Tips on how to get rid of midges in the bathroom. How to get rid of midges in the bathroom. How to get rid of fruit flies. Video

Butterfly - photo of an adult

Butterfly: an unusual name for a well-known insect

  • Describing this creature (Psychodidae), we can say that it looks like a fluffy fly and a moth at the same time. It is precisely the accumulation of such flies that is observed in the summer on the walls of houses, when they fly towards the light.
  • The common butterfly (Psychoda phalaenoides Linnaeus) is the most common representative that lives in human homes. Although Psychoda may also appear. It belongs to the insect family, a special group of mosquitoes, but is the closest relative of mosquitoes. There are more than half a thousand of its species in the world. Distributed throughout Russia, it has even invaded the northern regions.
  • The main difference is that the butterfly is not a bloodsucker. The front sight is small: only 1-4 mm. The head is small. There are eyes and short antennae. The length of the wings covered with hairs, as if fringed, is 2 mm. The small body seems to be woven from veins. It, as well as feathery wings and scaly cover, are steel or slightly silver in color. When at rest, the wings fold into the shape of a roof. Despite the fact that they exist, butterflies practically do not fly and are carried by the wind. That is why it seems that insects are constantly active. In fact, flies move at the first breath of wind.
  • The females emit a special, attractive smell, which the males fly towards. But in nature there is a natural enemy of the butterfly - the bolador spider. He imitates the female, emitting a similar smell, to which the males are “led” and fly towards him, falling straight into the net of the destroyer. The butterfly's life span is 15-21 days. During this time, many adults may not feed at all. The synanthropic species of these dipterans lives in our bathrooms, swimming pools, and on the walls residential buildings and showers, in basements, baths, kitchens.
  • Without requiring special conditions To survive, the butterfly quickly reproduces from laid eggs. The female fly lays from 30 to 100 of them. After two days the larvae appear. After a few weeks, the “young generation” matures from them. The small butterfly larva develops in plant rot, manure or garbage. It feeds on organic matter, rotting vegetables, sewage, and small organisms.
  • At the same time, scientists have proven that butterfly larvae feed on mucous formations in sewer lines, producing biological treatment. In just 7-21 days, insects develop into the larval stage. A week after birth, she transforms and becomes like a midge. After another 1.5 weeks, the midge grows and becomes adult(imago).

How does a drainage fly get into our apartments?

Wet basements and technical rooms – perfect place for breeding insects. Flying out, they look for a familiar environment for their habitat, seeping through cracks in the floor, ceilings, at the entrance of sewer networks, into the riser or on the inlets to plumbing fixtures. They fly out of the openings of drain pipes and water supply risers. This explains why butterflies appear in the bathroom. Autumn and early spring are those periods of the year when heating in apartments is still insufficient and humidity is high.

This insect thrives in musty, damp homes.

Important! A violation of the frequency of air exchange leads to the appearance of butterflies when there is little air intake fresh air, and moisture vapor is not displaced from the room. Drain flies come from clogged drains and attract larvae with their stench.

Is the butterfly dangerous or harmless?

The insect does not bite, does not spread infections, does not damage food, furniture, or residential structures. However, a large accumulation of flies can negatively affect the health of people suffering from allergic diseases, as well as the well-being of children. In addition, from the bathroom or toilet where the fly lives, it spreads dampness to other rooms of the apartment.

The butterfly fly does not live on its own, but in a large colony, occupying the ceiling, walls, basement entrances, etc. When the number of insects increases sharply, they create discomfort for human habitation: they get into the eyes, mouth, ears, etc. Therefore, many I have a question: how can I get rid of a butterfly?

Eliminating discomfort or ways to deal with drainage fly

In apartments, numerous hordes of drainage flies are not found. The bulk occupies basements. Especially if they have a sewer break. Therefore:

  • The main method to destroy the butterfly is elimination excess humidity. This can be achieved by drying the room using aeration: create natural air exchange by opening windows and doors. Install a fan and force dry the walls. You can even use a hairdryer for these purposes, eliminating traces of moisture in hard-to-reach places.
  • Creation additional sources heating (fireplaces, reflectors, etc.).
  • Removal by chemical and mechanically dirt, damp deposits, mucus from damaged surfaces. You can use regular laundry soap(72%), which is used to wipe places where insects accumulate.
  • Eliminating cracks in floors and walls.
  • Periodic timely cleaning of sewer collectors transporting waste and storm water.
  • Arrangement ventilation ducts and grilles with protective nets with a small mesh size.
  • Fitting toilets with lids and keeping them closed.

