Features of growing strawberries from seeds. How to grow strawberries from seeds: algorithm for planting seedlings. New: Decorative strawberries

For getting high yield you need to know how to properly care for. Good care includes the following important points:

  • Regular disposal of .
  • Weekly.
  • Regular inspection of plantings for pests and diseases.
  • Removing diseased, damaged and dried leaves or bushes.
  • Timely collection of berries.
  • Mulching the bushes with sawdust to prevent rotting of the berries.
  • Implementation of sediment.
  • In case of heavy rainfall, strawberries are covered with film, since excessive moisture harms both the plant and the crop.
  • After harvesting the last harvest, the leaves and tendrils are trimmed, so the strawberries will more easily survive the winter.

Fertilizers are applied in spring and autumn. In autumn, fertilizing is very important, because summer period The strawberry bushes are significantly depleted, and fertilizers will also help make it easier to endure the winter. It is preferable to feed strawberries, these include: manure, bird droppings, humus. If humus can be used when planting seedlings by placing it in holes, then bird droppings must be diluted many times to avoid damage to the root system.

In spring, strawberries are fed after the first loosening of the soil.

You can use one part bird droppings and 20 parts water to water the soil between your strawberry beds. Another feeding can be done after the berries have set. You can use diluted infused one as well.

The main pests and diseases that gardeners growing strawberries may encounter:

  • Ants that love to live in strawberry beds and eat the berries. To combat them, vinegar is suitable, which must be poured onto their habitat. Wood ash will also come to the rescue, which needs to be scattered around the bushes.
  • Birds. To scare them away, you can use foil leaves attached to wooden bases, which are placed between the beds. You can also cover the strawberries with a covering material that will block access to the berries.
  • Strawberry weevil that feeds on strawberry leaves. To combat it, you need to spray the plants with a solution of water and mustard powder. A solution of wood ash and laundry soap will also help.
  • Strawberry mite. To combat the pest, it is necessary to water the strawberry bushes with very warm water. At the end of the season, strawberry bushes should be trimmed and fallen leaves disposed of.
  • Strawberry leaf beetle. To combat the pest, you need to spray with a decoction of wormwood. After this, loosen the soil to remove the larvae.
  • Slugs. To combat them, they set traps with dark beer and the ground around the bush with sawdust or pine needles.
  • Gray rot. Strawberries should be treated with a solution of copper oxychloride before the flowering period and after the last harvest. It is also necessary to get rid of all affected berries and bushes.
  • Black rot. They fight it using the same methods as gray mold.
  • . To combat the disease, spray with a solution of potassium permanganate. All affected berries and plants are disposed of.

Growing strawberries is a rather troublesome task, but if you follow the rules for caring for the plant, your efforts will definitely be rewarded with a juicy and tasty harvest.

More information can be found in the video:

Growing strawberries with seeds has many advantages. That is why this method is loved by both professional gardeners and those who grow small crops for their family. According to gardeners, Chinese seeds They germinate well, and the result is a harvest of excellent quality.

And if you want to get the most environmentally friendly harvest, then collect the seeds with my own hands, it’s very simple, just leave a few berries for the seed.

Firstly, if you grow strawberries with seeds, then you know for sure that the berries will grow of the exact variety you chose.

Secondly, this is a fairly common method that you can read about on the Internet or in specialized books. After all, we study seed germination even in biology lessons at school.

Thirdly, strawberry seeds are sold everywhere; for example, they can now be ordered from online stores directly from China.

Fourthly, strawberry seeds are stored for a long time. They are resistant to various diseases and pests.

Fifthly, the material for planting can be selected in such a way as to produce berries of certain varieties in different time periods. Thus, you can pick strawberries from own garden all summer. The only drawback this method- this is that the seeds may have low germination, but this can be dealt with by studying the nuances of planting technology.

Varieties for growing in a greenhouse

To plant strawberries with seeds, you first need to decide where they will grow - in a greenhouse or in open ground. One more important point is the choice of variety, which depends on the timing of ripening. The strawberry bushes give fruit all year round what is it used for remontant varieties. It is possible to get about 1000 berries from one bush, after which this bush is removed and replaced with another. Varieties grown in greenhouses are divided into early and mid-early. The most common early varieties for greenhouses are Sonata, Dorenko, Alba, Baron von Solemacher, as well as Octave and Honey (mid-early).

Choosing a variety for planting in open ground depends on what purpose you want to grow strawberries for and when you want to harvest. If you want to make preparations from berries for the winter and or store them for a long time, then you should choose the average and late varieties. And if you need fresh strawberries as a dessert, then early varieties that produce a harvest in May are better suited.

From early varieties experts call Rusalovka, Desna and Zarya the best, among the later ones - Zengana, among the mid-season varieties, Festivalnaya, Pocahontas, and Talisman are common.

It is recommended to sow strawberry seeds for seedlings in February or early spring. Perhaps you want to grow seedlings for sale, then you can sow them earlier, but in this case you must use lighting.

Perhaps organizing lighting is not part of your plans, then you can’t plant strawberries before March, because they will die from lack of light.

When planning to plant strawberries with seeds, you must remember that varieties with large fruits germinate very slowly.

However, the seed germinates faster after soaking, which must be done.

It is advisable to use a plastic container for this rather than a glass container. First, holes are made in its lid to allow air to enter.

After this, you need to moisten the cotton pads with water and place them in a layer on the bottom of the container, place the seeds on this layer, and cover them with another layer of discs. If you want to grow several different varieties, it is better to write the name of the variety on each box.

After this, the containers need to be closed with lids and placed in a warm place for 2 days. Further plastic containers need to be refrigerated for stratification. The layer of cotton wool should be constantly moistened so that not a single seed dries out, and the plastic container should be removed from the refrigerator every day and ventilated. After about two weeks, stratification ends, after which strawberry seeds must be planted in cups (peat cups are possible) or in a common container. Strawberries feel equally comfortable in individual cups and in a common box. Please note that you can plant seeds only in those containers where there are drainage holes.

Soil preparation

To sow seeds, you can purchase ready-made soil mixtures or prepare them yourself. If you want to make the soil mixture yourself, you can choose one of the options:

  • humus, sand – 5:3 respectively
  • peat, sand, turf soil – 1:1:2
  • sand, vermiculite, peat – 3:4:3

Before sowing, the soil must be disinfected. To do this, you need to heat it in the oven at a temperature 150 degrees. If for some reason this is not possible, then the soil can be watered with a solution of manganese or taken out into the cold for a while. After this procedure, the container with soil is placed and kept in a warm place for several weeks so that beneficial microorganisms can multiply in the soil.

How to plant seeds correctly

First you need to thoroughly moisten the soil in the container or pots by spraying it with a spray bottle. After this, using a toothpick or match, place each seed on the surface and press it lightly. There is no need to bury the seeds in the soil, since they germinate well under the influence of light. Next, you need to close the container with a lid, since strawberries require high air humidity, and place them in a warm place. The lid of the container must have holes so that Fresh air.

