How to remove film from plastic doors. How to remove film from plastic windows? Review of effective methods. The “working tools” in this situation will be

Enterprises producing metal-plastic windows, supply their products with protective film. Its role is to protect frames from dust, dirt and scratches during storage, transportation and installation of window units. After this, it becomes completely useless and needs to be removed. Let's figure out how to do this.

When to remove protective film from plastic windows

Ideally, the protective coating is removed immediately after the windows are installed or within a couple of days thereafter. However, if indoors are still ongoing renovation work and the risk of damaging or staining the frames is high, this period can be increased. But not indefinitely: after 1-2 months, especially in hot weather conditions, it will be difficult to remove the film. If it is really necessary to protect the frames, instead of a factory coating, they can be pasted over masking tape– there will be much fewer problems with its removal.

Why does the film stick and come off poorly?

The strength of the connection between the film and the frame is influenced by several factors:
  • Adhesive coating. The worse quality and cheaper the glue used, the faster it will stick tightly to the frame.
  • Room temperature. Under the influence of heat, both the glue itself and the film begin to slowly melt and literally eat into the plastic of the frames.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. As with heat, the sun's rays change the structure of the adhesive and film, causing them to stick to the window very quickly.

How to remove film from plastic windows: all possible methods

Even old film can sometimes be removed relatively easily; it is only difficult to pick up its edge. In such a situation on help will come any thin and sharp object: knife, nail scissors, a needle or something similar. But you need to work with them carefully so as not to injure yourself or scratch the plastic of the frame. If this doesn't work, it's time to move on to more radical options.

Whichever method is chosen from those described below, it is very important during the process of removing the film not to damage the hydro- and vapor barrier coatings located at the junction of the frames with the walls and roof.


The hairdryer is brought as close as possible and a stream of hot air is directed onto the frames. Under the influence of heat, the dried glue and film soften, and following fresh traces, the protective coating becomes really easy to pry and remove. Practice shows that it is more effective to blow not under the film, but at an angle from above as the film is torn off.

The more high temperature provides the device, the more effective the method becomes. The best option– do not use a fairly weak technique for drying hair, but a powerful hair dryer. An alternative to a hairdryer can be a heater, if its mechanism of action is also based on blowing hot air, or a clothes steamer.


Chemicals for diluting or dissolving paints, varnishes and other construction liquids will most likely help remove the film from a plastic window. Acetone (and even acetone-containing nail polish remover), mineral spirits and other kerosene-based liquids, automotive tar removal chemicals, special sticker removers, and much more can work. The effectiveness of such remedies in each specific case may vary, so it is better to test them experimentally.


  • Pry up the tip of the film at least a little. If this does not work, then at least cut or otherwise disrupt the integrity of the film, otherwise the solvent will be ineffective or useless at all.
  • Apply the product - carefully pour, spread with a brush or cloth.
  • Wait 2-3 minutes.
  • Pull the edge of the film and try to remove it from the treated area.
  • If there is no result, add solvent and let stand for some more time.
  • Upon completion of work, wipe the frames damp cloth, possible with the addition of detergent.

It is important to follow safety precautions - if the instructions for the product recommend working with gloves and ventilating the room well, this should not be neglected. Otherwise, you can cause intoxication of the body and a chemical burn to the skin.


This method is most effective if you need to remove individual small pieces of protective film from plastic windows. It is necessary to cut a piece of wide tape at least 4-5 cm long (a smaller size will be awkward to hold in your hands). It is glued to areas of the frame with film, carefully smoothed, and then pulled very sharply. Ideally, the entire protective coating should remain on the strip of tape.

You should only use stationery tape (transparent or colored - it doesn’t matter). Masking and double-sided tape on fabric and paper based coated with a less sticky adhesive.


The effectiveness of this method is based on the properties of many polymer materials become hard and brittle when exposed to low temperatures. In the case of a protective film, the glue will simply harden and stop adhering it so tightly to the frame.

