What layer of insulation is needed for the attic. Which insulation is best for the attic? Methods for insulating the attic

An attic is a room arranged under a roof, used for permanent residence or simply for a pleasant pastime. Attics are widely popular in many countries, but for their comfortable arrangement, it is very important to equip them with a thermal insulation system that prevents heat loss through the roof slopes.

Basic requirements for insulation for an attic roof

To insulate the roof of an attic, various thermal insulation materials can be used, when choosing between them, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high frost resistance and resistance to defrosting;
  • resistance to significant temperature fluctuations;
  • low hygroscopicity, minimal moisture absorption;
  • non-flammability;
  • long period of operation.

On the other hand, when choosing insulation, factors such as slope and shape are also important. roof slopes, climatic and weather terrain, the purpose of the attic being equipped, etc. Not only the preference for one material or another depends on such nuances, but also what density of insulation is needed for the attic, the thickness of the insulation mansard roof and some other parameters.

Basic materials for arranging thermal insulation of the attic

The choice of insulation materials on a modern construction market quite large, however, the following are most often used for thermal insulation of attic roofs:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane foam.

Each of these materials has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which are worth dwelling on in more detail. Let's figure out which insulation is best for an attic roof in order to make the right choice.

Mineral wool - density and thickness of mineral wool

Mineral wool is perhaps the most common insulation material for attic roofs due to its low cost and good thermal insulation qualities. In addition, the advantages of this material are also fire resistance, good breathability and low hygroscopicity. On the other hand, the thermal insulation characteristics of mineral wool are significantly reduced when wet, which makes it mandatory to equip it with waterproofing and vapor barrier membranes.

Mineral wool has several varieties:

Glass wool is made from the finest glass fibers 5-15 microns thick and 15-50 millimeters long. It has an elastic and durable structure, and requires great care when working: to avoid irritation, when laying it, wear a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a respirator. Resistant to temperatures from minus 60 to plus 450-500 °C.

Slag wool, made from blast furnace slag, contains fibers 4-12 microns thick and approximately 16 millimeters long. This material can withstand heating up to 300 °C, but is ineffective when arranging thermal insulation of the attic due to its high hygroscopicity. In addition, slags with residual acidity can have an aggressive effect on metal surfaces, which is also a significant disadvantage. The disadvantages of slag wool are also its fragility and “prickliness”, which creates inconvenience when working with it with bare hands.

Basalt (stone) wool is made from gabbro-basalt or diabase with composite and binder additives. Its fibers have approximately the same dimensions as those of slag wool. In terms of technological characteristics, this material is superior to all other types of mineral wool, and therefore is especially often used for thermal insulation of attic roofs. Stable when heated up to 600 °C (some types - up to 1000 °C). When using this type, the elasticity and density of mineral wool for attic insulation are sufficient so that the material does not wrinkle or settle when installed on slopes.

As for the required thickness of mineral wool for insulating an attic, it largely depends on climatic conditions, averaging 15-30 centimeters. It is clear that in regions with colder and more humid climates, the thickness of the insulation for the attic roof should be relatively greater.


Foam plastic is a modern thermal insulation material based on polystyrene foam. Its structure is hardened polystyrene foam, inside of which there are many air bubbles.

The advantages of polystyrene foam are light weight, excellent thermal insulation characteristics, low hygroscopicity and good sound insulation properties, which, combined with an affordable cost, make it one of the most preferred materials for insulation. At the same time, the disadvantages of polystyrene foam, which should be taken into account when arranging an attic, are flammability, instability to high temperatures and ultraviolet rays, as well as low strength.

For increase performance characteristics Some manufacturers treat foam products with fire retardants, which increases their service life by several years, which makes attic insulation with foam economical.

It should also be said about what layer of insulation is needed for the attic if this material is used. The required thickness for most climatic zones is 15-20 centimeters, but in frosty regions it makes sense to increase it to 25-30 centimeters.

When arranging thermal insulation for an attic roof made of foam, it is important to ensure good ventilation of the under-roof space, since this material is not “breathable”. Otherwise, this may lead to condensation, mold and putrefactive processes.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is polymer insulation, which is a type of foamed plastic with a cellular structure. The cells are filled with a gaseous substance, which determines the effective thermal insulation properties of this material.

The advantages of polyurethane foam are versatility, low flammability, lack of hygroscopicity, resistance to aggressive chemical influences, low thermal conductivity and durability. Although in terms of thermal insulation characteristics it is slightly inferior to foam plastic and mineral wool, it is several times longer than them in terms of service life.

Polyurethane foam insulation is available both in the form of slabs and in the form of sprayed liquid mixtures. The last option is the most versatile and effective: it can be applied to any material, while closing all the cracks and gaps.

It should be noted that if in the case of tiled materials the calculation of insulation for the attic may present certain difficulties, then when spraying liquid polyurethane foam no special calculations are required. The whole process can easily be carried out with your own hands in a short time - all you need is the presence of a thermal insulation composition and equipment for spraying it.

Another important advantage is that liquid polyurethane foam It is sprayed without seams or joints, completely repeating the complex shapes of inclined and other surfaces. This results in significantly more effective thermal insulation. Therefore, if we talk about what thickness of insulation should be in the attic, then a layer of 10-15 centimeters is usually sufficient.

Tiled forms of polyurethane foam are also used for insulating attic roofs, but are somewhat less convenient and practical.

Other types of insulation for attic roofs

Along with those listed, other materials are sometimes used for thermal insulation of attic roofs, although their prevalence is not so great.

For example, in some regions it has not lost its importance old method– insulation with felt. Besides, in last years New types of effective thermal insulation materials, which appeared on the construction market relatively recently, are also gaining popularity. This includes, for example, ecowool and modern fiberglass insulation. It is also worth noting that, along with the considered types of insulation, their foil varieties are often used, the cost of which is somewhat more expensive.

It is clear that the calculation of attic insulation may have certain features depending on the type of insulation used and a number of other factors.

So, for example, the answer to the question - how thick should the attic insulation be - can be broadly formulated as follows:

  • the greater the thermal conductivity of the material, the greater the thickness of the thermal insulation layer should be;
  • for areas with a milder climate, thinner insulation is required, for more severe climatic zones - vice versa;
  • a large number of joint areas and seams contributes to heat loss, necessitating the need for greater thickness of insulation.

The correct choice of material for thermal insulation and well-made calculations serve as the basis for ensuring thermal comfort in the attic room, literally contributing to a warm atmosphere in it at any time of the year.

The popularity of attics is growing rapidly. Developers consider this type of housing to be less expensive compared to the cost of equipping floor premises. In addition, many homeowners are attracted by the opportunity to implement specific architectural and design solutions, substantively developed by European specialists. Why has the transfer of under-roof zones to housing become actualized in our country only in the last 10 - 15 years? The answer lies in the climatic difference between continental Europe and the European part of the Russian Federation. Only modern technologies in the field of insulating materials make it possible to choose insulation for the attic, providing a comfortable microclimate in a “house without walls” located somewhere in the Moscow region.

It is important to choose the right insulation for the under-roof space

The installation of attic roofs is functionally and technologically different from the work carried out on the main floors and in unheated attic spaces. Insulating the attic is associated with increased complexity of installation processes, the need for thermophysical calculations, as well as the importance of proper development of ventilation and vapor protection.

In non-residential attic spaces, thermal insulation is placed in the niches between the beams ceiling. The roof structure in this case plays the role of a barrier that protects the building from wind load, temperature expansion and atmospheric precipitation. Insulation for the attic roof, on the contrary, is included in roofing sandwich, designed to simultaneously perform all the functions inherent in the walls, ceiling and roof.

More moisture enters the attic than the floor spaces. Water penetrates from below in the form of rising vapor. Vapor barrier of the floor ceiling reduces the flow of moisture, but does not eliminate it.

The second factor in air humidification is associated with the inevitable condensation on the lower surface of the tiles or other roofing material. Moreover, the amount of this condensate on insulated roofs is greater than on cold roofs due to the increased temperature gradient. In addition, a ventilated cold attic forms a buffer air cushion, effectively drying the roof from below. The absence of such a buffer in attics reduces natural ventilation wooden rafters and the insulation itself.

Placing thermal insulation directly under the roof slopes increases the rate of heat transfer, so insulation for the attic should be more energy efficient than insulating the floor between the dwelling and the cold attic.

Criteria for selecting insulating material

What is the best way to insulate an attic? Studying the properties of thermal insulators cannot give a substantiated answer to this question. It is necessary to correlate the characteristics of materials with their operating conditions. The specificity of attics is expressed in three main rules for their insulation:

  1. Timeframe for completing thermal insulation work. Typically, freshly sawn wood is used for rafters. In this case, it is necessary to wait at least six months before insulation is carried out with materials with high vapor permeability.

    Even when using dried wood, a pause of at least 2 weeks is necessary after installing the roofing.

  2. Choice of insulation thickness. The intensity of heat flow through the roof is much greater than the energy lost through the walls or foundation. The usual thickness of mineral wool of 100 - 150 mm does not solve the problem for attic insulation even in the southern regions of Russia. It is necessary to use special calculator programs where climatic conditions, dimensions of building structures and materials of all layers of the sandwich are substituted. In conditions of a temperate continental climate, the required design thickness of the insulator for a mansard roof is almost never less than 300 mm.
  3. Design of rafter beams.

The height of the lumber profile should be 30 - 40 mm higher than the thickness of the thermal insulation layer. In this case, sufficient ventilation gap between waterproofing and insulation.

If work is underway to convert a cold attic into housing, then additional sheathing is usually used at the bottom of the rafters, increasing the installation height to accommodate the insulating layer.

To determine which insulation is best for your attic roof, make a comparative assessment of the materials, taking into account the three rules outlined in the following order:

  1. Eliminate options that do not meet your fire safety requirements.
  2. Eliminate options with high vapor permeability of insulation if you do not have time to dry the rafter wood.
  3. Calculate the required insulation layer thickness for several options.
  4. Create budget options. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the exclusion of a vapor barrier membrane from the sandwich composition in the case of using insulating materials with hygroscopicity close to zero.

Types of insulating materials used for insulating attic roofs

First of all, it should be noted that insulating inclined surfaces bulk materials not only inconvenient, but also impractical, since the fragments rolling down will block the ventilation gap. Therefore, sawdust, fluff pulp, expanded clay and similar insulation materials should be abandoned. On the other hand, it is permissible to carry out insulation with slabs obtained from a mixture of the listed materials with clay or cement. However, the weight of such slabs should be taken into account when calculating trusses.

