Self-care of a well in the country. Drilling water wells at the dacha. The result of our work

An independent water supply system will allow you to forget about the main inconvenience country life– about the absence or lack of water. But it is quite simple to install a water supply system at a dacha from a well, especially since a water intake for one plot of land does not need to have a large flow rate. After all, I would like to receive water for own plot, Truth?

After reviewing the information presented for consideration, you will be able to make an autonomous water supply yourself. It will reliably supply water to places convenient for use. Those who want to increase the level of dacha comfort with our help will cope with the arrangement of the system without any problems.

We described in detail the equipment required for assembly and installation, analyzed the operating principle and purpose of each device. The article we presented describes in detail the technology of carrying out work with step-by-step detailing. Valuable information and recommendations are supplemented with photo collections, diagrams and video reviews.

The well is a working round section, drilled without human access to the bottom. The diameter of such a mine is always much smaller than its depth. Two types of wells are used for water intake.

Filter or “sand wells”

The depth of such workings does not exceed 35 m. Filter for a nearby aquifer, which is located in sandy soils.

Such a well is a casing assembled from pipes with a diameter of 127 to 133 mm. It is usually equipped with a wire mesh filter, but there may be other options. Filter wells have a small flow rate, most often it does not exceed one cubic meter of water per hour.

The design of a well for sand is much simpler than the construction of a well for limestone. The depth of the sand excavation is less, it costs less, but does not last as long as a well on limestone (click to enlarge the picture)

The advantage of such structures is the speed and relative cheapness of their drilling. Specialists will complete the job in just a day or two. The main disadvantage is the tendency to silt.

Therefore, it is very important to use such a well regularly, the service life of the structure depends on it. Depending on the thickness of the aquifer and the intensity of use of the well, it can last up to 15 years, in some cases longer.

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A well-maintained well at the dacha is an almost mandatory condition for comfortable rest, because centralized water supply outside the city is not always organized. However, drilling work is expensive, and the expected result is not guaranteed to site owners. The desire to save money and manage the process prompts many summer residents to start drilling a well on their own. It is difficult to accomplish this task, but it is quite possible.

Is the water deep in your area?

First, you need to decide on the type of well, finding out how deep the aquifer lies in a particular area. There are several possibilities for this:

  • hydrological maps;
  • exploration drilling;
  • survey of neighbors.

The first, as well as consultations with a hydrological engineer, can be obtained from the relevant departments. Exploratory drilling work is resorted to only as a last resort, since it is an expensive pleasure. Most often, site owners simply ask their neighbors, who are already happy owners of an existing water well or well, about the characteristics of the property.

A little about the types of water wells

Based on the results of assessing the depth of the aquifer, dacha owners will have to choose from three options:

  • the water lies close, at a depth of up to 12 meters -;
  • an aquifer no deeper than 50 meters - a well “for sand”;
  • the water is very deep, up to 200 meters - a well “for limestone”.

An aquifer lying close to the surface is rare. The lucky owners of such a site can make a needle well, which will take only one day or even a few hours to create. Creation technology Abyssinian well consists in the fact that the soil is pierced with a rather thin pipe: only 1-1.5 inches. A cone-shaped pipe is installed at the end of the pipe, which facilitates penetration through the thickness of the soil. A suction pump is mounted on top. However, little water comes from the Abyssinian well, so it may be necessary to construct another water source of this type. The compact shape of the Abyssinian well allows you to drill such a well even in the basement of a house.

A “limestone” well, i.e. an artesian one, is also not common. This option is good because it allows you to get a large amount of very clean water. But it is almost impossible to successfully drill such a well on your own; you will need to attract a team with professional drilling equipment. In addition, artesian water sources must be licensed by the relevant authorities. Please note that if there is a layer of artesian water under the dacha plot, it makes sense to discuss with your neighbors a joint payment for the brigade’s services, since such a well can easily provide water consumption for several households at the same time.

To create an Abyssinian well, a thin one and a half inch pipe with a filter tip is driven into the ground. Compact size and simple technology allow you to install such a well in the basement of a house or make additional source water at the dacha

Most often, water lies on the horizon within a depth of fifty meters. Such a well can be completed even by novice drillers using one of the methods developed for such situations. Which ones? Read on.

