Do-it-yourself greenhouse in a private house. Greenhouse at the dacha. Indoor humidity

With the arrival of cold weather, we are increasingly thinking about organizing a winter garden next door. country house or even right in the apartment, on the balcony or loggia. Indeed, it is so tempting to feel surrounded by tropical flowers, protected from the adversities of the surrounding world by the crystal walls of the greenhouse.

Today it is no longer possible to surprise anyone with exotic flowers and fruit trees, grown at home. Flowering plants create comfort and warmth on cold winter or rainy days autumn evenings. If we take into account a number of nuances ( design solutions, heating, lighting, plant varieties, care), then creating a real greenhouse in a house or country house with your own hands seems quite possible.

Year-round cultivation of exotic tropical plants and flowers in temperate climates - difficult task. To prevent them from being damaged on frosty winter days, they must be placed in a place protected from the cold with sufficient natural or artificial lighting. To create ideal conditions, greenhouses and winter gardens are built, which differ from standard greenhouses intended for cultivating vegetables and herbs, not only functionally, but also externally.

Even the smallest greenhouse is not only a place of relaxation where you can enjoy the beauty of nature, but also the pride of any owner who is more or less interested in gardening and growing plants. In view of this, every gardener, whether amateur or professional, dreams of his own, albeit small, greenhouse, which will allow him all year round do what you love and delight yourself and your loved ones with a home oasis.

Especially current idea arranging a greenhouse in an apartment seems like a hot summer day, when sitting all day in dusty office premises, you dream of a breath of fresh air and a place where you can enjoy not only the smell of freshness, but also the brightness of lush greenery.

Features and advantages of greenhouses

The charm of the winter garden is difficult to miss. Even if you do not take the original purpose of the greenhouse - to maintain lush thickets of tropical plants in the house - it still helps to integrate nature into the house. Transparent glass walls become an almost invisible barrier between the landscape and the interior. Visual permeability allows you, being inside, in the warm comfort of the house, to feel yourself in natural environment, almost directly in contact with the garden, located behind thin glass.

In addition, transparency and accessibility to sunlight helps to collect maximum light in this room, which is especially valuable for the northern climate, not spoiled by the sun. Such a room in the house can rightfully bear the name of solarium in its pre-industrial meaning. Warmed by the sun and penetrated by its rays, it is especially conducive to relaxation.

The image of unity with nature can be expanded by making part of the glazing sliding. Then, in the warmer months, you can literally combine the conservatory with the garden, letting in fresh summer air and providing direct access to the street.

And although good lighting coupled with security still creates all the conditions for growing green thickets in the greenhouse for which it was intended, modern winter gardens often retain a garden in name only. But if your passions and lifestyle allow you to revive the tradition of greenhouse growing, lush masses of greenery will create a real oasis of nature in your home.

Besides, winter Garden - great way expand the space of the house without making it visually more massive. The greenhouse adjacent to the house diversifies its architecture, enriches the plasticity, but at the same time, thanks to its openwork and transparency, does not weigh it down. Such an architectural addition is easier to coordinate with the existing building than substantial extensions and outbuildings.

Differences between greenhouses and greenhouses

A greenhouse is a room intended for year-round cultivation evergreen southern plants that do not grow in the middle zone. Such plants include citrus fruits, southern palms, orchids and ficuses, which have captivated the inhabitants of cold latitudes with their exotic romance.

Since these plants are extremely demanding on microclimatic parameters, this necessitates strict adherence to both humidity and temperature parameters. Based on this, there are several types of greenhouses that need to be classified according to temperature conditions:

  • Warm greenhouses in which the temperature is maintained at 25-28 degrees;
  • Semi-warm greenhouses, optimal temperature regime in which it does not exceed 18-22 degrees;
  • Cold greenhouses, a less common option, with temperatures ranging from 1 to 8 degrees.

How to build a greenhouse

Greenhouse at the dacha - relatively lightweight design, 80% consisting of glass, so the foundation with your own hands can be a strip surface. There should be good drainage and a sand cushion under the foundation. The walls of the winter garden are a frame structure. The most commonly used guides are aluminum, wood or plastic. The frame can also be brick.

