Laryngitis in adults: treatment at home. The most effective ways. Symptoms and treatment of laryngitis in adults and children at home Laryngitis drug treatment in adults

Laryngitis is usually called an inflammatory process in the larynx, which can be acute or chronic. With this disease, damage occurs to the vocal cords, epiglottis and walls of the subglottic cavity. This type of disease can occur not only in childhood, but also in adults. What are the causes of the development of the disease and how does the disease manifest itself? How to cure laryngitis in adults at home?

In many cases, acute laryngitis does not manifest itself as an independent disease, but as a complication of other inflammatory processes that occur in the upper respiratory tract. The main cause of the development of the disease is considered to be the penetration of a viral or bacterial infection into the mucous membrane of the larynx. The pathological process can also occur as a result of diseases such as influenza, colds, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria or whooping cough.

In addition to infectious pathogens, the causes of acute laryngitis can be:

  1. microscopic particles of vapors, gases or dust that are in the air;
  2. external stimuli. These include animal hair, food products, plant pollen, fluff;
  3. thermal effects. Such reasons include hot or cold food;
  4. overstrain of the vocal cords when talking, screaming or crying;
  5. presence of bad habits. These include inhaling chemicals, drinking alcohol and smoking.

In rare situations, acute laryngitis develops against the background of reflux esophagitis. This disease is characterized by the reflux of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus. As a result, the larynx experiences irritation.

Chronic laryngitis develops due to:

  • frequent acute laryngitis;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. These include sinusitis, pharyngitis, caries, bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • constant hypothermia;
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • active and passive smoking;
  • regular stress on the vocal cords.

Symptoms of laryngitis in adults

When the mucous membrane is exposed to certain factors, it becomes irritated. As a result, an inflammatory process occurs in which the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords swell.

In the first seven to ten days the disease has an acute course.. If the inflammatory process lasts longer, then doctors diagnose chronic laryngitis.

The main symptoms of laryngitis in adults are:

  • in dryness and sore throat, tickling and burning, sensation of a foreign body in the throat;
  • in the occurrence of pain when swallowing and speaking;
  • in the manifestation of dry cough. After a few days it develops into wet with sputum;
  • in rapid fatigue, hoarseness and hoarseness of voice;
  • an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees;
  • in the appearance of pain in the head, general weakness and fatigue.

Chronic laryngitis can occur without fever. The main signs of laryngitis in adults are:

  • in a painful feeling in the throat;
  • in soreness and soreness;
  • in the need to cough;
  • in rapid voice fatigue;
  • hoarse.

Types of laryngitis in adults

The first signs of laryngitis depend on what type of disease is observed in the adult. In medicine, it is customary to distinguish several types.

  1. Laryngitis of catarrhal type. This form of the disease occurs most often. Has a lighter character. The main symptoms include sore throat, hoarseness, and dry cough.
  2. Laryngitis of a hypertrophic nature. With this form of the disease, the patient experiences tissue proliferation in the form of nodular formations. Symptoms are expressed quite clearly in the form of hoarseness and hoarseness of voice, intense cough.
  3. Atrophic laryngitis. The patient experiences thinning of the laryngeal mucosa. It manifests itself as symptoms in the form of dry mouth, dry and painful cough, the passage of crusts streaked with blood, and constant hoarseness of the voice.
  4. Laryngitis of hemorrhagic nature. Has no characteristic features. During laryngoscopy, hemorrhages are visible on the pharyngeal mucosa.
  5. Laryngitis of an occupational nature. The vocal cords thicken. Gradually the voice becomes hoarse.
  6. Laryngitis of diphtheria type. With this type of disease, the patient's mucous membrane of the larynx becomes covered with a whitish coating, which often blocks the glottis. Such a process can lead to suffocation and death of the patient.
  7. Laryngitis of tuberculous type. The inflammatory process rises up from the lungs to the larynx, where tubercles form. In severe situations, the epiglottis and vocal cartilage are destroyed.
  8. Laryngitis of syphilitic type. Acts as a complication of syphilis. With this type of disease, ulcers and plaques appear on the mucous membrane of the larynx. After some time, they turn into scars, which lead to deformation of the larynx.

Diagnosis of laryngitis in adults

If a patient develops laryngitis, symptoms and treatment in adults should be carried out as early as possible. To do this, you should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

First, the doctor will collect information about the presence of complaints and symptoms. Then he will examine the upper respiratory tract. With laryngitis, there is a narrowing of the vocal lumen and the release of a small amount of mucus. Redness and swelling of the tissues are also observed.

To clarify the form of the disease, the patient may be prescribed an examination, which includes:

  • donating blood for general analysis. When carrying out this method, the presence of an inflammatory process can be recognized. The leukocyte and ESR levels will be significantly higher than normal;
  • X-ray examination of the lungs to determine tuberculosis;
  • taking sputum and a swab from the oral cavity to determine the causative agent of the disease.

Possible complications after laryngitis

Each patient, when the disease occurs, should know what complications after laryngitis can arise.
If acute laryngitis is treated incorrectly, then adverse consequences arise in the form of:

  • development of the disease into a chronic form;
  • development of allergic edema and suffocation;
  • the occurrence of mediastinitis, neck phlegmon, lung abscess or sepsis.

Chronic laryngitis can also lead to complications such as:

  • benign tumor formation in the larynx;
  • proliferation of polyps, formation of cysts or granulomas;
  • development of laryngeal cancer;
  • laryngeal stenosis;
  • impaired mobility of the larynx.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to treat laryngitis correctly.

Treatment process for acute laryngitis

Many patients are interested in the question of how to cure laryngitis. When the first symptoms appear, it is enough to carry out comprehensive treatment, which includes:

  1. carrying out inhalations using soda, mineral water, herbal decoctions;
  2. use of dry cough medications;
  3. use of expectorants on the third or fourth day of illness;
  4. taking antipyretics at temperatures above 38.5 degrees or when it lasts for a long time;
  5. the use of sprays and lozenges;
  6. taking antibiotics if laryngitis was caused by bacteria;
  7. use of antiviral agents for viral infections;
  8. taking antihistamines.

