How to make carp caviar. What to cook from carp caviar

Carp caviar, also called wild carp, is not only tasty, but also a healthy product for those who lead an active lifestyle or are recovering from a long illness. It contains a lot of protein, like meat or poultry, but it is absorbed much faster and better. In addition, this wonderful dish contains substances that promote skin regeneration, and therefore slow down its aging. Prepare nutritious carp caviar yourself and you will get an amazing appetizer for a regular or holiday table.

Carp caviar: how to salt? Recipe

Salting carp caviar

To pickle caviar at home, you will need: - 500 g of carp caviar; - 5 tbsp. water; - 5 tbsp. l. salt; - 1 bay leaf; - 3 black peppercorns; - 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil; - plastic colander-sieve.

The diameter of the sieve cells should be slightly larger than the size of the eggs.

Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. salt in a glass of water, boil it and scald the caviar. Then transfer it to a colander-sieve and carefully wipe so that the films remain on the grill and the caviar passes through and becomes grainy. Dilute in 4 tbsp. water, the remaining salt, throw in the bay leaf and black peas, bring the brine to a boil and cool. Pour it over the caviar, close the lid and leave for a day on the lower refrigerator shelf. After this, drain the water and season the dish with vegetable oil to taste.

Salting carp caviar: a simplified recipe

You will need: - 500 g of carp caviar; - 4 tbsp. water; - 6 tbsp. l. salt; - 80 g melted butter.

Make a saturated salt solution from the specified amount of salt and water, heat over high heat until bubbling and dip carp caviar, peeled from the film, into it for exactly 1 minute. To do this, it is very convenient to take a fine-mesh colander with a handle. Divide the caviar into two portions, place them in small sterilized glass jars, cover with a layer of melted butter and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.

Salted carp caviar: original recipe

You will need: - 400 g of carp caviar; - 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil; - 2 medium onions; - 2 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice; - 2 tbsp. l. fine salt.

Place carp caviar in a container, cover with salt and refrigerate for 6 hours. Take a deep medium-sized bowl, pour vegetable oil into it, add caviar and beat with a mixer at low speed. Without stopping this process, add lemon juice to the mixture. Continue beating until white foam appears. Remove the husks, chop the onions on a fine grater and mix with the contents of the pan.

Carp caviar is a dish that will decorate any table, be it an ordinary birthday party or an incredible buffet table. Carp caviar can be prepared in different ways, but it will always turn out very tasty and aromatic.

So, if you are planning to have a dish called carp caviar on your table, how to cook it is the first thing you should know.

Lightly salted caviar

You can, for example, make lightly salted caviar. To do this, rinse the main component - carp caviar - and let it dry. Then release it from the film. At the next stage of cooking, it must be chopped. This can be done using a sieve or meat grinder.

We will need brine. Dilute the required amount of salt in water and bring this mixture to a boil. After this, remove the brine from the heat and let it cool. Pour cold liquid over the carp caviar and let it sit for half an hour. Then strain the caviar through cheesecloth and add vegetable oil to taste. You can decorate our dish with chopped onions.

Fry in a frying pan

If you want to decorate your table with fish pancakes made from carp caviar, then you must know how to fry carp caviar in a frying pan.

Fried carp caviar is very easy to prepare. Just cut it into small portions, add salt and pepper to taste, and fry in a frying pan. Pre-heat it on fire and add vegetable oil to it.

As soon as the fried caviar is ready, place it in some heat-resistant bowl. When laying out, alternate slices of caviar and golden onion half rings. Pour mayonnaise on top of the finished dish, which should be slightly diluted with water. Cover it all with a lid and place in the preheated oven for a few minutes. You can finish the dish in the microwave. When serving, fried carp caviar can be garnished with lemon slices and fresh herbs.

Cooking caviar

Have you ever tried caviar pancakes made from carp roe? No? Then it’s worth cooking, I assure you! These are ordinary pancakes, but made from such a delicacy as carp caviar.

