When are the results of the test exam

This has become a tradition since 2009 and is quite a difficult test for graduates. But without passing the unified state exam, you cannot obtain a certificate and it is impossible to enter higher educational institutions. And this can be done, as many people know, at several universities at the same time.

Constant changes in the Unified State Examination

And this is unchanged. Every year something is constantly changing, and additional changes are made when passing the state exam. What requirements do the Ministry of Education state for examinees? Everything here is quite complicated and it is necessary to approach the issue of studying all innovations with special attention. And qualitatively improve your knowledge accumulated over decades.

The introduction of innovations is carried out under the “sensitive” guidance of supervisory authorities.

Food for thought: Many people know that all changes made to this exam procedure are personally monitored by the President of Russia - V.V. Putin.

Minister of education Olga Yurievna Vasilyeva narrates that dramatic changes not expected at passing the Unified State Exam in 2018. Schoolchildren, as before, will be required to take:

  • mathematics
  • Russian language

The change can be called the trial introduction of oral exams in the Russian language and this will be carried out only in a few school institutions.

Gossip: There are various rumors that they are going to introduce history and possibly foreign languages ​​into the Unified State Examination.

Innovations in the realities of school everyday life

As is known from sources at the Ministry of Education, the technological component of the examinations will be changed. A digital format will be introduced. And the results of the work done by schoolchildren will be transferred to the relevant authorities using fully secure specialized communication channels. This change provides a 100% guarantee that various errors and data theft will be eliminated.

Real changes include:

  • excluding text questions
  • auxiliary blocks of questions will be added to biology and physics
  • in individual items the maximum points will be changed

Frequently asked question: Is there video surveillance when taking the state exam? The answer is Yes. To avoid unforeseen conflict situations and ultimately establish the true state of affairs.

How to “make” the result when passing the Unified State Exam

Based on the exam results, the graduate's grade is reflected in the certificate. It is worth thinking about qualitatively increasing the level of your potential knowledge in order to achieve maximum results. And this difficult undertaking can be carried out under the following conditions:

  1. solve economic problems
  2. pay attention to writing essays - reasoning
  3. focus on making spelling and paragraph errors

Approved Unified State Exam schedule for 2018

  • In computer science and geography - May 28
  • In mathematics - May 30 and June 1
  • In history and chemistry - June 4
  • In Russian - June 6
  • Foreign languages ​​- June 9 and 13
  • Social studies - June 14
  • In biology - June 18
  • In physics and literature - June 20

Summary of the story

Experts are working on a huge number of options to improve the necessary base and pass the Unified State Exam with high quality. As a result, innovations will only help graduates, and not drag them down. In the meantime, it’s time to think about “urgent” problems and focus your attention on obtaining the expected result.

Editorial "site"

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has published an order that officially approves the final Unified State Exam schedule for 2018. Compared to the preliminary schedule, which appeared back in October, there is not the slightest change in the officially approved Unified State Exam schedule for the 2017-2018 academic year. The 2018 Unified State Exam schedule, published on the official website of Rosobrnadzor and FIPI, is the final exam schedule for all disciplines.

The final schedule of unified state exams in 2018

This time, the Ministry of Education and Science published the certification schedule in its final form a month earlier than in the previous year, which is certainly a plus. The official Unified State Exam schedule for 2017 appeared on the first working day of the year - January 9. Graduates of 2018 can now navigate the published schedule, understanding exactly when they will have to take the final certification in their chosen disciplines.

So, main wave exams will be held, as previously planned, from May 28 to June 20. During this period, exams will be taken:

  • graduates of eleventh grades of Russian schools who passed all the required tests and received annual grades;
  • their peers who are homeschooled or self-educated;
  • graduates of schools using non-state accredited curricula.

