At what months do babies roll over? When a child first starts to roll over: optimal timing, ways to help and reasons for failure. How to keep your baby sleeping safely

At what months does a baby begin to roll over? From about 4 months, the baby makes his first attempts to implement this idea. It’s an idea, that’s why it happens consciously. By 5 months, he is already confidently lying on his side and periodically turning over. At about six months, turning onto your stomach becomes commonplace. What to do if the time has come, but the baby is not confident in this skill?

When a child begins to roll over, this provides an incentive for further motor and psycho-emotional development. The more often the baby lies on his stomach, the more he wants to move forward. And if some bright and attractive goal looms nearby, his desire will double. It is from this position that the baby will first stand on all fours and. From this moment another, nimble and rapid page of his life will begin.

What conditions should there be?

A child's motor skills develop sequentially and are interrelated with each other. In the first year of life, the baby goes through several important stages of motor development; you cannot skip one and immediately succeed in another. The baby begins to roll over earlier and more successfully if important conditions are met.

  • Basic skills. If the baby has not, has not learned, there can be no talk of success in coups. The baby confidently holds his head upright. But to roll over, he must also be able to lift his head while lying on his back. And this already requires a lot of effort and muscle training.
  • Hard surface. The softer the support, the more difficult it will be for the baby to roll over.
  • External incentives. It is necessary in every possible way to awaken in the child an interest in the world around him. Bright toys will help with this. They will become a goal that you will definitely want to reach and reach. It is advisable to remove the toys that hang above the crib and place them in a horizontal plane.
  • Emotional mood. In a good mood, everything turns out easily, quickly, and interestingly. Choose the right moments to practice stomach flips. A hungry, sleepy, sick, restless child is unlikely to show interest in motor activity.
  • Safe space. In general, this condition is not specified. But it won’t hurt to remember it once again. It is with turning over onto the stomach that the traumatic period of a baby’s life begins. All movements of the baby must be strictly under the control of adults. The most safe place for training - a warm, cozy floor.

What to do, if…

Not all children develop according to classic scheme: started holding his head up at 3 months, rolled over on his stomach at 4, sat up at six months, etc. What to do if the baby does not fit into the indicators of the tables and development norms by month?

  • . It's too early to sound the alarm. At this age, the baby can make the first attempts to roll over on its side. And it all starts with regular laying on the stomach. A baby at this age can lie on his stomach for up to 10 minutes, while confidently leaning on his forearms and holding his head.
  • The baby does not roll over. And in this case, there is no need to panic. Because the baby can develop at his own pace. Each child has his own “zone” immediate development", that is, its potential, opportunities for growth. You need to start from this position. Today you will help your baby learn a new skill and create all the conditions for this. Tomorrow he will try to do it on his own.
  • The baby does not roll over. At six months, the baby masters this skill perfectly. Performs flips onto the stomach quickly, deftly, skillfully. In this situation, you need to find out why the baby does not try to make a coup. Is this due to physiological reasons, the lack of external stimuli? Or both? If the baby is born, he develops according to his own standards. He still has two months left to master the tummy roll. In any case, it is necessary to consult a neurologist to rule out disturbances in psychomotor development. First of all, the doctor prescribes gymnastics, massage, and swimming. All these procedures will also be useful for every child.

Rolling from back to stomach is a conscious movement and the baby’s desire to change position. He tries, he persists, he does a great job. It happens that the child has not yet mastered this skill, but easily rolls over from his stomach to his back. From the point of view of motor development, this revolution is of no benefit. These movements are random, more like falling over. If the baby cannot stay on his tummy, this may indicate problems with muscle tone.

How to help roll over: 3 basic exercises

The main goal of all exercises is to help the child learn to roll over. In addition, they develop motor patterns - patterns of movement of a certain group of muscles that are involved during a flip onto the stomach.

Exercises must be repeated 3-4 times a day in both directions for 3 minutes. It is also important to perform them sequentially: first the first for several weeks, the second for about the same amount, then the third.

Additional exercises

These are exercises for general strengthening of the abdominal and back muscles, stimulating the motor activity of the baby. They can be performed when the baby is playing, awake, and exploring the world.

Turns onto your stomach to the right and left side the baby must perform equally successfully and quickly. If one side “suffers”, emphasis and attention when performing exercises should be placed on it.