If in winter period In your region, frosts reach at least -10°C, you just need to wait for the cold weather and let the frames cool thoroughly by opening the windows in the room for a couple of hours. If not, you can try to cool the problem areas artificially by applying frozen bottled water to them and immediately trying to peel off the film using fresh traces. But the effectiveness of this option is significantly lower.


If the film is stuck so tightly that even intense rubbing with a brush does not help, you can only use a sharp object. The knife is not suitable for this purpose - it will take a very long time to pick out the film with the tip, and holding the narrow blade flat is inconvenient. You can use a construction spatula, but still would be better suited scraper for glass-ceramic coating of electric stoves. It is even more difficult for them to scratch the plastic of the frames.

Hard brush

In this case, you will need a stiff, but preferably non-metallic brush. The surface of the film is actively rubbed with it until it is removed. An alternative to a brush is a metal dish sponge. Made from thin strips of metal, it, like a knife or scraper, cuts off the film, but unlike them it does it more delicately, i.e. with less risk of scratching the plastic of the frame.

Vegetable oils

If you somehow managed to remove the film itself from a plastic window, but a sticky layer of adhesive remains on the frames, vegetable oils will help. They generously lubricate the contaminated areas, leave for a few minutes so that they are saturated with liquid, and then remove with a cloth, sponge or brush. You can use absolutely any vegetable oils or drying oil.

The oil itself must also be removed from the frames, otherwise over time it will harden and form dark and sticky stains, to which dust will quickly stick. You can remove residual oil with soap, dishwashing detergent, acetone or alcohol.

Butter alternatives:
  • hard sponge with soapy water;
  • weak solvent;
  • regular office eraser. It is advisable to choose an elastic grater that matches the color of the frames (so that it does not stain them). From rubbing with an eraser, the remaining glue and film will roll into large lumps, which will fall off on their own or can be easily removed with your fingers or a damp cloth.

Video on how to clean a plastic window from old film

See also video instructions for removing protective film from plastic materials that was not removed in time. window frames:

Contacting a cleaning company

If you were unable to clean the film from plastic windows yourself, you should turn to those for whom such tasks are the main activity. Cleaning company employees have the most different instruments and substances for removing contaminants, and, last but not least, experience.

How to remove film from a plastic window sill

For the window sill, all the same methods are applicable as described above for window frames: heating with a hairdryer, solvents, sharp scrapers, a stiff brush, etc. But if the window sill is not perfectly smooth, but has a rough texture, then in addition to them you can try abrasive substances - powdered detergents or regular baking soda. For smooth surface It is better not to use them, the risk of leaving scratches on it is too great. Additionally, read about protection from contamination, because this is not uncommon during repairs.

The protective film on the frames of plastic windows is designed only for short-term protection from dirt and scratches. After installation, you should get rid of this coating as quickly as possible, otherwise it will be quite difficult to remove it later.

Caring about warmth and comfort in their homes, many people prefer installing plastic windows. These modern designs distinguished by impeccable appearance, sealed. Usually, after installation is completed, a protective film remains on the frames, which is often forgotten to remove in time. Over time, it firmly dries to the plastic surface, after which it becomes difficult to get rid of. It happens that you need to remove sun protection film from windows or remove traces of glue. Effective methods will help you cope with these tasks.

Why it can be difficult to remove protective film from windows

The main function of the film applied to plastic window frames in the factory is to provide effective protection products during transportation. But under the influence of aggressive external environment(heat, ultraviolet light) they are able to stick to a plastic surface. In addition, when making protective films, high-quality adhesive is not always used, which makes it even more difficult to remove such protection over time. Get rid of the film without attaching special effort, possible within 10 days after installation of double-glazed windows. If for some reason it was not possible to do this on time, do not despair.

If the protective film is not removed in time, over time it will be much more difficult to do so.

