The safest place in the world why. The safest countries in the world. Stunning scenery - Cape Town, South Africa

If you like silence and solitude, you are unlikely to choose a metropolis when going on vacation. Moreover, when there are such calm places in the world, where nature and people’s lives seem to be a continuation of each other, where the city itself seems to be imprinted into the majestic landscape and is perceived as part of it. They are so harmonious that today I want to exchange our frantic rhythm of life for the calmness of one of them.

1. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany

Quiet place

Garmisch-Partenkirchen is a charming town on Germany's highest mountain, the Zugspitze. Situated at an altitude of 3,000 meters, it once represented two settlements, one founded by the Romans and the other by the Teutons. They were united only in 1936 on the eve of the Winter Olympic Games.

2. Settlement in the Himalayas, Tibet

Quiet place

The mysterious Faroe chain north of Scotland is hardly known to a wide range of tourists. For many years, the islands with their steep cliffs remained difficult to access. For example, there is only one staircase leading to the village of Gasadalur, built during the British occupation of the islands during the Second World War. The 18 lucky people who now live there are reliably sheltered from all adversity by two mountains 2,300 feet high.

5. Colmar, France

Quiet place

Colmar is one of the most beautiful towns in Alsace. Ancient streets and pavements, half-timbered houses, ancient stone buildings - all this creates an indelible impression. In addition, Colmar is the capital of Alsatian wines, and it is not for nothing that the Route du Vin - Wine Road - originates from here.

6. Camden, Maine, USA

Quiet place

Previously inhabited by Indians, Camden was colonized by the British in the 70s of the 18th century. During the Civil War, it served as something of a “negotiation point” for the Americans. Now this clean and cozy town is home to 5,000 residents, and in the summer the ratio of tourists to the city’s indigenous population is 2 to 1.

7. Bled, Slovenia

Quiet place

Covered by picturesque mountains, Bled was first mentioned in 1004. It seemed so beautiful to the Holy Roman Emperor that it was presented as the greatest reward to the Bishop of Brixen. The church in Bled is located on an island in the middle of the lake of the same name. The city itself, with a population of 5,000 people, is now one of the most beautiful Slovenian resorts.

8. Manarola, Italy

Quiet place

Manarola is a small fishing town in Liguria, northern Italy. A rainbow of colorful houses sits on a cliff overlooking the wild coastline of the Ligurian Sea. The city's church dates back to 1338, making Manarola one of the oldest cities in the region.

9. Bibury, UK

Quiet place

Bibury is often called the most beautiful town in England, and for good reason. It was first mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086, and since then the town has seemed frozen in time. Most of the houses look the same as they did hundreds of years ago, and the river still flows its gray waters along the shady streets of Bibury.

10. Annecy, France

Quiet place

Annecy is probably even more picturesque than the French Alps that surround it. Built around a 14th-century castle, the town is divided by small canals and streams that flow into the beautiful blue Lake Annecy.

11. Goreme, Türkiye (Underground City)

Quiet place

Now Gureme is an open-air museum. Since the 6th century. until the end of the 9th century. Goreme was one of the largest Christian centers, and there were more than 400 churches in its surroundings. Saint Paul found Goreme the most suitable place for raising the righteous.

12. Tanby, Wales

Quiet place

The city's name roughly translates from Welsh as “Little Fish Fortress.” This naturally sheltered town with access to the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean was founded back in 900 AD. After the Norman conquest of England, the city was fortified with a massive wall to prevent Welsh uprisings. Today it is known more for its beauty than for its defenses.

13. Leavenworth, Washington, USA

quiet peaceful place

Vestmannaeyjar is a small archipelago south of Iceland with a population of about 4,000 people. The exact date of discovery of the islands is unknown, but it is assumed that the archipelago was discovered by Irish sailors and Vikings at the same time as Iceland. The islands are also famous for being captured by the Ottoman fleet and Barbary pirates in 1627, who took the people into slavery.

15. Queenstown, New Zealand

quiet peaceful place

Queenstown is located in the southwestern part of New Zealand's South Island. Located on the shores of Queenstown Bay on Lake Wakatipu, a small lake of glacial origin. The city is surrounded by picturesque mountains. In the 60s of the 19th century, gold was found here, and the city experienced a real Gold Rush.

16. Hidden Mountain Village - Jiuzhaigou, China

quiet peaceful place

Not much is known about these villages, scattered throughout China, which once served as strongholds for the military. Nowadays you can only get there by horseback and get a unique insight into the culture of classical China.

