How to decorate a large room for the New Year.

It is approaching by leaps and bounds: Christmas trees are lit in city squares, store windows are flashing with multi-colored lights, snow-covered streets and avenues are elegant and mysterious - we are especially keenly in the New Year's mood. I want to throw all worries out of my head and completely plunge into the joyful pre-holiday bustle.

Well, it's time to think about how to decorate your apartment for the New Year. After all, home is the center of our little Universe, and on holidays it simply must be filled with comfort and a wonderful mood. That is why decorating an apartment for the New Year is almost as joyful and exciting as the holiday itself.

So, let's begin our pleasant chores. Let's go shopping and look at decorative accessories. To make the design look harmonious, it is better to think over the general concept in advance and style decision. Moreover, it can be different for each room. Our thoughts on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year, photos and tips given in the article, we hope, will help the reader make a choice.

How to decorate a living room

In the most important room of the house, all family members will gather, the table will be set for the holiday, and gifts will be presented. Therefore, the highest demands are placed on its decoration! It should be truly festive and solemn.

How to beautifully decorate an apartment for the New Year? Of course, the center of events has always been and remains the Christmas tree. If in previous years it was exclusively natural, cut down in the forest, and later - sometimes even artificial (when the fashion for such trees began to spread rapidly), then today there is a third option. This is the rental of a live spruce tree in a pot, which is brought from the nursery and returned there after the holiday. This modern and environmentally friendly option was greeted with enthusiasm by those who are not indifferent to the issue of deforestation.

But the choice of artificial Christmas trees in our time amazes with the variety and imagination of manufacturers. There are so many fluffy beauties you won’t see in elegant shop windows on New Year’s Eve! If classical green spruce you are already “bored”, you can easily choose an option in a luxurious silver color or, for example, an elegant snow-white tree. Some of them are sold already with a full set of decorations. But, in our opinion, it is much more interesting to decorate the spruce yourself.

Decorating our tree

There are also a lot of options for decorating spruce. Children, as a rule, are delighted with toy animals and fairy tale characters hanging on the branches, and especially with sweets, tangerines hanging on a thread and everything that is so pleasant to discover among the branches and eat with pleasure!

“Advanced” adults, having seen enough of Western catalogs with options for Christmas home decoration, often choose strict and stylish decor with balls of the same shape and a single, but exquisite color. Sometimes a couple of colors are chosen and the interior is completely decorated “under them”.

There is nothing sweeter for the older generation than getting old toys from the mezzanine - witnesses of an unforgettable youth. These fragile glass figurines with naive, in modern opinion, decor are particularly warm and, of course, have every right to be present at the holiday.

It is considered fashionable and modern to hang cute handmade toys on the Christmas tree, like self-made, and purchased from handmade masters. These fabric dolls, stars, horses, angels have a wonderful property of bringing comfort and peace to the house.

For the New Year it definitely includes something like this important element decor, like candles. How could we live without them? Several large ones, in luxurious, exquisitely shaped candlesticks, or many small ones, “scattered” on the table - these “living lights” have an extraordinary, downright magical appeal.

Let's move on to the bedroom

It's time to continue our efforts and think about how to decorate the entire apartment for the New Year, and not just the living room. Let's go to the bedroom.

“Why decorate it?” you ask. “After all, you practically don’t have to sleep on New Year’s Eve.” But a holiday is a holiday! Flashy luxury is not needed in the bedroom; it is better to give preference to delicate white, blue and silver shades.

We suggest changing the usual bedspread to a “winter” one - snow-white or blue, scattering it around the bed decorative pillows silver color, and the usual bedroom will magically be transformed into a room from Snow White's castle!

Place glass balls on the windowsills (or hang them on the windows) (we’ll talk about decorating windows later), and to avoid the feeling of cold, take care of beautiful candles.

How to decorate a children's room

It is especially important to know how to decorate your apartment for the New Year to please your children. After all, they are looking forward to the holiday the most - the kids are still living in a fairy tale. That's why it's so important not to disappoint them. In the New Year's decoration of a children's room, the main thing is a feeling of celebration and safety.

A great idea is to put a separate small Christmas tree in your child’s room. Your baby will be delighted with his own tree! When decorating it, put away fragile glass toys. Textile, plastic and small wooden decorations - best option for a baby who should not accidentally get hurt or get upset because of a broken ball. In addition, such toys can always be removed from the Christmas tree and put on a fabulous show.