The treatment process for chronic laryngitis

It is almost impossible to eliminate chronic laryngitis. It will always manifest itself when favorable factors arise. But it is possible to reduce the number of relapses, so treatment of chronic laryngitis in adults involves:

  • use of topical antibiotics;
  • taking oral antibiotics for systemic treatment;
  • use of antiseptic sprays and lozenges;
  • performing inhalations with saline, soda, Miramistin, Lazolvan, herbs;
  • taking antitussive drugs;
  • use of expectorants;
  • use of immunomodulatory drugs to enhance immune function.

Laryngitis in adults can also be treated with physiotherapeutic procedures, which include electrophoresis, UHF, and diadynamic therapy.

Treatment of catarrhal laryngitis

Laryngitis of the catarrhal type is considered the mildest form of the disease. Therefore, the patient needs to know how to quickly cure laryngitis. Complex treatment includes:

  • implementation of inhalations with alkaline and oil solutions. This method of treatment is considered the main one;
  • the use of antiviral drugs if the disease was caused by an infection. Prescribed only by a doctor;
  • irrigating the throat with sprays and sucking tablets.

Immunomodulating and immunostimulating agents are prescribed as additional therapy.
During the period of remission, physiotherapy in the form of UHF, electrophoresis with novocaine and diadynamic therapy can be performed.

The treatment process for atrophic laryngitis

If the patient has been diagnosed with atrophic laryngitis, then treatment at home includes the use of drugs for a dry and painful cough in the form of Sinecod or Codelac Neo. When the cough becomes wet, the patient should switch to expectorants in the form of ACC, Lazolvan, Bromhexine.

As an additional therapy, aerosol inhalations with proteolytic enzymes are prescribed. These manipulations are carried out so that the crusts from the larynx area can be safely removed.

The treatment process for hypertrophic laryngitis in adults

If laryngitis occurs, treatment should be started as soon as possible. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, the disease can develop into a more severe one. It is usually called hypertrophic.

This type of laryngitis can be treated in two ways.

  1. Using conservative therapy. Treatment of laryngitis at home involves physiotherapeutic procedures. For example, UHF is prescribed with the addition of antihistamines and Bioparox.

    Decongestants, local and systemic antibiotics, and inhalations are also additionally prescribed.
    Symptomatic treatment involves the use of antitussives, which after a few days are replaced by expectorants. At elevated temperatures, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen is prescribed.

  2. With the help of surgical treatment. In this case, thickened tissues are removed. The operation is performed under the influence of anesthetics. The procedure is also aimed at preventing the degeneration of damaged tissue into a malignant tumor.

Treatment process for occupational laryngitis

This type of disease occurs in those people whose work involves the vocal cords. Therefore, laryngitis accompanies them constantly. If another relapse occurs, treatment of laryngitis in adults should include:

  • regular gargling;
  • the use of warm compresses;
  • implementation of inhalations;
  • taking antitussives and expectorants.

The patient also needs to adhere to special rules that will allow him to recover faster and maintain ligaments:

  • always humidify the air in the room;
  • provide complete rest to the vocal apparatus;
  • observe drinking regime;
  • Healthy food.

During the period of remission, you can use traditional methods to maintain health.

  1. Drink an alkaline solution. To prepare it, take warm milk and mineral water and mix in a one to one ratio. Then add butter, honey and a little cognac. You need to drink the medicine hot.
  2. Using burnt sugar instead of lozenges. To prepare, take 2 tablespoons of sugar and melt it in a hot frying pan. Then pour a mug of water and take a spoonful every two to three hours.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. In adults, the acute form of the disease is predominantly caused by viruses and does not require treatment with antibiotics. For various variants of the chronic course of the disease, individual therapeutic approaches are provided, including surgical ones.

Symptoms of the disease

Depending on the course, laryngitis is distinguished: acute (up to about two weeks) and chronic.

In turn, the chronic form of the disease is divided into:

  • catarrhal;
  • atrophic;
  • hypertrophic (hyperplastic).

The causes of the disease, as a rule, are viral infections (influenza, measles laryngitis, etc.), less often - bacterial (diphtheria, anthrax, typhoid, syphilis laryngitis, etc.).

In adults, the disease can be a consequence of:

Chronic laryngitis develops as a result of prolonged pathological processes in the nasopharynx or, often, recurrent acute laryngitis. The same factors contribute to the disease as for the acute form (smoking, vocal strain, acid reflux, etc.).

In itself, laryngitis is not contagious, since this term simply reflects the location of the inflammatory process, but its infectious nature may pose a corresponding problem.

The first signs and how laryngitis manifests itself

The first signs of acute laryngitis in adults are:

  • hoarseness of voice (up to its complete loss);
  • a characteristic cough (with whooping cough), reminiscent of a dog barking, which, as it recovers, becomes wet, with sputum discharge;
  • sore throat, dry throat;
  • sometimes - pain when swallowing;
  • redness and swelling of the larynx;
  • increased temperature, redness, mucus discharge, plaque in the throat - if the disease is infectious;
  • purulent damage to muscle structures, ligaments, etc. in the phlegmonous form.

Chronic catarrhal laryngitis manifested by severe hyperemia of the laryngeal mucosa;
atrophic– dryness and thinning of the membrane, as well as mucous discharge with the formation of crusts;
hypertrophic– growth of individual areas or the entire mucosa (a special case is nodular laryngitis, in which peculiar nodules form on the vocal folds, for example, in singers).

For adults (as well as for children), allergic, acute laryngitis (also known as pharyngitis) can be dangerous, in which swelling of the larynx develops suddenly after contact with an allergen (dust, food, chemicals, etc.) and quickly increases. about the treatment of rhinopharyngitis in adults.

As a result, it becomes difficult for the patient to swallow, difficulty breathing, hoarseness of the voice, and asphyxia is possible.

Treatment methods in adults

An important component of the treatment of any laryngitis is to ensure vocal rest and avoid irritating (spicy, hot, solid, etc.) foods, and quit smoking and alcohol.

