What a little hobby. Review of the most unusual hobbies in the world - hobby ideas for extraordinary people. Improve your skills in bookcrossing


Hobbies make a person's life brighter and more interesting. Pleasant activity distracts from the monotony of everyday life, saves you in difficult life situations, and sometimes becomes a means of earning money and a professional calling. A hobby reveals a new side to a person. Hobby becomes a small weakness and a strong passion. What can you be passionate about and enjoy?

Hobbies in a person's life

A passionate person perceives life more positively for several reasons:

Pleasure. When you do something enjoyable, endorphins enter your bloodstream, which has a positive effect on your mood and well-being.

Self confidence. Success in your favorite activity. Some hobbies are specifically aimed at strengthening.

Benefit. Any hobby bears fruit in exchange for effort. The needlewoman decorates the house with decorative pillows, knits sweaters for her son and husband, and sews dresses for her daughter. An amateur gardener gets a harvest, a fisherman gets tasty fish, a dancer gets a beautiful figure.

Self-realization. Passion helps to discover talents and understand what really attracts a person in life.

What are your hobbies?

To choose an activity to your liking, you need to know what hobbies are. Getting carried away is not as easy as it seems. Preferences change over the years and depend on life situations, character, abilities, availability of free time.

Needlework. A woman's favorite hobby. Craftswomen embroider, knit, weave beads, and create handmade crafts and decorative items. Some make toys, some make postcards. Used for needlework various materials: fabric, threads, beads and sewing accessories, paper, clay, puff pastry, wax The scope for imagination is huge: you can create soap sculptures or make origami figures.

Art. Drawing attracts both sexes of all ages. The abundance of directions, techniques and materials opens up scope for creativity. You can paint flowers in oil or make pastel pictures, imitating Degas, invent non-existent characters or draw fantasy castles. Enthusiasm fine arts often becomes a way to earn money. On the Internet you will find many groups in which young authors sell portraits in the pop art style, abstract pictures and works using unique techniques. Positive art is particularly popular and is exhibited in galleries alongside the work of professional artists.

Developmental courses. At any course you can meet an enthusiastic person with a notebook. He comes for new knowledge. His goal is to put one more tick on the list of events attended. Yesterday he was at a lecture on psychology, today he came to a cooking class, and tomorrow he will be among the people studying photography.

Music. This hobby includes playing musical instruments, developing vocal skills, or simply attending concerts and studying musical movements. The passion for music captivates representatives different ages male and female. Some gather small groups, some record amateur albums, and some play for themselves in the evening.

Dancing. And here the choice is huge: ballroom, sports, ethnic, modern, street dances. By doing choreography, you will develop body flexibility, master the symbolism of movements, and learn to express emotions using body language. singles, doubles, group. This great way communication and acquaintance, development of communication abilities.

Photo. Amateur photographers do not see the meaning of life without the pursuit of rare shots. Creating a series of thematic photos sometimes takes years. Some people take pictures of everything and then choose the best, while others are ready to sit in ambush all day for the sake of good photography. The camera becomes an indispensable friend and companion in any situation.

Sports, fitness. With growing popularity healthy image interest in sports also increases. A beautiful figure and good health, what could be better?

Yoga. Eastern practice aimed at cleansing the spiritual shell and maintaining physical strength. Helps, teaches self-control and deep internal work, tightens your figure and improves your health. Most often attracts female representatives.

Collecting. Anything can become a collectible: coins, cards, books, calendars, stickers, toy cars. Some collections delight in the uniqueness and diversity of their specimens. In private galleries, from time to time, amateur collections are exhibited, whatever happens to be there: old postcards, porcelain dolls with joints, lost letters... In world history, there are also strange collections of adhesive plasters, pills, and even umbilical hair.

Language learning. How many times a day do you see announcements from schools? foreign languages? They offer to teach everyone English, French, German, Spanish and other European languages. The popularity of such courses is growing every day. Programs on teaching French are shown on TV, websites for learning English are created on the Internet, and in bookstores you can easily find a Chinese tutorial. Exotic lovers choose dead languages ​​to master: Latin, Ancient Greek. There are also fans of non-existent languages ​​like Tolkien's Elvish dialects.

