How much is maternity capital now? Use of maternity capital: changes. The procedure for obtaining maternity capital

Hello, dear readers of the site “”! This is Dmitry Shaposhnikov, a regular author of the business magazine.

In a new publication we will talk about maternity capital. The topic will be of interest to all family people, as well as those who are planning to start a family or simply want to improve their level of financial literacy.

You will learn:

  • To whom and in what amount is maternity capital given in 2016-2017?
  • What documents are required to obtain mat capital?
  • What can family capital be spent on?

So let's begin!

  1. What is maternity capital and how much money can you get?
  2. How to get maternity capital - who issues it, documents and conditions for receiving it
  3. What to spend maternity capital on - TOP 5 popular options
    • Option 1. Improving living conditions
    • Option 2. Take out a mortgage or loan
    • Option 3. Pay for the child’s education
    • Option 4. Transfer to a pension fund
    • Option 5. Sell maternity capital
  4. New programs and prospects for using maternity capital
  5. Basic questions about maternity capital (FAQ)
    • Who is NOT given a maternity capital certificate?
    • Is it possible to receive maternity capital for a third child if it has already been received for the second?
    • What NOT to spend maternity capital on?
    • Is it possible to spend capital issued after the birth of a second child on the education of the first?
  6. How to legally double your maternity capital and buy a new apartment?
  7. Conclusion

Maternal (aka family) capital is a financial measure to encourage Russian citizens to have (adopt) a second child and subsequent children. This type of government support is aimed at increasing the birth rate in the country and stimulating natural population growth.

The mat capital law came into force at the beginning of 2007. The initial amount of subsidies was 250 thousand rubles, but every year since the introduction of the benefit, this amount has been indexed.

The size of maternal family capital (MFC) has constantly increased. Currently (2016) it is 453,026 rubles.

The amount is not handed out immediately after the birth of the second child: it is not cash “real” money, but a monetary obligation that can only be used for certain needs. The list of these needs is limited by law.

The legal definition of maternity capital is as follows: these are federal budget assets distributed among the population through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) for the purpose of implementing state support measures for families.

Several important facts regarding maternity capital:

  • the right to receive is granted once (one family can receive the benefit only once);
  • changing the size of the MSK does not entail replacing an already received certificate;
  • You can apply to the Pension Fund for obtaining MK at any time after the birth of a child in the family;
  • you can choose a method for managing funds after 3 years from the date of receipt of the certificate (this period is shortened if it is necessary to pay interest on loans);
  • the amount of capital is exempt from taxes;
  • the benefit is provided not to the child, but to his parents;
  • The certificate is only valid together with an identification document.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, federal fertility stimulation programs have their own nuances, including changing the size of the benefit towards an increase and providing other benefits. There is a separate publication in our magazine about regional maternity capital.

Indexation of maternity capital - main changes in 2016

Indexation has been carried out annually since 2007. The exception was 2016: this year the amount of MSC remained the same as in 2015.

In order to compensate for the lack of indexation, an anti-crisis measure was taken at the beginning of 2016 - all certificate holders could receive 20 thousand rubles from the capital amount by submitting an application to the Pension Fund before March 31.

In May, by decision of government authorities, in connection with the protracted crisis, a repeated payment was introduced. Parents whose babies were born before December 31, 15 can receive it. At the same time, the amount has increased - now cash payments from maternity capital amount to 25 thousand.

There is other news: the program was extended until the end of 2018 (more about this in the article in our magazine “Maternity capital - until what year was it extended?”).

New possibilities for using the benefit are also being introduced - for example, the allocation of funds for high-tech treatment and social rehabilitation of disabled children.

2. How to receive maternity capital - who issues it, documents and conditions for receiving it

This chapter contains all the most important things about obtaining mat capital.

The general rule is:

MSCs can be used for their intended purpose after the child is 3 years old.

The exception is situations when it is necessary to repay a loan for the purchase of housing (mortgage), construction, or reconstruction. You can spend funds for these purposes immediately after receiving a supporting document.

You should apply for a certificate at the regional office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of registration or stay. An application for extradition is submitted in person or through an authorized representative. You can also send it by mail.

The following have the right to receive the document:

  • women, citizens of the Russian Federation, who gave birth (adopted) 2 children or subsequent children since January 1, 2007;
  • men, citizens of the Russian Federation, the only adoptive parents of the second or subsequent children (if the decision on adoption was made on January 1, 2007 and later);
  • minor children upon termination of their parents’ right to additional measures of state support.

