How to get rid of fleas on an adult cat and kitten at home. How to remove fleas from a cat? The cat has fleas - what to do? Flea Remedies Fleas on Very Young Kittens

The ways in which various bloodsuckers appear in cat babies can be quite varied, and greatly depend on the conditions - where, by whom and how they are kept.

Typically infection occurs:

  1. from mother;
  2. from brothers and sisters in the litter;
  3. from relatives in the yard or on the street;
  4. from another pet that has fleas or may bring them into the house.

It would also be a good idea for the owners of the “groom” to take care of such important aspect before mating, how to rid your cat of fleas in order to avoid transferring them to the “bride”, and in the future to small crumbs. Otherwise, fleas on such a kitten, which is then put up for sale, may be found on the new owners of the purchased baby.

If a cat couple is treated against bloodsuckers before the “date”, and the cat does not subsequently come into contact with homeless relatives, then, as a rule, the babies are born clean. And their new owners will not have a headache about what to do if the purchased kitten has fleas.

It also happens when a cat walks on its own and chooses a cat for itself. For example, such a free lifestyle is often found among country or country cats, in rural areas or in the private sector. They breed freely, and even if periodically treated, they can become infected with fleas through close contact with a cat or other cats.

If there is already another pet in the family, or even several of them, then before bringing the baby into the house, you need to check your animals for fleas and remove them when any are found.

We will consider, taking into account these circumstances from the owners, everything possible options and we’ll give you recipes on what to do in such cases and how to remove fleas from a kitten.

How dangerous are fleas for a small kitten?

These insidious bloodsuckers, whose bites pose a threat to the health of adult cats, are much more dangerous for children. The immune system of newly born cats takes 6 months to develop, so the baby, especially if it is less than a month old, is defenseless against serious infections that are transmitted through flea bites.

The presence of fleas for a baby is fraught with problems that threaten not only his health, but also his life.

  • Anxiety due to severe itching, loss of appetite.
  • Purulent skin lesions in the bitten areas.
  • Allergic severe manifestations.
  • Anemia due to loss of blood during powerful and frequent attacks.
  • Severe helminthic infestations.

Important! If the baby experiences suffering due to the fault of bloodsuckers, then you need to study how you can treat the kitten for fleas, and be sure to save your pet from suffering as soon as possible.

The importance of the kitten's age when choosing methods to combat bloodsuckers

Methods suitable for a newborn kitten up to 2 months

Considering that after birth, babies are with a cat for the first month, then if the mother is infected with fleas, then the litter also has them. Therefore, first of all, you need to carry out a treatment procedure on the cat and bait the fleas in the place where the droppings are located.

What can you do with such tiny cats? How to remove fleas from a kitten if he is less than 1 month old? Safe ways Not much for these kids, but there it is.

  • Cover the area where the cat and its offspring live with fresh wormwood branches. It perfectly drives out established bloodsuckers and scares away new ones.
  • In the absence of fresh green wormwood, you can bathe the babies in its warm decoction, making sure that the water does not get into the ears and nose. You can add tansy to wormwood when brewing.
  • Suitable for babies, if kittens have fleas already at 1 month, bathing with tar soap. The baby should be left soaped for 15 minutes and thoroughly rinse off any remaining foam along with dead fleas. After drying, it is better to comb the fur additionally to remove fleas lingering between the fibers.
  • Bathing with shampoo found at a veterinary pharmacy will be effective for the tiniest cats. This shampoo will last for about a month.
  • There are also veterinary sprays designed for newborn kittens. They are safe, but expensive. You need to handle it carefully and thoroughly, and then dry it so that the baby does not lick the drug off. For long-haired dogs, such sprays are ineffective. Valid for up to six months.

Important! Drops and collars are not suitable for babies at this age!

Methods suitable for kittens from 2 to 6 months

The problem is being solved more widely when a kitten has fleas 2 months after birth. By this time, the cat usually stops feeding her milk, which transfers antibodies that trigger the immune system.

Only when your pet reaches six months of age can you use products with insecticides.

  • When purchasing insecticidal collars, drops, sprays and shampoos, you must take into account the age and weight of the baby!
  • If an allergic reaction occurs to an insecticide, do not rush to completely abandon pest control. It is enough to simply change the product or manufacturer.

Important! Choosing protective agent, look for something intended only for kittens! Products for puppies are absolutely not suitable for a meowing pet!

If you find flea bites on your baby's body or his behavior has become restless, do not panic. Now you know how to remove fleas from a small kitten without harming him.