Construction. This hobby is typical of males. Disassemble old phone, printer and TV and creating a new gadget from them is not an easy task. But the creativity of designers merges with the power of analytical abilities, and unimaginable creations are born.

Fishing. A man's hobby. Anglers are often drawn to fishing, but some males replace this hobby with sports.

Blogs. Youth hobby. Blogs and pages in in social networks help you tell a lot of people about yourself and your hobbies. Some create, others prepare sweet delicacies and share recipes in an electronic diary, others talk about travel, and others collect fairy tales and share them with readers. A blogger's imagination is unlimited.

Reconstruction, role-playing games. Princesses, knights and fairy-tale book characters come to life in role playing games. Reenactors recreate historical massacres. At the festivals, beautiful ladies in ancient dresses and gentlemen in armor gather, here men wave swords, shoot arrows and are nostalgic for the ancient times of medieval life. Fans of fantasy books organize their events. Separate gatherings are organized by fans of Japanese culture, dressing up as anime and manga characters. Japanese lovers call such transformations cosplay.

Garden. An experienced gardener knows exactly how to care for apple trees and plant plum trees. The best reward for a gardener is a rich harvest that will last for the whole year. Reds large tomatoes offered as a treat to a neighbor is a real reason for pride. This hobby attracts older people because it requires a lot of free time and patience.

This is far from full list hobbies. The world is full of examples of unique hobbies. Try your strength in different directions. Maybe you will like something that you couldn’t even think of before!

Hobbies and character

Hobbies can determine a person’s character, his emotional and mental state. People seek satisfaction in hobbies. With the help of what you love they solve internal problems. By making up for the lack of something, a person improves well-being and maintains.

Hobbies are a good way to prevent depression and other mental disorders.

People of an egocentric nature tend to collect; they also like to engage in demonstrative creativity in order to receive the appreciation and approval of others in the process.
They direct their energy towards communication, are interested in history, travel - everything connected with people. When engaging in photography, an extrovert is interested in the subject of the photograph. His focus is on the person, not on the artistry of the photo.
Introverts who are searching for themselves engage in art and psychology. They are interested in understanding the depths of their own nature through passion.
Assiduous and neat people choose hobbies that require patience. Phlegmatic people can sit for hours over painstaking work, assembling a detailed model of the aircraft with a recalculation of all the seats and control panel parts in the cockpit. These people enjoy the process.
Active and restless individuals prefer sports or active hobbies. To tickle their nerves, they jump with a parachute, snowboard, and organize surf swims.
Wrestlers by nature choose activities with obligatory competition: playing football, basketball, tennis, and even sports fishing, the main thing is competition. Pleasure comes with a feeling of victory, and defeat spurs you to new exploits and forces you to mobilize your strength in the future.
People seeking tranquility love handicrafts: knitting, embroidery, sewing. This activity helps to take your mind off the hustle and bustle of everyday life and calm your nerves after a difficult day at work.
Creative people with out-of-the-box thinking prone to design and invention. Men collect new model power supplies for a computer, improve gadgets, invent original methods fixing an old car that lives only thanks to the thirst for experimentation. Women, in a burst of creativity, invent a new cut for dresses, create original and functional household items and furniture from non-standard materials. The main goal of creatives: to invent something unusual.

Hobby makes a person happy and puts him in a positive mood. Having found favorite hobby, you will paint your gray everyday life with new colors and break out of the circle of monotony.

21 March 2014, 15:31

When filling out a resume, many candidates wonder whether they should write something about their hobbies. Recruiters claim that information about a job candidate’s interests allows them to build a psychological portrait. You can focus on ready-made example hobbies in your resume if you are not sure what exactly should be written in this section.

Choosing the right hobbies

Of course, the applicant is primarily assessed based on his experience and acquired skills. But personal hobbies help you understand how well you fit into the open position and the company culture.

