What is the largest cave in the world? The largest caves in the world

Mammoth Cave, located in the central part of the Kentucky National Park, has attracted the attention of researchers for many centuries. Speleologists have discovered blind fish in underground rivers, tunnels with gypsum flowers, waterfalls and sinkholes. However, more and more halls are still opening. It seems that this natural formation has no end or edge.

The longest cave in the world

Speleologist Roger Brucker believes that several people live on earth, obsessed with this mysterious place. He is also included in this list. People are really intrigued by how big Mammoth Cave is, how far it extends, and how many types of cave passages it contains. The unbridled curiosity of scientists is fueled by a continuous stream of discoveries.

60 years of life devoted to studying the object

During his long and eventful life, our hero tried on many images and roles. He was a writer, moved in executive circles, was a social activist and teacher. However, it was always at the forefront of his interests - Mammoth Cave. He has been exploring its unexplored nooks and crannies for more than 60 years. Over such an impressive period of time, Roger Brucker was lucky enough to become part of many amazing discoveries. In his memory, the “crowning” of the object took place, and now Mammoth Cave bears the proud title of the longest cave in the world.

Organization of a research fund

In 1950, our hero joined a team of ambitious young speleologists traveling around the Kentucky National Park. They studied the landscape of the Flint Ridge karst cave system, and at the same time founded the Cave Research Foundation and put together a group of dedicated volunteers. The main goal of scientists was to unite all the local caves into a single giant system.

Until now, mapping or collecting information in this place has been an inconsistent and chaotic process. Back in the 40s of the 19th century, Stephen Bishop published a sketch of the famous Mammoth Cave tunnels. However, later researchers of underground formations were in no hurry to expand the knowledge of their predecessor. Available cards varied. Sometimes they were detailed illustrations and sometimes they were vague line diagrams.

Tunnel surveys were combined with a geographic map

Roger Brucker decided to put an end to the existing fragmentation and combined all tunnel surveys with a topographic map of the surface area. Now speleologists have the opportunity to navigate like fish in water. At their service were maps of the vertical and horizontal surfaces of the object. However, this process took Brucker almost 20 years of continuous and persistent land surveying. The effort was worth it, and in the end a great breakthrough was made. In 1972, another speleological expedition connected the Flint Ridge cave system and Mammoth Cave. It was this discovery that expanded the length of this underground formation to a grandiose 232 kilometers. Now the object officially holds the title of the longest in the world.

When scientists don't stop there

But this is still far from the limit. 44 years later, Mammoth Cave totaled almost 652 surveyed kilometers. This is almost twice as much as its closest competitor, the Mexican Sac-Actun. It is worth noting that beyond these two cave systems there is not one within easy reach. Brucker and his colleague, speleologist James Borden, have already spoken out about expanding the “domains” of Mammoth Cave. According to authoritative experts, this facility has enormous potential, and new discoveries will help expand it to at least one thousand miles.

The Underworld is a special world

If you think that the study of cave systems has much in common with the study of geographical features on earth, you are deeply mistaken. Cave world- this is a special story, with a huge number of obstacles and hardships. New halls are opened through the efforts of a large team consisting of hundreds of people. This is a truly slow process that requires enormous dedication and enormous internal resources. For example, Roger Bruck himself, during 60 years of continuous underground work, covered “only” 193 kilometers of the underground kingdom. But there is much more than meets the eye of a simple traveler. For tourists to explore the Mammoth Cave, a piece of land with a length of just over 19 kilometers is set aside. This is a completely safe track with numerous paws and handrails. The rest of the territory of the grandiose object is the domain of speleologists.

Son Doong is a cave in Central Vietnam that currently holds the title of the largest cave in the world. It is located in the heart of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park in Quang Binh Province, not far from the Vietnam-Laos border. Its dimensions reach record levels - the height is 200 meters, the width is 150 meters, and the length is more than 5 kilometers. The total volume of the unique formation is 38.5 million m³.