Paper garlands hung throughout the room, New Year-themed posters and panels - with Santa Claus, bunnies, snowmen, and favorite characters - will transform the interior so wonderfully! You can buy them ready-made, since the choice is huge now. Or you can start creating drawings and posters yourself - if time allows.

Of course, the child must definitely participate in this! The opportunity to decorate an apartment immediately raises the baby’s eye in your own eyes. Even if the baby is still very small, his drawings and other “works” should take their rightful place in the festive decoration of the nursery. And how much joy the process of such creativity will bring!

And one more thing - in such a matter as decorating an apartment for the New Year, photos of the child himself and the atmosphere of last year’s holiday will also not be superfluous, and in the children’s room they will come in handy.

The kitchen can also be “dressed up”

This is especially important for the housewife - after all, during the holidays she will have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And the mood should remain creative and upbeat. A suitable mood can be created by garlands suspended from the ceiling and decorative balls or funny souvenirs laid out on shelves. The main thing is that they do not interfere with the owner.

Small kitchen area it is decorated in the best possible way with small spruce branches, cones, bright ribbons, small shiny balls of the same color. From all this you can collect decorative garlands and place them on the walls.

You can update your interior for the holiday by purchasing new oven mitts and towels: with snowmen, reindeer, and Santa Claus. Oranges make wonderful aromatic decorations - just cut the peel in several places and stick in sprigs of cloves or other spices. And again, don't forget about candles.

Let's take care of the dining room

How to decorate an apartment that has a separate dining room for the New Year? It should also be decorated festively. The center of the composition, of course, is the table, at which the family will raise glasses of champagne. Here, perhaps, the most important design element is elegant textile curtains with a New Year’s theme: snowflakes, deer, etc.).

Tiny Christmas trees made of glass or fabric, vases with small shiny balls, gold-plated or silver-plated cones, which can even be placed on the backs of chairs, are great for decorating the table.

When choosing napkins and tablecloths, pay attention to the “classics” of the New Year: red, golden, green and white. Between beautifully folded napkins you can place mini-surprises for each family member: Christmas trees, souvenirs, small cards with a short congratulations tied to candy.

We decorate the doors and hallway

The custom of decorating the front door with a Christmas tree wreath came to us from the West and has already taken root. In addition, to decorate doorways (in the hallway and not only) it is customary to use all kinds of pendants and garlands. But it is important to adhere to a sense of proportion. Try to maintain the overall style and color scheme.

To create a New Year's mood right from the start, you can put a small Christmas tree or a bouquet on the cabinet in the hallway. Or attach individual branches in the corners. Hallway lighting would be quite appropriate: perfect for this purpose New Year's garlands or large silver snowflakes suspended in the opening on threads. And you can easily paint the mirror or depict a winter landscape on it.

New Year's window

What better way? If possible, change the curtains to white ones with a silver pattern, and a “winter” mood is guaranteed! The top window openings can be additionally decorated with garlands of silver snowflakes, place candles on the window sills and hang several bright decorations in golden-red tones.

Complemented by a snowy landscape behind the glass, your windows will look like a real work of art. And if you add an electric garland to their decoration, then you will be in a New Year's mood as soon as you approach the house!

In addition, drawings on glass are always in fashion. Apply them spray paints or ordinary watercolor on a stencil - paper figures glued to glass, which are then removed. However, you can use the most ordinary thin brush.

How to decorate a one-room apartment for the New Year: decor options

But what to do if living conditions do not allow you to create on a grand scale? Let's say yours is tight, just studio apartment. Should you really give up your favorite holiday decor ideas?

Nothing like this! Now we will look at several ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year if there is only one room. First of all, let's think about making the right choice Christmas trees Because of limited space Unfortunately, you will have to give up buying large spruce. What are the alternatives?

There are usually three of them. Or you bring a miniature tree from the Christmas tree market, fresh and smelling of pine needles, install it in a previously vacated “festive” corner and arrange an elegant composition on its basis. Of course, you can’t do a round dance, but overall the corner can look very cute and stylish.

Or go the other way - buy an artificial Christmas tree of a suitable size and a pine-scented scent for it. After the holiday, you can easily disassemble your structure, fold it more compactly and put it away on the mezzanine for a year - why not an option for owners of small apartments? In addition, you don’t have to sweep up the pine needles.

Other ideas for the New Year if there is a lack of space

Finally, you can always organize a Christmas tree bouquet, or even several, arranging them in beautiful ceramic vases. From such bouquets you can make small “Christmas trees” of any desired size, even the most miniature ones, and the base - vases or jars of water - can be beautifully draped with cotton wool and decorated with sparkles. It is quite possible to place real gifts for children under such a Christmas tree.

