Which blocks are better for building a house: an overview of types and characteristics. Wall block: characteristics, reviews. Concrete wall blocks What are the best blocks for external walls

Building materials from domestic manufacturers, collectively called “wall blocks,” are the main combat unit of the construction industry. Basic Research, conducted by the best research institutes in the country, are aimed at creating high-quality characteristics of wall blocks. However, this does not exclude correct use and application of the material.

Blocks for walls, what they are: standards and requirements

The most popular building material, widely used in the construction of structures of any type, are wall blocks. The industry produces wall blocks from light, heavy and cellular concrete.

Wall blocks, intended for the construction and construction of a private house, are manufactured using the vibration pressing method using special equipment. The commercial mixture for the production of blocks contains cement, binder, filler and water.

The area of ​​application of the blocks is industrial and civil construction. For low-rise construction of private houses not exceeding a height of 14 meters, external wall blocks are the main building unit.

The main technical characteristics of wall blocks and recommendations for use are defined in the relevant regulatory documents and rules.

According to regulatory document GOST 19010-82, which stipulates the production of blocks using concrete, recommends using the building material in heated houses. According to GOST 28984-91 geometric dimensions blocks relative to the coordination dimensions “...must be multiples of the 1/2M module equal to 50 mm.”

Besides, quality characteristics wall blocks in accordance with GOST 13579-78 must correspond to their intended purpose and be used for constructing walls or foundations. Naturally, more reliable information can be gleaned from the properties of wall blocks.

Properties of wall blocks

The properties of wall blocks are characterized by the following quantitative and qualitative parameters:

Product density

Strength characteristics

Thermal conductivity index

Frost resistance and water absorption.

The main characteristic of any wall block is a certain strength, corresponding to the amount of compressive load that the block can withstand. In addition, the “density” parameter of the block will indicate the presence of voids and the material of manufacture. For a homogeneous material, expanded clay concrete, the density coefficient reaches 1500 kg/cm3, in contrast to the density coefficient of an aerated concrete block, which is equal to 450 kg/cm3.

A significant characteristic of building blocks is also their thermal conductivity. This indicator characterizes the potential of thermal energy emitted from 1 sq.m of wall. For example, the thermal conductivity index for gas silicate blocks D400 is 0.10 W/(m°C), and for expanded clay concrete blocks with a density of 500 kg/m3 – 0.17-0.23 W/(m°C).

The frost resistance indicator of wall blocks means the number of freeze-freeze cycles, after which the material loses 10 percent of its original strength. This indicator depends on the region of construction and has conditional time coefficients.

And finally, water absorption of blocks is an equally important characteristic, especially for wetlands.

Types of wall blocks

According to the manufacturing technology and the material used for this, the following types of wall blocks are distinguished:

Aerated concrete

Gas silicate

Expanded clay concrete.

aerated concrete

Aerated concrete blocks ( artificial stones) are made industrially from cellular concrete. The material for the production of blocks consists of a cement-sand mixture and additives of lime, water and aluminum powder. The difference between the blocks is their cellular structure, which provides good thermal insulation, exceeding that of concrete. The industry produces aerated concrete wall blocks of standard sizes 600x250x300 mm, weighing about 20 kg. The density of the block is 500 kg/m3.

The significant volume of blocks and low weight make it possible to increase the efficiency of construction and installation work without the use of special equipment or the use of small-scale mechanization. Compared with building bricks, the price of cellular blocks small.

The service life of houses and structures made from aerated concrete blocks is on average 25 years.

gas silicate

Cellular concrete or gas silicate blocks are made from a mixture of sifted sand, lime and cement. Aluminum powder is used in the process of gas formation. Standard size one gas silicate block is 600x200x300 mm.

Depending on the operating conditions of use, the following silicate wall blocks are distinguished:

structural (weight 20-40 kg), grade D700 and higher, intended for the construction of walls load-bearing houses high number of storeys

structural and thermal insulation or partition blocks (weight 17-30 kg), brands D500, D600, D700

thermal insulation (weight 14-21 kg), grade D400 and below used in the construction of the contour load-bearing partitions and walls.

The density of gas silicate blocks depends on the grade of material: D400, D500, D600 and corresponds to the number of cells in 1 cubic meter of material. So, for example, 1 m3 of a D500 block contains 500 kg of solid matter, the rest is in a porous state.

By the way, this density indicator corresponds to the density of timber timber.

Let us add that cellular concrete fully complies with the requirements and standards for the construction of walls and partitions, ensuring a minimum thickness of the masonry joint.

The service life of gas silicate blocks is 25-30 years.

expanded clay concrete

But more promising and popular material produced by modern technologies, consider expanded clay concrete blocks.

The blocks are made from foamed expanded clay, cement and water. The standard block size is 200x200x250 mm, weighing up to 10 kg.

The density of expanded clay concrete blocks ranges from 500 - 1800 kg/m3. The strength indicator is characterized by cement strength grades M50 - M500.

According to TKP 45-2.04-43-2006 “Construction Heat Engineering”, the thermal conductivity coefficient depends on the density of the block (in dry or in operating condition).

For example, for a block with a density of 1800 kg/m3, in a dry state, the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.66 W/(m°C), and in operation it can reach 0.92 W/(m°C).

The industry produces solid and two- and three-hollow blocks.

The blocks are distinguished by improved qualities, combining strength and the ability of the material to act as a kind of humidity regulator in the house.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are used everywhere in the construction of walls and partitions. Compared to others block materials, the weight of expanded clay blocks significantly reduces the load on the foundation. This quality is a potential opportunity for the construction more floors.