The entrance to the cave, located deep in the jungle, was first found by a local resident named Ho Hanh in 1991, but the roaring water flow coming from there and the steep descent prevented him from exploring it from the inside. Only in 2009, a group of British scientists led by Howard Limbert managed to discover and successfully study Son Doong in Vietnam, after which they announced the official opening of the cave and confirmed that its dimensions allow it to be awarded the status of the largest on the planet.

“Hang Sơn Đoòng” is translated from Vietnamese as “mountain river cave”. It does have a fast-flowing underground river that floods parts of Shondong during the rainy season. In addition, it has its own jungle, climate and even real clouds, which are formed due to the large temperature difference. The giant underground cavity's two huge windows allow light to flood into many parts of it, creating a lush jungle with 3-meter-tall trees inside.

Shondong is famous not only for its impressive size, but also best examples cave formations all over the planet. Here you can find interesting ancient fossils, stalactites and some of the tallest stalagmites in the world, up to 70 meters high. A particularly impressive formation is the Dog's Hand and a place called the Cactus Garden. Also in the cave there are examples of giant cave pearls that fill the limestone layers.

The flora and fauna of Shondong is a treasure trove for any scientist. Many rare plant species grow in the cave area, and recently a number of new animal species have even been discovered. Monkeys, hornbills and flying foxes all live in this unusual underground jungle.

The unique cave was formed as a result of a long process of washing away limestone by water flow approximately 2-5 million years ago.

At the beginning of August 2013, the first tourist group went on an excursion to Shondong. To get inside the attraction you need using a ropego underground to a depth of 80 meters. Tourists set up a tent camp there, spending time in the labyrinths of the underground cave or sitting comfortably by the fire. The cost of such entertainment is $3,000. From September to March, access to the cave is closed due to the rainy season, during which many areas are flooded. The 2015 tour schedule will be posted on the tour website later this year.

The world's largest cave, called Sơn Đoòng, has attracted a lot of attention from many film companies such as BBC, National Geographic, as well as famous Japanese and Brazilian teams. In 2011, she appeared on the pages of the popular National Geographic magazine.

A cave is a naturally occurring natural cavity in a mountain large enough for a person to enter. They are studied by such a science as speleology. Thanks to speleologists, we know a lot about caves, because they can be very different: deep, beautiful, bizarre or simply huge. What is the deepest cave in the world and what other outstanding caves exist on Earth?

This Vietnamese cave was discovered relatively recently - in 1991 - by a local resident who was afraid to enter it because of the terrible roar of water inside and called friends for help. Eighteen years later, speleologists from Britain began to study it closely. Having covered a distance of four kilometers, they came across an obstacle in the form of an impressive wall, entirely formed from solid calcite (rock-forming material). In 2010, the study resumed again, the expedition stayed in the depths of the cave for two weeks.

Unusual stone columns and deep gorges were found in the cave. The wonders of Shondong amazed the entire speleological world. The dimensions of the cave are truly gigantic; in some places a skyscraper could fit there. It resembles a lost city underground. It’s even surprising that for so many years no one suspected its existence.

When floods occur, it is not possible to enter the cave

The cavity is 150 m high and about 9 km long. After the opening of the cave, extreme sports fans flocked there. To get underground, you will need a rope and other climbing equipment. Along the way, you will be able to explore dark labyrinths decorated with real rock patterns created by water flows. After all, inside this strange cave a stormy underground river roars, creating various tunnels. In some places she managed to break through to the surface.

Shondong is an extremely unusual place. 70-meter stalagmites grow here, attracting the attention of tourists, and real clouds are formed due to the mixing of warm and cold air. No matter how difficult and tiring the path to the cave may be, everyone who has been there unanimously assures that it is worth it.

