Who killed from home 2. Mystic, or strange death

Today it became known about the death of another star TV project

Scandalous, but still more popular in our country, teleproekt "Dom-2" every year, despite negative forecasts, grows and develops.

The same can be said about the participants. It's no wonder that youth from all over the country, and not only ours, so seeks to get to the "telestroy". Young people sit down money, glory and ... "Sweet life", which, unfortunately, often ends quite tragic.

For 14 years of the project's existence, more than a thousand (!!!) person became its participants. At the same time, departing stars remember more and less. But increasingly - for sorrowful reasons. Ten people left the "House-2" forever.

Began a train tragedy in 2007.

Dropped by depressed after leaving Christina Kalinina walked from the project hunger. The finals of the uncontrolled reception of antidepressants and alcohol became acute heart and renal failure. The girl died at the age of 22 in July 2007.

Photo from the portal days.ru

In September of the same year, Vladimir Grechishnikov died of leukemia. He stayed at the project at all for long, but many participants continued to communicate with him outside the TV show. No one could tell any special details about him.

A little more than a year later, in September 2008, one of the truly "star" participants was tragically died. Oksana Aprajev, the beauty model, after a bright evening, at the showroom offered to bring a young man. No one has seen a girl anymore. The body was killed only a few days later. Examination showed that Oksana's death was raped.

In the very beginning of 2009, the participants of the "House-2" of the new sorrowful news. 23-year-old Oksana Kornev got under the wheels of the car. After running with a garden ring with friends, the girl fell under the car. She died in the hospital.

After half a year, Peter Avsecin died from the oncological disease.

The loud tragedy was the death of Andrei Cadet in 2010. The guy was killed with a special cruelty in the yard of his own home. According to the investigators, he was stabbed from personal dislike the guy of the former beloved. The girl argued that some time ago Andrei abused her.

Photo Dom2.ru.

The next incident shocked participants no less. Svetlana Ustienko died from the brain tumor. The audience was first familiar with her, as with a mother of one of the participants, Aliana Ustienko. But later, the woman became a full-fledged party of telestroy. The unexpected illness quickly "squeeed" a strong, young woman. She died a couple of months before his fiftieth anniversary.

Photo vladtime.ru.

In 2017, the tragic news came from Schelkovsky district of the Moscow region. There, under the fence of one of the private households, the body of Mary politic was found. The girl tortured the girl several times to build love on the TV project. After another attempt, she fell into depression and hooked on antidepressants. Maria often used alcohol and alcohol. As a result, the 30-year-old ex-participant died from a heart stop right in the middle of the street.

The next tragedy happened six months later. June 22, 2018 Message began in the media: Anastasia Tarasyuk, the former star of the TV project "Dom-2" fell out of the 19th floor of an elite altitude. The investigation of the case is not finished yet, the girls' friends are confident that she was killed. Although they do not deny the fact that lately she was as depressed and often used alcohol.

The latter in a series of deaths was recorded Polina Lobanova. It became known about her death today, the fourth of July. The girl was discovered dead. Presumably, the cause of death was the overdose of drugs.

14 years older than ten deaths. Of these, only three "natural" - from diseases. The rest of the seven became records in disappointing law enforcement statistics: murders, suicide, violence, drugs ...

It is difficult to say whether there is a frightening link between the events and the participation of young people in the TV project. If you see the total number of participants "House-2", it becomes scary, or ridiculous: more than a thousand people are already registered by "ex-participants". And with each "arrival-care" this figure only grows. For such a number of people in ten years the sum of deaths is not so great. No matter how hard it sounds, but they will not argue with statistics.

Over the years of the existence of "House-2", the account of the participants in the longest reality show in history went to thousands. Someone showed a show in the "big show business", glory and money. But drug addicts, actresses of cinema for adults, who endured the punishment of criminals, were also among the ex-households, and some residents of Telestroy were waiting for a very sad fate. On the former participants of the "House-2", which are no longer alive, read in the material I know.

