Why do you dream about your own blood? Why do you dream about blood in a dream? Blood according to the Universal Dream Book

A dream in which there is a lot of blood on you speaks of smart and cunning rivals who are waiting for the moment to interfere with the execution of your plans and put an end to your career; avoid any new acquaintances in the near future. A lot of blood from a wound predicts illness and a general deterioration in well-being, or global bad luck in everything; you need to immediately take care of current affairs and your health.

a lot of blood in a dream what is it for

To see a lot of blood on your body or clothes in your dream means that your loved one, that is, his actions, may be the cause of dirty slander against you and denigration of your reputation. Stopping the flow of blood from another's wound is a sign of warning; do not interfere in any conflicts, even for the sake of good intentions - you will get into a lot of trouble. I dreamed of a lot of thick and dark blood - it’s time to repent to God for your sins and the sins of your ancestors, otherwise evil fate will haunt your family for a long time.

Why do you dream about a lot of blood?

A lot of blood is generally an unexpected event. Heavy bleeding from the nose is a financial loss.

a lot of blood in a dream what is it for

A lot of blood in a dream characterizes the dreamer as a person who takes love affairs very seriously, regardless of their number.

a lot of blood in a dream

Usually, a lot of blood can dream of physical and emotional exhaustion, and also foreshadow a decline in business.

what does it mean if there is a lot of blood in a dream

Having a dream where there is a lot of scarlet blood - fortunately, a lot of blood clots - means illness; shedding blood in a duel - your haste will not be justified and will bring a lot of trouble. A lot of animal blood - your wishes will come true.

a lot of blood in a dream what is it for

Such a dream predicts the emergence of a rather big problem, which will bring a lot of anxiety, but you shouldn’t despair - everything will get better soon.

Why do you dream about a lot of blood?

To dream that you are bleeding means loss. Seeing someone familiar and his blood is the cause of his failures.

a lot of blood in a dream

Falling into a pool of blood in a dream means sudden enrichment and the achievement of dizzying success. If you get heavily covered in blood, you will be suspected of something, and in vain.

Blood is always a cause for concern, either as a result of wounds or trauma, or as a serious symptom of certain diseases. But how should we perceive this liquid when we see it in a dream? Let's figure out the interpretation of such a dream together, using information from several dream books at once.

Seeing blood in a dream: dream book of Gustav Miller

If you dream of bloody clothes, then there is a high probability that you have enemies who do their best to interfere with your successful career or business. If you have seen such a dream, then be wary of people who will “stack” as your friends in the near future. If you dream of blood oozing from a wound on your body, then you are in danger of health problems or worries due to failures in serious matters. If you see your own bloody hands, then you urgently need to mobilize all your strength to solve existing problems, otherwise you will face a streak of total bad luck and failure.

Seeing blood in a dream: Miss Hasse's dream book

If you see red blood in a dream, then some joyful and cheerful events await you. If this liquid is thickened, then such a dream predicts illness and health problems. If you dream of bloodshed in a fight or battle, then your impatience and excessive haste can lead to serious troubles. If you drink blood, then your hopes are destined to come true sooner or later. Blood pouring onto the ground promises great happiness. If you are swimming in blood, then serious shocks await you. Seeing blood on other people predicts illness in close relatives.

Seeing blood in a dream: Vanga's dream book

This source interprets blood as a symbol of family ties, conflicts and retribution. If in a dream you are trying to stop the bleeding, then in reality you are very sad for a deceased loved one. If you saw your own bloody clothes, then do not be surprised if a person close to you harms your reputation and good name with their actions and words. If you dream that you hit someone so hard that they bleed, then beware of interfering in other people's affairs, as this may end badly for you.

Seeing blood in a dream: dream book of Nostradamus

If you dream that you are bleeding, then you will experience a period of loneliness. If you see bloody marks on yourself, then in the near future you will receive important news from loved ones or relatives. If you dream that you are shedding someone’s blood, then in real life you are too careless about solving some very important problem. If you dream of a relative or friend bleeding, then because of your selfishness you can ruin your relationship with a loved one.