To make caviar pancakes from carp caviar, take the caviar itself and add sour cream. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir the dough together with a few tablespoons of flour added there. The thickness of the semi-finished product should resemble exactly the dough that you use to make pancakes.

Bake the caviar in a hot frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil.

Nobody argues, but today you can buy almost any product in the store, ready-made and packaged in beautiful jars.

But for true fishermen or good housewives who love to pamper their household exclusively with what they have prepared with their own hands with love, we offer a simple recipe for pickling carp caviar. However, according to this recipe, you can pickle the caviar of any other river fish - crucian carp, pike, bream, silver carp, etc.

You will need:

  • The caviar itself (carp, carp, bream, pike, etc.);
  • Vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • Refined sunflower oil;
  • Coarse salt.

Preliminary processing

River fish caviar, if prepared correctly, is a real delicacy, which is also a valuable and healthy product. Before salting caviar, it must be carefully removed from the belly of the fish, being careful not to touch or damage the gall bladder, which, if damaged, will spoil not only the caviar, but also the meat of the fish.

Then you need to remove the films from the caviar. This can be done by mixing the caviar well with a fork. And if the caviar is small (crucian carp, bream, pike and even carp and carp), then you can safely mix it in a blender and the films will wrap around the knife without damaging the eggs. CHECKED AND MORE THAN TIMES. And yet, if you think that this is not enough, you can pour boiling water over the caviar, then the remaining films will float to the surface. All that remains is to remove them.

You can come up with a lot of variations of caviar sandwiches. The simplest one is bread with butter and caviar.

Salting caviar

After this, the caviar needs to be salted to taste, maybe a little more and a drop of oil. Due to the fact that river fish caviar itself is quite fresh, it should be sprinkled with a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. If there is none, then add a little vinegar. DON'T OVERDO IT. And also, to add piquancy, we recommend adding ground red hot pepper to the caviar - on the tip of a knife.

It is lemon juice paired with red pepper that will give carp caviar a unique taste.

Afterwards, the caviar needs to be transferred to a resealable container (jar, plastic container) and put in the refrigerator. After 24 hours, carp caviar is ready for consumption. It makes incomparable sandwiches, no worse than with red caviar!

In today's article we will talk about caviar. I've been wanting to talk about this delicious product for a long time. At one time, Astrakhan was one of the centers of industrial production and processing of sturgeon fish. Of course, along with sturgeon, there was also the processing of black caviar. Today, due to a sharp reduction in the Caspian sturgeon population and the introduction of a moratorium on sturgeon fishing in the Russian Federation, black caviar has become an unavailable product. And if found on sale, it is made from artificially grown fish raw materials, or from foreign raw materials. Or it is caviar obtained by poachers and made in an artisanal way.

But today, let's not talk about sad things, let's talk about caviar that is still available in in our region - caviar of particulate fish. Pike caviar is especially valued for its taste properties, carp caviar and zander. Today I’ll tell you in more detail about carp caviar. Traditionally, carp caviar is used to prepare several dishes: salted caviar, caviar pancakes or pancakes, carp caviar pate. Salted caviar is most often prepared. We will prepare the caviar of this handsome 10-kilogram carp, which is in the photo in the hands of my brother-in-law.

How to pickle carp caviar

Let me briefly remind you (or list for those who don’t know) the main methods of salting caviar. Without claiming culinary accuracy, there are three of them:

  • ovarian
  • brine
  • dry salting

Briefly in order: you can use any of the listed methods, each has its own nuances. The yastik method involves salting caviar in yastyk (yastyk is a thin shell, the film in which the caviar is located), the caviar in yastik is placed in a container and sprinkled with dry salt or filled with brine. Then, after the salt is drained, it can be tightly placed under pressure, the process is reminiscent of making pressed caviar, but with the difference that the caviar is still partial, and not black. The yastyk method is not often used today, at least among those around me, so I will not dwell on it in detail.

