How to remove a wasp nest at home. How to get rid of wasps in the house? Reasons for the appearance of wasp nests in a private house. Aerosols for killing wasps

The wasp is a rather annoying insect that you want to stay away from. Unfortunately, wasps often build nests under the roofs of houses. Adults feed on flower nectar, but if there is a lack of food, they can try other organic matter. Wasps live large families in small ball-shaped nests that are built in empty houses, in hollow trees, in outbuildings, in attics and even under the canopies of balconies of multi-story buildings.

Why are wasps dangerous for humans?

The females of these insects have a fairly sharp sting, which they use at the slightest danger. The bite is painful and often causes an allergic reaction. Wasps do not die after stinging once, like bees, so any individual will pose a constant threat to human health.

In addition, wasps are carriers infectious diseases– in particular, intestinal. This is understandable, because In search of fruits and other sugar-containing products, insects visit garbage dumps and pits with rotting litter. They spoil the harvest by sucking the juice of sweet fruits and berries.

To prevent a wasp infestation from turning life into a nightmare and ruining your vacation, it is necessary to apply a set of measures to combat these annoying insects.

Wasp control

The destruction of individual individuals will provide only a temporary respite from the annoying neighborhood. If they appear frequently in the visual range, it means that their nest is somewhere nearby. Usually this is a secluded place such as an attic, drainpipe, chimney, niche under slate roof. In apartment buildings, wasps build nests behind split-system units, air conditioners, and under balcony canopies.

It is necessary to destroy the nest and periodically scare away emerging wasps - only then will they leave the territory.

How to get rid of wasps in a country house under a roof

Insects that fly in from time to time are not as scary as those that settle on the site for a long time. Unwanted guests are unlikely to come back again if you treat them with pieces of melon or watermelon sprayed with insecticides. In this case, only low-smelling products are suitable. Most often, wasps become thoroughly established in the area. You have to fight them, getting rid of not only insects, but also their nests.

If wasps have built a nest under the roof country house or technical structure, it can be destroyed by several methods:

  1. Mechanical. Getting rid of a wasp's nest better in autumn or in early spring when residents leave or have not yet returned to their home. The empty nest is cut off and burned. The place where the wasp's dwelling is attached is thoroughly treated with a solution of chlorine or chlorine-containing preparations. Wasps that return to this place will be forced to look for a new habitat.
  2. With the help of water. If you cannot wait until autumn, the wasp nest will have to be destroyed as soon as it is discovered. If it is possible to bring a bucket of water to it so that the home is completely immersed in liquid, 10 minutes will be enough. During this time, the insects will die and the nest will disintegrate into separate elements.
  3. Chemical. Modern pesticides are the most successful option in the fight against wasps. It should be noted that the products are unsafe for humans. Therefore, it is important to take precautions and protect your face and body with special clothing when processing. The following drugs will help in the fight against wasps:
  • "Troapsil" (Netherlands);
  • “Smelnet” - long-acting microcapsules - up to 8 months;
  • "Gett" is a disinfectant against insects;
  • “Mosquitol. Protection against wasps" - for treating non-residential premises.

Chemicals are available in the form of aerosols and granules. Aerosol agents can be used to treat both the nest and part of the territory, repelling individual wasps. To kill insects in a nest, a bag is placed on top of it and the product is sprayed inside. This operation is carried out at night - when all the wasps are in the nest. It is pointless to destroy a nest with wasps with an aerosol in the morning or afternoon - most of the insects will be absent. In addition, active wasps are able to transmit information to the entire swarm. Therefore, it is better not to carry out the operation to destroy the nest during daylight hours.

It is also important to take into account that the package must be strong enough and well secured to the wall of the house so that wasps cannot bite through it or slip out of the crack. Chemicals are also good for repelling individual insects, for example, etc.

How to get rid of wasps in a wooden house

Wood is a fire hazardous material, so all methods of fighting wasps must completely eliminate the possibility of fire in the house and the surrounding area. Therefore, fire as a method of fighting and everything connected with it is prohibited. It is also not recommended to spray the nest with gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids.

If the nest is within visibility, the fight against wasps is carried out using all the methods described above.

To kill wasps, it is better to use microencapsulated bait preparations. “Smelnet” is one of such means. The drug contains Butox containing 5% deltamethrin. This is a veterinary drug that is safe for humans. The principle of its action is defeat nervous system insect by paralysis. After some time, the wasps stop moving and die. The drug has a shelf life of several months, so treatment can be done once. In this case, “Smelnet” is applied not only to the nest, but also to the territory next to it. Thus, the wasps carry it on their legs into the home, where they can infect other individuals.

Also convenient for wooden houses Velcro tapes. Impregnated with a sweet and sticky composition, they attract insects that land on the surface and cannot fly away. By replacing the tapes with new ones, you can get rid of wasps without harm to human health.

Particularly difficult is the case when the nest is located in a remote place and is not visible from the outside. Here you also cannot do without chemicals, but first you need to find out the approximate location of the insects’ home.

To do this, you should observe the flight path of the wasps near the house for several days. A particularly good time would be the evening, when the wasps gather in the nest, or the early morning, when they leave their home.