Lubang Nasib Bagus

This largest cave in the world is located in Malaysia. It has a famous grotto called Sarawak. This grotto has very impressive dimensions - 600 by 415 m, and a height of about a hundred meters. The total volume of the grotto reaches a fantastic figure of 25 million cubic meters. It was discovered by three cavers from England in 1981.

At that time, they examined the karst massif, which is located in the Gunung Mulu Nature Reserve. The scientists climbed up the river and found themselves in the cave from which it flows. The speleologists didn't even have enough flashlights to fully illuminate it.

The area occupied by the Sarawak Grotto can easily accommodate several dozen aircraft.

Miao (Miao)

China also has one of the largest caves on the planet. It is hidden under the hills, and you can only get there by moving along the underground river. The cavity is a huge cave chamber. Several years ago, an expedition took place to study this chamber in detail using the laser method.

This expedition was organized by the British, including specialists from the Chinese Institute of Karst Geology. Funding was provided by the American National Geographic Society. Later, all the information was announced at a conference on the issue of caves held in England. After extensive laser scans, the cave was officially mapped in 2013.

The volume of Miao is approximately 11 million cubic meters


There is an amazing place on the planet, surrounded on all sides by ice. It is located in Austria near the city of Salzburg. This is the longest cave in the world that is partially made of ice.

The cave goes as much as 40 kilometers into the depths of the Alpine mountains, but ice occupies only a small part of it, followed by limestone. The cave was formed by the efforts of the Salzak River, which made a hole in the mountain, and the ice appeared due to snow that fell into the cave and into winter period were freezing.

The entrance to the ice part of the cave is always open to tourists, and cold winds constantly blow through the tunnels, which prevents snow and ice from melting, and in the warm season, cold air rushes out, forming a kind of air lock.

According to official data, the discoverer of the cave was A. Posselt in 1879. This naturalist, however, was able to explore only the initial 200 m. Before the discovery, only local residents knew the cave. They were afraid of it, calling it the devil's abode. In the mid-20th century, it was decided to build a special cable car, which reduced travel time from 1.5 hours to just 3 minutes. The open season lasts from early May to late October. A full tour of this impressive site will take approximately 1.5 hours.

Difficult to find photo interior space caves, because filming is prohibited there

Red Cave

On the Crimean Peninsula, part of Russia, there is also an outstanding cave, or rather a cave system, stretching for more than 25 kilometers. There are many halls underground different sizes And appearance, between them lies a difficult labyrinth. True, only 500 m is accessible to tourists, and then under the supervision of an experienced guide.

Internal view The cavity is striking primarily due to the lighting, skillfully distributed along the entire route. Its intensity is adjusted in such a way that the relief is emphasized and beautiful shadows are created. Walking through the cave is convenient and safe: it is equipped with special paths with railings. The place is very interesting from the point of view of speleology, especially for its large stalagmites and bizarre sagging on the walls. There is also an amazingly clean river flowing inside. It is so transparent that sometimes it can only be seen by reflections of light.

Hearing this name, anyone will imagine the remains of the greatest prehistoric giants discovered by scientists underground. But this is just a play on words, in the English dialect “mammoth” means huge. However, despite the fact that it has nothing to do with mammoths, traveling in it is extremely exciting. This is a whole underground kingdom, full of halls, galleries and passages. The cave seems to live its own independent life: rivers roar here and waterfalls bubble. The reservoirs even have their own unique fauna: blind fish, shrimp without eyes...

The main entrance is located in the USA, Kentucky. There are several smaller ones nearby in the western Appalachians. underground systems, which were previously considered independent, but now it turns out that they are all connected in one way or another with Mamontova. On this territory they founded a significant national park, where a colony of rare bats lives and you can enjoy untouched nature. In Mammoth Cave, scientists have repeatedly come across unusual finds, for example, the mummified corpse of an Indian, perfectly preserved along with clothes due to special climatic conditions.

The cave has not yet been fully explored, but its estimated length is 587 km.