Seeing blood in a dream: Ukrainian dream book

Dreaming of blood symbolizes a quick meeting with relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. If you see the blood of an animal, then you will be able to bring the work you have started to a successful completion, but if the blood is yours, then you will have to experience a feeling of shame.

Seeing your blood in a dream: old French dream book

Such a dream promises you a series of troubles, disappointments and failures. Therefore, be prepared in the near future and do not put off solving problems until later.

Seeing blood in a dream is quite unpleasant for the sleeper. From experience, everyone knows that hemorrhage basically means damage, ill health, and danger to life. Also, its appearance gives rise to associations with aggression, struggle, fighting, and military operations. Why do you dream of blood if you remember exactly the details of your night vision? In this case, it will be much easier to interpret it.

Why do you dream of blood - general interpretation in popular dream books

If you don’t remember the details of the dream, refer to the general interpretations of popular dream books

  • According to Miller's dream book, blood seen in large quantities indicates an impending deterioration in health. Especially those who had such a dream during an exacerbation of a chronic disease should pay attention to this. In addition to physical ill health, such a dream reflects anxiety and increased anxiety, preoccupation with problems in reality. This may be an omen of failure in matters that concern the person. If the bleeding is successfully stopped in a dream, in reality it will be possible to avoid troubles.
    The dream book also separately notes a plot in which clothes are covered with bloody stains. This means the danger of additional problems that ill-wishers will cause you. Therefore, someone who has such a dream should take a close look at their surroundings, especially new acquaintances.
  • Vanga's dream book interprets a “bloody” dream as a reflection of family (blood) ties. What you see is a projection of your relationship with your family. So, if clothes are stained with blood, then there is a problem in a person’s life, the source of which is his family. In the same dream book there is a more literal interpretation - tarnishing honor, the reason for which is relatives.
    A bleeding wound on the dreamer’s body indicates that in a collision with relatives, it will be the dreamer who is the injured party. The scale of bleeding reflects the magnitude of losses and emotional upheavals from intrafamily problems.
  • The Islamic dream book considers blood not only as a source of problems. Falling into a bloody puddle means acquiring wealth. In general, blood is considered here in close connection with enrichment. Thus, a thin continuous trickle of it foretells the dreamer a constant source of income. According to the Islamic dream book, drinking blood in a dream means acquiring any property illegally.
  • Freud associated the vision of blood with the anticipation of an intimate relationship. Particularly significant in this regard is bleeding caused by a bite, for example, of a snake. Staining clothes with blood foreshadows a breakdown in the relationship with a partner, including due to betrayal.

Who dreams

Gender and certain aspects of a person's social status matter in the interpretation of his dream. In particular, it is important who dreams of blood: a woman or a man. Such a dream is interpreted separately for a pregnant woman, since her thoughts are occupied not only with herself, but also with the expectation of a child.

Woman, girl

The image of blood in our minds is associated not only with damage, but also with the periodic renewal of the endometrium in women, that is, menstruation. Therefore, most dream interpreters agree that for a woman such a dream foreshadows gynecological problems. Also relevant for the female sex is the meaning of sleep as the future machinations of ill-wishers.

Flowing blood from one's own body warns of the need to keep one's mouth shut and not talk about one's affairs, as enemies may take advantage of this.

For a girl to see blood not related to menstruation on her panties means that her current boyfriend is not interested in her


For pregnant women, “bloody” dreams are extremely frightening for obvious reasons, since during pregnancy, constant worry about the child is added to their own worries. For a pregnant woman, seeing blood is often a reflection of her fears about the course of pregnancy. A particularly disturbing dream is one in which the expectant mother sees herself in bloody clothes. This portends health problems, which means she should take more careful care of herself in the near future.

