Low-calorie menu for weight loss. Low-calorie diets. Allowed products and method of their preparation

Good afternoon.

Today I finally got to a topic like low calorie diet. I admit, I really, really don't like the idea of ​​losing weight by counting calories. I already wrote about that. Calories are a rather arbitrary value and in order to create a menu on which you can lose weight, you will have to try very hard.

You’re probably thinking, what’s the big deal, because on each package there is a label indicating how many calories, protein and carbohydrates are in the product. All you need to do is decide how many calories to consume and, when reading the packages, do not exceed your daily calorie intake.

Many people do this, but few succeed in reducing their weight in this way. Because there are so many nuances in a low-calorie diet that without scrupulously counting and weighing foods, nothing will work out.

You won't be able to eat whatever you want, limiting yourself only to the amount of food you eat. Perhaps such a trick will be able to maintain weight (and even then, it is unlikely), but it will not help to consistently get a result in the form of a minus on the scales. If you don’t know at what number of calories your body begins to burn fat and if you don’t stick to the set caloric intake day after day, then any undertaking will end in failure and another “overeating”.

And all these " low calorie recipes” and “low-calorie dishes” are useless things that only stroke your pride, making you think that by preparing them you really care about your figure. Until you control the amount of food you eat, no amount of “low-calorie pies and cookies” will save you.

How to create a low-calorie menu for every day

Well, enough to upset you, let me outline the basic rules, following which you can be guaranteed to get results:

  • You definitely need to purchase a digital grocery scale. Food must be weighed. Determining the weight “by eye”, the result you will get is also very average.
  • You need to decide on the foods that you will eat on a low-calorie diet. Unsystematic eating will definitely not help you lose weight. Only certain products in certain quantities. It is enough to select 10-15 products from different categories.
  • The method of preparing food should not change. Boiled and fried eggs, for example, have different caloric content. You can’t cook eggs differently every time and count the same calories.
  • You need to get food containers and prepare food the night before. Because now you will only eat what you prepared and took with you. No fast food or tea parties with cakes.
  • The scales on which you will weigh yourself must be electronic. Conventional scales have an error of +/- 200 grams and it is quite difficult to track your progress on them. You only need to weigh yourself at one selected time. It's best in the morning after using the toilet. Weight during the day can change up to one and a half kilograms, so weighing 5-6 times a day will bring nothing but disappointment.

How to count the calorie content of dishes

So, we’ve decided on the main thing, let’s choose the products.

It’s best to take a rational approach here. That is, choose foods that, in large portions, have lower calorie content. Here's an example offhand: 100 grams of boiled buckwheat has a calorie content of 103 kcal/100g. And chocolates - 570 kcal/100g. If we assume that our daily requirement is 800 kcal, then we can afford to eat either 800 grams of buckwheat or 130 grams of chocolates per day. What product is better to choose so as not to starve during the day? Of course, boiled buckwheat would be a much more logical choice. Not as tasty, but correct.

Somewhere on the site I have a large one with which you can create your own extensive diet, but believe me, it’s better to limit yourself to a small list. Why? I’ll explain later when we get to controlling daily calories.

In the meantime, here are those foods whose consumption is guaranteed to supply your body with everything it needs and minimize the feeling of hunger on a diet

Grocery list

As you can see, a low-calorie diet is a very small selection of foods. And note, like on any other diet, the menu completely lacks confectionery and bakery products. The reason is simple - they are very high in calories. For example, the calorie content of a loaf is 260 kcal/100g. One piece weighs about 30 grams and contains about 80 kcal. Agree, it’s too much for a diet.

Honestly, most of you can easily start losing weight simply by giving up flour. And you should start testing your body’s strength with diets only when a simple transition to proper nutrition stops working.

In addition, everything fried has been removed from the diet (the reason is the same - saving calories) and there is only one method of preparation - boiling. For both meat products and grains (still want to try this diet?)

Daily menu for 1200 kcal

Remember, the diet should contain both cereals and meat with vegetables. Therefore, here is what you can get approximately for 1200 kcal:

Breakfast 7:00

Boiled buckwheat 200 gr (206 kcal)

Snack 10:00

Cottage cheese 2% 200 g, seasoned with natural yoghurt 100 g (252 kcal)

Lunch 13:00

Boiled rice 200 g with boiled chicken 100 g (342 kcal)

Afternoon snack 16:00

Apple 100 gr (46 kcal)

Dinner 18:00

Boiled beef 100 gr (254 kcal)

Cucumber and tomato salad 150 g with 30 g sour cream (96 kcal)

The total was 1196 kilocalories. It is not necessary to display numbers to exact values. Plus or minus 10 kilocalories is not a critical error.

The timing of meals and their quantity do not matter and are given only as an example. I literally recently wrote a separate article about how many times a day you should eat and at what time.

As you can see, creating a menu for the day is not that difficult. It is much more difficult to strictly adhere to it. But I’ll talk about this a little later, and now let’s talk about how to choose your own calorie intake for weight loss.

How to calculate the calories your body needs

Now we have reached the most difficult part. Yes, there is a certain amount of kcal that is recommended for weight loss. For girls this is 800 kcal per day, for men it is 1000-1200 kcal. But we are all so different that these numbers do not stand up to criticism. Some people lose weight while sitting on the couch (don’t laugh, this is possible and even desirable if you are significantly overweight), others don’t leave the gym. Agree, with such a big difference in lifestyle, people with the same dimensions require radically different amounts of calories. Therefore, determining the daily caloric intake for each person is purely individual.