If only a few specimens of butterflies are found, they are usually destroyed by force (fly swatter). In case of an abnormally large number of flies, they are disposed of by treating the bathtub, bathroom, kitchen with aerosols for flying insects “Dichlorvos”, “Raid”, “Moskitol”, “Kombat”, “Raptor”. You can apply repellents that have a repellent effect (Dimethylphthalate, for example) to the skin of your hands, face, and neck.

Attention! There is another way to deal with drainage flies. This is an ammonium salt - a powder with insignificant hygroscopic properties. Pour 200g of the composition into the drain pipe of a bathtub or washbasin. After 5 minutes, pour the glass in there hot water. All flies will die immediately.

To prevent the butterfly from appearing in your home or apartment after treatment, you should maintain proper hygiene:

  • regularly wash surfaces, walls and floors with solutions containing aggressive reagents or add soda ash to the water;
  • do not create stockpiles of garbage in the rooms, do not spread dirt;
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • curtain the ventilation ducts with nets;
  • fulfill wet cleaning by adding vinegar (half a glass) to the water (in a bucket);
  • place on shelves, in cabinets for cleaning citrus crops;
  • For residents of the first floors, windows in apartments should be covered with fine mesh frames, and door and window openings should be treated with repellents.
  • inspect the water supply system and eliminate leaks.
  • Fill all cracks with polyurethane foam.

Treating walls in hallways and basements against butterfly requires the invitation of specialists from the relevant services.

A speckled ceiling, a tabletop covered in black dots, annoying insects flying around the house and “poking their noses” everywhere? Many of us have encountered this problem. Sometimes it seems that there is no way out of trouble - there are so many of them. How to get rid of midges in an apartment without using chemicals that can harm humans? Let's start from the very beginning - learn to distinguish the enemy "in the face" and select effective methods fight against enemy dominance.

What kind of midges live in an apartment?

Midges are distributed all over the world; there are a huge number of species that are not so easy to understand. But there is no need to delve particularly into the types and subspecies; folk remedies for midges cope equally well with almost any variety. Let's briefly talk about flies, which most often become our “roommates”. Armed with knowledge, you will more easily find the corner where these little creatures have taken root.

Midges in indoor plants

It looks like a midge, flies like a midge, but its name is fungus gnat. Insects that hover around potted plants- sciara fly. They end up in the house along with plants purchased at the flower shop.

The mosquito lives 7–8 days and lays eggs in the soil. The main damage to flowers is caused by larvae, which usually feed on rotting remains in the soil, but can also become carried away by living plants.

Fruit midge

If desired, under a magnifying glass, a fruit fly (drosophila) can be easily distinguished from a fungus gnat, but it is unlikely that normal people (if you are not involved in scientific research) will have such an impulse. The color is a little lighter, a little larger in size, they prefer to eat fruits. We bring them into the apartment along with fruit from the store. Ways to get rid of fruit gnats in an apartment, are similar to methods of combating soil flies.

Sewer midges

Appear in the bathroom and kitchen. Their habitat is sewage. In search of a damp, warm, rotting and cozy habitat, they fly through doors and ventilation. It is easy to distinguish this type of fly from the others - they are “fluffy” and fatty.

The listed midges are more likely than other species to settle in apartments. We will tell you how to get rid of the misfortune. You don’t have to seriously figure out with a microscope what kind of fly has chosen your home. Find the source of insects, their breeding place. We will act there.

Destroying the nest

How to reliably act to get rid of midges in an apartment? The first thing is to find a nest:

  • check the kitchen;
  • inspect the plants;
  • watch the gutters.

When you decide on the source of the mischief, aim purposefully at the center of the “enemy army”.

How to remove a midge nest in the kitchen

Cleanliness is not only a guarantee of health, but also a guarantee of the absence of annoying insects:

  • put the fruit in the refrigerator;
  • wipe cabinets from moisture and stains;
  • hide open jars, bottles of juice, wine, etc.

Hunger is not a problem, and the life of flies is very short. By depriving the insects of food and a place to lay eggs, as planned, in a few days it will be possible to remove the midges from the kitchen. If you're not willing to put up with flying bugs for a week, the next chapter will tell you how to speed up the process.

Destroying the breeding ground for sewer flies

If insects are observed in the bathroom or kitchen near the sink, you are faced with a sewer midge. This infection is capable of transmitting microbes from rotting plaque inner surface sewers for food, so you need to kill the nursery as soon as possible.