Kristina Kalinina

Many Participants of the show did not believe the 22-year-old Christina Kalinin who came to the project in March 2006. All because she did not hide the goal of his arrival - find the receptional dad for a little daughter left on the care of the grandmother. As a result, the female half of the reality fell into Christina, and in just two weeks the girl left the project.

After leaving, the girl fell into depression and began to abuse alcohol. After 9 months, a week before the 23rd birthday, Kalinina died from cardiac and renal failure.

Oksana Apotev

In March 2005, 28-year-old Oksana Apotev replenished the ranks of "House-2". For 75 days of staying on the show, the girl could not meet love, but he received fame. Leaving the construction in early June, she became a frequent guest on television and even got a couple of episodic roles in popular TV series. It was rumored that a tennis player Marat Safin drew attention to the girl, but their novel lasted for a short time.

In September 2008, truckers found the body of Oksana on the Riga route - Moscow. The personality was set for several days - she had no documents with her. As a cause of death, criminologists called the suffocation. The killer was not found. Examination showed that after death, the apoteaev was raped by a morgue employee.

Oksana Kornev

The inhabitants of Telestroika were affectionately called Oksana Kesh's root. In July 2004, a couple of months after the start of the show, a 19-year-old girl came to the project to May Abrikosov, but at that moment he was passionate about the other participant of the show. Oksana did not build his love and left the project in 48 days, leaving the best memories of himself.

In January 2009, Oksana with two buddies moved the road in the center of Moscow. They were shot down the car. The girls' friends died on the spot, and she left life in the hospital because of the injuries.

Peter Avsecin

Peter Avsecin's stay on "House-2" was limited to the 17th day, despite its uncommon appearance and goodwill. He had to leave the show because of health problems. In December 2009, a necrologist appeared on the page of the young man "VKontakte" - he died of cancer.

Andrey Cadetov

Petersburg Andrei Kadetov came to "Dom-2" in April 2010 and stayed for 7 months. High blue-eyed handsome attracted the attention of all women of the project and twisted the novel at once with several ladies. It was one thing - in his passport he stood a stamp on marriage. A man fed the leading show for a long time with breakfasts, promising to cancel the marriage during the next routine per perimeter, but did not do that. In the end, his "expelled".

On December 24, 2010, a man walked his dog when an unknown knocked him off his legs and hit the knife 11 times. At first, the investigation put forward a version of the mentally ill hateful, since in November Andrei received calls with the threats of murder. The caller even called the date - December 25th. We believe in the site that it was simply not a very adequate hater, accidentally guessing the number. In fact, everything turned out to be more prose.

On November 10, Cadets, along with a friend, drove by car, saw the girl, lonely sitting at the bus stop, and suggested her to ride. She agreed, and the evening Andrei and a stranger, who submitted to Alexander, held in bed by mutual agreement. The next day, the guy learned that the girl filed a statement about rape. Alexandra offered to "resolve the issue" for money, then sent his former guy, 22-year-old Yuri Lykova, "talk on male". "Conversation" went too far. The court sentenced Yuri to 11 years in prison.

Vasily Zhulinsky

24-year-old Vasily Zhulinsky from the Tver region did not get into the main composition of the "House-2" participants. On February 22, 2013, he came to the project to Tatiana Kiriluk, but the household chose not to see in their ranks, but another candidate - Dmitry Shoka.

On June 19 of the same year, the guy was announced wanted. The search for detachment found his body in the lake near his house - Vasily drowned due to an accident.

Svetlana Ustineneko

Svetlana Ustinenko became one of the "mothers" of the project - she arrived at the construction site to support her daughter Aliano and help her establish relations with the mother-in-law Olga Gobozova. After the skirmishes with Sita, the woman herself began to look for her love, took part in the project "Restart" and smoked significantly. Soon the project was settled and her younger child, the son of Gegham.