If there are sorely not enough horizontal surfaces for mounting Christmas tree bouquets, a composition of Christmas tree branches in the form of a wreath can be hung somewhere in a visible place (to save space - in a window opening).

Comfort in small apartment will create tinsel, it does not take up much space and drapes beautifully anywhere: on chandeliers, curtains, mirrors. Well, most of all, the same candles will create a romantic atmosphere, especially if you plan to celebrate the New Year with just the two of you.

New Year - traditional holiday, which is celebrated by many peoples once every 365 days on the night from December 31 to January 1. It is on this night that fabulous magic happens, since only on New Year’s Day all adults become children for a while and also begin to believe in miracles. However, a few days before the celebration, it is necessary to prepare the house for the celebration. In this article we will talk about how to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2020.

In what style should you decorate your apartment in 2020?

Before you start decorating your apartment, inspiration should come to you, as it will increase your motivation for creativity, reinforce the clarity of your ideas and help you successfully implement your plans. Then you must choose an option for decorating the apartment, but since there are many decorating styles, we will tell you only about the most fashionable and popular ones.

Russian style

This design option is best done in a separate room, and in the rest, keep the neutral classics, since modern furniture will not combine with it. Since this style is mainly characterized by a Russian stove, it must be made first. The stove can be drawn either on a poster or made from an ordinary rectangular table. You need to make a copy of it as accurately as possible. To do this, you need to depict a fire in the firebox, and also draw a stone in it. To make this image more natural, find some real logs and put them on the stove, and the Russian-style room will be ready.

Western style

Western style has many different variations, but Scandinavian style is considered the most New Year's style. To recreate it, you need to arm yourself with a variety of images of deer. They can be on pillowcases, napkins, pictures, towels, etc. This design also provides for the presence of a natural Christmas tree without elaborate decoration. For table setting, use a red and white color scheme, and hang the garland on the wall in the form of some kind of New Year's inscription. That's it, now your apartment will have a Western style.

In Feng Shui style

This style allows you to place New Year's toys, garlands, tinsel and other decorations in any place convenient for you. The Christmas tree can be placed in any form: natural, artificial, in the form of a craft, etc. The best place the center of the room will be for it, but if you can’t place it there, then you can choose the western or northeastern direction.

Decorating the entrance doors

Before we go home, we immediately see the entrance doors, so our New Year's mood depends on how we decorate them. In general, all the doors that are in the house need to be decorated, since they are always in front of our eyes.

The most beautiful and original decoration is a wreath. You can not only buy it in a special store, but also weave it yourself from ordinary branches, tinsel and balls. The second option, of course, will be much more economical, but will take more free time. In addition, you can use tape to secure the rain and regular New Year's balls, which will also decorate the doors. Instead of a wreath, you can cut out funny New Year figures from paper. To secure them, you need to use tape.

How to beautifully decorate windows

Windows are the most viewed part of an apartment from the street, which should definitely be decorated, as they will delight not only you, but also passers-by.

Figured or regular candles are quite suitable for decoration. They need to be placed on the windowsills in a stand decorated with rain, pine cones, etc., and a couple of tangerines and some sweets should be placed next to them for beauty.

On the window itself, you can draw New Year's figures with white gouache, and then cut out snowflakes and other New Year's characters from paper. You need to glue the resulting figures with PVA glue and a brush, so that after the celebration you can easily remove them from the window.

Using tinsel, you can make various inscriptions, for example, “2020,” and you need to glue beautiful New Year’s toys or pine cones onto the frames.

How to decorate a balcony

The option for decorating a balcony in an apartment depends on whether it is insulated or not. If so, then it is decorated with small flowers, as well as a natural Christmas tree in a pot, which will delight you for many New Years. On the sides you can hang golden tinsel in the form of bells. Place a lamp on the table and arrange various New Year's toys around it. All this will help create a festive atmosphere on the balcony; below we have collected interesting ideas for your balcony.

New Year's wall decor

Decorating walls and ceilings in an apartment is very simple. To do this, you just need to use the ideas of the decor that is more preferable to you. Ceilings are usually decorated with paper garlands, which you can make yourself with the whole family, which will also allow you to unite as a single team.