Important! The container should not be exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise the seeds will dry out and there will be no germination.

While the seeds have not yet sprouted, there is no need to remove the lid, since the necessary microclimate is created inside, and condensation forms on the lid, which falls on the ground and provides the seeds with the necessary watering.

Features of caring for seedlings

In the initial period the temperature should be approximately 20-25°C. You will see the first shoots within 2 weeks (but some varieties germinate in about one month). Once this happens, move the pots to an area where there is more light, such as a windowsill. The container lid must be removed: it is no longer needed. If there are a lot of sprouts and they grow too densely, then the seedlings need to be thinned out.

7 days after seedlings appear, the temperature must be reduced up to 15-18 degrees. This provides the plants with hardening and they do not stretch upward.

At this stage, you may encounter a problem such as wilting of seedlings. To prevent this unpleasant phenomenon, the sprouts need to be planted as soon as the first ones appear on them. 2-3 true leaves. The gaps between plants should be no less than 3 cm.

For watering, it is most convenient to use a medical syringe, which allows you to water the plants very carefully, at the root of each sprout. Excess moisture should not be allowed, as this can lead to fungus (called blackleg). But you shouldn’t allow too long breaks in watering either, since the seedlings may dry out. Try not to let water get on the leaves: this can cause sunburn and spots. It is best to water with settled water at room temperature.

Lighting rules

If you grow seedlings in winter, then they need additional lighting. For this purpose you can use:

  • LED bulbs
  • special phytolamps
  • fluorescent lamps

The daily artificial lighting time should be from 12 to 13 hours, that is, approximately with 6:00 am to 11:00 pm. Thanks to this, the plants do not stretch, and beautiful and strong leaves are formed.

How to prepare strawberries for planting in the soil

Plant seedlings in the ground only after they have formed 5 true leaves. The choice of place where the strawberries will grow is also very important. Perfect option - these are shaded areas, where plants can easily adapt without suffering from direct sunlight. The following rules must be observed:

  • you need to water the plants with water heated in the sun using a watering can
  • the distance between the bushes should be not less than 10 cm
  • the growing point does not need to be buried, it should be located at soil level

How to get your garden strawberry seeds

You can also get strawberry seeds yourself. To do this, you need to select several large berries and let them ripen a little, that is, leave them for seed. Then you need to cut them off upper layer with grains. It needs to be placed on a piece of cloth and covered with cloth on top as well. After this, carefully rub the two layers of cloth apart so that the seeds are separated from the film, but none of the seeds are damaged. After this it is necessary wash the seeds in water and dry a little. Now they can be stored for several years and planted in the spring to grow seedlings. Gardeners note that germination own seeds usually noticeably better than the germination of purchased material.

This way strawberries can be grown various methods. The seed method is considered the easiest and most rewarding, so you should definitely try it!

One way to update or expand your strawberry bed is to grow strawberries from seeds. Available to any gardener. To implement it, first of all, you need to get strawberry seeds; this is very easy to do at home. In the article you will learn how to find these same seeds in strawberries, how to select good berries, learn three ways to extract seeds using a toothpick, blade or blender, and also learn how to properly store seeds before planting seedlings.

This article is devoted only to the process of obtaining and storing seeds. To find out how to get seedlings from ready-made strawberry seeds, read another article, it describes the entire algorithm for propagating strawberries by seeds.

Where are the strawberry seeds?

Strawberries have very small seeds; they are not an apricot, not a grape, or even a tomato, where the seeds are clearly visible and can be removed from the fruit without much effort. In strawberries, the seeds are located in the top layer of the berry. It is impossible to imagine a strawberry without many small yellow longitudinal dots, so these are the seeds and they are contained only on the surface; there are no seeds inside the berry.

The question arises, since the seeds are so small, how to separate them from the berry itself? It’s not complicated; anyone with a toothpick, blade or blender can get strawberry seeds at home.

Which strawberries to choose for seeds?

Where can I get strawberries for seeds? You can get seeds from existing plants in your area. If you have several bushes of the desired variety, select the most productive and largest bush to obtain seeds.

You can also use berries purchased at the store or market. If you like their taste, leave a few to get seeds.

If for some reason you are not ready to immediately collect the seeds from the strawberries, then in order to prevent the berries from spoiling, place them in the freezer and store as long as necessary. After thawing, the seeds obtained from such berries will be quite suitable for sowing seedlings.

What should the berries be like? Before you start getting seeds, you need to choose the right berry. The berries must be well ripened, ripe, but not overripe or rotten. The germination of future seedlings depends on this. Only the ripest berries contain the maximum number of ripened seeds. If you take berries from a bush in your garden, do not rush to pick them, give them time to fully ripen.

What seeds to take from the berry? The berry ripens gradually from the stalk from top to bottom. For sure germination, take the seeds from the base of the stalk and the middle of the berry, in these places they are most developed. In the lower part, the percentage of well-ripened seeds decreases and it is better to exclude this part from the process.

How many berries will you need? Of course, it all depends on your needs, how many seedlings you want to get, how much area to sow. In most cases, seeds collected from 3-5 large berries the size of a matchbox are sufficient. Take more small berries - 6-10 pieces.

Consider the number of seeds to use in the first year. Strawberry seeds are not stored for more than a year, their germination rate decreases.

Methods for obtaining seeds from strawberries

Inventory. Before listing the methods, I would like to show the simplicity of any of them. You will need the following items.

  • Toothpick
  • Blade
  • Blender
  • Paper napkin
  • Water container

The presence of these items allows you to choose any of the methods for obtaining strawberry seeds. As you can see, there is nothing unusual in this list. All this can be found in any kitchen.

Ways. As for the methods, we will give three options for obtaining seeds from strawberries.

  1. Using a toothpick
  2. With a blade
  3. Using a blender

For any of the above methods there is one important rule– try to remove as much pulp as possible from the seeds.

The pulp on strawberry seeds is a source of mold.

The fact is that before planting, the remaining pulp on the seeds will not cause any harm, but after planting in a humid environment, this pulp will become a source of mold, and this is extremely undesirable. Make sure to keep your seeds as pulp free as possible.

Getting seeds from strawberries using a toothpick

You will need any thin and sharp object, it does not have to be a toothpick. A needle, a pin, or, in the end, a well-sharpened match will also do. The essence of the method is to pick out strawberry seeds from the berries one by one with a sharp object. This method will require a lot of time and perseverance, but it helps to achieve the goal - to get seeds from strawberries, and therefore has a right to exist.

Getting seeds from strawberries using a blade

This method, unlike the first, has several stages - separation of the top layer, drying, separation of seeds from the pulp. To implement it you will need the following items.

  • Blade or sharp knife
  • Paper napkin

Separation of the top layer. In order to leave as little pulp as possible around the seeds, you just need to cut off the top layer with seeds from the strawberries. It looks like you are peeling potatoes. Try to make the layer as thin as possible, literally scraping it off the berry.

