There are brown spots on the leaves of the orchid, what to do. Why did spots appear on the leaves and on the entire orchid? Diseases of Phalaenopsis orchids

When caring for an orchid, it is easy to make a mistake, since this flower needs constant care, it is easier, in order to avoid problems, to do everything in a timely manner; in case of illness, orchids recover sufficiently long term. What problems do you encounter most often? – Diseases can arise, it even seemed, due to primitive – improper lighting. To grow any flowers, you need to adhere to the correct lighting, the light regime should be moderate, shade in time to avoid burns, which do not pose any particular danger, but the marks remain long enough. Under no circumstances should you spray your orchid in the sun, as a spot burn will form on the leaves. By the way, improper watering also causes troubles, the basic rule is that it is better to water less than to overdo it, especially as this has a negative effect on young sprouts; excess and stagnation of water causes rot. It is imperative to maintain moisture; if you do not take care of this, but simply water the plant, the result will be fallen leaves. Poor watering also leads to falling leaves and their dryness; in very hot weather, use a fan to obtain fresh air. An important point Something to remember is that the flower cannot be in water for a long time and continuously, and if this is combined with low temperature, then swelling will certainly appear. IN winter time watering is reduced. It is necessary to avoid getting water on the leaves, this will provide salvation from rotting and pinpoint swelling. In cold winter, at low temperatures, the leaves not only become covered with white spots, but sometimes also become frostbitten (frostbitten areas require amputation). During this same period, you need to stop spraying, as it will provoke the appearance of darkened fungal spots.

Disease groups:

Such diseases in orchids can be found infrequently, this is due to the fact that the cultivation of these flowers is very scrupulous; such viruses can only be detected in special conditions, or rather in laboratories, and if they are detected, then all infected parts must be immediately destroyed. At home, people very often panic without reason and mistake ordinary waterlogging for viral diseases, however, with proper care, this is extremely unlikely. An important fact The fact is that viruses cannot be cured, but the flower does not die from them; if the proper conditions are provided, the phalaenopsis will acquire a healthy appearance and will live and delight with its flowering for a long time.

A group of diseases that occur most often and sometimes even result in the death of the plant. Typically, fungus develops due to poor ventilation, overheating or waterlogging, and it develops at a fairly rapid pace. In turn, fungal diseases include: root rotting (the most common and common), although the whole plant suffers, only the root rots, all other affected parts dry out, and sometimes crack or change color. Tracheomycosis also belongs to the fungus; this group of diseases is distinguished by the fact that it destroys the orchid - poisoning it from the inside, through vascular system, thereby taking away all vitality and saturating it with toxins. This group poses an extraordinary danger due to the fact that the disease cannot be detected early stages it is difficult, and in an advanced form, treatment does not make sense and the recovery process is extremely difficult to control. The main signs of tracheomycosis: the lower leaves begin to fade (possibly on one side), begin to acquire a yellowish tint, the stem, neck and roots begin to fester, gradually, the roots stop growing altogether. If all these symptoms appear simultaneously, then the disease is much easier to identify and stop, but it happens that they become visible already in advanced stages, when the flower needs urgent rehabilitation and diligent treatment. There are simply a lot of reasons for the appearance of spotting, for example: common or downy mildew, rust, rot, anthracnose, septoria, stangosporosis, phyllostictosis, cercospora. If any of the listed diseases are detected, you need to know that any fungi are treated with the help of a chemical or biological systemic killing fungicide (which penetrates deep into the vascular system and is used not for the purpose of ordinary prevention, but as a direct eradicator of the fungus).

Such lesions can be encountered infrequently; the reason for their occurrence is the depletion of the plant and the penetration of bacteria through the tissues of the damaged walls. Bacterial diseases include: root rot, which quickly progresses, infects and gradually destroys the entire flower, first the roots die, and later the shoots; ten days are enough for them to completely blacken and dry out, characteristic feature the formation of rot - a specific, terrible smell, and spotting can also form on the leaves. The spots are black and brown in color, surrounded by an oily halo, their number increases at a breakneck speed. There are no special medications for treatment; tetracycline is often used. Bacteriosis is difficult to treat; it is difficult to talk about any comforting guarantees for sure. It can be difficult to distinguish a fungal pathogen from a bacterial one, so in such cases they begin to immediately use synthetic antibiotics and a fungicide.