Choosing a suitable location for arranging a greenhouse is one of the first and at the same time important stages in planning your greenhouse, on which further construction activities depend. If your home is currently only in the planning stage, then consider yourself lucky because you have the opportunity to choose the most suitable one in advance. appropriate place for the future corner of wildlife. This will greatly facilitate further work and will allow installation in the greenhouse in the future. big windows oriented to the south.

The durability and performance characteristics of the structure allocated for the greenhouse are also important parameters that must be taken into account when constructing the structure. The main guarantee of the durability of a structure is a solid foundation, therefore, to equip a durable and no less comfortable greenhouse, experts recommend giving preference to a strip foundation made of concrete or stone. The depth of the foundation should reach a level that determines the level of maximum soil freezing in the harshest winters, which to one degree or another contributes to the formation of an optimal microclimate in the greenhouse. IN middle lane The depth of the foundation in most cases does not exceed 80 cm.

If you prefer concrete, you need to arrange it in time drainage system outflow of moisture, since if it accumulates excessively, the concrete will become slippery. We must not forget about insulation: polystyrene slabs are ideal as insulation, which will help retain heat in the lower sections of the foundation. To prevent the accumulation of moisture on the floor, it is covered with gravel or small pebbles, ensuring the most effective outflow of moisture.

Aluminum, polyvinyl chloride or galvanized steel are perfect for building a high-quality greenhouse. You can order pre-cut blanks or cut them yourself and install the frame by welding. The tree is not very a good option, because over time it will begin to deteriorate and require regular maintenance.

Use materials with good impermeability and thermal insulation. Consider the fact that as much as possible should enter the room sunlight. For exterior finishing glass and types of plastic such as polycarbonate, fiberglass and polyethylene film. Mount the sheets of material onto the frame. During the work process, do not forget to insulate and insulate the walls. It is recommended to use cellular polycarbonate for the roof.

Creating a microclimate in a greenhouse

Regardless of the time of year, ideally the temperature in the greenhouse should be at a constant level. For plants growing in the Mediterranean, it should be at least 10 degrees, while for equatorial plants it is at least 25 degrees. And in the event that you heat the apartment using a water system, to achieve optimal temperature in a greenhouse it will be enough to organize a constant flow of air into the room by organizing correct system ventilation.

In most cases, arranging heating in a greenhouse involves installing gas, electric, and gasoline boilers, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of electric boilers is that there is no need for an additional ventilation system; however, in the event of an emergency power outage during cold weather, plants may die.

In this regard, experts recommend choosing a combined heating system, which provides for the inclusion of another in the event of failure of one system. Installation of heating equipment can be carried out in a separate technical room, and if the greenhouse is part of a residential premises or is located in an adjoining building, then a home heating system can be installed in the greenhouse room.

The glazing of the windows should be either double or insulated, which will create an obstacle to the penetration of cold air into the greenhouse. In addition, it is necessary to take care of wall insulation, for which the best way will fit mineral wool slabs, meeting all the requirements for insulation, as well as sealing joints balcony structures. And one more important point What novice gardeners need to remember is temperature regulation, carried out through ventilation and timely opening of the windows.

Another important microclimatic indicator of the internal environment of the greenhouse, which also has a significant impact on the life activity of whimsical exotic plants. Indicator optimal level Ventilation in a greenhouse is an exchange of air from 6 to 10 times per hour.

IN winter time, characterized by the absence of severe frosts, this level of air exchange is achieved through the organization natural ventilation, which is ensured by frequent ventilation through open windows and doors. However, severe frosts or scorching sun in summer make it necessary to organize supply and exhaust ventilation, with the help of which controlled air exchange will occur.

Considering that natural light is one of the main conditions for organizing a greenhouse and the existence of plants in general, to arrange a greenhouse it is necessary to choose a well-lit room or balcony oriented to the east, west or southwest.

If you are setting up a greenhouse at home, its windows should be clean and free of heavy curtains. Since plants suffer from a lack of light in winter, and from excessive insolation in summer, the organization of a greenhouse involves arrangement as additional lighting, and darkening, which can be played by blinds or curtains on the windows. For additional lighting, it is enough to install a high-pressure gas discharge lamp in the room.

Air humidity

One more thing is of no less importance required condition keeping plants in a greenhouse, which consists of maintaining an optimal level of humidity in the room. For exotic plants it is at least 70-80%. Since in summer time The humidity in the apartment is about 50%, and even less in winter; it is necessary to constantly humidify the air in the room.