Do not be afraid to damage the seeds with a blade or knife; they are very strong and can withstand such impact well.

Drying. Now place the resulting strawberry peelings with seeds on a napkin or sheet of paper to dry the material. To make it easier for you to separate the seeds after drying, carefully knead the pulp with the seeds with your finger and spread it on a napkin.

Now leave the napkin to dry. Drying time 1-2 days. Do not leave the napkin on a warm radiator or in the sun; the seeds do not need extra heating. Also, do not overdry the seeds, as this may make it difficult to separate them from the pulp.

Separating seeds from pulp. When the napkin is dry, try rubbing the pulp with your fingers to separate the seeds from the pulp. If necessary, use auxiliary objects - toothpick, knife, pin. Anything that did not separate during grinding, pick out with a pin, seed by seed. Seeds obtained in this way can be sent for storage.

Getting seeds from strawberries using a blender

To implement this method, you will already need household appliances. Its essence is to separate the pulp from the seeds. mechanically using a blender and further filtering the resulting mass through a sieve.

Seeds washed through a blender germinate 7 days earlier.

Seeds beaten in a blender are separated from the pulp more efficiently, which speeds up their germination compared to cleaning using the second method by kneading the pulp on a napkin. This probably happens because the remaining pulp, after drying, serves as an additional shell for future strawberry sprouts, which requires additional time to overcome.

So here's the inventory list.

  • Blade or sharp knife
  • Immersion or table blender
  • Fine sieve
  • Paper napkin

Separation of the top layer. This stage is similar to the second method - scrape off the thinnest possible top layer with seeds from the strawberry.

Whipping in a blender. Now place the resulting pulp with seeds in a blender and pour a glass of water at room temperature. Beat until smooth.

There is no need to worry that the blender blades will destroy the seeds; this will not happen. Strawberry seeds are so strong that they will withstand not only the impact of a knife or blade, but also the blows of a blender blade. If several seeds are destroyed during the beating process, this will indicate their poor quality; it is not a fact that such weak seeds would even germinate as a result of sowing. Most of the seeds will remain intact, which means they are suitable for growing strawberry seedlings.

Straining. Strain the resulting homogeneous mass of water, strawberry pulp and seeds through a fine sieve. If the pieces of pulp do not separate well from the seeds, repeat beating with a new portion of water. Beating can be repeated several times until all the seeds are separated from the pulp.

After this, collect the resulting seeds from the sieve, and also do not forget to look into the blender, there, at the bottom, there will be another handful of good seeds.

Drying. Now spread the seeds on a napkin to dry. Unlike the second method, it takes much less time to dry the seeds after beating in a blender - just a couple of hours. This is explained by better separation of the pulp from the seeds; there is practically no pulp left, and therefore the seeds dry very quickly. Once dried, your strawberry seeds are ready for storage.

How to store strawberry seeds

Rejection. Choose large, healthy and undamaged seeds for sowing.

The buoyancy of seeds is not an indicator for their rejection.

There is an opinion that if seeds float when immersed in water, then they are not suitable. The floating of some seeds can be clearly visible when removing the pulp in a blender. But this opinion is wrong. An experiment was carried out with sowing two groups of seeds - those that floated and those that sank in the water. The experiment showed not only the same germination rate, but also the same yield.

Package. Seeds should not be provided with free access to air, otherwise they will begin to breathe and quickly lose their viability. Pack the strawberry seeds into a paper parcel or plastic bag, label it, and place it in a closed plastic container or even an airtight jar with a screw top.

Storage conditions. Storage conditions include three important factors– humidity, air temperature, lighting.

  • Lighting. It is one of the growth drivers, so before sowing bright lighting better to exclude. Store the seeds in dark place, this will ensure their peace.
  • Temperature. It also affects the start of plant growth, so it is better to store strawberry seeds in a cool place. The ideal storage temperature is 12-16 degrees. It may be glazed warm balcony, not a very cold cellar or basement. If you do not have such premises, store at room temperature, preferably in the lower part of the room.
  • Humidity. May ruin your seeds. You should not store seeds in the kitchen, as there are large changes in temperature and humidity. For the same reason, you should not store seeds in the refrigerator door. Store in quieter conditions away from batteries. For example, in the pantry on the bottom shelf.

Shelf life. Strawberry seeds do not like long-term storage. Industrially obtained seeds are stored for up to three years, but homemade seeds must be planted as seedlings within one year after they are obtained from strawberries. The maximum shelf life of strawberry seeds is 1 year. Later, germination begins to decrease significantly.

Strawberry seeds are ready. Next stage - .

It’s worth saying right away that growing strawberry seedlings ( garden strawberries) from seeds - the process is quite labor-intensive. As a rule, gardeners resort to buying ready-made seedlings or propagating bushes with their own mustaches. However, not all varieties are suitable for propagation, and sometimes you really want to grow exactly the garden strawberries that your neighbor in the country treated you to. Next, you will learn exactly when you need to sow strawberry seeds for seedlings and how to grow them at home.

How to choose or independently prepare strawberry seeds for planting seedlings

Today there are a huge number of varieties and hybrids of strawberries, the producers of which promise huge and tasty berries, early ripening and high resistance to any kind of crop diseases, which is why it is so difficult to choose the right one.

If you want to receive large-fruited berries, then you should pay attention to the following varieties of strawberries: Honey, Xima, Fireworks, Vima and Festivalnaya.

However! It is by seeds that it is easier to propagate small-fruited strawberries. Large-fruited varieties They germinate less well and develop more slowly, so it is better to propagate them vegetatively.

Particularly promising for seed growing varieties remontant strawberries are: Crimean early, Yellow miracle, Baron Solemacher, Ali Baba.

Worth knowing! It is very important that flowering strawberries are pollinated only with berries of the same variety, otherwise they will lose their maternal characteristics.

You can prepare seeds for sowing strawberries yourself using the following step by step instructions:

  1. In the summer, take any strawberry you like and cut off the top.
  2. Then kitchen knife or sharp blade remove the top layer with seeds from it.
  3. Place the removed layer on a cloth (preferably thick) or paper sheet.
  4. Place to dry in a warm place for a couple of days.
  5. Next, the dried substance must be rubbed between your palms to separate the seeds.
  6. Place the seeds in a bag for further storage. Don't forget to sign.

Important! Remember, strawberry seeds remain viable for 3-4 years.

Preparing strawberry seeds for planting

Friendly shoots and health of future strawberries will be ensured proper preparation and processing of its seeds before sowing, which includes their soaking and stratification.

For soaking you will need cotton pads, a small container and always warm, settled water (boiled water is not suitable). You can use drugs such as “NV-101”, “Epin” or “Zircon”.

Video: pre-sowing preparation of garden strawberry seeds

A simplified stratification of strawberry seeds can be done as follows: spread the seedlings on round moistened cotton swabs, cover them with exactly the same moistened cotton pads and put them in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for 3 days. You can also use ordinary paper towels.