Quite often, before giving birth, women dream that they are getting their period. This dream does not carry any negative meaning; it means the moral preparation of the expectant mother for the birth of her baby.

Also, a “bloody” dream for pregnant women reflects relationships with family and loved ones. So, seeing the blood of another person means that he disapproves of this pregnancy, and the expectant mother feels this.

If a woman has a conflict with someone in reality, and in a dream the blood of this person is on her hands, this means that the confrontation will soon be resolved, and with minimal losses for the pregnant woman

To a man

For men, “bloody” dreams are associated with struggle, confrontation, and dominance. In this regard, such dreams usually reflect the presence of some kind of conflict situation in real life and are associated with the expectation of its resolution.

Men dream of bloody marks on clothes when there is a danger of tarnishing their reputation. Since career and reputation issues among representatives of the stronger sex are more often related to the amount of income than among women, a “bloody” vision for them also means financial losses. Some interpreters associate the image of blood with vitality, so bleeding in a dream literally reflects a “leakage” of energy.

A person who sees bleeding from his own body is advised not to scatter himself with everything, but to correctly prioritize his life.

Whose: ours or someone else’s

In the interpretation of such dreams, an important issue is the identity of the blood. If the source of bleeding is one’s own body, it means that the sleeper is concerned about issues of relationships in the family. By the way, the abundance of one’s blood in a dream foreshadows the identification of new family ties (for example, a person learns about a relative he did not know about before).

If you have another person's blood on your hands, this indicates the damage you are doing to them. Moreover, the amount of red liquid correlates with the amount of damage. If in a dream the victim is an unpleasant sleeping person, an enemy, then this is a good sign. In real life, you will be able to avoid his machinations and get out of the conflict with minimal losses.

What do different quantities mean?

Blood in the form of drops in a dream means expected profit, and with small investments. However, anyone who sees this should think about whether it is worth getting involved in a dubious enterprise.

Such a dream warns those who want to get rich that they should only get involved with proven projects

Clots are associated with impending forced restriction of movement, most often due to a disease, the treatment of which requires bed rest (blood thickening itself is associated with restriction of activity).

You dream of a bloody puddle for an upcoming meeting with your family. To fall into such a puddle means to “immerse”, to “merge” into the family. But when interpreting such a dream, one should proceed from the events occurring in the real life of the sleeper. If there are circumstances conducive to this, such a fall means a “decrease” in the social sense, damage to reputation. If a pool of blood flows from the wound, the dreamer will have to endure a serious illness.

A bath of blood is a negative image associated with a subconscious feeling of an impending illness. The bath is associated with the health of the human body, and its contents with its condition. Dirty water (including blood) means the approach of illness.

Rivers of blood in a dream reflect the degree of satisfaction with relationships with relatives. The general image of the flow is a person’s attitude towards his own life, and its “bloody” content is the presence of family ties in it. Thus, it is important to pay attention to the intensity of movement in the river (slow or violent) and the presence of obstacles to this movement. This will mean whether relationships with relatives are calm or conflicting, as well as possible problems in resolving conflicts.

A lot of blood means that you will soon meet a lot of relatives (“high concentration” of family ties in one place).

Where did it come from?

The source of the bleeding is of great importance for the interpretation of the dream. This reflects the localization of the problem that haunts the sleeper. The following options for the origin of blood flow are considered:

Nosebleeds in a dream are associated with a person’s career ambitions. Here you should pay attention to the intensity. If the blood does not flow strongly, then the dreamer will receive income or career advancement associated with illegal actions or actions contrary to official regulations. And intense bleeding portends problems at work, which threaten serious losses.

One of the interpretations is a warning against rash actions

From the mouth, from the tooth

Bleeding from the mouth portends property problems. If it is noticeable that the source is the place where the tooth is attached or the tooth itself, then the cause of such problems will be relatives. Separately, you should pay attention to bleeding due to tearing out or loss of this bone formation. Such a dream means a severance of family ties. The cause is often the death of a relative.