The following options will be win-win for all positions:

  • swimming, exercises gym, fitness, running, football, volleyball, tennis, cycling;
  • playing musical instruments, passion for classical music;
  • gardening;
  • care for pets (cats, fish, hamsters, dogs);
  • dancing;
  • fishing;
  • automobile improvement;
  • handicrafts: embroidery, origami, knitting things and toys, patchwork;
  • modeling clothes, creating designer dolls;
  • creating metal or wooden models of ships, cars, airplanes and other equipment;
  • working with wood, designing toys, furniture, household items;
  • game of chess;
  • reading historical novels, philosophical books, classical literature, including modern ones;
  • studying professional literature (do not forget to indicate any authors);
  • interest in computer, software and technical innovations.

Try to be moderate in listing your interests so that their volume does not take over the key focus when reading your resume.

When choosing examples of interests and hobbies for your resume, keep in mind that a passion for sports allows you to show that you know how to work in a team. But hobbies that require concentration indicate the ability to analyze.

Prohibited options

Not in all cases a hobby helps with finding a job. For example, you may be rejected if you indicate that you:

  • like to engage in wrestling, martial arts, boxing, and participate in racing;
  • are fond of computer games;
  • play cards for money;
  • travel around the world;
  • prefer extreme sports;
  • are a representative of subcultures (goth, punk, rocker, fan of metal music);
  • you make tattoos, decorate your body with metal;
  • are interested in non-traditional religions, wear appropriate clothes and love to propagandize.

The above interests often influence appearance the applicant and his behavior. Fans of extreme sports risk losing their jobs due to the fact that their hobby is associated with injuries. Employers are afraid of travelers because they spend more time on their trips rather than on their duties.

The connection between hobbies and specialties

When applying for the position of a person who must spend most of his time sitting at a computer or working with papers, you can pay attention to the following example of a hobby for girls, indicating composure and perseverance:

  • cross stitch, ribbon, satin stitch;
  • patchwork;
  • modeling and sewing of clothes;
  • knitting toys;
  • origami, decoupage;
  • design of frames for photographs, notepads, folders.

Regardless of gender, the presence of a creative streak will be indicated by interests:

  • passion for photography;
  • creation of decorative jewelry;
  • restoration of old things;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • writing poems and stories;
  • interest in painting, drawing pictures;
  • leather embossing.

Such hobbies will be appreciated in positions that require flights of imagination. They are suitable for applicants for the position of journalist, photographer, graphic designer.

The ability to work in a team, be a leader, and work with people is evidenced by preferences:

  • interest in team sports: football, basketball, handball, hockey;
  • passion for psychology, including reading specialized literature (including any books);
  • participation in charitable or public organizations.

As a rule, these people find it easier than others mutual language, both with colleagues and clients.

When thinking about which hobbies to indicate, you need to understand that your passions can confirm your determination:

  • dance classes, fitness, swimming;
  • active recreation, passion for traveling (you can separately point out that this is not done at the expense of work).

Even if you are a versatile, enthusiastic person, draw the employer's attention to no more than 2 types of hobbies. Otherwise, he will think that because of them you will not be able to devote enough time to work.

Non-standard options

Not everyone knows, but your interests and hobbies on your resume can attract attention. For example, you can do this by specifying that you:

  • study oriental culture and languages;
  • Are you into origami?
  • do literary translation of books;
  • restore ancient churches and buildings;
  • spend your weekends excavating historical settlements;
  • devote time to collecting garbage on beaches, forests, and forest plantations;
  • improve your city;
  • draw cartoons;
  • create educational books for children.

The main thing to keep in mind is that your interests should not conflict with your work.

Choosing a hobby for a girl is not an easy task. How to find your interesting hobby and make it your favorite thing? We'll show you what you can do at home in free time.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

When you're exhausted after a hard day at work, you need something to distract you and refocus your attention. When your work has practically become your home, you need something to do to take your mind off all the surrounding problems, including family ones. At such moments, a hobby comes to the rescue - a favorite activity, an interesting activity, a hobby that helps you to get distracted, escape into your own world, switch your attention, and just enjoy what relaxation can give you.

