Pigmented tan. Tanning as a protective reaction to UV stress. Skin color and melanin, tanning and melanoma. How to Know If None of Your Moles or Skin Changes Are Healthy

Without the sun, life would not exist: our health requires the sun's rays. Everyone knows that the sun's rays are vitamin D. This vitamin absorbs phosphorus and calcium, which are so necessary for our bones and muscles. Older people need sunbathing regularly. It is recommended to take daily half-hour walks.

However, you should be careful and attentive with the sun. Too much sun is dangerous and harmful to our health. Excess sun often leads to various skin problems and pathologies. The most common causes are sunstroke and first-degree burns (redness of the skin). Tanning in itself is already damage to the skin; it thickens to protect itself from the sun and ages faster. With subsequent exposures, skin cells degenerate and become short-lived. In response, the skin reacts with the appearance of age spots, moles, and uneven tanning. This is an alarming and important sign! A direct consequence of excess ultraviolet radiation is cancer.

There are two types of sun rays that we protect our skin from: short-wavelength B rays (UVB or UVB radiation) and long-wavelength A rays (UVA or UVA radiation). B-rays have a wavelength of 290 - 320 nm, they penetrate the surface layers of the skin, it is thanks to them that our skin acquires a tan, sunburn, pigmentation, and they also cause melanomas and skin cancer. A-rays have a wavelength of 320 - 400 nm, they penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, damage its base and structure, destroying collagen and elastin fibers, and it is UVA rays with a wavelength of more than 340 nm that are mainly responsible for premature aging of the skin.


In modern society, a tan is considered a sign of health, but from a medical point of view, this is not entirely true. The fact is that tanning is a protective reaction of the skin to damage. The main purpose of tanning is to prevent further damage that could lead to dangerous changes in the skin. Immediate tanning is caused by long-wave UV-A rays and is the result of photo-oxidative darkening and redistribution of the melanin pigment in epidermal cells, which they receive from melanocytes. An immediate tan appears within two hours of UV exposure and has no protective effect against sunburn. Delayed tanning occurs several hours or days after exposure to primarily UVB rays.

It is believed that as a result of UV damage to certain parts of the genome responsible for melanin metabolism, the enzyme tyrosinase is activated. This leads to increased melanin production, an increase in the size of melanocytes, lengthening of processes (dendrites) and an increase in the degree of their branching. In addition, UV radiation affects enzymatic processes in other skin cells and intercellular space, which entails a transition of the cellular community to another level of physiological activity. Delayed tanning remains for weeks, even months after UV exposure.

UV filter- a substance that can absorb ultraviolet rays from the solar spectrum; it is the main component of sunscreens. Depending on which rays are absorbed, they are divided into UV-A (UVA) and UV-B (UVB) filters. There are a number of universal filters that absorb rays of both spectrums - unique new generation organic micronized UV filters with a wide spectrum of UVA/UVB absorption and high photostability. The components combine the advantages of organic and inorganic UV filters: high UV absorption and low penetration into the skin, does not impart yellowness to finished products, and does not leave stains on clothes. Solar filters are also divided into light-resistant (photostable) and non-light-resistant. Light-resistant ones do not lose their effectiveness from exposure to the sun, but non-light-resistant ones do the opposite: some such filters can lose up to 25% of their effectiveness after 3 hours of exposure to the sun.

Due to the fact that CONVENTIONAL organic filters have an irritating and allergenic effect, which increases in direct proportion to the concentration of the substance used, manufacturers of sunscreens are trying to create compositions in which there would be a low concentration of UV filters and a high degree of protection, or they give preference to inorganic filters .

The key characteristic of sunscreens is sun protection factor (SPF)- the ratio of the intensity of sunlight that causes redness of the skin covered with a photoprotector to the intensity of sunlight that causes redness of the skin not treated with a protector (at the same irradiation intensity). SPF reflects the ability of a sunscreen product to prevent the development of sunburn, which is mainly caused by UV-B radiation. Tanning cosmetics are marked with SPF indices - from SPF2 to SPF100 and more. The higher the index, the more solar filters there are in the preparation. For example, the SPF2 label means that a person who “burns” under the sun in 30 minutes can safely tan twice as long when using SPF2, that is, up to 1 hour.