From a finger, an arm, a vein

The dream about bleeding from a finger has two meanings: the upcoming departure (separation from relatives) for a short period of time and the sleeper’s concern for minor family members. Bleeding from vessels on the arm, including veins, indicates an upcoming difficult conversation with relatives.

From the eyes

A dream containing the image of eye bleeding warns the sleeper that his mental and physical strength is running out. A person literally can no longer look at everything around him in real life, which is reflected in the flow of blood from the eyes in a dream. Rest or change of activity is needed. Prolonged ignoring of such warning signs leads to nervous exhaustion, breakdown and even depression. One of the interpretations is the loss of a loved one associated with his betrayal.

From the ears

The image of the ears is associated with auditory perception. Therefore, dreaming of ear bleeding means that the person seeing such a dream is suffering from the spread of negative information (rumors) about him. There is another meaning of such a dream: the sleeper cannot forgive his parents for critical statements towards him in childhood;
out of my head. Her image in a dream symbolizes diligent reflection and dominance. If the head is the source of bleeding, in reality there is a conflict with the “head of the family”, thoughts about which do not leave a person even in a dream.

From the chest

Such bleeding means severe mental trauma that haunts the sleeper. If we consider the breast not as a set of ribs and sternum, but as a glandular-fatty anatomical formation, then many people have the idea of ​​cancer as the cause of such bleeding. This means the sleeper’s fear of future events and of his future in general.

From the leg

A dream containing such an image means striving for a goal. The circumstances of such a dream tell what exactly this movement is like for the sleeper in reality. If your legs are injured, it means there are obstacles along the way. And bleeding from wounds on the legs is a projection of the fact that the closest people, often relatives, become the cause of obstacles (they put spokes in the wheels). The location of the damage is also important. If the feet are wounded, losses are expected on the way to the goal (ill-wishers knock the ground out from under the feet), and a wound to the thigh or lower leg means active actions by relatives to impede any endeavors of the sleeper (knocked down).

From the stomach

This organ is associated with prosperity. And its damage, which causes bleeding, foreshadows property losses (leakage). The stomach, as an anatomical formation (abdominal cavity), contains many important organs, so bleeding from it means the danger of losing something important and dear: health, love, loved ones, parents, etc.

Periods (menstrual blood)

Menstruation in a physiological sense is a systematic cleansing of a woman’s body, therefore in a dream the image of menstruation reflects a person’s deliverance from the problems that oppress him, literally - cleansing.

Full interpretation of sleep depending on the circumstances:

What does color mean

In a dream, the brain is not too strict about maintaining realism, so the blood seen may differ significantly from its real image.

Black, dark

An excessively dark appearance of blood in a dream means an impending emotional outburst in the sleeper in real life. If a person sees such liquid as menstruation, then his frankness will cause discord with his partner. Black blood on the hands foretells that, due to excessive emotional manifestations, a person will create problems. And if the dark connective tissue comes from the wound, such an emotional release will become a real liberation for the one who sees it (everything that has accumulated will come out).

If the dreamer has health problems, such a dream portends a speedy recovery


Freud interpreted white blood as a new acquaintance with pure thoughts


The expression "blue blood" means high birth. Seeing her in a dream shows the inflated conceit of the sleeper, which does not reflect the real state of affairs. From the discrepancy between one’s own expectations and reality, a person experiences depression and disappointment.

Having seen such a dream, try to reconsider your attitude towards life and yourself

Why do you dream of people covered in blood?

Blood on one of the people foreshadows problems for the one who was seen. If a child is bleeding, there is a risk of injury to him. Blood on one of your friends or relatives is interpreted in the same way - you should prepare for unpleasant news about the injury or death of this person. If a dead person appears bloodied, this is a warning to the sleeping person. The deceased is trying to stop the dreamer from committing rash actions.