It is imperative to take into account that the main, most the right way to protect phalaenopsis from diseases, and after - difficult treatment procedures - this is the maximum listening to everyone important rules Regarding cultivation, if mistakes are made, the orchid weakens and thereby attracts various types of infections. Basic tips that will help prevent and stop infections and diseases: strictly adhere to optimal conditions, study the history of the flower, its needs, a new orchid should always be in strict quarantine (from two weeks to a month), in order to be able to study all the subtleties, adapt the flower, opportunities to protect yourself from other (possibly infected) plants. When suspicion of a disease arises, simply keep it in dry conditions without using any fertilizers or stimulants. Pests can also appear from poor substrate or poor-quality transplantation, improper watering, if the water is not suitable, the same goes for fertilizers, they should be used in in moderation. The orchid does not tolerate drafts and dampness, mold, excessively cold air; it is undesirable to store vegetables or fruits nearby, because their contamination is not always determined immediately, and bacteria act instantly.

Orchids are grown for their beautiful, long-lasting, the most magnificent flowering, but what if everything doesn’t go according to plan? – When flowers become considerably thinner, become sluggish, or even fall off altogether, the cause is most likely stuffiness, poor lighting, dry air, drafts, low temperature or sudden changes in temperature. The appearance of dark spots or dots can be associated with poor ventilation, low temperature, and the formation of rot. If there are no blooms at all, the temperature regime is disturbed.

Green plaque appears due to the formation of algae and excessively high moisture, the disease is most common among greenhouses, winter gardens, and greenhouses. To cure an orchid, you need to get rid of plaque using a gauze cloth, which should be lightly moistened with water; at home, potassium permanganate or ordinary potassium permanganate can be an excellent helper laundry soap.

Cracks appear as a result of unsafe relocation or transfer.

Yellowing and wilting of leaves (apical) occurs due to fusarium - excess moisture, watering, and most importantly - low temperature of the habitat. In case of Fusarium wilt, it would be helpful to reduce watering, trim the affected parts with sterile instruments, and then treat them with Fundazol.

Removing bacterial rot (depressed dark spots) consists of destroying the leaves to full, non-diseased tissue with a well-sterilized instrument; treatment can be carried out with fungicides.

Bacterial spotting, namely the formation of brown spots (having a yellow/white rim) on phalaenopsis leaves, is treated by isolating, removing infected parts, and treating sections activated carbon, gray, wood ash(with any antibacterial drug, during the treatment process it is necessary to maintain moderate contact with water.

Viruses rarely attack, but they are the most dangerous, especially if there are a lot of flowers, because they spread with lightning speed, so if darkened strokes appear on the leaves, which smoothly flow into stripes, then the flower urgently needs to be destroyed.

It is easy to protect yourself from sunburn; it will be enough: shade during the hot seasons of the year, do not spray in direct sunlight. Withered leaves are directly related to the condition of the root system, this means its putrefaction; if you inspect the roots in a timely manner, remove the damaged ones, and treat them with medications against the fungus, the condition will be normalized and the flower will return to vigorous flowering.

When the leaves are uneven, ugly and poorly colored, then it’s time to address the issue of mineral nutrition (use complex fertilizers). If damaged or broken, the aerial roots dry out; to prevent this from happening, you need to straighten the broken particle and treat it with activated carbon.

When the roots dry out for no apparent reason, then most obviously the problem lies in poor watering and humidity, respectively - it is necessary to increase the number of waterings and use a humidifier. Also, with poor watering, the roots may dry out while in the substrate; in this case, the container with the plant should be placed in warm water Thus, healthy roots will immediately be saturated with moisture and acquire a pleasant green color. However, watering needs to be clearly planned and clearly understood that excess water will lead to rotting of the root system; initially, the roots will become spotted, and after a while they will begin to wrinkle and become soft and brown. The right solution for preserving phalaenopsis is: moderate watering, timely replanting, processing.

Pests and methods of their destruction

- a common insect, this small pest is dangerous due to its columnar settlements, its shape is similar to a drop, the color of the aphid is green, yellow, black.

