How to check the quality of plastering work. Characteristics of coating and base. General requirements for plastering

There are three types of plastering work, which differ in quality. This must be remembered when concluding an agreement for apartment renovation. In addition, when checking the quality of plastering work, you must remember that the rule should not be applied to the working surface.
Based on quality, plastering work is divided into simple, improved, and high-quality plastering work.
All deviations are checked using the 2 meter rule.

Simple plaster - applied in basements, warehouses, non-residential premises, attic spaces, in all rooms where a perfectly flat surface is not required.
Apply by spray, in two layers, do not hang, do not apply a covering layer, the resulting surface is rubbed down. Thickness is usually 10-12 mm. Permissible deviations at ordinary plaster– no more than three irregularities with a depth or height of up to 5 mm when the rule is applied. Deviation from the vertical is no more than 15 mm for the height of the room, from the horizontal no more than 15 mm for the entire room. Deviations in the width of the plastered slope from the design width are not checked for this type of plastering.
This type, such as improved plaster, is performed in public and residential buildings, in utility rooms. Improved plaster is performed as follows - add a layer of spray, a layer of soil, and a covering layer, checking the rule. The average layer thickness is 15 mm. At the end, the covering layer is rubbed with graters and smoothed with trowels.
With improved plaster, the following deviations are allowed - no more than two irregularities up to 3 mm. Deviation from the vertical is no more than 2 mm per 1 m of height, but no more than 10 mm for the entire height of the room, deviation from the horizontal is no more than 2 mm per 1 m of length, but no more than 10 mm for the entire length of the room limited by purlins, beams, etc. P
High-quality plastering work is carried out in those buildings and structures for which strict finishing requirements are applied, hotels, residential premises, and public places. This type of plaster is performed by installing beacons and spraying, and then stretching along the beacons. Moreover, they can serve as beacons various materials, these can be either galvanized beacons, or beacons can be made from quick-hardening solutions (alabaster).
The requirements for high-quality plaster are as follows: no more than one unevenness with a depth or height of 2 mm, when applying the rule. Deviation from the horizontal is 1 mm per meter of length but not more than 7 mm for the entire length of the room; deviations from the vertical can be 1 mm per meter of height but not more than 5 mm for the entire height of the room.
Depending on what kind of plaster is performed, they may also change during repairs.
Therefore, when starting an apartment renovation, or even a small apartment renovation, check what kind of plaster you will use.


Plastering work is a very important stage finishing works, on which the comfort and beauty in your home most directly depend. To ensure that the living room and bedroom are always pleasing to the eye, you need to pay attention Special attention the choice of both plaster and builders who will finish the premises. In this article we will focus on what requirements must be met building mixtures and how to check the quality of work performed.

First, a few words about quality characteristics plaster. It protects the surface from various scratches, impacts, chips and other mechanical damage. To solve these problems, decorative coatings must have good adhesion (strong adhesion to the surface) and water resistance. Adhesion prevents the material from shedding during operation, and water resistance helps to avoid serious problems in case of flooding of the apartment. Among other things, high-quality material is distinguished by elasticity. It's no secret that constant soil movements cause slight deformations load-bearing structures. If you decide to save money and buy cheap Decoration Materials, then don’t be surprised if they start to crack after a few years.

Now about the requirements for applying plaster. Before putting it on the walls, you need to place it and prepare the surface. The old ones for the walls are removed, as well as old plaster. After this, all surfaces are thoroughly cleaned of dust, stains of various origins and other contaminants.

The solution is applied evenly over the entire wall, the layer should not exceed 20 mm. The inspection begins with inspection of the corners. By how carefully the joints are made, you will immediately understand whether you should expect any unpleasant surprises. Next, inspect the main surface of the walls. It should be even and smooth with clearly visible edges at the corners. Any bumps, cracks and potholes are grounds for filing claims against the builders.

To check the strength of the joints, apply several blows to the plaster in randomly selected places. Of course, high-quality material does not allow any peeling. The sound upon impact should be dull, which indicates the absence of voids and uniform application of the finishing layer.

You should also check the evenness of the walls. To do this, take a rule at least 2 meters long and apply it to the plastered surface. If the finishing was done by professionals, then the gap does not exceed 5 mm. The verticality of the walls is checked using a plumb line. The quality criterion is the same - the gap should not be more than 5 mm per 2.5 m of surface.