There is no unified system for assessing the protective factor against UVA radiation yet, but experts most often use the UVAPF indicator, which is determined using a method similar to determining SPF. This designation can already be seen on cosmetics from some manufacturers. UVAPF up to 2.7 - low protection (short-term), from 2.8 to 5.4 - medium protection, from 5.5 to 8.1 - high protection (long-term), UVAPF more than 8.2 - ultra-high protection.

To increase the effectiveness of protection against the damaging effects of UV radiation, MODERN QUALITY sunscreens must contain antioxidants, polysaccharides, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory components. The protection factors of modern sunscreens can reach 100% or higher. A higher protection factor is usually achieved by a higher concentration of UV filters. Studies have shown that when using products with a very high protective factor, the risk of allergic reactions increases, and the body’s production of vitamin D decreases. Therefore, it is better not to chase the highest degrees of protection and choose between protection factors from 5 to 40, in addition, the use of products with SPF over 40 in most cases is generally financially irrational.

Use of cosmetic sunscreens

Products with a high degree of protection (SPF 35-20)- used in the first days of staying on the beaches by the sea, when the skin has not yet developed natural protection against ultraviolet rays. They are also needed for those with fair, sensitive skin, including those with freckles, which does not tan well and turns red quickly. Products with a high degree of protection can also be used for individual, most delicate areas (shoulders, nose, chest), or if it is necessary to completely protect the skin from tanning.

Products with medium and low protection (SPF 15-6)- used for tanning in the middle zone or for skin already adapted to the southern sun. They can be used starting from the 5th day of sun exposure, gradually moving from SPF 15-12 to SPF 10-6. Sunscreen oils and gels for intense tanning are intended for already well-tanned or very dark skin, and therefore cannot replace (especially at the beginning of tanning) sunscreens and milk. They have a minimal protective function and are intended mainly to moisturize and soften the skin, as well as to provide an even, beautiful and intense tan.

The rules for using sunscreen are quite simple. Apply sunblock 15-20 minutes before going to the beach. Do not skimp on the cream - its consumption should be about 4 tablespoons for the whole body. In the first days, use products with a higher protection index, then reduce it. Regular sunscreens wash off, wear off and wear off, so be sure to reapply every two to three hours. Don't sunbathe in the hottest sun. And don't forget to use after-sun products that will deepen the tan on your skin.

Skin phototypes

Type I: very fair sensitive skin, blue or green eyes, blond or red hair, freckles. Such skin should not be exposed to direct sunlight, as it will instantly burn. For protection, you should use the most powerful sunscreens labeled “for sensitive skin”: in the first days of sun exposure, SPF 40+, then SPF 30. Intense tanning oil is contraindicated!

Type II: fair skin, blue or brown eyes, blond or red hair, freckles. The skin of this phototype can sunbathe, but in order not to get burned, it must be accustomed to the sun's rays gradually. On the beach it is better to use waterproof products: the first days - SPF 30, later - SPF 15.

III type: fairly fair skin, dark eyes, brown or light brown hair. This is the most common phototype in our country. Its representatives tan easily and quickly, often bypassing the unpleasant stage of skin redness. Such skin is not afraid of the sun of mid-latitudes, but the scorching southern heat is dangerous for it. During the first days in the sun, you need to use products with a protection factor of at least SPF 15, then SPF 8-10.

IV type: dark skin, black hair, dark brown eyes, no freckles. Representatives of this phototype tan quickly and easily, never getting sunburned. And although such skin does not cause its owners the hassle of sunburn, it still needs to be protected from photoaging with products labeled “for dark skin,” which will moisturize it and make it even more beautiful. Even if the skin does not clearly protest against long exposure to the sun, to protect against photoaging it is advisable to use sunscreen SPF 6-8.