Fireproof insulation

The only relatively inexpensive fireproof heat insulator is mineral (basalt) wool. It is for this reason that she for a long time remains the most popular option for attic sandwich applications. How to choose a good mineral wool insulation for the attic? Is the usual rolled isover that we use for walls suitable? Such material will work well, but... not for long. The reason for this is high capillary activity. Therefore, it is necessary to choose materials with special impregnations that reduce hygroscopicity: ROCKMIN PLUS mineral wool, Izover Pitched Roof and other brands, the names of which have a direct indication of the field of application suitable for us.

Mixtures of insulating backfill with clay are also fireproof. The main problem with clay-mixed insulation is the very large thickness of the insulating layer and its excessive weight.

Among the most modern developments, PIR boards lined with heat-reflecting foil should be highlighted. They do not support combustion and have a record low thermal conductivity coefficient (0.024 W/m*K).

Insulation materials with the highest energy efficiency

Manufacturers building thermal insulation Brands of slabs made of extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) have been developed, specifically designed for the construction of attics and roofs of cold attics. These are Penoplex Pitched Roof, TechnoNIKOL Carbon Solid and other materials with a thermal conductivity coefficient of no higher than 0.030 - 0.034 W/m*K. Brands are distinguished by the ability to order panels of increased length (up to 4.5 m), which significantly speeds up installation work.

EPS is a flammable material, but building codes allow its use in attics. To increase fire safety, infrared screens with a foil layer should be used. Despite the fact that their vapor barrier function is not required by EPS, foil can significantly increase the fire resistance of the sandwich.

Average, polystyrene foam boards allow to reduce the thickness of the attic insulation layer by 20% in comparison with mineral wool. The champions in heat conservation are sprayed polyurethane foam (PPU) and the already mentioned PIR boards. Due to the high toxicity of gases released during thermal destruction of polyurethane foam, this material is not recommended for use in residential attics. PIR boards do not have this drawback and are able to replace mineral wool with a 1.5-fold reduction in layer thickness.

Insulation materials with high specific noise absorption

Insulation with Zhivoizol - linen heat insulator

The noise insulation properties of attic roof insulation can be very important when using metal tiles, which enhance the noise of natural precipitation. Currently, slab materials have been developed that are characterized by a high noise reduction coefficient with a slight loss in energy efficiency to mineral wool. Among such developments, it should be noted pressed flax insulation, known under the market brands “thermolen” and “ZhivaIzol”. Plates made of this material absorb noise in all frequency spectra 20% - 30% more effectively than mineral wool and EPS.


The choice of insulation for an attic roof should be carried out in parallel with the development of roof trusses and the design of the entire sandwich, including roof cladding, membranes and sheathing. When converting cold attics into housing, it is important to minimize the thickness of the insulating layer and use insulators with the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient.

The wrong choice of insulation, or its insufficient thickness, not only leads to cold in the attic room. Even if you compensate for the low temperature with intensive heating, you may encounter:

  • increased roof icing;
  • reducing the service life of the roofing covering;
  • failure of the drainage system.

Thus, competent design of a roofing sandwich for attics is important not only to ensure comfort for residents, but also from the point of view of increasing the service life of the building.

Video on the topic: how to properly insulate an attic

Statistics show that more than 50% of residential under-roof spaces in the Russian Federation are insulated with mineral wool. Does the popularity of the material indicate its undeniable advantages? This review examines do-it-yourself insulation of an attic from the inside with mineral wool and analyzes the method from a functional and technological point of view.

Plates, mats and rolled materials made of basalt fibers, used to insulate the attic from the inside, attract developers and builders with three important properties:

Mineral wool is an effective and popular insulation material in Russia

  • Fire safety. All brands of mineral wool belong to the NG category.
  • Vapor permeability.

    Due to its ability to absorb condensation and evaporate it when the temperature rises, mineral wool works well in contact with wooden rafters. It protects them from waterlogging, which causes the development of fungus and wood rotting.

  • Good noise-absorbing characteristics. Randomly oriented fibers most effectively reduce the level of high-frequency noise, which is especially intrusive and irritating in the rain.

The described characteristics, to a much greater extent than the cost, influence the choice of this type of insulation for attic insulation. However, various brands basalt thermal insulation differ significantly from each other in a number of other parameters. Insulating an attic from the inside of a room with your own hands requires some experience in working with mineral wool and imposes additional restrictions on the properties of the material: this becomes clear from the video posted in the “Self-installation algorithm” section.

Among these additional qualities are:

  1. Material format. For laying between rafter beams, the width of the thermal insulation should be 600 - 610 mm.
  2. Density. When working alone, the less the slab or section of it weighs, the better.
  3. Elasticity and fairly high rigidity. This quality greatly simplifies the insulation of the attic with mineral wool.
  4. Availability of large thicknesses - 100, 150, 200 mm.

It is a common misconception that the high density of basalt insulation indicates its increased energy efficiency, and the low density indicates low rigidity and inability to hold its shape. However, there is no direct relationship between thermal conductivity and stiffness and density. The length and thickness of the fibers, as well as the type of their orientation, are of decisive importance.

Mineral wool in the form of slabs is convenient for insulating the attic alone

We compared the actual parameters of mineral wool brands recommended by leading manufacturers for roof insulation. All four stated requirements are met by only three items: Rockmin and Rockmin plus (Rockwool brand), as well as Rocklight TechnoNIKOL slabs. Plates of these brands (formats 1000×600 mm and 1200×600 mm) with a thickness of 100 mm weigh respectively 1.6 kg; 2.1 kg and 2.9 kg. At the same time, they are elastic and hold their shape well.

There are many types of mineral wool insulation that exceed those we recommend in terms of thermal resistance or rigidity. But they are all of the wrong format, or very heavy or not flexible enough, and therefore inconvenient for working alone.

Roofing pie composition

Insulating a residential attic with mineral wool requires mandatory compensation for the weaknesses of this material: the ability to absorb moisture coming from the room, as well as high airflow and low resistance to precipitation. Therefore, the composition roofing pie provided that fibrous insulation is used, two and sometimes three membranes are introduced. In the direction from the room to the outside, the layers are arranged in the following order:

Scheme of attic insulation with mineral wool

  1. Finishing ceiling cladding. The warmest material for this layer is drywall and a layer of putty (taken into account separately in the thermal calculation).
  2. The air gap formed by the sheathing for attaching the finishing cladding. Equal to the thickness of the slats (or galvanized profiles) of the sheathing. This gap is not necessary for the operation of the heat-insulating system.
  3. Vapor barrier film. Protects the insulation from steam rising from the room.
  4. Basic insulation (2 - 3 layers of mineral wool).
  5. High diffusion membrane (waterproofing). Its peculiarity is the one-way passage of water. Moisture coming from below (evaporated by mineral wool) should freely penetrate through the membrane, and water coming from above (precipitation and condensation) should flow under the roofing down to the street. Films of this type combine the functions of a water barrier and wind protection. In domestic practice, three-layer isospan membranes have proven themselves well. It is better to use Izospan AQ proff for the attic, which is characterized by high strength and good steam transmission (1000 g/m2 per day). There is no need for a gap between isospan and mineral wool.
  6. Ventilation gap between the membrane and the roof deck. It is formed by sheathing strips located perpendicular to the rafters in plan. The thickness of the lathing is usually 4 - 6 cm.
  7. Roofing flooring.

Sufficient insulation thickness

To determine the required thickness of mineral wool, you should choose one of the independent online thermal calculators (not owned by any insulation material manufacturer). In the filters, you must specify the region and all components of the roofing pie, indicating materials and thicknesses. Each air gap is also a significant insulation layer.

The thickness of the insulation for the attic must be accurately calculated

After this, the calculation will show the final indoor temperature. Using the method of successive approximations, you can find the value of all thermal insulation parameters that provide the required level of comfort in the attic.

In most regions of the European part of the Russian Federation, the required thickness of mineral wool for internal insulation of an attic is 280 - 300 mm.

Often, developers are content with values ​​of 200 - 250 mm, for the reason that “this corresponds to the geometry of the rafters” and “this has been tested in practice.” They simply ignore the fact that heat in the attic is compensated by heating systems located on the ground floor. The money saved on attic insulation results in significant annual energy waste.

Table: comparative characteristics of various insulation materials and the required thickness depending on thermal conductivity

Technology for self-installation of mineral wool

First, you need to make sure that the outer elements of the roofing pie (or at least the waterproofing layer) have already been installed. This is necessary to protect the mineral wool from atmospheric moisture before installing the outer membrane.

Place mineral wool tightly between floor beams or posts

Next, the width of the openings between the rafter beams is checked. If the size ranges between 550 mm and 600 mm, then you will not have to cut the insulation (you can use the factory width of the slabs 600 - 610 mm). If the distance between the rafters is more than 600 mm, it will be necessary to cut fragments of the required width from mineral wool slabs based on the installation compression of 20 - 30 mm. For example, if the rafter niche has a width of 720 mm, then sections of 700x600 mm are cut out of 1200x600 mm slabs. Residues 500×600 are accumulated for use in insulating various contours (for attic walls, around window openings, for laying crossbars on top, etc.)

The second method involves cutting rectangular slabs diagonally and relative displacement of the halves along this diagonal. When shifted, the overall width increases, ensuring that the ends of the wool rest against the vertical edges of the rafters. However, in this case, for a tight connection, the following slabs will have to be cut curvilinearly and with outside.

Installation of mineral wool and further operations are carried out alone using the following techniques:

Fastening mineral wool with nylon thread

  1. If there are no significant differences in width in the openings between the rafters, you can install mineral wool slabs without preparatory work. Pressing the material by 20 - 30 mm allows you to lay out all the insulation elements from the inside of the room into the roof slope. Otherwise, to support the wool, a temporary (removable) sheathing of planks, boards, or nylon thread (non-removable) is used, stretched along the lower edges of the rafters in a zigzag using a stapler. Layers of mineral wool are laid out in a checkerboard pattern to cover the joints.
  2. A vapor barrier film is stapled from below to the ends of the rafters. It must be joined with an overlap, gluing the joints with special tape.
  3. The lathing is installed to install the final ceiling cladding.