This unique cave is one of the main attractions not only of Mexico, but also of the world. The large river flowing through it bears the same name, which means “white cave”. The cave system has a length of more than 300 km and is a suite of rooms connected by “room” passages. The study of Sac Actun, located on the Yucatan Peninsula, began only in 1987, but in the years since then, only one percent of the territory has been studied. It is difficult to imagine how many more amazing things are hidden in it, because the cavity was formed 65 million years ago.

According to one version, its occurrence is the result of a collision of the Earth with a huge meteor. At the place where he fell, a crater appeared, from which, in turn, many cracks spread underground. Time passed, and the crater, along with the cracks, was filled with rainwater. And so it turned out to be a long deep underground channel. Local tribes, such as the Mayans, have always treated this river with respect.

The river occupies almost the entire cave, and the spectacle is extremely beautiful.


This cave is located in Abkhazia. Its length is just over two kilometers, and Georgian scientists began to study it in 1960. Krubera-Voronya is of interest not only for speleologists, but also for biologists. Here they discovered a previously unknown species of beetles, which were recognized as record holders among insects for the depth of their habitat. Biologists also claim that many other new species can be found in this place.

The cave is mainly studied by the famous speleological group Cavex. It was this team that was the first to achieve maximum depth– 1.7 km. Research cannot be called easy: the expedition kept coming across dead ends and had to go back. It also happened the other way around: windows were discovered in the wall of the cave, leading to the opening of new paths.

The shortest river on the planet flows from Kruber-Voronya - Reprua, which is only 18 meters long.


Sarma is located in Arabica Mountain, in Georgia. It is a series of wells and halls, between which many tunnels and small climbs meander. Sarma is unanimously recognized by scientists as one of the most beautiful and scientifically interesting caves, extremely valuable for the world speleological community.

Sarma is conventionally divided into three levels - the first goes to a depth of 420 m, the second - to 900 m, the third - to 1830 m, further the territory has not yet been explored. Sarma received its name in accordance with the name of the wind: due to the peculiarities of aerodynamics, a strong hurricane wind always blows here, reaching a speed of 50 km/h, which local residents are afraid of.

The cave is closed to tourists, so you can get into it only as part of an expedition with the appropriate skills and equipment

Our Earth is a place filled amazing miracles and the mysteries of nature, only a small part of which has been explored by mankind. Huge and majestic caves always delight travelers.

The largest caves on the planet are stunning in their grandeur, which can fascinate anyone. It's scary to look into the trap of a huge cave. It seems impossible to get back out of this place. This mysterious one separate world silence and silence can suck any unwary tourist into its open spaces.
Expeditions to study the most complex caves began in the 18th century. The then famous scientist I. Nagel led the largest expedition to the caves of Moravia. During the expedition, the group reached a depth of 138 m.

M. Lomonosov contributed a large amount of knowledge about underground depths. Explanation of the chemical nature of caves - Lomonosov's theory. The movement of air at the depths of caves and the formation of stalactites and stalagmites, as well as the formation of ice in caves - this knowledge is the merit of our scientist.
Absolutely all caves are different from each other, but they can easily be included in the list of the most unusual places on Earth. The presence of wells, lakes, grottoes, waterfalls and glaciers are the elements of caves that create the overall picture and make certain differences.

Caves are a natural underground cavity accessible to human penetration. They are the object of study of the science of speleology. It is speleologists who make the greatest contribution to cave exploration. Some of nature's creations amaze with their beauty, others bizarre shapes, and still others by their size. The top 10 includes the largest caves in the world by length, volume or area occupied.

Optimistic Cave

Optimistic Cave (Ukraine) opens the top ten largest caves. It is also the longest gypsum cave in the world. The explored territory is 230 kilometers long, but the cave itself is much longer.
The rest of it has not yet been studied by researchers. The Optimistic Cave was discovered in 1966 by Lviv speleologists. Initially it was assumed that its length was no more than 3 meters, but further persistent research showed that the cave is one of the longest in the world.
It got its name because speleologists who were skeptical about exploring the cave called Lviv residents optimists. Since then, more than 200 expeditions have been made here.