How to check the evenness of a wall with a laser level - laserpribor

Linear laser level projects a laser line onto the wall. Between the wall and the laser level, a laser plane(horizontal or vertical depending on the level model).

A vertical plane is used to check the evenness of the wall!

There are two methods for assessing the evenness of a wall (checking for the presence of depressions and bumps on the wall surface):

1.Checking for evenness large area walls.

2.Checking evenness in a small area.

The technique for checking evenness is based on the projection of the beam at a certain angle to the wall and mathematical calculations.

1. Checking the evenness over a large area of ​​the wall.

This technique is useful when assessing the volume of plastering work, but can also be used when checking after the completion of plastering and painting works. As a rule, before plastering, the differences on the wall are quite large and are already noticeable - this technique will allow you to quantify and approximately estimate the amount of work involved in leveling the wall with plaster.

Must be enabled vertical plane laser linear level (plane builder), install the level at the edge of the wall so that the vertical laser plane runs parallel to the wall. To do this, you need marks on the floor along the wall at the same distance from walls A and B, as shown in the figure:

In this case, the builder builds a plane parallel to the planned surface of the plastered wall (not the plastered surface itself, but a plane parallel to it). If a section of the wall without a laser beam appears on the wall opposite the level, it means that the beam is interrupted in some place by a convex part of the wall - you need to move the laser level away from the wall and make new marks A and B.

To check differences on the wall surface in one vertical section (from to the ceiling), you need to take a steel or wooden meter with a millimeter scale without moving parts (a tape measure will not work precisely because of the movable hook that almost every tape measure is equipped with).

We select a vertical section of 1-2 cm and place the meter perpendicular to the wall - the free end of the meter rests against the wall at an angle of 90 degrees to the wall surface, and the laser beam will appear on the tape measure plane, showing the distance from the base laser plane to the wall (size 1). Then we rearrange the meter lower on the same vertical line and get a new distance (size 2). We take as many measurements as necessary.

Now the data for this vertical segment can be compared with the data for the vertical segment of the wall every 40 cm or every meter.

We compare the resulting dimensions and get an idea of ​​the curvature of the wall relative to our base vertical in centimeters and millimeters.

2. Checking the evenness in a small area.

When the wall is plastered and the preparation of the wall for gluing or painting is completed, the irregularities, as a rule, are 1, 2, 3 mm and it is not always convenient to look for them using the first method with a ruler.

Particularly visible are the unevenness on the walls to be painted, painted dark and on which straight lines fall Sun rays at an angle... The same method is used when assessing the evenness of the wall after finishing before painting and wallpapering.

This technique is not difficult to apply. First, we need to visually mark a square on the floor near the wall that we will measure (or draw it with chalk or mark it with some objects) - we need it in order to then place the builder under the right angle to Wall. We mark points A (the laser plane is perpendicular to the wall), B (the laser plane is at an angle of 45 degrees to the wall), then we mark points C, D, E by dividing the segment between the wall and the previous marked point in half (we get angles 45/2 = 22, 5; 22.5/2 = 11.25; 11.25/2 = 5.62):

Moreover, when a plane falls on a wall, it will be level at any angle only when the wall is perfectly level! If the beam is uneven, it will bend, and the smaller the angle (the sharper it is), the greater the curvature!

In places of unevenness, the beam will bend relative to the center of the measured area - if it bends away from the builder (point A1), then in this place we have a hole on the wall, if it bends towards the builder (point A2), then there is a bulge on the wall. Let us clearly demonstrate this in Figure 5:

If a horizontal beam is directed at the wall at an angle (the builder must be tilted relative to the horizontal plane in this case), then it will show the unevenness on the wall from left to right (horizontal curvature), and not from top to bottom (vertical curvature).

How is the dip or bulge of X in millimeters? Everything is very simple! Must use trigonometric formula from the course high school! The cotangent will help us - the ratio of the leg adjacent to the corner (exactly the distance A1) to the opposite leg (the desired value - unevenness X).

When we change the angle of incidence of the beam on the wall, the ratio of A1 to the desired value X will change. The sharper (smaller) the angle of incidence on the wall, the greater will be the value of A1 or A2, the greater will be the coefficient:

A1 / ctg “angle of incidence of beam on wall” = X

Here are the angle cotangent values ​​that we used in the calculations:

And this is an example of calculating unevenness in millimeters depending on the angle at which the beam hits the wall:


How to check plaster?


