Formation of personality in Astafiev's story “A horse with a pink mane. The moral problematics of the story of V. P. Astafiev “A horse with a pink mane The moral problem of the story of a horse with a pink mane

Literature lesson in grade 6.

The moral problems of V.P. Astafiev's story "A Horse with a Pink Mane" are honesty, kindness, the concept of duty, true and false love.

The purpose of the lesson: to trace how a writer solves problems that are important for each person - what kind of person to be, what false and true love is; foster a sense of responsibility for their actions; develop a monologue speech, skills in working with text, the ability to reason on the proposed topic.

Equipment: portrait of the writer, textbook, blackboard, chalk.

During the classes:

  1. Teacher's word.

The main theme of many stories by V.P. Astafiev is the theme of growing up, the formation of a person's personality. The writer shows how one seemingly insignificant incident can affect a person's entire life, making him older, changing. The case described in the story "Horse with a Pink Mane" is just one of those. We must figure out how the main character comes to understand true love, on the basis of what moral laws a person must live in order to remain a real person, brings good to people.

How do you understand what good is? (Everything is good)

What is evil? (Everything is bad)

2. The main character of the story, a seven-year-old boy Vitya, encounters a lot of good and bad in his life, on his mistakes he tries to understand how he should live so that he does not suffer from remorse. How he came to this understanding of life will help us understand reference circuit which we will composein the process of analyzing the work.

3. Write down the topic of the lesson... On a two-page spread, we will draw up a reference diagram.

4. Analysis of the text.

How do you imagine the main character?(oral drawing)

A boy of about seven or eight years old, whose mother died, has no father, lives with his grandmother and grandfather. He is poorly dressed, but his clothes are always clean. For breakfast, there is always bread and milk, which the Levontiev children do not have.

What is the plot of the story?

Find a description of the gingerbread(p. 95, reading).

Why did this gingerbread seem fabulous to the boy? (A rarity for such a time, a delicacy not for everyone. And the most important thing is honor, attention. Vitya is especially flattered by the attitude of the Levontievsk guys.)

Tell us about Levontius, his family.(oral drawing)

So, we can say that the Levontiev family lives without moral rules. We mark this at the bottom of the diagram.. (Record "Family Levontievs - life without moral rules ").

Explain why Vitya is irresistibly drawn to the Levontievs? What attracted him to this family?(p. 97-98, reading)

Can such an attitude of neighbors towards Vitya be called love? (No, this is a pity and that is rare, drunk.)

Let us mark this in the diagram. (Recording "Drunken Pity of Levontius")

The true attitude of the Levontievs to the hero is manifested in subsequent events. The guys go for strawberries.

As evidenced by this detail:“The kids were carrying glasses with broken edges, half-torn birch bark for kindling for kindling, one guy had a ladle without a handle.Levontiev's eagles threw at each other utensils ... " ? (Broken dishes are not a sign of poverty, but an attitude towards things and work in general. Such people themselves do not like to work, and do not value other people's work.)

And what kind of tuesok did Viti have? (careful)

What quality of the boy can you say, judging by this detail? (He knows how to appreciate work. He himself is accustomed to work.)

Let's read the episode how Vitya picks berries. (p.99) Who taught the boy to work? (Granny)

What for? (She knows that a person cannot live well without labor. A hard worker will always achieve his goal in life.

Let's remember that Vitya goes to earn money for a carrot with his own labor. The boy understands that nothing is given for free. This is how his grandmother raised him, she put into him one of the main qualities of a good person - hard work.Note on the diagramon top "The boy's family is the moral basis of life", just below "Diligence".

How do Levont'ev guys show themselves in their work? (irresponsible) (p. 99)

How did it happen that Vitya did the same?Let's read this episode by role on p. 100.

What does the hero feel at this moment? Describe his condition. (He despaired, repented, swaggers, waved his hand at everything, he got carried away - he brags. He becomes the same as the Levont'ev guys.)Let us mark this in the diagram below under the arrow "Feigned despair, carelessness."

Does Vitya worry that he did not fulfill his promise to his grandmother? (Yes.)

What moral quality of the boy is shown in this episode? (Call of Duty.)Let's write in the diagram above "Sense of duty".

And here again Sanka's supposedly friendly advice. What does he advise Vitya? (Pick up herbs in a cupboard, sprinkle berries on top.)Let's write in the diagram below "Grandma's Deception".

Does Vitya understand that he is doing a bad deed?Prove with text. (p. 102 selective reading)

What feeling does the hero have at this moment? (Feelings of shame)

Let's note on the diagram above “Feeling of shame”.

What else does the boy do badly under the influence of Sanka? (He steals a roll from grandmother.) That's right, because a bad deed often entails another bad one because it is difficult for a person to say no in return. It is in this situation that Vitya finds himself. Will he be able to resist such "friendly advice" of Sanka? We will answer this question a little later.On the diagram, we mark "Theft of rolls".