Bloody surfaces

It matters what the blood was seen on in a dream, since, in addition to his own body, the sleeper can see it on a variety of surfaces:

Bloody animals

In general, the blood of animals is dreamed of as an omen of pleasant events in life. In a dream, an animal is “sacrificed” in exchange for some benefits. Several types of our smaller brothers are considered:

  • A dog is traditionally associated with a faithful friend and protector. Therefore, a bloody pet in a dream shows damage caused to a friend or relative who wants to protect the sleeping person.
  • A wounded cat, bleeding, warns of impending scandals and quarrels. Moreover, discord will have very serious consequences.
  • A horse in the blood means that you will soon hear unpleasant news.
  • Pig. If this animal was bloodied in a dream, it means that in real life the dreamer has advantages over his opponents.
  • Snake. In a dream, she foreshadows troubles as a result of conspiracies and intrigues. And bloody snakes indicate that close people are the source of intrigue.

What do actions with blood in a dream mean?

For interpretation, it is also important what exactly a person does with blood in a dream.

Hand over

Donating blood in a dream means that your vitality and various kinds of resources (both material and spiritual) are drying up, being aimed at achieving some goal. Puncture of a vessel, for example a vein, to collect fluid means that the sleeper’s strength is depleted due to interaction with power structures.


Spitting blood or seeing hemoptysis - a dream is typical for a person who strongly repents of something and really wants to speak out and pour out his soul.


Dreams about drinking blood are seen by those who currently need support. Thus, the subconscious mind suggests that a person needs to “feed on the energy” of a loved one. If someone else drinks the blood of a sleeping person, it means that the person voluntarily allows himself to be “fed” in reality (for example, he serves as a constant “vest”, listens to endless complaints).

If you dreamed that you were a vampire or saw one, then here you go:

Vomiting blood

Such a dream foreshadows a disease of the digestive tract. A serious scandal is also possible in the family of the person who saw this in a dream if he cannot control his emotions at the right moment (he cannot contain the surging feelings).

Blood seen in a dream almost always reflects the sleeper’s thoughts about his family relationships. Depending on the accompanying circumstances of the dream and the person’s real life, one can draw conclusions about the meaning of the dream.

Dream interpretation blood on the floor

Everyday worries and joys, relationships with loved ones, dreams and plans - a person usually falls asleep with such thoughts. The dreams we have may be a reflection of these thoughts. However, a dream in which blood is present is really intriguing, etched in the memory and requires decoding.

General interpretations

I dreamed of a pool of blood, and the first association that emerged was blood relatives, a meeting with them or news from them. But dream interpreters do not view such dreams so straightforwardly, and a dream book can give a more detailed and accurate prediction. A puddle of blood in a dream can be your own or someone else’s; in addition, it is important where the dreamer himself was and what he felt at that time.

My own blood

It is very important how you felt when you saw the pool of blood on the floor. The arrival of relatives can be both a joyful and a painful event for you. Visitors can arrange a showdown and showdown with the dreamer.

Perhaps there are taboo topics and secrets in your family that will sooner or later become apparent. An accident, someone's will will help you find out about the existence of blood relatives. Such a dream, in addition, may foreshadow the emergence of new family connections.

Blood from the mouth

A pool of blood formed due to bleeding in your mouth, it flowed in a stream, and you could taste it. Such a dream means that you will soon have communication with relatives, which can develop into a heated debate and showdown. Try to show maximum restraint so as not to regret later the accusations thrown in your hearts.

I dreamed about a bleeding lip

  • If you spit out blood in a dream, pay attention to the state of your health and once again protect yourself from unnecessary worries. Such a dream can also mean apathy and despair, your latent desire to justify your not entirely correct actions.
  • A lip or gum is bleeding - a real threat looms over one of your relatives, you should dissuade your loved ones from long journeys, and children especially require close attention.

Head broken

Why do you dream of blood on the floor, flowing down from your head in a trickle? The dreamer is obviously under constant pressure from his superiors and experiences discomfort from this. For women, such a dream foreshadows a showdown with her husband, and he will make claims about her appearance, housekeeping and raising a child.