- miniature elongated flies with wings, spread white or transparent larvae, they spoil the youngest and most unprotected particles of the orchid, the flower becomes covered with spots, stripes, bumps, and then falls off. The situation has two ways out: spray with insecticides or use laundry soap several times a week (this will help eliminate the larvae).

- an insect that appearance looks like cotton wool, settles on the leaves and sucks out the juice, they become yellowish and lethargic. Treatment with vodka, alcohol and, of course, Aktara will help; the cleansing procedure must be carried out a couple of times within two weeks.

- are eliminated quickly, these are peculiar growths that are characterized by stickiness; they are treated with vodka, alcohol, soap; if they are present, you need to increase the humidity.

Spider mite has a red color, appears at low humidity, moves slowly, due to the fault of this pest, plaque forms and the leaves die. Treatment with water and acaricides will help in the fight; in order to avoid encounters with mites, you need to: protect the orchid from the slightest winds, drafts, spray with lukewarm water, keep new plants in quarantine for a certain period.

Orchid - extraordinary beautiful flower, which at proper care will delight with its flowering almost all year round. But it is with caring for an orchid that certain difficulties arise. Coming from countries with warm, humid climates, Phalaenopsis has difficulty adapting to life in ordinary apartment . Spots appear on the leaves and roots die. So why might flowers and leaves begin to turn white and wither?

Healthy orchids have dense green leaves that are quite large in size. If the leaves of a plant have changed color and structure, this indicates a disease of the plant.

Why do leaves lose their elasticity (turgor)?

Turgor - loss of leaf elasticity - the result of various errors in care

There may be several reasons:

  • Too much heat. In the case when the plant for a long time is in the sun, the leaves actively lose water. The soil is also heating up, it produces evaporation. The underground roots do not have enough moisture, and, oddly enough, they become overcooled, since the heat of the soil is spent on evaporation.

In order for the plant to be rehabilitated, it needs to be protected from direct sun rays, while providing enough daylight.

After the temperature between the roots and leaves has normalized, you can water or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. In water you can add a little fertilizer for an orchid.

  • Hypothermia. When choosing a place for a plant, be sure to beware of drafts: they lead to freezing of the leaves. For an orchid, frostbite will occur at temperatures below 15 degrees.

It will not be possible to cure it; you will have to cut out the damaged tissue. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, place the flower away from drafts, and in frosty winter place it further from windows.

  • Pests. On the leaves Mites and mealybugs may appear and feed on the sap of the plant, it withers and the leaf loses its hardness and color.

Washing the plant with outside. Thoroughly clean the surface of the leaves to remove pest eggs.

Sticky leaves are a direct sign of spider mites

If the orchid is occupied spider mite, That You can get rid of it by increasing air humidity: place the pre-watered flower in plastic bag. However, in this case, protect the orchid from the sun, otherwise harmful evaporation will occur.

The mealybug feeds on plant sap. In addition, it injects poison, poisoning the orchid, and its habitats become sticky.

What to do to save an orchid from a pest? Firstly, it is necessary to isolate it from other colors. Then remove the scale insect from the surface and apply insecticides to the cleaned leaves.

Don't rely only on chemical exposure: Mites and other pests adapt quickly. Fight them comprehensively.

Preventing a flower disease is always easier than treating it later. Therefore, it is imperative to inspect the flower daily in order to stop the proliferation of the pest in time.

  • Lack of moisture. The main rule for watering an orchid is watering only dry soil. Watering is best done by immersing it in water for one hour.

The composition of the substrate affects the degree of flower moisture. Unsuitable bark will not absorb moisture, and water will not be able to stay in the plant. In this case, the plant must be transplanted into a good substrate.

For orchids suitable bark from sawn logs or dead pine wood, or any coniferous species. There should be no resin in the bark.

Why do phalaenopsis flowers dry out?

The reasons for the short life of a flower or bud may be the above-mentioned problems with leaves: pests, incorrect temperature conditions and watering conditions for the orchid.

Placing an orchid in the sun is a direct violation of the temperature regime, which has a bad effect on the flower.

We have already found out what needs to be done to cope with these problems. However, it should highlight a number of features.