When did the boy finally understand his guilt before his grandmother? Read it. (P.103) What does the hero feel? (Remorse, calls himself the ultimate confused criminal.)We write down on the diagram above "Remorse".

Vitya decides to tell everything to his grandmother, but does not have time - she leaves early in the morning for the city. With what feeling does the boy wait for her return? (He wants to avoid punishment, fear.)

We see what is happening in the soul of the hero. And what happens in nature at this time?(expressive reading from the description of nature p.105)

And again Sanka with his advice is right there. What does he offer? (Do not go home as if you were drowned, that is, avoid responsibility for what you have done.)We mark on the diagram below "Sanka's advice on how not to be responsible for your actions."

How Vitya answers this? Find in the text. (p.106)

Remember the beginning of the story, what the hero was and how we now see him. What has changed in him? (He became more determined, found the strength to say no to Sanka in response to his bad advice.)

Why does Vitya refuse this? (He has a sense of responsibility.)Write on the diagram above "Sense of responsibility".

No matter how much Victor delayed the meeting with his grandmother, it still happened.Retell this episode.

So, Vitya repents of his deed, because he not only deceived his grandmother, but also made her a deceiver.Record on the diagram above "Repentance, confession of guilt."

- This episode is depicted in the illustration for the story.... What, in your opinion, is conveyed by the artist especially well? (Grandmother's movements. She feels sorry for her grandson, and at the same time, she understands that he needs to be punished. In such situations, true love manifests itself. Grandmother often scolds Vitya, he is annoyed with this, but grandmother does everything out of love for her grandson, out of desire to grow into a good person.)

Why does grandmother give Vitya a gingerbread with a horse? (The grandson repented. She forgave him.)

4. Conclusion.

What life lesson did the hero learn from this story? (He realized that his grandmother loves him, he is not alone, he must live according to the laws of conscience, say “no” to a bad counselor in time, and most importantly, he must be able to forgive, be kind. from his grandmother, and Vitya understands that his grandmother loves him with true love.We mark on the diagram above "Learning the lesson of kindness and mercy."

So, we see: first, our hero is at the crossroads of good and evil, morality and immorality. It is difficult for him to understand where is false love, where is true. But he, passing through a moral test, realized that true love is where there is good, and for Viti it is his family.

5. Summing up.

6. Homework... Write a short essay “What the story“ Horse with a pink mane ”taught me. (10 sentences)

V. Astafiev's story "A Horse with a Pink Mane" - the writer's memories of childhood, conveyed with the help of artistic words. It seems that an adult is observing himself from the side. He not only talks about the actions of the tomboy-boy, but also analyzes them, pushing the reader to serious conclusions. Schoolchildren study "Horse with a Pink Mane" in 6th grade. We offer a brief analysis of the work, which will help to qualitatively prepare not only for the lessons, but also for the exam.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1963.

History of creation- The analyzed story is a part of the autobiographical story "The Last Bow". In it, the author reproduced the events that forever engraved in his memory: the death of his mother, life with his grandmother, friendship with the neighbor's boy Sanka.

Theme- Two main themes can be distinguished in the work: Vitka's deception and the spiritual formation of a person.

Composition- The composition of the work is simple, however, there is a peculiarity: the sequence of plot elements is slightly disrupted. The story begins with a plot, and then the exposition, the development of events, the climax and the denouement follow. The landscapes and portraits in the work are laconic, but they help to give expressiveness to memories.

genre- Story.

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

The history of the creation of the work is closely connected with the life of V. Astafiev. It displays the writer's childhood memories. It is known that Viktor Petrovich lost his mother at the age of seven. The woman turned over in the boat and drowned. The boy's father married a second time, and sent his son to an orphanage.

The closest after the death of his mother was the grandmother of Potylitsyna Ekaterina Petrovna. She lived in the village. Her neighbor was Uncle Levontius, the head of a large family. Vitya was friends with his neighbor's son Sanka. Comrades loved to fish, swim in the river, together they often got into funny stories. One of them appeared in the story.

The work was written in 1963. In fact, The Horse with the Pink Mane is a part of V. Astafiev's autobiographical story The Last Bow.


In The Horse with the Pink Mane, the analysis should begin with a description of the main themes and the system of images.

Childhood motive very common in world literature. V. Astafiev develops it in such a way as to reveal two topics: the adventures of the boy Viti and the children of the neighborhood and the spiritual formation of the personality. These themes of "Horse with a Pink Mane" are closely intertwined and define problematics of the work.

The Horse with a Pink Mane begins with a short conversation between grandmother and grandson. The grandmother asks the boy to collect a basket of strawberries, promising for this a gingerbread - a horse with a golden mane. Several paragraphs are devoted to the description of the delicacy. In them V. Astafiev plunges into his childhood concerns and dreams.