The required level of humidity in a winter greenhouse is achieved by humidifying the air using spray bottles, installing indoor aquariums and trays filled with moistened expanded clay, and other containers filled with water. So that in case of excess humidity To prevent the formation of condensation on windows and walls, it is necessary to ventilate the room in a timely manner.

Irrigation arrangement

Like any other structure for cultivating plants, a greenhouse needs irrigation. If you have installed water supply pipes into the room, you can water it manually, but adherents innovative technologies, most likely, will give preference to modern automated systems drip irrigation,

which will promote constant irrigation of the land and thereby ensure regular and timely delivery of water and the nutrients they need to the root system of plants. In addition to the above features, ultra-modern drip irrigation systems are equipped with timers and motion sensors, the presence of which allows you to regulate the time and amount of water supply depending on the needs of the plants.

One of the advantages of greenhouses is that they can grow plants that are not adapted to our climate. It is in a greenhouse that citrus fruits, such as orange, lemon and tangerine, can be grown. In addition, coffee grows well in greenhouse conditions. In greenhouses you can grow abundantly flowering magnolias, which have large and bright flowers.

Also in the greenhouses, gardenias, bougainvilleas, orchids, passionflowers and oleanders bloom very abundantly and beautifully. Add beautiful view blooming garden Greenhouses can be planted with shaped leaves, for example, kostenets, moose antler, peperomi, bracken. The vertical design of greenhouses can be taken over by varieties of ivy and jasmine. And, of course, numerous types of fern crops thrive in greenhouses.

Every gardener dreams of having his own home greenhouse, even if small. After all, it can give you the pleasure of doing what you love throughout the year, and in a well-heated room, even tropical plants and flowers that are not at all adapted to a cold climate can survive a long winter. But how to make a greenhouse with your own hands, where to start?

In addition to water and electric heating greenhouses, you can use air, steam, infrared or stove.

First of all, in this matter you should take into account all the little things, so that later there is no need to redo something. Indeed, for many delicate plants, just one night spent without heating may be enough for them to die.

Therefore, in home greenhouses it is necessary to organize electricity, water supply, heating, ventilation, as well as convenient shelving for placing flowers and plants.

And this is not the entire list of work associated with the construction of such a room with your own hands. Therefore, having taken on such work, it is necessary to draw up a plan for the upcoming work.

Approximate plan for the construction of a greenhouse

To solve this question: how to make a greenhouse with your own hands? First you need to choose a place on personal plot, where the structure will be erected. The main thing here is that it is as sunny as possible. It is also necessary to take into account that the room being built should not be exposed to wind or it should be as small as possible.

The building being built will be quite durable, so the foundation must be strong. It is best to do it under a greenhouse strip foundation made of stone or concrete. The depth of the foundation should be dug to a level at which the soil does not freeze even in the harshest winters. If concrete is used as the base, then it will be necessary to organize drainage, because when wet, concrete will absorb moisture and become slippery.

In addition, it will be necessary to make a blind area under the racks. Polystyrene foam is well suited as insulation; in this case, the foundation will perfectly retain heat in its lower sections. The floor of the greenhouse can be covered with fine gravel or pebbles, they will provide good drainage and get rid of excess dirt.

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External works

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Greenhouse frame

When building a greenhouse with your own hands, materials such as PVC, aluminum or galvanized steel are most often used.

A good frame for home greenhouses should withstand strong winds and not deform during long-term use. The choice of frame material depends entirely on the material outer skin buildings. The heavier the sheathing, the stronger the frame itself should be. When building a greenhouse with your own hands, preference is given to the following materials: PVC, aluminum or galvanized steel. A frame made of these materials will be strong enough to withstand various deformations. A wooden frame is considered a bad option, because over time it will begin to rot and during the operation of the structure will require serious ongoing maintenance.

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Building cladding

An important point when building a home greenhouse with your own hands is the choice of material for the external cladding of the frame. This will directly affect the cost of heating, electricity, as well as the durability and efficiency of the room. In order to sheathe the frame with outside, special materials are required that have high level light-proof and providing sufficient thermal insulation.

Light scattering is also considered equally important. After all, a structure such as a greenhouse requires as much sunlight as possible, but at the same time, plants can die under the scorching rays. Therefore, glass or the following types of plastic are suitable for the external cladding of home greenhouses: fiberglass, polycarbonate, polyethylene film. And for the roof - cellular polycarbonate.