How to teach a child to roll over? Effortlessly, with minimal intervention in the process. In the development of a baby there can be rapidity, but stops and respites are also acceptable. As soon as you see that the baby is starting to succeed, stop helping him. Rolling over onto your stomach is like learning to ride a bike or learning to swim. Don't be afraid that your baby will forget how to do it.


The child begins to roll over well from back to stomach at 4 - 5 months.

Independent rollovers from back to stomach and from stomach to back become a truly revolutionary event in the life of a baby. On his back, he can only see his mother's face and a couple of toys above his head or to the side. When that time comes and the baby begins to roll over onto his tummy well (and this happens around 4-5 months), he opens the whole universe, consisting of extremely entertaining objects and phenomena.

First coups

After three months, the baby is already quite good at mastering such skills as:

  • turns the head towards a sound (for example, the melody of a mobile phone or other toy) when lying on his stomach;
  • begins to gradually lift and fix the head and shoulders in a position on the stomach with support on the hands;
  • movements become more and more coordinated: the child is curious to feel his face, grab his nose.

During this period, the baby can surprise the mother by suddenly turning over from back to stomach. It’s hard to really call this a coup, but rather a not very successful attempt to roll onto its side from the position on its back, in which the caring mother had placed the baby. But the beginning of active movements has already been made, and now the baby will not remain on his back for long. True, children really begin to roll over only when their neck, arm and back muscles are sufficiently strong, which usually happens a little later (4-5 months).

Attention! After three months, when the baby learns the skill of turning over, you should always hold the baby with your hand when changing his diaper or turning away to take a tube of baby cream or a bottle of massage oil. It is unacceptable to leave a baby alone on a bed without sides and, especially, on a changing table, as this is fraught with falls and injuries.

According to some mothers, their child, just at the age of 4-5 months, very cheerfully began to turn from back to side, then to the tummy and belly to back - in a word, to make revolutions in different sides, having managed to get himself several bruises before the mother believed that the baby had really learned to roll over on his own.

Rollovers from back to stomach and back (4-5 months)

After 4 months when the child lies on his back, he raises his head and looks at his legs with interest, he can bend them at the knees, pulling them towards his chest and trying to reach them with his fingers. Then he periodically begins to turn his body from back to side.

By 5 months The child can hold his head well, rise on his arms, lie on his stomach, and arch his back in every possible way. He likes to rock while lying on his back, he can roll on the crib in this way, and pushes off the bed with his legs in a position on his stomach. Such movements actively help the necessary muscle groups develop, therefore, just at this time, many babies begin to roll over well.

You need to understand that when a baby rolls over, and then learns to sit up on his own and then crawl, similar muscle groups are involved. This means that when the muscles of the neck, back, legs and arms are strong enough for full-fledged rollovers, your child will gradually begin to try to sit down and crawl on his own.

We help you make turns

You need to help your baby learn a new skill in a playful way with a mandatory smile and words of approval. If you notice that your child accidentally rolls over on his own, try playing with him by placing a toy on his side, stimulating the baby to turn.

You can perform simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and arms, which will help your child learn a new skill. When starting exercises, you need to make sure that:

  1. The baby is well able to raise his head while lying on his back, and holds his head well when lying on his stomach.
  2. The child has an expressed desire and developed skill of lying on his stomach with his head raised, leaning on his hands for at least 5 minutes.

If the baby is not too interested in lying on his stomach, you can hold him in this position for a while, for example, by rocking him on or placing a bright, funny toy right in front of him.

Flip exercise

This is done with the baby on his back. Right hand The mother grabs the baby’s right shin, while with her left hand she easily fixes the left leg so that it does not bend. Then mom begins to gently pull the right leg down, and then towards the inversion, so that right leg appeared above the left. There is no need to rush and pull excessively; the child should be in a state of turning for about 10 seconds.

Video exercises from mom Lara

Corrective gymnastics for babies will help your baby learn to roll over from back to stomach:

After the coup is completed, the baby’s hand can remain under the body. Try to give the baby the opportunity to straighten it on his own. If the baby begins to get nervous, then you can slightly increase the movement of the leg, and the handle will gradually release. The exercise can be repeated 3-5 times in several approaches throughout the day. Remember - all movements are extremely smooth, without sudden jerks or jerks!