Having discovered a nest, a tube is inserted into the passages in the wall (usually their width does not exceed 4-6 mm), through which they are sprayed aerosol product to combat wasps. The hole is plugged with tow or cotton wool moistened with insecticides such as Fufanon. At the same time, they try to push the cotton wool as deep as possible into the nest. The hole thus clogged is plastered, adding plaster mixture a little karbofos.

How to get rid of wasps using folk remedies

Traditional methods are harmless to human health and are not 100% effective. However, for small insect infestations they are best suited.

  1. Wasps often visit an apartment or house, flying in from neighbors. Such visits will be significantly reduced if you periodically treat the curtains, Mosquito nets, vent plugs with a vinegar solution.
  2. Traps. Wasps have a sweet tooth, and will definitely try delicious honey or fruit syrup poured into tall plastic bottle traps. Small holes are made in these containers and syrup or slightly acidified berry compote is poured inside up to half the volume. Such a trap will attract a significant number of wasps that will not be able to get back out.
  3. Kerosene and gasoline. Many summer residents and homeowners still use these substances to combat wasps.
  4. Repeller. These insects do not tolerate strangers in “their” area. By placing a mock-up nest near your house, you can protect your home from scout wasps. You can make such a false nest yourself or use a paper lantern as it.

Professional wasp control measures

If none of the methods was successful, you will have to call specialists to combat these harmful insects. Professional compositions, high-quality processing will allow you to destroy not only wasps, but also flies, ticks, etc.

The advantages of this method are obvious: effective special tools are not available to the average buyer, but professionals use them. Secondly, during treatment you can leave the area and return to a house and yard that has been cleared of insects. Thus, all the negative costs of fighting wasps (bites, exposure to toxic substances on the body) will not affect the home owner. And finally, if you are not satisfied with the quality of the treatment, you can always make a claim and get re-cleaned from wasps. Some companies provide guarantees for a certain period of time. You can find out about this by leaving a request to call specialists.

The fight against wasps cannot be limited to one day. As a rule, to get rid of annoying insects, not one, but several methods are used simultaneously. Some of them turn out to be ineffective, others help to destroy wasps for a while. If wasps only periodically appear on the site, it is quite possible to get by with prevention. If coexistence with a wasp swarm brings problems, you should try the most effective means for complete victory over predatory insects.

Video: what happens if you open a wasp's nest

Wasps are insects that sting humans and pets. They often fly suburban areas, attracted by sweet fruits in the garden, but are also found within the city. The problem becomes especially acute on hot summer days. To solve it, you need to know how to get rid of wasps using folk remedies.

Destroying a nest

If a large number of wasps are constantly present on the site, accompanied by their buzzing, then most likely there is a hive of them nearby. Roy constantly flies out of it in search of food, returning home in the evening. Therefore, if you do not get rid of the nest, then the effect of using all methods other than destroying the insects’ home will be little noticeable: others will fly in to replace some individuals. Before you start fighting wasps in your dacha using folk remedies, you need to carefully inspect the area.

Deciding to destroy vespiary, you should be aware of the following recommendations:

  • The clothing of the person approaching to handle or remove the hive should be made of dense materials.
  • You need to put gloves on your hands and tuck your sleeves into them, as well as your trouser legs into your shoes.
  • to take care of protecting your neck, you can wrap a winter scarf around it;
  • the head is protected with a helmet with a mosquito net;
  • The best time to destroy a wasp nest is late evening and night.


If you can get close to the nest, you can drown it in water. Having estimated the approximate size of the “house”, select a suitable container: as a rule, a standard 10 liter bucket is sufficient. It is filled with water and literally put on the bottom of the wasp's nest.

It is not recommended to use methods that involve working with the hive “at arm's length” when the nest is located far from the ground or floor. The fact is that wasps, having noticed a threat to the hive, begin to aggressively attack the enemy. When using a ladder, a person can easily fall and get injured.

Wasps build their home so that the entry/exit hole is at the bottom. Therefore, the individuals inside will not be able to leave it if it is flooded. It is enough to keep the bucket on the nest for several minutes for the insects to die. After this, the hive is removed and destroyed (it is advisable to burn it). It is recommended to treat the attachment point with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Destruction with boiling water

Boiling water can also come to the rescue. This method is similar to the previous one, only the wasp “house” is knocked down using a stick or metal pipe so that it falls into a bucket of hot water. The work requires a certain dexterity and a “sharp eye,” otherwise the event may end in failure and painful bites from angry insects.

It is necessary to take into account the distance at which the hive is located: if it hangs at a high altitude, then it will be difficult to calculate the trajectory of its flight, and there is a high probability of error. So, it’s better to consider other traditional methods wasp control.

Using plastic bags

Removing a wasp hive using plastic bags will also require speed and dexterity. You will need large volume bags that are threaded into each other according to the principle of folding a nesting doll.

Garbage bags are ideal - they are durable, dense and of sufficient size.

