Program of correctional and speech therapy support for students in Type V classes. Type V school for children with speech impairments as a type of special educational institution Type 5 program for a general education school

State budgetary educational institution

special (correctional) general education

boarding school of the V type No. 28

Reviewed Approved

at a meeting of the teachers' council by decision of the PS of the institution

humanitarian cycle Protocol No. ___ dated______

Protocol No._____ dated_______ Order No. ___ dated_______

Head of the Ministry of Defense______________ I.O. director __________

Working programm

for group

Speech therapy classes

5th grade

Developed in accordance with the program of basic general education in the Russian language, taking into account the requirements of the federal component of the state standard of general education

The curriculum implementation period is 2014-2015.

Developed by:

teacher of Russian language and literature

GBOU SCOSHI V type No. 28

Kutseva N.S.

Moscow, 2014

Explanatory note

Conducting speech therapy classes is aimed at achieving the following goals and objectives:

Educational. Through the formation and development of grammatical-analytical spelling and punctuation skills, systematize the fragile knowledge and skills that students have in grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Developmental. Develop students' cognitive activity. Develop intellectual skills: techniques of analysis, comparison, generalization, grouping and classification skills. Develop vocabulary, enrich the content of students’ statements, form and develop skills in constructing a coherent text. Develop learning skills: working with books, reference literature, improving reading skills.

Educational. To cultivate moral qualities of students and respect for work. Develop skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Corrective. Comprehensive development of the personality of a speech pathologist; ensure that training is educational in nature; take into account the age characteristics of students and level of development and select didactic material in accordance with this; carry out an individual approach against the backdrop of collective activity; achieve the strength of acquired knowledge and skills; use visualization; build lessons taking into account the program of the corresponding class; strive to ensure that at every speech therapy

The activities included listening, speaking, writing and reading.

This program is compiled on the basis of programs on the Russian language and speech development, which were compiled earlier on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of general education, developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the concept of modernization of Russian education, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation

No. 1756-r dated December 29, 2001; approved by the decision of the board of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education dated December 23, 2003 No. 21\12; approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On approval of the federal component of state standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) education” dated March 5, 2004.

Speech is the most important means of communication, allowing the exchange of thoughts and achieving mutual understanding. The effectiveness of socialization of a developing personality is directly dependent on the usefulness of the process of verbal communication and interaction. If there is a delay in the development of speech or impaired speech function, the child has problems associated with verbal communication, difficulties in communicative behavior appear, which generally complicates the relationship between a person and society, and this is manifested in verbal communication.

Many studies devoted to the study of the characteristics of oral and written speech of junior and middle-level students in a special (correctional) educational institution of type V note that the effectiveness of speech therapy correction and social adaptation of students largely depends on their general and communicative culture, quality of communication with others. Practical experience in teaching and raising children with SLD shows that problems associated with the speech and communicative development of students are pronounced not only in the lower grades, but also in the second stage of education (grades 5-10). The system of differentiated speech therapy intervention in a special school of type V makes it possible to achieve certain positive changes in colloquial and descriptive speech among high school students with speech and language disorders; in particular, the majority of students manage to overcome the main difficulties in speech communication, eliminate defects in sound pronunciation, and achieve satisfactory development of the lexical and grammatical aspects speech, mastering writing and reading skills. Many high school-age students with STD exhibit defects in complex organized speech, specific features of verbal-logical thinking, arbitrary forms of speech memory, imagination, etc.

Most children with SLI are characterized by difficulties in communicating with adults and peers: they are not understood, they do not want to talk to them, they laugh at them, tease them, etc. In this regard, the formation of the foundations of the communicative culture of high school students with technical and technical skills, taking into account the characteristics of their speech, communicative and individual personal development, is of particular relevance.

The program for children with special needs is guided by the tasks set for the general education school, however, the effectiveness of solving these problems largely depends on the implementation of correctional-developmental, correctional-educational and correctional-educational directions in education.

Students with speech pathology experience persistent difficulties in mastering the general education school curriculum due to insufficient formation of speech function and psychological prerequisites for mastering full-fledged educational activities.