The right to maternal capital is confirmed by a state certificate.

Standard list of documents for obtaining a certificate:

  1. Application for receipt.
  2. Applicant's passport.
  3. Birth certificate for all children.
  4. Court decision on adoption (for adopted children).

In a situation where one of the parents is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, a document certifying the citizenship of the child is needed. For more information about obtaining MK, see the article “How to apply for maternity capital.”

After collecting the necessary documents (usually copies), they are taken to the Foundation, and a certificate is issued in person about a month after a standard legal check. If the recipient cannot come to receive the document in person (for example, lives in a remote area), it will be sent to him by mail.

See also the article “How to get maternity capital.”

3. What to spend maternity capital on - TOP 5 popular options

Not all parents who qualify for a certificate know how to use it most effectively. Meanwhile, there are many options for using capital: improving housing, child education, healthcare, paying off loans and borrowings.

We have selected the most popular methods of using maternity capital and examined them in detail.

We would like to warn readers that this is not a complete list of all possibilities for the practical use of MK: new prospects will be discussed in the corresponding section.

The site also has a detailed publication on the use of maternity capital.

Option 1. Improving living conditions

The HeatherBeaver magazine has a detailed publication entirely devoted to the issue of improving living conditions with the help of maternity capital. In this paragraph we will consider general provisions.

Using MK to purchase or build housing is the most popular option among the population for managing state benefits. This is logical: when 2 children are born, the question of increasing living space is especially relevant.

There are several options for solving the housing problem with the help of MK:

  • reconstruction (modernization) of a residential building with a parallel increase in area;
  • purchasing a house (for more details, see the article “Purchasing a house using maternity capital”);
  • participation in shared construction (MC contribution as a contribution);
  • using maternity capital to build a house (there is a separate article on this topic).

An application for the disposal of mat capital for the construction or purchase of a house (apartment) is submitted to the same body - the Pension Fund. This organization manages all operations with maternity capital.

Money from maternal money can be used to pay for the services of work crews, the purchase of building materials, the operation of equipment and other expense items that arise during construction and repair work.

Option 2. Take out a mortgage or loan

Borrowing money for an apartment using family capital or taking out a mortgage is a unique opportunity for parents to provide housing for themselves and their children. Read how to get a mortgage using maternity capital in a separate publication.

Financial companies (banks and other organizations with lending rights) issue funds for maternal capital primarily to improve housing conditions. However, in recent years, the possibility of providing other targeted loans secured by maternity capital has been considered.

The types of lending available to certificate holders are described in full detail in the articles “Loan for maternity capital” and “Loan for maternity capital”

Please note that a positive decision on lending and mortgage payments is not made on every parent’s application. Financial institutions have strict requirements for potential borrowers.

In particular, they are required to provide:

  • certificate of official employment;
  • document confirming stable income;
  • evidence of an impeccable credit history.

If the bank agrees to the loan, families receive many benefits in the form of minimal down payments and long terms for the total payment of the mortgage and loan.

You can pay with family capital for a loan issued before the birth of the second child. Both the mother and the father can complete the transaction. To get a mortgage, there is no need to wait for the baby’s 3rd birthday: an agreement with the bank is concluded, if desired, immediately after birth.

Important nuance

Funds from the maternity state benefit cannot be used to pay off fines issued by the bank for failure to meet payment deadlines.

Read also the article on the topic - “Maternity capital for an apartment.”

Option 3. Pay for the child’s education

A great way to use mother's money is to contribute to a child's education. This type of investment will definitely result in solid dividends for a young person, since investments in personal development are the most profitable investments.

You can use funds for educational needs only after 3 years. The deadline for using assets is 25 years. An educational institution must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation and have the legal right to provide services of this type.

Where to go if you decide to spend MK on your child’s education? As always, to the Pension Fund, to the branch at your place of residence.

Parents who are advanced in modern technologies can complete the procedure via the Internet using the “Personal Account of a Citizen.”

List of educational services that can be paid for with capital:

  1. Maintenance of a child and/or supervision of him in educational institutions (kindergartens, nurseries, clubs, sections, children's clubs).
  2. Studying at a university or special educational institution.
  3. Study in music and art schools.
  4. Exercise in a sports club.
  5. Participation in state educational programs that have appropriate accreditation.
  6. Accommodation in a dormitory at the university.

