Dream interpretation basketball ball. The magic of numbers. I dreamed of a big, small, child’s ball

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Ball?

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that you were playing ball, you were chosen by the gods. In order not to lose their support, first, say thank you to them: draw a yellow circle, a black square, a blue oval and a white triangle on a piece of paper and place gifts to the gods in the centers of these figures; secondly, find a rubber ball and keep it under your bed.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were making a ball, you are doing the wrong thing. To understand what needs to change, go on vacation for a few days.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Ball

  • Seeing the ball means debauchery.
  • Playing with a ball means infidelity, surprise, chaotic life, a brief happy meeting.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ball

  • Such a dream means some difficulties. If the ball is rolling away from you, you must work hard to advance in your career. If the ball rolls towards you, expect a reward.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Seeing a Ball in a dream

  • The ball means an active, mobile, full life, in which we are fully and very cheerfully realized. Pay attention to what happens to the ball in a dream: you lose it, or you receive it, you lose or win a match (if you dream of some kind of game with the ball). This way you can understand how your life matches your potential capabilities, expectations and needs.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Ball

  • If you see a ball rolling towards you, expect news of some unexpected event. For a young woman, a dream in which she lost her grip on a ball that quickly rolled away from her means that she is consumed by jealousy. However, you should not kindle this feeling in yourself, it will not make anyone feel better. If you dreamed that an inflatable ball deflated in your hands, you risk committing an act that you will bitterly regret in the future, but it will be too late to change anything.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Ball in a dream

  • If in a dream you see a ball rolling towards you, then expect news of some unexpected event. For a young woman, a dream in which she lost her hands on a ball that quickly rolled away from her means that she is consumed by jealousy. However, you should not kindle this feeling in yourself, which will not make anyone feel better. If you dreamed that an inflatable ball came down in your hands, then real life You run the risk of committing an act that you will bitterly regret in the future, but it will be too late to change anything.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ball

  • If you take part in any games or disputes, you will win them, even if it is difficult for you to do so at first.

Dream Interpretation: Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Ball in a dream

  • A dream in which you played ball predicts a quick meeting with a long-awaited person, for example, one of your old acquaintances with whom you once had a warm relationship, but then, due to his or your departure, you stopped seeing each other. Quite a lot of years have passed, you have almost forgotten that this person once meant a lot to you. However, the dream you saw says that forgotten feelings will come to life again to manifest themselves with greater force. This time you will be able to enjoy each other’s company, nothing will interfere with you, and your friend will move to your city forever. What if you don't have anyone in your memory who fits that explanation? Everything is very simple: this means that the dream symbolizes a quick acquaintance with someone who will be connected with your life for a long time. A motionless ball speaks of your calmness, peace, which will finally come to you after the meeting with the person predicted by your dream. kind person. Everyday worries, vanity, troubles of all kinds - all this will go away from your life, and you will enjoy peace and serenity for a long time.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet contains 75 best dream books: Russian dream book, antique French dream book, Jung's dream book, Tarot symbols dream book, Meneghetti's Italian dream book, old English dream book (Zadkiel's dream book), folk dream book beliefs and acceptances (folklore), newest dream book G. Ivanova, Martyn Zadeki’s dream book, dream book for women, Longo’s dream book, mirror dream book psychological states, Islamic dream book Ibn Sirin, Shuvalova’s dream book, new family dream book, Pythagoras’ numerological dream book, Tsvetkov’s dream book, Denise Lynn’s dream book (detailed), Slavic dream book, Chinese dream book Zhou-gun, dream book of catchphrases, Wangi's dream book, dream book of symbols (symbolic), psychotherapeutic dream book, and others.

Find out from online dream book, why do you dream about the Ball, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Ball and what does it mean:

Ball - Playing ball in a dream means getting an opportunity that cannot be missed. If the ball rolls at your feet, it means you will receive a belated inheritance or a dear friend will return.

Playing with a small ball in a dream means a happy meeting with a childhood friend. If you dreamed of a ball, do not make drastic decisions at work, do minor things, reschedule your trips late date and pay attention to your health.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand what a ball is in a dream?

Ball - unexpected things.

Modern dream book


The ball is a meeting with a childhood friend.

Astrological dream book

What does it mean to see the ball?

A soccer ball means gossip. Children's ball - for a meeting with a childhood friend.