Correctional and developmental work on the formation of oral and written speech for students with speech pathology in a type V school is closely related to the general development of the student’s speech, based on familiarization with the outside world, on mastering literacy (in primary school), as well as Russian lessons language and speech development, due to the specifics of mastering them and the methodology.

Focusing on the content of the Russian language program in a general education school, i.e., on the level of speech development that a schoolchild normally achieves in terms of speech skills and abilities, and taking into account the originality and individual characteristics of speech development, students of a special (correctional) general education school V type, can be generally formulatedtasks of individual speech therapy assistance.

*formation, clarification and correction of sound pronunciation.

*clarification and correction of phonemic perception

*clarification and correction of sound-letter analysis and synthesis skills

*formation, clarification, enrichment and correction of vocabulary

*clarification and correction of grammatical categories

*correction of specific writing errors

*formation and improvement of communication skills

Correctional work in a Type V school is carried out mainly in a group; the speech therapist must take into account the individual characteristics of each child, while following a unified lesson plan and understanding the characteristics of children with certain speech therapy disorders.

To develop a unified approach to the correctional development of the student, the speech therapist must interact with the teaching staff of the educational institution, the student’s parents, the school psychologist, and the GPA teacher.

For correctional and developmental speech therapy classes in grade 5, the program provides 175 hours of 5 hours per week. Of these, 70 hours are allocated to each of the 2 groups, 2 hours per week, and 35 hours for individual lessons, 1 hour per week.

The main forms of organization of speech therapy work are group and individual. Children with a homogeneous structure of speech defect are selected for the group. In these classes, all students do the same work in pairs or collectively.

Individual lessons are conducted with one child. For this purpose, individual programs are developed taking into account the structure of the speech defect of a particular student and the educational program of the school institution, as well as the content of all types of correctional work.

All types of speech therapy classes are divided into:

  • Educational, the purpose of which is to acquire new knowledge. In these classes, students accumulate factual material, study linguistic phenomena and processes, which subsequently leads to the formation of concepts.
  • Fixing, in which students improve and develop practical skills, as well as systematize the most important issues, filling existing gaps in children’s knowledge.
  • Combinedclasses, the purpose of which is to solve both didactic and correctional problems. Such classes are conducted in speech therapy practice more often than others.

The learning mechanisms are built with an orientation: towards the didactic goal underlying a particular stage of learning (teaching methods and control methods); on the source of knowledge acquired by students (the teacher’s word, conversation, observation, language analysis, etc.); on the way of thinking in cognition (methods of induction and deduction, analogy, comparison and contrast, analysis and synthesis); methods of theoretical language learning (message, conversation, independent work from a textbook); methods of theoretical and practical study of language and teaching speech (exercises with language analysis, dictation, observation, modification, construction); methods for implementing a person-centered approach to learning (method of relying on previously acquired knowledge).

To carry out control, current and final control are used, which include surveys, dictations, and tests.

Textbooks and manuals used in the educational and correctional process:

  1. Russian language: 5th grade. general education institutions /M.T.Baranov, T.A.Ladyzhenskaya L.A.Trostentsova and others; scientific ed. N. M. Shansky/.- 31st ed. - M.: Education, OJSC "Moscow Textbooks", 2008.
  2. Workbook on the Russian language. 5th grade. To the textbook M.T. Baranova "Russian language. 7th grade", Erokhina E.L. Publisher: Exam
    Series: Educational and methodological kit . UMK
  3. Didactic materials on the Russian language, grade 5. Book for teachers/L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.M., Strakevich, -3rd ed. – M.: Education, 2004.- 144 p.


At the beginning and end of the school year, the teacher identifies the degree of students’ readiness for learning; availability of knowledge, skills, abilities in the main sections of the Russian language program, development of speech and literature of the 5th grade.

Through dictation, students' phonemic awareness and written speech are examined. Dysraphic errors caused by impaired phonemic hearing, syllabic structure, optical-spatial representations, as well as spelling errors are identified.

By writing a summary, not only phonemic hearing is examined, but also speech disorders at the level of grammatical structure and coherent speech.