To treat an acute viral disease, symptomatic medications are used:

If the nature of the disease is confirmed to be bacterial, the doctor selects the appropriate antibacterial drug (amoxicillin, etc.), and if it is fungal, an antifungal drug (nystatin, etc.).

Allergic laryngitis requires the prescription of antihistamines (for example, suprastin, loratadine), in emergency cases - glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone), adrenaline.

Erespal is one of the drugs with unproven effectiveness, although some patients note its positive effects.

The following physical procedures can also be performed according to indications:

  • electrophoresis of drugs;
  • laser therapy, etc.

In case of chronic laryngitis, in addition to various lubrication (with iodine mixtures) and cauterization (with silver nitrate solution, etc.), which from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine are considered not only ineffective, but even harmful, surgical intervention may be required.

Also, for chronic laryngitis, the cause of which is constant overstrain of the vocal cords, voice training is indicated.

Using antibiotics

Antibacterial therapy is carried out only after confirmation of the bacterial cause of the disease. The drugs are selected depending on the sensitivity of the pathogen.

Often, drug treatment is carried out with the first choice drugs - penicillins.

Do you know which ones? If not, then follow the link.

On this page: - there is an article that says which antibiotics to use to treat scarlet fever in adults.

Treatment with traditional methods at home

Treatment of laryngitis with non-traditional methods (as well as) is allowed only after consultation with a doctor, especially for the treatment of pregnant women, and includes:

  • drinking milk with cocoa butter, decoction of anise seeds or figs in milk;
  • steam inhalations based on herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, calendula, etc.) - should be used with caution due to the possibility of developing an allergic reaction and burns to the mucous membrane;
  • lubrication with a mixture of glycerin and iodine ( The use of this method is not permitted for any form of disease!), sea buckthorn oil.

Possible complications as a result of the disease

One of the common complications of laryngitis is the development of false croup - narrowing against the background of the underlying disease of the glottis with difficulty in inhaling.

This problem mainly occurs in children under 5 years of age, in adults - extremely rarely and, as a rule, turns out to be a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Also possible:

A short list and approximate cost of drugs for treatment

A number of medications for the treatment of laryngitis are available without a prescription (some with a prescription) in city pharmacies and online pharmacies, and are also presented on Yandex Market.

Cost of individual medications:

  • Inhalipt – 34 – 110 rubles;
  • Bioparox - 408 – 631 rubles;
  • Amoxicillin - 12 – 206 rubles;
  • Nystatin – 9 – 55 rubles;
  • Suprastin - 92 - 138 rubles;
  • Loratadine – 7 – 711 rubles;
  • Adrenaline – 11 – 75 rub.;
  • Prednisolone – 25 – 180 rub.

Inflammatory damage to the larynx, otherwise laryngitis, in adults can be either a manifestation of the underlying pathology (viral or bacterial infection, allergic reaction) or be a consequence of the influence of a number of factors. Depending on the cause of the disease, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment. An important component of such therapy is voice peace and elimination of bad habits.

Representatives of scientific medicine talk in great detail about laryngitis: the nature of its occurrence and methods of treating the disease.

Reading time: 11 minutes

Woke up in the morning and can’t speak? In addition to hoarseness, do you feel unwell? In 95 percent of cases it is laryngitis. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract that affects the larynx. Often the diagnosis is made only when the cords are involved and a change in voice occurs. The disease can occur in both adults and children. From this article you will learn about the causes, symptoms of the disease and how to treat it.

Forms of the disease

The disease has two forms: acute and chronic. If laryngitis has not progressed to the acute stage, then in adults it can be cured literally within one week of sufficiently competent therapy. It’s worse when the disease is neglected and a visit to the doctor is delayed until the last minute. Then severe complications are possible for the entire larynx and the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Adults experience difficulties with this disease less often than children, since the immune system of a mature body is much stronger.

What causes laryngitis

As a rule, the cause of laryngitis is not one factor, but a whole complex. Most often, the disease occurs against the background, and various viral infections contribute to it. But in adults, laryngitis can also occur as an independent disease.

The most common causes of inflammation of the larynx:

  1. Viral infection. It could be influenza, rhinovirus or adenovirus. A distinctive feature is that the disease develops very quickly, literally within a few hours.
  2. Bacterial infection. Here, the causative agents are often bacteria or streptococcus (that is, inflammation can develop after scarlet fever, measles, rubella). Diagnosing laryngitis in this case becomes more difficult, since the disease affects not only the area of ​​the adult larynx located in the area of ​​the vocal cords. The effect seems to be “smeared out” - wheezing in the bronchi, nasal discharge, etc. may appear.
  3. Fungal infection - molds and yeasts can also cause laryngitis.
  4. Allergic reaction to food or respiratory irritants (treated by an allergist). Therapy for inflammation of the larynx under such conditions is associated primarily with the use of antihistamines, and sometimes hormonal ones.
  5. Sudden changes in temperature. You can, being hot, go out into the cold air and then get laryngitis. Or drink a lot of cold water in the heat. Laryngitis caused by these factors is the easiest to detect and treat.
  6. High load on the vocal cords. It is not for nothing that laryngitis is called an occupational disease of speakers, singers, teachers - all those who have to speak or sing for a long time and loudly. Most often, people in these professions develop an acute form of inflammation.
  7. A prolonged dry cough due to bronchitis can also cause laryngitis. The same goes for smokers.

In addition, fine particles and vapors of heavy chemical compounds (hard salts, mercury and other metals) can cause a special form of the disease - reactive laryngitis. It often affects people employed in hazardous industries, in the chemical industry, metallurgy, cement factories, etc.

Alcohol abuse can also be an indirect cause of laryngitis - alcohols and ethers cause protein coagulation, which leads to dryness of the larynx. This makes it extremely vulnerable to external influences (which is why after a feast, in addition to our heads, we often have a sore throat and a deep throat).


Inflammation develops due to the penetration of a pathogenic microorganism into the cell. Then inflammatory mediators are produced in the affected area, macrophages and other protective cells of the body are activated. Inflammation develops.