Maly Velesov dream book


A happy meeting with friends, a love date // obstacles, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ancient dream book

I had a dream - Ball

Seeing a ball in a dream means debauchery. Playing ball - infidelity, adultery (surprise), happy meeting.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Ball from your dream

Ball – Pride, ambition; troubles; resentment, a kind of scapegoat, a whipping boy. Everyone kicks the ball and sends it to different sides(idiom: “puffed up like a ball”).

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about the Ball, what does it mean?

Ball - Represents the game of life. The golden ball symbolizes wisdom and unusual knowledge. Playing ball is a precarious situation. Gain will be replaced by loss. Seeing a ball means hope for success, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Esoteric dream book

Ball in a dream:

Ball - If you take part in any games or disputes, you will win them, even if at first it will be difficult for you to do so.

Simone Kananita dream book

What does the saint dream of about a ball:

Ball - Meeting with a childhood friend.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Ball was dreamed

Football, billiard ball - Indicates life or “in se.” To lose or gain, to lose or to win with their help means the relationship of our ego with our potentialities, expectations, desires and reality, in other words - the ego and its relationship with inner and outer life.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams by O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about the Ball according to the dream book?

Ball - Rolling ball - to receive an inheritance. Playing a ball, throwing and catching is a pleasant accident, unexpected luck. A small ball - for a meeting with a childhood friend.

If you dreamed that you accidentally dropped a ball, which instantly rolled away, you cannot avoid jealousy. And yet we do not recommend focusing on this feeling, since jealousy has never brought relief to anyone.

A dream in which an inflatable ball in your hands suddenly deflates foretells that you will commit an act that you will regret for the rest of your life, but nothing will ever be able to be corrected.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about the Ball by day of the week?

Ball - Playing ball means entertaining yourself with hopes that are unlikely to come true in the foreseeable future. Breaking a window with a ball means undeservedly offending a good person.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about the Ball?

Seeing a children's ball in a dream is a favorable combination of circumstances in which you will be incredibly lucky in realizing your old dream. Throwing a ball into the air means that you risk losing your share of income or inheritance. A ball falling into the water portends an unsuccessful deal and financial difficulties. A ball bouncing or rolling in a dream promises to soon receive pleasant news from a distant friend. The volleyball predicts that, having devoted yourself to the task with your head, you will neglect your children and husband and neglect the house. Kicking a soccer ball in a dream means you will become a leader in your team thanks to energy, perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goal.

Great modern dream book

Ball - why does the dreamer dream?

Ball - You see a child’s ball in a dream - you will remove all difficulties from your path with dignity, and at the same time without offending anyone. You see a sports ball in a dream - some kind of competition will enliven the sleepy atmosphere of your team; Moreover, this competition will not go beyond the bounds of reason and will not result in annoying rivalry, unhealthy competition; your fun will be innocent.

Everyday dream book

Everyday interpretation of the dream about the Ball

Seeing a ball in a dream means that in the near future you will want to change your life, bring more positive emotions into it, but you should be careful, because such a desire can lead to sad consequences.

If you had a dream in which you are playing ball, then it may portend difficulties in your work, which will be aggravated by your fatigue and your reluctance to work. In addition, you will notice that the result achieved will not correspond to the efforts you made to achieve it.

If you dreamed of a ball rolling towards you, then in the near future you will receive unexpected news. If in a dream you have an inflatable ball in your hands, then in reality all your attempts to show yourself as an extraordinary, original person will not be crowned with success. In addition, such a dream can be interpreted as an act that you will commit thoughtlessly, and which you will subsequently regret.

If a young woman had a dream in which she lets go of a ball, then in reality she needs to try to restrain impulses of jealousy, otherwise family life may end in failure, especially since there is really no basis for such jealousy.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Ball

A dream in which you played ball predicts a quick meeting with a long-awaited person, for example, one of your old acquaintances with whom you once had a warm relationship, but then, due to his or your departure, you stopped seeing each other. Quite a lot of years have passed, you have almost forgotten that this person once meant a lot to you.

However, the dream you saw about a ball says that forgotten feelings will come to life again to manifest themselves with greater force. This time you will be able to enjoy each other’s company, nothing will interfere with you, and your friend will move to your city forever. What if you don't have anyone in your memory who fits that explanation? Everything is very simple: it means that a dream about a ball symbolizes a quick acquaintance with someone who will be connected with your life for a long time.