Video: stratification of strawberry seeds

How to plant strawberries for seedlings

To sow strawberry seeds for seedlings, you need special soil and a certain container (container). Therefore, you need to properly prepare for planting strawberries as seedlings, but first you need to decide on the timing.

When to plant seedlings

To find out when is the best time to plant strawberry seedlings, you can pay attention to the timing recommended by the manufacturer, indicating them on the bag of purchased seeds. As a rule, sowing can begin at the end of January and until April.

As for experience, then optimal timing sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings is February-March.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

This can help you choose the optimal date for sowing seeds for seedlings. Moon calendar.

So favorable days for sowing strawberries for seedlings in 2019 according to the Lunar calendar are:

  • in January - 12-14, 27-29;
  • in February - 6-11, 15-18, 23-26;
  • in March - 8-10, 17-19, 25-27;
  • in April - 15-17, 24-26, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-3, 6-8, 12-14, 19, 26-31.

Of course, it is not always possible to get to the dacha exactly in favorable days Therefore, the main thing is not to sow on unfavorable days.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2019 The dates for sowing strawberry seeds in spring are as follows:

  • in January - 5, 6, 21;
  • in February - 4, 5, 19;
  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Container and substrate

Of course, it is best to grow garden strawberries in transparent containers or plastic cups. In this case, you can easily see and control the degree of soil moisture. But any other containers made of plastic and wood are also suitable for planting, as well as peat cups, sour cream containers, and milk cartons.

By the way! Strawberry seeds can also be planted in peat tablets.

Video: planting strawberries with seeds in peat tablets

Note! Strawberries do not really like picking, so, as an option, you can immediately sow them in spacious containers without further replanting.

You can use either purchased soil (for example, special for strawberries (garden strawberries), although it is also suitable for begonias or violets), or self-prepared soil. soil mixture. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1/4 lowland peat;
  • 1/4 river sand;
  • 2/4 turf land.

Another option for soil mixture for growing garden strawberry seedlings:

  • 1/5 river sand;
  • 1/5 vermicompost;
  • 3/5 peat.

You can make this homemade substrate:

  • 3/8 sand;
  • 5/8 humus.

Advice! The soil can be disinfected by calcination (steaming) in the oven or microwave, or by spilling it with a solution of the drug. It’s even better to do both (first calcine, then cool, and then pour).

Direct landing (standard method)

Sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings occurs as follows:

  • Fill containers or cups with soil mixture.
  • Place strawberry seeds on top at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other.
  • Spray thoroughly with slightly warm water from a spray bottle or spray bottle.

Important! There is no need to sprinkle with substrate.

  • Cover the top with plastic wrap or close the container with a transparent lid to create a greenhouse effect (for better seed germination).

Video: growing garden strawberries (strawberries) from seeds - sowing for seedlings

The most popular video bloggers and gardeners in Russia offer more intricate and unusual ways planting garden strawberries for seedlings, here are some of them:

Planting a toilet paper snail

In a diaper

Sowing in the snow

Very good way sowing! Thus, the seeds seem to undergo artificial stratification.

How to care for strawberry seedlings after planting

In order to grow healthy seedlings strawberries, it requires appropriate care and certain conditions of detention.

From the very first day, young seedlings require a long day of light, at least 10-11, and preferably 12-14 hours. The air temperature in the room should be around 18-22 degrees (and the closer to planting, the more it can be lowered by taking it out onto a loggia or balcony).

Therefore, in February and early March, be sure to supplement the strawberry seedlings with special phytolamps. Otherwise, she will stretch out greatly, will be pale and weak.

Advice! For convenience and simplification of caring for seedlings, you can buy a “smart” timer socket that will automatically turn on and off the light (lamp) at the time you set.


The appearance of real leaves is your main guideline for starting active watering and removing the cover, but again, don’t be too zealous.

Important! You should not frequently water newly emerged strawberry seedlings, as this can cause, firstly, the appearance of mold on the walls of the planting container or, even worse, blackleg, which is actually fatal to the plants.

The film (cover) cannot be removed from the seedlings immediately; this must be done gradually. The process of a kind of hardening should begin with 20-30 minutes a day.

The frequency and volume of watering differ significantly at each stage of the formation and growth of strawberry seedlings:

  • So, immediately after planting, a single spraying of the soil per day is quite enough. At the same time, it is very important that in no case does a dry crust form on the ground.
  • As soon as the first shoots appear, watering only needs to be done once every 7 days.
  • The appearance of the first true leaves is your signal to double the number of waterings (once every 3-4 days). Moreover, you need to water so that the soil in the container is moistened to the very bottom.
  • The more leaves form, the more moisture is required (evaporation will be stronger), which means you will have to water more often.

Advice! It is ideal to use settled water at room temperature for watering strawberry seedlings; naturally, it does not need to be boiled. Melted or rainwater, or filtered.

Video: caring for young strawberry seedlings


You can pick up strawberry seedlings when they have 2-3 true leaves, that is, approximately 10-14 days after germination.

Transplantation should only be done strictly together with a clod of earth. The containers should have a volume of about 200-300 ml.

Video: proper picking of strawberries

Top dressing

As soon as the plants have 3-4 true leaves, it is necessary to feed the garden strawberry seedlings with such well-known complex fertilizers as: “Solution”, “Kemira Lux” and “Aquarin” or any others. Before planting the seedlings in a permanent place in the ground, you can do about 2-3 fertilizings (every 10-14 days). Dilution proportions, in other words, the dosage, you will find in the corresponding instructions on the package.

Video: caring for strawberry seedlings after picking

When and how to plant strawberry seedlings in open ground

Before planting strawberry seedlings in open ground, it is recommended to first harden them. To do this, containers with seedlings must first be taken out onto the balcony or loggia, and when it gets completely warmer, then onto the porch.

Important! Room conditions need to be alternated with stressful ones.

You can start planting strawberries in open ground when the soil temperature warms up to +14-17 degrees; another condition is that the plant has a 6th true leaf. And this usually occurs in the second half of April - the first ten days of May, depending on the climatic conditions of the region. In the South, naturally, they are planted earlier; in the middle zone (Moscow region) it is better to wait a little for the return frosts.

Strawberries grow well only in fertile soils and also love light areas. However, in the first 14 days after planting, it is better to cover it to prevent burns of young leaves. But strawberries in open ground need to be watered abundantly.

By the way! About how to How to properly plant garden strawberry seedlings in open ground, about methods and schemes of landing, read about how to then care for and grow until the first berries appear.

Video: planting strawberry seedlings grown from seeds in a garden bed

Thus, if you follow all the above recommendations and adhere to the basic rules of planting garden strawberries for seedlings and growing strawberries from seeds at home, then you will definitely succeed, and a rich harvest of delicious berries will not keep you waiting.