Watch a video about how you taught your baby to roll over. Within three weeks the baby learned to roll over! And here is the result! When you wake up, the first thing you need to do is lie on your stomach!

Mastering the skills of turning over independently opens up new skills for your baby. interesting world, gradually leading him to the need to crawl, and then . And, of course, when the baby masters it properly, the mother must not forget about simple rules security.

You should not specifically start training your child to sit or even stand if by 5-6 months the baby still does not know how to roll over. It is best when each new stage of development of a toddler replaces another smoothly and in the right sequence. Yes, children can sometimes “jump” or significantly shorten certain stages, but these stages will still succeed each other one by one.

Video: a baby at 3.5 months turns over from back to stomach and from stomach to back

It is common for parents to worry about their child. At any stage of a child’s development, they have many questions regarding the compliance of the baby’s actual development with standards and norms. One of the most common questions is the question of the timing of the start of independent revolutions from back to stomach. In this article we will talk about when children begin to make such movements and what to do if the calendar deadlines have passed, and the little one is in no hurry to master the new body position.

Deadlines and norms

On any specialized forum on the Internet, a young mother will definitely find norms and deadlines within which the child is instructed to do something or achieve certain skills. Usually they clearly describe at what months the baby should lift and hold his head, and at what time he should roll over, sit and walk. It is these standards that make the unhappy mother feel terrible, because the baby may not meet them.

Each child is an individual. All eminent pediatricians talk about this, including the famous doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky. From this point of view, all existing norms are nothing more than an approximate guideline, deviations from which are possible and very likely. In this matter, what is dangerous is not so much the desire of parents to compare their child with other children and with certain average standards, but rather the desire of parents to do everything possible and impossible so that the child “catch up” with the norms.

Parental actions can harm the baby, but mothers rarely think about it. Much more important are the resentment and inferiority complex that appear after a neighbor declares that their baby was tossing and turning from his back to his side already at the age of three months, and then immediately began to sit. Mom can also hear offensive remarks from the local pediatrician, who is not used to taking into account the developmental characteristics of each of his little patients, and therefore also relies on tables with norms.

These notorious norms state that the child begins to roll over from back to stomach at 4-5 months. IN real life everything may not be like that at all, but the young mother still has to get used to this idea.

A child who does not want to roll over from a lying position on his back to his stomach at this age is not uncommon, and he, most likely, is not sick, says Evgeny Komarovsky. In this situation, his relatives become sick and spend a lot of money. nerve cells to experience a non-existent problem, as well as those who strongly advise them to treat their child.

So, at what age does a baby begin to roll over? If we do not take into account the norms that we mentioned above, then the baby can attempt the first coups before four months, and also much later than 5 months. Often, even at 6 months, a baby does not roll over onto its tummy on its own, but not at all because of any illness, but solely due to individual developmental characteristics.

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What does this depend on?

Rollovers from back to stomach depend on whether the muscles of the back, abdomen and lateral oblique muscles are ready for such work. In a newborn, these muscle groups are quite weak, since during intrauterine development the child had no need to make such movements. But the baby begins to “train” them from the first days of his stay in this world.

How quickly a child learns to roll over depends on the degree of muscle development and the desire of the child himself. If a baby was born with the temperament of a “baby elephant”, if he is slow, lazy, sleepy, then he will master flips much later than his more inquisitive peers.

If a child was born large and then gained more weight than normal, then it will be difficult for him to toss and turn; he will also master turning over from back to tummy later. The most “late” ones are usually children who are not only lazy due to their temperament, but also overweight.

It will be quite difficult for children who were born ahead of schedule to master coups. In premature babies, muscle tissue develops more slowly. Also, coups will be difficult for children with congenital diseases, weak and often sick babies. If you have just such a baby, you shouldn’t be surprised that he won’t be able to roll over onto his stomach until he’s 5-6 months old.

Thin and flexible children born at term and somatically healthy, children characterized by increased nervous excitability, as well as restless and inquisitive babies usually learn earlier. new type movements and begin to actively use it to study the world.