The girls are extremely versatile, they are multifaceted, multifaceted, extraterrestrial beings who can cover a wide range of activities. Recently, girls are increasingly doing “male” work. This means that a girl can choose any option from the list of activities that are suitable for a hobby.

If you are in search of your unique hobby, this information will be very relevant and useful. We will consider the top types of hobbies not only from the generally accepted list of activities, but also the most exotic and unusual options.

What is a hobby

A girl's hobbies can be very diverse. Hobbies include anything that brings you pleasure and what you do in your free time. This could be music lessons, physical development, yoga, foreign language courses, visiting a dance club, tourist trips, collecting various items etc.

Hobbies can help you relax after work, take your mind off everyday problems, they reveal your hidden talents, reveal your creative potential, help you develop and broaden your horizons.

How to choose an interesting activity for girls

Modern women are very active. But there are still times when they get lost in choosing an exciting creative hobby. When choosing what to do in your free time or on maternity leave, first of all you need to pay attention to childhood memories.

What did you like most about being a little girl? What were your interests? What unusual creative impulses have adults noticed in you?

Some girls will choose the most fashionable trends in their hobbies. Some people will prefer active and healthy hobbies. Moms on maternity leave often choose something unusual and creative. This helps to add something bright to life, to expand interests beyond the boundaries of raising a child. In any case, the choice must be made based on the childish impulses of the soul, modern trends, adult interests and their financial capabilities.

What are some hobbies or what to do in your free time?

There are five categories of hobbies for girls:

  • sports and active hobbies;
  • creative hobbies - creating something with your own hands;
  • hobbies for developing intelligence and expanding horizons;
  • unusual hobbies that spark interest;
  • modern activities and hobbies for girls that generate income.

Active sports

Sports hobbies can include any type of physically active activity. This could be a dance club or sports such as figure skating, running, fitness, aerobics, even football, basketball or parkour are not alien to girls.

A girl can also engage in sports such as parachuting, archery, rafting and much more. Your involvement in sports can become profitable by participating in competitions or eventually becoming a coach. This is promising in yoga, dancing, and fitness.

Which creative hobby to choose?

Creativity is something you can do at home. Such hobbies are suitable for women on maternity leave or for those who want to relax alone after work.

This is an activity for ladies who can make a work of art out of any inconspicuous piece of anything. There are many hobbies related to creativity. For example, decoupage, quilling, modeling, tatting, creating paintings from scrap materials, sand animation, floristry, beading, sewing, etc.

If your hands have always been able to make beautiful things, if as a child you liked to make some cute little thing out of a piece of paper or fabric, then a creative hobby is just what you can do in your free time.

What kind of hobby can a girl who loves to study have?

The list of intellectual hobbies can be endless. What hobby can you come up with to develop your mind? The first thing that comes to mind is reading. If you like to gain new information, read books.

Read a lot and different literature. Make book categories for yourself, divide them into stages, determine your most interesting genres, choose authors in historical order and enjoy immersion in the virtual world.

This is not something you can make money from, but it is one of the most useful and interesting species activities you can do at home.

Intellectual hobbies also include chess, checkers, puzzles, crosswords, visiting quest rooms (one of the modern hobbies of active youth), public speaking, learning foreign languages, etc.

List of unusual hobbies you can do at home

Modern fashion trends can tell us completely new interests and hobbies for girls. Unusual activities are increasingly becoming popular among mothers on maternity leave. Such hobbies include growing snails, soap making, grooming (cutting and dyeing dogs), clothing and shoe design, restoration of vintage items, scrapbooking (creating decorated photo albums, memory books, etc.), creating creams and natural cosmetics.

These or other activities were either invented in last years, or came to us from the past, but they are all relevant and fashionable. Such hobbies are suitable for girls who always want to stay on top of modern trends.