Before you start losing weight, you need to find your starting point. This is the amount of food and calories at which you will begin to lose weight. In order to decide on this point, you need to create your menu for the week ahead from the above products. There is no need to sharply limit yourself right away. Eat so much that you don't feel hungry.

What will this look like in practice? In the evening you cook chicken, rice, buckwheat. Don't forget cottage cheese and yogurt. Measure out 200 grams and put them in food containers that you will take with you to work. In the morning, after washing your face and visiting the toilet, you perform a control weigh-in and go to work.

During the day, you only eat what you brought with you in containers. Eat so that you don’t feel hungry and don’t overeat (although with such a diet you won’t be in danger). In the evening, summarize: how many calories you ate. Let's say you get 1000 kcal per day. So for tomorrow you are preparing a diet that will contain 1000 kcal. And for the day after tomorrow too. You will stick to this figure for exactly 1 week.

Is it possible to achieve minus 5-10 kg in the first 7 days

When the week is over, you need to do a control morning weigh-in and look at the result. If the scale shows minus 300-700 grams, then congratulations, you were able to choose the menu on which you are losing weight the first time. And please don’t expect that you will immediately lose 5 kilograms in a week. This only happens to those who sell various weight loss products and do not skimp on their promises. In real life, unfortunately, this does not happen. An excellent result is minus 0.7-1.2 kilos. And then, only in the first 2-3 weeks. Further, minus 0.5 kg per week is considered a good result.

If the weight has not changed or increased slightly, then you need to reduce the amount of food consumed. And here it will help you that the choice of products is not wide. Let's say if you ate 200 grams of rice and buckwheat per day, in addition to other foods, then now you will need to reduce the portions of rice and buckwheat to 100 grams, respectively. And stick to this caloric intake for the next week. And again look at the results of the new week.

Did you get the idea? You eat certain foods in strictly defined quantities and, if necessary, reduce portions. It will not be difficult for you to do this, since you will know exactly how much and what you eat. This is the whole point of a low-calorie diet - to reach the calorie level at which the body begins to burn its own fat, replenishing the lack of energy.

And at the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what kind of lifestyle you follow - active or sedentary, if you have found your reporting point, then weight loss will begin in any case and will continue regardless of whether you run in the morning or sleep.

An important point: having found your starting point, do not think that it remains unchanged. In the process of losing weight, the body requires less and less calories, so periodically you will have to reduce your daily calorie intake a little more. The scheme is the same: if 0.3-0.5 kg has not been lost in a week, then it’s time to once again review the diet downward.

How long to follow the diet

It all depends on your goals. Someone needs to get rid of 3-5 kg ​​and 1 month will be enough for this (with a responsible approach and no breakdowns). And someone needs to lose 20-30 kilos. Here you need more time - from 6 to 10 months of hard work. The good news is that after a month you will no longer be tormented by the question of what foods to eat. You will already have a set of products that suits you (I can’t say you like it, because monotonous food quickly gets boring). And you can start adding and subtracting something to diversify your menu a little. Well, don’t forget about those elements whose intake is very desirable on a diet. It was about them.

Low-calorie diet for type 2 diabetics

Well, the last question for today is whether this diet is suitable for diabetics. My recommendations do not relieve you of the need to consult a doctor; I can only say that these foods do not cause an increase in blood sugar levels, so diabetes is not an obstacle to following a low-calorie diet.

It's all about the products you choose. You can easily put together your own diet from the foods you are allowed. All you need for this, as I said earlier, is a kitchen scale and a food calorie table. Then everything will depend on your imagination.

My conclusions about the low calorie diet

I really hope that such a large number of numbers and calculations have convinced you that a low-calorie diet is not the best choice. I just believe that you can only lose weight on a diet that is comfortable. After all, only then can you stick to it long enough to get results. And constantly running around with weights, preparing food in the evening and regularly carrying containers with food is a rather tiring task.

And the main problem is that everything that tastes best is usually also the most high-calorie. Therefore, you will have to wage a constant struggle, deciding what is best to do: eat fried food, but once, or boiled food, but twice. This seems funny now, but in reality this question can lead to a nervous breakdown.

And that’s all for me today, thank you for your attention.

A good figure is the result of hard work. Wrong lifestyle bad habits and many other factors lead to the appearance excess weight. Getting rid of it is not so easy. One of the most effective methods is a low-calorie diet. It allows you to achieve excellent results in a short period of time.

This method has advantages and contraindications. In order to effectively use such a program, you need to know all its basic principles.

The essence of low-calorie diets

The concept of “diet” dates back to the beginning of the nineteenth century: in the 30s, an American named Sylvester Graham presented to the masses his opinions on the appearance of excess weight due to overeating. This man was a preacher, he proposed a flock that was supposed to cleanse people from sins and during which excess fat would go away. This gave rise to modern techniques for weight loss.

A low-calorie diet for weight loss is quick and effective method cope with excess weight, make your figure more toned in a short period of time. Its principle is based on reducing the consumption of high-calorie foods, as well as regulating the overall diet. Due to the fact that the body receives less than the required amount of calories, it begins to waste backup source energy in the form of fat.