A motionless ball speaks of your calmness, peace, which will finally come to you after the meeting with a kind person predicted by your dream. Everyday worries, vanity, troubles of all kinds - all this will go away from your life, and you will enjoy peace and serenity for a long time.

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Ball?

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that you were playing ball, you were chosen by the gods. In order not to lose their support, first, say thank you to them: draw a yellow circle, a black square, a blue oval and a white triangle on a piece of paper and place gifts to the gods in the centers of these figures; secondly, find a rubber ball and keep it under your bed.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were making a ball, you are doing the wrong thing. To understand what needs to change, go on vacation for a few days.

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Ball

  • Seeing the ball means debauchery.
  • Playing with a ball means infidelity, surprise, chaotic life, a brief happy meeting.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ball

  • Such a dream means some difficulties. If the ball is rolling away from you, you must work hard to advance in your career. If the ball rolls towards you, expect a reward.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Seeing a Ball in a dream

  • The ball means an active, mobile, full life, in which we are fully and very cheerfully realized. Pay attention to what happens to the ball in a dream: you lose it, or you receive it, you lose or win a match (if you dream of some kind of game with the ball). This way you can understand how your life matches your potential capabilities, expectations and needs.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Ball

  • If you see a ball rolling towards you, expect news of some unexpected event. For a young woman, a dream in which she lost her grip on a ball that quickly rolled away from her means that she is consumed by jealousy. However, you should not kindle this feeling in yourself, it will not make anyone feel better. If you dreamed that an inflatable ball deflated in your hands, you risk committing an act that you will bitterly regret in the future, but it will be too late to change anything.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Ball in a dream

  • If in a dream you see a ball rolling towards you, then expect news of some unexpected event. For a young woman, a dream in which she lost her hands on a ball that quickly rolled away from her means that she is consumed by jealousy. However, you should not kindle this feeling in yourself, which will not make anyone feel better. If you dreamed that an inflatable ball deflated in your hands, then in real life you risk committing an act that you will bitterly regret in the future, but it will be too late to change anything.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ball

  • If you take part in any games or disputes, you will win them, even if it is difficult for you to do so at first.

Dream Interpretation: Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Ball in a dream

  • A dream in which you played ball predicts a quick meeting with a long-awaited person, for example, one of your old acquaintances with whom you once had a warm relationship, but then, due to his or your departure, you stopped seeing each other. Quite a lot of years have passed, you have almost forgotten that this person once meant a lot to you. However, the dream you saw says that forgotten feelings will come to life again to manifest themselves with greater force. This time you will be able to enjoy each other’s company, nothing will interfere with you, and your friend will move to your city forever. What if you don't have anyone in your memory who fits that explanation? Everything is very simple: this means that the dream symbolizes a quick acquaintance with someone who will be connected with your life for a long time. A motionless ball speaks of your calmness, peace, which will finally come to you after the meeting with a kind person predicted by your dream. Everyday worries, vanity, troubles of all kinds - all this will go away from your life, and you will enjoy peace and serenity for a long time.

The dream book website - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Russian dream book, ancient French dream book, Jung's dream book, dream book of Tarot symbols, Italian dream book of Meneghetti, old English dream book (Zedkiel's dream book), folk dream book of beliefs and omens (folklore), the latest dream book of G. Ivanov, dream book of Martyn Zadeki, dream book for women, dream book of Longo, mirror dream book of psychological states, Islamic dream book of Ibn Sirin, dream book of Shuvalova, new family dream book, numerological dream book of Pythagoras, dream book of Tsvetkov, dream book of Denise Lynn (detailed), Slavic dream book, Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, dream book of catchphrases, Wangi's dream book, dream book of symbols (symbolic), psychotherapeutic dream book, and others.

For some it is a symbol of sports, and for others it is a favorite children's toy. How does the dream book look at the ball? Why do we dream about this sports equipment, the “hero” of our men’s favorite game - football?

As a rule, esotericists unanimously assure: a ball in a dream is an excellent sign. It portends a fun time, a lot of joy, as well as one hundred percent health.

What was this ball like?