Video: how to insulate an attic roof with mineral wool (Isover Pro 100 mm and Ursa Pure One 50 mm)

The total thickness of the insulation was 250 mm. The insulation is fixed using a 50×40mm beam. To eliminate sagging mineral wool, the author of the video additionally uses twine, which is stapled to the block.

Insulation of mauerlat and walls

The insulation of attic walls should be closed loop with insulation of roof slopes. Thermal calculations for walls are carried out separately. In most cases, it shows the required insulation thickness 1.5 times less than for the roof.

Mauerlat is a log or beam that serves to transmit and average pressure from the rafter beams to the upper end of the wall. It is recommended to insulate the Mauerlat before installing the hydrobarrier. The Mauerlat is insulated from above and from the street side. Then the membrane is installed.

Video to help: why moisture forms on the roof of an attic insulated with mineral wool


In addition to the high functional properties of mineral wool used in residential roofing areas, consumers are attracted by the possibility of significant savings. The main source of this is not the price of the material, but the independent performance of the work. However, for installation carried out alone, a number of requirements are required for the fibrous insulating material additional requirements. Only taking them into account when choosing a brand of cotton wool guarantees you calm, measured work.

  • Date: 01/08/2015
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  • Rating: 57
  • Some characteristics of insulation
  • Insulation of the attic room

Many owners of country and country houses, in order to increase their living space, equip an attic space to create an office, bedroom, or living room there. Such a room is usually called an attic. It needs to be insulated.

Several different materials are used as insulation: mineral and glass wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, and other insulation materials. But not all of these materials are suitable for carrying out work on thermal insulation of an attic space for converting it into a real attic.

Requirements for materials for insulation

Materials used for attic insulation must have:

Table of comparative characteristics of insulation materials.

  1. Fire safety. They should not support combustion.
  2. Perform sound protection functions that prevent the penetration of noise from the outside.
  3. Vapor permeability function to ensure the necessary microclimate in the attic room.
  4. Compliance with environmental, sanitary and building regulations.
  5. Strength and durability.
  6. Resistant to deformation.

According to the recommendations of many experts, the insulation layer should be 25-30 cm. It is better to arrange a double or triple layer. This method of insulation prevents the appearance of cold bridges. When insulating the attic, we must not forget that the pediment is also a wall of the attic. A wooden gable requires a thicker layer of insulation than brick walls.

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Foam is widely used for insulating walls, floors and ceilings. In the attic, the functions of walls and ceiling are performed by the roof of the building. It is not recommended to use polystyrene foam to insulate it for the following reasons:

Stages of attic roof insulation.

  • all roof elements, including insulation material, must be well ventilated;
  • the insulation must allow air and moisture vapor to pass through well.

According to the laws of physics, warm air rises from bottom to top. Polystyrene foam does not allow moisture contained in warm air to pass through at all. This will lead to the formation of condensation from inside the room. As a result, within 1-3 years the parts of the rafter structure will become damp, trickles of water will begin to flow through the insulation material, mold will appear, and the wooden parts of the roof will begin to rot.

Very common materials are mineral wool and glass wool. They have low cost and excellent resistance to high temperatures. When working with glass wool, it is necessary to take special protective measures, since the smallest particles of glass when they come into contact with open areas of the skin cause severe irritation and significant pain. You can only work in protective clothing, gloves and goggles. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer made of mineral wool or glass wool is selected at the rate of 15-30 cm. This depends on the climatic zone in which the house is located.

Attic roof insulation elements: 1 – mineral wool; 2 – vapor and wind barrier (membrane); 3 – waterproofing; 4 – air flows; 5 – rafter; 6 – roof; 7 – attic cladding.

The negative aspects of this insulating material include its slight deformation and hygroscopicity, which can lead to a decrease in thermal insulation properties. Glass wool is also not an environmentally friendly material. Therefore, it is preferable to use mineral wool. You need to purchase mineral wool based on a density of 40-45 kg per cubic meter. This is the optimal material for attic insulation. Mineral wool is a material that provides:

  • environmental safety;
  • non-flammability;
  • good sound insulation;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature changes;
  • frost resistance;
  • protection from rodents and other pests;
  • resistance to fungus and mold;
  • quick and easy installation.

To insulate the attic, you can use felt, hemp, sawdust, and reed slabs. But all these materials require preliminary antiseptic and fire retardant treatment. These operations significantly increase the life of thermal protection equipment.

Sandwich panels are more expensive than mineral wool, but guarantee the quality and durability of the insulation. They consist of several layers: vapor barrier, insulation, waterproofing, decorative.

Foam glass slabs are a relatively new and expensive insulation material. Has high strength. The material is quite elastic and resistant to various mechanical influences. Ideal for thermal protection when using soft roofing.

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Ecowool attic insulation scheme.

An attic roof usually consists of a rafter system covered with roofing material. The rafters are installed every 60-100 cm. These gaps are filled with insulation. It is recommended to use mineral wool or fiberglass as insulation material. This material is available in the form of slabs or mats. They are laid in layers, the number of which depends on their thickness. What should it be like? The thickness of the insulation is calculated based on the thermal conductivity coefficient, which is indicated in the quality certificates. You can rely on the following data:

Coefficient Insulation thickness

  • 0.035 150 mm;
  • 0.04 180 mm;
  • 0.044 200 mm;
  • 0.045 205 mm;
  • 0.046 210 mm;
  • 0.047 215 mm;
  • 0.05 225 mm.

With a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.04, the calculation of the average thickness of the insulation layer for different cities in Russia will be as follows:

City Thermal Insulation Thickness (mm):

Table for calculating the average thickness of the insulation layer for different cities of Russia.

  • Arkhangelsk 220;
  • Astrakhan 160;
  • Anadyr 290;
  • Barnaul 210;
  • Belgorod 170;
  • Blagoveshchensk 230;
  • Bryansk 190;
  • Volgograd 160;
  • Vologda 210;
  • Voronezh 180;
  • Vladimir 200;
  • Vladivostok 190;
  • Vladikavkaz 150;
  • Grozny 150;
  • Ekaterinburg 210;
  • Ivanovo 200;
  • Igarka 290;
  • Irkutsk 220;
  • Izhevsk 210;
  • Yoshkar-Ola 210;
  • Kazan 200;
  • Kaliningrad 170;
  • Kaluga 190;
  • Kemerovo 220;
  • Kirov 210;
  • Kostroma 200;
  • Krasnodar 140;
  • Krasnoyarsk 210;
  • Kurgan 210;
  • Kursk 180;
  • Kyzyl 240;
  • Lipetsk 180;
  • Magadan 250;
  • Makhachkala 130;
  • Moscow 190;
  • Murmansk 220
  • Nalchik 150
  • Nizhny Novgorod 200;
  • Novgorod 190;
  • Novosibirsk 220;
  • Omsk 210;
  • Orenburg 190;
  • Eagle 190;
  • Penza 190;
  • Perm 210;
  • Petrozavodsk 210;
  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 190;
  • Pskov 190;
  • Rostov-on-Don 160;
  • Ryazan 190;
  • Samara 200;
  • St. Petersburg 190;
  • Saransk 190;
  • Saratov 180;
  • Salekhard 280;
  • Smolensk 190;
  • Stavropol 150;
  • Syktyvkar 220;
  • Tambov 180;
  • Tver 200;
  • Tomsk 230;
  • Tula 190;
  • Tyumen 210;
  • Ulyanovsk 190;
  • Ulan-Ude 230;
  • Ufa 200;
  • Khabarovsk 220;
  • Cheboksary 200;
  • Chelyabinsk 200;
  • Chita 240;
  • Elista 160;
  • Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 210;
  • Yakutsk 290;
  • Yaroslavl 200.


If the section rafter legs less than the thickness of the layer of insulating material, additional blocks of wood are attached to them using nails, screws or self-tapping screws. They must be treated with an antiseptic composition. There should be ventilation in the form of an air gap between the insulation layer and the roof. The air gap is 25-50 mm. The insulation is protected on top by a windproof membrane. It is better to use Tyvek HD, Monaperm 450 VM, and Monarflex VM 310 films for this purpose.

The bottom layer of insulation for the attic is covered with a vapor barrier film and a finishing cladding is installed from lining, plasterboard or other materials.


To create comfortable conditions in the attic room, thermal insulation is needed. Then you need to insulate the roof and gables. A wide variety of materials can be used for these purposes. It is best to use mineral wool. It has excellent characteristics and is easy to install.

The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is calculated according to the region of residence.

The colder the climate, the larger the insulation layer should be. Properly installed thermal insulation significantly reduces building heating costs.


Insulation for attic roof

The operation of attic spaces directly depends on the quality of their construction. Their peculiarity is that they do not have thick walls; their functions are performed by the roof slopes. Therefore, temperature changes are felt in them more than in the whole house - they cool and heat up faster.

The situation can be improved by installing an insulating layer. If done correctly and with high quality, there are no sudden changes in temperature during the day and across seasons. Thus, the thermal insulation layer makes it possible to make the microclimate of the attic room favorable, equalizing the temperature in it.

When insulating an attic roof, they resort to the same principles as when insulating conventional roofs.

Thermal insulation diagram of the attic roof from the inside

The technology for insulating an attic roof involves creating a kind of multi-layer cake, each layer of which performs a specific function and complements the functional characteristics of the other layers.

The attic cake, when moving from inside the room to the outside, has the following structure:

The sequence of the layers, as well as their presence, should not be disturbed. The most significant influence on comfortable living in the attic floor is the influence of the ventilation gap and thermal insulation. There are special requirements for their quality.

Features of attic roof ventilation

Quality equipment roof ventilation system will effectively resist the worst enemy of any structure - condensation. Construction errors result in both material costs for their elimination and health problems nervous system.

There are two ways for moisture to enter the house:

With the first one everything is more or less clear. The second is associated with vapors generated as a result of life activities. Microscopic particles of moisture lead to the destruction of metal fasteners and insulation, rotting of the rafter system and, ultimately, the destruction of the house.

To avoid negative consequences create various systems removal of condensate moisture. The most optimal and effective is a combination of several methods.

Increased requirements for ventilation characteristics are imposed on attic (attic) rooms, as well as houses covered with soft roofing.

The mechanism of condensation formation is based on the gradient (difference) between external and internal temperatures. To reduce it, it is necessary to create free air space that ensures unhindered air movement.