Doctor's advice

Inhalations have worked well for laryngitis. This can be a simple way - inhale steam from hot water, or using a nebulizer. In the first case, use an alkaline solution (a pinch of soda per glass of water), a decoction of chamomile and sage (1 tsp per 200 ml of water) or thyme (1 tsp per 1 glass of water). In the second case, you can use ambroxol, saline solution. In case of severe swelling, hormonal drugs (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone) can be used; they are prescribed by a doctor. Any inhalations are performed at a body temperature not higher than 37.0 in children and adolescents and 37.2 in adults.

The body begins to respond to these processes by increasing blood flow to the affected area - hence swelling occurs. Swelling leads to a narrowing of the glottis. In addition to hoarseness, this is also manifested by poor ventilation of the larynx. Less moisture begins to flow into it. It dries out and becomes even less protected.

Characteristic symptoms:

  1. Itching, pain, soreness or burning in the throat.
  2. Sensation of a foreign body in the larynx.
  3. Difficulty swallowing.
  4. Hoarseness and hoarseness of voice. In advanced or acute forms of laryngitis, this symptom can lead to complete loss of voice in an adult.
  5. Barking cough. As the disease progresses, the nature of the cough will change. Initially it will be dry, irritating the inflamed mucous membrane. When the treatment enters the active phase, the cough will become moist and the sputum will be easily expectorated.
  6. Temperature. If it is a virus, the temperature will rise to 38-38.5 almost from the first hours of illness and will last no more than three days. But a sign of bacterial laryngitis is a long-term inflammatory process, during which the temperature remains around 37.5 degrees.
  7. General malaise and weakness.
  8. Loss of appetite, fatigue.

Diagnostic methods

If you suspect that you are suffering from laryngitis, you should immediately contact a doctor, because an advanced disease can leave you bedridden for a couple of weeks or deprive you of your voice.

Diagnostics occurs in several stages:

  1. Taking an anamnesis, during which the doctor asks you: about the time of the first symptoms, whether you have had laryngitis before, whether there were any additional factors that could have caused inflammation of the larynx.
  2. Examination of the larynx and laryngoscopy. The specialist examines the mucous membrane for the presence of edema, enlarged ligaments, infiltration, white plaque, and microcracks.
  3. In the acute form, a laboratory smear test is usually performed. Additionally, blood and urine collection may be required.

Laryngitis has common symptoms with a number of serious diseases - syphilis of the larynx, tuberculosis and even cancer. Therefore, sometimes a doctor can prescribe a differential diagnosis to accurately identify the pathology.


Unlike ordinary respiratory viral diseases, laryngitis will not go away on its own, simply by mobilizing the body’s immune functions. He needs complex treatment. Moreover, the factors that caused the disease or the reasons contributing to it should also be taken into account.

Pharmacological methods of treatment can be divided into several types depending on the causes of the disease and the characteristics of its course:

  1. Antiviral agents - “Ingavirin”, “Ergoferon”, “Amiksin”, “Cycloferon”.
  2. Antibacterial agents - taken for acute and protracted forms of laryngitis, occurring at elevated temperatures and severe swelling - "Ceftriaxone", "Amoxiclav", "Augmentin", "Azithromycin", "Ospamox".
  3. Antifungal agents - Metronidazole, Fluconazole.
  4. Anti-inflammatory aerosols - « Ingalipt", "Tantum Verde" and other similar drugs.
  5. Resorption agents - Faringosept, Strepsils (any softening lozenges or lozenges will do, unless they are contraindicated for you).
  6. Solutions for rinsing the throat and mouth - “Tantum Verde”, “Rotokan”, etc.
  7. Antihistamines (relieve swelling well, which promotes rapid voice restoration) - Suprastin, Cetrin.

Steroids and other hormonal drugs are selected strictly individually when consulting a doctor. Even if you understand that you need such drugs, you should not self-medicate. Their compatibility with other medications can only be guaranteed by a specialist.

Traditional medicine and prevention

When treating laryngitis, try to follow a few simple tips:

  1. Voice rest.
  2. Ventilate the room where the patient is mainly located. Pathogenic bacteria and viruses should not accumulate in the room. This will not only increase the chances of a speedy recovery, but will also protect your loved ones.
  3. Try to drink more to maintain a normal metabolism and boost your immune system to fight inflammation.
  4. Humidify the room and maintain a normal temperature (not higher than 27 and not lower than 22 degrees).
  5. Rinse your throat and mouth with a soda-salt solution. This will disinfect the affected area.
  6. Do steam inhalations with herbal infusions (sage, mint, calendula, chamomile). They perfectly replace emollients and relieve coughing and sore throat.
  7. In the final stages of the disease, when the temperature has dropped and the inflammatory process has subsided, you can take steam baths for your feet.
  8. Physiotherapy.

Laryngitis is a disease of the larynx. It is characterized by inflammation of its mucous membrane, as well as the epiglottis and vocal cords. The mucous membrane becomes swollen, hyperemic, and thickened. With other types of disease, it can, on the contrary, atrophy, that is, decrease.

Signs of laryngitis vary depending on the form of the disease, but there are still basic symptoms that are characteristic of all types: cough, sore throat, change in voice.

Causes of laryngitis

This is a fairly common disease that affects both children and adults. The reasons why laryngitis occurs can be varied.. First of all, these are respiratory infections: influenza or ARVI. Here laryngitis acts as one of the symptoms of the underlying disease.

The walls of the larynx can become inflamed in isolation. Then laryngitis is an independent disease, and is caused by microbes inhabiting our body. Normally, they are present on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, but under unfavorable conditions they cause the development of pathological changes. Such conditions include:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • alcohol, smoking;
  • consumption of hot food and drinks;
  • inhalation of gas, chemical vapors, dusty air;
  • loud, prolonged speech;
  • decreased immunity;
  • gastric reflux. What is contained in the stomach is thrown into the esophagus and the mucous membrane is burned by the acidic gastric contents.