Which drilling method should I choose?

For such large-scale drilling work, you will need a special installation that you can make yourself. The type of installation depends on the selected drilling method:

  • shock-rope;
  • screw;
  • rotary.

To make a unit capable of creating a narrow well several tens of meters deep, in addition to conventional tools you will need a drill, a grinder and welding machine. Inexperienced craftsmen are advised to acquire skills in working with these complex devices. Although creating a homemade drilling rig will require a lot of time and effort, the device can be effectively used in the future, for example, during installation pile foundation. Some craftsmen with such an installation began own business for the installation of water wells at neighboring dachas.

Option #1 - shock-rope installation

A working tool of this design is a rather heavy cartridge and a bailer mounted on a cable. The cable with the load is suspended vertically on a special frame. The soil is broken up using a chuck and removed with a bailer until the depth of the pit reaches the aquifer. The weight of the cartridge must be at least 80 kg. Such devices are now practically not used manually; operations are performed using a rotary motor, which raises and lowers the rope with a load.

To create a cable-percussion drilling rig, you will need a bailer and a chuck with sharpened edges, as well as a cable, a frame on which the load will be attached, and a motor to control the cable

It is recommended to sharpen the lower edge of the chuck and also attach several sharp triangular elements to it to increase efficiency. First, a hole of a suitable diameter is made in the ground using a conventional garden borer, and then start working with the chuck and bailer. Impact-rope drilling is quite effective on both light and clay soils.

An interesting version of this installation is presented in the video:

Option #2 - auger drilling rig

When this device operates, the soil is removed using a special drill, which is made from a 100 mm steel pipe. A couple of turns of a screw with a diameter of approximately 200 mm are welded to its lower end. Two inclined steel knives are installed along the edges of the auger. A removable handle, also made from a piece of steel pipe, is mounted on top.

To make a drill metal pipe weld several turns of metal with sharpened edges. As the wellbore deepens, the pipe is extended to the required length

As the structure deepens into the ground, the main pipe is expanded using threaded connection or couplings. The device is secured using a tripod tower made of wood or metal. To remove a fairly heavy pipe from a pit, it is recommended to use a winch with an electric motor.

Here is an example of auger drilling work with simultaneous casing:

Option #3 - rotary drilling rig

This is the most difficult, but also the most reliable option installations for drilling wells. You can make only the frame for such a device yourself, and it is recommended to purchase other elements, such as a drill rod, swivel, blade drill, motor pump and gear motor, from a reliable manufacturer. Using such a setup, you can carry out flushing drilling, impact drilling, rotary drilling, etc. The ability to supply a solution that erodes the soil and facilitates its excavation increases the speed of drilling work several times.

Example of work:

Please note that if one of the neighbors already has experience self-drilling wells, it makes sense to inquire about the possibility of borrowing ready-made drilling equipment.

Procedure for drilling a sand well

Like any important matter, drilling a well should begin with drawing up a project diagram. First you need to choose a suitable location for the well. It should be located quite close to the house and as far as possible from sources of potential pollution: septic tanks, places where livestock and poultry are kept, bathhouses, the banks of a reservoir, etc. It is necessary to take into account not only existing objects, but also those that are still planned to be built on the site, since moving the well to a new location will be, to put it mildly, problematic.

Once the plan has been drawn up, it is time to begin executing it. To do this you need:

  1. Apply markings for future work.
  2. Dig a hole according to the markings, which will contain the drilling tool (bailer, auger, drill, etc.).
  3. Install drilling equipment.
  4. Carry out drilling in accordance with the selected technology.
  5. Lower the filter column into the pit, which is a structure consisting of a filter, a sump and a pipe.
  6. Fill the space between the outer walls of the casing pipe and the soil with sand or crushed stone.
  7. Seal the top of the pipe and use a pump to pump water into it to flush the filter.
  8. Pump water from the well using a bailer or auger pump.
  9. After the water is clear, lower it into the well submersible pump using a safety rope.
  10. Connect a hose or water pipe to the pump.
  11. Install a valve on the pipe that regulates the water supply.
  12. Waterproof the part of the casing pipe protruding above the surface.
  13. Equip the wellhead with a caisson and weld it to the head.
  14. Lay down water pipes, leading to the house, into the trenches intended for them.
  15. Cover the caisson with soil and a concrete blind area.