    Before deciding whether you need to replace the plaster or not, you need to check its strength, how well it adheres to the wall. Based on the results obtained, one will draw the appropriate conclusion: it is necessary to replaster the wall, leave it in the condition in which it is at the moment, or a small amount will be enough cosmetic repairs in some areas.


    The easiest way to check the plaster is to use a scraper or putty knife. It is necessary to take the appropriate tool and run it along the surface; in those places where the cement chips begin to crumble, you need to carry out cosmetic work. The easiest way to check the plaster is to remove the wallpaper, if any, from it. If it begins to collapse along with them, then such a coating is no longer subject to partial correction and requires complete replacement.


    To determine the strength of a plastered surface, you can take a simple hammer and tap its handle on the surface. In places where the coating is not held securely, a dull response will be heard; they need to be marked with something. If there are many such places, it is recommended to completely re-plaster the wall.


    You can also dry the surface and see if there are any damp spots on it. As a rule, they will differ in characteristic color tone, it will be darker. In this case, it is necessary to replaster not only damp area, but also around it by 50-70 centimeters.


    If at first glance the quality of the plaster is unsatisfactory, it is not recommended to save money, but to replace the entire coating. Grease stains may appear on the plaster, the cause of which often lies much deeper - in the wall itself. In this case, it is recommended to make a chip on the wall and apply a new solution.


    It is recommended to check for cracks in the plaster with a small sharp object. Without applying too much pressure, they need to be passed over all sections of the wall; when a crack appears, the object will jump or, on the contrary, will sink inside it. Then you need to enlarge the crack yourself and cover it with fresh mortar. It is worth noting that all work should be carried out on dry plaster, so it must be dried first.

Plastering walls - a question about the quality of work - discussion on the ngs.dom forum in Novosibirsk

You will need a 2m long rule and a simple ruler. Standard quality control tool.

Next, you need to understand what quality you agreed on. And, guided by the following excerpt from SNiP, you can accept the job. With good apartment renovation, as a rule, is considered to be of high quality (I will give notes in parentheses using its example) or, at worst, improved.

Plastered surfaces

Measuring, at least 5 measurements with a control two-meter rod on 50-70 m2 of surface or on a separate area of ​​​​a smaller area in places identified by continuous visual inspection(for molded ones - at least 5 per 35-40 m and three per element), work log

deviations from the vertical (mm per 1 m), mm:

with simple plaster - 3

No more than 15 mm per room height

the same, improved - 2

The same, no more than 10 mm

the same, high-quality - 1 (place a 2m level vertically against the wall, with this measurement the deviation of the wall level by the length of the rule should not exceed 2mm)

The same, no more than 5 mm

irregularities of a smooth outline (per 4 m2):

with simple plaster - no more than 3, depth (height) up to 5 mm

the same, improved - no more than 2, depth (height) up to 3 mm

the same, high-quality - no more than 2, depth (height) up to 2 mm (apply the rule arbitrarily in all planes, cracks under the rule, or vice versa, smooth bulges should not exceed 2 mm)

Horizontal deviations (mm per 1 m) should not exceed, mm:

with simple plaster - 3

the same, improved - 2

the same, high quality - 1

Another important point... Selectively tap the walls with a metal object, for example a door key. In places where the plaster has poor adhesion to the base, you will not hear a dull knock as it should be, but a feeling of emptiness. You can safely say that such places should be opened and remodeled at your own expense, this is obvious negligence in work. The same can be said if under the rule there is a hole as thick as a finger. or, on the contrary, a bump, well, all the norms for these deviations are given above.

Types of plaster according to the degree of quality assessment.

Simple plaster performed in basements and attics of residential and public buildings, in non-permanent buildings, in temporary buildings, in warehouses and non-residential premises where careful surface treatment is not required. Simple plaster is done under “falcon”, i.e. The layer of basting soil (except for the spray) is leveled with the edge of a falcon. The basting is usually applied in two layers - spray and soil, without hanging and checking the rule; the covering layer is not applied, but the surface of the soil is rubbed. The corners of window and door slopes, pilasters, pillars are carefully leveled with a trowel. The average total thickness of the plaster marking does not exceed 12 mm.