However, such spaces cannot always be created. Therefore, a ventilation and evaporation removal system is designed for attic roofs. It is located in the attic pie - a ventilation gap.

Choice of insulation

Which insulation to choose and buy? The most important component of an attic cake is the thermal insulation layer. It is its quality that will determine the functionality of the room.

The type of insulation depends on the needs of the structure, which in turn are determined by several factors:

They need to be taken into account when choosing insulation. Thus, thin insulation is not suitable for areas with low temperatures, but for warm regions it is acceptable. As a rule, to insulate attics, they resort to roll or slab insulation and practically do not use backfill.

What kind of insulation should it be?

Attic insulation must meet the following criteria:

  • the material being used should not be susceptible to crushing or cracking. Its general properties should not change even in severe frosts, and should also remain unchanged after going through a full freeze-thaw cycle;
  • The accumulation of moisture in the thermal insulation material is unacceptable. Otherwise, its insulating properties are reduced, the weight increases and the load on the entire roofing structure increases;
  • the material must have low flammability. Despite the fact that such materials are practically not flammable, they are capable of melting under the influence of high temperatures or open fire. In this case, an important property insulating material is the absence of toxic substances in its composition. It must contain fire retardants - substances that slow down the spread of flame;
  • maintaining the original shape throughout the entire operational period. This property is influenced by resistance to the formation of cracks, cavities and other defects.

Types of insulation for attics: making the right choice

The modern construction market is saturated with a variety of insulation materials.

Along with traditional ones, it also contains innovative thermal insulators:

  • mineral wool;
  • polystyrene foam boards;
  • liquid polyurethane;
  • ecowool, etc.

Each of them has its own advantages. In order to correctly determine the insulation, you need to get acquainted with its performance characteristics, talk with construction specialists, i.e. it is possible to get large quantity information.

The desire for environmental friendliness is making ecowool, which is a product of cellulose processing with the addition of antiseptics and fire retardants, increasingly popular. Its low cost is also attractive.

How to properly lay and protect insulation from moisture?

Regardless of the type of roof, the insulation must be laid equally in the space between the rafters. When laying, it is not allowed to create a gap between the insulation and the rafters. Thermal insulation should be equal to 1/3 of the thickness of the rafter system.

When using thin insulation, multi-layer installation is allowed. The insulation is fastened with staples. To protect thermal insulation from moisture, a vapor barrier is used.

It can be:

If the attic is damp, it is better to use foil films.

  • Use thermal insulation of the required density that retains its shape well.
  • Solid insulation materials should not be used, as they do not provide tight joints. In these cases, polyurethane foam is not a solution.
  • The use of waterproofing is mandatory.
  • Prevention of the appearance of cold bridges is ensured by shifting the slabs by ½ length.
  • Crevices should be avoided.
  • Opt for the thickest insulation. So, if you need to fill 200 mm of insulation, you should use two 100 mm slabs, but not 4 50 mm slabs.
  • Follow the manufacturers' recommendations when performing installation work.

How to insulate with mineral wool?

Insulation with mineral or basalt wool is carried out in several stages:

  • cleaning surfaces from debris and dirt;
  • installation of guide profiles. It is mounted at a height of 60 cm;
  • special mineral glue; fastening of slabs with construction fungi or dowels;
  • reinforcement of fixed slabs using special glue.

Insulation installation technology

Roof insulation begins with planning and performing preparatory work:

  • window installation;
  • conducting communications;
  • internal insulation of the roof structure.

The right step is to plan the work, allowing you to highlight the main stages and sequence of installation, as well as purchasing the required amount of building materials. The next action is carried out if necessary and consists of eliminating roofing defects.

  • creating a waterproofing layer. If traditional membrane materials are used, a ventilation gap must be created. The bars are attached to the top of the rafters;
  • laying insulating material in the space between the rafters;
  • Fastening the waterproofing can be done using nails or staples.

When insulating with mineral wool blocks, they are positioned in such a way that the length of the block is 2 - 3 cm greater than the rafter distance.


The attic space can be divided by partitions into several rooms. In addition to all other work, soundproofing measures must be carried out to make these rooms comfortable for living.

Sound insulation of the under-roof space is ensured thermal insulation materials, because along with heat, they also have sound-proofing properties. The technical characteristics of each of these materials also contain sound insulation indicators.

As the thickness of the insulator increases, the quality of sound absorption increases. Thus, the use of 200 mm allows high-quality noise isolation mineral wool insulation. You should not use materials with a sound absorption coefficient of less than 0.6. This is, for example, polystyrene foam.


Windows, vertical or inclined, installed in the roof slope are called mansard. They provide a large amount of light and fresh air into the room. Modern windows for under-roof spaces they are characterized by high levels of thermal insulation and sound absorption. They can be remote or electronically controlled.

Ventilation system

The roof ventilation system ensures the removal of excess moisture from the entire roof structure. Thanks to the counter-lattice, a ventilation gap is created that ensures air circulation.

In cases where the system is installed correctly, ventilation ducts provide unimpeded exit of moist air to the outside through the ventilation ridge or aerators.

The arrangement of the ventilation system involves air inflow either through a gutter or near the eaves, the outflow of air should occur in the area of ​​​​the highest point of the roof.

When creating this system, it is impossible to do without additional capital investments, but they are justified and will quickly pay for themselves, ensuring efficient removal of condensate.

Attic vapor barrier

To protect the thermal insulation layer, special vapor barrier materials, which are films, are used.

It is applied to the inside of the insulation (a 10 cm overlap is required in both the horizontal and vertical directions). All joints are sealed using connecting tape.

The vapor barrier is also attached to the rafter system. A prerequisite for laying this layer is to create a small gap using slats.


The thickness of the attic insulation depending on the choice of material

The arrangement of attic rooms in private houses and cottages involves increasing the living space with a minimum of financial investments and costs of materials. Since the additional upper floor is intended for further use, the logical action would be to carry out measures to insulate it.

Warming “pie”

Experts use various types of insulation depending on the design of the building, the climatic conditions of the location of the building, and the financial capabilities of the owner. However, the layer-by-layer arrangement of materials necessary for insulating an attic looks approximately the same (see How to properly insulate an attic):

  • outer covering;
  • counter-lattice;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier with fixative;
  • decorative coating.

Depending on what is supposed to be insulated: the roof, walls, floor, the diagram may change slightly, but the principle of constructing the “pie” will be approximately the same.


When choosing insulation, you need to independently or with the involvement of professionals make the optimal calculation for the amount of required materials. This will help avoid a significant reduction in the height or linear parameters of the room due to the thickness of the “pie” layers.

Mineral wool

Using mineral wool will perfectly protect the room not only from cold or excessive heat, but also from noise. However, the disadvantage of the material is its high hygroscopicity, which necessitates the use of a waterproofing layer to increase moisture resistance.

When creating a thermal insulation layer for the roof, the thickness of the insulation for the attic can vary in the range of 15 - 20 - 25 cm, which depends on design features rafter system. In order for the mineral wool to fill the required space, the width of the canvas should be 2 cm larger.

Thanks to the use of thermal insulation, sufficient conservation of comfortable heat, breathability, and eco-cleanliness of the internal layers without the development of fungus, mold, and microbes will be ensured in the attic.

Extruded polystyrene foam (EP)

Builders consider the use of extruded polystyrene foam to be one of the most profitable materials both in terms of costs and in preventing heat loss.

Before using EP, you should check the treatment of the construction product with substances that increase fire resistance, or ensure their presence in the constituent components.

EP is easy to install and follows the same installation steps as mineral wool. When determining how thick the penoplex should be, it is necessary to know the parameters of the space to be filled in order to take into account the location of the material.

The fact is that to insulate the roof or walls of an attic room, a thickness of 7 - 10 cm will be sufficient. After laying and securing the polystyrene foam sheets and carrying out the interior finishing, we can confidently say that the heat on the upper floor will be fully retained .

If EP is intended to be used in regions with low temperatures, then for greater confidence in thermal insulation, experienced experts recommend laying two layers. Such actions will pay off in energy costs for heating not only the attic, but also the rooms whose ceilings serve as the floor of the upper room.


If you decide to use foam plastic for thermal protection of the roof, then the thickness of the attic insulation will not exceed 10 - 15 cm. Such parameters will not create problems with a significant reduction in usable space.

Discussions regarding polystyrene foam as a thermal insulation material do not subside among builders, which is due to its special characteristics (see What is better, foam plastic or penoplex?).

Among the positive properties are:

  • tightness of the slabs,
  • no delaminations,
  • maintaining thickness due to the fact that the material does not sag;
  • good sound insulation;
  • low price;
  • lightness, due to which the pressure on the structure is insignificant.

The negative aspects of choosing polystyrene foam for attic insulation include its weak vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity.

Basalt insulation

Basalt insulation is characterized by the following features:

  • resistance to mechanical deformation,
  • sound insulation,
  • hydrophobicity,
  • energy saving,
  • non-flammability,
  • durability.

When calculating the optimal thickness, it is necessary to take into account all its characteristics in order to select a layer sufficient for insulation. Typically, for any of the Russian regions, the best thickness is considered to be 150 - 200 mm. For areas with severe frosts, a two-layer laying of basalt slabs will be required.

Is it worth insulating the attic?

The question is relevant, since the cost of any of the above or other insulation materials cannot be called low, the costs will definitely be there. But if the owners of the house have a desire to create another living space while simultaneously insulating the roof (there is no way around this point), and also spend time in a cozy and warm space, then it is better to insulate the attic. After determining how thick the insulation layer should be, all that remains is to purchase the selected material and begin to carefully carry out the work.

Successful and economical solutions for preserving heat in the attic!

An attic is a room arranged under a roof, used for permanent residence or simply for a pleasant pastime. Attics are widely popular in many countries, but for their comfortable arrangement, it is very important to equip them with a thermal insulation system that prevents heat loss through the roof slopes.

Basic requirements for insulation for an attic roof

To insulate the roof of an attic, various thermal insulation materials can be used, when choosing between them, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high frost resistance and resistance to defrosting;
  • resistance to significant temperature fluctuations;
  • low hygroscopicity, minimal moisture absorption;
  • non-flammability;
  • long period of operation.

On the other hand, when choosing insulation, factors such as the slope and shape of the roof slopes, climatic and weather conditions of the area, the purpose of the attic, etc. are also important. Not only the preference for one or another material depends on such nuances, but also the what insulation density is needed for the attic, the thickness of the attic roof insulation and some other parameters.