Modern income-generating hobbies for girls: how you can make money

You can also become interested in an interesting business that can generate income. Recently, soap making, creating custom confectionery compositions, and embroidery on dresses and other clothes have become very popular.

To the interesting activities where you can earn money, you can also add nail extension and design services, making invitations and cards, creating flower bouquets and many other hobbies and hobbies for girls.

Profitable hobbies for girls can become interesting for women on maternity leave. Although psychologists do not advise combining an interesting activity with work, for mothers who are temporarily at home, a hobby on which you can make money can be a real gift.

Modern conditions dictate the most popular income-generating activities. Such hobbies could be: creating flower arrangements, original baking of cakes and sweets, teaching foreign languages, photography, IT technologies, programming, making gift bouquets from objects, creating portraits and paintings from scrap materials.

It’s up to you to decide what hobby to come up with that brings in money; the main thing is to focus on the consumer’s requests and the relationship between these requests and your talents.

In order to start making money from your favorite activity, you need to hone your skills, build a customer base of “your own”, who will have “their own” discount, but they will take your creativity to the masses.

You should not expect quick profits; for some time you will have to invest more than you reap. You must be prepared for the fact that once you start making money from a hobby, you can no longer do it from time to time. You will do it as long as necessary to satisfy the customer. These are a few disadvantages.

The advantages of doing something that you can earn money in your free time are passion for what you love and at the same time making a profit. What could be better when what you love is work, and work is what you love!

Now you know how diverse the choice of interests and hobbies is for girls. Draw energy from within yourself, look for your hidden talents, find your secret desires and always do what you love!

In our age of speed and high technology, when we are always rushing somewhere, snacking on the go, communicating with children or parents only by phone, and always in a hurry and in a hurry, every person needs some kind of outlet. A business that does not require fuss, an activity for the soul and heart. Therefore, almost every person has a passion or hobby that allows them to forget at least for a short time about the daily hustle and bustle, about pressing problems and plunge into the world of their interests. And if it seems to you that life is boring and monotonous, we recommend that you urgently find yourself a hobby. But what hobby you choose is up to you. Hobbies can be completely different, the main thing is that they bring pleasure. Hunting, fishing, knitting, collecting stamps or coins - all this can be classified as common hobbies. And we present to you “TOP 10 most unusual hobbies and interesting hobbies.”

So, the top ten unusual hobbies opens with one of the kindest hobbies in the world - charity.

Charity has always been considered a noble activity. Here in modern world one not the richest man, once left without work, decided to give money to the needy. Reed Sandridge, walking the streets, gives ten dollars a day to the most needy person, in his opinion. Now this good deed has become a real hobby for Reed. But Sandridge records every good deed he performs in a special notebook, and at the same time maintains his own blog, where he talks about his hobby.

Ninth place among those who like to pretend to be a corpse or imitate death

Some may think that this is not a completely normal hobby. When a person travels around the world, but not to admire the beauties of nature and architectural monuments, but to be photographed in the form of... a corpse. But Chuck Lamb was driven to such a passion by the desire to act in a movie or at least get on television. But since his appearance is not “Hollywood,” he decided to attract the attention of producers in another way. For many years now, he has been posting photos and videos of his own “corpse.” To do this, he started his own website, which is visited by millions of curious visitors.

In eighth place is the King of Buttons

American Dalton Stevens became interested in this unusual hobby because of his insomnia. One night, when he couldn’t sleep again and the TV had already finished broadcasting, Dalton took out his old overalls and sewed several dozen buttons onto it. This was the beginning of the American’s unusual hobby. Buttons covered everything around Stevens. And a few years later, an inventive old man opened a museum of buttons, where everyone can see button masterpieces absolutely free of charge. And this is a whole bunch of clothes, a personal car, a couple of coffins, a hearse and other exhibits.