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Interior work

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Greenhouse heating

Gas, petrol and electric boilers. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Electric heating of a greenhouse is very convenient, since no special air ventilation is required. But if the electricity is turned off, the plants may die. A combined heating system is best suited for such a room. If something happens and one system fails, you can quickly connect another.

To install heating equipment, you can make a special technical room in the basement or attach a greenhouse next to the main room. And if the greenhouse is built close to the house or in the form of an extension it is one with the house, then you can install it in this building home system heating. In this case, less energy will be spent heating the greenhouse, and the house itself will be much warmer.

A greenhouse in a home can create an extraordinary atmosphere of closeness to nature. It can also be arranged as a living room, as an office or simply as a garden. Such a building can be very unique, since the design options are very diverse. You can make a whole garden a reality, or you can make a small but very cozy living corner.

Before the greenhouse itself is built, the foundation needs to be poured. Use wooden pegs to mark the future location of the greenhouse, dig a trench, then make wooden formwork. Pour a layer of sand onto the bottom of the trench, moisten it, compress it, then a layer of crushed stone (about 5 cm) and also compact it well. Next place in the formwork reinforcing mesh, and then pour concrete mortar. It is imperative to make a waterproofing coating around the building. You can insulate with polystyrene foam. The floor can be covered with fine gravel.
It is not recommended to use wood to build the frame, because the material deteriorates quickly and will need to be well looked after. The most optimal materials will be aluminum or galvanized steel.

Finishing will require impermeable materials with good thermal insulation function. Since there should be a lot of light in the greenhouse, you need to choose a plastic such as polycarbonate or use glass ( double-glazed windows 35 mm). Sheets of plastic are attached to the frame. Then the walls are insulated and waterproofing work is carried out. And the roof can be covered with a multi-chamber polycarbonate sheet (25 mm thick).

To prevent the plants in the greenhouse from freezing during the cold season, it is necessary to provide heating. For this you can use different boilers- electric, gas. An electric boiler is very convenient, quickly installed and you can do without special ventilation. However, the downside is the dependence on a constant source of electricity. Most best option- a comprehensive solution. Combine two types of heating to protect yourself in case of emergency. This will ensure stable heat for the plants.

The next step is installation of ventilation. A popular type is supply and exhaust system. This system has fans and special ducts that provide fresh air to the entire greenhouse. The disadvantage of this type is its price.
For watering plants, you can equip automatic system watering. To do this, you need to run hoses to the boxes and pots with plants and install a storage tank with water. Another option is to install a plumbing system and water the plants yourself.

In fact, building a greenhouse yourself is not at all difficult. At the same time, you can show your imagination and create a cozy and beautiful garden, which will delight its owners all year round.

Even the smallest greenhouse is not only a place of relaxation where you can enjoy the beauty of nature, but also the pride of any owner who is more or less interested in gardening and growing plants. In view of this, every gardener, whether amateur or professional, dreams of his own, albeit small, greenhouse, which will allow him to do his favorite thing all year round and delight himself and his loved ones with a home oasis. The idea of ​​arranging a greenhouse in an apartment seems especially relevant on a hot summer day, when, sitting all day long in dusty office spaces, you dream of a breath of fresh air and a place where you can enjoy not only the smell of freshness, but also the brightness of lush greenery. In the cold season in the middle zone, this desire becomes practically impossible to fulfill, and in this regard, we suggest that you start arranging your own home greenhouse on your personal plot, the territory of a country house or just a private household, and even in an apartment. How? Read on.

Greenhouse at home: a dream that can come true

IN modern world, in conditions of mass extermination and pollution of wildlife, a home greenhouse is one of the last chances to enjoy the beauty and wonderful smell of fresh greenery. In this regard, the cherished dream of many owners who love wildlife is to arrange a greenhouse in a private house, apartment, or, if the territory allows, residents of suburban areas have the opportunity to organize a corner of wildlife on the territory suburban area, that is, arrange it as a separate room next to the house.

The greenhouse of the house is a separate glazed room, specially equipped for keeping evergreen exotic plants that need to be provided with specialized climatic conditions. Plants cultivated in greenhouses are so whimsical that even in summer, when the temperature regime for them is close to optimal, exotic flowers and shrubs are not able to withstand, much less grow successfully, in the conditions of the unnatural northern climate, de natural conditions far from favorable for them. In this regard, premises are specially equipped for them, where they are created. favorable conditions for their growth and reproduction, namely high levels of light, abundant humidity and heat environment. They are called greenhouses.

