the powerful power to impose his will on a wild animal. But he must know that what he seeks to subdue can defeat him.
Direct card position: power. Inner strength. Endurance.
Reversed card position: defeat, miss.


Residents left the suspect in limbo. He is indifferent to his position and does not seek to change it. However, time around him does not stand still. He must free himself, otherwise life will pass him by.
Direct meaning of the card: time passing by. Indecisiveness. Missed Opportunities
Reversed card position: waste of time. No forward movement. Feeling numb.


Two figures - a mother and a child - stand on a littered beach. The child strives to return to the mother's womb, but she holds him back. Another one is due to be born soon. Death brings rebirth.
Direct meaning of the card: change, metamorphosis, loss, end of the path.
Reversed card position: turbulent changes, unfortunate circumstances.


The angel patiently pours water from his bowls into the peacefully flowing stream. And although the vessels are different in appearance, all together they create the impression of harmony.
Upright card position: patience. Equilibrium. Managing your own energy. The need to rearrange elements to achieve new results.
Reversed card meaning: conflict. Unsuccessful combinations. Disagreement, immoderation.


Standing on a spewing globe, the devil dances with joy at the destruction he has caused to the city. Once a beautiful angel, he now roams the dark corners of people's hearts, connecting their souls with his.
Direct position of the card: oppression, material dependence. Evil will. Obsessive desires.
Reversed card meaning: relentless pursuit of material gain. Greed. Mind control.


Lightning flashing in the sky splits the tower. Two sinners are thrown down along with the rubble.
Upright card position: powerful or sudden changes. Loss or accident. Possibility of injury. Destruction. Coup.
Reversed card position: inability to prevent misfortune. Excess.


A girl, sitting on the shore, pours water into a crystal clear lake. Seven stars shine behind her, bringing hope to everyone under them.
Upright card position: hope. A good sign. Revived faith. Life's pleasures.
Reversed card position: doubt in one's own capabilities. Stagnation in creativity.


The glow of the anomalous moon spread over the city, subjugating weak minds like those of the puppeteer.
Upright card position: brainwashing, negative influence, fraud, illusions. Unconscious control.
Reversed card position: hide from reality. Strange powers. Crazy ideas. Lies and discouragement.


The twins met at the city wall. They came as two people, but the sun above them united them into one.
Upright card position: success in public relations. Friendship. Engagement. Happy time. Pure joy.
Reversed card position: loneliness. Unstable relationships. Parting.


Bodies rise from their graves, awakened by the trumpet call of an angel. All things cry out for redemption as judgment breaks out.
Direct position of the card: responsibility for your actions. New beginnings. Awakening.
Reversed card position: fear of death. Feeling guilty. Anxiety, procrastination.


The young mermaid begins her journey around the world. The journey will end where it began. However, the experience will transform her. Around her is a snake, completing the circle, swallowing its own tail. Behind are the beasts she defeated along the way.
Direct position of the card: completion of a cycle or path. Triumph. A hard won victory. Successful overcoming of difficulties.
Reversed card position: ruin. Unfinished beginnings. Ethereal efforts.

The suit represents a powerful clan, however, torn apart by contradictions. Family members overcome existing difficulties through perseverance and fortitude.

Swords Meanings


A powerful king stands next to one of the soldiers of his army. He dictates his will to everyone around him, decisively leading them behind him.
Direct position of the card: show willpower until the very end. Leadership and power. Determination. A disciplined and logical legislator.
Reversed card position: cruelty. Wrong trial. Selfishness.


A sobbing lady is alone in the forest. The power she wields does not console her in her loneliness. Blood drips from the blade of her sword, as her heart breaks at the sight of what is happening around her.
Direct meaning of the card: loneliness. Anxiety. Sadness. Widowhood. A man carrying a heavy burden.
Reversed card position: cruelty and insincerity. Bad mood.