Sarma Sarma (Abkhazia) is included in the list of the deepest caves in the world, which is located in the Arabica mountain range. It was discovered in 1990 by Sergei Shipitsin. The entrance to it is located at an altitude of 2150 meters above sea level.

The maximum known depth of Sarma is 1830 meters. The cave is formed by limestone and gypsum rocks. Many speleologists took part in her research. Among them are Rudko Pavel, Koreshnikov Evgeniy, Plotnikov Vladimir, Osintsev Alexander, Sukhachev Vasily, Zakrepa Andrey, Safin Rafail, Bezverkhy Anatoly, Verbitsky Alexander, Kalachev Artem and many others.

Krubera-Voronya (Abkhazia) is the deepest cave in the world, known for speleology. Its depth is 2.2 kilometers, and it is located in the Arabica mountain range in Georgia. The entrance to it is located at an altitude of 2250 meters above sea level. It is a subvertical type cave, consisting of a series of wells, which are connected by climbers and galleries. Another entrance to Krubera Voronya was opened in 2014 and is located at an altitude of 2253 meters above sea level. At a depth of two hundred meters, the cave branches into the Main and Nekuibyshevskaya branches, which are the main ones.
Then there are many smaller branches. Krubera-Voronya was first discovered in 1960 by a speleological expedition of the Institute of Geography named after. Vakhushti Bagrationi AN GSSR. In 2014, a team of speleologists opened a new entrance, located above the main one, which made it possible to set a new world record for the depth of the cave system, which became equal to 2199 meters.

Jeita Caves

The Lebanese Great Caves are some of the most magical caves on Earth. The upper cave was discovered in 1836, the lower one much later - in 1958.
The length of the cave is 2250 m.
Jeita is very popular among tourists, who have the opportunity to visit only part of the cave, 700 m deep, the rest of the path is blocked.
The upper cave has 3 halls and special underground reservoirs. Stalagmites and stalactites also decorate the view of the Lebanon Cave.


Sac Actun (Mexico) is one of the largest caves in the world, almost completely flooded with water. It is also included in the list of the longest caves in the world.
Its total length is more than 317 kilometers, of which only 5 kilometers are not flooded. Speleologists began studying it in the second half of the 20th century.

Marble caves in Chile

One of the most most beautiful places on our vast planet is located on the border of Chile and Argentina in the Patagonian Andes. A fabulous creation, created by nature itself, located in South America in one of the deepest lakes in the world - Buenos Aires.
Locals majestically call it the Marble Cathedral, but in many tourist brochures it is referred to as Las Cavernas de Marmol or the Marble Caves of Chile. This is the most striking and memorable attraction of Patagonia, which is visited annually by tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world.
The pristine beauty of blue-blue rocks, shimmering in crystal clean waters lakes, according to most travelers who have seen this miracle of nature, makes one believe that paradise on earth still exists. I would like to note that in some sources you can find information that Las Cavernas de Marmol are located in the waters of Lake General Carrera (Lago General Carrera). This is not a mistake or a typo, the whole point is in the territorial location of the marble caves: General Carrera is the Chilean name, Buenos Aires, as you might guess, is Argentine.
The intricate labyrinths of the Marble Caves will not leave any traveler indifferent. The grandeur and some unearthly beauty of the carved marble vaults, which on a sunny day is emphasized by the bright rays of the sun peeking here and there, is a truly unforgettable sight. The reflections of light in the emerald blue water, as if playing in a lake, create amazing optical illusions every second. That is why the Marble Caves look different on a bright sunny day and in cloudy weather.
The variability of the water level, which is caused by the seasonal melting of glaciers, also contributes to the “reincarnation” of the fantastic tunnels of the cave. Travelers who have already visited this amazing corner advise all those who are just deciding to go to Chile to the marble caves to make their excursion before the beginning of spring. During this period of time, the low water level in the caves allows curious tourists to take pleasure boats provided by local guides and enjoy the splendor of nature inside the caves. A walk under the arches of the miraculous Marble Cathedral on the water allows you to see this miracle of nature up close, look into the so-called “dark windows” of the cave, which are more reminiscent of an endless tunnel. However, who lives there remains a mystery to tourists, because a boat can no longer get deep into the caves...