Parents' actions

If a child is already 5 months old and does not want to roll over, this is not a reason for worry or anxiety. It will be more beneficial for the baby if he is raised by a mentally balanced woman. Therefore, first of all, the mother should pull herself together, stop focusing on average standards, and listen to her friends and neighbors. If this means stopping reading thematic women's forums on the Internet, do it without a doubt.

There is no reason for concern and a large-scale medical examination of the baby if no other complaints are observed. If the child eats well, sleeps normally, is happy with his mother, knows how to express his emotions, tries to walk, reacts to sound by turning his head, perks up at the sight of a toy, there is nothing to worry about. The muscular system of such a baby simply has not yet become sufficiently strong.

Sometimes it is enough to wait just a little, and the baby will definitely begin to delight his parents with his first revolutions.

If complaints about the absence of revolutions are not the only ones, and the mother notices that the child is lethargic, apathetic, does not respond to toys or loud sounds, if he burps a lot and profusely, often cries for no reason, does not smile, does not coo, be sure to show the baby to a pediatrician and neurologist . It also wouldn't hurt to visit an orthopedist. If these specialists do not find pathologies in the baby that could interfere with its normal development, then parents will also need to adhere to a wait-and-see approach. If pathologies are detected, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

For reassurance, it should be noted that there are quite a few diseases that prevent the baby from turning over and developing fully. All of these ailments are considered serious, most of them congenital. Parents are told about them in the maternity hospital or during the first examination, which is carried out at 3 months.

Your baby is already more than five months old, there are signs of total damage to the central nervous system, no paralysis has yet been discovered in him - this means that it is definitely not worth looking for painful causes in the absence of independent coups.

Parents should take active action only if they no longer have the patience to watch the baby lying down and not going to roll over. Doctors warn moms and dads against excessive activity, which could harm him. But a strengthening massage and light exercises will be beneficial and will strengthen the muscles of the back, neck, chest, arms and legs. The child will receive tangible benefits if, of course, the massage is carried out correctly, and the parents will be much calmer, because they will not be passive observers, but active participants in the auxiliary process.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Parents cannot teach a child to roll over, since the toddler will still begin to make new movements only after he reaches a certain maturity, that is, in due time. But mom and dad are quite capable of contributing to this process if they do not rush to extremes.

Evgeny Komarovsky considers verticalizing devices - jumpers and walkers - to be a dangerous extreme. These devices, which for some reason are considered developmental, often play a decisive negative role in the formation of pathologies of the back, spine, and posture.

A five-month-old baby suspended in a jumper will not begin to roll over faster from a lying position on his back, but the likelihood of curvature of his feet, legs and spine will increase significantly.

Komarovsky warns parents not only against using such devices, but also against too much active actions of a different kind - too aggressive massage, attempts to teach the child to sit, forceful attempts, which, in the opinion of parents, should forcibly teach the child to roll over, cannot be useful until the baby’s ligamentous and muscular apparatus is ready to perform all these actions independently , without adult help. And when they are ready, the baby will begin to do everything himself, and there will essentially be no need for auxiliary activities.

The main task of mom and dad is to create conditions for the child that would be favorable for strengthening his body. Everything else will proceed by itself, according to the laws of nature, which does not tolerate the slightest interference in the individual development plan of your baby that it has conceived.


If a mother, concerned about the problem, goes to see a pediatrician, there is a very high chance that the doctor will make a diagnosis of “hypertonicity” that frightens parents and will send the patients for a massage. Every newborn increased tone muscles are typical for completely physiological reasons, and by six months, when they usually start sounding the alarm about the lack of independent revolutions, the tone usually does not go away.

Massage is an expensive procedure. But in the case of increased muscle tone, there is no need for a professional massage; it will be quite enough for parents to perform it at home.

It is not difficult to master the techniques of restorative massage. It won't take much time, but it will save you a lot of money. And one more very important point - a child under one year old needs close tactile contact with his mother, so he feels more calm. This is why many children scream so heart-rendingly when they are massaged by professional massage therapists. With a home massage, such nervous reactions of the child can be completely avoided.

The massage technique to strengthen all the muscles involved in the inversion process is quite simple. It contains elements of classical massage. These are three common types of movements: rubbing, kneading, pinching (vibration).