The open gates await a knight, ready to ride in search of adventure. Although he is known as the city's protector, he sometimes leaves his post for aggressive actions.
Direct position of the card: a brave but rash act. A hero who is ready to respond and quick to act. Tactlessness.
Reversed card position: bully. Troublemaker. Impulsive person.


A young page wanders around the city. He is skilled in comprehending secrets and discovering hidden things. He is, however, often underestimated due to his youth.
Upright card position: insightful and receptive, intuitive person who knows how to keep secrets.
Reversed card position: deception. Liar. Fake friend.


Ten swords passed right through the wooden box, piercing the man hiding behind it. His refuge became his coffin.
Direct position of the card: complete destruction. Misfortune. Unbearable sadness. Confusion - real or mental.
Reversed card position: improvement of the situation. The beginning of overcoming troubles. Calm in the middle of the storm.


Unable to sleep, the elderly woman sits up in bed. The Nine Swords dominate her mind as she is consumed by anxiety and haunted by nightmares.
Upright card position: fear. Anxiety. Stress. Suffering. Despair.
Reversed card position: improved perspective. Improvement of health.


A woman in a somnambulistic state is attracted by the radiance of the anomalous moon. Eight swords threaten her from below as she looks out of her window. However, the moon's power over her dreams will soon end - the dawn is near.
Direct card position: subordinate state. Dependence on external forces. Suppression. Limitation.
Reversed card position: freedom. The ability to make decisions yourself. Independence.


Harlequin tries to demonstrate his skill by swallowing swords, but the act fails. The rope connecting the swords is frayed and will soon break, leaving the magician in a tragic situation.
Upright card position: poorly thought out plans. The path to failure. Failed attempt.
Reversed card position: a well-designed plan. Wise advice.


The city is on fire and panic has gripped the surrounding area. One of the residents heads to new shores in hopes of finding peace. Six swords help him in building a means of salvation.
Direct position of the card: travel. Getting out of a difficult situation and changing things for the better.
Reversed card position: inability to interrupt a series of troubles. Trapped.


A foreign soldier entered the city. He does not show due respect to the king, dishonoring him with his behavior. It is impossible to defeat this enemy, and therefore you should immediately give up the fight. Celebrating his victory, the soldier collects five swords handed over as a sign of surrender.
Direct position of the card: deception. Victory by unworthy methods. Unfair tactics. A cruel person who enjoys the suffering of others. Braggart.
Reversed card position: exposing the false friend. Reducing the possibility of deception.


The girl in the ground again indulged in dreams. The grave was illuminated by her visions, and a bush of four roses blossomed. Three swords are stuck into the ground, marking her resting place. The fourth is buried next to her.
Direct position of the card: renewal of forces. Rest. Exile. A revolution of consciousness.
Reversed card position: energy. Return to daily activities and responsibilities. Activity.


A woman stands sadly in the middle of the room while a storm breaks out in the distance. Her heart is broken by betrayal. She touches the blade of one of the swords, trying to understand whether the pain she feels is real or imaginary.
Upright card position: broken heart. Parting. Storm in relationships. Longing for absent love.
Reversed card position: extreme sadness. Loss of a loved one. Emotional disaster.


Two equally skilled swordsmen found themselves in a stalemate. They are resting before the decisive battle.
Direct position of the card: a hopeless situation. Equality of power. An insurmountable obstacle. Rest before action.
Reversed card position: false. Deception. Fraud.


The archangel defends himself with a single sword. Although its blade is covered with thorns, it is protected by its own strength, triumphing over the surrounding disasters.
Direct card position: power. Exceptional inner strength. The path leading to victory. Determination. Bravery.
Reversed card position: abuse of power. Tyranny. Destruction.

The Staff Clan lives passionately and creatively. When faced with difficulties, they call on their resourcefulness and ingenuity to help.

Staves Meanings


The King of Staves leads his children through the forest on an exciting adventure. His fatherly care inspires his offspring following the path of life, as he always sets a worthy example to follow.
Upright card position: father. Parental care. Married man. Wise leader.
Reversed card position: innate rudeness. Lack of compassion. Intolerance. Strict and cruel parent.