Bloody tears

The pool of blood on the floor was created by drops of blood dripping from the eyes. Such a dream warns that soon you will be deceived in the most vile way and will become very worried about it. It is doubly offensive if a loved one whom you trusted completely turns out to be a deceiver.

Blood from ears

A young girl may dream that blood is oozing from her ears. Such a dream means that the promises of her admirer may turn out to be empty chatter, and exquisite compliments may turn out to be flattery and deception. Try not to make new acquaintances or go on dates with strangers.

A bleeding ear means that good news awaits you from distant relatives, and the successful completion of a risky business.

Dreaming of a wounded ear

Wound on stomach

Inexplicably, blood flows from the navel area - such a dream warns of a possible illness of loved ones . A man who doubts his wife’s fidelity will soon expose the liar, the dream book promises. If blood on the floor flows from a wound in the abdomen, serious health problems await you, as well as financial troubles. Perhaps it's time for you to take a break from work and take care of yourself. Such a dream draws your attention to the fact that you have moved away from your roots and devote very little time to older relatives.

Bleeding feet

If you saw blood on the floor in a dream, dripping from your feet, your subconscious mind warns that being overwhelmed at work and having a lot of household chores is not a reason to rush. Try to concentrate and deal with your problems one by one.

Menstrual blood

Seeing blood dripping on the floor in a dream means that you are ready for renewal, for changes in your personal life and career. This situation in a dream symbolizes health and the opportunity to conceive a healthy child; there is a high probability that you will soon meet your other half. For a man, such a dream foreshadows in reality an insane passion or conflict at work, a reprimand from his superiors, or loss of profit.


Why do you dream of a puddle of blood that flowed during childbirth? A woman about to give birth may have such a dream as a subconscious, moral preparation for childbirth, as a reflection of her fears and phobias. According to the dream book, a child in the blood, just born, for a pregnant woman means getting rid of a burden. For an unmarried girl, such a dream foreshadows troubles on the love front - an established acquaintance with a prominent young man will be overshadowed by the news that he is married.

Someone else's blood

Wash away blood stains

What interpretation of the dream will the dream book give? The blood on the floor you dreamed of was not yours. One of the options is a big win, a find.

  • Why dream of washing away blood in a dream? Such a dream may mean worries that you will not be able to help the person who turned to you for help.
  • Animal blood is a positive sign, foreshadowing the implementation of plans and the resolution of accumulated issues.
  • Scarlet, bright blood predicts a whirlwind romance. Black - recovery, caked, dried - people whose existence you forgot will remind you of themselves.
  • Blood clots mean problems in the family and at work.

Other interpretations

There are so many people, so many opinions, but this statement does not apply to dream interpreters. Each of them gives a unique assessment of the dream, but at the same time they are similar in essence.

Miller's Dream Book

A bloody puddle on the floor that has leaked from a wound portends the dreamer a sharp deterioration in health, even to the point of serious illness. Such a dream, dreamed by a businessman, may be a warning about future miscalculations and loss of profit.

Vanga's Dream Book

Before your eyes, an ordinary puddle has turned into a bloody one - such a dream portends failure. If, among other things, you are stained with blood, you may be cursed.

Freud's Dream Book

The puddle of blood that you saw in a dream means that not everything is going smoothly in your intimate relationships. The news of a partner's betrayal can lead to a final separation.

Your mark:

Loss of blood is detrimental to any living creature. Only in Westerns and action films does the wounded hero deal with a crowd of enemies and, as if nothing had happened, leaves the battlefield. In real life, any cut or scrape can lead to serious consequences if not treated correctly. Even a drop of blood on a finger signals danger, so a dream in which there is bloody clothing or the appearance of wounds on the body is unlikely to be a good omen.

Why do you dream of blood or bleeding if a person is healthy? The dream is alarming and forces you to analyze the events happening around you. Some associate it with concern for close relatives and their problems. Others are worried about their own lives and well-being. There are indeed grounds for revising one’s social circle and behavior, but most often the dream does not pose a threat to the dreamer’s physical condition.