The rest is a matter of technique: the bags are put on the hive, like a bucket of water, they quickly intercept the base and tear off the hive. For ease of use, you can use sharp knife. The cut site is treated with potassium permanganate, and the extraction is immediately burned along with the bags.

Using flammable liquids

Another technology for getting rid of wasp nests in open spaces is to treat them with gasoline, kerosene, and diesel fuel. Insects do not tolerate the substances that make up their composition. Therefore, you can treat the hive by spraying it with a regular spray bottle. When the insects fly out (this can be seen by observing their home), it will be much easier to remove and destroy the nest, because there is no longer any danger of attack.

Using flammable liquids is not the most best idea V wooden buildings. In order to fire safety It is better to avoid using them so as not to provoke a fire.

If there are several nests, then to evaluate the effectiveness, it is recommended to test the technique on only one of them. Reviews from summer residents who have tried spraying with flammable materials say that the effect of spraying with them is weak. Some associate this with a decrease in the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel, which can be diluted at points of sale, and others with the development of resistance in wasps to these substances. Therefore, in order not to waste time, effort and material in vain, a preliminary assessment is necessary.

Insect repellent

If there are few wasps in the area, then you can scare them away with folk remedies against wasps. The principle of their operation is based on the use of strong odors, neutral for humans, but extremely unpleasant for these stinging insects.

What are wasps afraid of? Folk remedies:
  1. Laundry soap known for its characteristic, slightly pungent odor. A hole is made in a piece or half of it, a string is pulled through it and hung next to it in a nest. If possible, you can simply put soap on it.
  2. Plants that contain strong-smelling essential oils: mint, geranium, basil, wormwood. The latter has a powerful insecticidal effect against most insects. To combat wasps on a site, these plants can be planted throughout its territory: they have decorative look, and basil and mint will come in handy in the kitchen. To scare away wasps from premises, you can hang dried bunches in them.
  3. Red hot pepper pods have a similar property. They can be placed on a shelf indoors or hung near their nest.
  4. Smoke coniferous species and their needles are used to fumigate the garden. Burning in buildings is dangerous due to the risk of fire. Also this is great folk remedy from wasps in nature. If these insects bother you while camping, fishing or barbecuing, then just throw firewood, pine and Christmas tree branches into the fire or barbecue.

Folk remedies for repelling wasps are good if there are few individuals. It is problematic to drive them out of the nest when using such means.

Wasp traps

Another folk remedy for wasps is traps. These are special structures made so that an insect, having climbed into them, cannot fly back out. To make it interested in the trap, pieces of fruit are placed inside and sweet liquids that are attractive to wasps are poured.

You can either buy a trap in a store or build it yourself. The simplest example used to reduce the number of individuals in the house is a saucer filled with honey, syrup or jam. The wasp, having decided to feast on it, will forever get stuck in the sticky liquid.

To create a more complex and capacious product that is hung on the site, you will need a regular plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters or 5 liters. It is advisable that it be transparent - this way more guests will fall into the trap. Preparation method:

  1. Cut off the top part of the bottle with a neck about 10 cm high.
  2. Place bait at the base.
  3. The part with the neck (not covered with a lid) is turned over and inserted into the lower one so that the funnel is on top - this is input path for attracted insects. To make the trap work better, you can lubricate the neck with a sweet composition.
  4. Holes are made in the walls for air circulation: this way the smell will spread more intensely.
  5. To hang the trap, make two holes through which string or wire is passed.

As bait you can use syrup, sugar or jam diluted in water, fermented compote and even beer. The quality of work of such structures directly depends on their quantity and placement on the site.


Exist preventive measures, which indirectly reduce the risk of wasps appearing on the site:

  1. With the onset of spring, it is necessary to inspect the site and all outbuildings, not forgetting to look under the roof. It is recommended to do this at least once every six months. You need to be especially careful in the spring: if a nest does not appear before the onset of summer, then it is unlikely to happen this year. A small hive is easier to destroy than a large one with a large swarm.
  2. To prevent wasps from flying into the house, you need to treat window frames and doorways with a solution of table vinegar.
  3. Fruits, especially spoiled ones, should not be kept freely available in the house, buildings and on the site.
  4. All cracks and holes in the walls and attics of buildings must be sealed in a timely manner so that insects do not fly through them.
  5. IN summer time Mosquito nets should be used to protect living areas.
  6. You can also cover shrubs and fruit trees during their fruiting period.

Folk remedies for wasps are radically different from each other. The desired effect can be achieved by combining them with each other to hit “on all fronts.” It is important not to forget about your own safety. If you cannot cope with these methods, then you should think about the advisability of using pesticides or contacting specialists.

Wasps are insects that can find shelter in both personal plot, and in a private house and even in a high-rise apartment. What are the consequences of an unpleasant neighborhood, and how to get rid of uninvited “roommates”?

Features of the existence of wasps that are worth knowing about

The wasp is a stinging insect belonging to the order Stalk-bellied.

Wasps include: hornets, typhias, scolia, road wasps, sand wasps, paper wasps, flower wasps, gloss wasps, etc.