The Lady of Staves is confident in her strength. She rules the forest. The energy of confidence radiates from her soul, and everyone falls under her charm.
Upright position of the card: an attractive and beloved woman. Friendly and sincere personality. Confident.
Reversed card position: vengeful person, bearing quarrels. Infidelity. Revenge.


A brave knight rushes across the field, ready to face difficulties head-on. And at the same time he does not understand that his swiftness and impulsiveness are the key to his troubles.
Direct position of the card: hasty decisions. Sudden departure. Impulsive behavior.
Reversed card position: unexpected failure. Sudden change of plans. Intervention. Delay.


Using a pair of homemade stilts, the page fearlessly steps onto the frozen surface of the lake. Unafraid of the inevitable consequences of his actions, he faces life's obstacles with the optimism and energy characteristic of youth.
Upright card position: creativity. Ingenuity. Genius
Reversed card position: dullness. Incorrect choice. Indecisiveness.


Exhausted from a hard day's work, the worker slowly walks home. And although he has to make efforts, he can cope with the heavy load he carries.
Upright card position: oppression. The need to carry a load, which, however, can be shouldered. Excessive pressure.
Reversed card position: losses. Instability. Betrayal.


Trapped in an underground labyrinth, a young man in a mask looks for a way out. Resting on the edge of the wall, he wonders whether he should give in in the face of a hopeless situation. Eight staves mark the path to a possible exit. Nine supports him in his decision not to give up.
Upright position of the card: stopping to think about changing circumstances. Pause. Concentration of willpower to continue the fight. Hope.
Reversed card position: delay. Insurmountable obstacles. Refusal to fight. Lack of motivation or willpower.


A peasant woman is preparing to clear her plot of branches. The eighth staff serves as her scythe when she is about to cut them off with one blow. A black raven, flying over it, carries important news.
Direct card position: quick actions. Decisions made in haste. Important news. Travel by air.
Reversed card position: stagnation, lack of development. Family misfortunes. Jealousy.


A lost girl wanders in the thicket for several days. Despite the hopelessness of the situation, she eventually reaches the road leading to the house. The seven flowering staves symbolize the end of her trials.
Direct meaning of the card: overcoming difficulties. Victory in the fight. Overcoming rivalry.
Reversed card position: losses. Doubts. Lack of self-confidence.


There's a celebration in the forest tonight. The great transformation has finally happened! A new creature, jubilant, fluttered out of a flower bush, bathed in moonlight. Five staves are raised in honor of this event. Raising the sixth staff in bloom, the creature bestows good luck to all present.
Direct card position: new hero. Turn. Transformation. Improving the situation. Victory.
Reversed card position: delay. Effortless efforts and unachieved results. Inability to adapt to the situation.


Strife has broken out! Townspeople from different clans quarreled with each other. They waged a stave battle instead of seeking a peaceful, negotiated solution.
Direct meaning of the card: struggle. Difference of opinion. Problems with law. Conflict with neighbors.
Reversed card position: negotiating. Finding a solution. Using differences to mutual benefit.


A married couple, hand in hand, walks along the path leading to their new home. The four staves form a solid foundation for him, while at the same time representing a reliable foundation for their future life.
Direct meaning of the card: strength. A reliable foundation. Marriage. Home life.
Reversed card position: precariousness of home life. The fragility of the partnership. Divorce.


Standing on an overgrown hill, the expectant mother patiently waits for the three staves to bloom. Having put a lot of effort into blossoming a new life, she looks back at the path that led her here. The moon shines high in the sky, filling the bushes with its silvery breath.
Upright position of the card: restless anticipation of the fruits of your labor. Awareness of the effort made.
Reversed card position: inability to concentrate on projects. Bad advice. Mistakes made.


The farmer began planting. Using two staves in his harness, he combined their energy into one effort. Using this extraordinary tool, he made the first holes with ease.
Upright card position: creative use of energy. Merging of ideas. Concentration on one object. Working together towards a common goal. Joining forces.
Reversed card position: inability to think creatively. Focused attention. Separation. Dysfunction.