Grandmother and grandson Vitya - the main characters of the work... The gallery of images is gradually being supplemented. The reader learns about the family members of the grandmother's neighbor Levontius: his wife Vasya, children Sanka and Tanka. They all play a secondary role. Episodic images - Vitka's grandfather and mother.

Central story event- collection of strawberries. V. Astafiev tells how the main character, together with his friends, picked berries. Levontius' children ate more than they worked. Vitya, on the other hand, collected a strawberry tuesca, but they ate part of his "prey", and scattered part of it. Vitka was frightened: what grandmother would say. She was a kind woman, but strict. Sanka advised his friend to deceive her: pour earth and herbs into the basket, and put berries on top. So the guys did.

The grandmother discovered the deception only in the market. She was angry with her grandson, but brought him a gingerbread. An episode describing the return of the grandmother from the market attracts attention. The boy noticed how the woman threatened him from the boat with her fist. The sight of the boat in the middle of the river reminded the boy of the death of his mother, who had drowned in the Yenisei.

The boy was ashamed of his act, he did not know what to do. Grandfather came to the rescue. He advised me to ask my grandmother for forgiveness. Vitya did just that. At the end, an adult man appears in front of us, who confesses that his grandparents have died, his "life is on the decline", but his memory is preserved by "a marvelous horse with a pink mane." The final part of the work is the key to interpretation of the name story. The pink horse is a symbol of memory of people dear to the heart, it can also be interpreted as conscience.

The work reveals such moral issues: relations between representatives of different generations, deception, conscience, friendship.

The described events, the system of images allowed the author to realize idea that deception is always revealed, it is important to be able to live with a clear conscience.

The main idea of ​​the work: you need to be able to tell the truth, to act according to your conscience. This is what the author teaches the reader.


The characteristic of the composition is an obligatory item of the "Horse with a pink mane" plan. The work does not differ in a complex semantic or formal organization, however, there is a peculiarity: the sequence of plot elements is slightly disrupted.

The story begins with a plot - the request of the grandmother. This is followed by an exposition - dating by the Vitka and Levontiya family; development of events - collecting strawberries, an attempt to deceive grandmother; culmination - the experiences of the protagonist, whether grandmother will notice the deception or not; denouement - the grandmother scolds her grandson, and then Vitka, on the advice of his grandfather, puts up with her. Features of the development of the plot are associated with the fact that the analyzed work is part of the story.

Landscapes and portraits in the story are laconic, but they help to give expressiveness to memories. Meaning"Horse with a Pink Mane" is concentrated in the sincere recognition of an adult.

main characters


The genre of V. Astafiev's work is a story, as evidenced by such features: a small volume, a small number of main characters, attention is focused on one event. The direction of V. Astafiev's work "Horse with a Pink Mane" is realism, since the story is based on real events.

Product test

Analysis rating

Average rating: 4.3. Total ratings received: 530.

Formation of personality in the story of V. P. Astafiev "A horse with a pink mane"

According to Viktor Petrovich Astafiev himself, his distant rural childhood, spent in Siberia, despite the early death of his mother, was bright and happy at times. The description of this period of his life became the main content of the author's works created for children.

The central theme of Astafiev's stories is the moral maturation of a person, the formation of personality, the formation of character. This requires an understanding of goodness, justice, a sense of responsibility for their actions, nobility in relation to the weak. This path is taken by the main character of the story Horse with a pink mane.

This is an orphan boy living in a village with his grandparents. It is characterized by a naive perception of what is happening. The child does not see the dark, cruel sides of life. So, describing the family of Uncle Levontius, he pays attention only to joyful and bright moments. After the payday, a drunken uncle Levontius arranged a holiday for the children, drove everyone away with gingerbread and sweets, and in the evening he swore and smashed the windows. His wife, aunt Vasena, within a few days had to borrow money and food from neighbors. The narrator likes Uncle Levontius because he “once sailed on the seas”. Levont'ev's children are called "eagles" in the work. They "threw dishes at each other, floundered", fought, teased, stole vegetables, fruits and berries from neighboring gardens. However, the narrator enjoys spending time with them, playing, fishing. The boy does not feel the hardships of the life of this family, only sweets and fun time remain in his memory.

The grandmother promised to buy the narrator a gingerbread and the form of a horse with a pink mane, if he picks berries. He and the children of Levontius went to the forest together. In this episode, they are opposed to each other, because they relate differently to their own actions. Levontiev's guys swore, fought, teased each other. They are like their father, have adopted his habits. Children are aggressive, pugnacious, cruel, irresponsible. The narrator, however, "took the berries diligently and soon covered the bottom of a neat little glass for two or three." He behaves as if his grandmother was watching him. But the fear of appearing weak, greedy and cowardly makes the hero succumb to Sanka's persuasions and deceive his grandmother.