Funds can be sent to both private and public institutions. Write and submit your application six months (at least) before the date when you need to pay for services.

Option 4. Transfer to a pension fund

A mother or father can apply to transfer family capital or part of it to a non-state fund - a private company that manages citizens’ savings.

Such institutions should (ideally) not only store money, but also increase funds through profitable financial transactions.

By law, you can return these assets to yourself before retirement age and spend them on a child’s education or housing needs. You can also receive these funds after retirement in the form of a term payment.

Option 5. Sell maternity capital

Read more about how to cash out maternity capital in a separate article. Here we want to immediately warn that there are few legal ways to sell family subsidies.

You can only cash out 25 thousand (until November 2016), but it is possible (if the crisis drags on) the state will again meet citizens halfway and pass a law on repeated payments.

We warn you that most options for selling maternity capital or placing a certificate in trust are outright fraudulent transactions aimed at depriving parents of their legal funds.

If you are offered to take your assets into circulation and are promised good profits in exchange for intermediary services, this is a direct reason to be wary. Most likely, you are faced with scammers who will not only not return your money, but will also leave you in debt to credit and mortgage organizations.

All options for disposing of MSC in one table:

Use case for mat capital Advantages Flaws
1 Improving living conditions Real savings on construction and purchase of housing None
2 Credits and loans You can use MK as a down payment and as a means of repaying the main loan Loans are given only for housing needs
3 Education Any type of education is paid for The program is valid only up to 25 years of age
4 Transfer to a pension fund A great way to boost your retirement savings Over many years, the real value of the ruble currency may decrease significantly
5 Sale Almost all methods of cashing out capital are illegal

4. New programs and prospects for using maternity capital

Family capital as a tool for improving the demographic status of Russia has shown its effectiveness and promise. Officially, the program has been extended until the end of 2018, but there is a high probability that it will continue to operate.

It is possible to introduce new methods of using subsidies:

  • buying a car with maternity capital – read about this in a separate article on our portal;
  • use of funds for healthcare needs - purchase of medicines, treatment of seriously ill children with high-tech methods;
  • development of personal farming for village residents;
  • purchase of equipment, furniture, durable goods;
  • payment for sanatorium and resort services;
  • providing disabled children with technical equipment.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, these programs have already successfully entered into practice. For example, in the Ivanovo region, you can spend MK for any of the purposes listed above from the date of purchase of the certificate.

5. Basic questions about maternity capital (FAQ)

And now answers to some of the most common questions regarding family capital.

Who is NOT given a maternity capital certificate?

The benefit is definitely not given to parents whose children were born (or adopted) before 01/01/2007, as well as to non-Russian citizens.

Providing a certificate is possible only if you have all the documents necessary to complete the procedure.

Is it possible to receive maternity capital for a third child if it has already been received for the second?

The answer is no. The right to use funds from the state budget is granted once. True, some regions may pay additional maternity money in addition to federal money for the birth of a third and subsequent children.

What NOT to spend maternity capital on?

Funds cannot be used to pay off debt on consumer loans, purchase goods, or make payments on any loans, except those related to home repairs and construction.

To protect funds from misappropriation by irresponsible, short-sighted, and financially illiterate parents, the state has banned direct cashing of certificates. In other words, money can only be spent on vital things - housing, education, health.

Is it possible to spend capital issued after the birth of a second child on the education of the first?

It is possible: state benefits are issued not to a specific child, but to his parents. They can manage family capital for the benefit of the whole family. Education means not only studying at a university, but classes in clubs, private kindergartens, and specialized institutions.

6. How to legally double maternity capital and buy a new apartment?

Some companies offer completely legal ways to profitably invest maternity capital.


The Urban Group company provides services to citizens wishing to purchase new housing in the Moscow region (Khimki) in the Solar System housing complex. For holders of a state certificate, the price of an apartment is reduced by double the amount of maternity capital.

In practice, this provides real financial savings when buying a home.

It is beneficial to use the offers of such companies when purchasing a large apartment with a mortgage. Since family funds can be used as a down payment, a family only needs to contribute 500 thousand personal savings and transfer a certificate to the company to purchase a multi-room apartment.

7. Conclusion

It's time to draw conclusions, friends! Maternity capital is an excellent financial help for children and their parents. It is imperative to use government assistance and choose the option that is most beneficial for your family.