The basic rules of a low-calorie diet for weight loss are:

  • Refusal of light carbohydrates (refined sugar, confectionery, sweet and carbonated drinks and others).
  • Reducing the intake of fats and complex carbohydrates.
  • Drink plenty of water (per 10 kg of weight you need to drink at least 300 g of water per day).
  • Complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.
  • You can find out the required number of calories you need to consume based on your initial weight, age and lifestyle. On average, the recommended amount is 1500 kcal. For fast weight loss It is necessary to consume no more than ¾ of the required diet.
  • Frequent meals in small portions.

To prevent the diet from causing irreparable harm to health, nutritional adjustments must be started gradually, increasing the energy deficit over several weeks.

It is also necessary to exit the diet gradually. In the first week, you need to add up to 10% of the consumed amount; if the weight has not increased, then another 5% is added in the next week. Next, you need to strictly monitor your daily intake. simple carbohydrates and fats.

Helpful advice! To improve metabolic processes in the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass clean water. This normalizes the activity of the digestive tract and accelerates the process of burning fat.

A distinctive feature of the result obtained with the help of a low-calorie diet is slimness. If you stop the course correctly, excess weight will not return again.

Low-calorie diet: advantages and contraindications

This type of weight loss is very popular due to its effectiveness. In just a week on a low-calorie diet you can gain minus 5 kg. Among the advantages are:

  • varied menu
  • good result
  • availability

Among negative aspects You can highlight a sharp weight gain if you leave the diet incorrectly. Therefore, it is not recommended for a low-calorie diet to lower the calorie intake limit below 1200 kcal.

This diet is contraindicated:

  • At chronic diseases except where such an approach is a means of treatment. For example, a low-calorie diet is used for stage 2 diabetes.
  • In childhood and adolescence.
  • With minimal excess of the body mass index norm.

Following the rules of this diet will allow you to quickly lose excess weight without harm to your health. As numerous reviews show, a low-calorie diet is one of the most effective means poudeniya.

How to calculate the required number of calories?

Today there is a huge number online calculators And mobile applications, which help calculate the average daily number of calories that need to be consumed to lose weight.

But you can do this calculation yourself using a simple formula:


  1. To the result obtained, men need to add the number 5, and women need to subtract 161.
  2. This will give you the average daily amount of calories needed to maintain your basal metabolism. Subtracting 25% from this amount, you will get the number of calories at which intensive fat burning will begin.
  3. Don’t forget about physical activity; it is this indicator that makes big adjustments, as it promotes fat burning. On average, the main cost for moderate physical activity is 1 kcal per kilogram of weight.

Today, there are a huge number of methods that allow you to find an indicator of the minimum number of calories required for consumption, but, as a rule, they will all give approximately the same result.

Diet and recipes for a low-calorie diet

To keep track of your calorie intake as effectively as possible, you need to keep a special diary in which you will need to record your entire diet. This approach will allow you to control the consumption of “harmful” products and will allow you to develop good habits. The average portion per serving should be about 200 g; if it is not possible to use scales, your hand will become a cheat sheet.

Do not forget that an effective low-calorie diet can only be achieved if the menu contains adequate proteins. Otherwise, weight loss will occur by reducing muscle mass, and as a result, poor health.

  • It is necessary to consume no more than 0.15 kg of wholemeal bread per day.
  • First courses should contain a low amount of potatoes and cereals. Several times a week you can eat soups with meat broth made from dietary meats; the serving size should be no more than 0.3 kg.
  • Fish and meat, boiled or baked, up to 0.2 kg per day.
  • Low-fat dairy products up to 0.2 kg. There is a separate low-calorie dairy diet; it is classified as a mono-diet and has a number of contraindications.
  • Up to two boiled eggs per day.
  • Vegetable oil can be used as a dressing for salads or snacks.

The consumption of sweetener, as well as industrial drinks and sauces should also be reduced.

Low-calorie diet menu for 7 days

A low-calorie diet for a week will improve your body contour and give you the opportunity to prepare for the summer season.

1 day

  • Morning– cottage cheese 0.1 kg + stewed vegetables (carrots, beets) 0.2 kg + bread 0.05 kg + herbal tea
  • Snack- apple
  • Dinner– lean borscht 0.2 kg + boiled meat 0.1 kg +0.05 kg boiled beans + bread 0.05 kg + unsweetened dried fruit compote
  • Snack– yogurt 0.15 kg
  • Dinner– fish baked in foil 0.15 kg + salad fresh vegetables 0.15 kg + bread 0.05 kg + tea

Day 2

  • Morning– vinaigrette 0.2 kg + bread 0.05 kg + coffee with milk without sugar
  • Snack- cottage cheese 0.1 kg
  • Dinner– lean pickle 0.2 kg + fish 0.1 kg + 0.1 stewed peas or asparagus + bread 0.05 kg + green tea
  • Snack– nuts
  • Dinner– meat 0.2 kg + stewed vegetables 0.1 kg + bread 0.05 kg + herbal tea

Day 3

  • Morningbraised cabbage 0.2 kg + toast 0.05 kg + rosehip decoction
  • Snack- dried fruits
  • Dinner– broth 0.2 kg + vegetable stew with meat 0.15 + bread 0.05 kg + tea
  • Snack– vegetable smoothie
  • Dinner– steamed fish cutlet 0.1 kg + fresh vegetables 0.2 kg + bread 0.05 kg + soothing tea

4 day

  • Morningbaked potato 0.1 kg + sauerkraut 0.1 kg + bread 0.05 kg + fruit infusion
  • Snack- cottage cheese seasoned with yogurt
  • Dinner– vegetable soup 0.2 kg + boiled meat 0.15 kg + bread 0.05 kg + tea
  • Snack- fruits
  • Dinner– steamed fish 0.15 kg + fresh vegetable salad 0.15 kg + bread 0.05 kg + tea

5 day

Unloading. Drink kefir and snack on fruit during the day.