But in the fall of 2014, a woman put a terrible diagnosis of brain cancer. The treatment did not result. Two years later, Svetlana did not. She was only 48 years old.

Maria Politova

Masha Politova came to Dom-2 three times: in early 2006, in mid-2007 and in 2010. A bright and memorable girlfriend pursued failures: Bulimia bipolar disorder. After the third attempt to conquer the heart of someone from the "household teams", which lasted 17 days, Polishov threw this idea and soon gained happiness with a certain Artem Shanurov.

On December 4, 2017, Artem discovered the lover of his beloved and began to find a search. He had not seen her for several days and feared the "worst". December 13, Masha found dead. Her body broke down a few days under the fence in the cottage settlement near Moscow. Nearby found a pack of pills and a bottle of strong alcohol.

Anastasia Tarasyuk

Stay Anastasia Tarasyuk in "House-2" was short-lived (about a month), but spectacular. In the fall of 2013, she settled in an urban apartment with Andrei Cherkasov, then Nikita Kuznetsov and Gabriel Alvarez had attention signs.

June 22, 2018 the girl fell out of the window of the 19th floor. In this apartment, located in the Moscow LCD "Golden Keys" on Minsk Street, she moved a couple of weeks to death. Information about the pregnancy of the girl from the boyfriend, who insisted on abortion appeared in the media. Albert Rubber, with whom Tarasyuk met for some time after the project, said that she suffered from depression and saw too much alcohol.

Polina Lobanova

19-year-old Polina Lobanova came to Telestroyku in October 2017. The opinion of the girl was controversial: the guys rendered her signs of attention (and with one of the cavaliers she slept on the first day), but the relationship did not go. Polyna's sister came to visit and walked her off the project to "not disagree the family." Whether the persuasion helped, or Polina desperately build love, but already on December 2, 2017, she went over the perimeter, rejoicing freedom.

On July 4, 2018, Polina Lobanova was reported on Polina's death. A few days before that, July 1, she celebrated the 20th anniversary. The celebration took place in the club, after which she went to the apartment to a familiar Tattoo Master, where she found her body. Sister Lobanova believes that the girl "pumped up" drugs - in the bathroom lay empty blisters from tablets.

We suggest you to read the material about the Russian stars, which went too early.
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During the existence of the show "Dom-2" on the project there were loud scandals, weddings, the birth of children, divorces. Many participants made a successful career in show business, and some tragically died. In the summer of 2018, two former project participants left their lives: Anastasia Tarasyuk and Polina Lobanova. In just 14 years, 10 people died tragically or died under other circumstances. All deaths occurred after the participants left the telestroy.

Kristina Kalinina

The girl opened the sad statistics of tragedies associated with the former participants of "House-2". Kristina came at the construction site immediately after filming in the Hunger project, but he stayed in a new show very long. When the rest of the "Domovtsy" learned that she left a little daughter over the perimeter, condemned her act. According to the results of the voting, Kalinina was forced to leave a reality show in March 2006

After the departure, Christine began depressed, but instead of treatment, she uncontrolled antidepressants in combination with alcohol. This only worsened the state of the girl: she first refused food, and then from water, which provoked heart and renal failure. The girl died in June 2007 at the age of 22.

Oksana Apotev

The spectacular 30-year-old blonde examined in the project as a starting platform for a model career. She appeared on the show in March 2005, and for 2.5 months fascinated many men, but could not build a strong relationship. The famous model of Oksana also did not work.

At the end of August 2008, the girl disappeared, and on September 1, her body was found on the side of the road in the suburbs. Examination showed that the apoteaev was strangled. According to some reports, the death of Oksana was beneficial to her lover associated with the criminal group. However, those guilty were never found, and after 2 months the investigation stopped. This year shocking details are made public: after death, the girl's body was raped by a worker of the morgue.