Mammoth Cave

Mammoth Cave (USA) is recognized as the longest in the world. It is located in the state of Kentucky, USA, in the eponymous national park. Its length is more than 587 kilometers. In fact, the cave is much longer, but researchers have only studied this part so far.
Now in this cave system there are 225 known underground passages and about 20 huge halls. It got its name because of its impressive dimensions. In one of the passages flows the rather large Echo River, whose width is 60 meters and depth is 10 meters.
Mammoth Cave was formed approximately 10 million years ago. The Indians have known about its existence since ancient times. Subsequently, scientists discovered Indian burials in the cave.
Its discovery by Americans took place at the end of the 18th century.

It is famous not only for volcanoes and geysers, but also for other amazing natural phenomena!
These are unique ice and snow caves, which were formed by the forces of nature, and are amazing tourist sites!
Photographic tours are held here especially for those who like to take an unforgettable photo; it is likely that such a sight cannot be found anywhere else in the world!

In the Far East of Russia, in the area of ​​the Mutnovsky volcano in Kamchatka, it was formed under very interesting conditions.

Hot lava flows, ice, geysers and sunlight created a fabulously beautiful cave. Recently, glaciers on the volcanoes of Kamchatka have been melting very quickly, so the upper ice layer of the cave has become very thin. Because of this, bright sunlight penetrates the layers of ice, creating an incredible glow.

Snow in these latitudes lies from October to the end of May. The peninsula also has a chain of active volcanoes that form the spine of the peninsula.

It's interesting that before the breakup Soviet Union in 1991 Kamchatka was closed to foreigners and most Russians.
A military nuclear submarine base was based at the southern end of the peninsula.
After the collapse of the USSR, Kamchatka became popular place for adrenaline lovers, it is especially attractive to fans of extreme winter sports.

Photographers come here in search of stunning shots of untouched nature. Photographer Denis Budko presented to our attention an amazing ice cave, which until recently was hidden from prying eyes under a large thickness of snow.


Caves have always attracted people with their mystery, uniqueness, as well as original combinations of bizarre sculptures, often reminiscent of fantasy images of mythical heroes.

Grottoes often served many people as a roof over their heads, a reliable shelter from bad weather, and a place of blessed hermitage. And now that many of them have become accessible to visitors, anyone can become a little closer to their own history, which is so fascinating and alluring.

Kungur cave

She is considered the most beautiful in Russia. And this is not surprising, because, once inside, every person experiences a strong feeling that he has entered the very kingdom of the Snow Queen. All this is because the entire cave surface is covered with eternal layers of ice and frost. According to scientists, the age of the ice layers reaches about 10 thousand years.

The views that tourists have the opportunity to admire are truly impressive. Ice droplets here gather into magnificent crystals, shimmering in many colors. This is achieved thanks to a lighting system based on laser illumination. There are also man-made ice sculptures here.

Surprisingly, despite the eternally reigning cold, a person once lived in the cave. This is evidenced by the hermit's hut discovered here, a dug well, as well as a lost bast shoe.

Where is it located and how to get there? The cave is located near the city of Kungur (Perm region). You can get here by bus from Yekaterinburg.

Batovskaya Cave

It is considered the longest cave in all of Russia, because its length reaches about 62,103 meters.

The cave was discovered quite by accident: a local hunter, following the trail of a bear, suddenly came across the entrance to it.