This is a general procedure; depending on conditions, necessary changes may be made to it.

A properly constructed caisson prevents well equipment from getting wet or freezing. Industrial models of caissons made of durable plastic are very easy to install

Review of popular beginner mistakes

As you know, the soil is heterogeneous and consists of different layers. To successfully drill a well through them, it is recommended to use various drilling methods:

  • sandy horizons are best overcome using a spoon drill with simultaneous flushing with drilling fluid or ordinary water;
  • For drilling hard sand, it is recommended to use a chisel;
  • on quicksand it is considered the most effective to use;
  • for drilling clay, it is better to use a coil; a bailer or spoon drill is also suitable;
  • hard rocks are drilled in two stages: first, they are chiselled with a chisel, then the soil is excavated;
  • pebble and gravel layers are also passed through the alternate use of a chisel and a bailer;
  • In most cases, supplying water to the pit facilitates and speeds up drilling.

It should be remembered that the dimensions of the pit should be slightly larger than outside diameter casing pipe. When choosing, it is also necessary to take into account that the minimum clearance between the inner wall of the pipe and the pump should be at least 5 mm, optimally 10 mm.

The condition of the soil indicates that the drillers have reached the aquifer. If wet soil appears from the well, it means water is close. Soon after this, the drilling tool will move noticeably easier than before, when the drill hits the aquifer. Work should continue until drilling becomes difficult again, i.e., until the waterproof layer is reached. Only after this can drilling be stopped.

The submersible pump for a country well must be lowered to the correct depth. If the device is located too high, water will not flow in sufficient volume, and if the device is too low, it will quickly become covered with sand.

It happens that a recently drilled well suddenly stops functioning. This may indicate low quality of work performed. Both beginners and professionals often make a number of mistakes while drilling. Here are the most common of them:

  1. Over-drilling, i.e. drilling to excessive depth, as a result of which the pipe “slipped through” the aquifer. To correct the situation, you should either raise the existing pipe to the required level, or insert a new pipe of a smaller diameter inside the pipe, and remove the old one completely or partially.
  2. Incomplete installation of the casing pipe into the hole, as a result of which the required well flow rate is not achieved. This occurs due to the soil collapsing into the shaft during the excavation of the drilling tool. The soil should be removed with a bailer (washing will not help) and the pipe should be settled.
  3. Underdrill, i.e. the pipe is not cut to an insufficient depth. The well is drilled to the correct depth and a new one equipped with a filter is inserted into the existing casing.
  4. The pump is lowered too low, as a result the well is silted with sand. The pump is removed, the sand is selected with a bailer, the pump is installed correctly.

To install the submersible pump correctly, it should be lowered to a minimum depth. Then slowly immerse, checking the condition of the water every 20-50 cm. When sand comes out, the wrong position has been reached, the pump must be raised to the level at which clean water flowed.

For a person in our country who has his own dacha, the issue of ensuring water supply is most acute. And despite the seemingly abundance of water supply sources, you essentially have to choose either a well or a water well (sand or artesian). In this article we will not consider the disadvantages and advantages of wells, but will talk in more detail about wells in the country.

Water wells are divided into two types:

  1. Well on sand(Sand well)
  2. Well for limestone(Artesian well)

The main difference is the aquifers from which they are fed. For a sand well, this is a sandy (Quaternary) aquifer containing so-called groundwater. Artesian pressure waters are located in the calcareous aquifer, to which artesian wells are drilled.

Here is the main, but not the most important for the end consumer, difference between wells in the country. Further comparison will concern only constructive and performance characteristics. Table 1 shows the most basic of them.