How to remove film and adhesive tape from plastic windows

Using chemical or mechanical methods, you can cope with this task. To work you will need:

  • construction or household hair dryer;
  • scraper for cleaning glass-ceramic surfaces;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • eraser;
  • acrylic solvent;
  • White Spirit;

When choosing store-bought product it is necessary to carefully study its composition. Solvents containing harsh acids and acetone can damage frames, as can abrasive cleaning compounds.

Mechanical methods

A scraper, eraser, hair dryer and other tools will help remove the film. mechanically.

How to use a scraper

The method does not require any special physical effort, since the film can be removed very easily using a scraper. However, careless handling of the tool may damage the plastic frames.

  1. Armed with a scraper designed specifically for glass ceramic panels, carefully remove the remaining film.
  2. After the procedure, clean the surfaces with Cosmofen 10, Fenosol or acrylic solvent R-12.

How to remove film using an eraser

To remove film from window frames, you can use an ordinary soft eraser. Although the method requires a lot of physical effort, using it you will not cause damage to the surfaces. Using an eraser, you can also get rid of sun protection film on windows.

  1. Rub the film remaining on the surface of the frames or glass with an eraser.
  2. Remove any remaining adhesive using white spirit or any other cleaner.

Using a hair dryer or steam generator

This method is different high efficiency and allows you to get rid of the film quickly and easily. However, you should work with such devices with the utmost caution: excessive overheating of the PVC surface can cause irreparable harm to it. If you have an industrial hair dryer at hand, the procedure for removing old protective film will not take much time and effort. If you don’t have one, you can get by with an ordinary household appliance or a steam generator.

  1. Heat the surface of the film.
  2. Carefully pry its edge with a knife or other sharp object.
  3. Remove any remaining glue using the same cleaners.

Using a hair dryer, remove protective film from windows

Chemical methods

Using tools and devices for removing protective film from plastic window frames, even a specialized scraper, can scratch the PVC profile. It is for this reason that for many people faced with solving a similar problem, the most acceptable option is to use chemicals. With their help, you can remove the film with a minimum of effort and without damaging the surface of the window. However, you should work with such substances carefully.

Denatured alcohol for film removal

One of the means to quickly and efficiently clean plastic surfaces from the protective film is denatured alcohol. When using it, you must follow the technique personal safety, protecting open areas skin and mucous membranes. The method is simple and effective and does not require any special physical effort.

  1. Pour the substance into a spray bottle.
  2. Apply denatured alcohol to the surface to be treated.
  3. After 5 minutes, remove the film by prying it with a sharp object or stationery knife.

How to remove film using Schumanite

The effective substance is detergent Schumann. Using it, you do not have to make any special physical effort when removing protective coatings from the window. Since the components of Schumanite are very aggressive, remember safety precautions: use gloves and safety glasses, and ventilate the room well.

  1. Apply it to the surface.
  2. Remove the film without the need for special physical effort.

Step-by-step instructions for using RP-6

The RP-6 paint remover will also help you get rid of the protective film. Its effectiveness is quite high, and working with it requires having protection on your hands.

  1. Apply a generous layer of the substance to the surface of the film. After 10 minutes, the film will begin to foam right before your eyes.
  2. Remove the coating. It will come off without much effort.
  3. Wash off any remaining adhesive with soapy water.

How to use Scotch Remover to remove adhesive tape and film from PVC windows

A specialized product designed to remove complex stains from glass and plastic surfaces, known as Scotch Remover, will also provide the required effect when removing film. When working with it, you must use protective glasses and gloves, and also ventilate the room well.

  1. Shake the container with the product.
  2. Spray the substance onto the film surface.
  3. Remove the film.
  4. Wipe the surface cleaned from it with a clean rag.

How to use penetrating lubricant VD-40

One of the most gentle products for plastic surfaces is VD-40. This lubricant is widely used in the automotive industry. The composition includes a number of components that can penetrate the most complex contaminants. With its help, you can easily get rid of protective films stuck to double-glazed windows, as well as clean adhesive traces. It is recommended to use gloves when working.