Insect species can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Singles. They lead an isolated existence, create nest-cells attached to walls, tree branches, etc., bury themselves in the ground or plant stems, or huddle in small depressions (cracks in wood, cardboard pores, etc.). Most adults in this category are fertile.
  • Public. They exist in colonies that can reach several thousand individuals and create strong nests. The queen and male individuals have the ability to reproduce; the remaining “members of the family” are worker wasps who are unable to produce offspring.
Wasps are stinging insects, which include many varieties, including hornets, typhias, paper wasps, etc.

Most often, people suffer from the infestation of social wasps, because in this case there are a lot of insects. In this category, there are 3 most common varieties, the characteristics of which are described in the table below.

Table - common types of wasps

NameDescriptionFeatures of existence
HornetsThe largest species of wasp European variety represented by brown insects with orange marks.They create paper nests, mainly in empty walls or on tree trunks.
American hornetsThey are distinguished by thick black antennae and shorter legs.
  • Nests that look like paper nests are mostly found in closed places(earthen depressions, empty walls, etc.).
  • They are aggressive, can sting more than once, and often attack in swarms.
Paper waspsCompared to other species, they have more long body and paws.
  • They create wide paper nests that look like upside-down umbrellas, with clearly visible honeycombs.
  • They attack only when they sense a threat, but the bites are painful.

Wasps that make nests in the soil are called ground wasps. However, this name is not scientific; insects that choose this way of living may belong to various families of road and burrowing wasps, hornets.

Life activity

To make wasp control more effective, it is important to become familiar with the life cycle of insects:

  • The beginning of spring. The uterus, awakening from hibernation, looks for appropriate place for a nest, creates a small cocoon for the first offspring of worker wasps. When they come to life, the “hardworking” insects begin work to enlarge the nest and protect the uterus.
  • Spring and summer. The number of the swarm, along with the size of the dwelling, begins to grow, reaching its apogee in August. At the dawn of summer, the last generation appears, including males and queens, which will actively create new offspring in the coming year. At this time, the insect colony is very aggressive towards anything that threatens the nest.

It makes the most sense to get rid of the nest in early spring, when the size of the swarm is still very small. If the insect's abode was not found before the end of summer or beginning of autumn, there is no longer any need to destroy it: the wasps will die of their own accord. low temperatures, and you can simply get rid of the nest in winter.
In winter, a wasp’s nest can be exterminated without fear: in the empty “house” there are no longer any inhabitants, except perhaps the hibernating queen

Human housing is attractive to wasps with a large amount of food, which is why insects build their homes near people. Usually winged birds prefer places protected from rain and wind, as well as from the human eye:

  • balconies;
  • attics;
  • cornices;
  • empty walls;
  • utility rooms;
  • niches under slate;
  • hedges or dense bushes;
  • the soil;
  • cracks, etc.

If the nest cannot be found, “experienced” people advise placing a piece of fish or meat in a clearly visible place. The smell of food will attract wasps, which will begin to fly from the treat to the nest and back; all that remains is to observe the route.

Danger to humans

In addition to the annoying buzzing, proximity to insects promises unpleasant “bonuses”:

  • painful stings, which, if you are allergic to wasps, can lead to suffocation, swelling and even death;
  • infections spread by insects on their legs;
  • damage to the harvest, since winged creatures can feed on ripening fruits;
  • destruction of beneficial insects, for example, bees, if there is an apiary nearby.

A wasp sting is fraught not only with pain and swelling: in cases of allergy, suffocation, severe swelling and even death are possible

How to get rid

There are several options for getting rid of wasps, but before considering them, it is important to study the safety information.

Safety precautions

In the fight against stinging insects you need to know that:

  • At night and in the early morning, the reaction of wasps is slowed down, so it is better to destroy the nest in the dark or in the predawn hours. But insects react quickly to a flash of light, mistaking it for daylight, so it’s better to do without a flashlight.
  • You can’t “go into battle” without equipment. You need clothes made of thick material that completely hide the body, rubber boots, durable gloves, and a mosquito net to protect your face.
  • Ice and antiallergic drugs (Adrenaline, Suprastin, Prednisolone) should be prepared in case of a bite.
  • You cannot climb a ladder to reach the nest. If during the “operation” the wasps begin to attack, you can fall and be seriously injured. If the nest is located out of easy reach, you can either try the smoke method (see information below) or contact a professional.
  • When using pesticides, it is important to ensure that there are no children or pets in the treated area during the extermination of insects and for at least 24 hours after. Any dead wasps should be removed immediately to prevent a child or pet from eating them.
  • An escape plan is needed. During the destruction of the nest, wasps may begin to attack; you should take care in advance of the shortest route to the shelter and make sure that there are no obstacles on the way. If many wasps begin to fly out of the nest, move away along the planned route without sudden movements or panic.
  • If one or more individuals fly out during the destruction of a nest, they cannot be killed: the death of insects leads to the release special secret, the smell of which will attract relatives, increasing the likelihood of an attack by the entire swarm.

A person may not even be aware of an allergy to wasp stings; it is advisable to undergo a special test at a medical center. If you have an allergy, it is better not to take risks and entrust the fight against insects to another person or professionals.