A nasty blood-sucking insect that settles in the fur of a domestic cat, is flattened on the sides, and moves incredibly quickly both in the fur and in open space - this is a flea.

Fleas in small kittens: features of treatment and prevention

First you need to do a dry vacuum cleaning, vacuuming all the cracks and furniture in the room. It is advisable to treat the cat's house or favorite bedding with flea repellents or boil it.

If there are a lot of fleas, then first of all, it is advisable to wash the animal with a special flea shampoo.

If single fleas are noticed on a cat, then you can use drops or a collar without resorting to bathing the animal.

When you choose a method for removing fleas from a kitten, you need to take into account the general condition of the animal, its age and weight. Cheap flea products contain toxic chemicals that can harm your kitten. Drops containing permethrin can poison your cat, and flea collars may contain neurotoxins.

The difficulty of treating newborn kittens is that safe means it simply doesn't exist for them.

In such cases, it is worth changing the bedding and vacuuming everything around, and very carefully treat the mother of the kittens with flea repellent, eliminating the possibility of contact with the newborn kitten. It is not advisable for a nursing cat to wear a flea collar; sooner or later small kittens will start to bite it.

Basically, medications with the active substance fipronil (Fiprex or Fiprex spray) are common.

It has the least toxicity to animals. If suddenly your pet licked the drug and it went side effects in the form of itching, salivation and vomiting, you should consult a veterinarian.
It is important to know that the use of the drug in the form of drops is contraindicated for small kittens under 2 months of age. Flea spray is best for kids.
It is 100% confirmed that flea control must be carried out systematically. To improve a kitten's fur, it is necessary to use vitamins that will restore the pet's condition.

Features of flea infestation in adult cats

One female flea can lay up to 300 eggs per day, from which a whole generation of new fleas will emerge. Flea eggs do not stick to cat hair and spread throughout the room, especially in dusty places - carpets, upholstery, pet bedding.
In such conditions, flea larvae develop quietly, then turn into a cocoon, and from it, when a suitable host appears, a new flea appears. When fleas settle on an animal’s body, they cause significant discomfort and cause a number of specific diseases – skin dermatitis, infectious anemia, and helminthic infestation.
Yes, fleas are one of the most common ways cats are infected with worms; the fact is that flea larvae feed on worm eggs, and adult fleas are their carriers.

It is taking into account all these factors that to combat fleas in a cat, you need to use an integrated step-by-step approach, using specialized means, which are best purchased at pet stores and veterinary pharmacies.

An anti-flea collar will fully perform its function only if it is worn on a healthy animal.

If the cat is already infected with fleas, then you first need to treat the animal’s fur with drops or shampoos, and only then use a collar. The collar is a narrow strip of material impregnated with a special chemical solution; each manufacturer has its own composition of the solution. These solutions repel fleas, preventing insects from taking root on the body of a pet.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that most flea collars can only be used on animals older than one year.

How to get rid of fleas from a cat

Diagnosis of fleas in cats

Flea Removal Plan

Modern drugs can do a lot, but they cannot stop at just one successful treatment. In the fight against fleas in a cat, the owner’s main weapon is his persistence. It will be useful to you for 2-3 months during the treatment of your pet, regular (at least once every 3 days) wet cleaning with the addition of the drug, the entire room, washing the cat’s bedding, etc.

The detailed action plan is outlined below.
1. Swipe preventive actions for cats against worms.
2. Do wet cleaning and vacuum the room.
3. Spray the product (see rules for selection above) on the surface of the room.
4. Bathe the animal and treat it with the same drug, in accordance with the instructions that came with it.
5. After 3-4 days, comb the cat carefully with a fine comb over a napkin that can be easily destroyed; Do wet cleaning again using a product against fleas and their larvae.
6. Repeat the procedure from steps 1-4 every two weeks for 8-10 weeks.

Electronic and mechanical collars and food supplements with vitamins can be called completely ineffective.


Description of fleas

Adult insects are wingless, the body is strongly compressed laterally, the legs are strong, long, with numerous spines. Mouthparts adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. The flea's body length is 2-4 mm.

An adult flea, both male and female, feeds exclusively on blood, sucking 20 times its own weight in blood every day. Fleas live for about a year, but are capable of prolonged fasting for up to 18 months.
Flea bites are painful and cause severe itching and inflammation of the skin. Animals scratch itchy areas of the body with their paws, causing themselves scratches and abrasions. The life of cats turns into constant torment.