We wish our readers to successfully manage government subsidies and, as usual, we ask them to evaluate this article, leave their comments on the topic, thoughts and comments!

  • to three pre-existing maternity capital fourth added- now money can also be sent using a certificate regardless of the time that has passed since their birth or adoption, that is;
  • the provision on - its size has not changed for 2016 and still amounts to .

In addition, taking into account the completion of last year’s anti-crisis plan for 2016-2017, the Government decided to re-provide a one-time payment from maternity capital.

Changes made to the program mat. capital are quite contradictory. The issuance of certificates will continue after 2016, but their purchasing power may decrease significantly now!

The further fate of the state program for the payment of maternal (family) capital, which worries many Russian families, was determined in December 2015, when V. Putin ordered extend the program for another 2 years.

Federal Law No. 433-FZ of December 30, 2015 made appropriate changes to the program - now it applies to all families who have given birth to or adopted a second, third or subsequent child until December 31, 2018 inclusive!

Certificate size and indexing

During the entire period of the program, the amount of payments. In 2007, maternity capital was only 250,000 rub., and the amount provided increased by 81% of the base amount - up to RUB 453,026

However, in 2016, due to the difficult economic situation, the Russian Government decided not to carry out the next indexation of the amount under the certificate. It is expected that next time the payment amount will be increased as usual. from January 1, 2017.

Now the option of another increase in the amount of mat is being discussed. capital by 6% to 480 thousand rubles, however, in any case, the Government will make a decision at the end of the year depending on world oil prices and the prospects for the end of the domestic Russian economic crisis).

News and changes for 2016

Changes in 2016 may affect not only the abolition of payment indexation, but also the scope of its application. Let us recall that before this the list of possible directions remained unchanged for a long time (almost 9 years):

A further increase in the size of the benefit and an expansion of the list of areas for its use in the regions in 2016 largely depends on the economic situation in the country as a whole and on the willingness of local authorities to continue making efforts to stimulate the birth rate and support motherhood and childhood.


The need to continue the program is not in doubt among potential recipients of maternity capital, nor among State Duma deputies, nor among government members.

By the end of 2018, all obligations undertaken by the government to support families with children will be fulfilled, but the size of the certificate will most likely continue to be indexed at a slow pace or not increase at all.

Material support for young families after the birth of a second child is established by the law on the provision of maternity benefits. Therefore, everyone is interested in how much maternity capital is in 2016 for 2 children (amount)? This assistance is aimed at increasing the birth rate in the country and is guaranteed by a cash certificate, which provides for the use of funds when the child reaches three years of age. An exception is made only for those families who decide to take out a mortgage or pay off existing loans. To avoid misappropriation of funds, expenses are carried out only in non-cash payments, in accordance with concluded agreements.

Maternity capital extends not only to relatives, but also to adopted children. The recipient can be:

- men who are fathers or adoptive parents and have not used the certificate;

- persons who received parental rights due to various circumstances (death of parents, deprivation of their parental rights, etc.).

The amount of maternity capital in 2016

How much is maternity capital in 2016: for 2 children the amount is 453 thousand 26 rubles (22 thousand more than before).

What is the amount in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug? according to the adopted legislative act on regional support for large families dated October 28, 2011 of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug of Ugra, will amount to an additional 100 thousand rubles. The payment can be spent in whole or in parts, and it can only be received once. Families with two or more children can receive an additional amount in Ugra, starting from January 1, 2012. You can spend this additional capital after one year from the birth of the baby or the adoption of a foster child.

You can use funds for the purchase or renovation of housing, educational expenses (for the child or the parent), as well as for medical services for the child or the parent. All these innovations apply only to children born after January 1, 2012, that is, from the moment this regional law was adopted. Moreover, the regions, depending on their capabilities, themselves have the right to put forward their own conditions for spending additional assistance through maternity capital. Thus, in some regions assistance is provided in the development of subsidiary farming, for accumulating a pension, for the purchase of a car, home furniture or household appliances, and even for the construction of a bathhouse, a summer house and a garage (this information is available in each region).

How much is maternity capital in 2016 for 2 children? The payment amount remained the same, indexation was suspended due to a lack of funds in the state budget. Since the state is experiencing difficulties in indexing, in the future indexation is expected to be “slow” (that is, not 100 percent consistent with the real level of inflation).