Schedule of the main period for passing the Unified State Exam in 2018:

  • May 28 - Unified State Examination in Geography, Computer Science and ICT,
  • May 30 - Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics,
  • June 1 - Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level,
  • June 4 - Unified State Exam in chemistry, history,
  • June 6 - Unified State Exam in Russian,
  • June 9 - first wave of the Unified State Exam in English, German and other foreign languages, oral part,
  • June 13 - the second wave of the same oral part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages,
  • June 14 - Unified State Exam in Social Studies,
  • June 18 - Unified State Examination in biology, foreign languages ​​(written part),
  • June 20 - Unified State Examination in literature and physics.

The main period, as always, contains a list of reserve dates for those graduates who, for good reasons, were unable to appear at the exam or appeared, but were forced to leave the classroom before its end. Also, students who have chosen diverse exams that are on the same day in the main schedule (for example, history and chemistry) can also use reserve dates.

Schedule additional period for the main wave of those taking the Unified State Exam:

  • June 22 - Unified State Examination in Geography, Computer Science and ICT,
  • June 25 - Unified State Examination in mathematics (basic and profile),
  • June 26 - Unified State Exam in Russian,
  • June 27 - Unified State Examination in chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages ​​(written part),
  • June 28 - Unified State Examination in literature, social studies, physics,
  • June 29 - Unified State Exam in English, German and other foreign languages, oral part,
  • July 2 is the reserve date for the Unified State Examination in all subjects.

Schedule of early and repeat exams

In the spring, there will traditionally be an early wave of passing the Unified State Exam. In particular, it can be used by:

  • graduates of the current academic year, who by this time will be able to receive all grades for the year by passing the necessary tests;
  • graduates of previous years who were drafted into the army during the examination period, which prevented them from passing the Unified State Exam;
  • graduates of the 2017-2018 academic year who will not be able to pass the Unified State Exam during the main period due to participation in sports competitions, creative competitions, etc. Such eleventh-graders can take early only those Unified State Examinations that they will not be able to attend in the summer.

Schedule early period passing the Unified State Exam in 2018:

  • March 21 - early USE in geography, computer science and ICT,
  • March 23 - early Unified State Examination in the Russian language,
  • March 26 - early Unified State Exams in history, chemistry,
  • March 28 - early Unified State Examination in English, German and other foreign languages, oral part,
  • March 30 - early Unified State Examination in mathematics (basic and specialized),
  • April 2 - early Unified State Exams in biology, physics, foreign languages ​​(written part),
  • April 4 - early Unified State Examination in social studies and literature.

Reserve dates:

  • April 6 - Unified State Examination in geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, history, foreign languages ​​(oral part),
  • April 9 - Unified State Examination in literature, physics, social studies, biology and foreign languages ​​(written part),
  • April 11 - Unified State Examination in Russian language and mathematics (base and profile).

Finally, in September it will be possible to retake the Unified State Exam in two compulsory disciplines: Russian language and mathematics. Let us remind you that these two exams are mandatory for everyone; without a positive mark in one of these subjects, a graduate will not even be able to receive a certificate of education. That is why in September those who failed these exams are given the opportunity to retake them. After this, if successful, such students theoretically still have time to enroll in one of the educational institutions that is recruiting.

Every student taking final exams in 2018 should be very interested to know the specific dates and schedule for taking the Unified State Exam. This information becomes very relevant, especially since you should prepare for exams in advance. Only in this case can you cope with the workload, distribute your resources (time, energy) most rationally and come to the exam fully armed. We present to your attention the draft schedule for the unified state. exam for graduates 2018.

Periods and dates of the Unified State Examination in 2018

As is known, preparation for passing the Unified State Exam is not such an easy task, and many students have to work in a stressful, accelerated mode in order to understand all the questions and earn the maximum number of points, which is necessary for further higher professional education. To relieve stress and help schoolchildren adapt to situations that may await them during the exams, it was decided to conduct the unified state exam in three periods.

The first period is early; points earned in this period will not be taken into account in the main exam, and even in case of failure or brilliant success, it cannot be expected that this result will have any impact on future final grades. But thanks to the existence of such a period, students have the opportunity to feel their strength, understand the gaps and learn to cope with anxiety. The early period for passing the Unified State Exam in 2018 will take place a little earlier than usual. This was done so that students had more opportunities to improve their knowledge on the necessary points and prepare for the main period most effectively (see).