Greenhouse photo

Differences between greenhouses and greenhouses

A greenhouse is a room designed for year-round cultivation of evergreen southern plants that do not grow in the middle zone. Such plants include citrus fruits, southern palms, orchids and ficuses, which have captivated the inhabitants of cold latitudes with their exotic romance. Since these plants are extremely demanding on microclimatic parameters, this necessitates strict adherence to both humidity and temperature parameters. Based on this, there are several types of greenhouses that need to be classified according to temperature conditions:

  • Warm greenhouses in which the temperature is maintained at 25-28 degrees;
  • Semi-warm greenhouses, the optimal temperature in which does not exceed 18-22 degrees;
  • Cold greenhouses, a less common option, with temperatures ranging from 1 to 8 degrees.

Construction of a greenhouse: choosing a suitable location

Choosing a suitable location for arranging a greenhouse is one of the first, and at the same time important, stages in planning your greenhouse, on which further construction activities depend. If your home is currently only at the planning stage, then consider yourself lucky, since you have the opportunity to pre-select the most suitable location for the future corner of wildlife. This will greatly facilitate further work and in the future will allow the installation of large windows oriented to the south in the greenhouse.

If you live in a standard city apartment, you probably have a small amount options for choosing premises for building a greenhouse. In your case it is better to select separate room under a greenhouse and give preference to a glazed loggia or balcony. Experts believe that you are luckier if you live in the countryside and have the opportunity to allocate a greenhouse for arrangement and install a free-standing frame structure, the location of which also has its own nuances. Place of further construction frame structure should be as illuminated as possible and exposed to strong winds as little as possible.

The durability and performance characteristics of the structure allocated for the greenhouse are also important parameters that must be taken into account when constructing the structure. The main guarantee of the longevity of a structure is a solid foundation, therefore, for arranging a durable and no less comfortable greenhouse, experts recommend giving preference to a strip foundation made of concrete or stone. The depth of the foundation should reach a level that determines the level of maximum soil freezing in the harshest winters, which to one degree or another contributes to the formation of an optimal microclimate in the greenhouse. In the middle zone, the depth of the foundation in most cases does not exceed 80 cm. If you prefer concrete, it is necessary to arrange a drainage system for the outflow of moisture in a timely manner, since if it accumulates excessively, the concrete will become slippery. We must not forget about insulation: polystyrene slabs are ideal as insulation, which will help retain heat in the lower sections of the foundation. To prevent the accumulation of moisture on the floor, it is covered with gravel or small pebbles, ensuring the most effective outflow of moisture.

Selection of material for the frame and cladding of the structure

The material for making the frame must have characteristics that allow it to withstand the effects of aggressive external factors, including winds, without losing its original performance characteristics and be resistant to deformation. The choice of material from which the frame will be made depends on the material chosen for the cladding, since its weight has a direct impact on the stability of the supporting frame. It follows from this that the stronger and heavier the greenhouse cladding, the more stable it should be. frame construction. When making a greenhouse, materials that are resistant to deformation are considered to be aluminum, galvanized steel or PVC, the frame of which will meet all the specified requirements. Wood for making a frame is considered a less successful option, since wooden structure prone to rotting and damage by insects, which is why it has a shorter service life and requires constant care.

Sheathing the structure is no less important than arranging the frame, since the subsequent cost of maintaining the greenhouse, including the cost of heating, electricity and repairs of the structure, depends on the material chosen for the sheathing. For covering the frame, materials are suitable that have high light resistance, which will protect plants from the scorching sun, and at the same time the necessary level of light scattering, the need for which is due to the high need of plants for lighting. No less important are the thermal insulation properties of the material, which determine subsequent costs. Currently, glass is used to cover the frame (the frame must have sufficient strength), plastic windows and cellular polycarbonate, which has necessary ease and transparency.

Greenhouse video

Creating a microclimate in the greenhouse: heating, ventilation, lighting


Regardless of the time of year, ideally the temperature in the greenhouse should be at a constant level. For plants growing in the Mediterranean, it should be at least 10 degrees, while for equatorial plants it is at least 25 degrees. And if you heat your apartment using a water system, to achieve the optimal temperature in the greenhouse it will be enough to organize a constant flow of air into the room by organizing the correct ventilation system.