If an orchid has been blooming for a long time, it may simply fade and go into a dormant period. This is a normal process and there is no need to worry
Pollination of a flower by flying insects If pollination fails, the flower will wither and fall away
Being near vegetables and fruits They secrete substances that activate the ripening of flowers, even those that have not yet opened. This provokes the death of inflorescences
Artificial heating Hot air dries out flowers and unopened buds.
Stress If the orchid was recently brought from the store, the flowers may wilt due to stress.

The plant could have been poorly packaged, especially in cold weather: the orchid is already at zero temperature may drop flowers.

Therefore, when purchasing, be sure to protect the flower from the cold. Flowers should also be protected from the bright summer sun with a simple paper bag.

What other problems can the leaves develop?

Dark spots or dots: what to do

What diseases are indicated by darkening of the leaves of the plant?

Hives. Dark lesions appear almost immediately after infection. They are small (up to 3 mm), round in shape. They quickly spread throughout the flower. The reason is low temperature, excessive humidity, insufficient ventilation.

Bacillus Cypriped or Brown Rot. A dangerous, common disease of orchids. Caused by a pathogenic bacillus. A favorable environment for its reproduction is high temperature and humidity. At first the stain is small and light, then it darkens and smells unpleasant.

Black rot, like any other type of rot, threatens the plant with death

Black rot (Phytophthora) is one of the most serious diseases that affects orchids. First, purple spots appear on the leaves, which gradually darken and turn black. This disease occurs due to excessive watering and too dense soil.

Phyllosticosis. Infection affects the leaf blade, which dies. Phyllosticosis manifests itself in different ways: from small black spots to large black spots.

Burkholderia gladioli. A bacterial disease that occurs at high temperatures and high humidity. Decay occurs very quickly. It appears as dark brown wet spots.

The same fungus can be individually expressed on a certain type of orchid. The manifestations of the vital activity of the fungus depend on the quality of the leaves and on the systematic care of the plant.

Moreover, on the orchid several can develop simultaneously pests.

White spots on leaves

If the leaves begin to turn white in spots or spots, this may occur for the following reasons:

Excessive watering. Upon contact with water, white spots form on the leaves. Nothing can be done about this; the spots will remain on the leaves.

Burn or excessive dryness. These reasons lead to the appearance of wet white spots. Damaged leaves must be removed.

White spots on the leaves are one of the signs that the plant has been attacked by a fungus

Fungal disease. It appears as white spots, similar to a burn. Fight fungal disease you can only by special means . When in a timely manner measures taken the plant can be rehabilitated.

Black leaves

In addition to the damage already described by fungal diseases, the leaves may turn black and die. Why might this happen?

  • Some types of orchids, after the flowering period, shed their leaves, which first turn black.
  • Incorrect temperature and orchid watering regime
  • The leaves of the plant can infect the mite; it is often located with inside leaf.

Loss of leaf elasticity and density

Loss of leaf turgor is characteristic of problems with roots:

Overheating of roots and excessive or insufficient moisture. In this case, leaf turgor is not maintained, and the orchid will begin to fade.

Remember - even special fertilizers can be harmful in high concentrations

Incorrect feeding. Don't overdo it with fertilizers. Orchid roots are very sensitive; excess nutrients are detrimental to the orchid.

The soil is too dense. If the orchid is not replanted for a long time, the soil becomes compacted and oxygen access deteriorates.

Problems with orchid roots: drying out

The color of the roots of an orchid depends on the specific species, fertilizers and complementary foods. In some species, by nature dark color roots, but this does not indicate their pain.

To assess the condition of the roots, you need to carefully remove the plant from the pot, free the root system from the soil and inspect the roots. If they are firm, they are healthy. If the root seems hollow inside, it already irrevocably dried up.

Orchids have two types of horses: aerial and underground (internal). Underground are found in the substrate. Aerial roots are those that are located outside the soil. This is the norm for an orchid.

Aerial roots are important for correct process orchid photosynthesis

Causes of drying out of underground and aerial roots

  1. Chemical burn from hard water and fertilizer salts.

Incorrect watering. Why roots dry out when there is not enough water is obvious. If you keep the root system in constant humidity - the roots will die and, oddly enough, they will dry out or rot.