The main period for passing the unified state exam involves several days during which the all-Russian final unified testing will take place for all graduates of our country.

An additional period implies a second opportunity to take the exam if the result of the first attempt is unsatisfactory.

Unified State Exam schedule 2018 (draft)

We warn you in advance that below we have posted only the preliminary schedule and dates for the Unified State Examination 2018, which means that after approval by the educational commission of the profile level in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, some minor adjustments to the timing of final exams are possible.

Early period:
March 22 (Thurs.) – computer science, geography;
March 26 (Mon.) – Russian language;
March 28 (Wed.) – chemistry, history;
March 30 (Fri.) – mathematics;
April 2 (Mon.) – foreign languages ​​(oral part);
April 4 (Wed.) – foreign languages, physics, biology;
April 6 (Fri.) – social studies, literature.

Main period:
May 28 (Mon.) – computer science, geography;
May 30 (Wed.) – basic mathematics;
June 1 (Fri.) - physics, literature;
June 4 (Mon.) - Russian language;
June 6 (Wed.) – specialized mathematics;
June 8 (Fri.) – social studies;
June 11 (Mon.) - foreign languages, biology;
June 13 (Wed.) - chemistry, history;
June 14 and 16 (Thurs. and Sat.) - foreign languages ​​(oral and written);

Additional period:
September 4 (Tuesday) – Russian language;
September 7 (Fri.) – basic mathematics.

What requirements are put forward for examinees, and what changes is the Ministry of Education and Science making to the unified exam in 2018? Let’s try to understand in more detail what you can expect from the Unified State Exam 2018 and what needs to be “pulled up” to successfully pass it.

The winter holidays have come to an end, and school graduates are actively preparing for one of the most important stages of their entire school education - passing the Unified State Exam.

In our country Unified State Exam has been a mandatory centralized test for schoolchildren since 2009. It serves as the final examination for obtaining a certificate and the entrance examination for admission to higher educational institutions of the country at the same time.

What requirements are put forward for examinees, and what changes is the Ministry of Education and Science making to the unified exam in 2018? Let’s try to understand in more detail what you can expect from the Unified State Exam 2018 and what needs to be “pulled up” to successfully pass it.

How will the Unified State Examination 2018 change?

During its existence, the procedure for passing the Unified State Exam "" has undergone many changes and the introduction of a variety of innovations. However, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who listens to the opinions of experts, the system is still not perfect, so it needs further measures aimed at eliminating existing shortcomings. However, he notes that the presence of a single standard provides the most objective assessment of effectiveness school education and provides opportunities for applicants from the regions.

According to the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, no significant changes are expected in the Unified State Examination this year. Schoolchildren will continue to take mandatory exams in the Russian language and mathematics. The introduction of an oral exam in the Russian language cannot be called a serious change, since this year it will be held only in some schools, as a test.

Let us note that the department considers rumors about the inclusion of a foreign language and history among the compulsory subjects for passing the Unified State Exam to be premature. According to available data, Russian history will be added to the list of compulsory subjects only in 2020, and students will take a foreign language starting in 2022.

This year the exam technology will change completely. Unlike previous years, forms and test materials will now be presented in digital format. Schoolchildren and graduates of previous years taking the exam will be able to personally see the process of printing assignments right in the classroom. Upon completion of work, their forms will be scanned and sent for verification using secure communication channels.

Certain changes will be made to exam tasks (both compulsory and elective subjects). It is noted that test questions and questions with one correct answer will be almost completely excluded from the tests. Some subjects, such as biology and physics, will have additional sets of questions, while others will have a revised maximum score.

Terms and conditions for submitting an application and procedure for taking exams

The Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science notes that everyone who wants to take exams in 2018 must submit a corresponding application indicating the disciplines before February 1. Questions regarding extension of the deadline for accepting documents are not currently being considered. But, as the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov said, this possibility will be discussed as part of improving the system for the next academic year.