And here are some tips for you on what and how best to decorate to make it look very beautiful:

  1. A garland is great for any interior, but even one garland will not be enough.
  2. In the store you can buy cheap posters with New Year's images and stick them on the wall. Such posters and figures are good because after the holiday they can be carefully peeled off and saved until next year.
  3. If someone in the family is interested in knitting, then you can take some yarn and use it to put on the wall a Santa Claus hat with a pom-pom in the form of a piece of cotton wool, a Snowman and much more. Such fun homemade things doubly lift your spirits.
  4. Large socks for gifts will also look nice on the wall. They can be pinned with a button or glued to double-sided tape. But then you need to sign every sock for every family member.
  5. Small branches hanging on a string from the wall look very cute and stylish.
  6. In addition, beautiful bells can hang on the wall. Multi-colored ribbons go well with them.
  7. If there are children in the apartment, then from cardboard you can make a wonderful box for letters to business Moroz. The child will decorate it himself and hang it with the help of adults. Everyone will be pleased with such a cute decoration.

Beautiful photo ideas for wall decoration for the new year 2020

New Year's ceiling decoration

Agree, it’s very beautiful when people hang from the ceiling in a room beautiful jewelry. The ceiling also needs decoration. There are a lot of ideas here on how to do this. It is not recommended to hang a garland on the ceiling, as it will be very difficult to attach it correctly and there will be a high probability that it will fall and break, and perhaps one of the relatives or guests will cut themselves on the glass. Then the holiday will instantly be ruined and turned into a big pile of trouble, and here are some tips for you.

  • The most competent way out may be rain suspended on stretched threads. In addition, there is another way to beautifully attach rain to the ceiling. This method, alas, is only suitable for people without stretched ceilings.
  • A small piece of cotton wool moistened with water is wrapped around the tip of the rain. Then you need to rub a piece of regular soap with this cotton wool. After this, it easily sticks to the ceiling.
  • Bright Christmas tree decorations or sweets that will be eaten during the celebration can hang from the ceiling on beautiful satin ribbons.
  • You can stick beautiful glowing stickers on the ceiling, it looks simply amazing.
  • You can also find pieces of foam in old boxes. With the help of a stationery knife, you can cut out anything from them, and if you try hard and paint these figures, then Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, and a Snowman will be spinning right under the ceiling.

After decorating the ceiling in the apartment, you need to check that everything is attached well and nothing will fall on your or your guests’ heads.

Well, now a couple creative photos ceiling decoration ideas for 2020

Decorating the New Year's corridor

After passing front door we immediately see a corridor in front of us. A significant number of people do not want to decorate it, but in vain, because every time you pass by it, you will feel the New Year’s mood.

They decorate it in different ways, but in the most interesting option it will be if you stretch a beautiful garland along the walls, decorate the shelves with tinsel and unbreakable New Year's balls, and stick luminous stickers on the closet. At the same time, you need to remove everything unnecessary from the corridor so that all the decorations are clearly visible. You can also sprinkle tangerine oil at the entrance to your house, so you can feel the holiday without going home.

How to decorate a children's room

Well, the time has come for the children's room, it can be made in any genre New Year's fairy tale. Here only your imagination can help, but we will just show you a few photos of ideas on how to do everything and tips.

Decorate the Christmas tree in style

Decorating a Christmas tree can become a separate tradition in every family. For example, you can buy a set of different snowmen, and then each family member will decorate the tree with their own toy. First you need to decide on a place for the green tree, taking into account the arrangement of the festive table.

  • It is better to place a small tree, artificial or live, on a cabinet or table for ease of decoration.
  • If the tree is small, then it would be better to put cotton wool or any other snow substitute under it.

If you don’t have enough money to buy a fluffy spruce or its analogue, you can go to the nearest grove and collect fallen spruce branches or buy them at a low price on the market. Such branches can be decorated and placed on shelves and tables in vases or simple jars.

  1. There should be a star or an angel at the top of the tree for beauty.
  2. You can also wrap a beautiful multi-colored garland around the spruce itself.
  3. You can attach bunches of rain on top, so your tree will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.
  4. It is better not to hang balls, cones and sweets of the same color next to each other so that the spruce does not seem monochromatic.
  5. You can carefully place pieces of cotton wool on the tips of the branches, imitating snow. For greater beauty, you can sprinkle cotton wool with liquid glitter.
  6. You can also spray fir oil near the artificial Christmas tree for scent, but not too much. In most cases, this oil does not cause allergies and is safe in composition.
  7. You can also hang children's crafts on the Christmas tree. The child will be very glad that his creativity is so appreciated.
  8. Under no circumstances should candles be placed on the Christmas tree, as this can lead to a big fire.
  9. If you are planning to put gifts under the tree, it is better to check in advance whether they fit there. In the case of artificial Christmas trees, it will be much easier to correct the situation, because most have a height-adjustable stand.