In most cases, arranging heating in a greenhouse involves installing gas, electric, and gasoline boilers, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of electric boilers is that there is no need for an additional ventilation system; however, in the event of an emergency power outage during cold weather, plants may die. In this regard, experts recommend choosing a combined heating system, which provides for the inclusion of another in the event of failure of one system. Installation of heating equipment can be carried out in a separate technical room, and if the greenhouse is part of a residential premises or is located in an adjoining building, then a home heating system can be installed in the greenhouse room.

Now it is necessary to say a few words about the windows in the greenhouse. They are not only a source of light, but also a fundamental system for saving heat accumulated in the greenhouse. In view of this, the glazing of windows should be either double or insulated, which will create an obstacle to the penetration of cold air into the greenhouse. In addition, it is necessary to take care of insulating the walls, for which mineral wool slabs are best suited, meeting all the requirements for insulation, as well as sealing the joints of balcony structures. And another important point that novice gardeners need to remember is temperature regulation, carried out through ventilation and timely opening of the windows.


Another important microclimatic indicator of the internal environment of the greenhouse, which also has a significant impact on the life activity of fastidious exotic plants. An indicator of the optimal level of ventilation in a greenhouse is air exchange from 6 to 10 times per hour. In winter, characterized by the absence of severe frosts, this level of air exchange is achieved through the organization of natural ventilation, which is ensured by frequent ventilation through open vents and doors. However, severe frosts or scorching sun in summer necessitate the organization of supply and exhaust ventilation, with the help of which controlled air exchange will occur.


Considering that natural light is one of the main conditions for organizing a greenhouse and the existence of plants in general, to arrange a greenhouse it is necessary to choose a well-lit room or balcony oriented to the east, west or southwest.

If you are setting up a greenhouse at home, its windows should be clean and free of heavy curtains. Since plants suffer from a lack of light in winter, and from excessive insolation in summer, the organization of a greenhouse involves the arrangement of both additional lighting and darkening, the role of which can be handled by blinds or curtains on the windows. For additional lighting, it is enough to install a high-pressure gas discharge lamp in the room.

If you are setting up a greenhouse on a standard balcony of 6 square meters. meters, to ensure the normal functioning of plants in your winter greenhouse, one gas-discharge lamp with a power of 400 W and 2 metal halide lamps, each with a power of 250 W, will be sufficient.

Air humidity

No less important is another mandatory condition for keeping plants in a greenhouse, which is maintaining an optimal level of humidity in the room. For exotic plants it is at least 70-80%. Since in the summer the humidity in the apartment is about 50%, and in the winter even less, it is necessary to constantly humidify the air in the room. The required level of humidity in a winter greenhouse is achieved by humidifying the air using spray bottles, installing indoor aquariums and trays filled with moistened expanded clay, and other containers filled with water. In order to prevent the formation of condensation on windows and walls in the event of excess humidity, it is necessary to ventilate the room in a timely manner.

Selection of plants and arrangement of watering

Like any other structure for cultivating plants, a greenhouse needs irrigation. If you have installed water supply pipes into the room, you can water it manually, but adherents of innovative technologies will most likely give preference to modern automated drip irrigation systems, which will promote constant irrigation of the land and thereby ensure regular and timely delivery of water and water to the root system of plants. the nutrients they need. In addition to the above features, ultra-modern drip irrigation systems are equipped with timers and motion sensors, the presence of which allows you to regulate the time and amount of water supply depending on the needs of the plants.

As for choosing plants for a greenhouse, which you can build with your own hands, here, of course, you can safely give free rein to your imagination. However, there are some nuances here too. It is necessary to select plants for the greenhouse in such a way that the varieties growing in the greenhouse at a certain point in time require similar care and have approximately the same needs for humidity, lighting level and the same temperature. Taking into account the average temperature in the greenhouse in winter, which is 17-18 degrees, flower growers recommend choosing winter greenhouse hibiscus, palm trees, monstera and orchids, and if the average temperature in your winter garden is significantly lower and does not exceed 5-11 degrees, you have the opportunity to grow olive and citrus trees.

If the greenhouse is in an apartment...