Day 6

  • Morning– cottage cheese 0.2 kg + herbal tea
  • Snack- smoothie
  • Dinner– borscht 0.150 kg + baked vegetables + bread 0.05 kg + unsweetened dried fruit compote
  • Snack– yogurt 0.15 kg
  • Dinner– fish 0.15 kg + fresh vegetable salad 0.2 kg + bread 0.05 kg + tea

Day 7

  • Morning– vegetable stew 0.2 kg + bread 0.05 kg + dried fruit broth
  • Snack- kefir
  • Dinner– soup 0.2 kg + baked fish 0.2 kg + bread 0.05 kg + unsweetened compote
  • Snack– fruit salad kg
  • Dinner – boiled breast 0.15 kg + fresh vegetables 0.15 kg + bread 0.05 kg + tea

Important! Don't forget about regular intake clean water.

The low-calorie diet menu for 10 days and a month will not differ radically from the proposed option. It can be varied with the following recipes:

  1. Salad "Original". Boiled broccoli 100 g + boiled egg + tomato 50 g + olive oil + spices to taste.
  2. Omelette with vegetables. Mix the egg whites with milk, salt and beat, cut the tomato and bell pepper into strips and place in a hot frying pan, lightly fry, pour over the egg mixture.
  3. Stuffed baked apples. Prepare the apples by removing the core, put dried fruits and nuts, previously twisted in a meat grinder, into the resulting niche, and bake for 20 minutes.

Thanks to a low-calorie diet, you can lose more than 10 kg in a fairly short period of time. Nutritionists do not recommend this approach. The weight should go off evenly, not exceeding more than 4-5 kg ​​per month. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to your health.

Video: The most popular low-calorie diet foods that will help you lose weight without harm to your health

Fractional nutrition is considered to be food in which food is consumed in small portions at short intervals. Usually about 3 hours pass between meals. Fractional meals can set different goals. It is mainly used for weight loss or for functional relief of organs in diseases. digestive system.

Indications for use fractional meals

There are many indications for using fractional nutrition. This is a range of diseases of the digestive system in which organ function or patency is impaired. gastrointestinal tract. The fractional meal menu is prescribed when:

  • – to unload the pancreas;
  • after resection of the stomach - due to the reduction in the size of the organ, large volumes of food simply cannot fit in it;
  • acute intoxication - in this case, when consuming a large amount of food, vomiting is highly likely;
  • – fractional meals reduce appetite, and therefore improve diet tolerance;
  • – Eating small portions helps many patients reduce pain.

There are many other indications. But most people are interested in the principles of fractional nutrition in order to combat excess weight, so we will dwell on this topic in more detail.

Features of the weight loss menu

Most long-term weight loss diets involve split meals. Although the importance of this type of eating for the figure is often exaggerated, to some extent it does increase the chances of losing weight. Advantages of fractional meals:

Reducing hunger. Frequent eating allows you to maintain the concentration of nutrients in the blood at a level sufficient to prevent severe hunger. Highest value has a glucose content in the blood plasma. When it decreases, a person experiences extreme hunger, and at this moment he is able to forget about his diet.

Reducing the likelihood of failure. Motivation – an important part weight loss process. If it is not enough, the person shows weakness of will and breaks off the diet in the first days after it starts. Small meals reduce this likelihood. It is easier for a person to endure hunger when he knows that there are only 1-2 hours left until the next meal, and not 4-5 hours, as with three meals a day.

Control of eating behavior. With long intervals between meals, when a person experiences hunger and is forced to endure it, eating behavior may be disrupted. In this case, the likelihood of losing excess weight will be low. A person will develop a greed for food and a desire to fill up for future use. Even if your body weight decreases, if you have an eating disorder, excess weight will reappear after the diet is completed.

Tales about fractional meals

Fractional meals help to lose weight, but they only play a supporting role in this process. Its benefits are often exaggerated. Most weight loss websites claim that fractional meals:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and waste;
  • accelerates the digestion of food, so the body stops storing fat;
  • improves food digestibility;
  • makes it possible to get more vitamins and minerals from food;
  • allows you to get a long-lasting effect - the kilograms do not return;
  • improves night sleep, clears acne from the skin, treats all diseases.

This is all fiction. You should not count on the above effects. Improved diet tolerance and correction of eating behavior is all that you will get as a result of using fractional meals.

Disadvantages of fractional nutrition

Like any other way of eating, split meals have their disadvantages:

1. It is possible to increase the calorie content of the diet. Some people start eating too often, and at the same time “forget” about the need to reduce portions. For those who cannot stop in time, it is better to eat three times a day.

2. Lack of possibility of split meals at work. Not all people can afford to be distracted by food too often.

3. At least minimal knowledge in the field of nutrition is required. You need to be able to count calories, know which foods have high nutritional value and which can be considered dietary.

Menu for every day

In weight loss diets based on fractional meals, it is not the frequency of meals that is decisive, but the total calorie content of the daily diet. Only if increasing the number of meals causes your total calorie intake to decrease will it lead to weight loss. It is worth remembering that fractional meals are an auxiliary, and not the main mechanism for weight loss.

Features of the menu for every day:

  • meals - every 2-3 hours;
  • in total there should be from 5 to 8 meals per day;
  • caloric intake of the diet is 200-300 kcal for each meal (depending on the number of meals);
  • preference should be given to foods that have higher metabolism and lower calorie content (vegetables, fruits, fat-free cereals, boiled potatoes);
  • High-calorie foods should be avoided (fatty and sweet foods).

If you have planned meals every 3 hours, but after this time you do not feel hungry, you should not forcefully shove food into yourself. Remember that the less you eat, the faster you will lose weight. But there is no need to suffer from hunger while gritting your teeth. Don't forget that the point of fractional meals is to improve diet tolerance.

Menu for the week from Margarita Koroleva

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Nutritional therapy for obesity involves the use of a “classical” low-calorie diet. Its goal is to influence metabolism to eliminate excess fat deposits.

General characteristics of a low-calorie diet

Diet: 5-6 times a day with enough volume to feel full.

Characteristics of products and cooking methods for a low-calorie diet

Bakery products. Allowed are rye and wheat bread made from wholemeal flour, protein-wheat and protein-bran bread - 100-150 g per day. Products made from premium and 1st grade flour, products from butter and puff pastry are prohibited.

Soups. Up to 250-300 g per dose. From various vegetables with a small addition of potatoes or cereals: cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka, beetroot soup. 2-3 times a week, soups in weak low-fat meat or fish broth with vegetables and meatballs. Dairy products are prohibited. Potatoes, cereals, legumes, pasta.

Meat and poultry. Up to 150 g per day. Lean beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey; limited - lean pork and lamb, mainly boiled, stewed; baked in large and small pieces. The meat is fried after boiling. Beef jelly. Fatty meats, goose, duck, ham, sausages, boiled and smoked sausages, and canned food are prohibited.

Fish. Low-fat types up to 150-200 g per day. Boiled, baked, fried. Non-fish seafood products. Fatty types, salted, smoked, canned fish in oil, and caviar are prohibited.

Dairy products. Low-fat milk and fermented milk drinks. Sour cream - in dishes. Low-fat cottage cheese with 9% fat content (100-200 g per day) – natural and in the form of cheesecakes and puddings. Low-fat cheese varieties - limited. Fatty cottage cheese, sweet cheeses, sweet yogurt, fermented baked milk, baked milk, fatty and salty cheeses are prohibited.

Eggs. 1-2 pieces per day. Hard-boiled, white omelettes. Omelettes with vegetables. Scrambled eggs are prohibited.

Cereals. Limited for adding to vegetable soups. Crumbly porridges from buckwheat, pearl barley, barley due to the reduction of bread. Other cereals are prohibited, especially rice, semolina and oatmeal, pasta, and legumes.

Vegetables. They are consumed in all forms, some of them always raw. All types of cabbage, fresh cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips are desirable. Sauerkraut - after washing. Limit dishes from potatoes, beets, green peas, carrots, rutabaga (total up to 200 g per day), as well as salted and pickled vegetables.

Snacks. Salads from raw and pickled vegetables, vinaigrettes, vegetable salads with boiled meat and fish, seafood. Jellied fish or meat. Lean ham. Fatty and spicy snacks are prohibited.

Fruits, sweet dishes, sweets. Fruits and berries of sweet and sour varieties, raw and boiled. Jelly and mousses based on methylcellulose, xylitol, sorbitol. Unsweetened compotes. Grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, very sweet varieties of other fruits, sugar, confectionery, jam, honey, jelly, ice cream are prohibited.

Sauces and spices. Tomato, red, white with vegetables, mild mushroom, vinegar. Fatty and spicy sauces, mayonnaise, and all spices are prohibited.

Beverages. Tea, black coffee with milk. Unsweetened juices. Grape and other sweet juices and cocoa are prohibited.

Fats. Butter(limited) and vegetable oils - in dishes. Animal and cooking fats are prohibited.

Sample one-day menu (1635 kcal) of a low-calorie diet

First breakfast: calcined cottage cheese – 100 g, stewed carrots – 200 g, coffee with milk without sugar – 200 g.

Lunch: fresh cabbage salad without salt with sour cream – 170 g.

Dinner: Vegetarian cabbage soup (½ serving) – 200 g, boiled meat – 90 g, green peas without oil – 50 g, fresh apples – 100 g.

Afternoon snack: calcined cottage cheese – 100 g, rosehip decoction – 180 g.

Dinner: boiled fish (pike perch) – 100 g, vegetable stew (½ serving) – 125 g.

For the night: kefir – 180 g.

All day: rye bread – 150g.

The low-calorie diet has three options. They differ in energy intensity (calorie content). At the first stage of normalizing body weight, a diet is prescribed that corresponds to the physiological norm in terms of calorie content, i.e. eliminate overeating. Often this is enough, but if this measure does not lead to weight loss, then you have to resort to greater calorie restriction, mainly by reducing the amount of fat and carbohydrates.

Chemical composition of low-calorie diet options

20.12.2019 18:39:00
These foods should not be eaten together
There are foods that, in certain combinations, have a very positive effect on the body: for example, jacket potatoes and cottage cheese are a source of protein and saturate well. But there are also foods that cannot be eaten together.
20.12.2019 17:48:00
The best ways to become slim once and for all
Many diets promise quick results, but after them the weight quickly returns. The notorious yo-yo effect appears after a few weeks, and the scale shows even more than before the diet. But how to lose weight?

The key to good health and a beautiful, fit figure is healthy eating. Millions of women strive to lose extra pounds, but how to lose weight, where to start? Of course, from nutrition. This article will tell you about the most important points, what you need to pay attention to, how to prepare, what to combine with, as well as how to correctly compose diet menu.

  1. Low calorie food - this principle involves reducing the calorie content of the diet while maintaining required quantity vitamins and minerals that enter the body with food. This does not mean that you need to completely remove fats and carbohydrates from your diet; they should be there, but within reasonable limits. In addition, you should not resort to mono-diets, for example, eating only apples or kefir all day;
  2. Regularity and frequency of meals is another important principle. In order not to overload the intestines and maintain optimal body weight, you need to eat 5-6 times a day. In this case, the total number of calories should not exceed the maximum daily norm. Avoid random snacks (buns, sweets, cookies) - these are fast carbohydrates that cause a short-term feeling of fullness; literally after an hour your appetite will appear again;
  3. Sport is another principle of any diet. Do not forget that beautiful and healthy body– this is the result of the coordinated work of an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. Losing weight will require at least minimal physical activity.

IMPORTANT! Avoid mono-diets and random snacks! It's better to eat less, but more often!

Fish or meat?

Meat and fish are unique products that must be included in the diet without fail. Moreover, fish cannot replace meat, and vice versa. Diet lunch always includes fish or meat. But first things first.

Fish is one of those few products that simultaneously contain micro- and macroelements (iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, selenium), vitamins (A, D, E), and amino acids. Plus, fish has very little fat (up to 30%). All these substances together are necessary for normal functioning body. For overweight people, river fish is ideal because it contains only 2.5% fat. As for protein, fish is a valuable source of high-quality protein, which contains all the necessary amino acids. The most valuable species In terms of protein content, salmon and sturgeon fish species (trout, salmon, beluga, salmon) are considered. Fattier ones include herring, mackerel and others. Fish dishes are also considered valuable sources of iodine, fluorine and phosphorus.

Meat is always present in the diet, most often veal, beef, lean lamb and pork, as well as turkey, rabbit and chicken. Meat of geese and ducks is used less frequently, since its fat content is about 30%. Meat - good source iron, potassium and phosphorus, proteins and B vitamins. In terms of protein content, turkey is the leader - 22%, beef and chicken meat - 18-21%, the most fat is in pork (fatty varieties up to 49%). In proper nutrition, meat is usually present in boiled or baked form; steamed meat is also very healthy.

Porridge is our joy

Since ancient times, cereal dishes have been considered the healthiest. But in modern society For some reason, there was an opinion that porridge is the food of children. This is not entirely true, because... Cereals contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates. All this together is necessary for a person. The main advantage of cereals is that they are well digestible, they are cheap, and most importantly, cereal dishes for weight loss every day help you lose weight effectively. The main thing is to know what kind of cereal to use and how to prepare it.

  • Buckwheat is rightfully considered the most useful. It is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. In addition, buckwheat is rich in vitamins P and B, magnesium, potassium, iron, iodine and phosphorus. The high fiber content allows you to “cleanse” the intestines, which is why weight loss occurs. Buckwheat without oil - this is a low-calorie food;
  • Oatmeal is also rich in vitamins, including the rare vitamin H. Oatmeal porridge reduces cholesterol in the blood and is able to remove toxins;
  • Wheat cereal is good because it contains complex carbohydrates. To process these carbohydrates, the body will need more time, which means that the feeling of hunger will not come soon;
  • Rice porridge cooked in water without adding salt and sugar is an excellent dietary dish.

You can also include porridge made from pearl barley, semolina, and corn in dietary menus. The main thing is to cook them with a minimum amount of salt and sugar. It is best to combine porridge with fruits and nuts.

Milk and diet?

Milk and dairy products very often form the basis of various diets. And this is understandable, because milk and products made from it have dietary properties. The fact is that they contain almost all the substances necessary for the body in a balanced form, which means that the digestibility of such products is maximum. For example, the main source of calcium is milk; it contains so many vitamins, minerals and proteins. In dietary nutrition, low-fat products are most often used, such as low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt and milk. The fat content in such products varies from 0.2% to 1%. You can find such products in any store.

As for cheeses, if you are following a diet, it is considered advisable to include lightly salted, mild cheeses in your diet.

The importance of vegetables and fruits in dietary nutrition

Vegetables and fruits are unique in that almost their entire list can be used in dietary nutrition. The variety of fruits and vegetables is so huge that you can cook new dishes every day that can help you lose weight. The main thing to understand is that the key to normal digestion is the uninterrupted supply of fresh vegetables and fruits to the body. The fact is that they contain special substances - enzymes that stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands. And this in turn ensures good digestibility of proteins.

Plus, vegetables and fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy fiber. In fact, the body is able to satiate itself while receiving maximum benefits and minimum calories. Most often, vegetables are included in a diet for losing weight in the form of salads; steamed vegetables are very healthy. Well, everyone is used to eating fruits fresh.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: how to start?

Starting to eat right is not difficult, but staying afloat is difficult. But I really want to see in the mirror a slender and beautiful figure like a fit girl. So where to start and most importantly, how not to “go away” from the race? Proper nutrition or simply PP is the key to a successful fight against excess weight. To comply with the PP, you can write down a few simple rules for yourself:

  • Breakfast should be a meal of complex carbohydrates. Ideally, this is any porridge without sugar. Those with a sweet tooth can add fruit to it;
  • The first pre-lunch snack is an apple, low-fat cottage cheese, nuts and dried fruits, no buns or cookies;
  • Lunch should definitely be a mixture of carbohydrates, proteins and fiber. For example, it could be boiled chicken with a side dish of buckwheat porridge and any vegetable salad;
  • The second snack can be yogurt or the same low-fat cottage cheese, the main thing is to monitor the serving size;
  • The ideal dinner is considered to be dishes that contain a lot of protein and fiber, for example, steamed fish with beans and vegetable salad. Dinner should take place 2 hours before bedtime.

It turns out there is nothing complicated, right? And in order not to lose your temper, always remember what you are striving for - a slender reflection in the mirror!

Diet menu basics

Each of us sooner or later thinks about a diet. Diet food is a list of products, usually low-calorie and balanced in composition. It depends on the person's preference and health status. The total number of calories consumed per day should equal the calories burned by the body. That is why it is important that meals are balanced in protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, fiber and vitamins.

What products should form the basis? Any dietary menu should include fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, meat, milk and dairy products, cereals and egg dishes, as well as herbs, dried fruits, and nuts. Preference should be given to such types of heat treatment as baking, stewing, steaming and boiling. Dishes with minimal heat treatment contain more nutrients.

Approximate 7-day menu

— 1 —

  • A glass of any freshly squeezed juice, 150 g of steamed cheesecakes with spinach, 30 g of whole grain bread, 1 cucumber and a cup of regular tea;
  • Any fruit of your choice (banana, apple, pear), a glass of orange drink;
  • A serving of rice soup with broccoli, 100 g of chicken schnitzel, 100 g of sliced ​​tomatoes and avocado, a glass of dried apricot compote;
  • 2 tangerines, a cup of tea with blueberries;
  • A serving of steamed vegetables with turkey meatballs, 100 g of any fresh vegetables, a cup of tea with bergamot;

Total: approximately 964 kcal

— 2 —

  • Breakfast:

A glass of any fruit juice, 100 grams of 1% curd mass, 1 piece of black bread toast, a cup of weak coffee;

  • Snack:

2 peaches or 3 apricots, a cup of mint tea;

  • Dinner:

A portion mushroom soup with low-fat sour cream, a portion of steamed rice, 100 g of steamed catfish (tomato sauce is allowed), a glass of cherry juice with a slice of lemon;

  • Afternoon snack:

100 g of fresh pineapple, a glass of milk smoothie with a handful of any berries;

  • Dinner:

100 g of stewed rabbit with vegetables, a cup of tea with a spoon of honey.

Total: approximately 1041 kcal

— 3 —

  • Breakfast:

30 grams of rye bread toast with curd cheese (20 g), 80 grams of steamed pumpkin with pine nuts, a cup of weak coffee;

  • Snack:

1 orange or grapefruit of your choice, 125 ml low-fat fermented baked milk;

  • Dinner:

A serving of chicken broth with herbs, 100 g of lean salmon steak, 100 g of sauerkraut, a cup of tea with oregano;

  • Afternoon snack:

100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 50 g nuts, a glass of any fruit juice;

  • Dinner:

A serving of steamed young zucchini with 100 g of stewed turkey, a cup of mint tea with honey;

Total: 1068 kcal

— 4 —

  • Breakfast:

A sandwich of black bread and lightly salted salmon 30g/20g, 100g peeled turnips, a cup of tea with pieces of dried apples;

  • Snack:

Any fruit of your choice (orange, grapefruit, apple or pear), 125 ml low-fat fermented baked milk;

  • Dinner:

A serving of bean soup with croutons, 100 g of lean veal chop, a serving of buckwheat porridge, a cup of black tea;

  • Afternoon snack:

100 g prunes, a cup of green tea;

  • Dinner:

A serving of beans with shrimp, a cup of herbal tea;

Total: approximately 1034 kcal

— 5 —

  • Breakfast:

75 grams of cod liver pate with black bread toast, 100 g of cucumber salad with spinach and low-fat yoghurt, a cup of green tea;

  • Snack:

Baked pear with cranberries and a spoon of honey, a glass of blueberry milkshake;

  • Dinner:

A serving of carrot and bean puree soup, 100 g of fish casserole with rice, 1 tomato, a glass of strawberry compote;

  • Afternoon snack:

Kiwi 2 pcs., a glass of low-fat kefir;

  • Dinner:

Peppers stuffed with vegetables, a salad of any vegetables with low-fat yogurt, a cup of tea with barberry;

Total: approximately 983 kcal

— 6 —

  • Breakfast:

100 g steam omelette with herbs and tomatoes, 100 g pickled green beans, a cup of chicory with cream;

  • Snack:

2 apricots or kiwi of your choice, 125 ml low-fat yogurt;

  • Dinner:

A serving of cabbage soup with celery, 100 g of stewed pork (not fatty!), 150 g of boiled Brussels sprouts, a glass of apple compote with orange zest;

  • Afternoon snack:

1 banana, 125 ml low-fat kefir or yogurt;

  • Dinner:

120 g low-fat cottage cheese with spinach, rye bread toast, 100 g fresh vegetables, a cup of green tea;

Total for the day: approximately 997 kcal

  • Breakfast:

A portion oatmeal on water with dried fruits, 100 g of fruit salad, a cup of tea with thyme;

  • Snack:

Any fruit of your choice (pear, orange, banana, grapefruit, apple), 125 ml low-fat yogurt with cereals;

  • Dinner:

A serving of pumpkin soup, 100 g of baked chicken, 150 g of Chinese cabbage salad with olives, a glass of dried fruit compote without sugar;

  • Afternoon snack:

Mango, a cup of green tea;

  • Dinner:

100 g stewed squid in tomato sauce, 100 g steamed rice, 100 g sauerkraut, a cup of chamomile tea and a spoonful of honey;

Total: approximately 1009 kcal

IMPORTANT! If you feel hungry before going to bed, and food appears before your eyes, you can allow yourself a glass of low-fat kefir (+ 80 kcal). Unlimited water consumption.

Recipes for first dietary dishes

When preparing light dietary soups, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Products must always be fresh;
  2. Salt is used to a minimum;
  3. The soup needs to be cooked quickly to preserve all the good stuff;
  4. No bouillon cubes or other harmful chemicals;

Meat soups are prepared in a second broth from lean meats, this method allows you to fight calories.

As an example, let's look at a few simple recipes, which are easy to prepare at home. These are not only delicious PP dishes, but also healthy.

  • 1) Rice soup with vegetables

Calorie content of 1 serving – 25 kcal

In order to prepare soup for 8 servings, you will need 2.5 liters of broth, 100 grams of cabbage, onions, sweet peppers and tomatoes, 75 g of carrots, 40 grams of rice, 40 grams of sour cream (15%), 50 grams of tomato paste, herbs, salt and pepper as desired.


  • 1. Finely chop the tomatoes, peeled potatoes and onions, grate the carrots.
  • 2. Bring the prepared vegetable broth to a boil, add potatoes and washed rice. In a frying pan, fry the onions, carrots and tomato paste separately.
  • 3. Add chopped bell pepper and cabbage to the broth, add salt if desired and cover with a lid. Before removing from heat, add fried vegetables and herbs to the soup, let the soup boil and remove from heat.

Serve with sour cream. This is a simple dish that is quick to prepare.

  • 2) Vegetable soup with chicken

Calorie content per serving – 90 kcal

To prepare soup for 4 servings you will need 200 grams of skinless chicken breast, 1 carrot, 2 medium potatoes, 1 Bell pepper, 50 grams of vermicelli, 1 onion, any herbs, salt and spices to taste.


  • 1. To avoid extra calories you need chicken breast Boil in advance in a separate broth.
  • 2. In a separate saucepan, bring 1 liter of water to a boil, add chopped potatoes, onions, carrots and peppers.
  • 3. 5 minutes before readiness, add vermicelli and chopped chicken breast to the soup, season with salt. Add greens before serving.

Lose weight deliciously: recipes for simple dietary dishes

Diet does not mean abstinence or cooking super complex dishes. Low-calorie dishes, first of all, are varied and easy to prepare. The following PP recipes for low-calorie dishes are proof of this.

1) Pumpkin and applesauce with cinnamon and turmeric

  • Calorie content of 100 g of dish – 49.4 kcal

To prepare you will need 300 grams of pumpkin, 2 apples, 200 ml of low-fat yogurt, cinnamon and turmeric, one pinch each.


  • 1. Peel the apples, remove the core and divide into slices. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small pieces.
  • 2. Steam the apples and pumpkin in a double boiler until softened, this will take about 6-8 minutes.
  • 3. Place the pumpkin and apples in a deep bowl, mash with a blender and wait until completely cool. Then combine the puree with yogurt, season with cinnamon and turmeric.

Diet puree is ready.

2) Oriental pilaf with chicken

  • Calorie content of 100 g of dish – 108 kcal

To prepare you will need 400 grams chicken fillet, 2 onions, 3 medium carrots, 5 green hot peppers, 150 grams of long rice, 15 grams vegetable oil, spices to taste (paprika, Bay leaf, black pepper), salt.


  • 1. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes and lightly fry in vegetable oil.
  • 2. Add finely chopped onion and carrots to the chicken and let simmer under the lid.
  • 3. Rice for oriental pilaf must be washed in advance and soaked in cold water for 20 minutes. Then add the swollen rice to the meat and vegetables, season with spices and salt, place pepper pods on top, cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes until fully cooked.

This dish is filled with the aroma of oriental spices.

To get the maximum benefit from cooked dishes, you can resort to the following tricks:

  • You need to salt the first courses at the very end, so the salt will be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the food, and the beneficial substances will not “go” into the broth;
  • When cooking first courses, you should avoid intense bubbling cooking, this way you can preserve most of the vitamins in vegetables;
  • Steamed dishes are considered the most dietary - they have little fat and no harmful crispy crust. If you don't have a steamer, you can use a deep saucepan and a regular sieve;
  • Healthy side dishes are, first of all, vegetables, steamed or stewed without oil;
  • Salads should be dressed with low-fat yogurt or olive oil.

Thus, anyone can follow a diet, the main thing is to include more fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy and cereal dishes in the diet for weight loss, and healthy food is very tasty. Well, if you combine PP with sports, you can achieve the best results!