Why do pigment spots appear after sunbathing? This question worries many people who, instead of the expected even chocolate skin tone, have found brown spots all over their body. Specialists cannot immediately give the correct answer, because various factors can provoke pigmentation and often this cosmetic problem signals serious pathologies within the body.

The sun is one of the provocateurs of the growth of age spots on human skin.

Why do sun spots appear?

The main cause of darkened areas on the body due to exposure to ultraviolet rays on the epidermis is considered to be uneven production of melanin. This substance in the human body is responsible for the shade of the skin and, with dosed exposure to the sun, is produced stably, providing a uniform and beautiful tan. If the rays of the sun strongly burn the epidermis, then it receives uneven ultraviolet radiation and in those places where solar exposure was strongest, pigment spots usually appear on the skin.

People who sunbathe for a long time under the brightly scorching sun may find age spots primarily on the face, neck, décolleté and hands. It has been scientifically proven that in most cases this cosmetic problem depends on heredity and age, and it has also been noted that women face it more often than men.

If a child who sunbathes in the sun, or an adult exposed to UV rays, develops pigment spots, it is recommended to consult a specialized physician, in this case a dermatologist, since pigmentation can also be caused by internal problems. Pigment spots on the face after sunbathing can be caused by:

Pigmentation due to the sun develops in people with weak immune systems.

  • malfunction of internal organs;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • hormonal changes caused by age;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Is it possible to sunbathe with age spots?

Is it permissible to be in the sun if age spots appear? Specialized doctors believe that it is not at all necessary to constantly stay in the shade and avoid exposure to direct rays of the sun. You can sunbathe, but you need to do this in compliance with certain rules that will help prevent the growth of pigmented areas of the epidermis.

How to tan without becoming the owner of an uneven skin tone with dark spots on it? Pigmentation is considered a cosmetic defect, which is not so easy to get rid of. Therefore, in order not to have to resort to various measures to remove it, you should follow the following tanning rules:

Protecting your skin on the beach is the main thing to prevent unwanted age spots.
  • Before going to the beach, you should use sunscreen.
  • Do not use bleaching agents on areas that already have pigment before tanning.
  • Avoid tanning activators, which will make already dark areas on the body more pronounced.
  • It is recommended to visit a solarium to obtain an artificial tan only after consultation with a dermatologist.
  • Before tanning, you do not need to scrub your skin or overuse soap, as these procedures will make the epidermis more sensitive and the likelihood of age spots will increase.
  • After being in the sun, it is recommended to take a shower and apply moisturizer.
  • You should choose a time for tanning when the sun's rays are not so scorching. It is believed that the optimal time for exposure to the sun is before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m.
  • It is better to be in the sun, even at the permitted time of day, for no more than an hour.
  • You need to arrive at the beach in the shade, not counting the time allotted for sunbathing.
  • Don't forget about a hat that will protect your face, and especially your nose, from the scorching sun.

How to get rid of it?

Creams and herbal infusions are good at cleansing the skin of solar pigmentation.

Pigment spots that appear after sunbathing can be removed using various cosmetics or traditional medicine recipes. The Israeli drug Elure, which contains the active enzyme melanozyme, aimed at combating melanin present in the upper layers of the epidermis, can remove pigmented areas on the skin. After just a month of regular use of Elure cosmetics, a person will completely get rid of pigmentation and improve the condition of their skin.

Homemade dandelion lotion will help remove darkened areas on the skin caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. To prepare it you will need:

  1. take 2 large spoons of dandelion leaves and flowers;
  2. pour the main ingredient 300 g of water;
  3. bring to a boil for 15 minutes;
  4. Cool and wipe the skin with the resulting whitening lotion.

An infusion of celandine, which is prepared as follows, is effective against pigmentation:

  1. pour dried celandine leaves with ethyl alcohol;
  2. leave in a dark place for 10 days;
  3. after time, filter the infusion and dilute it with agave juice in a 1:1 ratio;
  4. wipe the skin morning and evening.