Oksana Kornev

Smiling Ksyusha easily joined the team "House-2" and received a gentle nickname from participants "Kesha". She tried to build relationships with a rapid man apricot, but the guy did not answer her with reciprocity. Kornev went over the perimeter in September 2004

Her life was cut off on January 8, 2009. After a terrible accident: Oksana and friends tried to cross the Garden Ring in the wrong place, and fell under the minibus. The girl's satellites died in place, and she died the next day in resuscitation. She was 24 years old.

Peter Avsecin

Charming Peter did not have time to remember the audience, because he spent only 17 days on the project. Just at this time it turned out that he was sick. The man left the show and tried to defeat the disease, but he failed to: Peter died in December 2009.

Vladimir Grechishnikov

A modest, quiet guy lasted on teleproyka just a week - he realized that this project was not for him. The death of Vladimir became known at the end of 2009 - a message appeared on the social network page that buckwheels died from blood cancer.

Andrey Cadetov

Blue-eyed blond came to a reality show in 2010, and immediately conquered the hearts of many girls. Andrei managed to start the novels simultaneously with several participants. He lasted on the set of 212 days - as long as the project administration did not know that the guy had a wife in St. Petersburg. He was set before choosing: divorce and continue participation in the project, or return to the family. The guy left the show, and in December of the same year was killed near his house.

Cadets walked a dog in the yard, when an unknown person attacked him, and caused 14 knife wounds. Paschers called "ambulance", but the doctors could not save Andrey. After 3 months, the crime was revealed: the murder committed a man, confident that the cadets raped his beloved.

Svetlana Ustineneko

The woman visited the project at the invitation of the Daughter of Aliana, who wanted to introduce her to her chosen. First, Svetlana actively helped young people to build relationships, but in a month she became a full participant in the construction site and tried to find his own love. But her dreams crossed the fatal diagnosis: brain tumor. This was announced in the social networks of Aliana Gobozova.

Svetlana tried to tune in to a positive way, suffered several hard operations, passed chemotherapy, appealed to the recipes of traditional medicine. All efforts turned out to be in vain: after 2 years, in October 2016, Ustinenko left life aged 48 years.

Maria Politova

Spectacular girl The audience was remembered very well: Maria came three times in the teleney show, and every time he struck with strange outcomes. For example, fell into the "Music Trans". Neighbors claimed that she sings even in a dream. Later it turned out that the girl suffers from a mental illness: a bipolar disorder. The last time she appeared on the project in 2010

After 7 years, in December 2017, Maria disappeared from the house. Anxiety raised her civil husband, finding that Masha took all the pills that were in the apartment. A week later, the body was found in the suburbs, near the giving relatives. Examination discovered in the blood of a 34-year-old woman a disastrous mixture of alcohol and antidepressants. Also on the body there were signs of frostbite. The reasons that prompted Maria to leave home remained unknown.

Anastasia Tarasyuk

Nastya spent around the month on telestroyka, but I remembered the audience with a bright appearance and the fact that I tried to make a relationship at once with two popular participants of the show. However, the novels did not receive development, and the girl left the perimeter.

On June 22, 2018, Anastasia's body was found near the elite residential complex in which she removed the apartment. Nastya was not immediately identified because her face suffered greatly as a result of falling from the 19th floor. According to the girlfriend, Tarasyuk suffered from depression. According to other data, it consisted of a narcologist and abused alcohol. The exact reason for the fall is not yet installed.

Polina Lobanova

To date, Polina closes the list of dead participants "House-2". She spent on the project for 2 months, and after leaving the careless lifestyle was led, laid out in the social networks, candid photos in the hope of getting to coming with a secured man.

Lobanova's death reported Sister Vasilisa: July 4, 2018. She was invited to identify the body of Polina. According to preliminary data, the girl took a deadly dose of tablets. 2 days before the tragedy Lobanova celebrated his birthday - 20 years. In the microblog published a photo and video from a celebration with a comment: "This is the best evening!".