  1. Apply the composition to the film.
  2. After a few minutes, remove it from the surface.
  3. Wipe the area to be treated with soapy water and wash with clean water.

VD-40 is a universal cleaner that will easily remove film from PVC window frames and adhesive traces

Attention! When working with chemicals You must remember about personal safety, trying to avoid contact of these products with exposed skin and mucous membranes. To do this, use safety glasses and rubber gloves.

Methods for removing solar control film (foil) from a window

During hot summer days, the windows and glazed balconies of many apartments are exposed to scorching heat. sun rays, negatively affecting the internal microclimate of premises. Enough effective means protection from them is a film that can reflect the sun's rays.

With the onset of autumn and cold weather, the need for such protection disappears and the film must be removed. However, such materials can become firmly embedded in the surface of the window under the influence of the sun, after which it becomes difficult to remove them. To solve the problem you can use:

  • denatured alcohol;
  • steam generator;
  • eraser

You can also remove the sun protection film using various detergents:

  • Domax;
  • Schumann;

When using these formulations, it is also advisable not to forget about safety precautions and follow the manufacturers’ recommendations and dosages. If after them the adhesive base of the film remains, you can use the following means:

  • Kiehl Tablefit spray liquid: apply to a cloth and clean the surface;
  • stain remover Taygeta S-405: apply to remaining glue for 15–30 seconds;
  • FORMULA X-5 liquid solution: effective in 10–15 minutes;
  • Super CMF-240 from the Krizal company: positioned as a “dirt separator”, it removes the adhesive base of the film worse than the previous ones, but for allergy sufferers it may be the only applicable product from industrial compositions;
  • highly alkaline liquid Merida Impet for removing stubborn stains: apply to the glue for 2 minutes.

Products for removing adhesive stains from various surfaces - gallery

Domax will allow you to get rid of film and its traces
Cosmofen is a strong and highly toxic cleaner that is highly effective Fenosol is a high quality cleaner used on plastic surfaces
Kiehl Tablefit - a product designed to remove adhesive traces
FORMULA X-5 will quickly remove traces of glue Super CMF-240 high-quality universal cleaner

Soap solution and old newspapers

There is another method of removing sun protection film that does not require any special material costs. To use it you will need:

  • soap solution;
  • old newspapers.

Operating procedure:

  1. Holding the newspaper with your hand, lean it against the glass and moisten it generously with soapy water using a sprayer. Repeating this operation again and again, it is necessary to cover the entire window space with newspapers.
  2. Leave newspapers stuck to the window for 1 hour, periodically spraying them with soapy water.
  3. Remove the sun protection film along with newspapers.

This one is simple and effective method very effective, but requires a fair amount of time. Using it, you will not harm the surfaces being treated.

Safety precautions

  1. When removing protective films from double-glazed windows, it should be taken into account that many of the chemicals are very aggressive solutions and can cause harm to the body. For this reason, they should be handled carefully, remembering to use rubber gloves, safety glasses, and, if you are prone to allergic reactions, a respirator.
  2. When wiping off adhesive from glass, do not press too hard on the surface. Otherwise, the glass may crack or fly out.
  3. When working with sharp objects, you must be careful not to damage plastic surfaces or accidentally injure yourself.

Using simple mechanical and by chemical means By removing the protective film coating from windows, you can achieve the desired result without much effort. However, it should be remembered that such work cannot be rushed, and when performing it, one should not forget about safety precautions.

It is advisable to carry out some work right away so that there are no problems in the future. For example, the removal of protective film from plastic windows is often postponed, or for some reason is not done at all. Later, under the influence of the sun, it bursts, cracks, takes on an unpleasant appearance, and the frame burns out in pieces, but such problems could have been avoided.

We won’t beat around the bush, but will tell you right away how to remove film from plastic windows, even one that has already hung for a decent amount of time.