Another effective and easy-to-prepare traditional medicine recipe - horseradish infusion - will help you cope with pigment spots on the body that have formed after improper tanning. To make this bleaching agent at home, you need to chop horseradish and pour it with apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:5. Leave to infuse in a dark container for a week, then dilute the infusion 1:1 with purified water. Wipe problem areas on the skin 2 times every day until the pigment spots lighten.

Is it possible to visit a solarium if age spots appear on the skin of the face and body? Can such a procedure worsen the condition of the skin?

Every day, crystal, snow-white skin goes out of fashion, and is replaced by tanned and beautiful. Bright clothes look much better on a tanned body, and the figure looks fit and slender.

The only problem: due to an active lifestyle, not everyone can sunbathe on the beach. Then artificial tanning comes to replace it - solarium.

Tanning booths are very common in the modern world, which is why people have doubts about the safety of the procedure.

It is very important, before the first procedure, at best, to undergo an examination, but if you do not have the time, energy or money for this, then consult a dermatologist.

Contraindications to the procedure:
  1. The presence of very large moles and birthmarks on the skin.
  2. Skin tone too light.
  3. Taking aggressive drugs.
  4. Susceptibility to sunburn.
  5. Hyperpigmentation of the whole body.
  6. During critical days.
  7. Less than 6 months have passed since the laser resurfacing procedure.
  8. Within a month after the chemical peeling.
  9. After recent hair removal, tanning beds may cause skin irritation.
  10. In the presence of chronic diseases, especially the liver, blood vessels and central nervous system.
  11. Prohibited for diabetes.
  12. For pregnant and lactating women.

Often, after visiting a solarium, pigment spots appear on the face, and sometimes throughout the body - they confirm the fact that there has been a failure in the body’s defense system.

Therefore, if you notice similar pigment spots on the skin after a tanning salon, then you should not take further risks, because it can turn into melanoma.

We can conclude that every second person is prohibited from visiting a solarium due to the risk of age spots appearing on the skin? This may be true, but if you follow the simple recommendations of a dermatologist, such problems can be avoided.

First, you must follow your doctor's instructions regarding the time and frequency of procedures. The fact is that all solariums vary in power throughout their entire service life, so the first visit involves a 2-5 minute session.

Do not forget about pre-moisturizing and protecting the skin. Although manufacturers claim that solarium is harmless and age spots on the skin are caused by other reasons, the body is still worth protecting.

It is necessary to approach the choice of specialized cosmetics with all responsibility. Most of the products sold in salons are not aimed at protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation, but at obtaining a greater tanning effect.

If the product contains formic acid, then the effect of its use is increased blood circulation on the face and throughout the body. The amount of melanin will be affected by a photosensitizer substance, which will provoke its abundant appearance. Pigment spots on the skin may appear as a result of using these products.

Have you been diligently sunbathing to get a beautiful skin tone, but your tan faded as soon as you returned to the city?

What beauty products will help you get an even tan? Find out everything about the perfect tan!

A perfectly even tan and complete sun protection can only be obtained if you choose the right protection factor (SPF) based on your skin color.

So, for the fairest skinned people (phototype 1), who begin to burn within 15-20 minutes, a protection factor of 40 is required in the first days of a beach holiday. Then, when the skin gets a light tint, you can switch to a lower factor - 30-20.

For the second phototype - fair skin, red or light brown hair, which burns after 20-40 minutes of exposure to the sun, to achieve an even golden shade, you should first use SPF 30 cream, and when the skin gets used to the sun - SPF 15. For the third color For skin in the first days of tanning, it is better to use SPF 20-15, in subsequent days - SPF 10.

Finally, phototype 4 (this includes those with dark, olive skin) will be well protected with SPF 10 in the first days of tanning and SPF 4 in the future.

The UVB label on a cream indicates that it only protects against one type of UV rays. Look for products marked UVB and UVA - this way you will be reliably protected from both types of rays.