Table 1. Main differences between wells in the country

  • Characteristic
  • Artesian well
  • Well on sand
  • aquifer
  • Aquiferous limestones
  • Aquifer sands
  • Drilling method
  • Rotary drilling
  • Auger drilling
  • Casing
  • Metal, diameter 133mm
  • Metal, diameter 133mm
  • Productivity, liters/hour
  • 3000 (5-6 simultaneously open taps)
  • 500 (1 open tap)
  • Service life, years
  • 30 - 50
  • 3 - 10
  • Guaranteed availability of water, %
  • Possibility of technogenic impact
  • The need for constant operation
  • Risk of drying out
  • Average depths, m
  • From 20-30 in the South and up to 200 in the North of the Moscow region
  • Up to 30

1) Aquifer

The aquifer was discussed above, but we will not repeat it.

2) Method of drilling wells in the country

Wells for limestone are drilled in a rotary manner using a roller bit. The technology for drilling artesian wells is described in detail in the corresponding article on our website. When drilling wells into sand, augers are used - drill rods with a wound and welded steel tape, operating on the principle of an “Archimedes screw” (the rock is destroyed by a drill and fed along them to the surface).

3) Casing pipes

When drilling wells in a country house, steel pipes 133 mm in diameter are most often used; they can be seamed or seamless, connected to each other by threading or welding. Nowadays, plastic pipes are increasingly being used for limestone wells for additional casing, which extends durability and improves consumer properties the entire structure of the artesian well.

4) Productivity of wells in the country

A concept that characterizes the volume of water that a well in a country house can produce over a certain period of time. Usually calculated in liters or m3 per hour. One of the most basic consumer criteria that most clearly characterizes the advantages of an artesian well over a sand well. Its productivity is 6 or more times higher. This volume of water will be enough for a large cottage or a couple of houses, while a sand well is most often enough for no more than one tap.

5) Service life of wells at the dacha

I think there is no need to explain anything here, the numbers speak for everything: a well for limestone lasts 5-10 times longer. When using additional plastic pipes in artesian wells, these figures increase by 20-30%.

6) Guaranteed availability of water

Since Moscow and the Moscow region are located above the Moscow artesian basin, there is water in the limestones everywhere, the only difference is the depth of their occurrence. Water in the sands is not found everywhere, sometimes even within the same settlement. In addition, augers cannot drill through all rocks.

7) Possibility of technogenic impact on a well at the dacha

Enough important parameter for wells at the dacha in Moscow and the Moscow region. A sand well is drilled to groundwater, and since it is not protected from surface contaminants, any contaminants can get into the sand well, be it industrial wastewater from a nearby enterprise, runoff from a neighbor’s septic tank, or petroleum products from roads. Artesian water is reliably protected from such pollution by overlying rocks; after passing through these natural filters, it is completely purified from any surface and man-made pollution.

8) The need for constant operation of wells in the country

Before drilling a well at a dacha, it’s worth thinking about how often we will come to this very dacha. After all, prolonged stagnation of water in a sand well, as well as good access to oxygen, leads to the rapid development of microorganisms. This is expressed in the formation of sludge on the walls and mesh filter, deterioration of water access into the well, a decrease in flow rate and further complete drying out. Therefore, one of the conditions for the normal operation of a sand well is its constant and year-round use. With an artesian well everything is simpler. Silt formation does not occur in it, therefore there is no need for its constant operation.

9) The risk of the well drying out at the dacha

Recently, summers in the Moscow region have become increasingly hot and dry. I think many people remember the summer of 2010 with its drought, heat and forest fires. Therefore, having drilled a well at the dacha, you want to be sure that it will not dry out. Unfortunately, owners of sand wells are faced with a similar problem. This happens due to the depletion of horizons containing groundwater, their drying out and large water intake. At the same time, the artesian horizon is inexhaustible and is located at such a depth where the surface heat simply does not reach.

10) Depth of the well at the dacha

The depth of wells for limestone varies very significantly, but in the Moscow region it has a general trend: the smallest depths are in the south and southeast (on average 30-60m), and to the north there is a gradual increase, and in the northernmost regions it can reach 200m. You can view the depth map for the Moscow region here. Sand wells have an advantage in this sense; their depth rarely exceeds 30m. Since depth most often characterizes the cost of a well in a dacha, as we see, for most areas of the Moscow region, the cost of drilling artesian wells will be higher.