The service life of structures made from expanded clay concrete blocks reaches 50 years.

The features of expanded clay blocks during the construction of walls are shown in the video.

Thus, when choosing wall blocks, it is recommended to pay attention to the characteristics: strength, density and thermal conductivity. The greater the planned load on load-bearing walls and partitions, the more solid the density indicator should be.

When constructing the foundations of houses and laying low walls, it is allowed to use foundation-type wall blocks.

Most owners of private houses on their own experience We were convinced that an uninsulated house is a source of constant cold, dampness and mold. Therefore, the issue of wall insulation should be considered at the stage of designing your own home.

Already existing buildings are insulated various types insulators. When constructing new buildings, it is worth taking into account the capabilities of modern building materials, for example, ready-made building blocks that already have a layer of insulation and suitable cladding.

However modern market provided customers with a unique building material, the block of which contains all three necessary layers - frame, insulation, siding. They are called “three-in-one”, heat block or multiblock. The structure of this material is worth a closer look.

The basis

The thickest part of the heat block is the load-bearing part. It is usually based on expanded clay concrete, polystyrene concrete and other types of lightweight concrete. The main filler in lightweight concrete is porous materials with small cells and voids. This feature of the filler allows the production of a load-bearing part with various options density and volumetric mass. This is an advantageous building material with reduced material consumption and significantly reduces the cost of the finished block.

In addition, the low density ensures low weight of the finished blocks. These factors greatly facilitate the process of transportation, laying walls and increase the speed of construction of the finished building.

Walls built from such lightweight blocks are comfortable, safe from an environmental point of view and provide a high level of sound insulation.

The second layer on the block is responsible for thermal insulation. Expanded polystyrene is used as the main material, but not all manufacturers use this design. There are known heat blocks insulated with polyurethane foam, mineral wool, honeycomb and other modern materials. Depending on the source material, the second layer of the block can have a thickness from several millimeters to several centimeters.

Various materials have characteristics that are suitable for use on some objects, and not acceptable for the construction of others. Therefore, responsibility for the choice of source material lies with the owner of the building or the designer.

Decorative layer

The final outer layer on the front surface is decorative. Variety of design options outside multilayer block allows you to decorate walls in various styles, creating your own unique compositions that are in harmony with the overall architectural design. The thickness of this layer usually does not exceed 3 cm.

In addition to a purely aesthetic function, external finishing allows you to protect inner layer from mechanical damage, thereby significantly increasing the service life of the entire building. The front side can be multi-colored or textured, and also imitate noble natural materials– such as granite, marble and others.


All three layers are fastened together with polymer rods. The tip of such a rod is directed into the facing layer, the opposite end has a hook and is attached to the base layer. The rods contain disc or cross-shaped protrusions that allow you to securely fasten all layers of the block and avoid the formation of shifts and gaps during operation.


Thanks to its “multi-layering”, any multiblock has a number of advantages over any traditional building materials. Firstly, strength. All layers of the multiblock are bonded together not only with binding solutions, but also with strong reinforcing bars. This ensures high strength and durability of the multilayer structure.

Secondly, ease. It was already noted above that due to the special composition of the load-bearing part, the multilayer block has much less weight compared to traditional materials. Accordingly, their dimensions will be small. A modern building, built from multilayer blocks, has a thickness external walls about 3-3.5 cm. Therefore, there is no need to dig a deep and reinforced foundation for such a structure.

Thirdly, thermal insulation. Modern heat-retaining materials allow the structure to have high insulation characteristics. For comparison, the thickness of conventional insulation laid on finished walls at home, will be at least 2-4 cm. The thickness of the entire wall, made of multilayer building blocks, will be only about 3.5 cm. And in such a room it will be as warm and comfortable as in standard insulated buildings.

Moisture insulation and resistance

Modern thermal insulation materials sensitive to steam and moisture. Constant contact with a damp environment gradually destroys the insulating layer and reduces its characteristics. In multiblocks, the layer is reliably protected by cladding. The outer layer is designed in such a way that the thermal insulation retains its properties for long years.

They are also characterized by resistance to corrosion, fungi and mold. The “three in one” design consists of chemically inert substances that weakly interact with the aggressive environment.

In addition, the special properties of the starting materials that make up the building block make the environment inside it unsuitable for the proliferation of microorganisms.

Climate and convenience

Buildings constructed using multilayer blocks will last for many years even in the most difficult climatic conditions. Concrete blocks retain their performance characteristics over a wide temperature range, and special technologies creating a facing layer makes it resistant to various mechanical damages.

Using three-layer building blocks, you can significantly speed up the construction process own home, thereby saving time and money. In addition, a building built from multiblocks will ultimately cost much less than the same structure built from classical building materials with subsequent insulation.


Insulated building blocks are available in standard sizes: 40 cm length; 20 cm - height. Depending on the insulation used, its thickness varies. For calculations, you can take the average thickness value - 30-35 cm. Such dimensions and low weight make the blocks very convenient for building walls. This building material is laid in exactly the same way as standard brickwork. Therefore, even builders with little experience can do an excellent job of erecting walls without any special instructions.

After the construction of the building walls, no additional work insulation and waterproofing are not required. The load-bearing wall inside the room is finished with plasterboard panels or covered with a layer of plaster. Blocks based lightweight concrete allow the construction of buildings up to three floors high without the use of a frame.