So, from January 1, 2017, it is planned to increase the amount by 6% (the total amount will be 480,000 rubles), from January 1, 2018 - by another 5% (about 505,000 rubles).

In 2016, the amount of capital for the birth of twins is also provided at the level of 453 thousand 26 rubles.

Changes in maternity capital

In 2016, there were minor changes in receiving maternity benefits. This payment will be relevant only to solve the problem of housing conditions - it is believed that this is the most pressing issue for the majority of Russian young families. This clause also includes the opportunity to make a down payment for the purchase, as well as for the construction of your own housing, the opportunity to repay a previously taken loan for these purposes, and compensation for previously spent funds on housing construction.

The cancellation of the item on spending funds on education was due to the fact that education in the Russian Federation is considered free, and the item regarding investment in a future pension for one of the parents remained unclaimed, and therefore was cancelled.

How much is maternity capital in 2016 for 2 children? The amount of a one-time payment that a family can receive from part of the maternity benefit is now 25 thousand rubles (previously it was 20 thousand). This measure was taken as part of the anti-crisis program to support young families during the economic crisis.

A mechanism for issuing a certificate in electronic form is currently being developed; this will significantly improve the quality of service, simplify the procedure and eliminate the possibility of loss or damage to the document. But for now this possibility is under development.

The amount of maternity capital in 2016 for 2 children for disabled children has changed, as have the conditions for receiving it. For families with children with disabilities or health restrictions, it is allowed to use maternity capital for the rehabilitation of a disabled child, without waiting for the child to be three years old. For example, it is allowed to use funds for various devices for children with limited mobility - wheelchairs, chairs, prosthetics. Parents must provide documents confirming their expenses - only in this case will they receive compensation.

But this list does not include costs for the construction of ramps, exercise equipment, the purchase of computers, mobile phones, or the cost of paying for special training or creative classes - this item of expenditure is provided for from other social programs.

The inconvenience is the mechanism for obtaining funds: parents must first find it, and only after that submit all the necessary documents and contracts confirming the fact of expenses, and only after that can they receive compensation to reimburse their expenses for a disabled child.

Duration of the program

Initially, when the law on granting the right to receive maternity capital was adopted, it was assumed that it would be valid until December 31, 2016, but the Russian government decided to continue helping young families by extending the program until December 31, 2018.


How much maternity capital in 2016 for 2 children (amount of capital in 2016) you have already found out. How can you get benefits? Help is provided by the following documents.

It is necessary to submit a passport and its photocopy, a child’s birth or adoption certificate (for those born only after January 1, 2007), and a document confirming the child’s citizenship.

In the case of the birth of twins, the certificate is issued for one child (born only after January 1, 2007);

- if neither of the parents received benefits;

- if one of the parents has Russian citizenship;

— if one of the children is a citizen of the Russian Federation;

- if the parents were not deprived of parental rights and did not commit illegal actions towards their children.

Accordingly, it is necessary to document these facts. In addition to the documents listed above, a certificate of family composition is attached.

Within 15 days after submitting the application, it must be entered into the State Register, and then within 30 days you will need to pick up your cash certificate from the Pension Fund institution or its representative office, then open a bank account into which the funds will be received.

Maternity capital is a serious support from the state, and in order to take advantage of it, you need to strictly comply with the conditions and deadlines for submitting documents, because, ultimately, the material well-being of your family will depend on it! Having found out how much maternity capital is in 2016 for 2 children (amount), immediately start collecting documents so as not to be late.

The “maternity capital” program has become one of the most effective measures for government support for families with children. The amount of 250 thousand rubles established in 2007 under the certificate for maternal capital, thanks to the annual indexation provided for by law, increased by more than 80%, and in 2019 is 453,026 rubles.

The last time the amount of mat capital was indexed was from January 1, 2015 by 5.5% (then the certificate amount increased from 429 to 453 thousand rubles). In 2016, for the first time since the program was in effect, the Government made a decision do not index maternity capital due to the difficult “financial and economic situation in the country.” Unfortunately, a similar decision has already been approved by the country’s leadership until 2020, which is also recorded in.

Is the balance of maternity capital indexed after receiving lump sum payments?

A large number of Russians (more than 50%) have still not exercised their right to maternal capital in full. Many of them are simply in no hurry to submit an application for an order, others experience objective difficulties in using the certificate due to the complexities established by law.