  1. In most cases, white roots indicate that the plant was mercilessly flooded with water and is not participating in photosynthesis.
  2. Dry air.
  3. Injuries. Roots are easy to break. Even a minor scratch will cause the root to dry out.
  4. Life activity of fungi.

What to do with soft and limp roots

As soon as a gardener is faced with sluggish and soft phalaenopsis roots, the question arises - what to do? Below we provide step-by-step instructions:

  • Free the plant from the substrate.
  • By placing the plant in water, it will become clear which roots or parts thereof have dried out. All dead areas are cut back to the living root. Treat the cut area with cinnamon or charcoal.
  • To help the flower produce new roots, prepare warm, soft water. You need to place an orchid in it. Repeat the bath every day, leaving the flower in the water for an hour. After moistening, be sure to dry the orchid.

You can use succinic acid, which stimulates root growth. As an alternative, use Epin or other growth stimulants in low concentrations.

  • After the new roots reach a length of 5-6 cm, the flower is placed in a pot with a substrate.

Don’t be afraid to try to prepare the substrate yourself - the main thing is to maintain the proportions

To prevent diseases from occurring on an orchid, it is enough to follow three simple rules: keep the flower in a bright place, monitor the air temperature and follow the watering regime. The rules are very simple, if they are followed correctly, the plant will delight you with regular flowering and health.

Regularly blooming orchid with lush green leaves is the pride of the owner and the best decoration interior However, maintaining a plant in a healthy and pleasing appearance is not an easy task. Orchids are famous for their capricious temperament, so the slightest errors in maintenance conditions can cause a weakening of the orchid’s immunity, which will make it easy prey for pests and various diseases. One of the most common painful manifestations is blackened leaves of the plant. Read below to find out what the reason for such changes is, why exactly they are dangerous and what to do if they are detected.

About external signs of illness

Orchid leaves turn black in different ways. The clinical picture will depend on the cause of the lesion. Leaf blades may turn black completely or partially. In this case, the following manifestations may be observed:

  • necrosis of the entire leaf blade or its individual sections;
  • brown or dark gray spots of varying sizes;
  • quickly darkening watery spots;
  • blackening of leaves at the base with their subsequent falling off;
  • the appearance of a black coating on the surface (in this case, the leaf plate loses its elasticity and becomes loose);
  • staining the surface brown and the subsequent appearance of black dots;
  • blackened veins and leaf tips;
  • black dots are small or large, merging into one large spot.

Often the manifestations listed above are accompanied by a stop in flower growth and a lack of flowering. Therefore, if the first manifestations of the disease are detected, prompt action is necessary.

Important! If the orchid leaves become wet and obvious signs of rotting appear on their surface, this means that the destructive process has already affected the root part of the plant. Therefore, treatment should begin with the roots.

Why do the leaves turn black?

There are a sufficient number of reasons why orchid leaves turn black. This could be a simple violation of watering rules, or a serious infection from which it is impossible to save the flower. In most cases, the flower leaf darkens partially or completely due to improper care or poorly created conditions. Among them:

  • excessive dryness or humidity indoors;
  • too rare or too frequent watering, inappropriate for the season;
  • increase in air temperature to +30 C or more;
  • air temperature below +18 C;
  • damage to leaf blades by mites (usually such manifestations are visible to the naked eye).

The cause of the appearance of black spots on the surface of leaf plates can be a thermal burn, which appears when heaters, fan heaters, radiators and any other devices are located at a minimum distance from the plant. heating devices. Thermal burns can have different colors: from brown, monochromatic to black spots with multi-colored edging. In an orchid, a heat burn manifests itself in the same way as a sunburn: black spots with a yellow outline appear on the leaf blades.

Important! In addition to improper maintenance conditions, some diseases can also cause blackening. Therefore, if the conditions meet the requirements, it is necessary to check the plant for the presence of diseases.

Diseases that cause blackening

If at least one leaf of your orchid has turned black, and the conditions of maintenance meet the requirements, it is possible that your pet has been attacked by one of the diseases listed below:

Septoria. This disease is caused by the microorganism Septoria selenophomoides. The main symptoms of its development are the appearance of wet dark spots on the surface of the leaves, which quickly dry out and change color to black. Over time, the spots acquire a yellow edging and merge into a single whole. After this, the leaf plate disappears. More often than others, people suffer from this disease.