Newly installed plastic windows

Follow the instructions

When installing PVC windows, craftsmen do not immediately remove protective film from the windows. They carry out the work according to the instructions, and it clearly states that the film must be removed within 10 days after installation window design. Thus, they entrust the work of removing window protection entirely to the owners. If you don’t want to put up with this, ask the installers to finish the job.

The protective film consists of two layers: the first, decorative one, usually contains the manufacturer’s advertising, and the second has an adhesive base that reliably attaches it to the surface of the window. Being in a closed position, under the influence of sunlight and heat, the adhesive composition thickens more and more, tightly adhering to the window frame.

Delete upper layer after a couple of months it will still be easy, but by this time the inner one will already stick quite firmly. That is why old film It will be extremely difficult to tear off entirely. You will have to use a large arsenal of tools and tools to clean the window from the remnants of its former protection.

This is the problem we often encounter on windows.


So, let's look at how to remove the protective film from plastic windows if the time for this work has been lost and the materials have almost grown together.

The easiest way to remove film from a window involves precise and careful work, which will take a lot of time and effort. Arm yourself with a sharp knife or blade that will be convenient for picking up thin material, and gradually, piece by piece, tear it off the window. After the protective material is removed, it will be necessary to wash the window frame from any remaining adhesive. This can be done using a regular dishwashing sponge and detergent.

If you don’t want to bother with the sticky adhesive on the PVC window frame, you can quickly wipe it off with an eraser. Again, it will take quite a lot of time to process the entire frame. However, we note that there will not be huge residues of glue everywhere; in some places it will be removed along with the film.

If you think that the protective coating has not stuck to the frame too much, you can try to remove it with a hair dryer. The heated adhesive composition will soften, and in this form it will be easier to work with the film. Use a rag and a stiff scraper and gradually remove old film from the frame of your PVC window. You are unlikely to be able to work quickly, but in terms of quality there will definitely be success.

Even timely removal of material promises some difficulties

Many housewives do an excellent job of removing protective coatings on frames using steam cleaners and steam generators. This method is extremely simple and effective: steam heats and softens the film, making it elastic, after which it is easily removed. Note that it is necessary to warm up the frame properly with steam, and not to pull too hard on the hooked end.

If you are dealing with ceramics and have a scraper in your home glass-ceramic plates, then it is quite possible to use it. It will help to quite accurately and quickly scrape off all layers of unnecessary material. You can try to wash off the remaining glue with a detergent, and rub the frame with a brush with strong bristles.

Among all solvents, the most effective for removing protective coating from the frame, white spirit showed itself.

It is convenient to pry off the film with a sharp knife, and then remove the glue with a rag soaked in white spirit. If you can’t wipe off the glue right away, you can soak it in a solvent for a couple of minutes, after which it will definitely be removed. It is also worth noting here that among all the solvents, this one smells the least.

Using a window scraper

Scattered remnants of the protective coating can be removed regular tape. To do this, you need to wash the frame with detergent composition, dry. Then stick transparent tape on it, smooth it over the entire surface, and then smoothly peel it off. Scotch tape will remove many unwanted elements.

You can buy plastic cleaning compounds at hardware stores. It is better not to use these products, or to use them in extreme cases, because they can damage the frame of your PVC window.

Removing the sun protection cover

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to remove the sun protection film from glass, to which it has become quite strongly attached over the summer. Of course it is possible, but since this coating is made of a special lavsan material, solvents will not help us; we will have to use physical force.

Please note that in the instructions for use solar films There is usually no information on how to remove it. Manufacturers apparently believe that it is installed on the glass forever. We will not argue with them, but will use them available means to remove it.

To work you will need sharp knife, it is best to take the stationery version, as well as dishwashing gel. Using the gel, we will need to make a soap solution, which we will gradually apply to the surface of the glass. Then we can easily pick up the soaked film and remove it with the sharp tip of a knife.

Cleaning glass from additional reflective elements

Glass removal process sun protection coating very, very labor-intensive, but if everything is done according to the instructions, the surface will be perfectly clean.