If everything is extremely clear with the Russian language and mathematics, then with elective subjects things are somewhat more complicated. Already now, each graduate must accurately determine which disciplines he will have to pass, based on his further specialty. The subjects considered as entrance examinations are indicated on the websites of the selected universities, but it is noted that the number of subjects that can be indicated in the application is unlimited.

Places of registration for the Unified State Exam for graduates of previous years who wish to apply are approved by regional educational authorities, and those graduating this year must register at their place of study.

Main stage Unified State Exam 2018 will take place from May 28 to July 2. For those participants who, for good reasons, cannot take the exams together with the main group and only by providing the relevant documents, there is the opportunity to take the tests ahead of schedule - from March 21 to April 11. Naturally, this is only possible if you successfully complete the school curriculum by the deadline.

The additional stage will take place in September, from the 4th to the 15th. During this period, as well as on the reserve days of the main stage, participants who scored low points will be allowed to retake the Russian language and mathematics. But in case of failure in elective subjects, a repeat exam can only be taken next year.

How to achieve high results?

The results of this year’s Unified State Examination can significantly affect graduates’ grades in the certificate, so you should think about how to increase the level of knowledge and achieve maximum results.

According to statistics, only half a percent of graduates show 100 percent results on Russian language exams, and another 25% receive high scores. Why such a low result? According to experts, this is due to the fact that:

  • Schoolchildren lack skills in writing argumentative essays, in which they most often make punctuation and spelling errors.
  • There are no phraseological units in the works of high school students that could bring them additional points.

Among the very common mistakes, experts also note the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, and although teachers repeat these rules to their students more than once, they still need to practice.

Things are even worse with mathematics. Despite the fact that 45% of examinees successfully pass the basic level, it is necessary to understand that it is much simpler than the profile level, the results of which are much lower than in the Russian language. Schoolchildren have big problems when solving problems in geometry, especially in the section of stereometry. Practice has shown that you can achieve high results in the exam if:

  • repeat the topic "Interest"
  • solve economic problems,
  • learn to determine the area of ​​figures on squared paper.

History and social studies are very popular among elective subjects. However, the percentage of high-scoring students in these subjects leaves much to be desired. In the case of history Unified State Exam participants There are gaps in the chronology of events, and there are often problems with reading maps. And in social studies, many people are good at the topics “Law”, “Economics” and “Man and Society”. But they have a very vague idea about “Politics”.

In general, according to Ms., the ministry is continuously working to create a unified educational space, which will soon make it possible to improve the quality of education for children and provide the necessary basis for successfully passing the Unified State Exam. Innovations will await graduates next year, but for now it is necessary to accumulate all the energy to obtain the maximum result.

Unified State Exam 2018 schedule

Early period

Main period

date Item
May 28 computer science, geography
May 30 mathematics (basic level)
June 1st mathematics (profile level)
June 4 history, chemistry
June 6 Russian language
the 9th of June foreign language (oral)
June 13 foreign language (oral)
June 14 social science
June 18 foreign language, biology
June 20 literature, physics
Reserve days
22nd of June computer science, geography
June 25 mathematics (basic and specialized levels)
June 26 Russian language
27th of June history, foreign language, biology, chemistry
June 28 literature, social studies, physics
June 29 foreign language (oral)
July 2 all things

Additional period

date Item
4 September Russian language
September 7 mathematics
Reserve day
September 15th Russian language, mathematics (basic level)

It takes up all the free time of most Russian eleventh graders. The last year of study is the most responsible and stressful for graduates, because in addition to the school routine, their worries also include home preparation, attending courses or working with a subject tutor.

The concerns of students and their parents are understandable. Only if you successfully pass the exams and receive high scores can you count on the fact that yesterday’s graduate will become a public-sector student of good quality, will receive and master the skills that will make him a sought-after and competitive specialist in the labor market.