However, against this background, they are very popular among the population. lump sum payments from maternity capital funds, the right to which has been repeatedly granted to certificate holders within the framework of government anti-crisis programs, in particular:

  • twice in 2009 and 2010 - in;
  • in 2015 - in the form;
  • in 2016 - a lump sum payment.

Due to the large number of citizens who applied to the Pension Fund for one-time payments in 2009, 2010 and 2015-2016, questions arise:

  • How much is maternity capital now, if in the indicated years we withdrew 12, 20 and (or) 25 thousand rubles?
  • will it be indexed if the lump sum payment is withdrawn?

The balance of funds on the certificate, as well as the amount of its face value established for each year, after receiving lump sum payments and other types of partial expenditure continues to be indexed annually by the increasing coefficient established in the law on the federal budget (see) until it is completely spent.

Indexation of the balance of maternity capital after its partial expenditure is carried out in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 6 of the law on maternity capital dated December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ - it is indexed, in which the size of new certificates issued is established for each year.

YearIndexingAmount at the beginning of the yearOne-time paymentRemainder
2007 - 250000 - 250000
2008 1,105 276250 - 276250
2009 1,13 312163 – 12000 300163
2010 1,1 330179 – 12000 318179
2011 1,065 338860 - 338860
2012 1,06 359192 - 359192
2013 1,055 378948 - 378948
2014 1,05 397895 - 397895
2015 1,055 419779 – 20000 399779
2016 1,0 399779 – 25000 374779
2017-2019 1,0 374779 - 374779

Thus, taking into account the above expenses, the balance of funds under the maternity capital certificate in 2019 will be:

  • if you only removed it - 419779 rubles;
  • if you withdraw 12 thousand twice, and also

Maternity capital is a measure of financial support from the state in the amount of 453,026 rubles (as of 2019) for families in which the second (subsequent) child was born after January 1, 2007. To obtain it, two main conditions must be met: the birth (adoption) of a second or subsequent child and the presence of Russian citizenship between him and the person entitled to the certificate.

The rules for registration and disposal of maternal capital are established by Federal Law No. 256 of December 29, 2006. Its amount has not increased since 2016, its next one will pass in 2020.

Who is entitled to maternity capital?

According to Art. 3 of Law No. 256-FZ, if all are observed, obtain a certificate for maternal capital they have a right:

Right doesn't go over to the father or adoptive parent if:

  • He - stepfather for the previous child who was taken into account when becoming eligible for a certificate;
  • after the death of the mother, the child was recognized as remaining without parental care.

Parents and adoptive parents are deprived rights to maternity capital when:

  • die or are declared dead by a court;
  • are deprived of parental rights;
  • commit a deliberate crime against the person of a child;
  • the adoption of the child is cancelled.


Children) is deprived of the right to maternity capital only in case of death (declared dead in court).

How to register maternity capital?

To get certificate for maternity capital, the person applying for it must contact the Pension Fund with an application and mandatory documents:

  • Russian passport or other proof of identity and place of residence;
  • birth certificates of all children with a mark on Russian citizenship (if there is none, then another document confirming it is required).

In some situations it may be necessary additional documents, listed bellow.

Happening Document
The child is adopted adoption certificate
The application is submitted by a legal representative
  • identification;
  • proof of residence;
  • documents proving authority
Parent(s) or adoptive parent have lost the right to family capital
  • death certificate or court order declaring deceased;
  • court decision on deprivation of parental rights;
  • documents proving the commission of a crime against the child’s person;
  • confirmation of cancellation of adoption
Place of residence is not confirmed by registration documents confirming the actual place of stay.

If a family applying for maternity capital lives abroad, parents have the right to submit an application and documents directly to the Pension Fund on the territory of the Russian Federation.


You can apply for a certificate Anytime after the right has arisen - including after completion of the program, if a child appeared in the family while she was acting.

You can contact the Pension Fund using one of the following: established methods:

  • To the territorial branch of the Pension Fund:
    • in person or with the help of a representative;
    • send certified copies of documents and an application by post.
  • To the department of the multifunctional center (MFC).
  • Via electronic resources (application only):
    • citizen’s personal account on the Pension Fund website;
    • single portal “State Services”.

If the applicant applies via the Internet, then within 5 working days from the date of registration of the application, he must provide the remaining documents to the Pension Fund office, otherwise the issue will be denied.


The pension fund decides whether to issue a certificate or refuse the applicant within 15 days from the date of application. A certificate for maternity capital can be obtained in the form paper or electronic document.