Symptoms and treatment of laryngitis in children

Almost every mother knows what laryngitis is in children. This a common occurrence for children, especially before the age of three.

The causes of laryngitis in children are quite varied.:

  1. The leader is infectious diseases. Including childhood infections: measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever.
  2. Very dry air.
  3. The disease can be the result of a baby’s collision with an allergen.
  4. Hypothermia of the body.
  5. Presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract.
  6. A physiological feature of the structure is that the larynx is too narrow and the slightest swelling immediately makes breathing difficult.
  7. Prolonged crying or screaming.

The disease has a special course in infants. Kids cannot complain about feeling unwell or sound hoarse in their voice.

Therefore, the parents of these children should be Be especially attentive to such symptoms in your baby, How:

  • nervousness or, conversely, lethargy of the child;
  • cough, runny nose;
  • hoarse cry;
  • cyanosis around the mouth.

Taken together, these signs may indicate an inflammatory disease of the larynx.

When such a problem arises, a logical question arises: how to treat laryngitis for up to a year. Initially, the doctor prescribes drugs that eliminate swelling, as well as antibiotics that act on the cause of the disease. There is also no way to do without antiallergic drugs.

It is worth noting that treating laryngitis in infants at home is very doubtful. The peculiarities of their respiratory system are such that a slight swelling can very quickly turn into respiratory failure. Therefore, it is better for the child to spend the first days of treatment under the supervision of specialists. But even if you decide to act under the motto: “Houses and walls help,” if manifestations such as irregular rapid breathing, hyperthermia and coughing that cause a child’s lack of air occur, it is still worth calling a doctor.

Prevention of laryngitis in children up to a year is timely treatment of colds, elimination of allergens, maintaining sufficiently humid and clean air in the baby’s room.

The signs of laryngitis in a 2-3 year old child are practically no different from those in an infant. Young children also suffer from runny nose and cough. The latter may be dry at first, then wet, and with significant swelling it resembles the barking of a dog. The cough can be so severe that in some cases it causes the child to vomit.

Cough symptom is one of the main symptoms of this disease. It causes a lot of inconvenience for the child.

Medicines that help treat cough in children with laryngitis- These are expectorants. They promote the separation of mucus. These can be “Lazolvan”, “Alteyka”, “Bromhexine”. They will soften the cough and make it less annoying. Warm drinks in large quantities are also good for this: teas, milk, compote or just water.

Continuing the list of symptoms of laryngitis in babies, you can add to them hoarseness, hyperemia of the pharynx, difficulty breathing, lethargy, and refusal to eat. The temperature may be increased, but only slightly. Children 4-5 years old will tell you about some symptoms themselves: pain and sore throat, headache, feeling of dry mouth.

A frequent complication of inflammation of the larynx is its stenosis or false croup. In this case, there is a sudden swelling of the space under the glottis. The child has difficulty breathing, and symptoms of respiratory failure increase. In fact, the baby is simply suffocating.

In this situation first aid for a child before the doctor arrives can be::

  • foot baths that produce a distracting effect;
  • warm alkaline drink;
  • air humidification: place a pan of water or hang wet towels;
  • for stenosing laryngitis, inhalations will help children well. It is very good if you have a nebulizer in your house. Use mineral water, saline solution or chamomile decoction. These seemingly simple remedies will help alleviate the baby’s condition.

Child's regimen during illness

Sick children In the first days of the disease, bed rest is prescribed. Subsequently, when the child’s condition improves, the regime will not be so strict.

The question often arises: is it possible for a child to walk without a fever? If the process is moving towards recovery, then of course yes. Some children breathe easier in the fresh air than at home. Only short walks are allowed, in an ecologically clean area, without drafts; it is not recommended to walk in the heat or severe frost.

Warm drinks are mandatory for laryngitis.. Food should not be too hot or cold. Based on consistency, choose liquid, homogeneous dishes, without lumps or solid particles. During the peak of the disease, vegetable puree, oatmeal or milk porridges, and broths are good options. It is worth excluding sweets, carbonated water, sour and salty foods.

It is important humidifying the air in the room baby, as well as regular ventilation. It is necessary to reduce the overload of the inflamed vocal cords. To do this, if possible, you need to explain to the child how important silence is for him.

Will speed up the treatment of laryngitis in children use of folk remedies, such as a warm compress on the throat, mustard applications, foot baths.

Inflammation of the larynx in a child is a fairly serious disease. If the course is favorable, it can last 2 weeks, otherwise complications are possible.

Symptoms of laryngitis in adults

The main symptom of inflammation of the larynx in adults is cough.

The disease cannot exist without a cough. Laryngitis without a cough is not laryngitis.

At the very beginning of the process it is dry, then it turns wet. The cough with laryngitis is obsessive and exhausting. I am concerned about sore throat, sore throat, dry mouth.

In one case Laryngitis can be without temperature, in another it can increase to small levels. The temperature during laryngitis in adults lasts until inflammation develops; when the process subsides, it decreases.

The laryngeal mucosa is swollen and red. Small vessels burst, leaving red dots on its surface. Symptoms of intoxication also occur: lethargy, headache, drowsiness, catarrhal symptoms.

Laryngitis during pregnancy

The causes and symptoms of the disease for these women are the same as for other people, but the consequences are much more severe. This mainly concerns the fetus. Pathogenic bacteria, which are the causative agents of the disease, enter the child’s body through the placenta. This is where the horror of the situation lies.

The thing is that these organisms cause the development of pathologies and deformities in the fetus, especially in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. It is during this period that the baby develops all its organs and systems.

In especially severe cases, laryngitis in early pregnancy can cause miscarriage or intrauterine fetal death. In later stages, it can cause premature labor or bleeding.

But there is no need to cause panic. To prevent complications from developing, at the slightest symptoms of the disease, contact a professional who will help you and select the right treatment.

Treatment of laryngitis in pregnant women also has its own characteristics. After all, many drugs penetrate the placental barrier and can harm the baby. Therefore, therapy for this disease in pregnant women comes down, first of all, to traditional methods.