Thanks to the precise geometry of this building material, walls built from it will have strict proportions. Since the seams between the blocks will be about 5 mm, and there will be no cold bridges in the walls. Insulated heat blocks can be drilled and sawed, but such a multi-block will be too tough for rodents.

Reinforcement of blocks can be done using reinforcing mesh, filling it with masonry glue. Every third or fourth row of masonry can be reinforced. Internal partitions With load-bearing walls they are tied using grooves, which can be done with a chisel, wall chaser or hammer drill. Sometimes fiberglass or steel embedded elements are used. The base of the insulated block is easily processed with dowels or standard nails. For expected heavy loads, injection dowels can be used.

The cost of a house built from insulated “three in one” building materials can be compared with popular houses built using Canadian technologies. Only a house made from thermal blocks is much more environmentally friendly and durable, and in terms of its operational characteristics it can belong to the premium class of capital buildings.

Wall block - modern material, which allows you to build strong walls in a short period of time. Therefore, today he is a leader in the construction of any structures, including country houses and cottages.

What are concrete wall blocks?

Walling is a durable material, but it has low thermal efficiency. Therefore, during the construction of a residential building, they are placed together with insulation. The latter may be facing bricks, decorative stone, plaster and the like.

As a rule, the standard size of blocks is 20 x 20 x 40. These parameters are optimal for ease of masonry of this material, and also allow you to complete the project in a short construction time.

Due to its hollowness, the wall block allows you to implement any structural solution. Using them, it is easy to build walls, as well as quickly, evenly and efficiently lay corners.

Types of concrete wall blocks

On the modern construction market you can find a large amount of material for the construction of private houses, cottages, garages and other structures. The best option, as we have already mentioned, is considered to be a wall block. Let's now try to understand the concept of “concrete wall blocks”.

This material is divided into two categories:

  • hollow blocks (those that have through or non-through voids);
  • solid blocks (those that do not have any voids).

If we compare these two types, then solid blocks are used during construction. This is explained by their greatest strength. For construction one-story house can be used, but if a large load is planned for a particular wall in the future, then in this case the voids of the block are filled with mortar or concrete.

What should you pay attention to when choosing concrete wall blocks?

Typically, when a consumer chooses wall blocks, prices are main criterion his final choice. Unfortunately, buyers neglect technical indicators, trying to save on housing construction.

In addition to the hollowness that we talked about above, it is necessary to pay attention to the frost resistance of the material. This characteristic indicated by the letter F. When purchasing concrete blocks, you need to inquire about this indicator. It can vary from F15 to F200.

Frost resistance of blocks implies the ability to maintain their primary characteristics (in this case, strength) during significant changes in temperature and moisture. Many of you have probably seen that a wall or corner of a newly built house began to crumble or crumble after a few years in the spring. This suggests that the frost resistance index is very low. Thus, experts recommend not saving and choosing the material and the largest number F.

Reviews of concrete wall block

Today, the greatest demand among builders is concrete wall blocks. The prices for this material are the lowest (from 38 rubles for 1 block), in addition, concrete blocks have a number of positive characteristics that are heard in customer reviews.

Firstly, concrete - non-flammable material. It perfectly resists even open fire.

Secondly, concrete blocks have high sound insulation, as noted in reviews. Thus, any structures can be built from them.

Thirdly, modules and parts made of any other materials can be attached to a wall made of concrete blocks.

Fourthly, this material is considered environmentally friendly. It is believed that a concrete wall block “breathes”, so you will feel comfortable in your future “living” house.

And the last important point is good thermal insulation. Although expert reviews recommend covering walls made from such a block with brick or other material.

According to this, we can conclude that concrete wall blocks are an excellent option for building an inexpensive, high-quality country house.

Other types of wall blocks

Thanks to technical progress today at construction stores All kinds of materials appeared for this. This was not limited to concrete wall blocks alone. Over the past decade, their varieties have become much more numerous. All of them differ in their characteristics, as well as in their price category.

So, in addition to concrete, today it is worth noting the following wall blocks:

  • aerated concrete;
  • gas silicate;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • polystyrene concrete;
  • foam blocks.

All these materials are also in great demand in the modern construction market, as are concrete blocks. But still, they have more positive aspects. First of all, this concerns greater thermal conductivity and sound insulation. Secondly, they all fit very thin layer mortar or special glue, which makes the process of laying them less labor-intensive. In addition, it is worth considering that all this material has ideal angles. Therefore, in order to expel it is ideal flat wall, you need to make plumb lines and adjust everything to them.

It is also worth adding that after the construction of the house interior walls made from aerated concrete or silicate, for example, it is not necessary to plaster. To make them smooth, simply apply several layers of putty.

The only disadvantage of these types of blocks is the cost. The price for this material is high. Therefore, not everyone can afford to buy them.

Production of wall blocks

Each type of block has its own foam concrete and gas silicate - these are cellular wall blocks. During the production of foam concrete, cement, water, sand and foam are used. As for gas silicate, it consists of water, cement, lime and fine aluminum chips (it is needed as a gas generator).

After any wall blocks are formed, they must be given time to dry. If foam concrete dries naturally, then autoclave conditions are required for gas silicate blocks.

The sizes of wall blocks of all these types can vary significantly. In addition, this applies not only to different ones, but also to blocks made of the same material. For example, the parameters of aerated concrete blocks can be as follows: 600 x 300 x 100, or as follows: 600 x 200 x 400 mm.

What material is best to build a house from?

There is so much variety in wall blocks that sometimes people don’t know what material to choose to build Vacation home. Based on the above characteristics, you need to choose, taking into account how many floors you want to build and where you live. And of course, you need to start from your financial resources. You shouldn’t get hung up on one material; perhaps you will find a more affordable analogue.