Reading technique is also examined. Errors of a dyslexic nature are identified. Through a retelling and story based on the picture, the child’s oral speech is examined (sound pronunciation, phonemic hearing, analysis and synthesis of sounds, syllable structure, phrase construction, consistency in the construction of statements).

Based on the results of the examination, students are divided into groups, and a plan and schedule for speech therapy classes is drawn up.

Filling gaps in knowledge for the 4th grade course.

Parts of a word. Spelling. Place of spellings in words. Spelling of verifiable and unverifiable vowels and consonants in the root of the word. Spelling letters and,a,y , after hissing ones. Separatingъ and ь . Independent and auxiliary parts of speech. Noun: three declension, gender, case, number. Spelling vowels in case endings of nouns. Letter b at the end of nouns after sibilants. Adjective: gender, case. Number. Spelling vowels in case endings of adjectives. 1st, 2nd, 3rd person pronouns. Verb: person, tense, number, gender (past tense); spelling of vowels in personal endings of the most common verbs of 1st and 2nd conjugations; letter b in the 2nd person singular verbs. Spelling-tsya and -tsya ; separate writing Not with verbs. Prepositions and conjunctions. Separate writing of prepositions with words.

Differentiation of sounds. Analysis and synthesis of words. Agreement of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs in gender, number and case.

Formation and development of grammatical-analytical, spelling, punctuation skills. Correction at the syntactic level and coherent speech.

Consolidation of basic syntactic concepts (units): phrase, sentence, text. Collocation: the main and dependent word in a phrase. Punctuation marks: completion, emphasis, separation marks. The grammatical basis of the sentence. Main members of the sentence, minor members of the sentence: addition, definition, circumstance. Unextended and extended sentences (with two main members). Sentences with homogeneous members. Unrelated unions, as well as connected unions a, but, and single union And ; comma between homogeneous members without conjunctions and with conjunctions a, but, and . Generalizing words before homogeneous members. Colon after the generic word. Syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences. Address, punctuation marks when addressing. Introductory words and phrases. Difficult sentence. The presence of two or more grammatical stems as a sign of a complex sentence. Complex sentences with conjunctions (with two main clauses in each simple sentence). A comma between simple clauses in a complex sentence beforeand, but, so, because, when, which, what if. Direct speech after the author’s words and before them; punctuation marks for direct speech. Dialogue. Dash at the beginning of dialogue lines.

Development of phonemic hearing, perception, analysis and synthesis. Correction at the phonetic level. Handwriting correction. Practicing reading and retelling techniques.

Sound as a unit of language. Speech sounds; vowels and consonants. Differentiation of sounds. Emphasis on a word. Vowels are stressed and unstressed. Paired and unpaired hard and soft consonants. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Sonorant consonants. Sizzling and c. Strong and weak positions of sounds. Phonetic analysis of the word. Spelling dictionaries. Graphics as a branch of the science of language. Designation of speech sounds in writing; alphabet. Handwritten and printed letters; uppercase and lowercase. Calligraphy. Sound meaning of letters e,e,yu,i . Designation of softness of consonants. A soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants. Identification features of spellings.

Reading texts. Retelling.

Formation of grammatical-analytical and spelling skills. Correction at the grammatical level. Development of word formation, inflection.

Change and formation of words. Similar words. Base and ending. Zero ending. The role of endings in words. Root, suffix, prefix; their meaning in the word. Alternation of vowels and consonants in a word. Variants of morphemes. Morphemic analysis of words. Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes; letters h and s at the end of the attachments. Spelling alternating vowels o and a in the roots -lozh- - -lag-, -ros- - -grow-. Letters e and o after sizzling at the root. Letters s and and after c.

The word and its lexical meaning. Multiple and unambiguous words. Direct and figurative meaning of words. Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms.

Formation of grammatical-analytical and spelling skills. Correction at the grammatical and syntactic level. Development of coherent speech. Correction of reading technique.

The syntactic role of a noun in a sentence. Capital letters in names, highlighting these names with quotation marks. Gender of nouns. Three declensions of nouns: changing nouns by case and number. Nouns that have only a singular or only a plural form. Letters o and e after hissing and c at the endings of nouns. Declension of nouns into - iya, -y, -y. Spelling vowels in case endings of nouns.