There are special chemicals - Drain Gel, for example, is designed specifically to kill insects in drains.

Pipe cleaners are also great way destroy eggs and larvae of drainage flies. To better treat your drains, dilute a commercial product with water.

“”, diluted in a ratio of 2:3 is another option. Pour “Mole”, Tiret or “Whiteness” into the drain holes and leave it like that for an hour or two.

On a quick fix Regular boiling water will do, and more. Without sparing the boiling water, thoroughly flush the drain pipes. Several times, with a break of 6 - 7 hours. The effectiveness of this method is slightly lower than the above, but in the end you will achieve your goal.

Important! Sewer midges need to be poisoned directly in the sewer pipes. Attractants have little effect on them.

How to remove midges

The sciara, or fungus gnat, lays its eggs in moist soil. So you will have to inspect all home flowers and, possibly, replant severely affected plants. Dig up 3–4 cm of soil in the pot and see if the fly larvae are swarming there.

If this dirty trick is visible to the naked eye, it is better to protect the roots of the plant and change the soil. In case of moderate damage, you can partially replace the soil by removing only upper layer.

4 effective ways to remove midges

Midges reproduce very, very quickly: a female lays up to 500 eggs at a time. Therefore, once you have destroyed the existing eggs and larvae, let's look at how to get rid of live midges at home.

If you are not put off by aggressive chemical methods, ask around for fly traps at hardware stores. Off the top of my head, Aeroxon is a German fruit fly trap with good reviews buyers. Many analogues are produced, including Russian production, there is plenty to choose from.

And we will focus on traditional methods of destruction that are safe for human health.

Midge trap No. 1

Number one not by quality, but simply by alphabetical list. You will need:

  • small bowl;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • water;
  • Apple vinegar.

Mix a few drops detergent(the more it foams, the better), a quarter cup apple cider vinegar and water. Place it near the accumulation of insects: if you are thinking about how to get rid of midges in the kitchen, place it on the countertop.

To make the bait more attractive, add pieces of banana peel or rotten fruit.

Advice. Microwave apple cider vinegar to further release the aromas that attract midges.

Trap #2

This is an improved first method: cover the container with the attractant with cling film. Using a knife or needle, make one large hole in the film, a little less than a centimeter in diameter, and several very small ones for air access.

Place it closer to the trajectories of the flies and wait for the “harvest”.

Midge trap No. 3

To prepare a solution that attracts flying midges, you will need:

  • milk;
  • pepper;
  • sugar.

Heat all the ingredients over the fire and leave the bowl in places where the midges accumulate. You can also use film with pinholes. All that remains is to wait for the result.

Trap #4

You already know how to get rid of small midges in your apartment. As a final chord, we offer another killer trap. Pour the selected mixture (see any recipe above) into a jar and insert a sheet of paper rolled into a cone into the neck. Flies easily fly into such a structure, but they are unlikely to be able to get out.

How to prevent midges from appearing

It is easier to take preventive measures than to think about how to get rid of midges in the house:

  • do not leave fruits in places accessible to flies, put them in the refrigerator;
  • take out the trash on time;
  • install screens in windows;
  • leave a little spicy clove on the saucer - insects are repelled by its smell;
  • cover the top layer of soil of potted plants with decorative pebbles.

Do you know all these ways? What else can you do to kill midges? Share with us in the comments and we will add to the list of measures!

Summer - great time for insects. On the street, bees collect honey, butterflies flutter, and at home midges begin to fly, crawling out of all the cracks after a long hibernation.

How to quickly get rid of midges in an apartment in the bathroom and toilet, from ventilation and on windows

Midges infest the bathroom and toilet due to high humidity. It is necessary to find and fix a leaking pipe or replace unusable plumbing fixtures. Insects will disappear on their own in a dry room if you carry out thorough cleaning with disinfectants.

You can quickly destroy midges from ventilation and on windows using insecticides, for example, dichlorvos. It is necessary to spray the aerosol on the accumulated insects.

How to get rid of midges at home in autumn and winter - folk remedies

The best folk remedy for controlling midges is to take out the trash on time and keep the trash can closed. Fruits and bread should not lie on the table without bags; all products must be placed in the refrigerator or covered. If midges are still crawling out of all the cracks, you can try proven control methods: essential oils, apple cider vinegar, liquid soap, vodka, etc.