Remember that you can always find best option in one situation or another. This also applies to the material for the walls of your country house.

A rapidly developing field construction industry constantly requires the emergence of new technologies and materials. Therefore, many are wondering which blocks are best for building a house, since they are the ones that have recently enjoyed the greatest popularity in high level compete with the long-known brick. The emergence of a new type of masonry raw material was caused mainly by the desire to speed up the construction process and reduce its labor intensity.

The larger dimensions of building blocks, compared to bricks, make it possible to lay masonry several times faster, and their relatively low weight greatly facilitates the work. This quality gave a significant impetus to their introduction to the market.

There are several classifications of blocks for construction. Depending on the dimensions of the product, they can be divided into the following groups: small-sized and large-sized. The first group includes products with small dimensions, low strength and heat conductivity. The second group will be represented by products with large sizes and high strength values, as well as average insulating characteristics.

Higher quality building blocks are classified by the type of material used to make them. The main component of all types is invariably concrete. Only minor materials and production technology vary.

The following groups can be distinguished here:

  • concrete;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • gas silicate;
  • aerated concrete;
  • foam concrete;
  • polystyrene concrete;
  • slag concrete;
  • ceramic.

Defining characteristics and their influence on consumer choice

Considering in more detail all types of blocks for construction, you need to dwell on their main technical characteristics. These are density, compressive strength, frost resistance. They are the determining factors when choosing the right material. Based on these parameters and dimensions, the correct calculation of the number of blocks for building a house is made.

It is always worthwhile to clearly think through all types of work, since different blocks are suitable for specific purposes. You need to focus on a certain course: will it be just insulation, a partition, or a more massive supporting structure. What type of building will this material be applied to: capital in the form of, for example, a house or garage, or a simpler option summer shower or outbuilding. And of course one more factor: how much the blocks cost to build a house.

Concrete blocks: performance characteristics and scope of application

This type of blocks was the very first on the production line. It is very common in use, especially where high construction strength is required. Depending on the brand of concrete used, the following groups can be distinguished: , FBV and FBP.

Exists state standard, in which the sizes of blocks for construction are clearly regulated. This makes it possible to accurately calculate the costs of building construction. The above brands may have a solid structure or longitudinal cutouts intended for laying communications.

The most significant advantage of these types of blocks is their ease of use. In most cases, they are applicable for laying the foundation. Thus, when using this particular technology, the process can be significantly simplified. There is no need to pour concrete, involving a lot of additional equipment, and you will not have to wait until it hardens to continue further work.

The price of concrete blocks measuring 390x190x188 mm, differing only in the number of slots in their structure, ranges from 40 to 55 rubles/piece. Smaller sizes 390x80x188 and 390x90x188 mm cost from 25 to 30 rubles/piece.

Expanded clay concrete blocks: properties, advantages and disadvantages

In the manufacture of expanded clay concrete blocks, expanded clay is used as an admixture. It is a porous material produced in the form of granules by firing clay. This mixture gave very unusual properties to new types of blocks, thanks to which they gained due recognition among the consumer.

By varying the amount of filler, the end result is a block of varying strength. This leads to an expansion of the range of applications of this material. The most popular density is from 500 to 1800 kg/cm³. The denser the material, the stronger it is and can be used for multi-storey buildings.

The construction of houses from expanded clay concrete blocks has a number of positive qualities. Buildings do not deform, do not shrink, and do not crack. Low production cost is also a plus. The availability of sufficient quantities of the starting material and the low technological cost of production generally provide maximum benefits from its use.

Note! Precisely because the production of expanded clay concrete blocks does not require large material costs, many try to make it themselves using the “handicraft method”. Failure to comply with some necessary standards results in the output not being quality material and inconsistency in block sizes for construction. Therefore, when purchasing this product, you must make sure of the good reputation of the manufacturer.

This block also needs insulation finishing materials, and with outside. This will have a positive effect of increasing thermal conductivity, and will also increase the service life of the building.

The price of expanded clay concrete blocks depends on their size and purpose. For a hollow wall block, the dimensions of which are 390x190x188 mm, it ranges on average from 33 to 50 rubles/piece. and directly depends on the number of voids-cracks in the material.

The solid block has the most popular dimensions of 390x190x188 mm, and its price is slightly higher, about 57 rubles/piece. The partition type of this type is most often presented in the size of 390x90x188 mm and the price range ranges from 25-30 rubles / piece.

Gas silicate blocks and the main criteria for their use

The construction of houses from gas silicate blocks has become very popular recently. The material itself, aerated concrete, is made from cement, quicklime, quartz sand and aluminum powder using the autoclave method under certain temperatures and pressure. In the process of mixing these components, a large amount of hydrogen is released, which, when solidified, gives the finished product a cellular structure.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas silicate blocks

The positive qualities of gas silicate blocks are as follows:

  • they have a small mass and therefore the construction will be much easier than, for example, from brick. This property makes it possible to reduce pressure on the foundation. This means that the skeleton itself can be planned to be less capital, which significantly saves money;
  • a low level of thermal conductivity will provide more high temperature in interior spaces;
  • The variety of shapes and sizes makes this material in demand. Without limiting themselves to specific size ranges, manufacturers are expanding the range of consumption. The design with additional recesses and groove connections is also quite popular;

  • the large dimensions of the gas silicate block for building a house and their clear, even edges significantly speed up the construction process;
  • use of special adhesive mixtures for masonry, which are simply diluted with water in a certain proportion, also saves time;
  • Due to its structure, gas silicate is easy to saw, process, and lay all kinds of grooves;
  • high fire resistance comes first in safety matters.