The syntactic role of the adjective in a sentence. Spelling of vowels in case endings of adjectives with a sibilant stem. Not using a letter b at the end of short adjectives with a sibilant base. Changing full adjectives by gender, case and number, and short adjectives by gender and number.

Creating a text based on the original (detailed presentation), dividing it into parts.

Description of what is depicted in the picture using the necessary linguistic means.

Reasoning in storytelling. Reasoning, its structure and varieties.

Evidence and explanations in reasoning.

Description of the animal.

Educational and thematic plan

Russian language


Speech development


Speech therapy group classes

K. h.

For 1 gr.

Language is the most important means of communication


Reviewing what was learned in 4th grade

Text. Subject of the text. Styles.

Filling gaps in knowledge for the 4th grade course. Correction of dysgraphic and dyslexic errors.

Syntax. Punctuation.

Speech is oral and written. Dialogue and monologue. Letter.

Formation and development of grammatical-analytical, spelling, punctuation skills. Speech development.

Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphic arts. Spelling.

Types of texts

Development of phonemic hearing, perception, analysis and synthesis. Handwriting correction. Practicing reading and retelling techniques.

Morphemics. Spelling


Creating text based on the original one.

Description of the objects depicted in the picture.

Formation of grammatical-analytical and spelling skills. Correction at the lexical level. Development of word formation, inflection.

Morphology. Noun

Reasoning in storytelling. Evidence and explanations in reasoning.

Formation of grammatical-analytical and spelling skills. Correction at the grammatical and syntactic level. Speech development. Correction of reading technique.

Morphology. Adjective

Description of the animal.

Formation of grammatical-analytical and spelling skills. Correction at the grammatical and syntactic level. Development of coherent speech.

Repetition and systematization of what was learned in 5th grade


Total: 175

Total: 70

Total: 70

Requirements for the level of student preparation for the 5th grade course

Students should know the definitions of the main linguistic phenomena studied in grade 5, speech science concepts, orographic and punctuation rules, and justify their answers by giving the necessary examples.

By the end of the class, students should have mastered the following skills:

Parse words phonetically, by composition and morphologically, and sentences (with two main members) - syntactically. Compose simple and complex sentences of the studied types;

Explain the meaning of known words and use them correctly. Use spelling and explanatory dictionaries;

Observe the pronunciation norms of the literary language within the limits of the studied material.

By spelling. Find studied spellings in words, be able to justify their choice, correctly write words with studied spellings;

Find and correct spelling errors. Correctly write words with untestable spellings learned in 5th grade.

By punctuation. Find meaningful segments in sentences. Which must be highlighted with punctuation marks, justify your choice of punctuation marks and arrange them in sentences in accordance with the learned rules.

On speech development. Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the text, its style. Present narrative texts in detail and concisely (including elements of description of objects and animals). Create a simple outline of the source text. Write narrative essays on a given topic, stories about incidents from life, and also describe individual objects, animals based on observations, experience, or a picture.. UMK

  • Russian language lessons in 5th grade: Book. for teacher G.A. Bogdanov. – 8th ed. – M.: Education, 2003.
  • Didactic manuals for correcting written speech. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of errors caused by immature phonemic hearing. Issue 2. In 2 parts. – M.: Knigolyub, 2004. – 112.
  • Didactic manuals for correcting written speech. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of errors caused by immature phonemic perception. Issue 1. In 2 parts., M.: Knigolyub, 2004. – 112.
  • Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Homemade notebooks for strengthening the pronunciation of hissing sounds Ш, Ж, ШЧ, Ш, sounds L, R.
    1. Blackboard.
    2. Laptop.
    3. Visual material: tables, posters, cards, pictures.

    In speech Children with a speech therapy certificate from ONR are enrolled in school. There are 2 departments in the speech school:

    Children with the following speech diagnoses are enrolled in the 1st department:





    To the 2nd department:


    Exists general And various in the work of two departments


    1. Class size is 12 people

    2. At the beginning At school, all lessons except physical education, music, and rhythm are taught by a speech therapist.