Spot (black and bacterial). It's viral infection, confirmed by dark lines, dots or spots that appear on the leaf plates. This disease is contagious and spreads very quickly. Therefore, the affected leaves must be removed immediately so that the root is not exposed to the disease. Excessive humidity, high air temperature and lack of sufficient light are favorable conditions for the development of the disease.

Mosaic. This is dangerous viral disease, which most often affects Cymbidiums. Dark spots that appear during the development of the disease subsequently become “holey.” Infect a plant dangerous virus possible in case of mechanical damage. The disease is also carried by insects.

Fusarium. This type of fungal disease is caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium. With this disease, bubbly black spots appear on the surface of the leaf plate, under the influence of which the leaves subsequently crumble and fall off. Often the disease occurs due to excessive soil moisture, hypothermia of the flower, or salinization of the soil mixture.

Treatment methods

So what should you do if you find black spots or spots on your pet's leaves? To avoid infection of other flowers and to rid the diseased plant of alarming symptoms as quickly as possible, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. Isolate the orchid and try to find out the cause of the defects. This way you can avoid infecting other flowers.
  2. Cut off the flower stalk. Even if you have been waiting for the moment of flowering for a very long time, do not be cowardly. During such a period, the flower needs strength to fight the disease and recover. After recovery, the plant will definitely delight you with succulent leaves and a new inflorescence.
  3. If pests are found on the orchid, remove them mechanically. For these purposes, you can wash the leaf plates with soapy water, wipe them with a soft, dry cloth, and then treat them with a special disinfectant composition (Trichopol,).
  4. If fungal manifestations are detected, it is recommended to stop watering and spraying for the period of treatment and provide the orchid with a comfortable temperature. Once every 10 days it is necessary to treat the leaves with copper-containing solutions (1% solution copper sulfate or copper oxychloride).

Important! It is possible to save the leaf blade from painful manifestations only when symptoms are first detected. If black spots have managed to affect certain areas of the leaf, they must be cut off and sprinkled with crushed activated carbon along the cut line.

To save an orchid from blackening of the leaves, be sure to ask when purchasing which species it belongs to, and try to comply with the maintenance conditions prescribed only for this type of plant.

Now you know what to do if you find black spots or dots on the leaf blades of your orchid!

And degrees of severity. The foliage darkens in whole or in part, and this manifests itself in the form of:

  • dark inclusions, different diameters spots that can be dotted or merging (read about what to do if spots appear on the leaves and flowers of an orchid);
  • there is black rot in the middle of the leaf blade;
  • foliage neurosis;
  • wet gray or brown spots;
  • watery, quickly darkening areas;
  • the leaf blade becomes brownish-black, with the presence of black dots;
  • blackness at the base of the leaf, which quickly falls off;
  • the leaf becomes overgrown with black fungal spores (read about how to save an orchid from mold on the roots, leaves and other parts of the plant).

ATTENTION: In plants with similar external signs often turns black root system, stem, slow growth is noticeable. Rotting of the leaves indicates that the pathological process has not escaped the roots of the orchid. Therefore, the treatment process should begin with them.

Read in detail about how to grow the roots of an orchid using root and other means, and we talked about how to revive a plant without roots in.

Possible reasons

There are quite a few reasons for a houseplant to turn black, from a banal thermal burn to a serious infection that cannot be treated. It is possible that improper care is to blame:

You can learn more about the types of orchid diseases, as well as see photos of affected leaves.

Consequences of plant blackening

At visual inspection phaleopsis, dark spots, inclusions, black tips or roots are noticeable - this is a signal to action. The plant needs emergency help. If treatment does not arrive at the right time, then the orchid is on the verge of death (we talked about whether it is possible to save an orchid without roots and leaves and how to do this in). It is possible that in later stages this defeat can cause the orchid to rot: dots will appear on the flowers and stem, gradually the whole flower will turn black, and in such a case there is no point in doing anything.

What to do if black dots or spots appear?