Drinking plenty of rose hips, linden, as well as warm milk with butter and honey will help get rid of intoxication. And tea with ginger will also have an antibacterial effect. At the end of pregnancy, it is recommended to refrain from taking raspberries and viburnum, as they stimulate the activity of the uterus.

Licorice root is used to soften and eliminate annoying cough. Inhalations are carried out with the addition of chamomile, pine buds, calendula, and eucalyptus. To reduce soreness and soreness in the throat, suck on honey-flavored or berry-flavored lollipops.

When treating the disease, it is important to maintain bed rest and eat well.

To avoid getting an infection of this kind, a pregnant woman should be extremely careful, avoid drafts and hypothermia, as well as dusty places.

As a rule, laryngitis is treated at home and only sometimes requires hospitalization. But therapy, especially medication, should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the possibility of their use in pregnant women.

Laryngitis comes in two types: acute or chronic.

Acute form of the disease develops suddenly, against the background of complete well-being or as a complication of any other disease. The symptoms and treatment of acute laryngitis in children and adults are similar. As a rule, the disease lasts about a week, then complete recovery occurs or the disease becomes chronic.

The causes of chronic laryngitis are:

  • inflammatory diseases of other parts of the respiratory tract;
  • occupational hazard - for people who, due to their work, are forced to talk or sing a lot, in industries with polluted air;
  • repeated recurrence of acute laryngitis;
  • alcoholic drinks, excessive smoking;
  • nasal breathing disorder, in which a person inhales through the mouth. Therefore, the air is not humidified and not warmed, which causes damage to the laryngeal mucosa;
  • reduced immunity.

Main signs of chronic laryngitis- This is an unpleasant condition of the throat: dryness, soreness, burning sensation. The patient constantly tries to get rid of them through small jerky movements of the ligaments, which causes them to become tense and quickly “wear out,” which leads to complete loss of voice. Patients are also bothered by a dry or wet cough, especially in the morning.

Therapy for the chronic form of the disease comes down, first of all, to eliminating the causative factors.

The following medications are used:

  • mucolytics for viscous sputum to thin it and prevent the formation of crusts;
  • expectorants that help remove mucus;
  • immunomodulators to increase the body's resistance to infections;
  • means to enhance local immunity. They are available in syrup. They improve the function of the respiratory glands, restore epithelial cells, normalize the condition and volume of sputum.
  • antibiotics;
  • surgical treatment.

The symptoms and treatment of chronic laryngitis in children and adults are also similar.


The least dangerous form of laryngitis is catarrhal. It causes a sore throat, it becomes red, and the temperature may rise slightly. Symptoms of catarrhal laryngitis also include hoarseness and sore throat. The cause of this form of the disease is most often hypothermia and voice strain, as well as eating hot food.

Treatment of catarrhal laryngitis should begin at the slightest manifestation in order to prevent the disease from developing into more severe forms.

Another form of the disease is atrophic laryngitis. Its essence lies in the fact that the laryngeal mucosa begins to thin out, and the epithelial cells undergo various transformations, and therefore lose their function. In the chronic atrophic form of the disease, the vessels, nerves and submucosal layer of the larynx are involved in the process.

The causes of the development of this type of disease can be respiratory tract infections, hormonal disorders, occupational hazards, impaired trophism of laryngeal tissue, as well as age-related changes.

The main symptoms of atrophic laryngitis are hoarseness and coughing. In this case, the mucous membrane of the throat is hyperemic and has a gray tint. Yellow or green crusts may form. The mucous membrane is thinned, small blood vessels are visible through it.

Treatment of atrophic laryngitis includes basic therapy, as well as agents that restore the laryngeal mucosa.

The diametrically opposite form of atrophic laryngitis is hypertrophic type of disease. When it occurs, the mucous membrane of the larynx grows, as well as its muscles thicken. The vocal folds thicken, swell, and grayish nodules appear on them, called pachydermias. Additional folds may form on the laryngeal walls and in its ventricles, extending to the vocal cords.

The symptoms are not varied: the same hoarseness and hoarseness of the voice, up to its complete loss. It is also characterized by soreness, dryness, and a feeling of fullness in the throat. Such patients are registered at the dispensary as a risk group for the development of laryngeal cancer.

Widespread professional laryngitis. These are the costs of professions that are associated with voice strain: teachers, pop actors, announcers. As well as professional activities associated with polluted air and inhalation of chemical vapors. The symptoms of this form of the disease are the same as with other types. Treatment of occupational laryngitis includes all the main points of therapy. Particular attention should be paid to the silence mode.

The most dangerous type of laryngitis is diphtheria. It is also called true croup and is a sign of laryngeal diphtheria. A distinctive feature of this type of disease is the appearance of whitish-gray films on the mucous membrane. They are tightly bound to the tissues, and when you try to remove them, the surface underneath them begins to bleed. Subsequently, ulcers and even necrosis of laryngeal tissue may form. The films contain large amounts of diphtheria toxin, which is very dangerous for the human body.

The onset of the disease does not portend trouble: a runny nose, redness and sore throat, and voice wheezing do not cause panic. They are mistaken for symptoms of the common cold. Then, after the appearance of a white coating, the high temperature rises - up to 39°. Respiratory failure increases due to laryngeal spasm:

  • difficulty breathing, retraction of intercostal spaces, jugular fossa;
  • rapid, shallow breathing;
  • skin cyanotic, pale;
  • cold sweat, anxiety.

If adequate treatment is not started at this stage, that is, the administration of toxoid, the disease enters the final stage, at which all measures are useless. Paralysis of the respiratory center in the brain and death occurs.

Classification of laryngitis

Laryngitis is classified according to several criteria.