Fleas are easy to detect on the body of cats, but it must be remembered that only 10% of fleas live on animals, the rest live in their environment. Therefore, the cat must be placed on a white bedding and thoroughly combed. At the same time, small black-brownish dots are found on the animal - this is dried and fallen off undigested blood.

To kill fleas on the body of animals, insecticides are used in the form of drops, shampoos, aerosols, and emulsions. When choosing a drug, take into account the duration of its action and toxicity. The effect of an insecticide depends not only on its form and quality, but also on the thoroughness of application. skin covering animal.

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If the cat walks freely around the yard and personal plot, flea treatment should be carried out at least once every two months. For cats that do not leave the apartment, preventive measures are carried out once every three months. You should not think that if the cat has not crossed the threshold of the home, fleas will bypass it. You can bring them yourself on clothes or shoes. This is why fleas appear in houses that are rarely cleaned even in the absence of pets.

If you use special drops for fleas that are applied to the withers, carefully read the instructions. It may indicate that the cat needs to be washed before using the drops. If there is no such clarification, remember: the cat is not bathed three days before and after treatment.

Be sure to use medications that are intended only for cats! Some substances contained in dog products can cause irreparable harm to a cat.

If you treated your animal with drops or spray, do not allow him to lick his fur for at least another half hour.

To completely get rid of fleas, treat the area where your cat rests, her toys, and her scratching post. Thoroughly vacuum all surfaces that cannot be washed: carpets, upholstered furniture.

Follow the dosage indicated on the package. An insufficient amount of the drug applied will not have the desired effect, and an excessive amount can lead to allergies.

It’s easy to guess that your cat has fleas:

  • the animal becomes anxious, restless, freezes, as if listening to something, and then makes sudden jumps;
  • often itches, licks fur, tries to catch insects with teeth;
    tiny wounds appear on the skin;
  • in case of severe infestation, adult individuals are detected visually – for example, on the animal’s face.

To find out if your pet has fleas, put him on large leaf white paper and comb with a fine comb. If several insects fell on the paper or dark particles of flea excrement woke up, it’s time to sound the alarm.

Ridding an animal of fleas is quite simple: in any pet store or veterinary pharmacy you will find a large assortment of different shampoos, sprays, powders, collars and drops intended for this purpose.


There are many anti-flea shampoos available, from the cheapest to the most expensive. However, they have virtually no effect on flea eggs and larvae; they are only suitable against adult insects, which means they are classified as ineffective. However, it never hurts to wash your pet with one of these products.


Not a very popular flea remedy. Powders have a similar effect (only on adult specimens), but sometimes cause a negative reaction in the animal in the form of irritation of the mucous membrane. Basically, they are used to treat babies.

Anti-flea collars

One of the most popular remedies for animals that “walk on their own.” Collars such as “Barrier” or “Beafar” retain their properties for up to five months. There is no need to worry that your pet will be uncomfortable in the collar: full adaptation takes no more than one or two days, even for adult animals that have never worn a collar before.

From negative points the following can be mentioned:

  1. presence of a specific odor;
  2. Sometimes the hair on the animal's withers thins.

Collars are produced for adult animals and kittens.

Flea drops

Another very effective product - easy to use and non-toxic, recommended veterinarians and experienced cat breeders.
There are also tablets and injections against fleas.

Folk remedies

Except professional means There are many popular methods for fighting insects. They are quite effective and can be used if you do not have the opportunity to visit a pet store or veterinary pharmacy.


To treat your cat you will need a small basin with high sides, water and table salt. For every liter of water, take two tablespoons of salt. Dissolve the salt in warm water, place your pet in the basin up to its neck and hold in this position for at least five minutes. After this, rinse the cat's fur thoroughly. clean water, dry with a towel and comb. The salt solution has a detrimental effect on flea eggs and larvae; adults cannot tolerate it either.

By the way, the same remedy is used to treat abscesses in cats: moisten a clean cloth with a hot saline solution and apply it to the abscess for 5-10 minutes several times a day. A positive result is achieved very quickly.


The familiar wormwood has proven itself well as a remedy for fleas in cats. Brew a tablespoon of pharmaceutical wormwood with a glass of boiling water, cool slowly under the lid and wet your pet's fur while warm.

For greater effectiveness, you can add the same amount of tansy to the wormwood. However, be careful: if you see that your pet is not feeling well, immediately wash off the broth and give him an antihistamine. Cats usually tolerate herbal treatment well, but in some cases an allergic reaction may occur.