The death of the staff marks the beginning of all good things, nurturing new life in its hands. A powerful torch is ready to shine its fire on the forest, igniting passion and ingenuity in the minds.
Upright position of the card: creativity. Passionate love. Birth. New life. Possibilities. Anticipation of good deeds.
Reversed card position: indifference. Lack of energy. Passivity. Delay of plans and stoppage in travel.

The Kingdom of Cups is full of promise. They represent optimistic people who build harmonious relationships with their fellow countrymen.

Cups meanings


The shrewd king stands proudly above the sand dune. His kingdom by the sea prospers thanks to his enlightened and creative rule. Merchant ships plow the horizon, while the celestial body illuminates its terrestrial counterpart.
Upright card position: artistry. Creative approach to leadership. Freedom of thought. Business man.
Reversed card position: a person who is difficult to please. Lack of creative expression. Unscrupulousness in funds.

Queen of Cups

A benevolent lady travels along the seashore. She strives not to miss a drop of water, which she carries in the precious cup. Located in the background, the lighthouse serves as a guiding signal.
Upright card position: kind and caring personality. Committed and imaginative. A man showing the way.
Reversed card position: insecurity. Hesitation, indecision.


The faithful knight reveals to the world his discovery: the gift of hope. A long search led him across endless seas. The once shiny armor had acquired a patina. The journey changed not only his body, but also his soul.
Upright card position: romance. A person who enriches the situation with new ideas. Offering new opportunities.
Reversed card position: deceiver. Lies, fraud.


Consoling the unfortunate sea creature he carries in his goblet, the page moves towards the sea. In gratitude for his help in finding a home, the fish gives the page a sparkling pearl.
Upright Card: Thoughtful and imaginative person. Compassion. Gratitude.
Reversed card position: selfish, hidden person. A liar or an ordinary lazy person.


A battle-wounded soldier returns home from war surrounded by his loving family. The ten cups are raised to the full moon in honor of this joyful reunion.
Upright card position: home life. Reunion. Commitment to family. Loving environment.
Reversed card position: family quarrels. End of friendship. Destruction of the usual way of life.


The young man looks in amazement at the miracle happening in front of him. The genie granted him a wish, and the nine cups in the air form a mystical circle.
Upright position of the card: material success. Prosperity in all areas of life. Various pleasures. Choosing the best
Reversed card position: financial difficulties. Imperfection. Bustle.


The woman in red abandoned the beaten paths, since they were no longer suitable for her life. Not wanting to take a single grain from the past, she strives for new, bright events.
Direct position of the map: change of plans. Completion of efforts and abandonment of old methods. Searching for a better life.
Reversed card position: insight. Perseverance. Willingness to take risks.


The seven cups are placed in the artist's studio, where he applies them to the canvas. Relying more on his own subconscious than on the surrounding reality, he displays the subject with art and skill.
Upright card position: imagination. Daydreams. Bursts of fantasy.
Reversed card position: realistic goals. Rely solely on facts. Believe only your own eyes.


In ancient times, children gathered in the city center to enjoy the colorful spectacle. Today, townspeople often sigh about the past, but time continues to move forward. The design in the form of six cups, applied to the box with puppets, is similar to memories - tangible, but no longer accessible.
Direct position of the card: childhood memories. Nostalgia. Past. Longing for events that are long past.
Reversed card meaning: future. Upcoming events.


A grumpy old woman scolds her husband for three goblets, the contents of which he spilled on the floor. The lying rose reminds of the bygone romance of their relationship. The two cups continue to stand on the table - despite the wall that has grown between this man and woman, the hope for the return of love is still alive.
Direct position of the card: imperfection of relationships. Disappointment in marriage. Regret. Losses.
Reversed card position: new relationships. Return of former friendship.