Despite a number of the above positive qualities, several negative ones can be identified: the cellular structure of the material gives not only advantages, but also disadvantages. It clearly reduces the density indicator, the level of compression and stretching. Therefore, the maximum number of floors of such buildings should not exceed 2. Otherwise, experiencing a large load, the lower rows will begin to collapse and shrink. The appearance of cracks is possible.

Note! To increase the strength of the walls, experts recommend strengthening the building with steel reinforcement.

Blocks of this type in the size range 60x25x50 and 60x25x40 mm cost on average from 30 to 206 rubles/piece. Increasing the last parameter increases the price. Sizes 60x30x10, 60x30x20 and 60x30x25 cost 30, 58 and 75 rubles/piece. respectively. The most expensive are the largest ones - 60x37.5x25 mm, which have a price of 210-233 rubles / piece. and 60x40x25 mm – 225-240 rub./piece.

Construction of houses from aerated concrete blocks: advantages and disadvantages

Just as in the case of using aerated silicate blocks, construction from aerated concrete begins with determining what needs to be obtained in the end: main walls, partitions of a two-story massif, or insulation of existing buildings. Based on the tasks set, you just need to buy blocks to build a house of the required density. And also take care of the external decoration of the walls. It must provide not only acceptable appearance structure, but also to minimize the moisture absorption coefficient.

Aerated concrete blocks are produced using the autoclave method. They consist of cement, lime, gypsum and aluminum powder. As is the case with gas silicate type, between the constituent components there is a massive chemical reaction, as a result, hydrogen is released, due to which the cellular structure of the material is obtained.

After complete hardening, aerated concrete is cut into blocks of the required size for building a house using a string. Therefore, the resulting result is distinguished by ideal geometrically smooth edges. This is important, since during laying there will be very few gaps at the seams, which will provide an additional percentage of heat.

This type of block has another attractive property. Thanks to its special structure, it can be easily cut with a regular saw. In this way, you can quickly adjust the parameters and obtain the desired size of an aerated concrete block for building a house.

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Pay attention to the marking: the main selection parameter

Aerated concrete blocks are very popular today. Numerous offers from manufacturers provide the opportunity to use this material not only for walls, but also for ceilings, lintels for windows and doors. A large size range makes it possible to build the entire structure from these blocks.

Just like other types of blocks, aerated concrete products can have mounting grooves for ease of use. Such a connection will give maximum fit and the desired thermal conductivity.

Choosing required material, pay attention to the markings. It is designated by the Latin letter D and the numbers following it. These numbers indicate the density of the block. Thus, the most applicable brands are D500-D900, which with a size of 600x250x200 mm weigh 18 kg and thus can replace 20 pcs. bricks.

Foam concrete: optimal price-quality ratio

Concrete block belongs to cellular species building materials. All their qualities are inherent in him. It is made from a mixture of concrete and foaming agent. The foam is prepared in a special generator and then poured directly into the cement. It envelops and thereby closes all cells in the structure. Afterwards, the mixture enters special cassettes and remains to solidify at natural ambient temperature. There is no special thermal effect on this material.

Note! Foam concrete needs to “stand” for an average of 28 days from the date of manufacture in order to finally harden and obtain the necessary strength.

Many developers note the favorable price of blocks for building a house: any private developer can buy foam concrete products. At the same time, they make it possible to easily display, for example, any figured arches or partitions.

When considering the question of which blocks are better for building a house: gas and foam concrete are often compared. There is no clear answer to this question, but there are a few things to consider:

  • aerated concrete blocks They look like a sponge. Their pore cells are not closed, as a result they actively absorb and retain moisture that gets into them. In this regard, foam blocks with cells that are completely closed and concentrated exclusively inside are in a more advantageous position;
  • if you apply more on the absorbed moisture minus temperature environment, we will get a disappointing result for the gas block: it will crack and shrink;
  • Foam concrete has a lower density; it contains more cells that are filled with air. Therefore, it retains heat much better;
  • More professional equipment is used for the production of aerated concrete blocks, which makes it possible to have clear dimensions and correct edges of products.

A foam concrete block, depending on its density in the most popular size 600x300x200 mm, costs from 95 to 120 rubles/piece. Naturally, high-density material has the highest price. If you increase at least one of the dimensional parameters, for example, to 600x400x200 mm, then the price will be 120-170 rubles/piece.

Which blocks to choose for building a house: advantages and disadvantages of polystyrene concrete

This type of blocks appeared relatively recently on the building materials market. It is deservedly popular among developers. Its following characteristics are very important:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • soundproofing;
  • reliability;
  • frost resistance;
  • environmental cleanliness.

The manufacturing process is as follows: production conditions, and at home. A mixture of polystyrene granules, cement, sand and hardening additives is poured into a concrete mixer in a clearly defined sequence and mixed. Then they are poured into pre-prepared molds to harden for about a day under natural conditions. After 24 hours, the blocks can be removed and carefully laid out on a flat surface until completely dry.

All polystyrene concrete blocks can be divided into two types:

  • with cladding. They do not require additional finishing of the facade, since one side can be made in the form of stone, marble or granite. An important point is the absence of any additional adhesive compositions. This facing layer is part of the concrete;
  • ordinary blocks that are used to build walls. The cost of blocks for building a house made of polystyrene concrete is approximately half the cost of bricks.