And if it turns out that you do not have enough finances to purchase a Christmas tree, then there will certainly be a way out. Take out everything you have in the pantry at home and create something similar to a Christmas tree. As building material can be books, tree branches, gift boxes, old accumulated jars painted with acrylic paints or gouache, paintings, spruce branches and much more. The most important thing is to mentally see the image of your future Christmas tree in order to understand what to sculpt what!

Preparing your home for the New Year is already a tradition that people of different ages love so much. They decorate in different ways: they cut out snowflakes, make little snowmen out of cotton wool, take out tinsel and balls for the Christmas tree - who likes what and who is used to what.

Usually they approach this matter with originality, combining and matching not only the cute jewelry itself, but also colors and styles. This is how you create your own special festive world of joy and New Year's miracle. But how can you decorate a room with your own hands for the coming year? Let's take a closer look at this question and the answers.

The size of the room being decorated doesn't really matter. If it is not possible to put up a Christmas tree, then you shouldn’t make a disaster out of it - the tree can be hung on a lamp or ceiling, or even laid out with a garland or tinsel directly on the wall.

Balloons or large adhesive ones will also work. You can put miniature Christmas trees on your desktop or windowsill, so that no one will be left without a New Year's miracle.

Windows and sills

Often on windows in winter fancy patterns drawings of nature itself appear: frost, vortices charmingly swirling in an invisible flow - so why don’t you and I also take care of the window sills?

IN You will no longer have to painfully wonder how to decorate your room for the New Year 2019, because we will look at the simplest, but no less elegant, decor ideas.

Cutting out a variety of snowflakes, green Christmas trees from colored paper, silhouettes of animals and birds, even letters to write congratulations to others - perfect for a family evening. You can stick them on glass or simply pin them to curtains, thereby creating a festive atmosphere.

You can come up with these decorations yourself, using your imagination to the maximum, or you can buy stencils. Houses, sleighs, and the Snow Maiden sitting in it, playful deer, snowmen and squirrels - the assortment is so huge that it is impossible to list everything.

T So that everyone can find a picture to their liking, and with due interest, also a whole picture with details and details! For the most sophisticated, there are also adhesive options!

It’s not limited to stickers: wreaths, garlands, painted small birds, tinsel and “rain” - you can use whatever you want. Wreaths come in a variety of varieties; you can even weave them yourself, to the delight of yourself and your loved ones. All this will create a very special atmosphere that we miss so much in the summer.

Look up

If there is not much space or the family has mischievous pets or small children, the perfect option is one that will not touch the floor and thereby provoke an attack.

Phosphorus stars and planets will help decorate a room for the New Year 2019; they are quite suitable at this time of year; moreover, after the holidays you can leave them on permanently - who wouldn’t want to look at the stars before going to bed? Usually, there are a lot of them in stores, so everyone can find what they are looking for. Colored lamps are also used.

Garlands can sit comfortably under the ceiling, be they with colored lanterns or made with your own hands. The walls can also be decorated with figures and snowflakes.

The most noticeable thing on the ceiling is the chandelier. It is also in dire need of decoration. Here you can use rain or Christmas tree balls, falling snowflakes, gently swaying from any breeze, or spruce branches exuding the delicate scent of the forest.

Furniture and fireplaces

Decorating the table for the New Year 2019 is simple. It will become especially solemn if you decorate it with a special tablecloth, a vase with gingerbread cookies (why not try making them yourself?), sweets or completely inedible things - pine cones or bright Christmas balls.

You can even use Christmas tree branches and wreaths, various candles and candlesticks, figurines and crafts. Everything that can be connected with this wonderful holiday.

Everyone at least once in their life has dreamed of being “like in that movie” and celebrating New Year and Christmas by a warm fireplace, crackling fire and soft light. Those who are lucky enough to have a fireplace at home can decorate it.

But be careful! Fire is insidious, you should not place flammable decorations near it, it can end badly.

Fir branches will look great - beautiful and cozy. In addition, fresh branches exude essential oils, which has a beneficial effect on a person. You can prepare artificial snow and arrange a small tender scene about a tireless snowman and his gifts under the Christmas tree.

The fireplace is decorated with flags and wreaths, you can plant soft toy in a New Year's red cap, put a couple of candlesticks, arrange pine cones... and tinsel! You can buy a toy sleigh or Christmas stockings, where you can easily put small gifts.

Decorative pillows

There is another way to decorate a room for the New Year 2019, only this time you won’t have to cut and glue. It's graceful and useful way bring a festive atmosphere even to places where other decorations would be inappropriate.