In contact with

The strawberry harvest directly depends on the quality of the seedlings. Experienced gardeners grow berries from seeds on their plots. Seed material can be purchased or collected independently from ripe Victoria. In this article we will look at how to plant berries in a summer cottage, how to germinate seeds and propagate.

Is it possible to grow strawberries in the country from seeds?

Traditionally, strawberries are grown by rooting tendrils and dividing the bushes. Seeds are used less often. For some reason, seed planting is not widely used. This is largely due to the fact that this is a very complex and painstaking process. However, this method ensures that good quality seedlings are planted.

It happens that a very tasty berry is bought, but its variety is unknown. Having collected the seeds from this strawberry, you can plant it in your own area. In caring hands, even a very rare variety will grow from purchased seeds, which can then be planted in the garden. Only remontant species are suitable for planting. Germination hybrid varieties not guaranteed.

Where to get seeds for planting?

Widely available for sale the best varieties strawberries, you need to choose based on the characteristics of a particular type. There are early, mid-season and late varieties. You can buy them in specialized stores or online.

The best varieties for growing berries from seeds at home:

  • Bagota
  • Gourmand
  • Sakhalinskaya
  • Muscat
  • Fresco
  • Rügen
  • Geneva

Due to the high cost, you can prepare the seeds yourself. The largest and ripest berries should be selected. Cut off the top layer. The collected strawberries are washed, spread on paper and dried.

Store the seeds inside a glass container; strawberries will remain viable for 3-4 years.

Planting strawberry seeds in open ground

Timing for sowing seeds for seedlings

Before you start growing strawberry seedlings. You should adopt the secrets shared by experienced gardeners.

So that the seeds germinate together, and the seedlings are strong and do not overgrow. Sowing work must be carried out on time. The time for sowing Victoria seedlings is the end of February - beginning of March. The resulting seedlings permanent place planted in May. In the northern regions, the dates fall at the beginning of June.

Preparing for sowing

Gardeners use two methods to prepare seeds before sowing. Both of them are effective, you can choose any of the options:

  1. Before disembarking planting material soak. This is done so that the seeds swell. This method allows you to check how high quality the seeds are. Expired seed material will not swell and remains empty inside. It is better to soak them on a piece of cloth. There is no need to simply fill it with water; the seeds may get wet. Soak them for 2-3 days. It is necessary to ensure that the fabric does not dry out.
  2. The second method is to harden the seed material. To do this, you need to moisten a piece of cloth and place seeds on it. Wrap them up and place them inside the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. The temperature should not be too low. Plants hardened in this way will more easily withstand frost. Keep the seeds in the cold for 2 days.

If desired, you can simply sow strawberries in boxes with soil and water them with a spray bottle. For those who don’t like to be lazy, we suggest considering the planting method from experienced gardeners.

It is not necessary to prepare the seeds; however, these measures will ensure 100% germination of healthy seedlings.

Strawberry sprouts grown from seeds

How to plant seeds?

Planting is carried out by preparing fertile soil. To grow strawberries for seedlings, mixed soil is required. Take 2 parts of earth, part of sand and peat, where you should add wood ash, vermicompost. The soil should be light crumbly. Otherwise, after watering the soil will be clogged.

  • The prepared soil is poured into boxes. Leveled and compacted.
  • Using a stick, draw even shallow grooves along the length of the box.
  • Seeds are placed inside the groove with tweezers. If you don't have tweezers, a toothpick will do.
  • Between each seed, so that they are not thickened, leave a distance of 2 cm.
  • When planting different varieties, you need to sign each furrow.
  • After planting, compact the soil and water generously with a spray bottle.

Until strong shoots appear, it is better to water with a spray bottle, otherwise the water will wash away the seeds.

Caring for seeds before sprouts appear

The seedlings do not require any special care other than watering until the seedlings need to be planted. It is better to keep the box with seedlings on the window, as they will show through the glass. sunlight. Until shoots appear, the box can be covered with glass or film to preserve moisture.

Transplanting strawberry seedlings into open ground

Pick when 2-3 leaves appear. Carefully remove the seedlings and transplant them into separate cups. Peat cups are ideal for this purpose. If planted in disposable tableware, you need to make a hole at the bottom of the cup.

How to plant berry bushes in open ground?

Self-grown strawberry seedlings proper care should be green, fresh and healthy looking. Before planting in the ground, you need to water the cups generously. The weather should be warm by now. If there are cold nights, it is better to wait a while, use a greenhouse or covering material.

The seedlings are planted in a prepared bed; the soil in it should be loosened and fertilized. Lately, gardeners have been actively planting in raised beds with covering material. If you grow strawberries traditional way, stronger bushes need to be mulched.

Straw, hay or sawdust are suitable for mulch. Good owners use mown grass or rotted leaves.

Difficulties in growing berries from seeds at home

Strawberry berry close up

Difficulties that novice gardeners may encounter:

  1. Expired seeds will not sprout, in which case they need to be replanted.
  2. Ensure regular watering; in dry soil the sprouts may die.
  3. If the window is very sunny, it needs to be slightly shaded, otherwise the leaves may turn yellow.
  4. In addition to watering, seedlings can be sprayed. If it grows poorly, feeding with growth stimulants is recommended.
  5. If the soil smells moldy, then watering needs to be reduced, otherwise the sprouts may rot.

If you follow all the recommendations, monitor the condition of the seedlings and properly care for them. On your site you can create a harvest-rich strawberry meadow. By experimenting with different varieties until late autumn, the harvest will be guaranteed!

Some amateur gardeners are wondering how to grow strawberries from seeds, which generally requires certain knowledge, without which you will never get a harvest.

In today's article we will provide the information necessary for growing strawberries from seeds, which will be useful for both beginners and experienced gardeners who have decided to test their skills in a new path.

When is the best time to grow, sowing dates

It is best to plant strawberry seeds in late February or early March. Some gardeners plant seeds in late December, which is appropriate for areas with colder climates. Planting seeds at this time will allow the seedlings to become sufficiently strong for further transplantation into open ground.

Moreover, if you plan to be at suburban area, you can plant strawberry seeds in May or June, but in this case, planting seedlings in open ground will occur in the hot summer months, which will require additional care in the form of timely shading and more frequent watering.

Plant strawberry seeds in more late dates We do not recommend it, since the seedlings will have to be kept at home until the next season, which is not suitable for all people.

Selection and processing of planting material

Having figured out the timing of planting seeds at home, you should move on to the direct selection of these same seeds.

In order to do right choice, check out the list of the following items:

  1. Before purchasing seeds, check with the seller whether it is possible to grow them in the conditions of your site (type of soil on your site). The overwhelming number of strawberry varieties grow and develop well in any type of soil, but there are exceptions that you need to know about before direct disembarkation seeds of a dubious variety;
  2. Choose varieties that in the best possible way suitable for the climatic conditions of your region. In addition, there are varieties that are resistant to certain diseases but have smaller yields, as well as varieties that have larger yields but are susceptible to disease. Based on this, you should choose exactly the variety of strawberry that is right for you in these matters;
  3. Decide in what position you will grow your strawberries. Modern varieties have both horizontally and vertically growing specimens;
  4. Decide on the final taste of the berry itself, which can be sweet, tart, sour, as well as a hint of banana and pineapple.