For the past year, the scandalous realistic show "Dom-2" excuses the minds of the public. In this project, not one thing increased, but at once several generations of viewers. All of them watched the transfer, which is difficult to call informative or cognitive. However, to compete with its ratings and popularity can hardly be able to any other domestic teleproject. As part of the program, some participants "found their love" and built a cozy "family nest". For others, participation in the project was the beginning of the star career. Third fell on the most bottom, and the fourth, as Vladimir Dzrechishnikov, died suddenly.

Several information about the project

"Dom-2" is a famous Russian show that goes on TV screens since May 2004. This is a peculiar continuation of another project "House", the premiere of the last series of which was held in November 2003. Initially, the TV shows were invited stars. For example, among them was Nikolai Baskov, Dmitry Nagiyev, Svetlana Khorkina and others. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a similar project belonged to the Russian TV presenter and director Valery Commissioner. The music director for the main screen saver showed composer, singer and music director Sergei Chekryzhov.

The essence of the project was as follows: the results of a certain casting, young people and girls entered the game. They got acquainted, fell in love, lived together, built the house of their dreams. And at the end, each of the pairs of couples could claim to receive the main prize - at home. It was also possible to count on other incentive prizes, for example, in the form of vouchers to warm countries or to islands, a car or small household appliances. Vladimir Grechishnikov was not lucky. He not only could not even get a small incentive prize, but for certain reasons, the project very quickly left. Now everything is in order.

Mystic, or strange death

Despite a certain discharge of the television show and an unexpected mystical reputation. Some participants in the Dom-2 project, as Vladimir Grechishnikov, for example, died suddenly. Others disappeared, became victims of maniacs, former lovers, received numerous fatal injuries. What is this: mystic or incredible coincidences?

What do psychology think about mysticism?

According to psychologists, there is no mysticism on the project. Case in elementary envy. Despite the fact that the participants of the show are ordinary people, they are shown daily on TV. Some of them sing perfectly, successfully master the model career, write solo albums and make a lot of what the audience can only dream of. From here anger arises, envy and hatred for their life on the project. Arises

True, a somewhat different situation was with Vladimir Grechishnikov. In "House-2", although he fell, but he did not have enough time to acquire fans or malicious opponents.

Moreover, often participants appear in the project who already have certain psychological or other problems. So, some of them are prone to manifestation of aggression. Others - to depression. Third people can get closed in themselves. As a result, the hitting of such people in the project encourages them to change or further aggravates various phobias.

"Silent and imperceptible"

Vladimir Grechishnikov is one of the participants in the project, which was not "to build their love" on the project. According to the stories of casting organizers, a young man who has a rather correct and remarkable features of the face, easily fell into the number of lucky. He was taken to participate in the show, and he was extremely happy. The arrival of Vladimir Grechishnikov on "House-2" no one has not noticed. The thing is that a modest and not too bright participant stayed on the project only one week. During this time, he did not have time to distinguish anything or become famous.

He was a quiet, calm, non-conflict and almost imperceptible. That is how other participants in the "Love Construction" responded about him. Therefore, the arrival of Vladimir Grechishnikov to "Dom-2" did not produce Furour on the residents themselves. Moreover, he did not remember even the audience and fans of the television show. Of course, such people on the show had a lot. Many of them dropped out after the vote, other themselves went away for various reasons.

What happened to him?

Vladimir Buckwesnikov got to the project unnoticed and as quietly and calmly left him. Therefore, I did not remember. However, lovers of mysticism and "secret signs" still sneak into his page in the social network "VKontakte". They also found information about the death of our character.

The cause of the death of Vladimir, as it turned out, was not associated with something paranormal or supernatural. Everything was much easier than you could imagine. According to the medical conclusion, the reason was walking in an old oncology. But nowhere is not reported that he knew the deceased about his ailment or not. So, Vladimir Grechishnikova - leukemia. This ailment has become the main cause of the death of this young man. And of course, it was he who did not give the participant to meet and "build his love".