Small sofa pillows with a New Year's pattern will look good anywhere. There are several ways to make these decorations by hand:

  1. Reuse old sweaters and shirts. After all, each of you has “that” T-shirt with deer that you can no longer wear, but the print is cool? There is a great reason to give her a second life.
  2. Just sew it. Can be from any soft fabric or felt. It doesn't take much time, and it takes less fabric than you might think.
  3. You can embroider with satin stitch or cross stitch on anything. There are many schemes on various websites or in stores, but remember! Do not cross-stitch directly onto fabric! First, they put a special fabric on it - canvas - and then just embroider it. This way the drawing turns out much smoother and more correct.

In case you don’t have any time for creativity, you can buy pillowcases with the desired pattern.

Fairy lights

As you’ve probably already noticed, you can decorate anything with garlands; even an ordinary home palm tree with them seems special and New Year’s.

Of course, there are unspoken rules that must be followed so that elegant decoration does not turn into bright bad taste:

  1. Moderate lighting. Too much bright, winking light from a garland is just as bad as complete darkness. You can do a tricky thing - place the garland in only one place, and not throughout the room, then you will get a cozy island of light.
  2. Think about outlets in advance. It will be very unsightly if extension cords have to be pulled across the entire room.

Remember that single-color and non-blinking garlands are more pleasant and peaceful.

Regular garlands are made from:

  1. Paper glued in different ways.
  2. From felt, cutting out figures according to the pattern.
  3. From cotton wool, roll up small lumps and put them on a thread.
  4. From cones on a thread.
  5. From threads - pompoms, intertwined braids, bright and intertwined.
  6. From Christmas tree branches collected in the forest or left over from an old Christmas tree.

Inexpensive DIY jewelry

It is not always possible to spend a lot on decorations for the New Year, and some people themselves do not want to, preferring more budget options or even “as before.” The New Year itself is associated with serious expenses, but what to do? After all, diversity is necessary so that such a bright event does not become boring from year to year.

It turns out that you can make decorations yourself and on a very budget:

  • Paper cut out figures for windows.
  • Various crafts from paper.
  • Crafts made from fir branches and cones are an eco-friendly decoration that can even replace a Christmas tree.
  • Felt toys.
  • Ginger cookie. In 2019 it's a pig, so you can make adorable little snout cookies.
  • Cakes and salads in the form of a symbol for table decoration for the New Year 2019.

In addition to being cheap, such decorations are very simple to make; we can look at how to make some of them right now. Let's start with a delicious decoration.


Gingerbread is a wonderful treat for both children and adults. They, spicy and tart, are associated with celebration, joy and gifts. Unfortunately, not everyone likes it classic recipe, because spices are still a delicate matter and require special attention.

Why not hang these same gingerbread cookies on the Christmas tree? Both delicious and nice to look at!

There are many recipe options, one of which, milder than the original version, is presented below.

We will need:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • flour - 300-400 g;
  • soda slaked in vinegar - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • nutmeg, salt;
  • ground cinnamon - 1-2 tsp;
  • chopped orange zest - 1-2 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • vanillin.

What do we have to do:

  1. Rub some frozen butter on a coarse grater and grind it with sugar.
  2. Add eggs and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Add spices and vanilla sugar.
  4. Add flour and knead the dough.
  5. Roll it out to less than half a centimeter thick. We form cookies by cutting out shapes with special molds. This way you can make gingerbread men.
  6. Using a pencil, we make holes in each blank for future ribbons, for which we will hang sweets on the branches.
  7. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  8. Preparing the glaze. Take egg white, powdered sugar and a little lemon juice. Beat the ingredients with a mixer, gradually adding powder. To make the inscription colored, you can use food coloring.
  9. Once the cookies have cooled, decorate with icing.

Salty dough

Salt dough is another good basis for making crafts in cases where there is no opportunity or desire to buy figurines and decorations. For example, you can sculpt a decoration or a small cute figurine that will decorate a shelf with books. If there are children in the family, then you can keep them busy, this is great for developing fine motor skills.

For an example of a Christmas tree decoration, a lamb is perfect; to create it, in addition to salt dough, we will need acrylic paint, stationery knife and a toothpick. In fact, everything is very simple and you can see for yourself. Let's get started!