Coniferous sawdust

Fleas do not like the smell of pine needles and pine sawdust. If your cat is used to sleeping on a mattress, make him a special one - not tightly stuffed with pine or spruce sawdust. You can put a couple of sprigs of dry wormwood in it. Your pet will smell like a Christmas tree and not a single flea will bite on it!

How to remove fleas from cats and kittens

If a pregnant cat has fleas, it is imperative to remove them before the offspring appear. In this case, you cannot do without consulting an experienced veterinarian, since folk remedies or those bought at random can damage not only to the expectant mother, but also to her kids. Bathing (unless your cat is a “fan” of water treatments) is quite stressful for a pregnant cat. It is especially dangerous to bathe her on later due to the threat of premature birth.
Many veterinarians recommend using Frontline spray during this period. It can be used not only to treat a pregnant cat, but even for kittens from seven days of age. The Stronghold spray has proven itself well. As budget option“Bars” will be quite suitable.

How to get rid of fleas on a kitten

Removing fleas from kittens has its own characteristics.

  1. The smallest ones - about a month old - will have to urgently get acquainted with warm water and zoo shampoo, and in its absence - with tar or even laundry soap. The kitten's fur is generously moistened with whipped foam, leaving only the head dry, left for four minutes, then washed generously running water and dry with a terry towel.
  2. If the kitten is at least two months old, you can wash it with shampoo that is used against fleas in adult animals. If at this age the kitten does not have contact with its mother and lives in another house (for example, you bought a two-month-old baby), the range of products used expands significantly. These can be drops on the withers intended for kittens, sprays, powder or powders.
  3. Starting at three months, the kitten is treated for fleas like an adult animal and wears a flea collar.

In the apartment

To prevent fleas from returning to their favorite place in your pet’s fluffy fur, it is necessary to disinfect the entire apartment.

Professional pest control

Most effective method– temperature treatment of housing using a heat gun. The pest control team will assess how infested the apartment is and, in accordance with this, will choose a method for exterminating the insects. All you need to do is prepare your home for the arrival of specialists and pay for their services.
Don’t be alarmed if fleas appear in your apartment again after a few days. Surely their eggs or larvae remained in the deep crevices. They will not survive contact with treated surfaces. This phenomenon can last up to 4-5 weeks, after which the insects will leave you alone.


If you do not have the opportunity or desire to use the services of professionals, you can disinfect the apartment yourself. For this purpose you will need an insecticidal spray or powder.

Aerosol treatment

  • Before you begin disinfection, remove all living things from the apartment: children and adults, except your assistants, animals, birds, aquarium fish and indoor plants.
  • Throw out the trash in advance and get rid of unnecessary things.
  • Move furniture away from the walls. If there is a rug hanging on the wall, remove it.
  • Treat all items in the apartment with the selected aerosol, including upholstered furniture, clothes, shoes, and bed linen. Try to get the drug into every crevice.
  • Close windows and doors tightly and leave your home for several hours - preferably overnight.
    The next day, ventilate the apartment properly, wash and wash everything that has been treated.

Powder treatment

Unlike aerosols, powdered insecticides are less effective. You will have to wait much longer for the desired result. But you don’t have to leave your apartment.
Powders are poured in places where fleas are most concentrated: behind baseboards, in corners, in hard-to-reach crevices. Upon contact with the powder, not only eggs and larvae, but also adult insects die.

Effective flea control

One of the most popular remedies against fleas and other blood-sucking insects for cats - drops called “Bars”, which combine a very reasonable price and high quality. These drops can be used on kittens from 2.5 months and adult cats.
Watch the dosage! This is very important due to the increased sensitivity of cats to permethrin, which is active substance drug.
A single use of Barsa relieves the animal of fleas and ticks for a period of one to two months.

Cost of removing fleas from a cat

  1. anti-flea collars - from 200 to 500 rubles, you can find them from 75 rubles;
  2. shampoos - from 95 to 800 rubles;
  3. sprays - from 300 to 950 rubles;
  4. drops on the withers - from 150 to 800 rubles.

There are nuances that you need to know about, since removing fleas from a kitten is not so easy. For example, drugs that are suitable for adult cats cannot be used on babies. Even products developed specifically for kittens, which contain a minimum amount of active substances, have restrictions on the age at which they can be used. If a cat feeds its young with milk, the use of any insecticidal preparations is unwise. And yet, if you find that a kitten has fleas, what should you do if the baby is not separated from the cat? Next, we will try to figure out in what cases the use of this or that product will be most effective and safe for the kitten.