Loss of blood in a dream reflects the loss of strength and energy in the sleeper. A person is upset about something in reality, and his negative emotions are projected at night in a vision with blood. Sometimes a dream indicates ill health that has not yet manifested itself. It's better not to risk it and visit a doctor. The same recommendations apply to the dreamer's blood relatives. The dream can warn of their illnesses or possible injuries.

When communicating with different people, a person will certainly encounter ill-wishers who do not clearly show hostility. However, the dreamer intuitively senses their unkind thoughts and in a dream observes scenes when a secret enemy wounds him with a knife.

It is worth taking seriously such an incident, albeit an unreal one. Rare dreams where blood is present lead to prosperity, but some dream books offer positive interpretations of dreams with a huge amount of it.

Various interpretations of sleep can be found among soothsayers and psychologists who studied the sequence of events after certain night dreams. Depending on situations involving loss of blood or traces of it on certain parts of the body or clothing, they explained the reasons for the dream and its likely consequences.

According to Miller

Gustav Miller believed that after sleeping with blood, a person should begin to worry and expect failure. If the sleeper finds red marks on his clothes, he is surrounded by envious people who are successfully trying to destroy his career.

It is worth remembering the dubious acquaintances who have appeared recently and breaking off relations with them. Bloody hands portend losses and a missed chance to make profitable deals.

The worst omen involves dreaming with an open wound from which blood flows. Most likely, the dreamer will become a victim of a major deception, or his health will deteriorate sharply in the near future. A damaged nose promises financial losses.

According to Freud

Freud's erotic dream book connects blood with the dreamer having many love partners. Moreover, he is seriously interested in one of them. If blood stains are visible on the face or body, the love will be long and mutual. A bloody outfit speaks of the lover’s fickleness. A pool of blood under your feet warns of unrequited passion.

According to Loff

Pastor Loff saw a positive sign in his dream only if he defeated the enemy. If a person has quarreled with someone and wants to settle scores with him, the blood of a defeated opponent guarantees his triumph over him in reality.

When the blood belongs to the dreamer, he expects the loss of significant resources: health, money or friendship. Blood flowing from wounds shows that ill-wishers or illness are gaining the upper hand.

The sadness and fear that haunt the sleeping person symbolize the seriousness of future events. After such a dream, you need to be extremely careful and prudent.

Vanga attributed the dream of flowing blood to deteriorating relationships with relatives in reality. When the sleeper tries to bandage a wound and stop the bleeding, he grieves for a deceased relative. Soiled clothes speak of dishonest actions by loved ones that can cause harm.

If the blood on the dreamer’s hands or clothes belongs to enemies, you should not interfere in the squabbles of relatives. This will cause trouble.

The clairvoyant took generational curses seriously and suggested begging forgiveness from God in order to get rid of them. A dream with water turning into blood, which stains the face of the dreamer, is a vivid example of such evil. Sincere repentance for the mistakes of your ancestors will help you get rid of it.

By Longo

The white magician, like Vanga, associated the appearance of blood with relatives and their actions. Blood stains on a person indicate problems and contradictions with new relatives. When the dreamer's hands are bloody, he will cause problems and misfortunes in the family.

Blood pouring from the wounds foreshadows a quick separation from loved ones, which will bring a lot of suffering. A dream with bloody tears flowing from the eyes of the sleeper will make you worry about the health of your relatives.

According to Hasse

The soothsayer Miss Hasse divided dreams into good and disturbing ones based on the color of the blood and its quantity. Bright red spoke of the sleeper's plans to have fun with close friends, which are destined to come true. Drinking someone else's blood means happiness and fulfillment of desires. It's also nice to have blood spilling onto the ground. Like animal blood, it allows a person to believe in the reality of his aspirations and aspirations.

A vision with blood clots will bring negative consequences. It informs the sleeper about illnesses.