The other two methods are united by the fact that carp caviar is pre-prepared before salting - the ovaries are removed. I’m not talking about the fact that the resulting caviar must be washed from blood and mucus,
because that goes without saying. When cutting carp (you can see the steps in the photo of carp caviar), pay attention to the fact that you need to gut it carefully, trying not to damage the ovaries too much, and
especially not to damage the gall bladder, so as not to spoil the caviar, which will be very bitter, and it will be difficult to do anything with it. Caviar prepared in this way (freed from the ovaries) is called punched. You've probably seen this name on cans of factory-made caviar. The name comes from the process of “punching” the caviar through special gratings (“screens”) when the caviar in the cages is gently rubbed against the mesh, falling through, making its way into the container and leaving films on the grate.

In practice, in everyday life, joints can be removed in two simple ways:

  1. Winding them carefully with the tip of a knife or an ordinary fork. If the locals have some experience, this can be done very quickly. The films are removed and discarded.
  2. Passing through a meat grinder.

It is safer to prepare caviar using the brine method when carp caviar undergoes additional heat treatment.

Brine method of salting caviar

  • Take the prepared “punched” (without ovaries) caviar
  • Rinse with running cold water
  • Prepare brine with a 10% solution of table salt (100 g of salt per 1 liter of water), bring the brine solution to a boil. Let it cool a little.
  • Pour the brine over the caviar and stir constantly with a spoon or wooden spatula. The caviar will change its color (due to protein denaturation, and caviar is a protein product), from natural (as in the photo) to pinkish). Filling time (exposure) is 5-7 minutes.
  • Subsequently, drain the brine and discard the caviar on a sieve.
  • Repeat pouring hot brine again. Some particularly suspicious comrades do it three times.
  • We place the caviar in clean jars, usually small in volume.
  • You can sprinkle a little more dry salt on top and mix (it’s not for everyone)
  • Add a little vegetable oil (a couple to three tablespoons per liter jar) and close tightly with a plastic lid.
  • Place in the refrigerator, in three hours the caviar will be ready.

Caviar is a perishable product and cannot be stored for a long time. Its composition consists mainly of protein. Bon appetit and good fishing!

The calorie content of carp caviar, according to various sources, ranges from 130-180 Kcal/100g of product.

There are several recipes for preparing carp caviar. It can be pickled or fried. They also make cutlets from it - in short, there are many uses for this tasty and healthy product.

First of all, it is important to note that although fresh carp caviar contains only 179 kcal per 100 g, it is not a dietary product. The fact is that this product contains quite a lot of natural fats and proteins.

They are absorbed quite well by the body, so one-time use will not have any consequences. But it’s often not worth getting carried away with carp caviar.

First of all, a recipe for salting this dish suggests itself. After all, fish love salt, and salt loves fish. And this is correct, but there may be several options for pickling. And what to do with carp caviar? Here are 3 very simple recipes that have interesting answers to this question.

How to salt carp caviar: dry salting

In this case, you only need caviar and salt. But that same eternal question arises - how much of what? Usually in cookbooks they write “to taste”.

But taste, and especially the eyes, can sometimes let you down. Therefore, just in case, let's turn to mathematics.

It is important to understand that the amounts listed work well for dry salting. If we are talking about creating a water brine, then the numbers should be increased at least 2 times.

Recipe step by step - how to salt carp caviar

Step 1. Wash and gut the fish. Carefully open the belly (it is better to sharpen the knife first), remove the caviar in the eggs (natural “bags”).

Step 2. Rinse the eggs under running water for about 1 minute. Take a saucepan and pour 1 cm thick salt onto the bottom. Place the pancakes, and pour salt on top again (up to 3 mm, just sprinkle). Lay out all the other layers in the same way.

Step 3. Place the pan in the refrigerator and wait patiently for 3 days. Before serving, be sure to rinse the dish under warm water.