  1. By etiology:
    • bacterial - the causative agents are various bacteria: staphylococcus, streptococcus, diphtheria bacillus. A distinctive feature of the symptoms of bacterial laryngitis is the absence of a runny nose. This type of disease can turn into a purulent or phlegmonous form. In this case, symptoms of intoxication are added;
    • viral: caused by various types of viruses. Features of the symptoms of viral laryngitis are the presence of catarrhal phenomena, as well as enlarged lymph nodes. More common in children under 2 years of age. A rare form of it is herpetic laryngitis. The disease begins with malaise and fever. Then small blisters appear on the walls of the pharynx, tongue and epiglottis, which burst and form ulcers;
    • allergic - caused by allergic agents. Symptoms of allergic laryngitis also include cough, sore throat, change in voice, but it occurs with virtually no fever;
    • reflux laryngitis is caused by reflux of stomach contents, which causes a burn of the larynx;
    • lecturer - professional laryngitis, develops in people who, due to their profession, talk a lot. In everyday life, this phenomenon is referred to as “lost my voice.”
  2. By localization:
    • pharyngolaryngitis - the pharynx is involved in the process;
    • laryngitis-tracheitis - inflammation spreads to the trachea;
    • subglottic - the process involves the area under the vocal fold. Typical for children under 5 years old, since their space is quite loose.
  3. By development process A:
    • atrophic;
    • hypertrophic or hyperplastic. Its symptoms have been described above. But the treatment of hyperplastic laryngitis requires special attention. It can be medicinal with the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drugs, inhalations, antispasmodics. But in some cases they become ineffective. Then the only treatment option is surgery. This is a rather delicate operation, which is performed using a laryngoscope under significant magnification;
    • obstructive - accompanied by a cough with large sputum production;

Young children often develop stenosing laryngitis. Sometimes with the involvement of the trachea and even the bronchi. In this case, swelling and narrowing of the larynx occurs, which causes an attack of suffocation.

The disease develops sharply, at night. The cause may be respiratory tract infections or allergic swelling.

Distinguish 4 degrees of laryngeal stenosis:

  • 1st degree is characterized by difficulty breathing, barking cough, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle;
  • 2nd degree. Respiratory failure develops, the skin is pale or cyanotic, and auxiliary muscles take part in the act of breathing. In the distance you can hear the child breathing. The cough gets worse.
  • 3rd degree - the child is pale, excited, covered in cold, sticky sweat. Symptoms of respiratory failure increase;
  • 4th degree - respiratory arrest.

It should be noted that you should consult a doctor already at stage 1 of the disease.

Diagnosis of laryngitis

First of all, The first signs of the disease will help diagnose the disease: cough and changes in voice.

When examining the patient's throat, the doctor can detect hyperemia of the mucous membrane, its growth or thinning, which will also confirm the diagnosis of laryngitis. If you see a therapist, he can make a diagnosis himself or refer you to an ENT specialist to clarify the picture of the disease.

Additional examination methods include:

  • blood analysis;
  • anamnesis or collection of data on the development of the disease;
  • laryngoscopy. This procedure is carried out using an endoscope and allows not only to examine the mucous membrane in great detail, but also to take material for a biopsy;
  • laryngostroboscopy examines the vibrational work of the ligaments;
  • if diphtheria or another infection is suspected, a culture is taken from the throat and nose.

Diagnosis of this disease should be based on symptoms and data from the patient’s epidemiological environment. He may have had contact with a diphtheria patient.

Treatment of laryngitis

A doctor prescribes treatment for laryngitis, but it can be done at home.

At the same time, you should not strive to quickly cure laryngitis at home in order to prevent the development of complications. Therapy must be thorough and comprehensive.

Depending on the patient's condition the doctor may prescribe bed rest to the patient or treat him without interruption from work. But in one case or another, it is recommended to limit speech activity.

For bacterial laryngitis, the use of antibiotics is mandatory. These can be not only injections, but also syrup, tablets or aerosols.

Particular attention should be paid to cough, as it is the main symptom and causes a lot of inconvenience.

If the cough is dry or with scanty discharge, you should thin the sputum. To do this, you need to drink more warm liquids. Teas, milk, herbal decoctions, juices, fruit drinks, and jelly are perfect for these purposes. Inhalations will also help with laryngitis. They will not only ease the cough, but also relieve swelling, which is very important for this condition. For inhalation, medications are used, such as “Berodual”, “Flixotide”, “Ventolin”, as well as traditional methods: potato steam, chamomile, sage decoctions, oil solutions.

Also folk remedies for cough treatment are taken orally:

  • nettle tea 20 gr. pour 4 cups of boiling water over the flowers. Infuse and drink in small portions;
  • marshmallow root. 10 gr. Boil in a glass of water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 6 times a day;
  • 10 gr. Pour a glass of boiling water over plantain or coltsfoot leaves. Take 6 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

To evacuate mucus from the respiratory tract, the use of expectorants will help: Lazolvan, Bromhexine.

The first emergency aid for laryngitis before the doctor arrives can be distracting manipulations: hot foot baths, mustard plasters. A warm compress on the throat will help relieve swelling.

If laryngitis is of a reflux nature, anti-heartburn medications are used. For allergic etiology, the use of antihistamines is mandatory.

It is important to follow a diet. Do not eat foods that irritate the mucous membranes: pickles, rough, hard foods, carbonated drinks, sweets. Dishes should not be too hot or cold.

Gargling can help reduce inflammation and sore throat.. Please note that children who are too young will not be able to cope with this task. In this case, rinsing can be replaced with aerosols. Well, older children and adults can easily perform this procedure. You can use potato decoction, chamomile infusion, or beet juice for this.

In some cases, if there is no effect from drug therapy, as already mentioned, surgical intervention is resorted to.

Complications after laryngitis

First of all, laryngitis can cause hoarseness and loss of voice, because inflammation of the ligaments leads to a decrease in their elasticity and durability. But proper treatment and careful treatment during illness will help quickly restore your voice.

More severe consequences of laryngitis include:

  • further inflammation of the respiratory tract - bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • development of an abscess or phlegmon;
  • inflammation of the mediastinum - the neurovascular bundle in the chest cavity;
  • transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • laryngeal stenosis, respiratory arrest;
  • development of cancer;

Complications of laryngitis develop when the disease is untimely or improperly treated.

