How to set a speed limit on a Wi-Fi router. Limiting Wi-Fi distribution speed for other users within the network

On several devices at the same time, and it is important to distribute the connection supply evenly. This situation occurs when most of the access to the network goes to one of the users, which makes it impossible for everyone else to use the Internet normally. This can happen when someone is playing online or downloading a movie, and everyone else's speed immediately drops.

Any user can check their Internet speed for free

Therefore, it is worth knowing how to distribute it evenly or reduce it for individual devices. This is the case when an access point is created using a router or router.

All the following actions are performed through the router settings. They can be found in the browser - we enter your IP in the address bar and after pressing the Enter key a menu will appear.

Select the DHCP section, then select the DHCP Server item and in the window that opens, check the Enable option. Stops at the Line Type line - here you need to select the method of connecting to the network. Next, move on to the two lines below - Egress Bandwidth and Ingress Bandwidth. Here we enter the transmission speed provided by the provider, but in Kbits.

How to convert Mbit to Kbit? We simply multiply the Mbit value by 1024, for example, 10*1024 = 10240.

Then select the Bandwidth Control section in the settings, a tab called “Rules list”. Here you can specify the addresses that are subject to speed limits when connecting to the network. Click on “Add new”, and now all that remains is to fill in the following fields:

  • Select Enable.
  • In the IP Range line, enter the range of addresses. Where do you get their values ​​from? At the very beginning, when we confirmed the Enable option in the router settings, the addresses that we transferred here were listed below by default.
  • The Port Range line can be left blank; in the Max Bandwidth boxes we write the maximum possible speed for other devices connected to your network. Calculate it at your own discretion, for example, if you have 10 Mbit/s, then you can set a limit of up to 3 Mbit/s.

After filling out all the lines, click Save, reboot the router, and as a result, it will have a limited Internet supply for those devices whose IP address is included in the designated range. That is, you will be provided with all the speed in in full, and other users will receive it within the limits you set. These parameters can be easily adjusted or deleted if necessary.

Limit Internet speed for specific devices

Another situation concerns cases where the distribution speed is reduced for individual equipment that uses your network. Then you need to mark it in the settings in order to set a lower network access speed.

What is needed for this?

Again, go through the browser and your IP to the connection settings. Select the DHCP section, Address Reservation tab. By pressing the Add new key, we can designate a specific device in the router for which we will restrict access. But to do this, you first need to fill in the line with the MAC address.

How to find it?

  1. If the equipment has already been connected to your router, in the DHCP section, select DHCP Clients List - here are the addresses of all devices that used this access point.
  2. If the user has not connected to the network, to find out the address of his device, you need to go to Total Commander and enter ipconfig /all. As a result, you will be provided with the adapter parameters, and the parameter we need is indicated in the “Physical Address” line.

So, when we have filled out the first line, enter the IP address at our discretion, select Enable in the drop-down line, and save the changes. Now we reboot the router and see if the changes take effect - go to the DHCP Clients List, where you should see the entered device with the address assigned to it.

To add it to the list for restricting access, select the Bandwidth Control section in the settings menu, the Rules List tab, where we again click on create a new item (Add new). As usual, select the Enable item, and in the IP Range line indicate the address we previously assigned to change Wi-Fi speed- connections for the user. Next, enter maximum speed submit the connection in the Max Bandwidth(Kbps) item, save the changes made.

Can be limited Wi-Fi access for any equipment that uses your network

So, we have limited Internet access for a single device. Similarly, you can bind other users to addresses to reduce access to your network. To make sure that all settings work, go to the Bandwidth Control Rules List and see all the active rules.

What to do when you get an error?

Sometimes, when creating a constraint, you may be presented with a window indicating that the rule contradicts all other previously created exceptions. Therefore, they just need to be removed for the router to work correctly.

Bypassing restriction rules and how to avoid them

Anyone who wants to use your Internet to its fullest extent can simply change their IP while continuing to use all the available speed. If you want to protect yourself from this, you can completely block access to the network for other users so that they cannot connect to your Wi-Fi point.

We use the parameters of your equipment again: select the Wireless section and the MAC Filtering tab. The primary task is to add your device here. To do this, click on “Add new” and enter your MAC address, description - you can write “Administrator”, traditionally select Enable from the drop-down list.

Only now we are closing access to everyone else.

In the same tab, select the line “Allow the stations specified...”, which means that the network connection is available to those who are on the list of MAC addresses. If you want to allow access to several more devices, you can add them to the list - we have already found out how to do this.