Basic materials for arranging thermal insulation of the attic

The choice of insulation materials on the modern construction market is quite large, however, the following are most often used for thermal insulation of attic roofs:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane foam.

Each of these materials has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which are worth dwelling on in more detail.

Mineral wool - density and thickness of mineral wool

Mineral wool is perhaps the most common insulation material for attic roofs due to its low cost and good thermal insulation qualities. In addition, the advantages of this material are also fire resistance, good breathability and low hygroscopicity. On the other hand, the thermal insulation characteristics of mineral wool are significantly reduced when wet, which makes it mandatory to equip it with waterproofing and vapor barrier membranes.

Mineral wool has several varieties:

  • glass wool;
  • slag;
  • basalt or stone wool.

Glass wool is made from the finest glass fibers 5-15 microns thick and 15-50 millimeters long. It has an elastic and durable structure, and requires great care when working: to avoid irritation, when laying it, wear a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a respirator. Resistant to temperatures from minus 60 to plus 450-500 °C.

Slag wool, made from blast furnace slag, contains fibers 4-12 microns thick and approximately 16 millimeters long. This material can withstand heating up to 300 °C, but is ineffective when arranging thermal insulation of the attic due to its high hygroscopicity. In addition, slags with residual acidity can have an aggressive effect on metal surfaces, which is also a significant disadvantage. The disadvantages of slag wool are also its fragility and “prickliness”, which creates inconvenience when working with it with bare hands.

Basalt (stone) wool is made from gabbro-basalt or diabase with composite and binder additives. Its fibers have approximately the same dimensions as those of slag wool. In terms of technological characteristics, this material is superior to all other types of mineral wool, and therefore is especially often used for thermal insulation of attic roofs. Stable when heated up to 600 °C (some types - up to 1000 °C). When using this type, the elasticity and density of mineral wool for attic insulation are sufficient so that the material does not wrinkle or settle when installed on slopes.

As for the required thickness of mineral wool for insulating an attic, it largely depends on climatic conditions, averaging 15-30 centimeters. It is clear that in regions with colder and more humid climates, the thickness of the insulation for the attic roof should be relatively greater.


Foam plastic is a modern thermal insulation material based on polystyrene foam. Its structure is hardened polystyrene foam, inside of which there are many air bubbles.

The advantages of polystyrene foam are light weight, excellent thermal insulation characteristics, low hygroscopicity and good sound insulation properties, which, combined with an affordable cost, make it one of the most preferred materials for insulation. At the same time, the disadvantages of polystyrene foam, which should be taken into account when arranging an attic, are flammability, instability to high temperatures and ultraviolet rays, as well as low strength.

To improve performance, some manufacturers treat foam products with fire retardants, which increases their service life by several years.

It should also be said about what layer of insulation is needed for the attic if this material is used. The required thickness for most climatic zones is 15-20 centimeters, but in frosty regions it makes sense to increase it to 25-30 centimeters.

When arranging thermal insulation for an attic roof made of foam, it is important to ensure good ventilation of the under-roof space, since this material is not “breathable”. Otherwise, this may lead to condensation, mold and putrefactive processes.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a polymer insulation, which is a type of foamed plastic with a cellular structure. The cells are filled with a gaseous substance, which determines the effective thermal insulation properties of this material.

The advantages of polyurethane foam are versatility, low flammability, lack of hygroscopicity, resistance to aggressive chemical influences, low thermal conductivity and durability. Although in terms of thermal insulation characteristics it is slightly inferior to foam plastic and mineral wool, it is several times longer than them in terms of service life.

Polyurethane foam insulation is available both in the form of slabs and in the form of sprayed liquid mixtures. The last option is the most versatile and effective: it can be applied to any material, while closing all the cracks and gaps.

It should be noted that if in the case of tiled materials the calculation of insulation for the attic may present certain difficulties, then when spraying liquid polyurethane foam no special calculations are required. The whole process can easily be carried out with your own hands in a short time - all you need is the presence of a thermal insulation composition and equipment for spraying it.

Another important advantage is that liquid polyurethane foam is sprayed without seams or joints, completely repeating the complex shapes of inclined and other surfaces. This results in significantly more effective thermal insulation. Therefore, if we talk about what thickness of insulation should be in the attic, then a layer of 10-15 centimeters is usually sufficient.

Tiled forms of polyurethane foam are also used for insulating attic roofs, but are somewhat less convenient and practical.

Other types of insulation for attic roofs

Along with those listed, other materials are sometimes used for thermal insulation of attic roofs, although their prevalence is not so great.

For example, in some regions the old method of insulation with felt has not lost its importance. In addition, in recent years, new types of effective thermal insulation materials, which appeared on the construction market relatively recently, have been gaining popularity. This includes, for example, ecowool and modern fiberglass insulation. It is also worth noting that, along with the considered types of insulation, their foil varieties are often used, the cost of which is somewhat more expensive.

It is clear that the calculation of attic insulation may have certain features depending on the type of insulation used and a number of other factors.

So, for example, the answer to the question - how thick should the attic insulation be - can be broadly formulated as follows:

  • the greater the thermal conductivity of the material, the greater the thickness of the thermal insulation layer should be;
  • for areas with a milder climate, thinner insulation is required, for more severe climatic zones - vice versa;
  • a large number of joint areas and seams contributes to heat loss, necessitating the need for greater thickness of insulation.

The correct choice of material for thermal insulation and well-made calculations serve as the basis for ensuring thermal comfort in the attic room, literally contributing to a warm atmosphere in it at any time of the year.


The thickness of the attic insulation depending on the choice of material

The arrangement of attic rooms in private houses and cottages involves increasing the living space with a minimum of financial investments and costs of materials. Since the additional upper floor is intended for further use, the logical action would be to carry out measures to insulate it.

Warming “pie”

Experts use various types of insulation depending on the design of the building, the climatic conditions of the location of the building, and the financial capabilities of the owner. However, the layer-by-layer arrangement of materials necessary for insulating an attic looks approximately the same (see How to properly insulate an attic):

  1. External covering.
  2. Counter-lattice.
  3. Waterproofing layer.
  4. Insulation.
  5. Vapor barrier with fixative.
  6. Decorative coating.

Depending on what is supposed to be insulated: the roof, walls, floor, the diagram may change slightly, but the principle of constructing the “pie” will be approximately the same.

IMPORTANT! When choosing insulation, you need to independently or with the involvement of professionals make the optimal calculation for the amount of required materials. This will help avoid a significant reduction in the height or linear parameters of the room due to the thickness of the “pie” layers.

Mineral wool

Using mineral wool will perfectly protect the room not only from cold or excessive heat, but also from noise. However, the disadvantage of the material is its high hygroscopicity, which necessitates the use of a waterproofing layer to increase moisture resistance.

When creating a thermal insulation layer for the roof, the thickness of the insulation for the attic can vary in the range of 15 - 20 - 25 cm, which depends on the structural features of the rafter system. In order for the mineral wool to fill the required space, the width of the canvas should be 2 cm larger.

Thanks to the use of thermal insulation, sufficient conservation of comfortable heat, breathability, and eco-cleanliness of the internal layers without the development of fungus, mold, and microbes will be ensured in the attic.

Extruded polystyrene foam (EP)

Builders consider the use of extruded polystyrene foam to be one of the most profitable materials both in terms of costs and in preventing heat loss.

IMPORTANT! Before using EP, you should check the treatment of the construction product with substances that increase fire resistance, or ensure their presence in the constituent components.

EP is easy to install and follows the same installation steps as mineral wool. When determining how thick the penoplex should be, it is necessary to know the parameters of the space to be filled in order to take into account the location of the material.

The fact is that to insulate the roof or walls of an attic room, a thickness of 7 - 10 cm will be sufficient. After laying and securing the polystyrene foam sheets and carrying out the interior finishing, we can confidently say that the heat on the upper floor will be fully retained .

ADVICE! If EP is intended to be used in regions with low temperatures, then for greater confidence in thermal insulation, experienced experts recommend laying two layers.

Such actions will pay off in energy costs for heating not only the attic, but also the rooms whose ceilings serve as the floor of the upper room.

Video review: Roof insulation

Roof insulation with extruded polystyrene foam


If you decide to use foam plastic for thermal protection of the roof, then the thickness of the attic insulation will not exceed 10 - 15 cm. Such parameters will not create problems with a significant reduction in usable space.

Discussions regarding polystyrene foam as a thermal insulation material do not subside among builders, which is due to its special characteristics (see What is better: foam plastic or penoplex).


Among the positive properties are:

  1. The tightness of the slabs.
  2. No delaminations.
  3. Maintaining thickness due to the fact that the material does not sag.
  4. Good sound insulation.
  5. Low price.
  6. Lightness, due to which the pressure on the structure is insignificant.

The negative aspects of choosing polystyrene foam for attic insulation include its weak vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity.

Basalt insulation

Basalt insulation is characterized by the following features:

  1. Resistance to mechanical deformation.
  2. Noise insulation.
  3. Hydrophobicity.
  4. Energy saving.
  5. Non-flammability.
  6. Durability.

When calculating the optimal thickness, it is necessary to take into account all its characteristics in order to select a layer sufficient for insulation. Typically, for any of the Russian regions, the best thickness is considered to be 150 - 200 mm. For areas with severe frosts, a two-layer laying of basalt slabs will be required.

Is it worth insulating the attic?

The question is relevant, since the cost of any of the above or other insulation materials cannot be called low, the costs will definitely be there. But if the owners of the house have a desire to create another living space while simultaneously insulating the roof (there is no way around this point), and also spend time in a cozy and warm space, then it is better to insulate the attic. After determining how thick the insulation layer should be, all that remains is to purchase the selected material and begin to carefully carry out the work.

Successful and economical solutions for preserving heat in the attic!