Tip 2: Choose special protection for sensitive skin areas

An ideal tan is an even shade and skin without burns or peeling. To avoid getting sunburned in areas that are most vulnerable to sunlight, use special sunscreen products for those areas. A big mistake is to apply protective body cream to the face and area around the eyes: thicker in texture, they can clog pores or cause swelling of the eyelids.

To protect the eyelids and skin under the eyes, choose sticks with a high SPF factor. The skin of the lips is the thinnest and most delicate; moreover, it does not produce melanin, so it requires special protection from the sun. Use lipstick with SPF factor or hygienic lipstick with sunblock in summer.

Don't forget that it's not just your skin that needs sun protection, but your eyes too. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV radiation.

It is not for nothing that dermatologists warn that sunbathing when the sun is at its zenith is dangerous to health. Therefore, when planning a trip to the beach, remember that there is the safest and most dangerous time for tanning.

So, from 12 to 16 hours solar activity is maximum, so sunbathing is contraindicated even with a high SPF cream, since it will not provide adequate protection. Choose a time for tanning from 6 to 11 a.m. or from 4 to 7 p.m. - the safest time. By following these tips, you can achieve a beautiful skin tone without putting your health at risk.

Sun exposure makes your skin drier, so the number one rule for getting the perfect shade is to keep it well hydrated. Moreover, you should start moisturizing the skin even before resting, since the tan will lie more evenly on moisturized skin and will last longer. If your skin is dry, especially with flaking, then sunbathing will only make it worse, and your bronze shade will not last long. Look for body moisturizers with panthenol and hyaluronic acid.

Tanning oils are one of the most effective ways to get the perfect shade. These products attract the sun's rays, give the skin a slight shine, but at the same time do not allow it to burn, since they contain sunscreen filters.

Look for panthenol and bisabolol in the oils, which soothe and moisturize tanned skin, making it soft and silky.

Apply suntan oil in the same way as cream: half an hour before going to the beach. The main thing is not to skimp on the product: apply it in a thick layer to all exposed areas of the body. Remember that any sun protection must be renewed every two hours. If you make long swims, then after each swim.

Scrubs with abrasive particles literally erase tan from the body, removing the top layer of the epidermis. Want to get the perfect tan? Use body peelings with fruit acids instead of scrubs. For the same reasons, replace terry towels with products with bamboo fibers - they are softer and more delicate.

Tip 7: Use foaming shower oils

Do you want your tan to last as long as possible? Replace alkaline soaps and gels with foaming shower oils - they not only cleanse well, but also moisturize, soften and tone the skin. If oil-based washes do not seem too comfortable to you, then choose sulfate-free shower gels - they are softer than usual and do not wash off your tan in a matter of days.

To maintain your shade, use beauty products that lock in your tan. Look for products containing sea buckthorn oil - it contains beta-carotene, which enhances tanning. Choose body care with natural extracts that enhance melanin production - they will make the shade “long-lasting”. These are all kinds of tanning enhancers in the form of oil, lotion, cream, spray, milk. So, look for orange extract, echinacea extract, sunflower extract, buriti oil, shea butter.

Pay attention to products that have a beneficial effect on tanning. It's good if your diet contains beta-carotene - a plant pigment that is deposited in the skin and gives it a light tint. Fruits and vegetables of a red-orange hue are rich in beta-carotene: carrots, apricots, watermelons, red bell peppers, pumpkin.

The amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan, which stimulate the production of melanin, will help you achieve the perfect tan. Look for them in protein foods: eggs, fish, meat, seafood, and beef and pork liver.

To get the perfect tan, it is important to choose the right protection factor.

Tanning works better on well-moisturized skin.

To fix the resulting shade, use after-sun cosmetics that soothe and moisturize the skin and also contain color-enhancing ingredients.

Sunbathe at safe hours to avoid burns and flaking of the skin.

Eat more foods containing beta-carotene.