Here are some effective and effective exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles:

  • "Wheel". The child should be placed on his back, with warm hands thumb Mom begins to draw circles around the navel - small at first, and then increasingly wider in diameter. When thumb begins to touch the costal arches, the diameter of the circles must again begin to decrease until a small circle is described around the navel.
  • "Sun". This technique uses two thumbs of mom’s hands. It is better to use this technique after the previous one. With her fingers, the mother makes arcuate movements in the direction from the navel to the ribs, sides, and groin. It looks like rays of the sun, if you imagine that the center of the sun is the navel.
  • "Cat's tummy." This exercise is called this because the mother will have to perform movements similar to those she makes when stroking the cat's tummy. With the entire palm, without pressure or force, you first need to make circular movements along the anterior abdominal wall, and then - movements in a semicircle, like brushes in a car (right-left).

To strengthen the back and side muscles, mom can use a full range of classic techniques. Place the baby on his stomach on a firm surface that will not fall under him and begin. Here are a few effective techniques, which will help the little one’s back get stronger faster.

  • "Angel Wing". With warm hands Without strong pressure, the mother gently strokes the baby’s back in the direction from the spinal column to the sides, similar to the growth of wings. After 15-20 strokes, we can assume that the transverse back muscles are well warmed up, and you can proceed to the next technique.
  • "Rail sleepers." This technique is known to everyone from the children's game of the same name. The mother first runs the edge of her palm along the spinal column several times, and then begins to massage with the edge of her palm on both sides of the spine towards the ribs with light vibration movements.
  • "Crow's feet." Children usually really like this technique. It consists of light tingling sensations over the entire area of ​​the back. This exercise helps improve blood flow to the muscles.
  • "Worm." This exercise is aimed at stimulating the lateral muscles, which should ultimately provide the child with the ability to roll over onto his side and stomach. Take the arms of a child lying on his stomach and pull them forward, while the baby places his head on his side on the massage surface. Stroke from top to bottom from your hands to the sides of your butt.

General rules Massaging a baby at home involves following certain recommendations:

  • start doing massage to strengthen the back and abdomen only when the baby can hold his head;
  • do not massage if the child does not feel well or is in a bad mood;
  • try to get a massage fun game, if at some stage the baby begins to cry and become indignant, stop the activity;
  • massage with warm hands;
  • use massage products (oil, baby cream);
  • duration of one session per initial stage should not exceed 5 minutes, gradually it increases to 10-15 minutes;
  • massage course - 10 days, after which you should take a week break.


Gymnastics is useful for all children without exception, and especially for the sedentary and lazy ones, who, by the way, usually do not want to roll over from their back to their stomach. Make gymnastics a daily obligatory ritual, your baby will very quickly fall in love with it and will do it with pleasure.

Exercises for the little ones are quite traditional - they involve flexion and extension of arms, legs, and circular movements of the limbs. In order for your baby to learn to roll over, add leg lifting exercises to your regular gymnastics.

They are done quite simply - place the baby on his stomach. Bring your right leg and, supporting the baby by the back, turn your body to the left. When you bring your left foot in, the turn will thus occur to the right. Make sure that the left and right legs are brought in with the same intensity and frequency so that the lateral muscles on both sides develop equally well. Otherwise, the baby will learn to roll over, but only on one side. If this has already happened, you can help the child by bringing his legs up and turning him over to the opposite side.

An excellent incentive for a child to train their lateral muscles is a toy. It’s better if it’s something new, previously unknown. The toy is placed in front of the child lying on his stomach, slightly to the side; when he tries to reach it, the baby will give up his legs and roll over onto his side, and then onto his back. If this exercise has already been mastered, you can place a toy in front of the baby lying on his back, this will encourage him to roll over onto his side and then turn onto his stomach.

The child should roll over even after a course of exercise on a fitball. Before exercising on a gymnastic ball, you should definitely consult your pediatrician.

Swimming will also be useful; it perfectly develops all muscles, including the abdominal, dorsal and lateral obliques. You can teach your child to swim on your own. large bath, using, for example, a special orthopedic circle for swimming, or you can sign up with your baby in the pool, where there are special groups for young mothers with babies. Such activities will also benefit the mother: she will get better faster. physical fitness after childbirth.

New discoveries await a newborn baby almost every day. One of the most important moments in the development of his motor activity is the development of the skill of turning over. At first, the baby can only lie on his back or tummy, and therefore he sees a limited circle of objects around him. Having learned to roll over, he will discover many new and previously unknown things.