Improved plaster usually done in residential and public buildings (schools, hospitals, kindergartens, etc.), as well as in special cases in industrial buildings and in utility rooms of high-class buildings, for plastering the facades of buildings without special architectural design. Improved plaster is carried out as follows: apply a layer of spray no more than 9 mm thick on wooden surfaces and 5 mm on stone, concrete and brick; one or more layers of soil 5 mm thick with cement mortar and

7 mm for lime and lime-gypsum mortars; covering layer 2 mm with checking the surface as a rule, without hanging the surfaces. The average thickness of the mantle is 15 mm. A covering layer 2 mm thick is rubbed with plastic, wooden or felt floats and smoothed with rubber or steel trowels. High-quality plaster is performed in buildings and structures that have high finishing requirements: theaters, museums, exhibition halls, hotels, residential buildings upgraded class, etc. The surfaces of walls, ceilings and slopes must be strictly vertical or horizontal planes.

High quality plaster They are made from a layer of spray, one or several layers of soil and a covering with hanging the surfaces and installing beacons, the height of which above the surface to be plastered determines the required thickness of the plaster mark. Beacons and stamps are made from quick-hardening solutions. Average total thickness of mantle high quality plaster 20 mm.

Quality control of plastering works.

Surfaces to be plastered must be thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt, grease and bitumen stains, and salts deposited on the surface.

Protruding architectural details, junction points of plastered structures made of different materials, must be plastered over a metal mesh or woven wire attached to the surface of the base; wooden surfaces - on shingle panels.

When performing plastering work, the following requirements must be met:

Permissible thickness of single-layer plaster:

When using all types of solutions, except gypsum - up to 20 mm;

From gypsum solutions - up to 15 mm.

The permissible thickness of each layer when installing multilayer plasters without polymer additives:

Spraying on stone, brick, concrete surfaces - up to 5 mm;

Spraying on wooden surfaces (including the thickness of the shingles) - up to 9 mm;

Ground from cement mortars- up to 5 mm;

Soil made from lime, lime-gypsum mortars - up to 7 mm;

Covering layer of plaster coating - up to 2 mm;

Covering layer decorative finishing- 7 mm.

Deviations of plastered surfaces from the vertical (1 m):

For simple plaster - no more than 3 mm (no more than 15 mm for the entire height of the room);

With improved plaster - no more than 2 mm (no more than 10 mm for the entire height of the room);

With high-quality plaster - no more than 1 mm (no more than 5 mm for the entire height of the room).

Horizontal deviations of plastered surfaces (per 1 m):

For simple plaster - no more than 3 mm;

With improved plaster - no more than 2 mm;

With high-quality plaster - no more than 1 mm.

Deviations of window and door slopes, pilasters, pillars, husks, etc. from vertical and horizontal (1 m):

For simple plaster - no more than 4 mm (up to 10 mm for the entire element);

With improved plaster - no more than 2 mm (up to 5 mm for the entire element);

With high-quality plaster - no more than 1 mm (up to 3 mm for the entire element).

Deviations of the radius of curved surfaces, checked by a pattern, from the design value (for the entire element):

For simple plaster - no more than 10 mm;

With improved plaster - no more than 7 mm;

With high-quality plaster - no more than 5 mm.

Deviations of the slope width from the design:

For simple plaster - no more than 5 mm;

Deviations of rods from a straight line within the limits between the angles of intersection and bracing:

For simple plaster - no more than 6 mm;

With improved plaster - no more than 3 mm;

With high-quality plaster - no more than 2 mm.

Uneven surfaces with a smooth outline (per 4 m2) are allowed:

With simple plaster - no more than 3 irregularities with a depth (height) of up to 5 mm;

With improved plaster - no more than 2 irregularities with a depth (height) of up to 3 mm;

With high-quality plaster, no more than 2 irregularities with a depth (height) of up to 2 mm.

Cracks, bumps, shells, dummies, rough surfaces, and gaps on the plastered surface are not allowed.