What to do if bitten by a wasp

If you cannot avoid an insect bite, you need to:

  1. Rinse the affected area thoroughly with warm running water to remove dirt and remaining poison.
  2. Disinfect your hands and then the wound with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, alcohol or Furacilin solution.
  3. Apply a cold compress.
  4. Take an antiallergic drug, even if allergic reactions have not been observed before (be sure to study the method of use and contraindications in advance).

A cold compress will help relieve pain when wasp sting and relieve swelling

If you have multiple bites or allergies, consult a doctor immediately. Until the swelling subsides, it is recommended to drink sweetened water or sweet tea. The pain and swelling disappear after a few hours, but if the bite is on the face, the swelling may persist for several days.

Wasps, unlike bees, do not leave a sting in the wound, so there is no need to look for it to remove it.

To get rid of a large swarm in one fell swoop, you can destroy the nest along with the inhabitants inside. It is important to carry out the “attack” at night, since this is when all the insects are at home.

You should not destroy a wasp shelter during the day, when most of its inhabitants are not “at home”: having returned and not finding a home, the insects will begin to “take revenge” on the offenders, becoming aggressive.

Traditional methods

Let's look at the most popular methods of destroying a wasp's home.


Folk method for people with strong nerves:

  1. Place a bucket of water under the nest.
  2. Place a bag of thick material (without holes) over the wasp’s home and tie it tightly with a cord.
  3. Remove the nest and immerse it in water, pressing it on top with a large stone so that it does not float up.
  4. Leave it overnight: by morning the insects will drown and die, and the nest can be destroyed.

Some forums advise raising a bucket of water so that the nest is immersed in it, supporting the structure with a board or stepladder and leaving it for a day. This method is traumatic and requires special training; it is not recommended to use it.

You can get rid of the nest by drowning the wasp's home in a bucket of water

If the nest is located in the ground, it needs to be filled with water using a garden hose, so that the liquid begins to flow out. After the insect shelter is flooded, cover it with a stone.


Can be used instead of gasoline diesel fuel or any other petroleum product. The method applies only if the nest is built in the ground:

  1. Fill the nest with gasoline.
  2. Use a rag liberally moistened with petroleum product to close the inlet.
  3. After a day, the insects will die and the nest can be destroyed.

If there are no flammable objects or buildings nearby, the wasp house can be doused with gasoline and set on fire.


This option is only suitable if the nest is located outside:

  1. Light a fire under the nest: penetrating into the wasp’s habitat, the smoke will force the insects to leave the home.
  2. After 2 hours, when the nest is empty, knock it down with a stick and destroy it.
  3. Treat the place where the aspen abode is attached generously with an insecticidal aerosol, otherwise the insects may return and begin to rebuild.

It is best to have a water sprayer at the time of nest destruction to protect yourself from individuals that may remain “at home.”

Dishwashing liquid

The soap solution will envelop the insects in an airtight film, making it difficult for them to move, and the wasps will die, suffocating:

  1. Per liter hot water dilute a quarter cup or a little more dishwashing liquid.
  2. If the wasp's nest is suspended in the air, pour the solution into a container with an aerosol spray and spray the nest for 10–15 seconds. If the nest is in the ground, pour the mixture into the hole.
  3. Quickly hide in a shelter.
  4. Repeat several times.

Dishwashing detergent is useful not only in the kitchen: the product can be used as a weapon against wasps

You can use undiluted dishwashing detergent by pouring it into the inlet.

Special means

On store shelves you can find insecticides designed to kill wasps.

Forms of release and method of application

Aerosols are most often used, the products are used in accordance with the attached instructions, most often the process is carried out as follows:

  1. Spray the nest with a spray for a certain time (usually 10-15 seconds), paying special attention to the entrance. Run for cover.
  2. The next day, observe the nest: if there is activity around the wasp’s home, repeat the “operation” at night.
  3. Knock down the nest with a long stick and spray it with spray.
  4. Immediately get rid of the destroyed home and dead wasps.

Another option for using the product involves processing plastic bag, which is then put on the socket. Within a few hours the wasps die. In this way, it is possible to protect other insects that do not harm humans and protect the environment.

Aerosols are most often used in the fight against wasps: such insecticides are effective and easy to use

If the nest is in the ground and is located with the entrance up, it can be destroyed using insecticidal dust (powder). The means are used as follows:

  1. Measure out a certain amount of powder (see instructions).
  2. Early in the morning, pour the product onto the hole in the nest: when leaving and entering the home, wasps on their legs and wings will carry poisonous dust, poisoning the entire swarm.
  3. If the insects do not die within 1–2 days, repeat the procedure.
  4. Fill the nest with a stone or bury it, compact it tightly and pour boiling water over it, in case there are living individuals left inside.

For those opposed to toxic chemicals, there are adhesive sprays that are sprayed onto the opening of the nest. Wanting to leave or enter the home, the wasps will stick to the nest and to each other, clogging the entrance.