A polystyrene concrete block measuring 600x300x250 mm has a price of 120-160 rubles/piece. A smaller block measuring 390x190x188 mm costs 40-50 rubles/piece.

Almost everything negative sides The use of this type of material depends on its correct manufacture. If the blocks were made without strictly following the rules, then the possibility of microcracks and shrinkage increases significantly.

Plus, it is necessary to add special fibers to ensure a durable product. If you skimp on these fibers, you end up with a block that doesn’t justify itself. All this must be taken into account when purchasing.

Special qualities of slag and its use in the slag concrete industry

The product obtained after severe heat treatment of any raw material is called slag. It is an alloy of oxides. When using slag for the production of concrete blocks, the material is taken without any additional chemical compounds.

It is important to properly prepare the slag for use. It should lie for about six months under open air. This will enable natural precipitation wash out the remaining impurities of sulfur and lime from it. It will be good if it is moved from place to place several times. This action will also help to weed out everything unnecessary.

The production of slag concrete blocks uses slag sand (it gives additional density) and crushed stone (it gives additional lightness). The finished products contain about 2/3 cement and 1/3 lime, plus the required amount of slag.

If all necessary norms and requirements are met, the price of blocks for building a house will be very reasonable. It turns out good value price quality.

The main characteristics of these blocks are their strength grade and density. The following brands are distinguished:

  • M10 – used for insulation;
  • M25 and M 35 - suitable for the construction of partitions of low load-bearing capacity;
  • M50 and higher are used for the construction of load-bearing walls.

Pros and cons of cinder blocks

The advantages of slag concrete blocks over brick are their relatively light weight. Less pressure is created on the foundation and other bearing structures. This extends the service life of buildings. Like other types of blocks, they significantly speed up the construction process due to their size.

Disadvantages can be identified even at the production stage: a long time to prepare the material itself, and a long time to achieve the desired hardening rate. Only after a month does it reach only 50% of this value. It will take him a year to fully comply.

The cinder blocks used for interior partitions have a size of 390x90x190 mm and cost 17-35 rubles/piece. For buildings for various purposes, products with dimensions of 390x240x190 mm are used; the material has void chambers and costs 50-80 rubles/piece. For objects with increased load, solid material measuring 390x190x190 mm and costing 35-80 rubles per piece is used. Cinder blocks of the same size and with different numbers of chambers are used to build external walls residential buildings. They cost about 34-55 rubles/piece.

Environmentally friendly wood concrete blocks

Arbolite blocks belong to the group of wall blocks. They consist of 80% wood. Cement and various chemical additives remain unchanged in the composition of all blocks. For correct production the wood needs to be well dried, add chemical substances in order to stop the processes in organic matter and for better bonding between the main components.

Wood concrete can be produced in the form of blocks, slabs, panels and mortars for pouring monolithic surfaces. All this can be used to create walls and insulation.

They have a number of advantages: thermal protection of the house, high sound insulation performance, environmentally friendly composition, they are light in weight and do not put a large load on the foundation, they are easy to process and can be used without reinforcement when building small formats.

The disadvantages of the blocks in question are the need for mandatory cladding, since the material itself does not have a very attractive appearance. You should always pay attention to the manufacturer, since many wood processing plants have engaged in this type of work. Since this process is not their core business, it’s worth thinking about quality.

There are not many installation features for arbolite blocks. The masonry is carried out in 1-1.5 blocks, ordinary cement mortar is used, reinforcement can be used as desired. Experienced builders advise taking drying breaks every 3 rows, since the blocks are very light.

This environmentally friendly material occupies one of the highest positions in price. An arbolite block measuring 150x200x500 mm costs about 60 rubles/piece, 200x200x500 mm - 80 rubles/piece. and 300x200x500 mm – 120 rub./piece.

Straw concrete blocks: is it worth worrying about?

A separate type of wood concrete blocks are straw concrete blocks. This the new kind products that are ideal for environmentally friendly followers pure materials. Their production has not yet been widely launched, many are skeptical about this, but they already have their consumer.

When making straw blocks, it is important to take into account the quality of the raw materials. The straw must be, firstly, of a certain type, and, secondly, ideally dry. All further construction technology depends on the quality of drying. If the material contains even the slightest percentage of moisture, then it will not be possible to avoid rotting, flowering, and the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

Helpful advice! This type of block is used only for frame buildings. After all, no matter how much chopped straw is poured with cement, it will still remain a soft building material.

However, they have very long term service, and buy straw blocks for construction can be done at very affordable prices.

Construction of houses from ceramic blocks

This type of blocks is interesting in its own way. Depending on the constituent substances, products can be divided into two types: porous and non-porous. Representatives of the first group include clay, foam waste and cellulose. Minor additives burn out under the influence of temperature, subsequently microscopic pores appear in the structure of the finished block, which provides greater thermal insulation.

Non-porous blocks do not contain any additives. Therefore, they are heavier in weight and have less thermal insulation. Both groups have high levels of physical and technical characteristics. Good thermal efficiency, sound insulation, environmental friendliness, and ease of installation are also inherent in ceramic blocks.

They can be used for the construction of multi-storey buildings, the construction of interior partitions, and are suitable for performing complex architectural tasks. Due to its properties, ceramics do not require additional cladding, heat or waterproofing. This significantly reduces the cost estimate due to the exclusion of many additional materials.