It is best to carry out such work on a sunny day, when the heated surface of the glass softens the glue. In this case, the shiny protective coating can be removed more easily. If the weather is bad, you can heat the glass construction hairdryer or a steam generator, but this must be done carefully.

In conclusion, I would like to note that when installing plastic windows, remove the protective film within 10 days, or ask the installers to do it right away. Otherwise, you risk providing yourself with long, tedious and uninteresting work with windows in the future.

October 14, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

After installing double-glazed windows, many people ask on forums how to remove film from plastic windows? The fact is that this operation, which at first glance is extremely simple, sometimes becomes a real problem and headache. Therefore, in this article, I will introduce you to some of the most effective ways to remove protective film from plastic frames.

A few words about protective film

The film on plastic windows protects the surface of the plastic during the transportation of windows and their installation. Moreover, manufacturers use special ones for gluing it. adhesive compositions so that there are no problems with deletion in the future. However, the coating is not intended to remain on the windows for a long time.

The fact is that gradually the glue under the film dries out and eats into the surface of the plastic. In addition, the coating itself is destroyed in the sun and loses its characteristics. As a result, when removed, the old film begins to tear or even crumble.

From this we can conclude, that it is necessary to remove the film as soon as possible after installing the windows. True, if the windows are cheap, then problems may arise even when removing the recently glued covering, due to the use of low-quality glue.

But, in any case, you shouldn’t despair, because there are quite effective ways to remove old film from plastic windows, even if it is “tightly” ingrained into the plastic. The main thing is to have patience and some tools, which I will discuss below.

In the summer, the glue dries much faster and eats into the plastic than in the cold season.

Film removal methods

So, dried protective film can be removed from the surface in the following ways:

Method 1: using a scraper

First of all, try to remove the film using a scraper or other sharp object, for example, a mounting tool or even a blade. The only thing, It is necessary to work with sharp tools very carefully so as not to damage the plastic.

Instructions for removing the coating using a scraper are as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to pry off the edge of the protective coating using a scraper or other sharp object. The peeled edge must be large enough to be grasped;
  2. next you need to pull the foam and try to tear it off in one quick movement;
  3. if the tape starts to tear, pry it again, but try to use as little as possible cutting tool and work more with your fingers so as not to scratch the plastic.

A similar method can be used if the protective coating has not yet been destroyed by exposure to the sun. Otherwise, it will not be possible to tear off the film, and it is not advisable to constantly pick at it with a scraper, since this will take a lot of time and will certainly lead to scratches on the surface of the plastic.

Even if you successfully rip off the protective coating in this way, there will likely remain areas of glue on the surface of the plastic. You can remove them in ways that I will discuss below.

Method 2: eraser

If the old coating becomes easy to tear or even crumble, it can be removed with an eraser. True, this method is only suitable for small areas, for example, if there is film or glue residue left in some places after using a scraper.

To clean the surface, choose a rubber band that is as elastic as possible. Simply rub the stained area with your hands, as if you were erasing a pencil from paper. As a result, the remaining glue and protective coating will roll into a roller that can be removed with your fingers.

It is very difficult to completely clean the frames in this way, so it is better to use a less labor-intensive method.

Method 3: hairdryer

If you cannot remove the coating with just a scraper, you can warm it up with a hair dryer before peeling off the film. This is done as follows:

  1. turn on the hairdryer at maximum power and thoroughly heat a small area of ​​the coating;
  2. then pick up the tape and pull its edge. After heating, the glue should become much more “pliable”;
  3. after this you need to heat the next area and remove it in the same way;
  4. the remaining glue must be reheated and then wiped off with a paper towel.

An even more effective way to tear off the protective coating is to heat it with a steam generator. You can also use a hair dryer, however, work with it carefully so as not to melt the film and especially the plastic frames.

I must say that this method is quite effective. As a rule, it allows you to get rid of even the most ingrained glue into the surface of the plastic.