The most popular strawberry varieties in the CIS countries are the following:

  1. Gigantella;
  2. Mashenka;
  3. Victoria;
  4. Gum;
  5. Anapolis;
  6. Camarosa;
  7. Regina;
  8. Fragor.

You should purchase strawberry seeds in flower shops or from trusted breeders of this crop. Often, the seeds from such suppliers are of high quality and also have good germination. Before planting seeds, all damaged, underdeveloped and abnormal seeds should be eliminated. appearance samples.

We do not recommend using seeds from strawberries sold in stores for food consumption, since there is no reliable information regarding what kind of variety or hybrid it is, whether it will suit your growing conditions, and whether its seeds will bear fruit.

Having decided on the criteria for selecting seeds, you should talk about their immediate preparation, which consists of observing the following points:

  1. To improve and accelerate germination, seeds should be soaked in melt or rain water for 2-3 days.
  2. The soaked seeds are laid out on a damp cloth and placed in a plastic bag. The bag is placed in a warm and bright place, while avoiding direct sunlight, and remains there until the seeds sprout. Check the fabric periodically and moisten it.
  3. If desired, before soaking the seeds, they can be treated with phytosporin, which will protect them from possible fungal and bacterial invasions that may occur when planted in open ground.
  4. Seeds are germinated at a temperature of +27-30 degrees. Seedlings are kept at a temperature of +25-27 degrees.

The use of growth activators in germinating strawberry seeds is not relevant, since the crop has good germination.

For experienced gardeners, seeds can be germinated using the stratification method, when the container with the sown seeds is moistened, covered with cellophane, and placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks, then in a warm and bright place, which stimulates their active growth and the formation of the strongest seedlings.

Selection of capacity

It is best to plant sprouted strawberry seeds in plastic or wooden boxes with a length of 50 cm and a width of 30 cm. Also, seeds can be planted in ordinary containers and cups, like seedlings of other plants, but this is true in cases where you only need 2- 3 bushes of this berry, for indoor growing.

We recommend using black plastic boxes, which sell fruits and vegetables in large grocery stores. At the bottom of such a box is placed polyethylene film, in which drainage holes are made. The box with the film is placed on a tray in which excess liquid will accumulate.

As for the container for planting already sprouted seedlings, you can use ordinary containers for flowers, as well as deeper plastic cups, but this applies only to those seedlings that will later be transplanted into open ground.

If you plan to grow strawberries hydroponically, special carton boxes, ensuring maximum planting density of a given berry, and the ability to collect as much harvest as possible from as small an area as possible.

Soil preparation

The overwhelming majority of strawberry varieties are unpretentious to soil.

Despite this, to improve the speed of growth, development, and fruiting in general, it is recommended to prepare the soil in accordance with the following points:

  1. Take 1 part of turf soil.
  2. Take 1 part of peat.
  3. Take 1 part of clean coarse river sand.
  4. Mix everything until smooth.
  5. Place the mixture in the oven for 30 minutes and heat it at a temperature of +150 degrees to destroy all microbes and fungal spores.

You can also sow seeds and grow grown seedlings in soil purchased at a flower shop, for which a fruit and berry soil mixture would be an excellent option.

General rules for sowing seeds

Regardless of how you grow strawberries, there are general rules planting seeds that are listed below:

  1. To obtain maximum germination, strawberry seeds should be planted in a warm room, the temperature of which does not fall below +25 degrees.
  2. Planting of sprouted seeds is carried out in a container with soil, to a depth of no more than 1 cm.
  3. Sowing seeds is carried out in soil that has previously been calcined in the oven (relevant for soil taken from nature).
  4. Seeds whose seedlings will be planted in open ground should be treated with phytosporin, which will protect root system and sprouts from infection by fungi and bacteria in the first months of growth.
  5. Better to use seeds hybrid species, since they are the ones most focused on propagation by seeds.
  6. Sow sprouted seeds, which will greatly increase their germination rate and significantly reduce germination time.
  7. You can stratify seeds as desired (not recommended for beginners).

Instructions for sowing in a container

Sprouted seeds are most often planted in containers or boxes.

For correct landing seeds into these containers, adhere to the following points:

  1. Take the desired container, the height of which will be at least 10 cm.
  2. Treat the container with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or wipe it with a cloth moistened with alcohol. Dry the container thoroughly.
  3. Place a plastic bag on the bottom of the container and make through drainage holes both in the bag and in the container itself. In general, if the container is plastic, you can do without cellophane, but if it is wooden, in order to avoid rotting of the bottom, we recommend using film.
  4. Pour the previously prepared soil mixture into the container, the layer thickness of which should be approximately 7-8 cm.
  5. Lightly compact the soil layer and moisten it with a spray bottle.
  6. Take the sprouted seeds with tweezers and place them in a container on top of the moistened soil.
  7. Lightly press the seeds onto the soil, but do not deepen them, and cover them with a layer of soil, the thickness of which should not exceed 5-10 mm. If you are planting ungerminated seeds, you should not cover them at all. Ungerminated seeds should be lightly pressed into the soil and left to germinate in a bright and warm place. Space the seeds 1 inch apart.
  8. Place the container in a bright and warm place, periodically spraying the soil with a spray bottle. If you sow ungerminated seeds, you can cover the container with film before the first sprouts appear. If the seeds were viable, simply moisten the soil in a timely manner, keeping it moist.

Instructions for sowing in peat tablets

Sowing seeds in peat tablets should be carried out in accordance with the following points:

  1. Purchase peat tablets from a flower shop, which will be approximately 2.4 cm in size.
  2. Fill the peat tablets with melt or rainwater and let them sit for 2 days.
  3. After the peat tablets increase in size, place them on a pallet or in a plastic box.
  4. Make a small depression in each of the tablets and place one seed there, lightly pressing it into the tablet.
  5. After all the seeds have been placed on the peat tablets, the container is covered with a plastic bag and placed on the windowsill.
  6. Periodically spray the peat tablets with a spray bottle, preventing them from drying out.
  7. After the shoots appear, the film must be removed.
  8. Keep the seedlings on the tablets until the first roots appear through them.

Remember, sowing seeds in peat tablets can be done without first germinating them. Otherwise, the peat tablets will have to be left open, which will complicate the procedure for moistening them.


If you are growing seedlings on peat tablets, after the first roots begin to appear through them, transplant them into separate containers (pots, boxes, cups) keeping a distance of 3-4 cm between the sprouts. In the case of growing in cups, for each cup plant 1 sprout at a time. The seedlings are planted in a container with soil, the recipe for which we discussed in the middle of the article.