Step 4. Well, you can season the salted carp caviar with lemon juice, pepper or sunflower oil.

How to salt carp caviar with brine

Another option for deliciously preparing carp caviar is to salt it with brine. In this case, we will need the following products:

  • 0.5 kg of carp caviar;
  • liter of water;
  • 5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 6 peppercorns;
  • a pinch of red hot pepper;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • 3 large spoons of vegetable oil.

How we will proceed step by step

Step 1. Clean the fish, take out the eggs, separate the shell so that only the eggs remain. This needs to be done using a colander - the grains will go into the bowl, and the film will remain on the surface.

Step 2. Meanwhile, you need to put a saucepan with a liter of water on the fire, add 1 tablespoon of salt to it and bring to a boil.

Step 3. Now add water to the caviar and mix thoroughly. Leave for half an hour, then drain the liquid. At the same time, prepare exactly the same salt solution and pour it into the caviar. This procedure is repeated 4-5 times.

Step 4. After this, you need to carefully drain the moisture and be sure to put the caviar in the refrigerator - preferably overnight. The product will be completely ready the next day. When serving, add all the spices, as well as fresh lemon juice.

Salting carp caviar with vinegar or lemon

And this is a variant of dry salting using lemon juice or table vinegar to give the dish a pleasant sourness. We need to take:

  • 0.5 kg carp caviar;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice or table vinegar (9%);
  • 1 onion.

Step-by-step salting technology

Step 1. Clean the fish, remove the caviar and dry salt it in a saucepan (as described in recipe 1).

Step 2. This time we will salt the caviar for 5-6 hours. Then we take out the product and pour it with vegetable oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Step 3. Grate the onion and mix it with caviar. Makes a good base for sandwiches. And if you grind the mixture in a blender, you can make a real homemade pate.

Carp caviar - let's prepare a delicious sandwich

How to cook fried carp caviar

Carp caviar can also be fried. Moreover, there are several simple ways to do this at home. Here is a classic option for which you will need:


  • carp caviar itself (fresh) - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 3 tablespoons.

How to fry carp caviar - step by step recipe

Step 1. Clean the caviar from the films - you want the consistency to be uniform, remove the shells.

Step 2. Salt and pepper to taste - a teaspoon of salt per 0.5 kg of caviar is enough. Now you need to wait 15-20 minutes until the eggs are marinated. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the eggs. They will immediately begin to turn into a kind of pancake.

Step 3. Mix quickly, the total cooking time is no more than 5 minutes. The eggs just need to turn a rich orange color, and that’s it – the dish is ready.

Step 4. Serve the fried delicacy with white bread and herbs. This caviar can be used to garnish any fish or vegetable dish.


To improve the taste, when frying in a frying pan, you can add a little butter, a mixture of spices (for example, Provençal herbs) or pour in a tablespoon of white wine.

What can be prepared from carp caviar: cutlet recipe

Simply fried carp caviar is one thing, and cutlets based on it are another thing. To do this you will need the following products:


  • 0.5 kg of carp caviar;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • half a small onion;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and pepper, other spices - at your discretion.

Perhaps this is the most original way to fry carp caviar at home in a frying pan.

Cooking recipe step by step

Step 1. Prepare the caviar (as described in the recipes earlier), add finely chopped onion to it (in a meat grinder, in a blender or on a fine grater), salt, spices and flour. Mix thoroughly.

Step 2. Let the mixture sit for 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan. We form pancakes (you can do it by hand or by placing the mixture on the surface with a tablespoon). Fry for 3 minutes on each side over high heat.

Step 3. You get real cutlets, they are also caviar pancakes, they are also caviar pancakes. Delicious word - great food!

Garnish the dish with vegetables. Mashed potatoes would be appropriate, as would rice, which almost always goes harmoniously with fish.

Fried carp caviar - caviar cutlets

Bon appetit!