Method 4: medical or technical alcohol

Now let's look at how to remove film from plastic windows using alcohol. This method is effective in removing film and adhesive residues.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the contaminated area should be treated with medical 96 percent alcohol or denatured alcohol using a spray or cotton solution. As the alcohol dries, it should be reapplied within a few minutes;
  • Then you can start removing the old adhesive and film residue using a paper towel. As you work, you may need a scraper or other tool to pry off the film.

It must be said that alcohol allows you not only to clean the surface of the old protective coating, but also to bleach the plastic, as well as get rid of other contaminants.

Method 5: vegetable oil

When choosing what to wipe off the remaining coating and glue, you can give preference vegetable oil. The latter could be anything, the only thing keep in mind is that oil will remain on the surface of the window even after you wash it. Therefore it is best to use essential oil which smells nice.

Instructions for removing the coating with this product look like this:

  1. Before washing the surface, you need to apply oil to the contaminated areas using a cotton swab, and then wait an hour. As the oil dries, the surface should be periodically lubricated;
  2. after the specified time, the contaminated areas should be wiped with a paper towel;
  3. At the end of the work, you need to wash off the oil with a non-abrasive detergent.

Method 6: white spirit

White spirit is a fairly potent agent. The only thing is, before using it, wipe a small, inconspicuous area of ​​plastic with solvent. The fact is that not all PVC windows are resistant to this solvent.

If you are sure that the solvent will not harm the plastic, perform the work in the following order:

  1. the edge of the film must be torn off using a scraper or other sharp object, as far as possible;
  2. then the space between the film and the surface of the plastic should be treated with a solvent;
  3. You should wait a few minutes before peeling off the film. After this, the tape should come off easily;
  4. in the area where the film has not begun to tear, white spirit should be applied again.

If when installing the window you used vapor barrier tape, make sure that no solvent gets on it, as it may deteriorate.

Method 7: “Shumanite”

"Shumanite" is a powerful detergent, which is intended primarily to remove grease from the surface. However, it also copes well with adhesives that are used when gluing protective coatings. The only thing to remember is that Schumanite contains substances that can react with frames, so you should not apply it for a long time.

Dried film and old glue are removed using this tool as follows:

  1. old glue should be treated with the compound. If there is old coating left on the surface, the area underneath it should be treated, as well as the edges along the tape;
  2. almost immediately after applying Schumanite, the coating should be torn off and the remaining glue should be wiped off with a damp towel;
  3. At the end of the work, the surface of the plastic must be washed with any suitable detergent.

Method 8: "HG Sticker Remover"

When talking about how easy it is to remove old film, one cannot fail to mention such a product as HG Sticker Remover. It is sold in stores household chemicals, as a rule, in bottles with a capacity of 300 ml.

In general, this composition is intended for removing stickers and all kinds of self-adhesive stickers from the surface. However, as practice shows, with the help of Sticker Remover, old protective film can be easily removed.

The principle of its use is similar to working with other solvents:

  1. before tearing off the film, you should pick it up and treat it with a product;
  2. after a few minutes the coating can be peeled off;
  3. then the surface should be treated again with the composition;
  4. after a few seconds, the product with glue residue must be removed using a paper towel or a clean rag.

Method 9: "Cosmofen 10"

If you ask manufacturers of plastic windows to advise you on a means for removing the protective coating, they will probably tell you about “Cosmofen 10”, which is a weak PVC solvent designed specifically for such purposes.

You can also use its analogue, which is called “FENOSOL”. The price of these compositions ranges from 300 rubles per liter.

As in previous cases, the old film is first picked out, after which the composition is applied. These products can also be used to remove glue residue.

Before you wash the surface of the glue, you need to wait a few minutes for the product to react.

Method 10: “P-12”

Finally, I’ll tell you about the “RP-6” product, which is an acrylic solvent. With its help, you can easily remove glue residues.