If you live in a city apartment and have a spacious glazed loggia, the question is: “How to make a greenhouse?” it becomes much easier for you, since with the onset of the first sunny days, when the loggia begins to warm up, you can create a real green paradise there by placing some green specimens that are especially cold-resistant.

The main thing is that the temperature on the loggia reaches positive values. By paying attention to which side the loggia is oriented and how many hours a day it receives sunlight, you will significantly simplify and systematize the choice of plants for your home greenhouse. For example, if the loggia faces south, you can place cacti and phlox there, while on the north side conifers, forget-me-nots and tobacco will feel more favorable.

A tropical paradise can be arranged not only on a loggia, but also in an apartment. You can achieve this different ways, highlighting a separate corner for vegetation or even placing it throughout the entire apartment. For example, climbing plants will do a great job as “living” drapery for unsightly corners. By choosing a fern for these purposes, you will not only turn your apartment into a piece of paradise, but also make sure that a greenhouse is not only beautiful, but also easy. No less bright decorative characteristics They have ivy that grows quickly, giving the home a cozy look.

If you are the owner of a multi-room apartment, without harming yourself and your family, you can allocate a separate room for arranging a greenhouse, where you can breathe in the healing air of plants, relax after a hard day, or do yoga.

To do this, it is necessary to free the room as much as possible from unnecessary objects and bulky furniture, giving preference to light and maximum decorative furniture from natural rattan. The same requirements apply to the arrangement of a greenhouse in an apartment as to a greenhouse located in a separate frame room. In a home greenhouse it is necessary to create the same microclimatic conditions as in a separate winter garden. In addition to technical requirements, pay attention decorative design greenhouses in the apartment.

Purchase special racks, support structures and grilles from your flower shop. climbing plants and decorate the walls with flowers, and to give your greenhouse a special touch, place a large number of clay pots and flower pots, in which you can also plant ornamental vegetation.

Many gardeners dream of having their own greenhouse, which will allow them to do what they love throughout the year. When building this room, it is important to take into account many small nuances, but everything is not as complicated as it seems. Let's consider step-by-step creation DIY greenhouses.

Rough plan. Decide on the size of the greenhouse and choose a location to create it. It should be sunny, but not too windy. Include in your plan convenient sections for placing plants, electricity, ventilation and water supply. If you are planning to create an area of ​​greenery and tranquility for relaxation, you will need other furnishings. You can develop a plan and count the quantity necessary materials after reading the article in detail.

Foundation. A strip foundation is well suited for a greenhouse. Using wooden pegs, mark the location where the greenhouse will be located. Dig a trench in this place until the soil freezes and install the formwork. Pour sand there in a layer of 5 cm, compress it and add gravel 10 cm thick. After pressing, create a mesh of reinforcement and pour concrete (15 cm). Don't forget to provide a waterproof coating around the building. Polystyrene foam is perfect for insulation. It is recommended to fill the floor with fine gravel. This approach will provide excellent drainage and rid the room of dirt. Frame. Aluminum, polyvinyl chloride or galvanized steel are perfect for building a high-quality greenhouse. You can order pre-cut blanks or cut them yourself and install the frame by welding. Wood is not a very good option, since over time it will begin to deteriorate and require regular maintenance.. They can be electric, gasoline or gas. The first type is the most convenient, since it does not require special ventilation. But if there is a power outage, the risk of plant death increases. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a comprehensive heating system. In case of any problems, you can quickly connect the second option. It is preferable to install the equipment in a separate room. If you are planning to add a conservatory to your home, install a home heating system into it. Ventilation. Plants need to receive regular Fresh air . To save on purchasing a ventilation system, you can connect electric wires to the control unit and, with their help, automate it yourself. But few owners know how to do this. A more convenient, but expensive option is a supply and exhaust ventilation system. It is equipped with special fans and air ducts. Experienced builders recommend installing it in greenhouses and conservatories. Watering. You can run a water supply from your home to your greenhouse, then install taps there and water the plants yourself. A more convenient, but more expensive option is installation automatic watering, which allows you to leave plants unattended even for several days. The system requires installation

storage tank and pump, and then running hoses to all boxes and sections with plants. As you can see, making a winter garden yourself is quite possible. At

to work, the cost of the greenhouse will not be higher than a regular greenhouse. We wish you successful construction and implementation of your ideas!