Seedlings are transplanted into open ground when they have at least 5 leaves. If you grow seedlings in the traditional way, initially using containers with soil, after the seedlings have 2-3 leaves, transplant them into larger and deeper containers, where they will grow until 5 leaves appear, after which they also pick them in the open priming.

It is necessary to plant strawberry seedlings in pre-prepared beds, arranged in 2 rows, and having a distance of 30 cm between them. The depth of the beds should be equal to the depth of the container in which the seedlings grew, for example, a cup has a depth of 15 cm, respectively, the bed should have a similar depth, +-1 cm.

Carefully transfer the sprout into the prepared beds, along with the earthen cake on the root system. Cover the planted seedling with soil so that the surface of the seedling soil is not covered with new soil.

After planting the seedlings is completed, water each seedling with 0.5 liters of water in which an organic stimulant, for example AgriTecno Fertilizantes, will be diluted. After fertilizing the seedlings, the soil around them should be mulched with humus. The mulch layer should not exceed 1 cm.

Remember, if your beds are located in direct sunlight, they should be shaded in the middle of the day for the first few days so that the sprouts can smoothly adapt to their new growing location.


Subsequent care of seedlings transplanted into open ground comes down to observing the following points:

  1. Water regularly, every 2-3 days, depending on weather conditions.
  2. Lightly loosen the surface of the soil after watering, preventing it from compacting and settling.
  3. Remove weeds.
  4. If necessary, treat with insecticides against insects.

As for fertilizers, they are applied only after the first harvest. The best fertilizer for strawberries 2 spoons are considered chicken manure, diluted in 10 liters of water. Melon fertilizer is completely natural, and berries treated with it will be absolutely safe for human consumption.

With the approach of the winter season, at the end of September the bushes fall asleep thin layer humus, the thickness of which does not exceed 1 cm. The beds are insulated with straw, fallen leaves or sawdust. If your region experiences heavy autumn downpours or gusty winds, you can additionally cover the strawberry bushes with a plastic bag with holes previously made in it for air circulation.


Based on the information in this article, it becomes clear that almost every beginner can germinate, grow and care for strawberry seeds at home, if they have the desire and hard work. Remember, you can sow and plant strawberries in almost any climate zone of the CIS countries, which makes them an excellent purchase for any summer resident and gardener!

Garden strawberries are most often propagated vegetatively - by mustaches, less often - by dividing the bush (horn A mi). Seed propagation is used by breeders to develop new varieties.

Growing strawberries from seeds

Growing strawberries from seeds allows you to obtain a large amount of planting material at home.

From the seeds of large-fruited garden strawberries, plants with unpredictable characteristics may appear that have lost valuable varietal characteristics. But you shouldn’t categorically refuse to grow strawberries with seeds at home.

Which varieties are best propagated by seeds?

Small-fruited remontant strawberry varieties reproduce well by seeds.

  1. Small-fruited strawberry remontant type (so-called “alpine”). Popular varieties: Baron Solemacher, Ali Baba, Alexandria, Ruyana, Seasons, Golden Dessert.
  2. Special hybrids modern selection.

Branded seeds: Moscow delicacy, Russian size, C-141, World delicacy, Home delicacy (“NK-Russian vegetable garden”), Ellan, Florian, Grandian, Russian giant (“Gavrish”), Nastenka, Sashenka, Lizonka, Pink dream ( "Sedek"), Temptation ("Aelita").

Enthusiastic gardeners sometimes try to grow strawberries from seeds obtained from berries from their plantation. The results are very different. Experienced gardeners advise not to waste time on such experiments.

Positive aspects of seed propagation of strawberries

  • Young plants are not infected with viruses, fungal and bacterial infections, or pests.
  • You can get a considerable number of seedlings at the same time.

Problems when growing strawberries from seeds

  • The result in terms of berry quality does not always meet expectations.
  • Tender seedlings need to create optimal conditions, otherwise they die easily.

When sowing strawberries for seedlings, you must follow certain rules.

Where can I get strawberry seeds?

You can get your seeds directly before sowing from frozen berries.

Sowing time at home

Strawberry seedlings are planted at the end of winter.

The optimal time for sowing strawberry seeds is February or early March. By the time seedlings are planted in the ground, the plants will be 3–4 months old. Such bushes are capable of bearing fruit already in the current season.

If you plan to grow remontant strawberry bushes at home or in year-round greenhouse, you can sow it at any time of the year. You just need to take care of the lighting (if necessary).

  • If you have a large number of your own seeds of small-fruited strawberries, it is convenient to sow them in the spring directly into the ground, in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse.
  • The seeds are laid out in rows to prevent small seedlings from becoming overgrown with weeds.
  • The bushes are planted in August.
  • Fruiting begins next season.

Seed treatment

Seeds from fresh berries are separated from the pulp and dried.

It is sometimes recommended to disinfect strawberry seeds before sowing.- for example, a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. There is no particular need for this. Pre-germination of such small seed material is also too troublesome.

For reliability, it is recommended to soak seeds of expensive hybrids or those with an expiring shelf life in a germination stimulator (Epin Extra, Zircon - according to the instructions, without overexposure).


Stratification of strawberry seeds in the refrigerator.

Strawberry seeds germinate faster after two weeks of freezing (cold stratification). The procedure can be carried out in one of two ways:

  1. Paper packages with seeds are placed in the refrigerator for half a month, after which they are sown.
  2. Stratification is carried out after sowing the seeds. The top of the container is covered with agrofibre, plastic lids or film (several holes are pierced for air access). The crops are placed in the refrigerator, preferably on the top shelf. You can bury it outside in a snowdrift. After 14–15 days they are brought into the heat.

Choosing containers for sowing strawberries

Containers for semi-finished products.

Plastic box with cells.

It is more convenient to sow a small amount of seeds in peat tablets of small diameter.

They must be of high quality, from a reliable manufacturer. The tablets are placed in special containers (to create greenhouse conditions).

Also suitable small plastic boxes with transparent lids(from food products). It is advisable to cut holes in the bottoms for drainage excess moisture, and poke several holes in the lids with an awl for easy ventilation.

Strawberries are also sown in shallow boxes and nurseries. A height of 5–6 cm is sufficient. The top can be covered with plastic bags.

Seedlings from a jar

Ordinary three-liter jars can also be used for growing strawberry seedlings.

There is a successful technology for growing strawberry seedlings in a three-liter glass jar.

  1. It is covered with a plastic cover on top, in which several holes are pierced with an awl (for ventilation). You can take a jar with a defect - cracked or with a chipped neck.
  2. A layer of expanded clay drainage is placed at the bottom, then moistened light soil.
  3. Approximately half the height of the jar should be filled.
  4. Spread evenly over the soil a small amount of seeds
  5. At first, watering is not required at all, only small sprays are carried out (occasionally).
  6. The lid is periodically opened for ventilation - first a little, then more often.

If lighting is needed, a lid with a socket and a lamp is put on the jar.

The result is a closed greenhouse space, comfortable for young seedlings. They grow successfully without picking. When planting seedlings in the ground, remove them with a spoon; or the jar is simply broken.