To disperse the midges that have taken a fancy to indoor flowers, you need to cut the garlic into slices and spread it over the surface of the soil in flower pots. The insects cannot stand the smell of garlic and will soon disappear.

How to get rid of midges at home using chemical methods and spraying methods

To quickly kill insects, you can use insecticide aerosols: Dichlorvos, Karbofos, Reid, Raptor, etc. Before you start spraying, you need to hide all the products, put away the dishes, put on a respirator and rubber gloves. Midges on which the insecticide falls die, but some of the aerosol remains persistent bad smell. The room will need to be ventilated and wet cleaned with alkaline agents.

How to get rid of flies in an apartment that fly from the street and in a house with a cellar using essential oils, apple cider vinegar, banana

Midges love the smell of apples, so you can use apple cider vinegar to build a trap. Pour half a glass of warm water into a half-liter jar, dissolve a spoonful of natural apple cider vinegar and a few drops of liquid soap in it. Midges, attracted by the smell of apples, fall into the water and cannot get out due to the sticky soap scum.

Midges don't like the smell essential oils anise, eucalyptus or basil. You can use an aroma lamp or aroma sticks. The easiest way to get rid of midges is to put a piece of banana in a bag on the table. When a large number of midges fly onto it, close the bag and throw it away.

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen using vodka, camphor oil, cloves, liquid soap, vinegar without dichlorvos and chemicals

The smell of cloves will help disperse midges. To obtain it, you need to put a saucepan on the fire with a glass of water and a dessert spoon of dry cloves; when the water begins to boil, its aroma will disperse the insects.

Midges cannot stand the smell of camphor - you need to throw a handful of camphor into a dry frying pan, heat it and walk with it throughout the apartment.

You can prepare a liquid mosquito repellent spray and pour it into a spray bottle. Treat infected plants and areas where midges accumulate with this spray. To prepare the solution, use lemon-scented liquid soap (2 tablespoons of soap per 4 liters of water) or vodka (125 ml of vodka per 375 ml of water).

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen yourself due to spoiled food, onions, potatoes, vegetables

To destroy midges in the kitchen from a spoiled product, you can use a fumigator by inserting a special fly plate into it (or pouring liquid).

Midges stick well to fly tape that is hung in the kitchen. If you don’t have such tape, you can use regular transparent tape and hang it from the ceiling.

Spoiled vegetables must be thrown away, and the onions and potatoes must be placed in a container or bag that is hermetically sealed. Only in this case will the fight against midges be successful.

In this article we will talk about why midges appear in the bathroom and what ways you can get rid of them.

Why do they appear in the bathroom?

The most important thing is that in the bathroom there is almost always free access to water and temperature regime the most pleasant for the existence of these insects.

Additional reasons for their appearance may be clogged sewer pipes, which are often accompanied by rotting microorganisms. The smell of rot is very attractive to midges, so they try to find such places.

Try not to wash any fruits or vegetables in the bathroom, as sometimes small pieces end up in the sink and begin to rot (which is their favorite food).

How do they get there

Midges can enter the bathroom either through open doors, or through ventilation holes. There are simply no other possibilities.

How to withdraw

First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance and eliminate it as soon as possible. This could be either stagnant water, or food debris that got into the sink and began to rot there. To do this, you will most likely have to remove the lid and remove any debris that is blocking the normal flow of water, but this procedure is extremely necessary.

To kill midges in the bathroom, you can use special aerosols (Dichlorvos, Reid, Raptor or Reftamid). Application chemicals It is quite advisable, because there are no food products here that can be harmed by insecticides. And for their low price, these products show very good results.

If you don’t want to bother with chemistry, then in this case you can use either adhesive tapes from flying insects. If the number of pests is small, then these methods will be quite enough to get rid of them.


To prevent reappearance midges should regularly ventilate the bathroom and prevent the accumulation of water (especially in drain pipes). It is best to dry washed items on the balcony. This way you can not only protect yourself from insects, but also prevent the appearance of fungus on the walls, which will then be extremely difficult to destroy.

In the summer, housewives often complain about tiny midges that periodically appear in the kitchen. Insects penetrate packages of cookies, settle on grapes, and actively collect on pieces of fruit. Often dozens of fruit flies fly around the trash can.

What to do if annoying midges appear in the kitchen? How to get rid of insects that interfere with enjoying your meal? Advice from experienced housewives and pest control specialists will be useful to everyone.