Alone, accompanied only by the light of the moon, the girl stands on the balcony. Dissatisfied with the gifts of fate, she indifferently throws the golden cup into the sea.
Upright card position: dissatisfaction, despite external success. Apathy. Disappointment in life. Boredom.
Reversed card position: a lively outlook on life. New hopes and dreams.


Three merry fellows celebrate their release from the belly of a sea monster. Despite all their differences, the three drinkers shared their luck. What had been their misfortune was finally over.
Upright card position: problem solving. Celebrating victory over difficulties. Fun.
Reversed card position: illness. Loss of life's pleasures.


Midnight is attractive to death, and the two lovers made an agreement. They raise their cups to pledge their union.
Upright card position: Love. Harmonious partnership. Compound.
Reversed card position: fake love. Broken relationships. Conflict of interest.


The angel carefully clutches the golden cup to himself. Her living spirit fills the liquid with energy, inviting the moon to drink this nectar.
Upright card position: various pleasures. Fullness of spirit. Excellent state of affairs in various areas.
Reversed card position: Unlucky and sudden changes. Loss of love. Stagnation.

The inhabitants of the city of pentacles are diligent and hardworking. However, sometimes they have to pay for choosing material wealth over spiritual harmony.

Pentacle Meanings


The Great King holds in his hands the silver emblem of his industrial dynasty. Although he is skilled in business and trade, he pays too much attention to material benefits, forgetting about spiritual development.
Direct position of the card: knowledge of know-how in business. Wise investor. A skilled mathematician. Luck in financial matters.
Reversed card position: cheater. Money scam. Deception.

Queen of Pentacles

The magnanimous lady enjoys the luxury of her life. She, however, is not always aware of the needs of her people. She displays her royal pentacle to an audience consisting, in fact, of dolls, mistakenly believing that she will benefit society with this unnecessary charity.
Upright card position: luxury. Prosperity. Generous hostess. Generosity and charity.
Reversed card position: financial dependence on others. Unreliability. Lack of social life.


An apathetic knight slowly patrols the factory yard. He is persistent and therefore always completes tasks. His life turned into an endless routine.
Upright card position: persistence. Methodical. Down to earth, adherence to rituals.
Reversed card position: irresponsibility. Lack of motivation. Inconsistency.


A learned page examines an old pentacle he found among a pile of scrap metal. He made himself out of similar spare parts, and he is well aware of the value of such discoveries.
Direct position of the card: a young student, greedy for science. Inventive mind.
Reversed card position: opponent of new ideas. Rebellious youth. Limited consciousness.


A wealthy parent teaches his son to play chess, sharing not only the techniques of the game, but also his knowledge of life. The Ten of Pentacles forms an arch over the window, symbolizing the youth's future inheritance. Unnoticed by them, the servant calmly stole the king's piece.
Direct position of the card: transmission of family values ​​and traditions. Inheritance. A rich and prosperous house.
Reversed card position: family difficulties. Losing your home or money.


A rich woman walks around the city accompanied by her pet. Nine pentacles sparkle in the sky, surrounding her figure and symbolizing prosperity.
Direct position of the card: material wealth. A rich and independent woman. Animal lover.
Reversed card position: financial difficulties. Property losses. Theft of property.


In the bowels of the factory, a worker sweats to create the Eight Pentacles. Always on guard of excellence, he will not tolerate anything less than perfection.
Upright card position: skilled worker or master. Attention to detail. Pride in your work.
Reversed card position: carefree. Carelessness at work. Laziness.


A young witch tries her magic in a factory garden. As she hammers rusty nails into the wood, she evaluates the extent of her skill. The Seven of Pentacles light up on once dead branches.
Direct position of the card: improving skills. Increasing your own abilities. Reflection on the results achieved.
Reversed card position: impatience. Doubt in one's own abilities. Insufficient success.


Regret for the fate of the dead led a wealthy resident to the cemetery. When faced with a soul yearning for material wealth, he offers one of the six pentacles as a generous gesture.
Upright card position: charity. Gifts. Share wealth. Material generosity.
Reversed card position: selfishness. Passion for wealth. Bad investment.