17. Shirakawa-go, Japan

quiet peaceful place

Shirakawa-go is a small traditional settlement known for its peaked roofs, designed to withstand heavy snowfalls. The dense, mysterious forests and hills surrounding the village made the area difficult to live in - except for the small plain where Shirakawa-go is located.

18. Pucon, Chile

quiet peaceful place

Far beyond the borders of its country, Pucon has become known as the “capital of active tourism of Chile.” This small town has gained its popularity in the travel world thanks to its lake, volcano and the wide variety of outdoor activities you can imagine.

19. Morro de Sao Paulo, Brazil

quiet peaceful place

Morro de Sao Paulo is one of the quietest island cities in the world. The only way to the island is by boat or small-engine planes, which regularly fly from El Salvador. Motor vehicles are prohibited on the island. The only way to travel long distances there is by tractor, which carries passengers to the beach, hotels or airport.

20. Amedia, Kurdistan

quiet peaceful place

Amediya is a small colorful village located on top of a hill in the Iraqi province of Dahuk. Amedia is 1000 meters long and 500 meters wide, while being 1400 meters above sea level. According to legend, Persian magicians and priests lived in the vicinity of the village, who were famous in the art of sorcery. It was from here, according to some researchers, that the biblical three wise men went to Bethlehem to worship and present gifts to the baby Jesus.

Nuclear war has been frightening people for more than half a century. The worst thing is that if 2 countries start such a war, then everyone will suffer in the end. But if a nuclear apocalypse does happen, it’s worth knowing in which places in the world the chances of survival will be higher.

1. Easter Island

Southeast Pacific
Several thousand kilometers off the coast of South America in the Pacific Ocean lies this island, famous for its mysterious moai statues. Unfortunately, all the trees on Rapa Nui (the local name for Easter Island) were cut down, therefore its ecosystem was virtually destroyed. But Easter Island is still inhabited today.

2. Antarctica

South Pole
It is a vast desert of ice and snow that is largely uninhabited due to extreme conditions and a complete lack of infrastructure. But the entire continent will be largely safe during a fallout, since the Antarctic Treaty prohibits nuclear explosions on the continent. The only way to survive here is at polar stations or in Paradise Bay (which has the best weather on the continent).

3. Tristan da Cunha

South Atlantic
Welcome to the most remote inhabited archipelago. The island, located in the South Atlantic 2,200 km from Africa, is home to only a few hundred people. This is an amazing place to wait out the end of the modern world. Here you can learn almost everything about fishing.

4. Jaya

Mount Jaya is famous for its world's largest gold mine. It's certainly not the most comfortable place in the world, but it will be safer than most places after a nuclear war. There is also a huge copper mine here. With the help of these mines and the resources that are on the mountain, it will be possible to survive..

5. Tierra del Fuego

Extreme South of South America
This archipelago is ideally located to survive a nuclear war. Due to the area's strong winds, it is more protected from nuclear fallout than other areas. It rains a lot and is cold throughout the year. Of course, the conditions are not ideal, but it will be about survival. Also, Tierra del Fuego, which is at the very tip of South America, has a permanent population and infrastructure.

6. Marshall Islands

Western Pacific
Surrounded by 1.9 million square kilometers of beautiful ocean, the Marshall Islands have the perfect natural barrier between nuclear disaster and safety. It is worth keeping in mind that if climate change occurs as a result of rising sea levels, these islands will be flooded.

7. Cape Town

South Africa
Cape Town is like a real paradise in South Africa. While there is no guarantee that this will be a safe location, it is less likely to cause radioactive fallout. Situated at the very tip of the African continent, Cape Town is further proof that the extreme reaches of continents have a slightly higher level of security in a nuclear war.

8. Yukon or Nunavut

The Canadian province of Yukon is one of the most remote corners of the world. This area is rich in natural resources and provides excellent hunting grounds. All this is just perfect for surviving in a terrible new world. Likewise, Nunavut, Canada's newest territory, is suitable for survival. It is the largest province in the country and is home to just over 30,000 people. But it’s worth mentioning right away, it’s terribly cold here.

9. Kiribati

Another island nation in the central Pacific Ocean is Kiribati, which consists of 33 separate islands. With over 100,000 people living here, it's the perfect place to lay low. Kiribati is not overly developed, although the natural resources here today are not as abundant as they once were.

10. New Zealand

Southwest Pacific
New Zealand is one of the most developed countries on this list. This small country is located next to Australia and has a strong and well-developed infrastructure, but is neutral for any conflicts, like Switzerland. However, Switzerland is located in the very center of Europe, which would be a hot zone during a nuclear conflict.

11. Perth

Like New Zealand, Australia is a neutral country. In the Australian city of Perth it never gets too cold, and in the summer it is not as stuffy as other places on the continent. Australians are generally kind and polite people. This will be very useful when people come to this place seeking shelter from radiation.