If the kitten has not yet been weaned from the cat

How to use flea shampoo for kittens

Add shampoo to warm water (a couple of drops at first, and then according to the instructions), stir until foam appears and lower the kitten into the water. It is necessary to bathe the animal completely, just be careful so that water does not get into the ears, eyes, nose and mouth. Having washed it completely, including the head, you need to soak the foam on the fur for 4-5 minutes, and then rinse well with warm running water. During bathing, fleas will run and hide in places where there is no shampoo, so it is so important to lather it from head to tail. After this, the kitten needs to be dried thoroughly. Some people do this with a hairdryer, but it will be much better if you wrap your pet in a towel, wrap it in a soft, warm blanket and warm it in your arms. In addition to the fact that bathing is not a very pleasant event for cats, the baby may also be frightened by a noisy hairdryer, but in your arms your pet will quickly calm down and warm up.

After the fur is completely dry, do not let the kitten out into drafts or into a cold room so that it does not catch a cold. A few fleas may remain, but the procedure cannot be repeated immediately. You will need to wait ten days. Some manufacturers of such shampoos recommend repeating the procedure no earlier than after a month. Therefore, the remaining fleas can be combed out with a comb.

Flea drops for kittens

These flea medications can be used from 6 weeks of age. They are a very effective remedy and retain their properties on the animal’s fur for another month. Apply drops to the withers and rub well. It is necessary, just as with shampoo and with the use of other insecticidal agents (sprays, powders), to do a test - apply a very small dose to the withers and observe the kitten for a while. If everything is in order, use the drops according to the instructions. Typically, drops are sold in a pipette for one-time use, with a dosage for a specific pet weight. Therefore, before purchasing the drug, you need to weigh the kitten to know its exact weight.

Anti-flea sprays, powders for kittens

When the kitten reaches two months of age, in addition to the above procedures and products, you can use special sprays and powders for kittens. They are applied to the fur all over the body, including the head, paws, tail, and rubbed into the animal’s skin. For approximately 15 minutes after applying the drug, you should not allow your pet to lick itself. If the fur is long enough, the product may be ineffective, since the components must be well absorbed into the skin and not remain on the cat’s fur. At correct use The active substance of the drug will be active for 5-6 months.

Anti-flea collars

If you took a kitten from the street, removed fleas and want them to never appear, you need to follow some rules. Namely:

  1. Limit the cat's contact with possibly flea-infested relatives or put on a collar that will repel new fleas.
  2. Keep the area where the kitten is kept clean and periodically spray it with special flea aerosols. It is also necessary to regularly treat your pet's toys.

Traditional medicine recipes

How to remove fleas from a kitten without using insecticides? If the kitten is very small or sickly, chemicals could harm him. In this case, in addition to combing, you can use folk recipes, which are also very effective. You can bathe your baby in warm water with table salt. You will need 5-6 tablespoons of salt per liter of water. You need to bathe for at least 15 minutes. You should not wet your head so that water does not flood your eyes and ears. And fleas that get into the head should be removed manually. After the pet has dried, you need to comb it thoroughly again. You can also bathe your kitten in a decoction of tansy and wormwood - the smell of these plants repels fleas. In addition, tar soap perfectly removes fleas and destroys their larvae. You need to rub the kitten’s wet fur with it and leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse the cat well with running water. Advantage traditional methods is that they are absolutely safe for small kittens. In order to get rid of fleas in an apartment, you can spread wormwood stalks on surfaces and leave them until it is completely dry.

It is important to understand that treatment of kittens for fleas is required in any case if they are infected. Fleas cause severe itching in the animal, sometimes allergies and dermatitis, and if seriously infested, they lead to exhaustion of the baby and the development of blood diseases.

On a note

In the photo below there are fleas in a kitten's fur:

To rid kittens of fleas, a large number of products are produced and sold today. effective means, they all have their own specifics and require a careful and thoughtful approach to use. You should immediately be prepared for the fact that treating kittens for fleas requires a little more effort than in the case of adult animals - due to the need to observe increased safety measures.

Symptoms of fleas in kittens

Finding out whether a kitten has fleas is quite simple: their bites cause constant itching in the animal, and the baby often itches behind the ears with his paws and tries to bite insects out of the fur. Particularly strong bites may cause a kitten to twitch and wake up, abruptly break away from food and play.

The photo below shows a close-up of fleas - the culprits of the kitten’s torment:

On a note

If the kitten itches, but does not have fleas, just as the mother cat does not have them, you should show the baby to the veterinarian - the cause of the itching may be subcutaneous mites or dermatological diseases. These diseases should be treated in completely different ways.