Step by step guide:

  1. Make a medium-sized flatbread and a small ball.
  2. Let's twist the sausage and divide it into 4 parts (2 of them are smaller), these will be the legs.
  3. Then we imitate wool using a toothpick or a wooden stick and make recesses for the eyes, and attach the previously sculpted eyes there.
  4. We attach the remaining parts and sculpted decorations.
  5. We remember about the need for a hole where we will insert the ribbon in order to hang the toy on the Christmas tree. It's time for the lamb to dry.
  6. When the lamb is ready, decorate it.
  7. In fact, you can sculpt absolutely any animal this way.

A few more examples of decoration

Decorations made from beads and beads will look unusual and very beautiful, so you can safely use wicker toys and balls, this will attract the attention of guests, and the shimmer of light in the edges of the beads... it’s definitely worth seeing!

Pig made from pompoms- a soft and simple version of jewelry that does not require any skills at all. It can even be done Small child, if you ask him to help you, plus it's a fun family activity!

You need to cut out two circles from cardboard with a hole in the center, take a whole ball of thick threads of the color that you happen to have on hand or that you chose. You should wind it through the center, carefully and a lot, so that the cardboard is completely hidden. Then you should cut the joints of the threads along the edge of the circle and remove the cardboard.

Don’t forget to tie it with thread and then fluff it, otherwise the pompom won’t work. All that's left to do is draw eyes and a spot on paper or cardboard and glue it onto the resulting fluffy ball. You can decorate this pig any way you like.

From old socks, which have long lost their pair, but for some reason were never thrown away, and cereals you can make very charming little snowmen. Rice is best. Making such a toy is very simple: fill a sock with cereal, and then tie it with ribbon, thereby forming a head and torso.

You can decorate it with bows, a bucket glued together from paper or cardboard, a bright New Year's hat, button eyes, and anything else you want.

Another very common decoration is sweets on a ribbon. The option with cookies was already presented above, but if they are still used infrequently, preferring cookies in vases, then lollipops and chocolates are hung for every New Year. Take the lollipops and wrap each one in pretty gift paper to hide the name and add a surprise factor, and tie ribbons to them.

If there is no wrapping paper, you can hang candies just like that, in candy wrappers, but this option is not as interesting and festive, although just as tasty.

DIY felt toys. Felt is considered one of the best materials for needlework, and therefore for our toys. It lends itself perfectly to cutting and sewing, working with the fabric is simple and convenient, because the fabric is dense and its edges do not crumble.

A holiday should always be a holiday, that’s its essence. New Year's is a little special because it requires preparation and planning, buying or making decorations, preparing a lot of food and always getting the whole family together. This holiday allows you to express yourself and remember that there is creativity in everyone.

Making jewelry is very important point, it undoubtedly brings together people who together sculpt salt dough or cut out snowflakes, or do any other craft. This is a chance to talk, to be heard and understood. Decorating your home for the New Year 2019 can be your starting point for many things.

Talk to your loved ones, give them warmth, share your hobbies, and look for exactly the pre-holiday activity that you like. There are endless amounts of decorations that you can make with your own hands - you are sure to find something for yourself.

Almost everyone celebrates New Year. At this time, you want to create a festive atmosphere in your home. And this can be done with the help of the most various decorations and decorative techniques. We will talk about how you can decorate a room for this wonderful holiday. Moreover, it is very important that these techniques can be used in any year, regardless of the definitions of the eastern calendar.

A few general rules

Regardless of the exact size, shape, or interior features of the room that needs to be decorated, novice decorators will need a few tips that will simplify the decorating process and make the result simply stunning.

Choice of colors

Of course, many people will be happy with the huge number of colors and shades collected in one room. However, this is good only for a very short time, for example, when guests arrive. Experts recommend choosing a specific color scheme in advance, according to which accessories will be selected. The fact is that the abundance of different shades can act depressing, straining the eye too much. Then you can achieve the opposite effect, that is, instead of a holiday there will be tension and irritation.

Classic colors for New Year's decoration– red, golden, silver, green, white. However, you can use others, the main thing is that there are not many of them (no more than 3-4) and they are combined with each other.

Interior and decorations

When choosing accessories, you should take into account the size of the room, its overall design and the furniture that is there. For example , for a small room you should not choose a large Christmas tree and large jewelry, as they will look unnatural and bulky. The same statement, only in reverse, is true for large rooms and small accessories.

Fire as a necessity

Among the decorations there must be something, one way or another, associated with fire. After all, it is precisely this that is an integral attribute of the winter holidays. Of course, if there is no real fireplace in the room, then it is better to refrain from having a fire. However, a good replacement may be candles, lanterns, sparklers, artificial fireplaces and much more. After getting acquainted with the basic rules, you can proceed to specific recommendations for creating a beautiful New Year's interior.