12. Tuvalu

South Pacific
Tuvalu is another island nation in the Pacific Ocean that lives isolated from the rest of the world. The country's remote location helps it avoid taking an active part in international politics. Although the nature in Tuvalu is very beautiful, the place is subject to constant cyclones and typhoons, but this is nothing compared to nuclear bombs falling from the sky.

13. Malta

Mediterranean Sea
Malta is in the Mediterranean Sea, which means it is much closer to the continent than some of the other island nations. Throughout history there have been many attempts to capture Malta, but they have never succeeded. A neutral island can be a great place to live. The island is beautiful and has a lot of different resources.

14. Fiji

Central Pacific
The Republic of Fiji is a group of 330 islands that may be one of the best places to hide and survive. The country is located in the central Pacific Ocean and, like several other archipelagos on this list, is unlikely to be the target of an attack. The temperature in this place remains very pleasant all year round and there are enough natural resources to support a prosperous society.

15. Greenland

Arctic Circle
Greenland is part of Denmark but has become more autonomous in the 21st century. Like Nunavut, Canada, Greenland lies largely within the Arctic Circle. The world's largest island is home to the magnetic north pole. It will be very cold for the survivors here, so they will have to adapt.

About 70% of Greenland's total energy use comes from renewable resources, making the country much more resilient if the current power grid fails. The island is huge, but with only about 56,000 people, there's plenty of room for everyone.

And of course, it wouldn’t hurt to have it with you.

For many, an ideal country is a state without wars and protests, with a stable economy that allows you to easily secure your life and leisure, without crime and fear for your safety.

Do you know which countries in the world are best suited for such a calm, peaceful, stable life, with prospects for the future? Since 2007, the Institute for Economics and Peace has been researching all peoples and regions of the planet based on external and internal indicators. We may think that the world is becoming increasingly violent in times of crisis, but according to the Global Peace Index, there are 20 of the most peaceful countries in which to live.

1. Denmark

Denmark tops the list of the most peaceful countries on earth as it is truly a safe place to live. Even when Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, was under Nazi occupation during World War II, there was no military activity in the city at all. This is because people living in Denmark prefer to focus on economic issues rather than getting involved in various armed conflicts.

Danish people are very friendly, open and helpful. All tourists who have visited Denmark at least once in their lives, without exception, claim that they would like to live in this country.

2. Norway

Many did not expect that Norway could appear on the list of ideal countries to live in. Perhaps this is because Anders Behring Breivik, a mass murderer, has hurt the country's global reputation. Of course, this was an isolated incident of this magnitude, and according to the Global Peace Index, Norway is one of the most peaceful, stable, friendly and safe countries to live in.

It is the state with the highest level of human development in the world. In addition, the Oslo government always places economic stability, social development and peace at the top of the country's list of priorities.

3. Singapore

As an active member of the international community and, overall, a small separate nation, Singapore may never have happened! Since gaining independence in 1965 as a sovereign Republic, Singapore has always focused on being a great neighbor through establishing social, peaceful, economic, political relations with all countries.

Singapore cooperates with the United Nations, and also participates in various global, unilateral and multilateral campaigns to promote international cooperation, and is also a member of the WTO (World Trade Organization).

Singapore is on the list of the most peaceful countries and is also one of the richest countries in the world. Here the level of murders and violent crime is tens of times lower than in other countries.

4. Slovenia

The beautiful European country of Slovenia is also in the “ideal to live” rating. It showed the lowest indicators among the countries of the continent in terms of the number of organized internal conflicts, protests, and the number of civil and external wars. In addition, its wonderful cities, like Maribor and Ljubljana, are teeming with unique culture and flavor, making Slovenia a fantastic destination for tourists.

5. Sweden

One of the most beautiful Scandinavian countries, Sweden is located in the far north of Europe. Although Sweden is one of the largest arms exporters in Europe, the country has a low robbery rate (only 9,000 per year) compared to the US (about 350,000 per year)! Sweden has not fought or participated in battles for more than two centuries.

Most of the country's budget is aimed at economic and social development, which makes the level of citizens' dissatisfaction with their lives zero.

According to the Global Peace Index, Sweden is one of the most peaceful and stable (politically and economically) countries in the world, despite being the world's third largest arms exporter.

6. Iceland

Iceland has been recognized as one of the most peaceful countries in the world, as it has managed to stay away from all the major conflicts in the world. Thanks to this, the government has been able to invest money in the economy and development of the country for centuries.