Reasons for appearance

Midges are attracted to rotting plant matter. The fermentation process and the accompanying odors are the main reason for the appearance of uninvited guests. Fruits, vegetables that are not fresh, rotten melons, fermented juice, beer, compote are a welcome treat for tiny insects. Leftover food is a convenient place for laying eggs.

Another reason for the accumulation of midges in the kitchen is wet rags, a clogged sink, from which a not very pleasant aroma emanates. Rotting food particles plus high humidity are an ideal environment for the development of tiny insects.

Often midges appear in flower pots if the housewife often fertilizes the soil with spent tea leaves and does not promptly replace the tea leaves with new ones. Abundant watering accelerates the decay process. When overmoistening, some of the water fills the flowerpot and the pot stand, plaque accumulates, an unpleasant odor and mold appear. High humidity plus old, rotting tea leaves are an ideal breeding ground for insects (not only midges, but also other pests that attack indoor flowers).

Types of insects

Two types of small pests appear in the kitchen, bathroom, and near flowerpots:

  • Drosophila (fruit flies);
  • soil midges.

Regardless of the variety, insects actively reproduce where there are rotting pieces of food and an abundance of moisture. Fruit midges, which are often called “wine flies,” often appear in apartments.

Tiny larvae are found in the pulp of fruits, when favorable conditions pests begin to grow and reproduce. The more often midges fly into the kitchen, the more larvae there are: the circle closes.

How dangerous are midges for humans?

Annoying insects swarm over grapes and pieces of watermelon, climb into the trash can, fly into the bathroom, and sit on the sink. But this is not the end of the “journey”: small pests crawl on indoor flowers, soil, and again fly to the kitchen to feast on the remains of melons and fruits.

With this route, it is easy to understand that microscopic particles of earth and dirty water from the sink easily fall on food. The result is the introduction of harmful bacteria and fungi, the risk of various infections. The larvae deposited by midges also do not add any benefit to food products.

Conclusion: You can’t calmly watch the wine flies fly around the apartment. Lack of control leads to active reproduction of pests; there is no benefit from such “neighbors”. Nasty insects not only interfere with eating, constantly crawl into your eyes and mouth, swim in compote or juice, but also worsen sanitary conditions.

How to get rid of it: general rules

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen? Insect control is carried out in several ways. Before starting treatment, you need to find out the reason for the proliferation of tiny insects and understand where the source of food and water is. If the midge does not find something to profit from, then the problem will disappear by itself.

If there is an abundance of insects, you should not rely on a natural process: you need to get rid of tiny pests as quickly as possible. Suitable various ways: from primitive, but effective traps to modern synthetic aerosols and solutions.

How to remove midges from the kitchen: 10 important rules:

  • clean up the kitchen, explain to household members why they need to keep bread in the bread bin and fruit in the refrigerator or closed containers;
  • contain work surface And dinner table clean, do not leave unfinished beer, juice, compote, wine in open containers;
  • do general cleaning. Special attention– kitchen and bathroom. It is important to sort through cereals and vegetables, thoroughly wash the refrigerator, cabinet doors, and areas under kitchen furniture, stove;
  • be sure to take out the trash, wash the bucket thoroughly with soap and soda, and wipe dry;
  • rags in the bathroom and kitchen should always be clean and dry: this rule should be remembered by all household members. If there are leaks in the pipes, you will have to call a plumber or entrust sewer repairs to a home handyman;
  • If the pipes are clogged, the composition “Mole” will help. After removing food debris and destroying the layer of fat, it is important to keep these areas clean;
  • Cleaning cracks, floors, areas near the refrigerator, stove from plaque, accumulation of grease and dirt is a prerequisite for removing midges. A tiny piece of rotten apple or spilled juice is fertile ground for annoying insects;
  • If there are a lot of flowers at home, you need to reconsider plant care. Moderate watering, monitoring the condition of the soil, and regularly replacing the top layer in the flowerpot will reduce the risk of breeding midges, which prefer wet soil with rotting leaves and remnants of tea leaves;
  • it is important to wash all flowerpots with indoor flowers and their trays with soap, wipe them dry, and then maintain the cleanliness of these elements;
  • It is important to monitor all areas where midges can appear. The more the housewife and household members keep order, the lower the risk of annoying pests.


How to fight midges in the kitchen using chemicals? Pest control specialists do not recommend spraying aggressive chemicals in the kitchen. chemical compositions. If midges have settled in the bathroom, Dichlorvos will do. It is important not only to spray the composition in the area where midges accumulate, but also to eliminate the factors that attract annoying insects.