Vladimir Buckwesnikov: year of death

According to some reports, Vladimir left life in 2009. The cause of death as we said was blood cancer. This information reports sources was previously published on its social network page. But was Vladimir Buckwheels from "House-2" the only one, whose life broke out due to oncology?

Other people with oncology on the project

Our hero was not the first and not the last. At the end of September 2009, another young man died from lung cancer - Peter Asssecin. He also did not stay on the project long (only 17 days) and also did not have time to remember any remarkable.

Unlike two male representatives, Mom, the girl, known as Aliana Ustynko, was remembered to the audience. Initially, she fell on the show to support his daughter. She wanted to test the seriousness of Alexander Gabozov's intentions, which was very serious. She not only met with a young man himself, but also liked his parents. Later, a spectacular and skimmer blonde, looking clearly not by age, remained on the project and herself. At that time, she was divorced and planned to find their love with the help of the show.

Thanks to his incredible Charizme Svetlana Ustinenenko, I liked the project participants and very quickly took the leading position among them. However, by the fall of 2014, this favorite of Russian spectators discovered brain cancer. The woman passed through several chemotherapeutic irradiation, suffered a pair of operations, and also used the methods of alternative medicine. Despite all efforts by Svetlana, it was not possible to defeat the disease. As a result, in the fall of 2016, she died. At the same time, without surviving a little bit to its fiftieth anniversary.

Who else from the participants died?

  • One of the participants who left after participation in the project was Maria Politov. Her frozen lifeless body was found in the snow. According to the investigation, shortly before the death, the deceased used alcohol and antidepressants, but died from supercooling.
  • Oksana Kornev, better known as Kesha, was shot down by a car in 2009. Together with his girlfriend and the other she died on the spot. At the time of death, the girl was only 23 years old.
  • Kristina Kalinina, who was not able to take care of the project, died in 2007 from renal and heart failure. It is said that she was inclined to depression, which often refused water and food.
  • Incredible cruel turned out to be the murder of Oksana apoteau. According to preliminary data, she became a victim of her former lover. He ruthlessly strangled the girl and threw out her damaged body on the side of the road.

Now you know the cause of the death of Vladimir Grechishnikov from "House-2" and other project participants with oncology.

The death of Maria Political is not connected with the show "House-2". But the resonance caused this death precisely because the girl was a member of the project. According to friends and familiar Mary, recently she suffered mental disorders and took potent drugs. And even the audience is not still sophisticated by the audience, unwittingly associates this tragedy with other sad stories of the project participants. We remembered not all, but those who have remembered seem to be enough. Enough in order to think about what "house-2" gives, if you are not Buzova, not Borodin and the more non-Sobchak ...

The star of the popular TV show was sentenced to three years in colony for fraud. During 2011, she deceived six enterprises and five individuals who illegally receiving more than three million rubles from them. Her native mother stated that she does not need such a daughter.

belarus became famous thanks to the participation in the reality show "Dom-2", where he came in 2013. But he was caught on the resale of stolen cars, and the guy spent the year in the colony - until February 2017. Now he is working as leading at various events.

In 2010, operatives found almost a thousand ecstasy tablets and a kilogram of methamphetamine in a parcel for which is known for its participation in the House-2 project. The court recognized the subsistence guilty of the illegal acquisition, storage and distribution of drugs in a particularly large amount and sentenced to 16 years in a strict regime colony.

The participant of Syktyvkar was planted for the drug trafficking, which was engaged in her study at the university - after he left the project "Dom-2" in 2004. In 2007, the court sentenced fiction to 6.5 years in prison.


The former participant of "House-2" was detained in a nightclub in February 2011 drug police. The court sentenced the girl to the four years of the conditional period, but later softened the punishment, since Helena had a child.

The participant of the scandalous TV project "Dom-2" was detained for the storage of 10 grams of amphetamine and several LSD brands in their apartment in 2016.