In case of loss or damage, you can get duplicate by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund.
In the registration of maternity capital there may be denied, If:

  • right to it did not arise or was lost during the application period;
  • information about the order of birth (adoption) and/or the citizenship of the child invalid.

What can maternity capital be used for?

In 2019, Part 3 of Art. 7 of Law No. 256-FZ, provides for the following presented in the table below directions use of maternity capital.

Direction What can you spend it on?
Improving living conditions
  • purchase of residential premises (primary or secondary) under a purchase and sale agreement, including installment plans;
  • payment of the cost of the agreement for participation in shared construction;
  • making an entrance (share) contribution to a housing cooperative;
  • construction (reconstruction) of an individual housing construction project (IHC);
  • compensation for the costs of construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project, if ownership of a new or expanded premises was registered after January 1, 2007;
  • payment of a down payment and/or repayment of principal and interest on a targeted loan or loan (including mortgage) for the purchase or construction of housing ( including refinanced)
The residential premises must be registered as the common shared property of parents and children
Getting children an education
  • institutional training higher (Bachelor's, Master's, Postgraduate, Residency A), secondary special (college, technical school), additional (sections and circles) education;
  • child's accommodation in a dormitory;
  • maintenance and (or) supervision and care of a child in preschool and secondary education organizations
The first, second, and any subsequent child - natural or adopted - can receive an education at the expense of mat capital.
Mother's funded pension Sending funds to:
  • state pension fund;
  • non-state pension fund
Purchasing goods and services necessary for a disabled child for social adaptation Compensation for purchased goods and services included in the list established by Government Decree No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016.
Monthly allowance for a second child up to 1.5 years old The family has the right to it if:
  • the child was born (adopted) after January 1, 2018;
  • The average per capita family income is no more than 1.5 times the subsistence minimum of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

You can apply for an order later three years after the birth (adoption) of a child. The owner of the certificate has the right to submit an application earlier if the maternity capital is used for:

  • payment of the down payment and/or repayment of principal and interest on a housing loan or loan;
  • purchasing goods (services) that serve to adapt a disabled child to society;
  • payment for preschool education and other expenses related to it;
  • receiving a monthly payment for the 2nd child up to one and a half years old.


Any attempts to cash out maternity capital illegal and are punished under Article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Fraud in receiving payments. The legal way to receive money from the certificate is to issue a monthly allowance for the second child (born no earlier than January 1, 2018).

As an anti-crisis measure to support families in 2015-16, the Government of the Russian Federation provided for the possibility of receiving lump sum payments from maternal capital funds: 20 and 25 thousand rubles, respectively. In 2019, issue them it is forbidden.

Changes in 2019

In 2019 there were a number of serious changes affecting the management of maternity capital:

  1. On March 29, Federal Law No. 37 came into force, which introduced a provision into Law No. 256-FZ that now the Pension Fund will independently request information about suitability purchased residential premises for accommodation from local governments and other institutions.
  2. If maternity capital is used to build a house, the owner of the certificate now has the right to provide a construction notice to the Pension Fund.
  3. According to the amendments introduced by Law No. 37-FZ, targeted loan or loan for the purchase (construction) of housing it will be possible to take only V:
    • banking and non-banking credit organizations under the jurisdiction of the Central Bank;
    • credit consumer cooperative (CPC);
    • Unified Institute for Development in the Housing Sphere JSC "Dom.RF".
    • agricultural CPC.
  4. As established by Art. 1 of Law No. 205-FZ of 08/02/2019, from January 1, 2020, the monthly benefit for the second child will be paid until he turns 3 years. In addition, the income threshold will increase from 1.5 to 2 living wages for the working population.
Possibility to apply for a housing loan (loan) from an employer or another organization not specified in the list abolished.

On April 24, 2019, at a meeting of the Light of the Federation with Vladimir Putin, Valentina Matvienko proposed extend action of maternity capital until 2025. For now, the program runs until the end of 2021.

On May 30, 2019, bill No. 721208-7 was introduced into the State Duma, which proposed adding a new direction for spending funds: purchasing a car. However, it was rejected before the first reading.

If it were accepted, then certificate holders would be able to use maternity capital to purchase a car worth up to a million rubles, provided that it was produced in the Russian Federation, was not previously registered and, in addition to the driver’s seat, has three more passenger seats.