Prevention of laryngitis

Laryngitis, like any disease, has a number of unpleasant aspects, as well as serious complications. Therefore, it is better to prevent its development, and besides, it is not at all difficult. For this purpose only you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • eliminate sources of infection in the body;
  • increase immunity - exercise, eat right, toughen up;
  • avoid drafts and hypothermia;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke:;
  • avoid eating too hot food so as not to cause a burn to the larynx;
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • take care of your vocal cords.

The most important thing: do not delay treatment when the first symptoms appear. Do not hope that the disease will go away on its own.

Disease laryngitis– inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa causes swelling of the vocal cords and loss of voice.

Signs of laryngitis in adults- hoarseness, loss of voice and dry cough. The sick person may not even be able to immediately figure out what is happening to him?!

If earlier laryngitis was often detected in singers, teachers and announcers, now it affects sales representatives, sales managers, store consultants, call center employees and many other specialists.

Causes of laryngitis

    Acute laryngitis:
  • voice strain
  • hypothermia
  • viral infections: parainfluenza, measles, whooping cough and some others
    Chronic laryngitis:
  • voice strain combined with smoking
  • frequent laryngitis without proper treatment
  • occupational hazards: smoke and temperature during welding, cooking

How dangerous is laryngitis?

Acute laryngitis in adults proceeds quite safely and with proper treatment goes away completely within a week. General health is usually not affected. The main complaint in such patients is hoarseness, roughening and even complete disappearance of the voice.

Acute laryngitis in children is a condition that requires close medical supervision. In young children, acute laryngitis can cause severe swelling of the soft tissues of the larynx and suffocation. This condition is also called croup. The main cause of croup in children is an acute viral infection. The disease can begin as a regular acute respiratory viral infection with fever and weakness. Worsening of croup can develop within a very short time and can lead to the death of the baby. Therefore, at the first signs of croup - hoarseness in a child, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Chronic laryngitis in adults may be associated with lung diseases and have a long course until the underlying disease is treated (bronchitis, bronchiectasis). In such patients, a constant cough injures the larynx and aggravates the course of laryngitis.

Diagnosis of laryngitis

The diagnosis of acute laryngitis is made by an otorhinolaryngologist (ENT doctor) based on complaints of hoarseness and changes in voice, medical history (laryngitis may have already occurred before) and on the basis of a laryngoscopy picture (laryngoscopy is a special examination using instruments).

Chronic laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis is accompanied by a change in timbre and hoarseness of the voice.
Chronic laryngitis can be: catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic. The nature of laryngitis is determined by the doctor after examination.

Catarrhal chronic laryngitis: the mucous membrane of the larynx is bright red, the mucous glands enlarge and secrete a large amount of mucus.

Hypertrophic chronic laryngitis: the mucous and submucosal lining of the larynx becomes thicker, and nodules form on the vocal folds (when the voice is overstrained).

Atrophic chronic laryngitis: the mucous membrane of the larynx is thin, covered with crusts.

In difficult situations, the doctor takes a sample of laryngeal tissue for examination - a biopsy.

The diagnosis of chronic laryngitis is made by an otorhinolarynologist based on complaints, medical history, laryngoscopy and, in some cases, biopsy.

Catarrhal chronic laryngitis is highly treatable with timely detection and proper treatment. Hypertrophic and atrophic chronic laryngitis, as a rule, cannot be completely cured. To treat chronic laryngitis, local antimicrobial agents, antibiotics, restorative drugs and physiotherapy are used. Sometimes surgery is required to treat chronic laryngitis.

How to treat laryngitis?

Treatment of laryngitis in adults It starts with following certain recommendations. To eliminate acute symptoms you need:

  • voice rest
  • exclusion of spicy, cold, hot foods
  • smoking cessation

A warm compress on the neck has a beneficial effect.

How to treat laryngitis is determined by the doctor in each specific case.

The main tasks in the treatment of laryngitis:

  • Reducing swelling of the throat mucosa
  • Improving airway patency
  • Improving the local condition of laryngeal tissues
  • Fighting infection
  • Freeing the mucous membrane from mucus stagnation

Medicines for laryngitis

Drugs used for laryngitis belong to several groups:

  • Decongestants and antiallergic drugs
  • Local anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Antiseptic and antibacterial drugs
  • Drugs that improve mucus discharge

As a rule, a combination of these drugs is used both simultaneously and sequentially at different stages of the disease.

If the disease is infectious, antibacterial therapy may be prescribed, and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and swelling.

For allergic laryngitis with severe swelling, antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs are used, and for severe allergies, even hormonal drugs.

Treatment of chronic laryngitis a longer process that requires treatment procedures not only during the period of exacerbation, but between exacerbations - relapses. The patient needs a course of medications that restore local and systemic immunity, for example, Galavit, and physiotherapeutic measures to reduce symptoms to a minimum. Mucolytic drugs are also used (thinning mucus and facilitating its clearance from the respiratory tract).

Local treatment of laryngitis is actively used both for acute laryngitis and for exacerbations of the chronic form of the disease.
Modern methods of delivering medicine to the site of inflammation are presented both by hardware methods - the use of nebulizers (specialized inhalers used at home and in the hospital), various ultrasonic and steam-moisture inhalers, as well as convenient modern universal delivery forms - sprays.
Lozenges and lozenges provide some relief from laryngitis, however, they do not deliver the medication lower into the respiratory tract.

In the acute form of laryngitis, sprays are preferred among local dosage forms. Such drugs should relieve inflammation and swelling, eliminate pain, and also fight bacteria if laryngitis is of a bacterial nature.

With a convenient attachment, it is used in the treatment of laryngitis. It contains an active benzydamine molecule, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and fights laryngitis pathogens.
Oralcept spray reduces sore throat within 1 minute* and can be used several times throughout the day until the desired effect is achieved. Oralcept contains natural mint flavor and has a pleasant taste.

*WITH. Simon-Savois, D. Forest. - "Local anesthetic activity of benzydamine", Modern Therapeutic Research, Vol. 23, No. 6, June 1978, Department of Dentistry, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