Important! Always add your computer to the list first, otherwise you will deny access to everyone without exception - that is, to yourself.

Now only users from the list will be able to use your Internet, and if you want to bypass the network access restriction, it will be completely lost.

Checking the installed parameters

If you want to make sure that the settings you set are working, there are special sites for this where you can check your Internet speed. Finding them is quite easy using the search engines of any browser.

Limiting the speed over WI-Fi is a procedure that will take little time, but will give excellent result. If several people use the Internet at once, their equipment has different parameters, so setting a certain speed for each of them will allow it to be distributed evenly and avoid problems with quick access.

It is not uncommon for one Internet connection to be used by several people at the same time. For example, this is what most often happens with home sharing. Because of this, sometimes you have to deal with a natural consequence - the problem of low speed.

In practice, everything looks like this. Suppose that there are two computers that at the same time use the same connection to requests and/or initializes them first. Speaking in simple language, if someone enables downloading a file using a torrent client, then another user best case scenario may be content with reading texts and checking email. But if you enter then this problem can be easily solved. And quickly and simply. In addition, by understanding how to limit Internet speed, it is quite possible to organize the distribution of traffic to several users, while saving on paying for provider services. This is how knowledge can bring profit.

How to limit Internet speed

So, there are two ways to control traffic: software and hardware. Moreover, the first is divided into two groups: built-in operating system tools and using third-party applications. Both the first and second methods allow you to limit Internet speed, but have a number of characteristic features. Thus, hardware is practically independent of the computing capabilities of computer components and can work effectively even with older systems. But the second one is more flexible in configuration and relatively cheap (although this is not a rule). The choice depends on the user’s requirements, ability to work with devices/programs and financial capabilities. By the way, Internet traffic accounting is easy to set up in both cases.

Hardware method

To implement it you will need special device- router. Prices budget models start from $10-15, which makes them an interesting offer. If there are few users, then it makes sense to register a unique IP address on each computer. Afterwards, you need to go to its settings (the address for the browser is indicated in the instructions or on the sticker) and select “DHCP - Address Reservation” from the list. Here you need to add each computer, specifying unique MAC and IP addresses (can be viewed in properties. After rebooting the router, you should check the “DHCP Client List” - all computers should be visible. To now limit the Internet speed for each IP address, you need to go to “Control bandwidth - List of rules." Here you need to add the address and register downloads and uploads.

It is also recommended to configure MAC address filtering in the wireless mode section, which will protect the connection from receiving full speed by any user who, for his part, has changed the network card identifier.

Software method

In this case, preference should be given to specialized programs (rather than built into Windows solutions like QoS). You can install a local HandyCache proxy server and specify a restriction in it. The disadvantage is that you will have to configure the network in such a way that other computers gain access through one - the main one, on which the proxy is installed. The Traffic Shaper XP program is also very famous. It allows you to set speed limits. Once configured, you can start using a single connection on each computer.

Sometimes it may be necessary to limit the speed of the router, or rather, the speed of data transfer from it to connected devices.

For example, this situation may arise if, due to the large number of connected devices, the video streaming speed on the main computer slows down.

Today, the most common routers among ordinary users are TP-Link routers. That is why we will consider an example with such a router. In fact, the settings in routers from different manufacturers are not much different, so based on this example, you can make similar manipulations with other routers.

How to limit the speed of a router?

All TP-Link routers have a special item in the settings Bandwidth Control, which is designed specifically to limit the connection speed with various devices. It is with this router menu item that we will work today.

Limit speed for all connected devices

TP-Link routers limit the connection speed to devices using the IP protocol, so we need to find a menu item in the settings DHCP(this is a separate tab with several sub-items).

To limit the speed, this router service must be enabled, so if it is disabled, you must enable it by checking the box next to “ Enable ».

After turning on the service, go to the menu item Bandwidth Control and enable this service using the same checkbox opposite the item “ Enable Bandwidth Control ».

Next, next to the menu item “ Line Type» select the type of existing connection. If this ADSL, then indicate it, if not, then put a tick next to the item “ Other ».

In field Egress Bandwidth indicate the maximum upload speed, and in the field Ingress Bandwidth you must specify the maximum incoming speed, that is, the speed allocated by the Internet provider.

Save the changes using the button " Save" and go to the tab, put a tick next to the item " Enebl e" and indicate the range of IP addresses of devices for which the connection speed will be limited. Since we want to limit the speed for all connected devices, we you must specify the IP range from to .

All that remains is to set the speed limit. To do this you need to fill in the fields Egress Bandwidth - Max Bandwidth(Kbps) and Ingress Bandwidth - Max Bandwidth(Kbps). Here we indicate the maximum outgoing and incoming connection speed for all connected devices.