Table - possible options

Based on organophosphate insecticide
  • Karbofos;
  • Executioner.
  • Inexpensive;
  • relatively effective;
  • are available in liquid or powder form, so they can be used in any of the ways described above.
Contact action based on chlorpyrifos
  • Dobrokhim;
  • Agran;
  • Dursban;
  • Tzipi Lux;
  • Micro;
  • Xulat;
  • Sinuzan;
  • Phosban.
They are used to process the entrance to the nest or added to baits.
  • Bros;
  • Baygon;
  • Mosquitall.
Used for spraying nests and treating walls, door and window openings.
Professional productsTetrixUsed by insect control services, purchase for household needs product is problematic.

Video: option for using wasp spray

Lures and traps

Baits and traps are effective in combating lionfish, but their use takes a long time, so they are usually used as additional method, or in the absence of a nest on the site or at home to eliminate periodically flying insects.

Traditional method

You can buy a trap at a hardware store or make it yourself: insects climb inside, attracted by the smell of the bait, and only a few individuals manage to get out. In a day, using a homemade “trap” you can catch several dozen wasps, so it is more advisable to place several at once around the entire perimeter of the site or house. The manufacturing process is simple:

  1. Cut off the top plastic bottle(remove the lid) and, turning the neck down, place it in the lower part of the container like a funnel.
  2. Secure with tape, adhesive tape, staples or any other method.

You don’t need to run to the store to buy a wasp trap: you can easily make it yourself

The trap can be filled:

  • kvass;
  • lemonade; beer;
  • syrup;
  • compote;
  • diluted yeast;
  • jam;
  • sweetened water.

Sugar and honey should not be used if there is an apiary nearby: such products may attract bees.

To enhance efficiency, you can add sweet composition boric acid powder, but not much: increasing bitterness may repel insects. The exact dosage of the drug is not specified.

Pieces of fish or meat “seasoned” with boric acid can also be used as bait. This option is especially effective in early spring, as it allows you to get rid of the larvae, which the adults feed with protein foods.

Depending on the number of wasps, you can get rid of colonies using traps in a few days or a few weeks.

Video: making a trap for wasps

Glue trap

It's easy to make a glue trap:

  1. Treat a sheet of cardboard with a thick layer of non-drying glue (type Alt).
  2. Place bait in the center: an insect that lands on the structure will not fly off.

Poison from fly agarics

Poisonous mushrooms can be useful in the fight against wasps:

  1. Finely chop 3 fly agaric caps, combine with a glass of water and 100 g of honey.
  2. Cook for 3–5 minutes.
  3. Pour into canning jars.
  4. Place in areas with the greatest concentration of wasps.

Fly agarics can also be used for the benefit of humans if they are made into poison for wasps

Poisoned Meat

Among the “experienced”, the following method is common:

  1. Hang a piece of meat in a place where wasps often gather.
  2. After a couple of days, when the insects get used to feasting on the bait, douse it with DDT or chlorophos.
  3. Place a bucket of water under the hanging piece: poisoned individuals will fall into the container. This is necessary to protect birds that will begin to pick up insects lying on the ground.

Help from specialists

  • are allergic to wasp stings;
  • the nest is in hard to reach place(under a concrete pit, inside a wall, too high, etc.);
  • The wasp's home is too big.

Special cases

If a nest appears in a residential area, it is better to avoid using toxic substances or, as a last resort, use those that have no odor. It is necessary to remove or cover food products with film and make sure that other household members are not at home.

If the nest is out of reach

Insects can take up residence in pipes, in cracks under the floor, under sheathing and other locations that make it difficult for humans to access their shelter. In this case, you should trust the experience of professionals, but the bravest ones recommend:

  1. Lime wasps (using special means or nearby baits and traps).
  2. Seal the cracks leading to the nest. It makes no sense to use polyurethane foam for this purpose: judging by the reviews, insects chew through it and get out.

There is an opinion that you can hang a pod of hot pepper next to a hard-to-reach wasp nest, and the insects themselves will change the location, since they cannot stand the aroma of the hot pod.

Nest in an apartment building

Getting rid of the nest in apartment building, it is important to follow the recommendations:

  • do not use toxic drugs;
  • make sure that other household members and especially children are not in the apartment;
  • install mosquito nets, sewer grates and treat them with mint or citrus essential oils or vinegar to prevent wasps from entering neighboring apartments;
  • Before destroying the nest, warn neighbors so that they take necessary measures security.

If wasps have settled in an apartment building, the nest should be destroyed with extreme caution.


To protect yourself from repeated “invasion” of wasps, you need to:

  • in winter, carefully walk around the house and pay attention to cracks in the walls, floors, doorway, openings of an open valve, emergency exit and other locations convenient for placing a wasp nest: they must be carefully sealed;
  • destroy empty nests left for the winter;
  • Empty trash cans and bins regularly and wash them with disinfectant: the smell of rotting food can attract wasps;
  • fruit trees- a tasty morsel for wasps, so if there are any, you need to collect fruits in a timely manner and pick up those that have fallen to the ground;
  • hang a fake nest: wasps rarely build nests near other colonies, as they are very territorial, an artificial, beautifully decorated nest can be bought at the store or you can make do with a brown paper bag.
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If residents living in a private house notice that wasps are often circling around them, then they should urgently check whether they have built a nest in the house itself or somewhere nearby. If you find it, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Wasps not only sting painfully, but are also carriers of many dangerous infections. In addition, they can attack a person for no reason. How to remove a wasp's nest? Let's look at the most effective folk methods.