However, not all parents know at what stage the child turns over, and therefore they worry whether their baby is developing correctly.

Development of basic skills in a newborn

The development of various skills occurs gradually, each baby has its own development schedule, but general patterns in this process can be identified:

  • by the end of 3 months, the baby, lying on his back or stomach, begins to turn his head towards sounds or objects that interest him;
  • by four months, the newborn, lying on his tummy, tries to raise his head and lean on his elbows
  • At 4 months, the baby’s movements become more meaningful and coordinated; the child touches his face with his hands, feels his nose, bends his legs and pulls up his chest, and tries to reach his toes.

When the baby begins to roll over onto his stomach, it leaves the mother in amazement. But it’s still difficult to call such a movement a real coup; it’s more like an attempt to roll from your back to your side from a position lying on your back. However, a start has already been made, and now the baby will very rarely lie on his back, as he did before.

Mastering coups

So, at what month does a baby start to truly roll over? The baby will begin to roll over only after the muscles of the back and neck become strong and strong. In most cases, this moment comes when the baby is 4–5 months old.

At five to six months, the baby should roll over both sides from back to stomach and back.

Mommy should now especially carefully monitor the baby when he sleeps or plays. It is important not to leave your baby on the sofa, changing table or in a crib without sides.

When a child rolls over onto his stomach, his arm, back and neck muscles are greatly strengthened. This skill becomes the key to the successful development of new skills - sitting and crawling.

Conditions for mastering the skill

Children begin to roll over earlier and much more successfully if several important conditions are met:

  1. basic skills - if the baby cannot hold his head up on his own, does not lie on his tummy, does not try to lean on his arms, then there is no need to talk about turning over, since the muscles necessary for this are not yet developed;
  2. Having a safe space is the most important condition, which caring parents must provide, as soon as the baby begins to roll over, a traumatic period begins in his life, all movements of the baby must be under the strict control of adults;
  3. hard surface – it will be much easier for the baby to make turns on a solid support;
  4. emotional state - try to choose the right period for training with your baby, when he has good mood and it’s easier to do everything well; if a child is hungry, sick, or something is bothering him, then he is unlikely to be interested in classes;
  5. external stimuli - bright and attention-grabbing toys will awaken the baby's interest; he will definitely want to reach out and touch them; it is advisable to remove those toys that hang above the crib and place them not far from the baby in a horizontal plane.

How to help your baby roll over

Parents can help their baby master the skill of turning over. Classes should be conducted in the form of a game, always accompanying all actions with a smile and words of approval. If you notice that the child has rolled over on his side, you can encourage him to roll over again by placing a bright toy on his side.

In addition, you can do simple gymnastics with your baby. These exercises will perfectly strengthen the muscles of the back and neck and will help the newborn quickly learn to roll over.

Gymnastic exercises for a baby

  1. Stimulation of certain points on the body - you can start preparing for revolutions from 3 months. Having placed the newborn on his back, we carefully turn his head towards us with our fingers and hold him in this position, and with the thumb of the other hand we press on the point located on the baby’s chest just below the nipple on the side on which he should turn over. This massage engages the muscles necessary to roll over, first on the side, and then on the tummy. With such stimulation, you will see how the baby begins to open her palms, slightly raise her shoulder and gradually turn on her side.
  2. Turning training – you need to start it at 4 months, when the baby can already lie on its side. We place the baby on his side, hold him by the back with the edge of his palm, and the baby stays in this position for several minutes. If the baby doesn’t like this position and starts to be capricious, give him a little rest and repeat everything again.
  3. Training the direction of rotation - it makes sense to move on to this exercise when the previous two are well mastered; usually its turn comes at 5–6 months. We lay the newborn on his side, place one palm on his upper shoulder blade, and with the other we fix the baby’s hip joint, gently push the baby, slightly turning his shoulder, but with the other hand we do not allow him to make this revolution. At the end of the exercise, you can remove your hand and give the baby the opportunity to complete the turn.
  4. Pull-up - we put the baby on his back and bend his leg, pointing the knee in the direction of the revolution, this position will force the baby to make a movement with the opposite hand, you can give the baby a finger so that he can grab it and make a revolution.
  5. Support for the back - when the baby is lying on his side, we lie down behind him, creating support for him, we place a toy in front of the child at some distance, the baby will reach for it, but without falling back, and will gradually be able to roll over onto his stomach.
  6. Support for the legs - when the baby is lying on his back, we give him a finger so that the child can grab onto it, while using the other palm we support his heels, such support will help the baby make a revolution.