Unfortunately, dark spots are more likely to be a consequence of the orchid becoming infected with a bacterial, viral or fungal infection.

At the base of the leaves, closer to the trunk

If dark rings or dots with convex pores appear. Symptoms are similar to sunburn. However, the affected areas tend to increase in size.

Possible disease - phyllostictosis or black spotting. This is an infectious disease that spreads in the environment elevated temperature and humidity.

Anthracnose also has similar symptoms. Occurs when water stagnates in the axils of the plant, and enough high humidity in room.

The plant can be saved by taking a number of actions:

  1. isolate the diseased plant;
  2. remove diseased areas;
  3. Disinfect the sections with an antiseptic;
  4. treat the plant with a fungicide solution (“Skor”, “Topsin-M”).


  • good lighting;
  • regular ventilation;
  • optimal temperature and humidity.

At the tips of the leaves

The tips and edges of the orchid's leaves have turned black - the plant is suffering from improper care. A similar problem occurs if low humidity air in the room, the presence of drafts, hypothermia of the orchid, overfeeding with fertilizers.

How to help the plant:

  1. optimization of temperature and humidity conditions;
  2. pruning damaged leaves;
  3. transferring phalaenopsis to a room without drafts, but with good ventilation;
  4. reduce the frequency and dosage of mineral fertilizers.

ADVICE: To avoid this, you need to create indoor flower comfortable conditions, as close as possible to natural parameters.

The flower has black and dry aerial roots. Possible reasons what causes the roots to turn black:

Help: root burn, cannot be treated.

To reduce the level of salts in the soil you should:

  1. wash the orchid in the pot under running water within 5-10 minutes;
  2. remove damaged, black areas of the root system;
  3. treat the sections with crushed activated carbon;
  4. change the soil if necessary.

To avoid disease, the flower needs prevention:

  • At first, do not feed the plant; after three months, use a low concentration of bait;
  • Apply fertilizers only to slightly moist soil;
  • Use boiled or filtered water for irrigation.

Watch a video about the causes of blackening of orchid roots and its treatment:

Plant care

Avoiding such unpleasant situations is possible only with proper care of the orchid:

  1. Maintenance comfortable temperature in summer: +22-25ºС, in winter +16-18ºС. The difference in temperature differences should not exceed 5ºС.
  2. Lighting is required diffused, with a daylight duration of 14 hours. IN summer time intense sunlight needs to be shaded.
  3. Humidity within 50-60%. Be sure to regularly ventilate the room.
  4. Choose a proven one High Quality substrate.
  5. Water once a week with warm, soft water. In between, the soil should dry out completely.
  6. Orchids need to be fertilized 2 times a month, especially during the flowering period. Use fertilizers with a predominant content of potassium and iron.
  7. It is better to spray phalaenopsis up to 5 times a day. Avoid the procedure during the flowering period. Be sure to ensure that water does not stagnate in the axils of the flower.


No diseases can harm an exotic beauty if she has good immunity. Therefore, it is best to strengthen the plant by creating optimal conditions than to do treatment after.

Inspect regularly and pay attention to even minor changes. After all, these may be the first signs of an incipient disease, which is easier to neutralize at an early stage.

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Having a beautiful butterfly flower in your home is not a problem. Improper care is the cause of orchid disease. Advice from amateurs is sometimes exactly the opposite. There are signs by which even an inexperienced amateur will understand the reason for the change in color and shape of the leaves. Improper care and its consequences occur when the basic rules for maintaining an orchid are not followed.

Photos of orchid diseases and their treatment with descriptions

The plant does not react immediately to a violation of its contents. The consequences occur a few days later, when the grower has already forgotten about what happened. Therefore, only careful attention to the plant and a system of care will avoid diseases. When choosing an orchid, you need to balance the conditions and requirements of the variety. So, there are light-loving varieties that can live even on a south-facing window with shading, for example. Most often bred, which loves shade. Subtleties in caring for different orchids need to be taken into account.

The most common type of orchid in cultivation is Phalaenopsis. It is easier to care for it when kept indoors.