Read also:


  1. No. 1. What kind of insulation should be used for an attic?
  2. No. 2. Mineral wool for attic insulation
  • No. 3. Foam plastic for attic insulation
  • No. 4. Extruded polystyrene foam for attic insulation
  • No. 5. Polyurethane foam for attic insulation
  • No. 6. Foam glass for attic insulation
  • No. 7. Ecowool for attic insulation
  • No. 8. Calculation of insulation thickness
  • The attic can serve not only as a place to store all the necessary and unnecessary things - you can arrange a bedroom, living room, nursery, office or even a bathroom there. To make the room under the roof itself comfortable, it is not enough to make repairs there and install powerful heaters - you need to take care of high-quality insulation. The attic is one of the coldest places in the house, because from above and on at least two sides it borders on the street, and the slopes of the roof here play the role of not only the ceiling, but also the walls. If you do not insulate the attic, then no heater will help create normal conditions for living, and all the heat will easily go outside. So what kind of insulation for the attic is better to choose than to insulate the walls and roof and what thickness should the insulation be?

    No. 1. What kind of insulation should be used for an attic?

    Not every thermal insulation material is suitable for insulating an attic, since this is a rather specific room. High-quality insulation should have the following characteristics:

    To insulate the attic today they use mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam, ecowool, polyurethane foam and some other heat insulators. It is not recommended to use a fill-in thermal insulator (for example, expanded clay), since you will need quite a lot of it to achieve the necessary thermal insulation qualities. In the mountainous Caucasus regions, they sometimes even use wool– in terms of thermal insulation properties, it is close to mineral wool, but is susceptible to the negative effects of insects and rodents.

    No. 2. Mineral wool for attic insulation

    Mineral wool can be safely called one of the most popular thermal insulation materials, and if we talk about attic insulation, then we can safely give it the palm. It is worth remembering that mineral wool comes in different forms, and its properties differ depending on the raw materials used: slag wool produced from blast furnace waste, stone wool– from rocks, often from basalt (that’s why the name was also assigned to it basalt wool ), glass wool– from glass waste or silicon-containing rocks. Slag wool is practically not used in private construction, glass wool is used, but not often, and stone wool is most widespread, so it is usually understood as mineral wool.

    Stone (basalt) wool for the attic

    Stone wool, due to its fibrous structure, has a number of undeniable benefits:

    Among cons:

    • the ability to absorb moisture, so the installation of reliable waterproofing is strictly necessary, which somewhat complicates the work;
    • Rodents can live in mineral wool, which, naturally, will not have a very good effect on thermal insulation. Mice do not live only in a layer of expanded clay insulation, foam glass and polyurethane foam, so in other cases it is necessary to carefully seal the technological holes and take measures to eliminate rodents.

    Stone wool is produced in the format slabs and rolls. For insulating sloping attic walls would be better suited slab material: it will need to be cut and inserted into the holes between the floor beams. Rolled material is not as durable and is better suited for insulating horizontal surfaces. Recommended to use double layer insulation with mineral wool: slabs are laid between the rafters, and a roll material. In this way, it is possible to minimize the risk of cold bridges. Separately, it is worth noting the loose basalt insulation: it is suitable for the most hard to reach places, but they apply it using special equipment.

    Glass wool

    Glass wool is cheaper than stone wool, but is used infrequently due to inconvenience in work. Since the material is produced from glass waste, it contains small sharp particles that can easily injure the skin and respiratory tract. However, if you work with glass wool in compliance with all the rules of personal protection, you can insulate the attic inexpensively and efficiently. To the main benefits materials include:

    No. 3. Foam plastic for attic insulation

    Foam plastic, familiar to all of us, was one of the most popular insulation materials used in private construction a few decades ago. Today it is used less and less, and among the main benefits, which force us to consider polystyrene foam as one of the possible insulation materials for attic space, it is worth highlighting:

    • very low price;
    • light weight;
    • ease of installation;
    • good sound insulation properties;
    • fairly high durability.

    Cons much more: this includes fragility, the ability to accumulate moisture, and a high risk that rodents will live and breed in such insulation. To negate all these disadvantages, you will need serious protection of the material, the arrangement of which practically negates the benefit of the low price, so today in construction they are increasingly using a more advanced analogue - extruded polystyrene foam.

    No. 4. Extruded polystyrene foam for attic insulation

    In popularity, extruded polystyrene foam is catching up with mineral wool. By chemical composition This is still the same ordinary polystyrene foam, but a fundamentally different production technology makes it possible to obtain a material with more favorable performance properties. The whole point is that regular foam obtained by expanding microgranules under the influence of steam, and extruded, as the name suggests, by extrusion method elevated temperature and pressure, as well as when adding a foaming agent.

    Basic advantages:

    • high-quality thermal insulation. Thermal conductivity coefficient is at the level of 0.029-0.034 W/m K;
    • moisture resistance, which is largely ensured due to the structure of the material with closed pores;
    • ease of installation, which is ensured by low weight and ease of processing;
    • sufficient strength;
    • low price;
    • resistance to mold and rodents.

    Among cons not the highest vapor permeability, so you will have to take a more responsible approach to organizing the ventilation of the attic space, as well as low resistance to combustion. To insulate the attic, it is better to take polystyrene foam of the G3 flammability class - according to the standards, it can be used even in rooms with increased fire safety requirements. Since the material belongs to tile insulation, a cold bridge may form at the junction of individual slabs, so it is better to take expanded polystyrene with a special lock.

    No. 5. Polyurethane foam for attic insulation

    In terms of thermal insulation qualities, sprayed polyurethane foam is considered one of the most effective insulation materials– a layer of 2.5 cm is identical to a layer of mineral wool of 8 cm. The material is applied with special installations in liquid form, as a result of the interaction of two components of the mixture, the necessary polymer is obtained and carbon dioxide. Hardening occurs quickly.

    Basic advantages:

    • thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.02 W/m K, and this is one of the best results;
    • the ability to create a completely seamless surface, so the problem of cold bridges will be completely solved;
    • absolute moisture resistance, which is important for the material that will be used under the roof itself;
    • high adhesion to most materials;
    • the ability to insulate the attic yourself complex shape– in some cases, the use of slab insulation is generally impractical, and foam makes it easy to fill all the cracks and hard-to-reach places;
    • high vapor permeability;
    • resistance to mold and rodents;
    • high speed of work.

    Among cons price and the need to resort to the help of professionals, but all work will be carried out very quickly. In addition, the ignition temperature of the material is not very high - about 200-215 0 C, and when burned, the material emits toxic gases.

    No. 6. Foam glass for attic insulation

    Foam glass, based on its combination of qualities, can be considered almost an ideal insulation material, but the material has not found widespread use - this is to blame high price. It is produced, just like glass wool, from waste from the glass industry, but the technology is completely different: a gasifier is added to the glass powder and heated at very high temperatures. Under such conditions, melting and swelling occur, and as a result we obtain silicate glass with a huge number of bubbles. This structure allows us to talk about numerous benefits material:

    • good thermal and sound insulation performance. The thermal conductivity coefficient is about 0.045 W/m·K and does not change over time;
    • high durability. Manufacturers say that the material will last about 100 years without significant changes in its properties;
    • resistance to mold and mildew;
    • high strength;
    • resistance to temperature changes and high temperatures, fire resistance;
    • moisture resistance and high vapor permeability.

    Due to the high price, attics are rarely insulated with foam glass.

    No. 7. Ecowool for attic insulation

    Ecowool is produced from recycled cardboard and paper with the addition of boric acid as an antiseptic and sodium tetraborate to reduce flammability and give the material insecticidal properties.

    Basic advantages:

    • good thermal insulation qualities, thermal conductivity coefficient 0.04 W/m K;
    • good soundproofing qualities;
    • fire safety, but at high temperatures the material may begin to smolder;
    • moisture resistance;
    • resistance to mold, mildew and rodents due to the additives used;
    • vapor permeability;
    • low cost;
    • The best results can be achieved by using sprayed ecowool, which perfectly fills all cracks and uneven areas.


    No. 8. Calculation of insulation thickness

    It is better to calculate the required layer of insulation separately for the roofing, walls and ceiling of the attic, since their normalized heat transfer resistance is different. Ideally, the last parameter should also be calculated independently using data on minimum temperatures, duration of the cold period and comfortable temperature in the house. You can use the already calculated average values ​​of normalized heat transfer resistance for large cities, given in the table.

    When calculating, it is worth taking into account the heat transfer resistance of all fencing elements, including gable walls and roofing pie. It is convenient to use special calculators for this or even turn to professionals. With a certain degree of error, you can make a calculation, taking into account the required heat transfer resistance of only the attic covering, because it takes up largest area among all the external fences of this room. According to the rules, the heat transfer resistance is already subtracted from the tabulated or independently calculated value existing materials, but for a roofing pie this value is very small, so we neglect it.

    It turns out that to insulate an attic in Moscow with mineral wool (0.035-0.045 W/m*K) (heat transfer resistance 4.7 m 2 K/m), a thermal insulation layer of 16.5-21 cm is required, depending on the characteristics of the wool, the thermal conductivity index is always indicated on the package. In this case, experts recommend making thermal insulation with slabs 20 cm thick, and installing rolled mineral wool on top another 5 cm thick.

    Naturally, the attic space is insulated from the inside, and the practice of combining two types of insulation is common. Properly performed thermal insulation allows you to use the attic all year round and turn it into a full-fledged living space.


    The thickness of the attic roof insulation - insulation of the attic roof from the inside

    Heating in the attic without insulating its roof is the same as heating the air outside. An attic is a room equipped for housing, which is located on top floor houses under the roof.

    It is precisely because of the location of this room that it is more susceptible to the influence of temperatures than others and comes into contact with the external environment much more than the lower floors.

    Roof insulation is the most important task when organizing an attic. Insulating the attic roof from the inside will protect it from moisture, freezing and heat loss.

    In addition, insulating the roof significantly reduces the cost of heating your home.

    If this room is not insulated or insulated poorly, then cold air is guaranteed to penetrate into the house.

    Which insulation to choose for an attic roof, basic recommendations

    The air inside a room always rises. And the inner covering of the roof can form condensation, and as a result, fungus and mold. An unprotected roof begins to rot, wet spots appear, not to mention high heat loss.

    In winter, the main problem with an uninsulated roof is the appearance of icicles. It is to prevent these phenomena that thermal insulation is necessary.

    You can insulate the attic roof using various thermal insulation materials. The most popular insulation materials are mineral wool, ecowool or fiberglass. You can also use other insulation materials, such as polystyrene foam.

    • Experts recommend using lightweight materials as roof coverings in order to reduce the load. The best insulation for an attic roof is fiberglass.
    • The thickness of the attic roof insulation should not be less than 15-20 cm.
    • Ventilation of the roof space must be present. It should protect the roof from getting wet and moisture penetrating.

    Of course, which best insulation for an attic roof to choose is up to the owner of the house to decide.

    Methods for insulating the attic

    There are two ways to insulate an attic roof:

    1. Insulation from the inside - roof insulation work takes place inside the building.
    2. Insulation from the outside - the insulation is installed on the street side.

    The method of insulation from the inside is used during the initial construction or during reconstruction or re-roofing. This method is not very convenient, because it is very difficult to properly secure the thermal insulation from the bottom of the roof.

    The second method allows for better installation of insulation, but it is not protected from precipitation and the influence of weather conditions.

    Such insulation is carried out only in the warm season and most builders prefer it.

    Insulation for the attic - which one to choose and what to pay attention to. The most popular roofing thermal insulation materials:

    All these insulation materials have their own unique qualities and are used specifically for roof insulation. When using them to insulate a residential attic, you should definitely inquire about their environmental qualities.

    After studying all the features, pros and cons, you can choose insulation for the attic. Which material to choose depends on the financial and other capabilities of the home owner.

    It would be better to provide waterproofing between the roof and the insulation. The optimal solution This will happen if a ventilation gap is installed on both sides of the waterproofing.

    Also, you should not skimp on the quality of materials, so that after a while you do not have to re-cover the roof.

    If mineral wool is used as an insulating material, then it is necessary to install a sheathing, since this material itself is heavy.

    On initial stages insulation process, it is necessary to prepare the material and carry out interior upholstery. Then a vapor barrier is made and after that the insulation is laid. Don't forget about waterproofing.

    You should pay attention to both the technological characteristics of materials and their durability and environmental friendliness. The warmth and comfort in the house depends on the correctly selected thermal insulation materials, so before starting installation work, it is better to prepare and study this issue.

    Of course, you should not skimp on materials, since the stingy pays twice.


    Insulation thickness for the attic | Attics - life under a roof

    If the house has an attic, then it needs to be insulated. This must be done to maintain heat in the house. The attic can also be used as a living space, expanding the usable area. Insulation of the attic must also be done in order to preserve the roof material and its elements, create coziness, microclimate and comfort in the living space.

    It is important to correctly calculate the thickness of the material for insulating the attic. To do this, you need to know within what limits it varies temperature in your area and the properties of the material you have chosen for thermal insulation.

    When insulating an attic, the thickness of the insulation is an important point.

    What is used to insulate an attic roof?

    To insulate the attic, glass wool, basalt (stone) wool, and extruded polystyrene are used. The insulation material must not allow or absorb moisture, be easy to use, fire resistant, and retain previous dimensions in progress operation, i.e. don't sit down. It must be remembered that attic insulation does not create heat, but is intended to preserve it.

    In the attic, three structures need to be insulated: the walls, the roof slopes and the attic floor itself. To insulate each structure, the thickness of the insulation required is different, since side walls retain heat better than covering the attic.

    We take into account that different designs require different insulation . Thus, it is better to insulate the slopes of the attic roof with a special glass wool intended for pitched roofs. You can read this on the packaging.

    We use basalt (stone) wool in the form of slabs, so it does not break or deform, and does not shrink. It is suitable for roof insulation.

    Whatever material you choose should be tiled as this will prevent it from rolling and will make it last longer.

    Thermal insulation properties of various materials

    How to calculate the thickness of attic insulation?

    To carry out the operation of calculating the thickness of the material for insulation you need to know two quantities: R - thermal resistance and λB - thermal conductivity of the material. Index B indicates that the material can be used in a damp environment. Thermal resistance R depends on the climate of your area, and you will find the thermal conductivity of the insulation printed on the product packaging or in the documents accompanying it.

    Thermal resistance table (R)

    Table of insulation thickness depending on the city

    You can also use a map of thermal resistance for some cities in Russia, posted on the Internet, and a table of thermal conductivity of materials. If your city is not listed in the table, use the map to look for a nearby city whose thermal resistance is indicated in the table.

    The thickness of the insulation is calculated using the formula R λB.

    An example of calculating the thickness of material for insulation.

    Formulas for calculating the thickness of insulation

    As we see, the choice different materials entails different thicknesses of insulation and for different floors you need insulation of different thicknesses. All you have to do is ask about prices and choose the right insulation.


    which one is better to choose, density and safety

    Thermal insulation of a residential attic space is one of the key points in arranging a roofing pie. High-quality insulation for the attic, in addition to the main task of preventing the rapid cooling of the space, should also have a lot of other positive properties. This includes maintaining functionality when wet, preventing the penetration of moisture, not being blown through, and many others.

    The construction market today is oversaturated with various types of thermal insulation materials, and it is quite difficult for the average person to navigate. However, having understood the principle of arranging a “warm” attic roofing pie, its tasks with the main functions, you can easily select the appropriate option.

    Types of impacts on the roofing pie

    The roof structure, and the insulation in particular, is constantly influenced by various processes. It is taking into account most of them that is important when choosing a heat-insulating layer in a cake. Missing one or more influences will lead to the loss of the basic properties of the material.

    So what processes have a significant impact on roof components?

    • Mechanical load. Roof structures, as a rule, have significant weight, which contributes to the movement of parts. These shifts can provoke deformation of the insulation layers, which will lead either to the formation of cold bridges or even to the loss of heat-insulating properties.
    • Wind and snow loads. The roof surface is constantly exposed to climatic influences. The silhouette of the building resists the wind, and the rafter system can withstand the increased mass of the surface in cold weather. These influences can cause the same movements or pushing with subsequent violation of the integrity of the heat-insulating layer.
    • Humidity. When assembling the pie, inside the structure, the insulator slabs are protected from moisture penetration from inside the attic and from the outside by creating layers of hydro- and vapor barrier. However, one should not exclude possible leaks of precipitation or partial condensation of water from warm air coming from residential premises. Some types of insulation lose their properties completely or partially under the influence of humidity.
    • Temperature. Naturally, the entire roof structure is constantly subject to heating and cooling. These processes contribute to thermal deformations of all materials (volume changes). As a result, such impacts can cause destruction and cracking.
    • Time. The only process not under human control. If all of the above factors can be leveled out or their impact reduced, then the natural aging of materials and the loss of their properties is almost impossible to stop.

    To avoid this, you need to take into account all factors and then select insulation that will not be sensitive to such processes.

    Criteria for choosing attic insulation

    A high-quality thermal insulation layer should solve a lot of problems with the subsequent creation of comfortable living conditions in the attic room. Therefore, in addition to the above-mentioned processes, other factors must be taken into account when choosing insulation.

    • Thermal conductivity. The rate of cooling of the air in the room will depend on how poorly the material conducts heat. Therefore, when choosing this or that type of insulation, you need to inquire about its energy-insulating capabilities.
    • Fire safety. A criterion by which to evaluate how quickly a heat-insulating material ignites. The load-bearing structures of the roof are assembled from wood, a fairly flammable material, so the insulation should not contribute to fire, much less the spread of fire.
    • Environmental friendliness. You should choose a material that is safe for health and does not contain harmful components released under the influence of heat and other processes.
    • Biological countermeasures. The insulating layers of the attic should not be of interest to insects and small rodents. Otherwise, they will quickly render even the highest quality insulation unusable.

    • Moisture resistance. When moisture penetrates into the layers of thermal insulation, the material should not lose its properties.
    • Resistance to deformation. It is best to choose insulation that has high ductility. Then, even with significant movements, it will not sag, forming cold zones. Also, for the attic it is better to choose a material that is resistant to temperature deformation.
    • Operational period. How long the insulation does not lose its properties during its operation.
    • Degree of noise absorption. Layers of material should cut off or muffle most external sounds: wind, rain pounding on the roof, and others.
    • Ease of installation. The design of the attic roof has a complex geometry, and it is worth considering how easy it will be to lay the thermal insulating layers of the pie.

    peculiarities insulation materials For

    It is also worth choosing heat insulating materials, which have a small mass to reduce the load on bearing structures roofs.

    Guided by such criteria, it is quite simple to select the appropriate insulation to create a high-quality warm attic roofing pie.

    Overview of the main insulation materials for the attic

    The offer of insulation materials is quite large, from old types of glass wool to modern ecological types. Moreover, you can choose thermal insulation for your attic completely in accordance with the construction estimate.

    To create a warm layer of roofing cake, you can take the following types of heat insulators:

    • Styrofoam.
    • Extruded polystyrene foam.
    • Mineral wool.
    • Polyurethane foam: liquid and rigid types.
    • Ecowool.
    • Penofol.

    You can also still find fiberglass options (glass wool), but this option is now outdated and does not meet modern requirements according to many criteria.

    Expanded polystyrene

    On the market, this type of insulation is represented by foam plastic and extruded versions of polystyrene foam (penoplex). This is one of the most budget options thermal insulation, its cost for a slab with a thickness of 50 mm and a density of 30 is about 1 dollar.

    On a note

    The density of foam determines its mass per 1 cubic meter of volume. That is, the 30th means that 1 m³ weighs 30 kg, 35 – 35 kg/m³, etc. The denser the material, the harder and more durable it is. Penoplex has a density of about 50-70 kg/m³, it has a significant margin of safety, which allows its installation even on the floor of rooms.

    The material has excellent insulating properties, conducts heat poorly, and is a low-flammable type.


    It is important to know that polystyrene foam does not burn and does not spread fire without direct exposure.

    Extruded polystyrene foam differs from polystyrene foam in its production, as well as in its more dense structure.

    However, there are also disadvantages to this insulation option; it is not very convenient installation work, and the created layer has a very low vapor permeability.

    Polyurethane foams

    A rigid type of material, foam rubber, has long been used as insulation. He has low mass, and it can be easily adjusted even to curved shapes of broken roofs.

    However, today there is a more modern analogue - liquid polyurethane foam. It is applied to insulated surfaces using specialized equipment, and after crystallization it acquires the necessary properties. But the main advantage is the ability of the material in a liquid state and during expansion to penetrate into the smallest cracks. This eliminates the formation of even small cold bridges.

    The main disadvantages of such insulation are its rather high price and the need for specialized equipment for application to insulated surfaces.


    Almost natural insulation, it contains up to 80% cellulose, and the remaining 20% ​​are antiseptics and fire retardants (substances that prevent rotting and fire, respectively).