Seventh place among collectors of miniature things

This is one of the most stylish hobbies. To escape from the hustle and bustle " big world“Many passionate people are creating a miniature world. These can be doll and furniture compositions, miniature interiors and entire cities. And although this is a very painstaking task, it is very interesting and exciting. In addition to creating miniature compositions, there are collectors of the world's smallest objects. For example, József Tari from Hungary has been collecting a library for more than forty years, and the language of the books and the publication do not bother him at all, he is only interested in the size of the book. And the main thing is that it should not exceed 7cm 6mm, and the smallest book in his collection and in the world is 2.9x3.2 mm, it can be placed in a nutshell. These are the little things that can become a big hobby.

The sixth line is occupied by playing cards

You can play cards, you can play solitaire, show tricks, or you can build. Yes, yes, build houses, houses of cards, which everyone has heard about, that they can easily collapse. And you can build world-famous buildings, or rather copies of them, such as the Empire State Building, Burj Dubai, skyscrapers, casinos and other famous buildings. And which will not collapse, but will stand for a long time. Iowa resident Brian Berg has been interested in creating structures from playing cards, his hobby has long grown into high paying job, in art. And what could be better when your favorite hobby brings not only good money, but also worldwide fame?

In fifth place is the unusual coloring and haircut of dogs.

This hobby initially amazed the Chinese, but is already successfully sweeping the planet. Residents of the Middle Kingdom enthusiastically cut and color their dogs in original ways. Moreover, you don’t always immediately recognize the breed of dogs, and sometimes pets seem to be completely different animals. But this amuses the owners and pushes them to new fantasies.

Fourth place - navel fluff

Third place - an unusual hobby - creating a paint ball

This unusual hobby began out of boredom. One dyer, bored at work, decided to paint a baseball. And for almost forty years, every day, Mike Carmichael, which is the name of a man with such an original hobby, puts layer after layer on this ball. Mike's friends and guests are allowed to take part in painting the ball, but they must always come up with a new color. And now it is the largest paint ball in the world. And the most surprising thing is that this hobby has many fans.

Silver gets a very beautiful and difficult fascination with paintings from cassette tapes

It would seem that audio and video cassettes are last century. Indeed, in the modern digital world, many no longer remember such an invention of mankind as magnetic tape. And only really creative people found a non-standard use for it. It turns out that you can make unique paintings from cassette tape. After all, it is elastic and looks like voluminous ink.

In first place is a very unusual hobby.

While it does not have its own unique name, it is a hobby for many people. What's the point? They roll ordinary dirt into a ball by hand, remove moisture from it and begin to polish it by hand. And now the ball of dirt turns into a glossy sphere. The smoothness is perfect. Such balls are considered a real work of art; many connoisseurs purchase mud balls as interior items. It would seem that from ordinary dirt, but straight into... an expensive and stylish interior.
So, we have presented you with a rating of the most unusual hobbies. You can always argue who will come out on top and which hobby will be the most unusual. But whatever your hobby is, it’s very good that you have it. This means that you are a creative, enthusiastic person. And you don't spend all your free time just lying on the couch. We are all different, and how to spend your leisure time is up to you to decide. And if you have the most unusual hobby, tell us about it! What good is a life without fun and hobbies?

When choosing an activity to fill your leisure time, you will definitely be faced with the question of which hobby to choose so that it is as useful as possible. I have often met individuals who list gatherings on social networks as hobbies. But can such a pastime be called effective or meaningful?

There are types of hobbies that have a beneficial effect on indicators such as: speed of thinking, productivity, and concentration. By doing what you love, you will not only overcome stress, but also improve your personal skills. You will be able to use the acquired skills in the workplace and will certainly climb a step higher on the career ladder.

So, I present to your attention the 7 most useful creative hobbies that will turn you into a successful person.

1. Embroidery

Traditionally, embroidery is positioned as a hobby for women. However, in recent years you can find the most brutal men behind the hoop. Methodically piercing tissue with a needle is akin to meditation. This activity puts things in order nervous system, teaches you to abstract from unpleasant thoughts and concentrate on a specific action.