When controlling the quality of wall finishing with sheets of dry plaster, you must be guided by the following tolerances:

– vertically at 1 m height – no more than 2 mm, and over the entire height of the room – up to 5 mm;

– horizontally for 1 m of length – up to 2 mm, and for the entire length of the room – up to 7 mm;

- for husks, appendages, slopes, pilasters and other parts per 1 m of height or length - up to 2 mm, and for the entire element - no more than 3 mm;

– along the width of the lined slope – no more than ±2 mm; the height and depth of unevenness when controlled with a two-meter strip is no more than 2 mm, sagging in the walls is 2 mm;

– the width of the sealed seams between sheets of dry plaster is no more than 6 mm.

The glued sheets of dry plaster are prepared accordingly and painted or covered with wallpaper.

2. Technical inspection of buildings and structures before major repairs and reconstruction. Plaster defects. Causes and their elimination

Reconstruction means the reconstruction of something in order to improve its functional, structural, aesthetic and other properties during subsequent operation.

To carry out reconstruction work, special technology is required, since this work is carried out in cramped conditions, sometimes in old buildings that are extremely inconvenient for this, in existing workshops. All this complicates the use of existing mechanization means, complicates the delivery of materials and structures to work sites, and prevents their normal storage in the work area. This ultimately leads to an increase in manual labor costs, and in especially cramped conditions it often causes an increased risk of their implementation.

A distinctive feature is the need for a technical inspection.

Survey a set of measures to determine and evaluate the actual values ​​of monitored parameters that characterize the operational condition, suitability and performance of objects under inspection and determine the possibility of their further operation or the need for restoration and strengthening.

The need for survey work, its volume, composition and nature depend on the specific tasks assigned. The following reasons may be the basis for an examination:

It is necessary to inspect buildings and structures damaged by accidents, catastrophes, fires, earthquakes (the purpose of such an inspection is to establish the possibility of further operation of the building and develop measures to strengthen the structures);

A reconstruction project is required, and before any reconstruction it is necessary to carry out complete information to provide designers with complete information, even in cases not accompanied by an increase in loads;

Lack of design, technical and executive documentation;

Changing the functional purpose of buildings and structures;

The need to monitor and assess the condition of building structures located close to newly constructed structures;

Redevelopment of premises (apartments, offices) is required, before designing which survey work is also required (during redevelopment, the load, location of partitions, etc. may change);

Increased operational loads and impacts on structures during redevelopment, modernization and increase in the number of storeys of a building;

Identification of deviations from the project that reduce the load-bearing capacity and performance of structures;

A major renovation of the facility is planned;

If an increase in deformation of the building is detected (as a rule, this is the opening of cracks in the walls) and it is necessary to find out whether this is dangerous and whether further operation of the building is possible;

It is planned to resume unfinished construction in the absence of conservation or three years after the cessation of construction during conservation, for which it is necessary to clarify the current technical condition of the unfinished object (sometimes it is not practical to continue construction);

Inspection of buildings in order to monitor their condition during scheduled and extraordinary inspections;

The need to determine the suitability of industrial and public buildings for normal operation, as well as residential buildings for living in them;

You are planning to buy a building or premises in a building, and you need to find out its real condition (an inspection is strongly recommended; at today's real estate prices, a mistake can be expensive);

When creating as-built documentation for “self-construction” (as-built documentation, that is, the project, also requires a description of the current technical condition of the object), if it is necessary to carry out measurement work to draw up measurement drawings.

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  • Quality control

    Plaster is divided into simple, improved and high-quality. Simple plastering is carried out in basements and attics of residential and public buildings, in non-permanent buildings, in temporary buildings, in warehouses and non-residential premises where careful surface treatment is not required. Simple plaster is done under “falcon”, i.e. layer of soil