The use of chemicals is a last resort when there is an abundance of harmful flying insects. The main emphasis when dealing with tiny pests is on means homemade, which do not cause negative reactions in humans and animals.

Traditional methods

Safe, natural ingredients are as effective as traps and synthetic drugs. Why use a toxic aerosol against midges if you can get by with formulations based on natural ingredients?

Proven remedies for midges in the kitchen:

  • heat camphor oil in a frying pan, wait until smoke with a pungent odor appears, walk around all the rooms with an aroma lamp;
  • midges, like other types of insects, do not like strong odors. Bouquets of tansy, lavender, and wormwood placed throughout the rooms will help get rid of annoying “neighbors.” Tansy should not be placed in the bedroom: the plant should not fall into the hands of children or animals;
  • candle with pine or spicy scent – good remedy to repel midges. You need to light a candle, slowly walk around the apartment, linger longer in the kitchen, in the bathroom;
  • essential oils also help in the fight against midges. The esters of lemon, lavender, ylang-ylang, patchouli, and the aroma of incense are good at repelling tiny insects. Add a few drops of a composition with a bright aroma to the container of a special lamp, turn on the device, wait until the midge smells it;
  • Peel a few cloves of garlic, cut into medium pieces, place in small lids, and place in areas where midges accumulate. Tiny insects cannot tolerate the garlic aroma.

Homemade traps

Homemade catch containers are easy to make in 15 minutes from available materials. Minimum cost + maximum efficiency - this expression accurately characterizes home mosquito traps.

Examples of fixtures:

  • Pour beer, sweet water or fermented juice into a wine bottle. The midges will quickly flock to the pleasant aroma. When enough insects have collected in the bottle, all that remains is to close the container with a stopper and throw it away;
  • to normal plastic bag put some rotten fruit and cover the trap slightly. Midges fly most quickly to fermented peaches, apricots, grapes, pieces of melon and watermelon. Soon tiny insects will appear inside the bag. The owners must quickly tie up the plastic, throw it in the trash, and take it out of the apartment;
  • super trap of plastic bottle. You will need a container with a volume of 1.5 or 2 liters. Cut off a piece from the top (approximately 2/3 of the height of the bottle), turn the cone over, and insert it into the lower part. You will get a funnel inside plastic container. To be sure, seal the junction of the two parts (on the sides) with tape. To attract midges, pour jam, beer, sweet syrup or put rotten fruit on the bottom. The midges will climb inside through the hole, but will not crawl out;
  • trap from a jar. You will need a glass container with a volume of 0.5 or 1 liter. Cover the jar with cling film or tie it with a plastic bag, and pull the top layer tight. Make small holes in the film or polyethylene through which the midges can get inside. The same edible ingredients as for other trapping containers will help attract insects;
  • sticky tape placed in areas where midges accumulate is another simple device for collecting uninvited guests.

How to deal with indoor plants and in the greenhouse? We have the answer!

About how to deal with bedbugs in an apartment using chemicals and folk remedies read the page.

Pest prevention

How to reduce the risk of midges in your apartment? Recommendations from experienced housewives will help.

Helpful Tips:

  • keep the kitchen clean, wring out rags well;
  • do not leave grapes, cut watermelons, melons, peaches, or apples on the table;
  • After a meal, put fruits in the refrigerator, especially in hot weather;
  • throw away rotten vegetables and fruits without regret, take out the bucket of food waste on time;
  • control the condition of the sink and bathtub, prevent the accumulation of fat and food debris. The arsenal of modern formulations that dissolve fat deposits is so rich that every housewife will find a product at an affordable price;
  • Water indoor flowers as needed, do not over-moisten the soil. When using tea leaves as fertilizer, replace the tea leaves with fresh ones more often if there is a heavy accumulation of natural fertilizer replace the top layer of soil 2–3 cm thick;
  • When swarms of midges appear in the kitchen, bathroom or room, do not put off the fight against insects “on the back burner”. The longer you wait, the more larvae the tiny pests will lay.

After reading the material, every housewife can easily get rid of the annoying midges that often penetrate apartments in the summer. Insect traps are easy to make with your own hands, folk recipes contain available ingredients. Order, cleanliness in the kitchen and bathroom, absence of rotting food debris, prevention of excess moisture in flowerpots - simple, effective measures, reducing the likelihood of encountering tiny fruit flies.

Midges are not uncommon in apartments and in private homes in the kitchen. Learn more about how to get rid of pests in the following video:
