Lunar month gardener calendar for May. May country calendar. Gardening work, plant care activities

May decorates the forests, summer awaits visitors.

May gives us an openwork lace of blooming plums and cherries. The most favorable time for planting most plants, as well as for protecting fruit and berry trees and shrubs from all kinds of pests and diseases.
At the beginning of the month they are planted in open ground cold-resistant crops: carrots, turnips, radishes, spring garlic.
In the middle of the month they plant onion sets, at the end - strawberries, beans, beets, and potatoes. Grow pumpkin seedlings.
By weather conditions in May, seedlings are planted in open ground, under film or in greenhouses various types cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, celery, leeks, spicy and medicinal plants.

Folk signs about the weather in May:
There are two cold periods in May: when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak blossoms.
If there is a lot of rain in May, then there is little in September.
After wet May there is dry June.
May is cold - a grain-bearing year.

Based on one interesting folk sign together with you we will try to compile one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the upcoming garden season 2016

Thematic calendar tables - selections from the main, universal gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Moon calendar

Gardening work, plant care activities

from May 01, 2016 00:01 (Sun)
to 01 May 2016 17:33 (Sun)

waning moon in the sign of Aquarius
Unfavorable days for sowing and planting. Preparing greenhouses and greenhouses for the season. Covering the beds with film to warm them up faster and preparing steam beds for pumpkins and zucchini. Loosening the soil, thinning out seedlings, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases, applying organic fertilizers.
We still have a blog: , login only from the lunar calendar.
from 01 May 2016 17:33 (Sun)
to 03 May 2016 20:04 (Tue)

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

Trees should not be planted or pruned. Best time for irrigation, root and foliar feeding plants organic fertilizers. A favorable time for planting potatoes, sowing onions on turnip sets, spring garlic, radishes, turnips and rutabaga, beets, carrots, parsley, celery. Planting tomato seedlings, pepper, eggplant, cucumbers in greenhouses or under film cover; seedlings of zucchini, pumpkins, squash in open ground. Weed control. Treatment and fertilizing with mullein and complex strawberry fertilizer. Applying compost to fruit trees and berry bushes, perennial flower crops (peonies, irises, delphiniums, etc.).
from 03 May 2016 20:04 (Tue)
to 05 May 2016 20:10 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Aries

Plowing and loosening the soil, controlling pests and plant diseases. These days you can weed and mulch the plantings. The best time for watering, root and foliar feeding vegetable crops. Feeding fruit trees, shrubs, as well as strawberries and vegetables. Collection of early greens and its processing. Conducting formative, sanitary pruning and removing thickening shoots. Growing tomatoes.
from 05 May 2016 20:10 (Thu)
to 06 May 2016 04:52 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Taurus

A favorable time for planting sprouted potato tubers, the next batches of non-shooting varieties and hybrids of radishes, sowing seeds of beets, carrots, parsley, celery, radishes, daikon; sowing onions and spring garlic. Planting bulbous flowers. Carrying out spraying of fruit trees and berry bushes from pests and diseases. The best time to fertilize root vegetables, garlic and onions. Loosening and mulching the beds, adding compost. Possible planting seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers (alternative days) . The rooting of tree and shrub seedlings planted on this day goes well.

Work on the lunar calendar table for gardeners and gardeners for May 2016 was completed on 04/05/2016.

Friends! Work is currently underway on the 2016 lunar calendar. We try to arrange it so that it is more convenient to plan seasonal work in the country. Our calendar takes into account the phases of the moon, its position in the zodiac signs and work is distributed according to the most favorable days.
Now we can take your comments into account. Please contact us with your suggestions at

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Work on the page “Lunar calendar of gardener for May 2016” will be completed by May 1, 2016.

For lovers of gardening and vegetable gardening, a crucial time begins in May. Calendar dacha work is full of activities that include sowing vegetables and flowers, fertilizing trees and bushes, planting seedlings in indoor and open ground.

Experienced gardeners and gardeners know: to get good harvest, it is not enough to rely only on your knowledge. Very often nature makes its own adjustments. Taking into account the phase of the moon, as well as its location relative to the zodiac signs, you can correctly distribute the stages of planting and plant care to obtain the best results.

Total two rules will help you always have high yields:

  1. when the moon is growing, it is recommended to sow greens and vegetables; root crops are planted 5-7 days before the new moon;
  2. During the new moon and full moon, you should not carry out planting work, since crops planted during this unfavorable time will grow slowly and give poor results.

Lunar sowing calendar for May 2016: table with recommendations

The sowing calendar, which is presented below, is an invaluable assistant for summer residents, as it contains information about favorable and unfavorable days for sowing vegetables and flowers, planting trees and bushes.

Moon phase

Zodiac sign




You can sow vegetable and flower annuals, including for seedlings; plant seedlings in a greenhouse; trim trees and shrubs; water the plants and feed them with organic preparations.


At this time, lettuce, mustard, arugula, cilantro, spinach, and radishes are sown; loosen and weed the ground; remove shoots and trim perennials.

new moon

Unfavorable period for sowing and planting.


A good time to plant potatoes, flowers, annual vegetable crops, and strawberries.



Favorable time for loosening and mulching the soil; weeding and thinning of seedlings; sanitization and pruning of plants.


Annuals are sown; potatoes are planted and vegetable seedlings; feed the plants mineral fertilizers. It is not recommended to plant perennials, since those planted at this time will have low winter hardiness.


A good time to lay and repair the lawn; We do not disturb the soil, trees and vegetable crops - during this period they need rest.


At this time, you can plant flowers, cabbage seedlings; divide and transplant garden bushes. It is not recommended to sow vegetable seeds; the yield will be low.


Time to sow melons and flower plants; plant tomato, pepper and eggplant seedlings. It is not recommended to get carried away with watering the soil; its humidity at this time is normal.



A good time to plant beans, peas, and lentils; lawn mowing; watering plants. You should not prune in the garden - there is a high probability that the wounds will become infected.

full moon


The right time for trimming and removing mustaches garden strawberries; pinching and pinching seedlings in a greenhouse.



During this period, you need to pay attention to loosening the soil; treatment of plants against diseases and pests. It is not recommended to water and feed crops - their roots at this time need air, not moisture.


Flower and vegetable annuals are planted; water and feed the seedlings. Perennials do not plant, they will have reduced winter hardiness.


They loosen the soil; weed and thin out the seedlings.

Work at the dacha in May 2016

May is the time for trees, shrubs and early flowers to bloom. There is a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden at this time and it is very important to properly organize time and distribute energy. In May, fruit and berry trees are planted ornamental plants, vegetable seedlings and flowers, sow seeds of herbs and spices. Although there are many warm days this month, night frosts are still possible, so there is no need to rush to plant heat-loving crops. At the end of May the first greens appear: parsley, sorrel, green onions, young garlic.

In May, the following events are held in the garden and vegetable garden:

  • perennials are inspected and pruned;
  • shelters for flowers are opened, plants are treated with special copper-containing preparations that kill and prevent rot;
  • young fruit trees and bushes are planted or transplanted to a new location;
  • the soil is loosened, dug, mulched and fertilized;
  • beds for seedlings are being prepared;
  • seeds of greens, carrots, beets, and legumes are sown;
  • After the return frosts have passed, seedlings of cold-resistant vegetable crops are planted.

In order not to reduce the frost resistance of plants, in May it is not recommended to fertilize with fertilizers that contain nitrogen.

Works at the beginning of the month

At the beginning of the month, it’s time for a big cleaning at the dacha. In the garden and vegetable garden, it is necessary to remove all coverings, remove debris and remnants of last year's leaves.

In the first ten days of the month it is advisable to carry out weeding And loosening soil in tree trunk circles garden trees and bushes. For every plant fertilizer is applied, produced watering And mulching. Fruit trees are fed with urea before flowering.

During this period, it is recommended to complete the planned renovation of the garden and plant or replanting perennials. Until mid-May, this can be done with plants that have an open root system, if planting occurs later, then the roots should be with a large lump of earth.

Raspberries also require special attention: dry branches are cut out, young shoots are tied up. The grapes are lifted onto the trellis and fixed.

The strawberry beds are being weeded and loosened. The roots, exposed after winter, are buried in the ground.

After the soil dries, the grass cover of the lawn is combed with a special rake, and debris and leaves left over from the fall are removed.

Works in the middle of the month

In the second ten days of May in a film greenhouse seedlings are planted tomatoes, peppers, eggplant. You can also sow cucumber and melon seeds in protected soil.

In the middle of the month, potato tubers of mid-season and late-ripening varieties are planted. Seeds of bush and climbing beans are also sown.

After the 10th of May, checking the lunar data sowing calendar, you can plant cabbage seedlings of not early varieties.

In mid-May, the flight of pests such as onion and cabbage flies begins. To combat this pest they use chemicals or ash, tobacco dust.

By the middle of the month it becomes active perennial growth(asparagus, sorrel) or winter-sown annuals (onions, radishes, spinach). At this time, it is already possible to harvest the first harvest of greenery.

Work at the end of the month

At the end of May, you can sow everything: corn, melons, greens. Seedlings of heat-loving vegetables are planted in open ground, including cauliflower, zucchini and pumpkin seeds. In order for the seedlings to take root well and adapt to changes in night and day temperatures, it is recommended to spray them with a zircon solution.

To protect against rot and other diseases, peonies and other ornamental and fruit plants are sprayed.

In the third ten days of May it is recommended feed berry bushes with organic and mineral fertilizers. It is also necessary to feed the garlic with complex fertilizer by dissolving 2 tablespoons of the product in 10 liters of water. It is recommended to fertilize early or winter sown carrots with urea; the product must be applied between the rows.

Work at the dacha in May: video

May is the busiest time for summer residents. During this period, the most important soil cultivation work takes place: flowers and herbs are sown, vegetables are planted, flower beds are laid out. Before planting, the soil is dug up and fertilizers are applied.

This month it is important to make an audit gardening tools, check the watering hoses.

To avoid losing your harvest, you need to carefully monitor the weather forecast. Due to spring frosts, the ovaries on the trees can die, so on cold nights, summer residents burn fires, enveloping the garden in smoke. Seedlings of vegetable and flower crops are covered with covering material.

On hot days, it is necessary to water thoroughly; a lack of moisture can lead to the plants being frail, painful, and in the worst possible way will affect productivity.

The gardener's lunar calendar for May 2016 advises how to organize the care of plantings, taking into account the lunar impact on crops.

The Earth's satellite controls all liquids, and therefore affects plants, because they contain a lot of moisture - up to 95% of the mass.

First day of May

Today the Moon is in its waning phase in Pisces. You can plant celery, radishes, bulbous plants, plant seedlings on, prune and graft trees and berry beds. A good day for cultivating and fertilizing the soil and watering.

Week from 2 to 8 May

The Moon is in its waning phase in Pisces. You can plant root celery, radishes, bulbous flowers and vegetables, transplant seedlings from their boxes into beds, graft and prune trees and shrubs. It is allowed to dig, loosen and fertilize the soil, and water the plants.

The waning moon moved into the constellation Aries. Today you can fertilize perennial crops, trees and shrubs. Under the infertile sign of Aries, it is better not to sow or plant anything. But weeding, pruning and sawing will go like clockwork.

The satellite is in Aries and continues to decline. You can continue to fight weeds, graft trees, form bushes, carry out sanitary pruning, dig and loosen the soil. Favorable day for spraying pesticides.

The moon has moved into Taurus and is still waning. Taurus is a very fertile sign, favorable for caring for plants. But it is still not recommended to plant and sow today. The fact is that tomorrow there will be a New Moon, and starting from today, we strongly recommend that you refrain from any manipulations with cultivated plants, with the exception of watering.

New Moon, satellite in Taurus. Now you can’t do planting, but you can weed, dig and form beds. The gardener's lunar calendar for May does not recommend digging today tree trunk circles, since there is a high risk of damage to the roots.

The moon went into Gemini and began to grow. Only yesterday there was a new moon, so you need to take care of the plants very carefully, and you shouldn’t sow or plant them at all. It’s worth dedicating a day to weeding, especially since weeds grow by leaps and bounds in May. In addition to manual weeding, today you can do herbicide spraying.

The satellite is still in the sign of Gemini. Finally, the time favorable for planting has come and you should hurry. On Gemini days, climbing flowers and vegetables are planted: legumes, grapes, climbing roses, clematis, honeysuckle-honeysuckle, actinidia.

Read also:

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for August 2016

Week from 9 to 15 May

The satellite increases in the very productive sign of Cancer. Now you can sow and plant any cultivated plants, whose aerial parts are eaten. Plants planted today will produce large, juicy fruits, but they will have fragile, brittle stems, so it is better not to plant crops with a heavy aerial part: tomatoes, gladioli.

The satellite is growing in Cancer. The gardener's lunar calendar for May today recommends doing the same as on the previous day.

The satellite continues to grow in Cancer. The lunar planting calendar for May 2016 recommends today that you continue to grow seedlings and sow seeds in open ground. You cannot plant fruit trees, as they will not be winter-hardy.

The Moon has moved into Leo. This is a non-planting time for most plants, with the exception of shrubs and trees. You can collect and dry medicinal herbs.

The Moon is in Leo. Grass that is weeded or cut today will grow more slowly in the future. Therefore, on May 13, you can mow the lawn, but you cannot cut the grass for hay, so that the hay crop does not become scarce.

Today the night luminary is growing in the sign of Virgo and this is an excellent time for sowing annual flowers, picking and planting any seedlings, dividing rhizomes, and grafting. Transplantation of plants sown in water signs, - they will quickly take root and develop powerful roots.

The gardener's lunar calendar for May advises doing the same thing in the garden as on the previous day.

Week from 16 to 22 May

The satellite increases in Libra. The Moon in Libra gives plants high productivity. Today you can sow seeds and plant seedlings of crops whose fruits are eaten: nightshade, pumpkin. The day is good for planting berries and rooting cuttings. You cannot sow root crops or plant potatoes. The harvest collected today will be well stored.

Feel free to plant berry trees and shrubs and root the cuttings.

You can plant berry gardens and root cuttings. It is not recommended to plant potatoes and root vegetables. If you harvest today, it will be perfectly stored.

The moon is already in Scorpio. The seeds sown today will sprout quickly and amicably. The plants will have strong roots and strong stems that can support a bountiful harvest. You can collect seeds, sow flower and vegetable crops, and plant bulbous flowers. You should not prune, as the wound will quickly become infected.

Trees should not be planted or pruned today. But the time is excellent for watering, root and foliar feeding of plants with organic fertilizers. A favorable period for planting potatoes, sowing onions on turnip sets, spring garlic, radishes, turnips and rutabaga, beets, carrots, parsley, celery. It is possible to plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers in greenhouses or under film cover.

The period is favorable for plowing and loosening the soil, combating pests and plant diseases. You can weed and mulch the plantings. It is also a good time for watering, root and foliar fertilizing of vegetable crops, fertilizing fruit trees, shrubs, as well as strawberries and vegetable crops.

Do watering, weeding, fertilizing. Set aside pinching and root picking. Sowing and planting are not recommended. It is recommended to prepare the soil for sowing, exterminate pests, weeding and mulching

Spray fruit trees and berry bushes against pests and diseases. The best time to apply fertilizers for root crops is favorable for the rooting of tree and shrub seedlings planted on this day. Keep in mind that everything grows slowly during this time.

At this time, it is better not to plant or replant new ones. You can get rid of pests and prevent their effects, sick or annoying plants. It is possible to thin out seedlings, loosen and mulch the soil, remove garbage, prepare beds and other types of work not directly related to plants.

Today it is very useful to sow, plant and transplant everything that climbs, including flowers. Pest control is also recommended on this day.

Planting seedlings of climbing beans and transplanting roses are successful. It is possible to divide the rhizomes of perennial flowering plants and propagate them by cuttings and layering. Planting seedlings, trees and shrubs planted these days will easily take root.

Please note that according to the gardener's calendar for May 2016, the Moon prohibits pruning trees and shrubs and pinching vegetable crops. But watering vegetable, fruit trees and shrubs and fertilizing with minerals are favorable. Also today you can soak the seeds of melons (pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers) and sow them under a film cover.

Today, sowing green crops, corn and flower seeds in the ground is effective. You can also plant seedlings of late-ripening varieties of cabbage in open ground, and seedlings of physalis, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants in greenhouses. Favorable for planting and transplanting berries and ornamental shrubs, planting seedlings of cultivated grapes.

It’s good to mow lawns and water indoor and balcony plants on this day. It is not advisable to plant or sow tall plants.

The period is favorable for soil cultivation, thinning seedlings, weeding and pest and disease control, as well as household work. A favorable time for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers, as well as all growing plants: decorative beans, hops, maiden grapes, roses and others.

Today is a great time to prune trees and shrubs. Any household work and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers are possible.

A good time for planting hedges, transplanting indoor plants and vegetables grown on the balcony. Processing strawberries and placing shoots of berry bushes into furrows for their rooting is effective.

According to the gardener's calendar for May 2016, today it is possible to sow seeds of annual flowers in the ground, plant seedlings of sweet peas, gillyflower, as well as flowers that are not resistant to diseases (dahlias, gladioli and others).

According to Moon forecasts for May 2016, this day is favorable for planting seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, squash, and legumes in open ground: beans, peas, beans, lentils. In this case, cucumber seedlings are placed in open ground under cover. You can plant seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses of heat-loving vegetable crops (peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, pumpkins).

Planting cabbage seedlings in open ground, remontant strawberries, spicy and aromatic herbs. It is effective today to start transplanting new strawberry bushes in place of dead ones, carrying out vaccinations and re-grafting.

Good time lunar calendar for May 2016 for planting berry bushes, honeysuckle, roses, and forming a lawn. The period is also favorable for planting, dividing and replanting perennial rhizomatous flowers, and applying mineral fertilizers.

Pruning of trees and shrubs is prohibited. But the day is favorable for watering and fertilizing fruit trees and vegetable crops. It is recommended to sow legumes and green crops, for example, different varieties lettuce and dill. You can soak the seeds of zucchini, pumpkin and cucumbers, plant them in greenhouses under a film cover or for seedlings.

It is not recommended to sow, plant, replant, or prune anything. Thinning seedlings, loosening and mulching the soil, removing garbage, preparing beds, spraying trees and shrubs against pests and diseases.

It is good to prune fruit trees and shrubs and fight pests living on the ground. It is not advisable to loosen the soil and weed, as the weeds will soon appear again.

Plowing, digging, loosening and mulching the soil, sowing radishes, daikon, summer radishes, and turnips are recommended. It is possible to plant onions on turnips, spring garlic and potatoes. Effectively spraying fruit trees and berry bushes against pests and diseases.

It is possible to prune trees and berry bushes, pinching the tops of raspberry shoots. It is favorable to plant seedlings of apple, pear, cherry, plum, serviceberry, honeysuckle, and roses.

Planting seedlings of apple, pear, cherry, plum, serviceberry. Sowing root crop seeds. The best period for controlling weeds, thinning seedlings, applying fertilizers and mulching the beds with humus or compost. A favorable time for planting celery, potato radishes and all root vegetables.

Planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers in greenhouses or under film cover. Dividing perennial vegetable crops, planting fruit and berry crops. Carrying out formative, sanitary pruning and removal of thickening shoots.

Unfavorable days for planting and sowing. Therefore, take the time to spray fruit trees and shrubs against diseases and pests, as well as stimulate the growth of flowering fruit trees and berry bushes.

It is possible to fertilize flowers, lawn care, weeding, loosening the soil and controlling pests.

It is good to sow and plant leafy vegetables, water indoor and balcony flowers, mow lawns, and fertilize flowers. It is not advisable to trim fruit trees and shrubs.

Trees should not be planted or pruned. But the time is very good for watering, root and foliar fertilizing with organic fertilizers. It is also a favorable period for planting potatoes, sowing onions, spring garlic, radishes, turnips and rutabaga, beets, carrots, parsley, and celery. You can plant seedlings of zucchini, pumpkins and squash in open ground. Seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers - in greenhouses or under film cover.

It’s good to plant fruit plants and sow grain today. Weed control, treatment and fertilizing with complex strawberry fertilizer are effective.

According to the gardener's lunar calendar for May 2016, the harvest of early greenery and its processing, plowing and loosening of the soil, and the fight against pests and plant diseases are favorable. Also during these months, the Moon allows you to weed and mulch the plantings.