Expert commentary

Andrew Adesman, MD, New Hyde Park

Although most people know that ultraviolet radiation can lead to skin cancer, not everyone understands how to protect themselves from the sun. Unfortunately, there are many myths associated with tanning and sun protection. For example, it is believed that dark skin does not need sun protection. This opinion is very far from the truth!

Indeed, dark skin cells contain more melanin, but this does not provide complete protection from ultraviolet radiation. Melanin provides some protection against sunburn, but does not eliminate the risk of cancer from UV radiation or prevent premature skin aging due to sun exposure. Therefore, those with dark skin should use a sunscreen of at least SPF 15.

Another misconception is that you don’t have to worry about sun protection while in the water. In fact, shallow water provides very little protection from UV radiation. Moreover, you may experience more intense sun exposure due to the reflection of the rays from the water, so sun protection is necessary even while swimming.

Expert commentary

Dr Sarah Jarvis, GP, Medical Advisor to Drinkaware

To protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, you should follow a few simple rules.

  • Use sunscreens with a high protection factor - minimum SPF 15 or higher.
  • Avoid staying in the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • Don't skimp on sunscreen! You should apply it on the body in a thick layer. If you apply too thin a layer, the SPF level will be less than what is indicated on the package.
  • Reapply sun protection every few hours and after swimming.
  • Protect children from the sun! Children are too busy playing with their friends to think about protecting their skin.
  • Remember that the most sensitive areas of our body are especially vulnerable to sun damage: the ears, shoulders, parting area and scalp in men, which was previously protected by hair.

Expert commentary

Let's start with what is tanning? This is not just an attractive skin tone, but a complex system of skin interaction with ultraviolet solar radiation. Remember when you buy tanning lotion, what do you see on the packaging? Incomprehensible symbols in the form of three letters.

There are 3 types of ultraviolet radiation from the sun: UVC, UVB, UVA

UVC is a very aggressive radiation, it is retained by the stratosphere and the ozone layer of the Earth; UVB - short waves that penetrate the epidermis (upper layer of skin) and activate melanogenesis (stimulates the production of melanin - pigments that cause tanning); UVA - has a long wave or in other words long-wave radiation. Has high penetrating ability. Penetrates the dermis (the deeper middle layer of the skin). Inside the dermis there are collagen and elastin fibers that give the skin firmness and elasticity. Waves cause collagen breakdown and cause photoaging.

Long exposure to the sun can cause:

  • exfoliation;
  • redness;
  • pigmentation;
  • increased body hair growth;
  • burns;
  • the appearance of vascular networks;
  • the appearance of various formations (from moles to tumors);
  • melanoma.

Even though the sun's rays are not as good as they seem, they do have beneficial properties. Spending time in the sun helps in the absorption of calcium and leads to the production of vitamin D3. Sunbathing also improves immunity and promotes the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness.

To reduce the harmful effects of sunlight and get a good mood and an even tan, you need to follow a few simple tips.

Tip #1: Smooth skin surface

The tan will turn out even and beautiful if you do body peeling. A week before your trip to the sun, treat your body with a scrub and, applying it with massage movements, cleanse your skin of dead skin layers. And remember: no acids if you're going to sunbathe the other day.

Tip #2: Don’t throw yourself into the deep end

On the first day, I recommend staying in the sun for no more than 15 minutes, then gradually add a few minutes (for dark skin - 10 minutes, and for light skin - 2-3). If you want to sit in the sun a little longer, it is better to choose morning (before 11:00) or evening (after 18:00). Take your time, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Tip #3: Protective products with SPF

Even in the shade you can get a tan, but remember that the shade will not save you from burns. Be sure to use protective lotions or creams and apply them to the skin before going out into the sun (15-20 minutes before), renew regularly, especially after swimming. When choosing a product, pay attention to two main factors: your skin color and the geography of the place where you are going to sunbathe. If you have acne or acne, and you go out into the sun without protection, then pigment spots may appear in their place.