    3. The speech school does not have an exempt speech therapist. (correction of speech disorders is carried out by a teacher who works in the classroom)

    4. In secondary school, the correction of speech disorders is carried out by a teacher of Russian language and literature who works in the classroom.

    5. Among school teachers, only primary school teachers must have the mandatory qualification “teacher-speech therapist”. Subject teachers must complete defectology courses.

    6. The class is staffed by a teacher and two teachers (night and day)

    7. In a boarding school, an integrated approach to the training and education of students is implemented. The staffing table includes the rates of a psychologist, psychoneurologist or neurologist, nurse, physiotherapist, massage therapist, and adaptive physical education (PT) specialist.

    8. Upon graduation from school, children receive a qualification document on incomplete secondary education.

    9. a foreign language is not studied.


    1. Students of the first department are trained according to a special program developed by the Research Institute of Defectology (Correctional Pedagogy), the latest edition of the program was in 1987.

    Students of the second department study according to the general education school program.

    2. The pace of study for students of the first department is prolonged and increased: they master the 9-year program in 10 years.

    Students of the second department have 1:1 (9=9)

    SECTION I: Teaching literacy.

    Goal: development of basic reading and writing skills.

    The lessons are called "literacy and spelling lessons" during the first year.

    SECTION II: Formation of pronunciation.

    Goal: development of the rhythmic and sound-syllable structure of speech

    The lessons are called “pronunciation lessons” and are held in 1st grade - 2 times a week, in 2nd grade - 1 time.

    SECTION III: Speech development.

    Goal: expanding the vocabulary, developing coherent oral and written speech.

    The lessons are called “speech development lessons” and are held from 1st to 4th grade 4 times a week.

    SECTION IV: Teaching grammar, spelling and spelling.

    Goal: developing a level of relative literacy (knowledge of the rules of the school curriculum)

    The lessons are called “Russian language lessons” and are held from 2nd grade 4 times a week.

    SECTION V: Teaching reading and speech development.

    Goal: developing synthetic reading skills (correct, fluent, expressive and conscious) and nurturing the moral qualities of an individual based on the material read. The lessons are called “reading lessons” and are held in the 2nd grade 4 times a week, in the 3rd and 4th grades - 3 times a week.

    SECTION VI: Individual lessons

    Goal: correction of individual speech disorders of class students.

    The number of individual lessons is determined by the training program depending on the class.

    1st grade – 8 hours per week

    2nd, 3rd, 4th grades – 7 hours per week.

    31. Subject, objectives, content of the course “Special methods of teaching the Russian language” in a special (correctional) secondary school of the V type.

    Any technique is based on methodological foundations.

    The subject of special methods of the Russian language is the process of teaching the Russian language to children with severe speech impairments. (TNR).

    The object of the methodology is special pedagogical conditions (methods and techniques of remedial teaching) that ensure the effectiveness of learning the Russian language by children with DLD.

    Objectives of the methodology:

    1. Diagnosis, prevention and correction of violations of oral and written speech of speech school students.

    2. Development of special methods and techniques of correctional training.

    3. Adaptation of Russian language programs intended for secondary schools, taking into account the capabilities and characteristics of the speech development of special education students. correction schools of any (5 types) type.

    What is the attitude of people around you towards disabled children? For the most part, adults treat them as “poor and unfortunate,” and the children’s community rejects them as “abnormal.” Very rarely does a special child encounter interest from other people and a desire to make friends.

    The situation with training is even worse. Not every school is ready to teach a child with special educational needs. So far, inclusion - education in a mass comprehensive school - remains only a dream for parents of special children.

    The fate of many of these children is to study in correctional schools, which are not always located near home, but often in another city. Therefore, most often they have to live in a boarding school.

    Currently, the types of correctional schools are determined taking into account the primary defect of students. Each of the eight types of general education institutions for children with special educational needs has its own specifics.

    A special correctional center of type 1 accepts deaf children. The task of teachers is to teach how to communicate with others, to master several types of speech: oral, written, dactyl, sign. The curriculum includes courses aimed at compensating for hearing through the use of sound-amplifying equipment, pronunciation correction, social and everyday orientation, and others.