Can a well be drilled at a dacha with your own hands? Where is the best place to place it? What equipment will be needed for drilling? How to prevent walls from crumbling? We will try to answer these and many other questions in the article.


First, let’s find out whether it is possible in our case to build a well in a dacha with our own hands.

Let's start with some general comments.

  • There are two types of well drilling - for sand (that is, to the upper aquifer) and for limestone (artesian wells). There is no clear depth boundary separating one type from another - it all depends on the structure of the soil layers underfoot. Without the involvement of heavy equipment, it is quite possible to drill only a well of the first type - if the aquifer is located no deeper than 20-25 meters.

Tip: You can find out the presence of water and the depth of its occurrence by interviewing your neighbors. Surely among them there is at least one owner of a well or a deep well. An alternative is to carry out vertical electrical sounding (VES), which allows without drilling with high accuracy find out the composition of soil layers.

  • The only insurmountable obstacle when drilling is a thick rock formation. It is impossible to defeat him without using heavy equipment. Clay soils on the surface there is no need to be afraid: the first aquifer is usually found underneath them at a relatively shallow depth.


Where should the well be located?

If geological studies have not been carried out, then the most reasonable place to locate the well is at the lowest point of your site. The instruction is connected with simple logic: provided that the aquifer in the lowland is directed horizontally, it is closer to the surface.

On the horizontal section you can assume:

  1. For reasons of your own convenience, place the well 3-5 meters from the house. The inlet is usually laid below the ground freezing level; We are not interested in digging a deep and long trench.
  2. For reasons of maximum water purity. The drilling point should be as far as possible from sources of soil contamination: compost and cesspools, outdoor toilets and filter wells of septic tanks.


How to make a well with your own hands in the country after you have decided on its location?


Let's start with arranging a pit - a recess at the wellhead that performs several functions at once.

  • The top layer of soil is the most loose and will tend to crumble with each drill excavation. By removing it and strengthening the walls of the pit, we will completely get rid of this problem.
  • The pit will allow, if necessary, to raise the pump, despite the inlet laid in the ground below the freezing point.
  • Finally, it provides insulation of the wellhead, preventing the freezing of vapors.

How to do this job?

  1. A pit is being dug. Its horizontal dimensions should ideally allow a person to descend into it; depth - slightly below the soil freezing level. The shape is at your discretion: both round and square pits are constructed.
  2. Along the perimeter of the pit, a depression of 10-15 centimeters is dug, in which a ring bedding of crushed stone or sand is formed. The bedding is compacted as much as possible.

Tip: for maximum shrinkage, just water the sand big amount water.

  1. A concrete pad is laid over the bedding, on which half-brick walls are erected. Red is used ceramic brick. An alternative is to construct formwork and pour reinforced concrete walls.

After drilling is completed and all the well piping is installed, the bottom of the pit around the casing pipe is compacted with clay (a clay castle is formed that will prevent the flow of water from the surface to the aquifer). Then the bottom is filled up thin layer crushed stone

The pit is covered from above reinforced concrete slab with a hatch or simply covered with thick boards. It is advisable that the pit cover be insulated, first of all, if it is not much deeper than the freezing level of the soil.

Equipment and drilling process

In the simplest version, the set of equipment includes:

  • Drill handle- a lever with which the drill string will be set in motion.
  • Tip- what will actually be used to excavate the soil. Most often, ordinary augers are used (externally similar to a meat grinder auger, but with a pointed cutting edge). However, on difficult and rocky soils, tips of other shapes can also be used.
  • Drill pipes- thick-walled steel pipes with locks that will allow the drill tip to descend to a considerable depth.

If part of the soil between the surface and the aquifer has high density, a tripod and a driving glass are used. With the help of a simple lever, a glass with pointed edges is raised and dropped over and over again to the bottom of the well; with each lift, it is cleared of soil driven into it.