Tip #4: Tan prolongers

There are a huge number of products that help you get a tan. Some help you get an artificial tan (sprays, creams, powders, self-tanners), while others stimulate skin cells when you are in the sun. Do not neglect the instructions that come with each product, because they indicate special indications. In principle, this applies to all types of cosmetics. As a rule, the second type of sun protection products is divided into pre- and post-tanning creams. They have several functions: moisturizing the skin and maintaining the result. But don’t forget, protection is required in any case. Therefore, I recommend applying sunblock first, and after drying, a protectant.

Tip #5: Using Oils

To obtain an even tan, many people use various vegetable oils, for example, peach oil. There are subtleties here. The oil is applied in a thin layer to clean, dry skin. Don’t think that the more oil, the faster the desired result will be achieved. In general, you should be careful with oils, as allergic reactions may occur. To avoid this, test the skin's reaction on a small area before applying to the entire body. I also recommend using the oil only for short periods of sun exposure. After the oil has been absorbed, it is necessary to apply a protective agent and only then can you sunbathe.

Tip #6: No alcohol-containing products!

Do not use aggressive alcohol-based chemicals under any circumstances if you are going to the beach. Preparations with acids, essential oils and even perfumes can cause burns and hyperpigmentation.

Tip #7: Skin care after the procedure

The sun dries out the skin very much. After sunbathing, it is advisable to apply moisturizing and soothing products containing aloe vera and biofin. The skin gets stressed in the sun, loses moisture and it is important to restore it. If you get a burn, apply anti-burn products, not creams.

Tip No. 8: A smart diet

The skin needs to not only be moisturized from the outside, but also helped from the inside. Drink plenty of water when sunbathing. Do not take sweet, carbonated or other soft drinks with you, only water. Also remember that the key to a more lasting tan is beta-caratine, which is found in vegetables and fruits. Sources include pumpkin, carrots, green onions, sorrel, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, red peppers, broccoli, grapefruit, plums, peaches, melons, apricots, persimmons, gooseberries, blueberries and black currants.

  • with cancer;
  • with a large number of chronic diseases (tuberculosis, dermatitis, etc.);
  • taking photosensitivity drugs (antibiotics);
  • those suffering from chloasma and vitiligo;
  • with various types of pigmentation;
  • having the first skin type (very light);
  • with a lot of moles.

Also, young children and the elderly should not be exposed to the sun for long periods of time.

The dream of showing off a chocolate tan after a summer vacation often ends in a real fiasco: instead of a beautiful, even skin color, there are freckles and ugly brown spots. So in the fall, cosmetologists have more than enough work - the traditional influx of clients with specks, dots, and specks. And, as luck would have it, they “select” pigment spots from the most exposed areas: some have them on the face, some on the shoulders, on the chest, on the neck. With this problem, you shouldn’t count on a quick victory. Paying for your carelessness, you have to use exfoliating procedures for months to remove the top layer of skin in which the pigment is “settled”, and whiten the skin with special products. As a rule, to achieve success, you need to connect several methods at once, both professional and home.

How a cosmetologist can help

Among professional whitening methods, the following are most often used.

Laser therapy

A laser beam of a certain wavelength selectively acts on chromatophores - cells colored with pigment, without affecting other skin cells. When exposed to a beam of light, melanin is heated and destroyed. In this case, the surrounding tissues are not injured. This is a safe and effective way to get rid of skin pigmentation. To achieve the effect, as a rule, one procedure is sufficient if the area of ​​pigmentation is not very large.

Chemical peels

Their use allows you to remove the surface layer of skin in which the pigment is “settled”. First of all, peelings with alpha hydroxy acids are used to get rid of stains: glycolic, malic, citric, tartaric, lactic, as well as trichloroacetic and retinoic peels. In order to achieve the desired effect, a series of procedures will be required. By removing pigmentation, peelings at the same time thin the stratum corneum, which is the skin’s natural protection, including from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is best to whiten the skin with their help from October to March, during the period when the sun is not so active. In parallel with peelings, the cosmetologist will prescribe cosmetics that block melanin production and sunscreens that will help avoid the appearance of new age spots. It goes without saying that after laser therapy and peelings you should never sunbathe again. Neither in the sun nor in the solarium. After all, removing the surface layer of the epidermis, where melanocytes are concentrated, increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, and this increases the risk of reappearance of spots.