Important! All devices will share the specified speed evenly.

Limit speed for a specific device

Since the router limits the speed by IP addresses, first we need to assign the MAC address of the connected device to a specific IP.

To do this, go to the settings tab DHCP - Address Reservatio n and press the button Add New… ».

Opposite the point MAC Address Enter the MAC of the device for which the connection speed will be limited. Then into the field Reserved IP Address assign an IP address to the device. In field Status put " Eneble" and press the button " Save ».

After this procedure the router should be rebooted .

Now go to the tab again Bandwidth Control - Rules List and click the button Add New…" According to the scheme described above, indicate the IP address of the device, put a checkmark next to the item “ Eneble"and set the maximum download and upload speed. Save the created script with the “ Save ».

That's it, the procedure for limiting the speed of the router is completed.

July 3, 2014 | comments: 0

Now I will show you ways to limit the speed on a Wi-Fi router

1 Method

If you are using a router or router to create a wireless access point, then open its settings menu. To do this, enter the IP address of this equipment into the browser line and press Enter. Open the wireless network setup menu. If the capabilities of this router model allow you to enable the 802.11 network (without letters), then the speed of the channel will automatically be limited to 1 Mbit/s. Please note that this value will be divided by the number of connected Wi-Fi networks devices.

2 Method

If the Wi-Fi router does not work with this type of radio signal, then find the item “Connection Speed” or Connection Speed. Install desired value from 1 to 54. Save the settings and reboot the router.

3 Method

If you are using a desktop computer and a Wi-Fi adapter to create a wireless access point, then first try to reduce the channel speed using the Windows system functions. Open the properties of “My Computer” and go to Device Manager. Find your wireless adapter and right-click on its name. Select Properties. Open the "Advanced" tab and enable 802.11 operating mode.

4 Method

If this Wi-Fi adapter does not support this type of radio signal, then install the NetLimiter program and run it. Now find the device you need in the list that appears and set the Internet access speed parameters for it. Be sure to fill out both items: Incoming and Outgoing. The speed values ​​in this utility are determined in kilobytes.

5 Method

As an alternative to the NetLiniter program, you can use the TMeter and Traffic Inspector utilities. Be sure to save the created filters to avoid the need to re-configure the utility after restarting the computer.

Internet speed depends on how busy the service operator's channel is. Therefore, many are interested in how to limit the Internet speed to ensure maximum efficient distribution resources.

This will allow you to connect several users to one device, while providing them with the constant required bandwidth and, accordingly, speed. You can influence the speed by slowing it down or speeding it up. To do this, you will need to use a toolkit that will help reduce traffic consumption. An example of such a software product is Tmeter.

Initial actions

If you don't know how to limit Internet speed using this product, then we can help. To reduce traffic consumption, it is necessary to use filtering by IP addresses. To find all IP addresses (to assign specific filters to them), you need to enable software Tmeter. In the main menu of this program, you need to find and open menu items such as “Configuration” and “Filter Set”. Then click on the “Edit” button, which makes it possible to edit the files, then create a new settings file. To do this, in the settings, click on the “Master filter” line. After this, select the “Speed ​​Limit” menu and set the required value there.

Optional speed limit

How to limit the Internet speed, except by entering its value? There are some options that can also limit traffic. For example, there is an option “Amount of traffic consumed”, that is, when a certain amount of traffic is reached, access to the Internet is automatically blocked. But this option has disadvantages. Network control must check the computers on the network and all the actions that take place on them. In addition, when the host computer is not working or is turned off, the network control settings will be disrupted. For this reason, programmers suggest limiting the Internet speed on your computer using the router settings, and then you can connect special programs.

Limiting speed using a router

How to limit Internet speed for all devices running through routers? An example is the TP-Link router. These devices use IP addresses to limit speed. This is done by the DHCP service. In order to check if it works, you need to enter the address in the browser's address bar: or, which is the address for testing connections, then you will be asked for a login and password to enter the settings. Login and password: admin. In the settings, go to the DHCP tab. If it says "Enabled", then the service is enabled. In the settings of this type of router there is a menu that is responsible for setting the Bandwidth Control speed limit. You need to go into it and in the Line Type section select the connection type. In the Egress Bandwidth field, indicate the highest outgoing speed (it is better to indicate the one given by the provider). In the next field Ingress Bandwidth - the maximum incoming speed. In order to limit the Internet speed on your computer, select a limit for a specific protocol in the Protocol menu.