A woman of ill repute makes her way through the narrow streets of the city. Not paying attention to the surrounding beauty, she seeks refuge among industrial buildings. She soon finds hope again in the form of five pentacles shining in the church window.
Direct position of the card: financial difficulties. Homelessness. Poverty. Lost soul.
Reversed card position: improved perspective. Better times. New place of work.


Unaware of his fate, the miser heads straight into the burning depths of damnation, accompanied by the devil. Looking back on his life, he struggles to hold onto the four pentacles in an attempt to maintain his worldly wealth.
Direct card position: miser. Greed. Selfishness. Put material wealth above all else. Skvalyga.
Reversed card position: financial difficulties. Problems in the business sphere.


Three artisans are working in a workshop. And although they often act as a single team, the uniqueness of each of them comes through in the works they create. Each of the three pentacles represents the individuality of the masters.
Upright card position: artistic ability. Collaborate in a creative environment. Skill and skill. Cooperation.
Reversed card position: mediocrity. Lack of skill. Low quality.


A beautiful dancer moves in the light of the moon, raising two silver pentacles to the sky. Although her movements seem effortless, they are the result of long practice and concentration.
Direct position of the card: balance and harmony achieved through effort. Managing several things at once.
Reversed card position: inability to maintain balance in life. Wrong prioritization.


The dragon took possession of the mystical pentacle, thus taking possession of the entire world. He is a perfect being, in harmony with the material and spiritual world at the same time.
Upright card position: perfection. Harmony between material and spiritual. Prosperity. The will to win.
Reversed card position: deceptive happiness. Dejection despite material wealth. Wastefulness.

Meaning of the 7 of Pentacles from Patrick Valenza's Deviant Moon Tarot Deck will be our topic today for studying the symbolism of the most popular Tarot decks. The image on the Seven of Pentacles only very roughly reminds us of the traditional Seven of Pentacles from the Arthur Waite Tarot. In this map we see a young witch practicing witchcraft in a factory garden. Plunging a rusty nail into the ebony, she assesses the level of her skill. A large drop of blood oozes from the puncture wound and slowly runs down the smooth bark. The blood-stained grass at the roots of the tree indicates that this painful ritual has been repeated many times before. Seven small pentacles bloom from the once withered branches of the tree, thereby giving the witch incentive to continue her practice. As the witch's power increases, the tree will bear more and more fruit.

Blood symbolizes the sacrifices that must be made to develop talent. The blood shed will not be wasted, for as it seeps into the earth, it nourishes the root below and animates the entire tree in an endless cycle. This is a metaphor for the fact that investment is necessary to thrive.

The tree itself represents the different stages of skill development. The roots serve as the starting point for those who travel their way from the beginning to the reward on the branches. Our witch touches the wood in the middle with her wand, this indicates that she is no longer a beginner, but also not an expert, but someone in the middle. With dedication and consistent effort, she will one day master her craft.

The Meaning of the Direct Seven of Pentacles (Deviant Moon Tarot)

When the direct Seven of Pentacles appears in your divination, it encourages you to take a moment to evaluate your progress in the area in question. Review your goals and make adjustments if necessary. Evaluate everything you have done up to this point and consider everything you would like to achieve in the near future.

If you're working to develop new skills, you may have noticed some serious progress lately. Congratulations! Your diligent efforts are starting to pay off. Enjoy the fruits of your labor knowing that even greater compensation awaits you. Keep in mind, however, that now is not the time to relax and sit back. Your dreams still require constant diligence and attention, and you must invest more now than ever before to make them a reality.

Meaning of the Seven of Pentacles (Deviant Moon Tarot) card reversed in the reading

When reversed, the 7 of Pentacles symbolizes the impatience or frustration that can arise when learning difficult new skills. Despite your best efforts, you seem to be making little progress. When discouragement sets in, you are likely to begin to doubt your abilities as well as your worth. The card may also indicate that you are rushing to get something before it is ready, or that you want to give up something prematurely.