Young strawberry seedlings inside a jar.


Store-bought soils are often of poor quality. If the water stagnates and does not seep out immediately, if the ground sags strongly after watering, these are bad signs. Mixing too many “fancy” ingredients into the soil is also not a good option.

The most important rule: SAND (up to a third of the volume) MUST be added to the soil for sowing strawberry seeds. It is used to dilute store-bought peat soil (from reliable company) or land prepared with well-rotted compost heap(or collected in the forest under deciduous trees).

Some gardeners practice soil disinfection - steaming or spilling potassium permanganate.

Seed sowing process

The prepared soil should be moderately moist.

Seeds are sown on the surface of the soil.

Strawberry seeds do not need to be sprinkled with soil or sand when sowing! They are laid out directly on the surface, every 2–3 cm (as rarely as possible), lightly pressing with a finger, a match or a toothpick. A large number of seeds are simply scattered with a pinch. Then sprinkle a little water on top.

Conditions for successful germination

The container with the seeds is covered with a plastic bag.

  • Crops must be protected with transparent plastic cover or plastic film.
  • A couple of times a day the shelter is opened slightly for ventilation.
  • Frequent watering is not needed; sometimes spraying is enough. Waterlogged soil is dangerous, but it should not be allowed to dry out.
  • You need to pay special attention to peat tablets.
  • It is believed that strawberries should germinate in diffused light. Experience shows that its seeds will sprout in the dark, but it’s still better if the place is bright (but not sunny).
  • Optimum temperature – from +22 to + 26 degrees.

Shoots can appear in 5–7 days, most often in 10–15 days, and sometimes you have to wait a whole month.

The time when the seeds will sprout is difficult to predict in advance. It is necessary to inspect the crops daily, twice a day, with a keen eye. As soon as tiny shoots appear, they are exposed to the brightest light, otherwise they will stretch out and die. The top cover has not yet been removed.

Caring for strawberry seedlings

The seedlings have grown - it’s time to dive.

Young strawberry plants develop slowly at first. True leaves grow a couple of weeks after the cotyledons open.

  1. Sometimes the tender white roots of seedlings stick out above the ground. If possible, lightly rake up the soil with a toothpick.
  2. At first, moisten the soil as needed and very carefully.– from a syringe, spoon or spray.
  3. For the successful development of young seedlings it is necessary good lighting and temperature from +15 to +18 degrees.
  4. At first, the transparent cover is not removed. Most common reason the death of strawberry seedlings is a dramatic discovery. Accustomed to a greenhouse atmosphere, delicate plants cannot tolerate sudden changes in microclimate.
  5. It is necessary to ensure that drops of condensate do not fall on the seedlings. The shelter is raised briefly for ventilation and regularly wiped from moisture.
  6. When the first leaves appear, the ventilation time is gradually increased. . The cover is removed when 2–3 true leaves grow.(not counting cotyledons). During the same period, picking is carried out, if necessary. The nurseries selected are small – 5x5 cm in size.
  7. Strawberry seedlings can be grown without picking if the plants do not choke each other. Transplanting small bushes is a traumatic procedure, and it is not always successful.
  8. Bushes that have grown real leaves are not afraid of temperatures dropping to zero.. But they are in dire need of good lighting. In April-May, the seedlings can be taken out onto a glassed-in balcony, transported to the dacha - to a greenhouse or to a garden house (on a windowsill).

Planting strawberry seedlings in a permanent place

We plant our strawberry seedlings in the ground.

Strawberry seedlings are transplanted into the ground in May or June.

Pre-hardened plants can withstand frosts down to -5 degrees. For the first time, planting can be covered with agrofibre, protecting it from bright sun, cold and temperature changes.

Video about the features of growing strawberries from seeds

More often garden strawberries propagated by rooting tendrils or using purchased seedlings. But sometimes it happens that you buy bushes of one variety at the market, but in reality a completely different one grows. How to protect yourself from such a misunderstanding and grow the variety of strawberries that you really want to see on your plot? The answer is simple - buy strawberry seeds, then the result will be guaranteed.

Procuring strawberry seeds yourself

Beginning gardeners have the prospect of growing on their own strawberry seedlings from seeds can cause a feeling of helplessness, because a lot of effort will have to be made so that the plants do not die and begin to bear fruit. But even if you have no idea how to grow strawberries from seeds, this article will help you succeed and get a good harvest.

Growing strawberries from seeds has its own advantages: seeds are stored for a long time, and various pathogenic viruses are not transmitted through them. For planting, you can purchase ready-made seeds or prepare them yourself. Propagation of strawberries by seeds is possible for any varieties, with the exception of hybrids. You can choose strawberry varieties so that the berries on your site ripen throughout the summer.

Choose strawberries for seeds from well-developed bushes that are not damaged in any way and give a rich harvest. For ripe berries, it is recommended to take seeds from the middle part, as well as near the base, since they are larger, have a developed embryo and are characterized by high germination energy. Strawberries from seeds of this type will turn out beautiful and productive.

Choose strawberries for seeds from well-developed bushes that are not damaged in any way and give a rich harvest

Cut a layer of pulp from the berries, place on blotting paper and let dry. Then rub the dried mass in your palms, releasing the seeds. Ready planting material should be stored in glass containers.

Video about harvesting strawberry seeds

Three months before sowing, the seeds need to be stratified - placed in conditions of low temperature +2+4 degrees in a wet state, periodically adding a little water so that the seeds do not dry out. Mix the seeds every two weeks and dry them slightly just before sowing.

How to plant strawberries with seeds

  • pour to the bottom wooden box drainage layer of fine gravel or expanded clay 1-2 cm deep,
  • on top there is a layer of fertile soil of 10-15 cm,
  • compact the soil,
  • make narrow rows 0.5 cm deep in it,
  • water the grooves,
  • sow seeds in them, covering them with a one-centimeter layer of soil on top.

Growing strawberry seedlings requires careful care, because this plant loves moisture, warmth and good lighting. The soil in the box should always be slightly moist, make sure it does not dry out. You will see the first shoots of plants in 20-25 days, then the boxes will need to be placed in a well-lit place and maintained at a constant temperature of +20+25 degrees.

Video about growing strawberries

With the appearance of the first true leaves, strawberry seedlings are planted in pots or another box so that the distance between the seedlings is 2-3 cm. Seedlings can be planted in open ground at the end of May, when the plants will already have five leaves growing on them.

Growing strawberry seedlings requires careful care

Knowing how to grow strawberry seedlings from seeds, you can grow any variety and get a sweet, large berry as a result. Just remember that it is not recommended to plant strawberries grown from seeds in the ground too deeply, covering the apical bud, otherwise the plant will not develop properly and will quickly die. And for strawberries planted shallowly, watering and settling of the soil may expose the roots, which will also lead to the death of the plant. Maintain the optimal planting depth, and then your work will not be in vain.