    Positive qualities of ecowool: low weight, low thermal conductivity, non-flammability and resistance to bio-impacts. However, a high-quality layer must have a thickness of at least 200 mm, covering all joints. Also, the material will be more expensive in comparison with polystyrene foam or cotton wool.

    Mineral wool

    Today, this type of thermal insulation for the attic has become classic. It has all the necessary properties in accordance with the selection criteria.

    Cotton wool is lightweight and easy to install even on surfaces with complex geometries and using any roofing covering (equally installed under metal tiles, andulin or soft tiles). Low thermal conductivity allows you to create high-quality thermal insulation of the room. Moreover, the material does not burn and does not spread fire.

    A 200 mm thick layer of mineral wool creates an excellent soundproofing layer.

    However, when using this type of insulation, it is worth taking care of high-quality protection against moisture penetration from outside and inside the room by installing waterproofing and vapor barriers.

    Also, as an option, you can use penofol as insulation, however, despite all the advantages of insulating the room, the material will cost much more than its analogues.

    But, in addition to choosing the material that meets the requirements, you need to correctly calculate the sufficient layer thickness. Otherwise, even high-quality heat insulators will not create comfortable conditions in the attic.

    Calculation of insulation thickness for the attic

    The thickness of the required layer is calculated based on the thermal conductivity coefficient of a particular material. Taking this into account, it is possible to create optimal thermal insulation based on the volume-insulation ratio.


    Initially, it is worth knowing that the use of roll and sheet materials It is strongly recommended to install it in two layers. This is done to overlap the joints of the first layer from the roofing with the second, which will avoid the formation of cold bridges. It is desirable that the second layer have a foil outer shell to increase energy-saving properties.

    You can navigate according to the data given in the table.

    The scheme is quite simple; the higher the material’s ability to conduct heat, the thicker its layer will need to be installed under the roof.

    This is easy to figure out; responsible manufacturers indicate the thermal conductivity coefficient on the packaging of the material. You can first make calculations for the appropriate type of insulator, guided by the data from the following table.

    It’s very easy to calculate the required thickness of the thermal insulation layer, and knowing the weight of the material, also calculate the mass of insulation so as not to overload rafter system roofs.


    It is worth knowing that the installation of insulation in the attic must necessarily be accompanied by waterproofing the outside and laying a vapor barrier on the inside. It would also be useful to create a ventilated roof, that is, when the roofing decking is mounted on a counter-lattice. This will not allow moisture to accumulate under the material with subsequent penetration into the thermal insulating layers.

    Choice required material for the attic allows you to create comfortable operating conditions for the room. But, in addition, high-quality insulation significantly extends the “life” of the roof structure, since in this way most unfavorable processes are leveled out and smoothed out: temperature differences, humidity, thermal deformations and others.

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    which one to choose and what thickness

    Invented back in the 17th century, attics have been popular among people in our country for several years now, turning a dusty attic into a room for a comfortable life. This expands the usable area of ​​the house even at low cost.

    Attics can be divided into summer and winter. This means whether the attic is insulated (or poorly insulated) or not. If you follow the advice of experienced builders, it is advisable to install thermal insulation a year after the construction of the house in order to avoid deformation and cracking of the material, which is inevitable due to the process of natural shrinkage of the house.

    1. Choosing insulation for the attic
    2. Criteria for choosing a good thermal insulation material
    3. Information for those who like to do things by eye

    A more preferable option is to arrange the attic space at the stage of developing the house project. But this doesn’t always happen, so the attic is often arranged later. What options exist for this, and how it is technically accomplished is the topic of another article, but we will talk about attic insulation, which is subject to more stringent requirements than for insulation of external walls due to large heat losses and a larger area of ​​contact with the external environment.

    Before insulating the attic, it is necessary to carefully inspect its internal structures. If necessary, they must be supplemented, strengthened, or somehow adapted to the installation of the selected insulation.

    Choosing insulation for the attic

    Insulation materials

    Today on the construction market you can see a wide range of materials that will perfectly cope with the task. But when choosing, the question arises, which insulation is better for the attic. Generally speaking, the insulation must be reliable and of high quality.

    Stone (basalt) wool

    Glass wool

    “Water” insulation is a material that is made from mineral or organic fibers - stone wool, glass wool, and so on. Cotton insulation fibers do not have closed pores. There is also a special class of foil wadding insulation, which is covered on one or both sides with a layer of aluminum foil.

    Polyurethane foam (PPU)

    Extruded polystyrene foam

    “Foam” insulation is a material that is produced by foaming polymers, both conventionally and by extrusion (squeezing). They are conventionally divided into materials with closed and open cells. This also includes the so-called liquid polyurethane foam, which is applied directly to the inner surface and in a few seconds increases in volume several times, filling all the voids.

    A well-insulated attic roof usually consists of several layers, where there is not only insulation, but also a vapor barrier and a waterproof and windproof membrane.

    Materials for attic insulation such as stone wool and glass wool are very popular in our country due to their resistance to high temperature and deformation, although more modern materials also do not stand aside.

    Criteria for choosing a good thermal insulation material

    1. thermal conductivity indicators;
    2. volume and weight of insulation;
    3. maintaining shape stability;
    4. vapor permeability;
    5. flammability;
    6. soundproofing characteristics;
    7. durability.

    A little more detail

    THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY. Taking into account the specific location of the attic, this figure should not exceed 0.04 W/m°C. Modern manufacturers often indicate several parameters of thermal conductivity under different operating conditions - at temperatures of 10 ° C and 20 ° C and at two humidity categories - A and B. Taking this into account, the thickness of the insulation for the attic should be calculated as accurately as possible. And to do this, you can either turn to specialists, or you can figure it out yourself by turning to SNiP II-3-79 “Construction Heat Engineering”.

    WEIGHT AND VOLUME OF INSULATION. In this parameter, insulation materials can differ significantly from each other. When choosing, do not forget that truss structure The roof must support the weight of the insulation. Unlike light insulation, heavy insulation can bear the weight of both the roof itself and snow in winter.

    FORM STABILITY. This parameter is more relevant for pitched roofs with a large angle of inclination, where the insulation can slide and partially collapse under its own weight. This can also be observed during poor-quality installation, when the material slides, also forming bare spaces, and this, as practice has shown, leads to heat losses of up to 40%. Therefore, when choosing insulation, you must pay attention to how long and under what conditions the insulation will retain its geometric shapes. But you won’t find such a parameter as “shape stability” on the packaging, so you need to focus on a special pictogram indicating the specifics - “for pitched roofs.”

    VAPTOR PERMEABILITY. Why does this question even arise? Moisture negatively affects the thermal insulation characteristics of materials, so it is necessary to protect it. To do this, there must be a vapor barrier on the inside of the insulation. To eliminate moisture that has entered the thermal insulation material, a ventilated air layer must be left between it and the outer (waterproofing) layer of the roof.

    Vapor permeability is one of those indicators that can vary greatly from one type of insulation to another.

    What are considered good or bad indicators? For example, “cotton” insulation has good vapor permeability, although, when passing through them, steam turns into water, and, despite the fact that the fibers of such insulation are made with the addition of water-repellent additives to reduce wettability, some of the passing condensate may still remain, worsening the thermal insulation properties. To avoid this, an additional vapor barrier layer is installed on the side of the room.

    “Foam” insulation (especially with a closed cellular structure) allows virtually little vapor to pass through, but only foil insulation and glass are completely vapor-tight.

    To avoid the greenhouse effect, you need to properly arrange internal air exchange, even if you decide to use insulation made of mineral wool with good “vapor permeability” abilities, you need to design vents or efficient ventilation system. But most the best option will not rely on the vapor permeability of the insulation, but will organize a separate vapor barrier layer.

    THE INDICATOR OF FLAMMABILITY OF A MATERIAL is important for ensuring the safe life of a person, because no one is immune from unfortunate accidents. Therefore, modern building materials should be as close as possible to “NG” - non-combustible materials.

    To be fair, it must be said that in the epicenter of a fire, brickwork, metal, and reinforced concrete significantly lose their load-bearing capacity.

    SOUND INSULATION CHARACTERISTICS are also important for a comfortable life. Even if no one lives in the attic above you, rain, hail and even strong winds can make you uncomfortable. As for insulation, cotton insulation takes the lead here. Thanks to their fibrous structure, they perfectly absorb noise. But if you want to achieve the maximum noise-insulating effect, then it is best to use foam insulation together with cotton insulation.

    DURABILITY usually depends on stability and water absorption.

    As already mentioned, the arrangement of thermal insulation requires accurate calculations taking into account the climate in the region and the purpose of the building. But a person does not always bother himself with any calculations, doing everything according to the principle “whatever there is enough money for.”

    Information for those who like to do things by eye

    In this case, perhaps, it would be best to be guided by the principle, the more, the better (if, of course, the design can withstand). The most popular insulation in Russia today is basalt wool insulation. In temperate climates, it will be sufficient if the thickness of the attic insulation is 18 cm. Although in regions with a warm climate, a layer of 10 cm will be more than sufficient.

    But if you live in a colder region, then a 25 cm layer of thermal insulation will guarantee you warmth even according to preliminary calculations. And to eliminate cold bridges, the wool is laid in three layers, ensuring overlap at the seams. If the height of the rafter board is not enough, then counter battens are stuffed from the inside and the rafters are sheathed. From the inside, everything is lined with a board, under which a vapor barrier must be attached.

    To retain heat inside, foil materials are often additionally installed. With all this, special attention should be paid to the vapor barrier, because to insulate the attic, you should not allow moisture to reach the heat insulator, and unwanted condensation under the roof will not give you pleasure.

    Today, polyurethane foam is also popular, which makes it possible to obtain a monolithic layer of insulation without cold bridges, and the effect is achieved even with a smaller thickness of its layer. Polyurethane foam has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient. In hot weather, it prevents air heating, and in winter, it prevents heat loss and the formation of icicles.

    In terms of density, it is necessary to choose a material with indicators from 15 to 35 kg/m³.

    When insulating an attic roof, do not forget about insulating its ends!

    Even when insulating the attic, there are simple rules:

    1. the higher the requirements for thermal insulation material, the more expensive it is;
    2. when choosing a method for insulating an attic, you can use not one type of insulation, but two, so that the advantage of one material compensates for the disadvantage of the other;
    3. The choice will largely depend on the roof design.

    But, according to experts, there are no exclusively “bad” or exclusively “good” thermal insulators, there is only their incorrect use.