The only thing is, before doing the work, be sure to check whether the solvent does not react with the plastic frames. The fact is that some types of plastic can change color under the influence of RP-6.

The composition is used in the same way as other solvents. Typically, a few minutes is enough for it to react with the old glue.

Often, owners of plastic structures do not remove the protective film immediately after installation. But, as you know, if you wait a while with this, then over time the protective coating “dries out” and it becomes very difficult to remove it. Next, we will look at several ways to remove film from plastic windows.

It must be said that removing the film itself is only part of the issue, since an adhesive substance still remains on the surface of the glass unit, which is also very difficult to remove.

Methods for cleaning double-glazed windows from film and glue

There are two main ways to remove old film from plastic windows:

  • Mechanical
  • Chemical.

Sometimes, both methods are combined for greater efficiency.

Mechanical window cleaning options

Among the mechanical cleaning options, several of the most effective ones can be identified:

  1. Remains of the protective coating are removed with a special scraper designed for cleaning cooktops or glass-ceramic hobs. Minor scratches and glue residues can then be removed with FENOSOL or COSMOFEN 10 cleaner. If these cleaners are not available, then you can use acrylic solvent, for example R-12.
  2. The second method requires an industrial hair dryer or at least a powerful home hair dryer, since it is much easier to remove film from plastic windows after it has been heated. This method is very simple - you need to heat the film and pry off its edge with a sharp stationery knife or scalpel. In this case, the coating should come off easily; any remaining adhesive can be removed using the method described above.
  3. Similar to the previous method, you can use a steam generator, this method is even more effective.
  4. There is another interesting tip on how to peel off film from plastic windows, which will help solve the problem - the film can be erased with a regular office eraser. Glue residues can be removed with white spirit or the above mentioned cleaners.

You should work with the scraper as carefully as possible and, if possible, remove the film with your fingers, since even a safe scraper leaves PVC profile scratches.

Chemical options

And so, we looked at how to remove film from plastic windows mechanically.

However, some chemical cleaning methods have proven to be no less effective:

  • Denatured alcohol should be poured into a water sprayer, for example, for spraying with water indoor plants. Then denatured alcohol must be applied to the surface and wait a few minutes. Before removing the protective film from plastic windows, you may have to pry it off with a utility knife. (See also article.)
  • The “Shumanit” detergent, produced by the Israeli company Buggy, copes well with the task. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a very strong remedy, so it should be used carefully. The price for this remedy is quite affordable.
  • It is easy to clean glass units using paint remover RP 6. This chemical composition You need to apply it thickly to the surface and wait 10 minutes, after which the protective tape will begin to swell literally before your eyes. Before cleaning plastic windows from film, you should wear glasses and gloves; alkali and glue residues can be washed off with soapy water.

Many owners PVC double glazing They make a grave mistake - they try to remove the protective tape using a solvent.
The fact is that the film will still remain on the bags, but the profile will be hopelessly damaged.

How to wash plastic windows

Moreover, there are also several washing methods, here are the most effective:

  • Using spray, rag and paper;
  • Using a screed and sponge.

Now let's look at each of these methods.

Spray washing rags and paper

This method can be used if the surface is not too dirty.

For it we will need:

  • Clean cotton fabric;
  • Window cleaner with spray nozzle;
  • Water container;
  • Paper napkins.

The instructions for washing windows using this method are quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to fill the container a small amount of warm water and wet the cloth. The fabric should be wrung out so that it is damp but not wet.
  • Then use a rag to wipe off the dirt from the window.
  • After this, you need to distribute the spray over the surface in a zigzag motion.
  • Next, the surface should be washed with a dry piece of cloth.
  • The obtained result must be secured by wiping the surface with newspapers or paper napkins.

Cleaning windows with a screed and sponge

This method is especially good if you cannot get to the windows with your hands or need to reach them. In this case, you can use a coupler with a handle 25-30 cm long. With this cleaning, there will be no streaks or stains on the glass.