Embroidery is a relatively simple and accessible hobby. You don't need to spend money on professional equipment. All you need to do is visit a craft store and buy five items: scissors, a piece of fabric, floss, a needle and an embroidery hoop. You can find it freely available on the Internet step by step guides, embroidery patterns and painting templates.

2. Gaming

At the beginning of the article, I spoke negatively about social networks, but I consider gaming a useful activity (unless, of course, it develops into gaming addiction). Firstly, virtual shootings and battles reduce the level of cortisol in the blood (stress hormone).
Secondly, all kinds of strategies force the player to think through further steps. The ability to plan automatically transfers to real life.

Besides, computer games improve cognitive functions. You begin to think creatively, your memory becomes capable of accommodating huge amounts of information. It has been proven that gamers are better at navigating unfamiliar places and making responsible decisions faster.

3. Craft

Residents of the CIS countries have heard the word “craft” exclusively in the phrase “craft beer.” However, for the English-speaking population of the planet this term stands for “a creative hobby for everyone.” As part of this hobby, people create masterpieces from ordinary trash. Cans, plastic are used, carton boxes, old rubber, scrap metal, scraps of fabric.

Crafting combines sculpture, painting, carpentry, blacksmithing and many other activities. Sitting at home, you can turn trash into real treasures. Check out this elephant statue made from aluminum soft drink cans!

4. Drawing

Anyone can draw. You don't need to have supernatural powers to paint. Let's be honest, every schoolchild is capable of reproducing the “masterpieces” of Pablo Picasso. Feel free to take up your pencils and transfer your first sketches to paper.

Redrawing pictures and painting from life are especially good for training the brain. You will learn to notice small parts, break a complex whole into simple elements and algorithmize your own actions. Just one month of regular drawing classes - and you will forget what it means to take on 1000 things at the same time. You will know where to start and where to finish.

5. Music

As a person who had a bear step on his ear, I will say that it is quite possible to find musical instrument even for the last mediocrity. By pure chance, the tom-toms suited me. Repeating a simple rhythm is not difficult; you bang out the same musical pattern for 2-3 minutes for your own pleasure and enjoy the sounds being reproduced.

Playing melodies has a beneficial effect on muscle memory and allows you to automate certain actions. Jams and improvisation push creativity to the limit. Another plus is that musicians are perceived on a subconscious level by members of the opposite sex as more attractive sexual objects.

Australian scientists have found that playing music at the age of 2 to 3 years subsequently facilitates the process of learning to write and count. The child is more easily socialized and fits into life more easily new team. If your baby is growing up, then quickly send him to learn how to read music.

6. Cooking

Cooking is perhaps the most beneficial and productive hobby for brain development. You focus entirely on the culinary process. You need to plan each stage separately, calculate the preparation and processing time for individual products, and calculate the optimal ratio of ingredients.

Cooking gurus even come up with delicious recipes on their own. It’s incredibly interesting to experiment with products, mix them, and make boring tastes reveal themselves in a new way. The use of unusual seasonings greatly increases the number of ingredient combinations.

You can involve all family members in this hobby. Set up home restaurants in which your loved ones have a role to play. So, for example, your spouse will be happy to marinate the meat, the children will cut the salad, and you will prepare the side dish. The need to correctly distribute responsibilities will develop in you the makings of a leader.

7. Feng Shui

This hobby will require considerable intellectual expenditure from you. You must take into account a lot of rules and requirements for organizing space, know all the signs and beliefs applicable to home improvement, navigate the cardinal directions and more. In a word - you will have to work hard.

The hobby of Feng Shui trains memory and promotes structuring of thinking. Arranging objects will reveal your potential as a designer and bring you out of the depths of your consciousness. creative ideas. In order to achieve specific results, you will have to not only correctly, but also beautifully arrange the five Feng Shui elements: earth, fire, wood, metal and water. This will make you a true modern alchemist. Agree, it sounds incredibly tempting.

What business are you passionate about? Write your answer in the comments.