An important aspect of preparation is a schedule for reviewing materials in all subjects that the student plans to take in the form of the Unified State Exam. When drawing up a schedule, it is important to take into account which subjects you are “swimming” in (disciplines in which you are strong, you can devote fewer hours), as well as the timing of the examination. So we'll talk about them. Find out on what dates specialists from Rosobrnadzor set the exam tests!

Schedule for early session of the Unified State Exam

Only certain categories of students can take the Unified State Exam earlier than the main period. These include those who could not (or did not) take the tests last year, students who enter foreign universities or are sent to the army, as well as children who are prescribed rehabilitation or medical procedures during the main exam. In addition, “early-term students” include athletes or gifted children representing the Russian Federation at competitions, olympiads and competitions at the federal and world level.

After submitting your application and providing documents confirming the need to take the exams ahead of schedule, you will be able to write the Unified State Examination on the following dates:

  • 03/21/2018 – on this day it will be possible to take a test in geography, as well as computer science and information and computer technologies;
  • 03/23/2018 – the date is reserved for testing in the Russian language;
  • 03/26/2018 is a key day for children who have chosen an exam in history or chemistry;
  • 03/28/2018 – the oral part of foreign languages ​​is scheduled for this date;
  • 03/30/2018 – on this day basic and specialized mathematics is taken;
  • 04/02/2018 – you can demonstrate your knowledge in the written part of foreign languages, pass the Unified State Exam in biology or physics;
  • 04/04/2018 – tests in social studies and literature are scheduled for this date.

If some extraordinary reasons prevent the early examination from being carried out on the stated days, Rosobrnadzor provides reserve dates:

  • 04/06/2018 – a day allocated for geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, oral part of foreign languages ​​and history;
  • 04/09/2018 is the date determined for the written part of foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies and biology;
  • 04/11/2018 is a day reserved for the Russian language, specialized and basic mathematics.

Main examination period

The majority of Russian graduates take the federal testing on these days. In 2018, the following dates were set for the all-Russian examination:

  • 05/28/2018 – passing geography, as well as a test in computer science and information and computer technologies;
  • 05/30/2018 is the main day for those who will write a test in basic level mathematics;
  • 06/01/2018 is the day for passing mathematics at the profile level;
  • 06/04/2018 is the date allocated for tests in history and chemistry;
  • 06.06.2018 – the main day for passing the Russian language;
  • 06/09/2018 – on this day the oral part of foreign languages ​​is taken;
  • 06/13/2018 – main examination in social studies;
  • 06/18/2018 is a key day for those who will take the written part of foreign languages ​​or the Unified State Exam in biology;
  • 06/20/2018 – passing literature or the Unified State Exam in physics.

The main period for passing the Unified State Exam will last from May 28 to June 20, 2018

If in some region there are force majeure circumstances that do not allow the examination to be held on the scheduled day, you can count on reserve days:

  • 06/22/2018 is the date reserved for geography, as well as a test in computer science and information and computer technology;
  • 06/25/2018 is the day reserved for mathematics (both basic and specialized);
  • 06/26/2018 – opportunity to write the Unified State Examination in Russian if it fails on the main date;
  • 06.27.2018 – reserve day, which was set aside for the test in chemistry, the Unified State Examination in biology and the written part of foreign languages;
  • 06.28.2018 – in case of force majeure, on this date it will be possible to write literature, take physics and social studies;
  • 06.29.2018 – reserve day for the oral part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages;
  • 07/02/2018 is a reserve day for all academic subjects that can be taken in the form of the Unified State Exam.

Period of additional session of the Unified State Examination

If a student managed to get a bad grade in one of the required subjects, or he had valid (documented) reasons for not appearing for testing during the main period, he can write a statement and ask for the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam in additional time. The dates on which it will be possible to take the tests were:

  • 04.09.2018 – for Russian language;
  • 09/07/2018 – for basic mathematics;
  • 09.15.2018 – for basic mathematics and Russian language.