Inside the grotto there are permanent lakes one and a half meters deep and ten meters long. The uniqueness of the attraction lies in the fact that it is based on both limestone and sandstone. And this is rare, since most karst caves consist exclusively of limestone. Botovskaya Cave is considered a cave horizontal type, representing a labyrinth of intricate passages.

Where is it located and how to get there? The facility is located in the Irkutsk region, near the village of Konoshalovo. It is recommended to consult guides to get to the cave. It is impossible to drive close to the entrance by car.

Barlog's Throat

It is considered the deepest cave in Russia. So, its depth is about 900 meters, and its length reaches 3000 meters. It got its name in honor of the character of the same name from The Lord of the Rings. After all, when the researchers had to go deep down, negotiating the path along a narrow well, it seemed that they had made their way through the throat of a fantastic monster.

The cave is relatively young, as it was discovered only in 1994. The entrance to the grotto is located at the highest point of the Atsgara River; its peak reaches a height of 2825 meters above sea level.

Where is it located and how to get there? Barlog's Throat is located in the Urupsky region of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Take a bus to Kurdzhinovo, then rent a car. If the road is not washed out, then you can get to Mostovskaya Polyana on the Zagedanka River.

Kapova cave (Shulgan-tash cave)

She gained worldwide fame thanks to Paleolithic drawings. The age of the rock paintings is impressive: about 14–14.5 thousand years. The size of the drawings is also considered rare (ranging from 44–112 centimeters). Some of them are made with red ocher, and the rest with charcoal. Quite curious is the fact that no traces of soot were found on the ceiling of the object (after all, light was required to complete the drawings). But, as it turned out later, ancient people had a certain analogue of a kerosene lamp, in which fat acted as an alternative to kerosene.

As a result of archaeological excavations, it was possible to find human skulls without skeletons. It is assumed that the separate burial of the head indicated the importance of the deceased person. It is possible that the heads belonged to a shaman and leaders, since previously the cave was an analogue of a sanctuary where certain rituals took place.

Where is it located and how to get there? Located in the Burzyansky district of Bashkiria on Southern Urals, in the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve. You need to go from Ufa to Sterlitamak, turn to Beloretsk. Before reaching it 50 km, turn to Starosubkhangulovo. Drive to Mindigulovo, then follow the sign “Shulgan-Tash”.

Vorontsov Cave

It ranks sixth among the longest caves in Russia (length is 11,720 meters). It is the largest cave system in the Caucasus.

During archaeological excavations in the cave, traces were found ancient man(from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages). And during the period Civil War the grotto acted as a reliable shelter for the Red partisans.

Vorontsovskaya Cave is also called an excellent geological monument. For example, the length of the stalactites is impressive. In the same Labyrinth Cave (which is a continuation of Vorontsovskaya), a stalactite called Rocket rises more than 6 meters high.

Where is it located and how to get there? Located near the city of Sochi. You can get there from Khosta by car. But you should keep in mind that regular buses will only take you to Kalinovoe Lake, from where you will have to walk 5–7 kilometers.

Akhshtyrskaya cave

The uniqueness of this attraction is that it was once inhabited primitive people, as evidenced by the discovered objects, traces and rock tempera.

The first settlement arose in a cave 70 thousand years ago. Its main representatives were Neanderthals. Then for 20 thousand years the grotto was empty. And about 30-35 thousand years ago it was inhabited by Cro-Magnons. In later times, people also lived in the cave. Similar intervals between settlements arose during a period of time when the cave (based on the same indicators of dampness) was not suitable for habitation. But if people did not live in it, then it was still not empty, becoming a refuge for bears.

Regarding the Akhshtyrskaya Cave, a rather interesting assumption was made by mythologists who claim that Odysseus once met with the Cyclops here.

Where is it located and how to get there? The cave is located 15 kilometers from Adler. You can get there along the way from the trout hatchery or by bus from Adler.

Where is it located and how to get there? Located in Khakassia, 9 kilometers south from the village of Topanova. You can get there along the Shira – Kommunar highway.