Wasps often settle near a person’s home, thereby causing him a lot of problems. They make their nests in barns, attics, in cracks behind the upholstery of balconies and walls, under the roofs of houses. Even if there is only one nest on the territory of the dacha, this causes a person to experience constant anxiety.

It is dangerous to approach insects’ homes closer than 2–3 meters, because they may regard a person as a threat and attack him with a swarm. In addition, it is necessary even if there is no nest on the site, but insects continue to visit here large quantities, causing damage.

If this does not help, then there is another effective method, but it also takes longer. You can spray the entrance to the shelter of these insects with contact insecticides (Delta Zone, Het, Lambda Zone). Their concentration should be increased.

After this, the layer of the drug should be renewed regularly every 2-3 days. Wasps crawling on the treated surface die within a few hours. If you can’t get close to the nest in any way, then you have to call a pest control service or firefighters. They eliminate the nest in half an hour without the participation of residents of a private house.

There is no person in the world who has not seen wasps at least once in his life. Everyone knows that you can’t touch them; they can bite you pretty hard.

This is an insect whose body is painted with yellow and black stripes. Depending on the species, its length ranges from 2 to 3.5 cm. There are two pairs of wings on the back, and the rear ones are closely connected to the front ones and there is a feeling that there are only two of them.

The eyes consist of a large number of facets, this gives them the ability to look in different directions at the same time. In addition to compound eyes, she has three more eyes, which are located at the top of her head.

The insect is also interesting because it has multifunctional antennae. They play the role of organs of smell and touch, in addition to taste buds.

Features of the life activity of wasps, their role

Insects live in nests, which are built from a material similar to cardboard. They cannot secrete wax. They build spherical nests, which they try to place under a rocky surface, on branches, under the roofs of residential buildings.

The nests contain hexagonal cells, which are arranged in several tiers.

The colony exists for one summer period, subsequently the males and worker wasps die. Only fertilized females remain overwintering.

When spring comes, she independently begins to build a new home for herself. To search for a new place, they quite often fly into a person’s home, attic space and other buildings.

They mainly feed their offspring with small insects, including arachnids. Adults consume flower nectars as food, as well as blood, which they suck from their victims.

Basically, most individuals are accustomed to living alone. Only the female is capable of caring for future offspring.

The most dangerous are vespins and hornets. They are capable of painfully stinging their prey several times with their sting.

In addition to harm, insects of this species also bring enormous benefits. They effectively destroy pests and prevent them from multiplying quickly. They, like bees, perfectly pollinate plants, therefore, they take part in the reproduction of useful plants.

For example, in some countries, to attract gardens, special plants are planted for them, in the form of bait.

Wasps can bite a person, but, as noted, they only pursue the one who offended them.

Ways to get rid of a wasp nest

There are many options for destruction. They can be destroyed using chemicals, all kinds folk ways, destroy manually, i.e. physically.


Chemical products are currently sold in retail outlets in huge quantities. It is noteworthy that they can be destroyed with drugs that are used to control household pests.

For example, you can use the following tools:

  • Karbofos. A proven and inexpensive product that will effectively kill insects. It has one drawback - it smells quite sharp and unpleasant.
  • Get. Modern and powerful tool, which destroys wasps and other insects, without negatively affecting people and pets.
  • Cucaracha. Very effective drug, however, it can sometimes be quite difficult to find it in retail outlets.
  • Executioner.
  • Raptor.
  • Pesticide aerosol.
  • Minap 22 and others.

Standard garden preparations used to kill pests have an excellent effect.

Important! You should pay attention to the fact that drugs that are made in the form of a spray or aerosol work best. Extermination powders will not help; it is impossible to sprinkle the nest with them, but they can be used to prepare baits.

Gels for killing cockroaches will be a great help. They can treat the surface near the nest in several places. In this case, the adults will eat the gel themselves and also bring it to the nest to feed the larvae and the queen.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used quite often. These include various methods, which people came up with and use them effectively.

One of the most effective ways- is to poison insects. This will take a lot of time (from several days to 1-2 weeks). This option will work great if people rarely appear in the areas where wasp nests are located.

The following option works great:

  • Take a bowl or a used tin can.
  • Place bait inside the container. To do this, you can take honey and a little beer (you can do without it, the main thing in this case is a sweet bait.)
  • Add 0.5 - 1 tsp. boric acid or borax (this will be a poisonous substance).
  • Mix all the listed ingredients thoroughly.
  • At night, when the insects are in a sleepy state, place the bait near the nest.
  • If, after the “treat” is eaten, the wasps are still alive, place another part of the prepared mixture.
  • Boric acid has a poisonous effect not only on cockroaches in the apartment, but also on wasps. For this reason, poisonous baits are prepared on its basis.