Do your workouts regularly, but don’t overwork your baby, give him rest. When it becomes noticeable that your child is able to make turns on his own, stop helping him. The baby should roll over equally well on both the left and right sides; if one side is less developed, focus on it during training.

When is there cause for concern?

Naturally, all children develop individually: some master a certain skill earlier, others a little later. However, there are situations that require close attention from parents, and in some cases a consultation with a doctor is required.

  1. If a child does not roll over at 4 months, then it is too early to worry, at this age the baby can only make the first attempts to roll over on its side, just lay it on its tummy, the baby can remain in this position for about 10 minutes, while raising its head and torso , leaning on your forearms.
  2. If a child does not roll over at 5 months, in this case it is also very early to panic, since the baby most likely develops within its own “schedule”, you can help him by conducting regular classes and creating everything the necessary conditions to carry out a revolution, and very soon the baby will succeed.
  3. If a child does not roll over at 6 months, with normal development, the baby at this stage should confidently roll over onto his stomach. It is necessary to find out why he does not do this. It is important to show the baby to a pediatrician and neurologist to rule out developmental delays and other disorders. In some cases, doctors prescribe massage, special gymnastics and swimming lessons - these procedures will not interfere with any newborn. If your baby is born ahead of schedule, then he is developing at a special pace, and he still has a couple of months left in order to master this important skill.

When exactly the baby begins to roll over, no specialist can answer, because all babies are very different. However, it is worth thinking about and applying for medical care, if the baby has not mastered this skill at six months of age. If the baby is already performing rollovers on his own, do not help him. At this moment, a new, still unknown world opens up for the baby. This skill will prepare the child for sitting and crawling, and the parents’ task is to provide comfortable conditions and complete safety for the newborn.

The first manifestations of independence that make parents so happy are that the baby has learned to smile consciously. He's already a month old. He tries to lift and hold his head and by three months he succeeds. What persistence in achieving goals!

I wonder at what month does a baby start to turn? How to determine whether the baby is developing normally and whether he is not lagging behind his peers in his development? If a child does not turn at 4 months, perhaps he needs to see a doctor? For concerned parents, it will be interesting to learn more about when a child should roll over.

From this article you will learn

Average data

The newborn gradually becomes accustomed to the world around him. First he learns to control his head, then his hands. The baby is becoming more and more interested in what surrounds him; he has not yet rolled over from his stomach to his back.

When a baby begins to roll over, around three months, he reaches a new milestone in his development. Now he can sleep in a position that is comfortable for him - on his stomach. In this position, colic does not hurt so much and you can get a wonderful night's sleep.

When the baby begins to roll over from back to stomach on his own, parents need to be on guard. Now, if a baby is lying on a bed without sides or on a changing table, he cannot be left alone. Before the parents can blink an eye, the child will be on the floor.

Children do not begin to roll over in all directions at once. First, the baby masters one direction, trying to roll over on its side. Then he rolls onto his tummy.

At three months, many children make their first attempts, which end in success after a week or three weeks.

If you teach your child to roll over from his back to his stomach, he will become completely independent within the confines of his bed. This means that soon he will start trying to sit up and crawl.

Features of development

Motor skills, such as the ability to hold up the head, turn, sit up, crawl and walk, often develop in babies at different times.

The average time values ​​for the formation of skills are known, but even significant deviations are not always a sign of illness. Parents should know the reasons why a child at 6 months does not roll over. Of course, there are a number of diseases that can cause a baby to not roll over. Such diseases can be easily identified by a doctor.

The main part of the delays in the formation of motor skills at this age indicates, as a rule, a normal deviation from the norm, which is associated with the characteristics of individual development. Deviation from the norm in this case is not a consequence of disease or abnormal development.