A special feature of laying ceramic blocks is the mandatory purchase of special glue. Cement mortar has a very liquid consistency that will fill all the pores of the block and thereby minimize many of its beneficial qualities. And a special glue with a thickness of only 2 cm can ensure the strength of the connection and not cause harm.

The second point to remember is the use of fiberglass mesh to cover the vertical seams. It is laid every 2 rows.

The ceramic block has the following dimensions and cost: 25x120x65 mm - 12 rubles/piece, 250x120x140 and 250x120x140 mm - 17 rubles/piece, 250x250x140 and 80x500x219 mm - 45 rubles/piece, 150x50x219 mm - 60 rubles/piece . and 510x95x219 mm – 67 rub./piece.

Construction of non-residential premises from blocks

Today, it is very popular to build from blocks not only residential premises, but also, for example, outdoor storage rooms, a summer shower or a garage.

Let us briefly consider the main points of the construction of the latter. Most often, construction is carried out on its own. Therefore, you need to immediately decide which blocks are best for building a garage? Note that, in principle, any type is suitable. You should evaluate the pros and cons and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

A garage made of foam or gas block must be reinforced during construction. This will give the desired density. Wall finishing cannot be avoided, and immediately after construction is completed. Since the porous structure will gain moisture and be subject to frost, which will soon cause many problems.

When building from slag or expanded clay blocks, the actions are slightly different. Here they do not use an armored belt, but simply lay out the top row with the holes facing up. Subsequently, these voids are filled with crushed stone or concrete. This results in a reinforced concrete structure.

In all cases, pay special attention to. It would be most correct to lay out the first few rows of strong red brick. A slightly different option: the already exposed formwork is filled with concrete.

Note! Before starting construction, always assess the quality of the soil. After assessing the soil, select correct option foundation.

Building a bathhouse from blocks: a quick guide

Building a bathhouse from concrete blocks is a good alternative wooden buildings. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the structure, they select correct view products.

From blocks: steps 1-6

The most applicable foam and aerated concrete blocks with their cellular structure will strongly absorb moisture. Therefore, considerable financial and labor costs will have to be spent on enhanced waterproofing of the walls on both sides.

Block walls are finished on both sides. Externally apply wooden sheathing, in the cells of which layers of heat, steam and waterproofing are laid. Since the bathhouse is a place of maximum moisture formation, it is worth thinking about options for slag or expanded clay blocks.

Construction begins from the foundation. It is advantageous to use strip monolithic concrete blocks, which are laid on a bed of crushed stone and sand. A layer of roofing felt is laid on the foundation itself. It will act as a waterproofing agent.

Having decided which blocks are best for building a bathhouse, they are laid in rows with obligatory linking. Here it is best to use a special adhesive solution. This will make it possible to keep warm. The most common installation is half a block wide, which is quite advantageous in terms of savings.

After erecting the walls, you need to think about high-quality strengthening of the roof. To strengthen the fastening systems, a special beam is used, which is attached to the block wall using metal studs or anchors. This will enable the block wall to withstand increased load.

Which blocks are better for building a house: correct calculation of the material

When building any premises, you need to select blocks according to several criteria:

  • determine the most suitable type according to its characteristics;
  • quality of material;
  • justified and economically advantageous price.

Considering what better blocks for building a house, their price plays an important role. Having selected the right quality material, any developer strives to make his business the most profitable in material terms. The cost of blocks is directly affected by the size of the blocks for construction.

Here, familiarity with the price lists of supplier companies and, of course, correct calculations will come to the rescue. required quantity material that can be done using an online calculator. In this case, the calculation of blocks for building a house will be correct and correct. To do this, you must enter the parameters required by the program.

You can make calculations yourself using this formula:

V= (P x H x L) - S 1 - S 2,

where P is the perimeter of the base, H is the height of the walls, L is the thickness of the walls, S 1 is the area doorways, S 2 – area of ​​window openings.

Using this formula you can calculate the required volume of blocks. By dividing this volume by the volume of one structural element, you can easily find out required quantity material.

In the construction of houses made of bricks and blocks, it is necessary to simultaneously take into account the quantities of both materials separately. Having carried out all the necessary calculations, you can easily buy blocks for building a house.

From all of the above, it follows that in order to obtain a high-quality building, it is necessary to correctly determine the required material, correctly calculate its quantity and not go wrong with the price. It should be taken into account that each type of block has its pros and cons. There cannot be a specific answer to the question of which option is better. Everything is determined by the specifics of construction and its purpose.

The advantages of blocks in comparison with traditional bricks have long been known: masonry is carried out many times faster, the size and weight allow it to be done on your own, even with no work experience. Majority modern building materials This group is energy-saving, lightweight and breathable. The most in demand are products made from cellular, gas silicate, vibro-pressed and sawdust cement concrete, regulated by GOST 19010-82.

It is recommended to buy it if you have a limited budget and work time; concrete blocks with porous additives place minimal load on the foundation and retain heat well. They have an open cellular structure and high enough geometric accuracy for laying on glue; they can be sawed into pieces and grooved without any problems. Manufacturing technology varies best reviews observed in variants with barotechnical treatment. The disadvantages include shrinkage, low bending strength, the need for reinforcement, protection from moisture and a limited choice of finishes; the ability of walls to breathe results in significant problems if the outside cladding is incorrect or there is no vapor barrier from the inside.

2. Autoclaved aerated concrete.

The characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are similar to the previous type, but there are a number significant differences. Factory-quality wall blocks are superior in strength, geometric accuracy of shapes and sizes, and are less susceptible to shrinkage processes. Due to the presence of lime in their composition, they are slightly inferior in frost resistance, but in general their structure is more uniform. The use of this building material allows you to quickly and inexpensively build a house with single-row masonry with a total thickness of 40 cm and minimal insulation on the outside.