As practice shows, after a few weeks, all flying representatives die. It should be noted that this poisonous agent is fed to the larvae and the queen, so they also die.

This option can be used by placing containers with the mixture on attic spaces and other residential buildings.

Physical methods are also used quite often.

For example, you could apply the following:

  • Burn the hated nest. It’s worth noting right away that this option is not only effective, but also a fire hazard. The nest will burn with a huge flame. Such actions must be performed very carefully and under constant supervision. You cannot use this method when there are objects made of paper, wallpaper, wood or plastic nearby.
  • You can drown a wasp's nest. This option is very effective, but requires maximum skill. To use this method, you need to fill the container with water to the very brim, and at night raise it so that the nest is completely in the water.

The container with the liquid should stand for several hours. To make sure that the insects are completely dead, you need to knock on the nest with some object. If the buzzing is not heard, then all the inhabitants are dead. In any case, this option is very dangerous.

  • Another the right way. At night, using polyurethane foam, process the nest. As it expands, it will cover the entire settlement; the insects will have nowhere to go and will die inside their home. In the morning all that remains is to tear the nest off and throw it away.

Fighting ground wasps and their nests

They received their name exclusively among the people; scientists do not have such a name. The only difference is that the wasps made their nest in the ground.

There may be several reasons: lack of space on roofs, attics, or they decided to take a convenient nest for them of some small animal. They are called paper wasps; their life activity is no different from other insects.

You can get rid of them using the same traditional methods:

  • You can burn the nest. To do this, you need to pour gasoline or kerosene into it and carefully set it on fire. The wasp's home will completely burn out along with its inhabitants.
  • Pour boiling water over the nest. It should be noted that this option may not bring the desired result the first time, so the procedure must be repeated. After each treatment, you should close the entrance to the nest with something heavy and sealed so that angry individuals cannot get out and bite a person.
  • Insecticides can be used. Need to do strong solution funds and fill the nest with it. For this purpose, take Cucaracha, Dichlorvos, Aktara. Plug the entrance to the nest with a rag treated with the same preparation. The option is quite effective, but expensive.
  • Baits placed near the nest are also widely used. Dissolves in syrup or honey boric acid or other odorless poison. Insects die when they eat it. The mixture must be constantly added and within 2 weeks it will completely die.

Whatever options people use to get rid of dangerous insects, you should not forget about safety precautions so that the results do not turn out to be disastrous.

Precautions and mistakes when destroying nests

The fight always requires special attention to avoid being bitten by these insects. It often happens that wasps, defending their home, can attack a person in a swarm, which will lead to disastrous results.

When performing disposal procedures, you should follow simple rules:

  • All work must be done at night, when the wasps fall asleep and become inactive.
  • You need to wear a protective robe, beekeeper mask, gloves and goggles.
  • You need to move smoothly, carefully, without sudden unnecessary movements or screams.

If something goes wrong, you need to leave, but smoothly and calmly.

Wasps can pounce and bite you hard. Under no circumstances should you shout or wave your arms; this will make the insects more aggressive. You need to return to your intended goal after a few hours, when they calm down. It is best to postpone the destruction procedure for a day.

What to do after destroying a nest?

  • After the destruction actions have been carried out, it is necessary to quickly leave the “battlefield”.
  • If the fight was against earth wasps, after treatment it is necessary to seal or bury the place where the nest was located.
  • During the entire winter period, it is necessary to knock down and destroy all nests found.
  • You can hang several fake nests on trees. The fact is that wasps are territorial insects and will not settle close to other colonies. This can perfectly deceive insects.
  • There is no need to plant fruit trees and shrubs near the house. Fallen fruits attract insects, and they can build a nest nearby.
  • Keep trash cans and trash cans hermetically sealed; the smell of food will attract insects, and they can settle in the trash can.
  • Behind winter period seal all cracks and holes. This is necessary so that the wasps cannot return back at the beginning of spring.

What to do if bitten by a wasp?

Vinegars can lead to various irreversible consequences.


  • A sharp pain occurs at the site of injury.
  • Swelling near the bite appears very quickly.
  • Unbearable itching appears.
  • The body begins to turn red, and the temperature at the site of injury rises.

The first thing to do after getting injured is:

  • Don't panic and calm down as much as possible.
  • Try to suck the poison out of the wound.
  • Apply an acidic product (a piece of apple, orange or lemon) to the damaged area. This will help neutralize the toxic substance in a wound that has not healed.
  • After this, apply a cold object: a product from freezer, cold metal, a piece of ice.
  • To prevent an allergic reaction, take a Suprastin tablet.
  • If a wasp has bitten a child, treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or vodka.
  • Apply a compress to the bite site. This will slow down the movement of blood flow, along with it the spread of poison throughout the body.
  • The compress should be kept for at least half an hour, then lubricate with a drug that helps relieve inflammation, itching and swelling. These include Fenistil, Insectline, Menovazin.
  • With absence medicines , you can add parsley root, a clove of garlic, a slice of lemon. Will help great essential oil, moisten a cloth with it and apply vinegar to the area.
  • If allergic reactions occur, immediately visit a medical facility.