    (except for the spray) are leveled with the edge of a falcon. The basting is usually applied in two layers - spray and soil, without hanging and checking the rule; the covering layer is not applied, but the surface of the soil is rubbed. The corners of window and door slopes, pilasters, pillars are carefully leveled with a trowel. The average total thickness of the plaster marking does not exceed 12 mm. Improved plaster is usually done in residential and public buildings(schools, hospitals, kindergartens, etc.), as well as in special cases in industrial buildings and in utility rooms of high-class buildings, for plastering the facades of buildings without special architectural design. Improved plaster is carried out as follows: apply a layer of spray no more than 9 mm thick on wooden surfaces and 5 mm on stone, concrete and brick; one or several layers of soil 5 mm thick with cement mortar and 7 mm with lime and lime-gypsum mortars; covering layer 2 mm with checking the surface as a rule, without hanging the surfaces. The average thickness of the mantle is 15 mm. A covering layer 2 mm thick is rubbed with plastic, wooden or felt floats and smoothed with rubber or steel trowels. High-quality plaster is performed in buildings and structures that have high finishing requirements: theaters, museums, exhibition halls, hotels, high-class residential buildings, etc. The surfaces of walls, ceilings and slopes must be strictly vertical or horizontal planes. High-quality plaster is made from a layer of spray, one or several layers of soil and a covering with hanging the surfaces and installing beacons, the height of which above the plastered surface determines the required thickness of the plaster mark. Beacons and stamps are made from quick-hardening solutions. The average total thickness of a high-quality plaster sheet is 20 mm. Quality control is responsible for all these plasters (Table 1).

    Plastering defects

    Inept preparation of solutions and improper performance of work lead to various defects. There are defects:

    • 1. Ducts are formed because unseasoned lime was used, small particles of which, having got into the plaster, begin to be extinguished after some time, forming dutks - small tubercles with a white spot in the middle. They can be extinguished for a long time. The finished plaster should be cut down and done again. Freshly slaked lime should be strained through a sieve with openings no larger than 0.6 X 0.6 mm.
    • 2. Large or small cracks can be due to the fact that either greasy solutions were used for plastering (with big amount binders), or poorly mixed solutions, which in some places contain a lot of binders or fillers. Cracks can also be caused by rapid drying of the plaster - through winds, heat. Cracks can also occur from the use of rejuvenated lime-gypsum mortars or the application of lime, cement-lime or cement mortars in thick layers onto a previously applied mortar that has not set. Cracks above the cells of a packed shingle can be caused by the use of a thicker shingle than intended, or by insufficiently thick layers of mortar over the surface of the shingle.

    Table 1 “Plaster quality control”


    Simple plaster

    Improved plaster

    High quality plaster

    Uneven surface

    No more than 3 irregularities, depth or height up to 15mm per 1m.

    No more than 2 irregularities, up to 3 mm deep per 1 m.

    No more than 2 irregularities, depth or height up to 2mm per 1m.

    Surface deviation:

    from vertical

    15mm at full height.

    2mm per 1m height, but not more than 10mm per room height.

    1mm per 1m height, but not more than 5mm per room height.

    from horizontal

    15 mm for the entire room.

    2mm per 1m of length, but not more than 10mm for the entire length of the room.

    1mm per 1m of length, but not more than 7mm for the length of the entire room.

    Husk, usenok, window and door slopes

    10mm for the entire element.

    2mm per 1m of height or length, but not more than 5mm for the entire element.

    1mm per 1m of height, but not more than 3mm for the entire element.

    Radius of curved surfaces from the design value

    Width of the plastered slope from the design

    Not checked.

    Thrusts from a straight line in the aisles between the intersection angles and braces

    • 3. Peeling of the plaster can be because the mortar was applied to an excessively dry surface, to dried layers of a previously applied mortar, or because a stronger one was applied to a weak mortar, for example, cement mortar was applied to a lime mortar.
    • 4. Swelling of plaster occurs because the solution was applied to excessively damp surfaces or from constant wetting of the plastered surfaces with lime or lime-gypsum mortar.
    • 5. Indentations and tapping occur when plastering damp rooms. To avoid scratching and knocking of the plaster, damp areas must be dried and only then plastered.

    Often, a project, estimate, technical specification and other documentation related to renovations in a house or apartment contain such a concept as “high-quality wall plaster.” As a rule, documents do not have a definition of a term meaning a specific set of operations.

    This often leads to a misunderstanding of the essence of the work and, as a consequence, to further conflicts between the customer and the work manufacturer. Only an accurate idea of ​​the level of quality of future work will allow you to avoid problems when renovating your home. This article will help you with this.

    Finish classes

    Russian SNiP No. 3.04.01/87 “Finishing and insulating coatings” defines three types of plaster finishing according to its quality:

    • simple;
    • improved;
    • high quality

    Note! The standards and requirements for the quality of plastering work stated in the document are applicable both for self made, and mechanized. Each class of plaster requires compliance with certain rules.

    They regulate the maximum permissible deviations from the design values ​​or conditions that are accepted between the parties in the relationship, by default.