    Type 2 correctional schools also carry out similar work, but only for children who are hard of hearing or late deaf. It is aimed at restoring lost hearing abilities, organizing active speech practice, and teaching communication skills.

    The first and second types of correctional schools carry out the educational process at three levels of general education. However, deaf students take two years longer to complete the primary school curriculum.

    The third and fourth types of correctional schools are intended for children with visual impairments. Teachers of these special educational institutions organize the process of training and education in such a way as to preserve other analyzers, develop corrective-compensatory skills, and ensure the social adaptation of children in society.

    Blind children, as well as children from 0.04 to 0.08 with complex defects leading to blindness, are sent to a correctional school of the 3rd type. Type 4 educational institutions admit children with visual acuity from 0.05 to 0.4 with the possibility of correction. The specificity of the defect involves training using typhoid equipment, as well as special didactic materials that allow you to assimilate incoming information.

    A special correctional institution of type 5 is intended for children with general speech underdevelopment, as well as severe speech pathology. The main goal of the school is the correction of speech defects. The entire educational process is organized in such a way that children have the opportunity to develop speech skills throughout the day. If a speech defect is eliminated, parents have the right to transfer the child to a regular school.

    Children with musculoskeletal disorders can study in a type 6 correctional school. The correctional institution provides restoration of motor functions, their development, and correction of secondary defects. Particular attention is paid to pupils.

    A correctional school of type 7 accepts children with mental retardation, and with the potential for intellectual development. At school, correction of mental development, development of cognitive activity and the formation of skills in educational activities are carried out. Based on the results, students can be transferred to a comprehensive school.

    Type 8 correctional school is needed for children with mental retardation to study according to a special program. The purpose of training is socio-psychological rehabilitation and the possibility of integrating the child into society. In such schools there are classes with in-depth labor training.

    Almost all of the listed types of correctional schools educate children for twelve years and have on their staff specialists such as defectologists, speech therapists, and psychologists.

    Of course, children who have studied for so many years in a boarding school have certain difficulties in social orientation. A big role in the integration of special children into society belongs not only to correctional schools, but also to parents. A family fighting for their child will definitely be able to help him adapt to the world around him.

    Children with general speech underdevelopment of levels II and III with such severe forms of speech pathology as: dysarthria, rhinolalia, alalia, aphasia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, stuttering are enrolled in a special (correctional) school of type V. The class size is 12 people.

    A correctional institution of type V has two departments.

    The 1st department admits children with severe general speech underdevelopment, suffering from alalia, dysarthria, stuttering, rhinolalia, aphasia). Students of the 1st department are trained according to a special program. The program provides for the correction of various manifestations of speech defects and the resulting deficiencies in mental development. Over the course of 10 years of study, children master the program in the amount of 9 classes of a public school.

    Department 2 enrolls children with severe stuttering and normal speech development.

    Students of the 2nd department study according to the mass school program and master it within the same standard time frame.

    Speech school students receive a qualified state document on incomplete secondary education. If by the end of schooling it is possible to completely overcome the speech defect, then the graduate can continue his education. If speech disorders are successfully corrected at any stage of education, based on the conclusion of the PMPK, the child can be transferred to a comprehensive school.

    At the first stage - primary education - all lessons are taught by speech therapists (with the exception of music, rhythm, and physical education lessons); In addition, they carry out corrective work to eliminate speech disorders.

    Special lessons are introduced into the elementary program of the 1st department: on the formation of pronunciation, speech development, literacy training, the period for mastering the program is 4–5 years.

    At the second stage, children receive basic general education in six years. Teachers teaching general education subjects must undergo advanced training courses or retraining. Correctional and speech therapy work is carried out by a teacher of Russian language and literature, who must have the mandatory qualification “teacher-speech therapist”.

    An integrated approach is carried out only in a boarding school: a speech therapist and 2 educators work with each class. Special education psychologists work with children.

    The necessary medical assistance is provided by a psychiatrist, neurologist, and pediatrician. In a school setting, the child receives physiotherapeutic appointments, and a specialist in exercise therapy is also appointed.

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