3. Vibropressed.

Solid and hollow products obtained by compaction mortar based on cement, sand and crushed stone (sometimes without coarse filler). For the construction of external walls, the second, lightweight type is well suited, ideally non-through. The thickness of their partitions is at least 20 mm, element standard size 40x20x20 cm weighs about 30-33 kg. The advantages include resistance to moisture, external influences, increases and temperature changes, good strength and affordable cost. Disadvantages - high thermal conductivity coefficient, inferior in the ability to retain heat to other options.

4. Expanded clay concrete.

Being a type of vibrocompressed blocks, this material has many times better thermal insulation properties. Its basis is quality cement and expanded clay sand or gravel, if necessary, made at home. For laying external walls, you can use solid and slotted types with equal success, the main thing is that they have a sufficient strength class. Application limitations are associated with poor dimensional accuracy (installation on a thin layer of adhesive is impossible), the need for reliable finishing and protection from external influences. Despite good permeability and acceptable resistance to moisture, expanded clay concrete is prone to its accumulation inside the granules. If the technology is violated, the products fall apart after 2-3 years.

5. Wood concrete.

Structural sawdust concrete is well suited for low-rise buildings - it is fire-resistant, environmentally friendly and energy-saving. Valued for its increased crack resistance, foundation movements are not scary. Recommended for high demands on comfort; structures made from it breathe and regulate the level of humidity in the room. The limitation of application is the high water absorption; expensive building materials are used for cladding internal and external surfaces; this construction option cannot be called budgetary.

External multi-layer walls

A relatively new construction technology is masonry made from heterogeneous materials. The load-bearing layer, made of durable expanded clay concrete, is fastened with fiberglass rods with insulating polystyrene foam and an external decorative layer. Installation is carried out on a thin layer of special glue; standard products are used when constructing openings, corners and similar areas.

The resulting structures do not require insulation or cladding; you can start using them at any time. There are two disadvantages: high price and low vapor permeability, the only exception is the version with a thermal insulation layer made of foam glass.

Results of comparison of sizes and main characteristics:

Indicator name Vibroblock Foam concrete Autoclaved aerated concrete Arbolit Expanded clay concrete
Compressive strength, kgf/cm 2 100-300 15-25 25-45 35 500-150
Specific gravity, kg/m 3 1500-2300 500-1200 (for structural grades) 500-850 1000-1800
Frost resistance, cycles 15-150 15-75 15-25 25-50 25-75
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m °C 1,51 0,07-0,15 0,08-0,21 0,08-0,17 Not higher than 0.26
Water absorption,% 6-12 Up to 14 Up to 20 40-85 50
Shrinkage, mm/m Close to 0 3 0,3 0,4-0,5 0

All of the above types comply with fire and sanitary safety standards; the best fire resistance is observed in expanded clay and concrete, obtained by vibropressing. With the exception of autoclaved aerated concrete, with the appropriate equipment and forms, any of them can be made at home, but the strength class in this case will be unconfirmed. The durability declared by the manufacturer is irrelevant if the masonry technology and protection from external influences are violated. Destructive factors include the penetration of moisture into the building without the possibility of its removal from the external walls. The consequences depend on the base material: pressed products crack, cellular concrete begin to rot, wood concrete loses its thermal insulation properties and shape.

The above varieties can be purchased during the construction of low-rise private houses, garages, bathhouses and outbuildings. It is recommended to choose the final option taking into account the following factors:

  • Geological conditions of the site. Foam and aerated concrete place minimal load on the foundation; they are definitely recommended for use when laying a shallow-depth tape is possible. But they are not suitable for construction on unstable soils; if there is a risk of the base shifting, it is better to choose wood concrete or concrete.
  • When work is limited, when time is limited, it is worth using multilayer blocks as external walls; they allow you to skip a number of complex and time-consuming steps.
  • Due to the climatic conditions of the region, in northern latitudes, preference is given to building materials that retain heat well: wood concrete, gas concrete, expanded clay concrete.
  • Availability of one variety or another. Even before the design begins, it is worth studying the proposals of suppliers; ideally, products are purchased directly from a trusted manufacturer.
  • Complexities of architectural forms. If it is necessary to build a house with numerous arches, niches and similar elements, it is better to use blocks made of wood concrete, foam or aerated concrete. All others are noticeably less amenable to sawing: the denser the base, the more effort you have to put in and the higher the risk of splitting.

All declared characteristics must be confirmed by an original certificate; the thickness of the masonry is determined by thermal engineering calculations. When working with lightweight concrete, it should be remembered that only structural grades with a density higher than 500 kg/m 3 (and, accordingly, a strength class of B2.0) are used as wall blocks for external walls and load-bearing internal walls. This rule applies to foam and aerated concrete, wood concrete; for expanded clay products, the recommended minimum is 1000 kg/m3.

Cost of materials

Approximate prices:

Name Dimensions, mm Number in 1 m 3, pcs Price per piece, rubles Price per 1 m 3, rubles
Hollow vibration-pressed sand-cement 400×20×20 62,5 50 3130
Structural foam concrete 600×300×200 27,78 100 2750
Autoclaved gas silicate 625×250×400 16 194 3100
Arbolit 500×200×300 33 140 4500
Multilayer blocks 400×300×200 41 145 6000
Solid products made of expanded clay concrete 400×200×200 62,5 60 3700