Iceland rarely makes headlines. Despite the collapse of the Icelandic banks several years ago, the country has remained not only an amazing place with impressive natural beauty, but also a fairly stable state. Tourists from all over the world come to Iceland to see the huge glaciers and raging volcanoes, as well as the many unique natural and cultural attractions in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland.

7. Belgium

According to the Global Peace Index, Belgium is one of the best and most peaceful places to live in both Europe and the rest of the world. Located in the heart of the continent, this small country occupies a special political place. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is home to the European Union and NATO.

Belgium boasts medieval cities, beautiful town halls, majestic castles and captivating natural beauty.
The murder and incarceration rates in Belgium are very low, even taking into account the government crisis during the period 2008-2011.

8. Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is a relatively new country that gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1989 thanks to the Velvet Revolution and subsequent separation from Slovakia.

After the collapse of Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic focused on creating a strong capitalist economy and a stable climate for investment.

In 2009, the Human Development Index (HDI) declared the Czech Republic to have a “very high level of human development”. Known primarily for its magnificent capital, Prague, and breathtaking natural beauty, the Czech Republic attracts tourists from all over. Moreover, students from all over the world flock to this country, who have a real opportunity to receive a European education for free and stay to live in this amazing country.

9. Switzerland

Switzerland has consistently maintained a well-functioning government and an open political culture for decades. An illustration of the quality of a country's government activities is the lowest score for political instability. In addition, Switzerland is among the most peaceful countries that have low violent crime rates. Although Switzerland is known for its neutrality in regional, international and global political matters, it maintains close diplomatic relations with various countries around the world.

10. Japan

One of the most culturally fascinating countries, Japan has the third largest economy in the world. Since World War II, it has been a very calm state, with virtually no internal conflicts and a very low crime rate. The country has its own internal security regulation force to maintain peace.

Japan is a peaceful and also stunningly beautiful country that you don't necessarily want to live in, but it's worth visiting one day.

11. Ireland

With its rich historical sites, amazing green pastures and friendly people, it's no wonder that Ireland is one of the most peaceful countries on Earth.

Ireland is a fabulous country with many reasons to visit. A rich literary history, mountain castles, picturesque coastlines and legendary hospitality make Ireland a wonderful place to visit at any time of the year, as well as a wonderful place to live, with a calm, peaceful atmosphere.

12. Finland

The Finns, as a people, have never been famous for their fighting character, despite the fact that they have compulsory civil and military service for young people. It is also worth noting the Finnish education system, which covers absolutely all areas of activity. It’s not for nothing that she ranks fifth among the best in the world.

13. New Zealand

Every year since 2007, the Institute for Economics and Peace has ranked New Zealand among the most peaceful countries. And there are reasons for this: a very small percentage of the population in prisons, limited military capabilities, close relations with Australia and incredible hospitality. New Zealand is a wonderful country to live. It is a place of varied natural scenery and unusual inhabitants.

Visitors from all over the world come to New Zealand to experience mountain scenery, breathtaking alpine glaciers, stunning beaches, fantastic geothermal springs and bubbling volcanoes, and walk through the haunts of famous hobbits and elves from the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The country is also famous for its fine wines, with a huge number of grape varieties planted throughout New Zealand. So if you are a big fan of wine or hobbits, this is the place for you.

14. Canada

Having one of the highest standards of living in the world, Canada is also a very calm and stable country. It is home to only 33 million people, but is nonetheless the second largest country in the world.

Canada is a wonderful country to live in, with clean and safe cities, picturesque landscapes and friendly people.

Canada, despite having a relatively high military potential, is not currently involved in any armed conflicts.

15. Austria

Austria is a small Central European country that ranks among the “ideal countries” due to its position on international politics. Since the First World War, the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Second World War, Austria has embarked on a path of peaceful and serene life.

Many people argue that Austria is the best country to live. After all, with its amazing history, world-famous resorts in the Alps, and a stable economy that allows citizens to work and achieve success, it is not surprising to see Austria on this list.

16. Butane

Bhutan is also one of the 20 most beautiful and safe countries to live in, as measured by the 2013 Global Peace Index. This is because Bhutan does not take part in international conflicts, and no internal unrest has been noticed here over the past 6 years. The country has a huge number of police officers per 100,000 population and a low level of organized crime. The government allocates almost no money for military needs and the production of heavy weapons. The people here are very friendly, peaceful, and besides this, Bhutan boasts a large number of interesting sights.

17. Australia

Australia is a beautiful and peaceful country that offers cultural diversity, wonderful beaches, lots of breathtaking scenery, amazing fauna and friendly people with a great sense of humor. Although Australia is almost the size of the United States, it has a small population of about 20 million.