Whitening cosmetics

To get rid of age spots, home care uses whitening masks, lotions and other cosmetics with ingredients such as hydroquinone, kojic acid, arbutin, glabridin, and ascorbic acid. These substances block the production of tyrosine, the oxidation of which produces the pigment melanin, and also interfere with the synthesis of tyrosinase, an enzyme that accelerates the formation of melanin from its precursor, tyrosine. Also for this purpose, masks, lotions and creams with a 1-3% content of fruit acids are used, which act as a light peeling.

Available Home Remedies

Traditional medicine knows many plants that can cope with age spots. Among them are bearberry, licorice, cucumber, parsley, lemon, cranberry, and viburnum. Pharmaceutical preparations such as hydrogen peroxide and ascorbic acid are also used in home care. Here are a few whitening products available to everyone.


From honey and viburnum. Mix viburnum berry juice and honey in equal proportions. Apply to face and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe face with lemon juice diluted half with water.

From hydrogen peroxide. Mix a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in equal parts with lemon juice, moisten pieces of flannel fabric or strips of paper towel with the resulting mixture, remove with warm water after 15 minutes. Use 2 times a week.

Parsley with kefir. Grind a bunch of parsley with a blender or scroll through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice. Mix in equal proportions with kefir (or unsweetened yogurt). Moisten a napkin with this mixture and apply it to your face for 20 minutes. After removing the mask, it is better not to wash your face, but to wipe your face with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, half diluted with water. Apply the mask after washing your face in the evening every other day.

Cosmetic ice

From viburnum. Freeze viburnum berry juice in ice cube trays. After morning and evening washing, wipe areas of skin with age spots, then apply moisturizer.


From coffee, cranberries and oatmeal. Take 1 tbsp. spoon ground Hercules cereal and finely ground coffee. Mix, add a tablespoon of cranberry or lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes, then begin to rub it into your skin using small circular movements. Rinse off the mixture and apply cream according to your skin type. Apply the scrub once a week.


From bearberry leaves. Place a tablespoon of bearberry leaves in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, and place in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, strain. Take 1/3 - 1/2 cup 3-5 times a day 40 minutes after meals. Store the finished infusion in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

By the way

When and who most often gets age spots:

  • among those who like to “roast” in the sun, among skiers and mountain tourists;
  • those who neglect protective equipment against ultraviolet radiation;
  • in women taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • for some endocrinological diseases;
  • after taking photosensitizing drugs (tetracycline antibiotics, sulfonamides, antipsychotics) and infusions of some medicinal plants that contain furocoumarins that increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation (parsnip, St. John's wort, psoralea drupe);
  • after chemical, laser peelings and dermabrasion during the active sun season;
  • when applying cologne, eau de toilette or cosmetics containing bergamot and some other essential oils to the skin in sunny weather.

Survey. Women's attitude towards injection techniques

There are 70,965,000 women in Russia, of which:

  • 7% - 5 million already used;
  • 8% - 5.7 million plan to use;
  • 33% - 23.4 million are considering the possibility of application;
  • 52% - 36.9 million are not used and do not plan to use.
Women Men
  • 77% of Russian women are afraid of getting old
  • 70% of women are confident that in ten years, injection cosmetology techniques will become something like a new lipstick
  • 66% are thinking about anti-aging procedures
  • 58% look in the mirror at least every two hours
  • 50% of Russian men are concerned about the problem of aging
  • 31% go to the gym before a date to look their best
  • 36% believe that injection cosmetic procedures are suitable for them
According to the Face Value Beauty Survey with the support of Merz