Hint: a tripod with a lever will not be superfluous even for ordinary drilling, fortunately the price of a simple structure consisting of several steel pipes more than not high. The lever will help remove a multi-meter drill string. A couple of tens of meters of pipe are heavy in themselves; the picture is aggravated by the mass of excavated soil and friction against the walls of the well.

Drilling itself without the use of heavy equipment is not only extremely tedious work, but also very time-consuming. In one pass, the drill tip travels from 10 centimeters to half a meter; then the entire column is removed (in this case the locks have to be disassembled), the tip is cleared of the excavated soil - and forward to further achievements.

How do you know you've reached the right depth? Exclusively based on the condition of the excavated soil. When drilling into sand, you don't just need to get to the aquifer: the drill must go through it and go at least a meter into the water-impermeable clay underneath.

After the result is achieved, the next stage begins - casing the well.


She will have to keep the walls of the well from crumbling, create a permanent channel for raising water and (if necessary) removing the pump. In addition, the lower section of the casing serves as a filter.

What does a well look like in a summer cottage when moving from bottom to top, from the bottom to the surface?

  1. A section of casing pipe with blank walls. It is located below the aquifer; 10-15 centimeters of crushed stone are often poured into it as drainage.
  2. A filter section equipped with a mesh or fine perforation. Usually it is about a meter long.
  3. Blind pipe all the way to the surface.

For summer cottages when drilling into sand, an inexpensive plastic pipe- polyethylene or made of PVC. It can be solid or assembled with threaded locks. Rigidity and wall thickness are welcome; the diameter of the pipe is at least a centimeter smaller than the diameter of the well.

The material of this pipe is polyvinyl chloride.

After the casing is lowered, it is better to fix it in the well in any way. Light plastic tends to be gradually squeezed out by soil; It is clear that in this case the bare walls of the well begin to quickly float. The simplest option- use of a pair of fastening clamps and several spacers between them and the walls of the pit.

A well in a country house is an extremely useful structure, problem solving water supply Its drilling can be entrusted to professionals, especially if the water is planned to be used not only for household needs. However, you can install the well yourself. This will require: knowledge, a set of materials and tools, including special drills.

Video about manual well drilling

Selecting a site and necessary tools for drilling

Drilling wells in a country house requires performing a certain series of actions. The first step is to carry out geological exploration and select a suitable location. It is optimal if the first aquifer is located at a depth of 7 - 10 meters. It is advisable to carry out independent drilling if its depth does not exceed 20 meters.

Any country cottage area unthinkable without water

The main signs by which you can determine the proximity of the location groundwater:

  • the presence of a large number of moisture-loving plants in the area allocated for the well;
  • natural signs (evening fog, heavy dew, thawed patches on snow cover during the winter months);
  • insects (clusters of mosquitoes, midges) and animals. Experts say cats love to lie in places with potential proximity to groundwater.

The construction of a well in a dacha can be entrusted to professionals, but very often craftsmen resort to manual drilling, which is performed using a special tool. To do this, the soil is hollowed out by rotating the drill. Such a tool is made from high-quality steel and hardened using high temperatures.

The process of manual self-drilling is carried out using special tools made from high-quality steel

There are several types of drilling tools:

  1. A drill spoon, which is used for light clayey, sandy soils.
  2. A drill spoon with a coil at the end.
  3. Coil - this drill is necessary when there is a certain amount of gravel in clay and loamy soil.
  4. Chisels are used for impact drilling.
  5. A bailer is necessary to extract rock drilled by impact, work in loose soils.

Various types of drills are used for different types soils: light clay and sandy, complex, containing gravel

The process of drilling a well with your own hands

To drill a well in a country house, you need to install a pile driver - a tripod assembled from thick logs, and also attach it to the ground wide board with a hole for the casing pipe, which is needed to eliminate the possibility of collapse of loose soil during the drilling process. The diameter of this element should allow the drilling tool to move freely. As the casing goes deeper into the ground, it is lowered; for this purpose, it is loaded with ballast and periodically lengthened using threaded connections.

The drill, secured with a rope thrown over the top of the tripod, is directed strictly vertically into the casing and lowered down. Every 0.5 - 0.7 m, the tool must be taken out and cleared of rock. For dense and rocky soils, it is better to use chisels and percussion work.