In 2013 detained in one of the metropolitan clubs. The former participant of "House-2", which at that time had already left the project, was suspected of using forbidden drugs. Before his departure from the TV show, Pearls stated that "encoded" from drugs.

The participant of the TV project "Dom-2" came across with pictures where she allegedly smoke marijuana. It happened so that Bonya presented his laptop one of the heroines of the program "Let them say" in which she participated.

About their addictions to drugs (Roman Trurty) told eight years after participating in the project. According to him, together with Alexey Mikhailovsky, the producer of a reality show, they used powder drugs throughout the project.


After the scandal on board the aircraft flying to Kiev, the star of the project "Dom-2" was pleased with the psychiatric hospital. Kashchenko. In the air she demanded to interrupt the flight. Alexander's arguments began to bring their own and extrasensory abilities. All this instilled fear in the rest of the passengers.

In these pictures - not a girl. Fans of the TV show probably immediately found out in them the once popular member of the project, but, rightly to say, their photos were shocked no less. At the same time, the 33-year-old May was suspected of an unbalanced psyche. What he is doing now, except that he distributes a boulevard comment on the operational news reasons associated with the "House-2" show, unknown.


I became a victim of the attack of two men after those during an intimate dinner learned that she was born a man. Together with his friends, she met them in the restaurant, then they went home, and there she was beaten.

it was suspected of a non-traditional sexual orientation when she was caught in a gay club with a girlfriend via TV project - Olga Sun. During a drunk party, these photos were made, in which Anastasia kisses Olga.

in the past, Alexey, he replaced the floor even before participating in the popular TV show, and after the appearance of TV in 2012, he decided on operations in the bikini and chest area. After that, the trance attracted public attention purely in a scandalous context.


Ex-participant "House-2", stated that it was beaten by anti-return by Moscow in August 2017. According to him, some girl drank too much and called his buddies to drive a young man.

One of the most rating and scandalous stars "House-2" filed a statement to the police on his husband Dmitry Dmitrenko in September 2017. A pregnant girl accused him of beating. Rapunzel also stated that he suffers not only from the heavy hand of his beloved, but also from his infidelity.

Ex-participant "House-2" reported on the attack on her on the street in October 2017. The girl told that her former young man attacked her and had a few blows on her face. She assumes that it was her former frauduger cohabitant who came out of prison.

The "House-2" participant wrote a statement to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the ex-beloved Xenia Borodina Mikhail Terrohina in September 2016 for beating.


Participant of the first season "House-2" - the saleswoman of watermelons from Taganrog. It was rumored that after the project she worked as a dancer in a strip club in Moscow. In 2009, the network appeared a photo on which it became clear that Masha was working as a consultant in the cabin.

A project member from Old Oskol had serious spinal problems after leaving from a television show in 2008. Produced "House-2" refused to help him with treatment and sponsor an expensive operation. His friends saved: they found money - $ 40 thousand after it was transferred several more operations. Now he is engaged in small business.

The scandalous member of the "House-2" on maternity leave in 2015 remained without livelihood. According to Oksana, its employer is the director of the British Queen restaurant, in which Strunkina worked as a manager - ceased to communicate and transfer decadal to it. The version of the employer is such that her bosses warned several times that the institution closes, but she did not appear in the institution and did not listen to it.


Seven years ago, a participant "House-2" was killed in St. Petersburg. The court sentenced the killer - the former employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - by 11 years in the colony of strict regime and compensation for the family of the Cadet in the amount of two million rubles.

He took part in the reality show "Dom-2" when his ratings were at the peak. But in 2014 she had cancer. The disease progressed, and in the media even reported that Svetlana lost memory. Doctors could not do anything, and in 2016 Ustinenko died.

In December 2017, the former participant of the show "Dom-2" was found in the suburbs. One of the possible causes of death is a sharp leap of blood pressure.