Elka is the main guest

Of course, the main decorative element will be the New Year tree - a decorated Christmas tree. Place it depending on the size of the room. In a large hall, this can be a central place, but in a small room, where there is already little space, it is better to install a Christmas tree near the wall in the corner. Choosing a specific place is not difficult - you just need to leave the room and look at it from the door. The winter guest will look best in the place that first catches your eye.

Tree selection

Depending on the wishes of the decorators themselves, now you can choose not only natural spruce trees. There are many skillful imitations in stores that can hardly be distinguished from the real thing at first glance. In addition, the artificial version contains more possibilities - different colors, sizes, etc. The best option- of course a real forest beauty. No matter how well and naturally a spruce tree is recreated, it cannot have the smell that real pine needles and resins will give. Pine can be a good replacement, especially if the room is large. Characteristic feature This tree has long branches with long and fluffy needles.


It’s the same here as with the choice of colors - Avoid using too many different types of toys and decorations. It is best to choose two or three types that will not “overload” the tree. If the toys are all different, but you don’t want to buy new ones, you can use trick to give them uniformity. For example, glue a small but bright element– blue (red, green) bow, bell, and so on. You can use this technique in reverse - the same types of decorations (for example, only balls) of a wide variety color designs. In any case, there should not be a lot of decorations on the Christmas tree.

Another principle of decoration is arrangement by size. The closer to the top of the branch, the smaller the toys should be.

Natural jewelry

Classic New Year's tinsel does not fit into every interior. But accessories and decorations of natural origin can be naturally placed in any room, regardless of the size and style of the interior.

Possible types of natural New Year's decor:

Fairy lights

Of course, the easiest way is to use purchased garlands from a variety of glowing multi-colored lanterns. However, you can make them yourself. It will be original, unusual, interesting and beautiful (if you try!).

Paper version

For everyone, the New Year is associated with something of their own, purely individual. These can be snowballs, mittens, sleighs, deer and much, much more. Here is one option that is easy to do yourself. First of all, we choose the embodiment of our associations in the picture - let it be a mitten. We make 2-3 options of different sizes and create a stencil. It will be necessary to cut out a large number of such elements from thick cardboard. Each size option is painted in its own color, which is taken from the general color scheme.

It's easier to use paint in spray cans. Then we fasten these elements one by one in different orders, preferably even in several rows.

Cotton wool - or snow?

Not every New Year spoils us with fluffy shiny snow. The absence of it outside the windows can be compensated by making a “snow” garland from cotton wool. It requires very little - ordinary cotton wool, white strong and fairly thick thread, and PVA glue. First of all, you need roll a lot of balls different sizes made of cotton wool. They are strung on a thread that has been moistened or soaked in glue in advance. Uneven gaps of 2 to 10 cm are left between the balls. Quite a lot of such threads with “snow” will be required, since it is advisable to decorate all the windows in the room. You can count their number in advance by measuring the length of the cornice and dividing it by about 15-20 cm. It is at this distance from each other that the threads are attached to the cornice. This way we will get real snowy windows, even if it’s near zero and slushy outside.

Toys and accessories

On New Year's Day it is difficult to imagine a decor that does not include a variety of toys.


Many people associate this element more with birthdays. However, this is, first of all, an element of the holiday, so it can also be used quite successfully on New Year’s Day.

From balls of different sizes, colors and shapes you can create “real” Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, or you can simply make them an additional decoration.

For example, several bundles of three balls in the selected color scheme They easily diversify those interior items that are usually not taken into account when decorating a room - cabinet handles, cornices, corner sections of the backs of chairs, sofas, etc.


They will look very natural wreaths made up of fluffy branches, cones and other components. Such accessories will add charm to the festive atmosphere. They can be placed on the inner and outside door to the room, above the TV, on an empty wall.


Quite rarely for some unknown reason New Year's interior use textile elements. However they will not only be appropriate, but will also make the decor complete. For example, thin translucent fabrics with shiny threads can be used to drape walls and even the ceiling. If it is silver in color, then the canvas will cope with the task of imitation snow cover. Sofa cushions can be decorated with New Year's prints and patterns that are easy to make yourself. It is enough to simply sew a suitable piece of fabric with embroidery or a suitable pattern to each.


This element always looks very elegant and beautiful. Moreover, it can complement almost any interior. These can be elements in complex compositions (the same wreaths or on a Christmas tree) or independent designs, for example, thin garlands of ribbons.

To decorate a room for the New Year, you just need to imagine what you really want on this holiday, and your imagination itself will suggest the right decisions.