Very low crime rates, a stable political system, high standards of healthcare and well-maintained roads make Australia a safe and relatively easy country to live in or simply explore.

18. Portugal

You might be surprised to learn that Portugal is one of the calmest countries in the world, but it's true. It has been part of the EU for 26 years and is part of the European Monetary System. Portugal has the 43rd largest economy in the world according to the World Bank. In addition, the country has one of the highest GDP growth rates.

It has a very low crime rate, a high standard of living and a stable government. Plus, stunning sandy beaches, golden plains, majestic mountains and vibrant cities make Portugal one of the best places to live.

19. Qatar

Qatar is perhaps the most stable and industrialized country in the entire Middle East, and the most peaceful in the entire world. Violent incidents are very rare here.

Qatar is one of the most flexible and liberal states in the East, where women have many rights, including the right to work, drive and vote. The country is now committed to National Vision 2030 to achieve a more sustainable and developed economy.

20. Mauritius

In 2013, the country was recognized as the most peaceful state in Africa. The strength of this state lies in the stability of the region and thereby further promotes it as a reliable platform for rich management services and estate planning.

It is a great advantage to live in a peaceful, stable country, and if you are lucky enough to live in one, you should be proud!

Iron Mountain Data Center

Not far from the town of Boyers in western Pennsylvania, at a depth of about 70 meters, there is the safest place on Earth - the Iron Mountain data center and archive. This company is the most famous international provider of data storage and protection services. The Iron Mountain data center is a real underground city, which can only be accessed through an entrance carved into the rock, which is reliably guarded.

Secrets and mysteries of the dungeon

The area of ​​the complex is 580 thousand m2, and the number of employees is 2,700 people. A huge number of state secrets and secrets of international companies are hidden behind thousands of metal doors.

The “dungeon” is reliably protected from theft, man-made disasters and natural disasters. The security system can even provide protection from a nuclear explosion. This “city” has its own power supply system, its own water treatment facilities and a brigade of firefighters. Employees work in offices with limestone walls. Since the complex was originally created to ensure the safety of important documents in the event of a nuclear war with the USSR, the designers provided a bomb shelter for personnel. All this makes the data center the safest place on the planet.

Digital information storage

Nowadays, Iron Mountain is considered the largest and most secure repository of digital information. Therefore, it is not surprising that intelligence agencies around the world quietly hand over the most important and valuable documents to the Iron Mountain archives for safekeeping.

It is known that the Iron Mountain archive contains master tapes of thousands of famous hits, such as early Elvis Presley recordings, as well as more than 11 million negatives and prints from the Corbis photo bank, including materials from the early 19th century.

Data center services

To store all this data, the center uses more than 400 thousand personal computers and about 20 thousand servers. Every day approximately 8 million letters are sent to the archive. Every year, more and more companies resort to the services of a data center; according to Iron Mountain, in three years the volume of digital data has increased by 600 percent.

Every person, fearing for his own life, has the right to independently decide and choose his place of residence.

Analysts do not claim that the number of natural disasters and cataclysms is increasing, but they also do not object that they are becoming more and more widespread. The number of victims from natural disasters has increased greatly over the past few decades.

Be that as it may, the issue of life safety has become a subject of interest for many people. What kind of natural disasters happen, and where do they “live” on our planet? One of the strongest elements on the planet is the ocean element, a real scourge of coastal areas, which has claimed many lives and left millions of people without homes. The territories of Southeast and South Asia are considered defenseless against the ocean, and even the United States cannot guarantee the residents of its shores protection from this element. The driving force that pushes ocean waters onto the shores are strong hurricanes and tsunamis generated by earthquakes. And even without a tsunami, earthquakes are considered a terrible threat to humanity, because we have never learned to predict them, which means we are still defenseless against them. Once again, the record holder in this part is the Southeast part of Asia. In China, the worst earthquake is considered to be the one of 1556, when tremors collapsed two neighboring mountains into a narrow valley sandwiched between them. In an instant, more than 830 thousand people from the villages of the valley were buried alive under the rocks. This sad record has not yet been broken.

Africa, especially its central regions, is considered the second helpless continent. Wars, famines, epidemics - this is a list of reasons why living here is not just difficult, but also extremely dangerous.

North and Central America also have their dangerous disadvantages. Tornadoes, powerful snowfalls, or diametrically opposed long-term exhausting droughts - all of this can be dealt with, especially since the potential of the countries of these continents fully allows this.

In fact, no one argues that natural disasters of the 21st century (except earthquakes, of course) are the result of global warming. Scientists have long predicted various scenarios for what cataclysms await us in the future, and it is nice to know that the safest place in this regard is Russia.