    Plaster layers

    Before we move on to describing the types of plaster by quality, let's talk a little about finishing layers. This is important for understanding the essence of the topic.

    First, the base is sprayed.

    1. Its purpose is to ensure reliable adhesion to the surface of the walls of the following layers. For spraying, a solution with a liquid consistency is used. This makes it possible to fill in unevenness in the base, ensure strong adhesion, and hold all layers of plaster. Layer thickness 0.3/0.5 cm.
    2. At the second stage of work, primer is applied. It is necessary for the basic alignment of the plane of the walls. When priming, a solution having a dough-like consistency is used. Its thickness can be 1/2 centimeter.
    3. Third layer - cover. It is needed to level out small defects and smooth out the coating. A solution with a creamy consistency is used for it. The layer thickness should be 0.2/0.5 centimeters.

    Note! When plastering any type, if the totality of all its layers exceeds 2 centimeters, the base surface must be pre-reinforced. This can be done using a metal or polymer mesh.

    Types of plaster by quality

    1. A simple type of finishing is used in basements, utility rooms, warehouses, and attics. In other words, in all non-residential rooms where an absolutely flat wall surface is not required.
    2. Improved plaster is needed in rooms that are directly used by people. These can be residential buildings and apartments, medical, public, educational institutions etc.

    1. High quality plaster is used for work in public, residential, medical, educational, office buildings, with increased coverage requirements. In other words, when project documentation directly indicates the similar nature of the rough cladding.

    SNiP defines the following features of plaster coating classes.

    1. A simple type of finish should consist of two mortar layers - spray and primer. Their total thickness should be 2 centimeters.
    2. The improved coating is applied in three layers and consists of spray, primer and cover. The total thickness of the finish should be about 5 centimeters.
    3. A high-quality grade of plaster consists of four layers - spray, two primer layers and a topcoat. The total thickness of such finishing should approach 2 centimeters.

    Note! The instructions say that the application of improved and high-quality plaster must necessarily be carried out along the guide beacons. They are installed on the walls before the main work and can be made from mortar or in the form of ready-made metal profiles.

    A high-quality class of plaster is intended for leveling and smoothing bases for their further finishing:

    • various paints and varnishes;
    • wallpapering;
    • facing with ceramic, porcelain stoneware, clinker, plastic tiles.

    Quality control of this type of plastering work, carried out according to the minimum permissible SNiP deviations, makes it possible to carry out finishing facing works at the highest level.

    It should be remembered that the optimal order of performing the described operations is as follows.

    1. First of all, the ceiling is plastered. Next, the walls are processed in the top/down direction. Floors should be leveled last.
    2. Plaster mortar can be applied to the surface of the base in two ways: spreading it or throwing it on.

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    Requirements for quality finishing

    Deviations that are acceptable in terms of the quality of plastering work are given in tables No. 9 and 10, SNiP No. 3.04.01/87.

    Permissible deviations during work

    1. The difference in the plane of the walls from the vertical per 1 meter of their length is 1 millimeter. For the entire height of the room - no more than 5 millimeters. The planes of the walls from the horizontal, per 1 meter of their length - 1 millimeter
    2. When carrying out work with your own hands, keep in mind that the finishing surface can have no more than two irregularities of smooth outlines per 4 square meters. Their depth or height should not exceed 2 millimeters.
    3. Deviations of door and window slopes, arches, pillars, pilasters from the horizontal and vertical should not be more than 1 millimeter.
    4. The radii of curved elements and surfaces should not deviate from the design value by more than 5 millimeters. The question arises - how to check the quality of plastering work in in this case? This must be done using a pattern template.
    5. The width of the slopes should not deviate by more than 2 millimeters from the design value.
    6. Deviations of the rods from the straight axis, between the angles of their intersection and bracing, cannot be more than 2 millimeters.

    Characteristics of coating and base

    The moisture level of stone, concrete and brick walls when plastering them should not exceed 8%. Strength of adhesion (adhesion) of plaster mixtures (in MPa), at internal works, must be at least 0.1. When performing external plastering work, this value cannot be less than 0.4.

    Below is the permissible thickness of each finishing layer when laying multi-layer coatings (without the use of polymer modifiers).