The narrator is tormented by remorse. “I cheated my grandmother.<…>What will happen? " he thinks. The boy is tormented, does not sleep all night, is going to tell everything to his grandmother. His regrets and mental anguish form a sense of responsibility for his own actions. The reader understands that the boy will never do this again.

The next day, the narrator and Sanka were fishing and saw grandmother returning in a boat sailing along the river. Sanka suggests to a friend: “Bury yourself in the hay and hide. Petrovna is afraid - suddenly you will drown. This is how she will cry<…>- you are here and come out! ". But the narrator refuses to deceive grandma again. The last lesson was understood by the boy and went to his benefit.

Grandmother bought a gingerbread for her grandson. Her trust was the hero's best lesson. He remembered the long-awaited horse with a pink mane for the rest of his life and learned that one cannot deceive.

The story "Horse with a Pink Mane" contains the author's protest against cruelty and indifference. Astafiev shows how evil drowns out the voice of conscience and displaces good from the human heart.

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  • horse with pink mane analysis
  • composition horse with pink mane
  • essay essay based on Astafiev's story horse with a pink mane

Astafiev's story "A Horse with a Pink Mane" tells about one episode from the boy's childhood. The story makes you smile at the trick of the protagonist and at the same time appreciate the wonderful lesson that the grandmother taught her grandson. A little boy goes to pick strawberries, and his grandmother promises him a gingerbread horse with a pink mane for this. For a hard, half-starved time, such a gift is simply great. But the boy falls under the influence of his friends, who eat their berries and are accused of being "greedy."
But for the fact that the berries were never picked, there will be severe punishment from the grandmother. And the boy decides to cheat - he picks up herbs in the cupboard, and closes it with berries from above. The boy wants to confess to his grandmother in the morning, but does not have time. And she leaves for the city to sell berries there. The boy is afraid of being exposed, and after his grandmother returns, he does not even want to go home.
But then you still have to return. How ashamed he is to hear an angry grandmother who has already told everyone around about his fraud! The boy asks for forgiveness and receives the same gingerbread horse with a pink mane from his grandmother. Grandmother taught her grandson a good lesson and said: “Take it, take it, what are you looking at? You look, but even when you deceive your grandmother ... "And indeed, the author says:" How many years have passed since then! How many events have passed! but I still can't forget my grandmother's gingerbread - that wonderful horse with a pink mane. "
In his story, the author talks about the responsibility of a person for his actions, about lies and the courage to admit that he is wrong. Every person, even a small child, is responsible for their actions and words. The little hero of the story promised his grandmother to pick berries, which means he had to fulfill his promise. The protagonist of the story simply does not realize the whole need to keep his word with his grandmother. And the fear of punishment makes him decide to cheat. But this deception hurts into the boy's heart. He understands that everyone around him has the right to condemn him. He not only did not keep his word given to his grandmother, but also made her blush because of his deception.
In order for the child to remember this story properly, the grandmother gives him a horse with a pink mane. The child is already ashamed, and then there is this wonderful gingerbread horse. Of course, after that, the boy is unlikely to deceive not only his grandmother, but also anyone else.

> Compositions based on The Horse with a Pink Mane


In the story "A Horse with a Pink Mane" we see Vitya as a seven-year-old boy living in the Siberian outback, where every neighbor knows another, and everyone lives like one big, friendly family. Childhood is an important period in everyone's life. It is in childhood that the worldview and character of the child, moral principles are formed. The main character of the story also goes through all these stages. In just a couple of days, he realizes how dear his grandparents are and how important it is to have a clear conscience.

Before that, he does not see the dark side of things and does not know what it is to lie, but a neighbor's boy teaches him to fill a vessel with grass instead of berries and pretend that he has collected enough strawberries. In fact, on the way, all the berries were scattered and eaten, so Viti's basket was empty. Why was it so important for him to bring this forest harvest home? His grandmother promised him to sell ripe berries in the city and buy his favorite "gingerbread with a horse" with the proceeds.

It should be noted here that the heroes of the story lived in a very difficult and hungry time, when a piece of gingerbread was considered a great asset. The owner of the "horse with a pink mane" automatically won the respect and honor of the neighboring boys. Therefore, this conic drenched in pink glaze was Viti's cherished dream. However, having agreed to the lie, he was so worried that he was even ready to give up his dream, just to beg forgiveness from his grandmother.

All night long, tormented by remorse, he got up with a determined intention to confess everything, but the grandmother was gone. She left for the city with an empty bag. When she returned, she, of course, scolded him great, but she still brought the gingerbread. For Viti, it was a good lesson in human kindness and boundless love. He also learned to take responsibility for his actions and distinguish bad advice from good.

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