After the drill reaches soils saturated with water, you should make a note on the pipe, remove the tool and install a filter in its place. The joint is sealed with tow and impregnated with red lead. The next step is to settle the pipe into the ground. You should stop when the water level rises 30–40 cm above the filter. The process is completed by installing a pump, which can be manual or electric. To be on the safe side in case of a power outage, it’s good to have a standard piston version.

Do-it-yourself well drilling rig

Selecting drilling depth and drinking water compliance standards

When deciding how to make a well in a country house, you need to decide on the depth to which the work should be carried out. For technical needs, irrigation is sufficient to reach the first aquifer, since high demands are not placed on water quality. The presence of nitrates, nitrites, organics and other impurities is acceptable. This composition can partly be considered an advantage, since it introduces certain fertilizers into the soil. In this case, drinking water is delivered separately.

If a self-installed well in a dacha is used not only for technical needs, then it will most likely have to be drilled deeper. You can determine the quality of water by submitting a sample for expert assessment to the sanitary and epidemiological service. To be recognized as suitable for use, it must meet certain standards:

  • transparency of at least 30 cm;
  • the presence of nitrates no more than 10 mg/l;
  • the presence of E. coli in an amount of less than 10 units per 1 liter of water;
  • the assessment of taste and smell should not exceed 3 points.

When installing a well for production purposes drinking water It is important to avoid mistakes that are possible at any stage of drilling. If this task is entrusted to specialists, then they carry out everything necessary work on geological surveys, selection suitable place, direct drilling.

Equipping a water supply system in a dacha from a well is not that difficult. It includes several basic elements: a water intake system, a pipeline through the yard and, if necessary, a water supply system inside the house.

Filters and types of water pipes for wells

An important step is to install filters strictly at the level of the aquifer. Their purpose is to prevent the collapse of the well walls and the passage of water into the pipe. There are a number of requirements for this element:

To increase service life and improve filtration, sprinkle with gravel. The filter design includes: a filter part, a pipe and a settling tank. There are several varieties of it:

  • a filter consisting of a wire winding;
  • mesh filter;
  • gravel filter.

A do-it-yourself well in the country is made using various types pipes For technical purposes, you can install cheap thin-walled metal, socketed PVC or threaded uPVC pipes. Products made from polyvinyl chloride may begin to partially release chlorine compounds over time. Higher quality water pipes are made from polyethylene, which does not corrode or wear out beneath the surface of the earth. Some technological reasons prevent their use, then steel analogues with an enamel coating are used.

Various well cleaning methods

The question of how to clean a well in a country house arises as a result of irregular, seasonal use of it for several years. The reason, as a rule, lies in silting of the filter or caking of sand in the pipe during the winter months. This problem is much easier to solve by specialists.

There are several popular well revitalization methods:

  • flushing by supplying water through a pipe lowered into the well under high pressure. Through the interpipe space, dirt is carried upward and splashes out. The disadvantages of the method are: uncontrolled release of contaminated water and a limited supply of clean liquid;

Flushing - dirt rises up through the interpipe space and splashes out

  • Blowing is carried out in the same way as washing, with one difference - instead of water, air is supplied. Both methods can damage the well filter due to the use high pressure;
  • pumping out using a pump capable of handling contaminated water. This method is quite neat and simple. The pumped-out cargo water can be drained into containers, while maintaining cleanliness near the well;
  • pouring a solution of food acids can revive even a well that has not been working for a long time. To do this, the infused composition is left in the pipe for a certain time and then pumped out. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

In addition to the above, there are a number of cleaning methods, the effectiveness of which is quite high, but there is also the possibility of damage to the pipe or filter. This is, for example, a small explosion in a well. It is worth noting that regular and frequent use can protect against silting problems.

Installing a well in a dacha solves many problems related to the use of water for irrigation, showering and other household needs. It is convenient to entrust all the work to professionals, but this approach can cost a pretty penny. If the aquifer is shallow, it is worth drilling a well yourself, using simple devices and special tools.