  • For children. Often this toy means a future meeting with people with whom you have been friends almost from the sandbox.
  • Seeing children playing with a colored ball is a sign of an excellent, joyful holiday.
  • What was the children's ball like? Bright: your plans will come true. Deflated: your soul is uneasy (or maybe you’re just lonely). Bursted: what you have in mind will remain just plans. Big: something very good will happen in your life soon.
  • There were a lot of children's balls; you couldn't even take a step because of them. Before you achieve your goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles.
  • Football. Most often this is a sign of your recovery from the disease.
  • What was he like? Strange color: you will be lucky in love. With a star autograph: you will become famous. Deflated: you may get sick. Strange size: they may offer you something interesting; do not rush to immediately say “yes” or “no”, carefully weigh the pros and cons.
  • Did they play with them? He hit the net: you will win a personal victory. It was an out (he flew over the field line): serious intrigue will rage around you. Seeing the ball just flying past you: you are seriously thinking about your future.
  • Basketball. You will become rich through your career. A dream in which a basketball hits the basket is considered especially favorable in business terms.
  • You saw how the athlete “led” him: you will make the right decision. This was your friend: you will have to turn to this person for help.
  • The athlete threw the ball into the hoop and missed all the time: you are unhappy with your partner. This person may have seriously disappointed you.
  • What was he like? With a picture: they are presenting you with something.
  • Why do you dream of a ball lying forlornly in the corner of the hall? You will find yourself in a very awkward, ambiguous situation.
  • Seeing a basketball spinning in one place: you will work almost for days, like a workaholic. If it gets stuck in the basket, the dream says: your business(s) will begin to stagnate.
  • You didn’t see the basketball, you only heard it being hit on the floor: important news will come to you soon.

And what did you do in your dream?

The dream books, quotes from which are listed below, are not written on the basis of popular interpretations, but are the result of many years of work by their authors. They have not lost their relevance for many decades... Maybe not in vain?

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo (white magician)

  1. What does he think? this dream book, the ball you played with is a symbol of an upcoming meeting with someone you miss very much. Maybe a person with whom you were close friends in your youth will move to your city forever?
  2. If you don’t have childhood friends, the dream can be interpreted in another way: you will meet a person who will become a very close friend to you.
  3. If this sports equipment lay motionless in your dream, this is a sign: having replaced a hundred problems and daily hassles, spiritual harmony will come into your life.

Dream Interpretation of Meneghetti (Italian)

  1. If in a dream you win or lose with a ball (billiard, football, etc.), this means: this is how your ego interacts with your life.
  2. If you played with a ball in a dream just for fun, you will become rich.
  3. If you aimlessly rolled it back and forth, then this means: you will simply waste time on some nonsense.

A ball, be it a basketball, football or children's, by appearing in a dream symbolizes the life of the dreamer himself. What do dream books say about the ball? In most cases, the prognosis for such dreams is positive.

Ball: interpretation of dream books

Women's dream book

Seeing the ball lying in your hands and then rolling away means acute attacks of jealousy. You shouldn’t torment yourself with such a feeling, it destroys you from the inside.

If the ball was large at first, and then went down or burst, then this foreshadows rash, reckless actions, the consequences of which will be unpleasant.

Modern dream book

A ball in a dream, rolling into the dreamer’s hands, marks a quick meeting with friends, pleasant chores and good news. A dream in which a ball rolls away from its owner speaks of empty dreams and desires that will not come true.

Dream about buying a ball for new ones interesting acquaintances, finding a true friend. Losing a ball in a dream means various losses, failures in business and at work.

Playing ball with an adult is interpreted as a warning about an imminent quarrel or disagreement with loved ones. If the dreamer plays with a child, then the dream indicates that soon his children (or relatives, friends) will bring great trouble and problems.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

Why do you dream of a ball? For a quick romantic date or meeting with friends. There is also a negative interpretation of the dream: the appearance of a ball foreshadows the emergence of obstacles to the implementation of plans.

Playing ball means increasing capital and improving your financial situation.

A vision in which a sleeping person rolls a ball in different directions means a waste of mental and physical strength.

Seeing a children's ball in a vision means quickly overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of achieving what you want.

Esoteric dream book

Getting the ball into the basket on the first try portends success in business, receiving benefits, and speed of acceptance. important decision. Tossing a ball into the air in a dream represents financial risk - a person may lose an inheritance or permanent income.

Dream Interpretation from “A” to “Z”

Seeing the ball fall into the water means insolvency, entering into a losing deal. A dream in which a person sees himself as a football player kicking a ball portends recognition of him as a leader in the work team.

Chasing a constantly rolling ball in a dream means that the dreamer should make a lot of effort to get a promotion.

If the ball rolls towards a sleeping person, then this portends an unexpected reward.