    1. Thickness of spray on concrete, stone and brick foundations– no more than 5 millimeters.
    2. The amount of spray on wooden surfaces (including the thickness of the shingles) is no more than 9 millimeters.
    3. The soil, consisting of a cement-sand mixture, should have a thickness of no more than 1/2 centimeters.
    4. The primer layer, laid from lime, gypsum or lime-gypsum mortar, should not exceed 0.7/1 centimeter in thickness.
    5. The covering of the rough plaster finish should be 0.2/0.5 millimeters.
    6. Cover layer decorative covering should not be more than 7 centimeters.

    Note! Important information on how to check the quality of wall plaster. After completion of work, the surfaces should be inspected. They should not have coating peeling, cracks, deep scratches, efflorescence, sinks, obvious traces of troweling tools.

    Requirements for the quality of materials

    These provisions are voiced in GOST No. 28013/98. " Mortars", in the section "General technical. conditions".

    Also, the requirements for materials for high-quality plastering are given in table No. 8 of SNiP No. 3.04.01/87.

    Prepared yourself or purchased ready-made at a concrete plant plaster mixture must meet the following specifications.

    1. The solution intended for spraying and priming must pass through a sieve with a mesh cross-section of 3 millimeters. The mixture for covering or single-layer plaster should pass through cells measuring 1.5 millimeters.
    2. The solution should have a mobility in the corridor of 5 to 12 centimeters.
    3. Its level of delamination should not exceed 15%.
    4. The water-holding capacity of the mixture must be at least 90%.
    5. The strength of the coating must correspond to the value included in the project.

    The plaster mixture must be mixed with sand having a fractional modulus of 1/2. Solutions for spraying and primer should not contain grains larger than 2.5 millimeters.

    Sand for covering should have a particle size of no more than 1.25 millimeters.

    The plaster mixture purchased at the factory must be accompanied by a document confirming its quality.

    It states the following:

    • the date of year and time (in hours and minutes) of preparing the solution;
    • brand of mixture;
    • type of binder;
    • scope of supply;
    • solution mobility;
    • the state standard is given;
    • the price of a cubic meter of solution and its specific delivery are indicated.

    Carrying out work in accordance with the regulatory document

    Requirements for the implementation of high-quality plastering work are stated in paragraphs No. 3.1/3.17 of SNiP No. 3.04.01/87.

    Surface preparation

    Before plastering begins, the following operations must be carried out.

    1. The premises to be finished must be protected from weather influences and precipitation.
    2. There is hydro-, heat- and sound-insulation of surfaces, as well as leveling floor screed.
    3. The joints and seams between the panels and blocks are sealed.
    4. The junction areas of door and window units, as well as balcony blocks, have been sealed and carefully insulated.
    5. Windows installed.
    6. Embedded elements have been installed.
    7. Test runs of the heating and water supply systems were carried out.

    Main works

    1. Plastering should be carried out at a temperature of air and the surface being treated not lower than +10°. Air humidity should be no more than 60%. This temperature must be maintained in the premises at all times, no less than two days before the start and twelve days after completion of the work.
    2. Plastering should be carried out on the basis of the PPR - the work plan for the construction of a building or structure.

    Note! Applying plaster finishes to surfaces that have areas with efflorescence, rust, bitumen and grease stains is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to remove dust from the base before laying each layer of plaster.

    1. The strength of the treated surfaces should not be less than the same finishing value.
    2. Protruding beyond the plane of the base architectural elements, interface areas wooden surfaces with stone, brick and concrete structures, must be plastered over the reinforcing mesh fixed on them. Fully wooden bases need to be finished over shingled panels.
    3. Brick, concrete and stone walls, constructed using the freezing method, must be plastered only after they have been thawed from the inside, no less than half their thickness.
    4. When working on brick walls, if the air temperature is +24° or more, their surface should be moistened before plastering.
    5. When covering the surface with single-layer plaster, it must be smoothed immediately after application. When using trowel units - after the mixture has set.
    6. When laying a multi-layer coating, apply each layer only after preliminary hardening of the previous one. The soil must be leveled before it begins to set.


    High-quality plaster according to SNiP guarantees that during subsequent installation finishing and there will be no problems in its operation. Having studied regulations, you will be able to carry out the finishing yourself or effectively supervise the work of hired plasterers. By watching the video in this article you will gain even more useful knowledge.