An indirect sign that a kitten has fleas is helminths. This is especially true for kittens that have not yet started eating meat and fish. For example, in a one-month-old kitten, fleas and worms usually appear simultaneously - first the fleas begin to feed on the animal, and after a week or two the baby becomes infected with worms from them.

An important point: when you find fleas on a small kitten, you should not immediately rush for the first product you come across and treat the baby with it. The specificity of removing fleas from kittens lies in strict adherence to strict safety measures.

Safety rules: when medications are more dangerous than fleas themselves

For example, some organophosphate insecticides (Malathion, Dichlorvos), as well as pyrethroids (Permethrin and its derivatives Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Alphamethrin) are dangerous for kittens. If flea medicine for kittens contains these ingredients, it should not be used on kittens under 6 months of age.

You should also remember that you can treat kittens for fleas only after weaning them from their mother: all flea remedies remain on the baby’s fur for some time, and if the mother cat licks him, part of the drug will definitely get into her milk. The nursing cat itself is also not allowed to use chemicals.

Kittens of different breeds and ages: what medications are suitable for them?

Depending on the age and breed, getting rid of fleas from a kitten should be done using the best means for it.

Let's look at the main ones:

Finally, from the age of three months, you can rid your kitten of fleas with Advantix drops, Bars products for kittens, and specialized preparations Hartz and Blokhnet.

A British kitten, bobtail, Persian, or Himalayan kitten can usually get rid of fleas using shampoos. Kittens with short hair are easier to treat for fleas with drops or sprays.

Gennady, Tver

Individually, a kitten may develop allergies or side effects from a particular product. In this case, you should stop using the drug and buy a product with another active ingredient. If there is a strong reaction to the drug, the kitten should be taken to the veterinarian.

On a note

It is believed that the safest way to rid kittens of fleas is to use special insecticidal powders. However, their use in kittens of long-haired breeds is quite problematic.

Removing fleas with sprays

The kitten should be treated with the spray after a good feeding. The baby should hold his head so that he does not accidentally expose it to the spray of the drug, carefully part the fur and spray the exposed areas of the skin.

Care should be taken to ensure that the spray does not get into the baby's eyes. After treatment, you should play with the kitten for half an hour or an hour, and then immediately bathe it.

Hartz and Frontline sprays are also good, but only for kittens from the age indicated in the instructions for their use.

“The easiest way to treat a kitten for fleas is with a spray. This spray costs a little more than the drops, but gives an almost instant result - the fleas either die on the kitten or jump off it. We sprayed our miracle with Hearts, there were no problems from it, the fleas disappeared immediately ... "

Irina, Moscow

Powders for kittens and rules for their use

Flea powder for kittens is suitable in most cases. Usually, Hartz or Gamma powders are used to rid kittens of fleas.

The latter can be used for a kitten up to 1 month old, provided that for several hours after treatment he does not have contact with his mother.

You can remove fleas from a kitten using insecticidal powder according to the following plan:

If the kitten continues to suckle from its mother during this period, after treatment it should be placed in a separate tray and bathed after an hour or two. After this, it can be placed under the cat again.

How to wash a kitten for fleas?

It is best to wash a kitten against fleas with Phytoelite or Mr. shampoos. Kiss - they are as safe as possible and lead to virtually no side effects.

The kitten is bathed with flea shampoo in the same way as with regular water procedures.

It is only important to thoroughly foam the product and make sure that all of the kitten’s fur is treated with it.

The foam is left on the pet for a few minutes and then washed off big amount running water.

What should you do if your kitten is poisoned by flea medication?

In rare cases, a kitten may accidentally swallow flea drops or lick shampoo or powder from its fur. In most cases, this does not lead to serious consequences, but sometimes the baby develops allergies, vomiting, drooling, anxiety, shortness of breath, discharge from the nose and eyes, as well as other signs of intoxication. If you think your kitten has been poisoned by flea drops, he should be given more water or milk and show it to a veterinarian as soon as possible. First, the drops themselves can be wiped off from the kitten’s skin using a cotton swab with vegetable oil.

And finally, if the kitten’s fleas have been successfully removed, all that remains is to consolidate the result. The first thing is to buy anthelmintic drugs and treat the baby’s helminths. The second is to look for fleas in the apartment, and if they are found, remove them in any way, including treating the entire room for fleas. In the future, the kitten should buy a special “children’s” flea collar and be allowed outside only wearing it.