Exercises and gymnastics

It largely depends on the parents at what months the baby begins to roll over. The more parents pay attention to the baby, doing gymnastics and massage with him, the sooner he will begin to make attempts to turn around. Possible reasons delays may be due to various factors, including heredity. They will help teach your baby to roll over from his stomach to his back and back. simple exercises to turn.

What if you can’t teach your baby to roll over from his back to his stomach at 3 months, and he’s in no hurry to start trying to do it on his own? Place bright toys near your baby, let him reach for them. Gymnastics performed daily will 100% correct the situation if healthy child At 4 months she doesn't roll over.

When can you do gymnastics and massage with your baby?
They need to be done regularly, preferably before feeding, so as not to exercise on a full stomach.

Parents' movements should be careful and leisurely. You cannot teach a child against his wishes. Perhaps he is sick or in a bad mood.

What if a child is naughty during gymnastics?
Set aside the activity for a few hours and try again. If your baby stops rolling over, measure his temperature to see if he caught a virus or caught a cold while walking. Call a doctor if necessary.

We teach coups

The “Teaching Turns” exercise will help when a mother does not know how to teach her child to roll over onto his stomach. Do the exercise when the baby is in a good mood. If the baby starts to roll over and is capricious and crying, it is better to take a break.

During the day, you need to repeat the inversion exercises several times (three or four). The baby most often manages to roll over on his back on his own, even when he still can’t roll over onto his tummy.

Development problems

A significant deviation, when a child does not roll over on his side at 5 months, can occur for several reasons:

  • Insufficient body weight. A child of 3 months who receives malnutrition, lags behind peers in the development of motor skills.

When the baby begins to hold his head up later. It happens that such a child does not roll over for 3 months. Upon examination by a pediatrician after weighing, this problem will be revealed in the first months.

If the reason is lack breast milk, the doctor will tell you at what age to switch to artificial feeding.

  • Neurological diseases. Minor differences in health can be caused by difficult pregnancy and childbirth. The neurologist prescribes a course of medication.

If a neurologist prescribes a course of therapeutic massage, a nurse comes home to carry out the procedure and show the parents how to properly massage the baby so that he can learn to roll over faster.

After a course of treatment, such children quickly catch up with their peers and roll over onto their tummy remarkably well.

  • Injuries during childbirth. Difficult birth, when the baby had an injury that slightly affected his further development, he does not turn on his tummy for a long time. This could be a dislocated joint or a broken collarbone or entanglement of the umbilical cord.

A pediatrician will quickly understand the reasons for the delay in the development of motor skills and why the baby does not roll over on his stomach if he knows the history of the mother’s pregnancy and childbirth. Perhaps he will prescribe an examination and course of treatment.

  • Infectious diseases. It happens that, having begun to make the first progress, a 5-month-old child began to cry and stopped turning.

The disease does not give anyone the strength to develop, and even adults with a fever do not want to get out of bed. Eliminating the cause and recovering from the underlying disease will help teach the child to roll over from back to stomach and back.

If, during the examination, the doctor discovers a neurological or other disease that has caused the child to stop turning over, he will prescribe a course of treatment, physiological procedures, including massage and gymnastics.

Parents will quickly understand how to help a child after treatment, teach the baby to roll over, having mastered massage and gymnastics.

Precautionary measures

  • When parents notice that the baby is rolling over, they should monitor him more closely. If a baby turns over on his stomach in a dream, it is better to turn him on his side or on his back so that he does not accidentally suffocate.
  • When the child turns from his stomach to his back on his own, you can allow him to sleep in the position in which he likes best.
  • When changing clothes, you should not leave the baby alone on a flat surface elevated from the floor without a fence.


A one-month-old baby makes his first attempts to hold his head up. During this period, the mother needs to place the baby on her stomach more often so that his muscles become stronger.

When the baby shows a desire to turn around, you can help him by placing a bright toy in front of him and doing gymnastics. Therapeutic massage also helps to quickly strengthen the muscles of the back and limbs.

Remember! When at 4 or 5 months the baby begins to confidently roll in all directions, he should not be left unattended.

A child masters the important science of body control ten times faster than it takes to study at school. But for parents, every day lasts a very long time. They are not worrying in vain. It is in the first year of life that the potential for further development is laid.

Success in sports and studies will be possible thanks to the care and attention that the baby was given in childhood, considering each new day the most important and responsible.