In order not to wonder if the orchid is sick, what to do, you need to avoid:

  • improper watering;
  • dry air around the flower;
  • improper lighting;
  • temperature collapse;
  • underfeeding and overfeeding;
  • diseases transmitted through insects and air;
  • open infected wounds on the plant.

The consequences of improper maintenance are expressed by weakening of the plant. Orchids often suffer from excessive attention. Orchid diseases can be divided into groups:

Any diseases of orchids begin with lapses in care.


Incorrect lighting can cause leaf burns. Even spring sun can be disastrous if the orchid is not gradually accustomed to it. Lack of lighting will lead to elongated growths. If the situation is not corrected, the flower will die. should be performed with cold glow lamps installed no closer than 30 cm from the sheet. The sheet will get burned from the incandescent lamp.


If the leaves of an orchid wither, one of the reasons may be a violation of the watering regime. The orchid grows in a pot with transparent walls. The roots participate in photosynthesis and deliver moisture to the leaves. Therefore, leaf lethargy occurs from prolonged drying out of the plant or excessive watering. If the plant is too dry in the summer, and even in dry air, the leaves will lose their tightness. To avoid creating a greenhouse effect, the room is ventilated. It is important that the roots dry completely between waterings. In a constantly wet substrate, root rot will begin and the leaves of the orchid will also wither.

If the plant is left to soak in water during watering and forgotten for a day, swelling of the leaves will occur. This means that the plate has become saturated with water, swollen, and wet spots have appeared on it. At this time, the plant is vulnerable to any infection.

Orchid flowers have different scents, but do not cause allergies. The smell of rotten meat and the aroma of vanilla are created by one type of flower. For better pollination, the petals are held by visiting insects.

Swelling is especially dangerous due to excessive watering in cool weather. At a temperature of about 15 degrees, watering should be reduced, wet spots should be dried with filter paper so that they do not grow. At this time, you cannot spray orchids on the leaves.

When in a draft sub-zero temperature within a few hours the plant will die.

Weakened orchids colonize spores and mycelium. Rot forms. Sometimes plants are bought with tubercles on the leaves in which the infection lies dormant. Infection can occur through the ground or by air.

Fungal diseases of orchid leaves are shown in the photo.

The mycelium tubercles on Phalaenopsis leaves cannot be opened. It is better to destroy such leaves so as not to spread the infection. The new leaves will be clean.

The roots can be affected by rot, the leaves - by spotting, anthracosis and powdery mildew. Each disease has its own symptoms, but the primary one is a violation of the content.

There may be rot different color– brown, black, gray, but you can save an orchid only in initial stage, pruning and disinfecting all infected areas. Have to take new pot and substrate, sterilize the instrument. If the rot has spread throughout the root, the plant must be destroyed.

Leaf spotting is caused by over-watering and over-fertilizing. Weeping spots appear on the fleshy, loose plate - this is spotting. It is necessary to change the conditions of keeping the flower and remove all affected parts of the plant. Phalaenopsis suffers from this orchid disease. As a control measure, the plant is dried and treated with fungicides.

Another disease that begins as spots on the leaves is anthracosis. Small brown spots grow, necrotic lesions appear. High humidity, stagnation of water on the leaves and lack of ventilation are the causes of the disease. The treatment is long-term. It is necessary to remove the affected parts, then treat with fungicide three times every 10 days.

If the affected leaves are covered with a white coating on top, this is powdery mildew. Wet raw warm air provoked the development of dormant spores. A solution of colloidal sulfur, Fitosporin and changing the conditions of detention will help.

Viral diseases are determined by mosaic leaves and small spots. They are transmitted by insect pests, which are carriers. There is no cure for such diseases. The plant is removed.

Why do sticky spots appear on orchid leaves?

Aphids, whiteflies, and mealybugs can colonize a weakened plant. If you frequently wipe the sheets with a damp cloth, pests will be detected quickly, and getting rid of them will not be difficult. Greatest harm orchids are inflicted by the scale insect, which sits tightly on the leaf, feeds on the juice and secretes a sticky secretion on which the sooty fungus settles. As a result, sticky spots appear on the orchid leaves. You can remove scale insects with an alcohol solution. If there are a lot of pests, Fitoverm will save you. But it is necessary to change the pot and soil.

Video about orchid diseases