If the dreamer’s relatives lose blood in a dream, they will have health problems. Being wounded in battle is a sign of losing a dispute and, as a result, loss of reputation or money.

According to Maly Velesov's dream book

The dream book associated blood with household members and the home itself. When a person sees blood on himself in a dream, and in reality his wife is expecting a child, a boy will be born. Another interpretation is the arrival of relatives. If a person injures himself, this will lead to poor health and loss of money. Blood flowing from the nose is the most accurate indicator of losses.

If the sleeper understands that there is animal blood on him, his business will go uphill. Coughing up blood speaks of intrigues of relatives against the dreamer.

If blood appears in the dream, but neither the skin nor the suit of the sleeper is stained with it, the dream promises good news from relatives or a meeting with them. Blood flowing from the mouth means quarrels and heated disputes with loved ones over money or property. Moreover, they will try to make the dreamer the culprit in a controversial situation.

The same applies to soiled clothes, which symbolize resentment towards relatives. In reality, they gossip about the sleeping person and slander him.

Value by body part

When blood is seen not on the dress, but on the dreamer’s skin, the meaning of the dream takes on a more negative character. Why you dream about your own blood, and why someone else’s, has different interpretations. Losing your own vitality is much worse, and the meaning is associated with situations in which the dreamer himself will be defeated.

Seeing nosebleeds

Evgeny Tsvetkov believed that blood flowing from the nose is a harbinger of losses and deterioration in financial condition. Yuri Longo attributed such a dream to an imminent visit from relatives. If the sleeping person lost blood in a dream, his relatives will come, and if someone else, you should expect relatives from your spouse to visit.

From mouth

A dream where blood flows from the dreamer's mouth has several interpretations. The most common is that he will have an unpleasant conversation with his family, and the other is that he will regret harsh words during the discussion.

For girls, a dream with a bloody cough will bring an acquaintance with the groom's parents, and married ladies should be more attentive to the sudden absences of their husbands. There is a possibility that he has taken a mistress and is hiding it from his wife, leaving the house under various pretexts.

When a stranger starts coughing up blood, you need to beware of new acquaintances. They promise nothing but problems.

From the chest

Blood oozing from the chest symbolizes mental trauma or broken ties with loved ones. A person who has experienced the collapse of hopes can repeatedly see such a dream. If another person’s chest bleeds in a dream, the dreamer will have to console his friend. So, he was in trouble.

From the vagina

According to Miller, such a dream brings a good omen only to pregnant women, and informs others about future illnesses and troubles. Freud predicted an early pregnancy for girls who remembered a dream with bleeding. The body signals its readiness for it.

For elderly ladies, a dream with blood promises a long and happy life. If a man's legs are bloody, it is most likely that he has been reprimanded by his superiors and is worried about it.

Various dream situations

Sometimes the imagination draws strange pictures in dreams. It is difficult to correlate them with reality, because it is unlikely that even fans of vampires will drink someone’s blood in reality. And in dreams sometimes it seems natural. Dream books tell about different interpretations of night dreams and the reasons that caused them.

See a lot of blood

Swimming in a sea of ​​blood, according to Hasse, will lead to severe shocks. Yuri Longo predicted the loss of a family business after the dreamer fell into a deep scarlet puddle. When blood flows out of the body like a fountain, in reality a person will face serious health problems or the danger of falling into terrible anger.

Donate blood

Longo attributed the vision with passing the analysis to futile attempts to understand the motivation for the actions of relatives. Why can you dream of a lot of blood that a person voluntarily gives? This marks urgent matters that have fallen on the dreamer and require his participation. They can cause confusion, but if you gather your courage, you will be able to cope with them.

Seeing someone else's blood

Why dream of blood if it is flowing from another person? In most interpretations, the dream is more favorable than the blood loss of the sleeper himself. Bleeding from a stranger does not threaten the dreamer with health problems, but it shows that he is wasting his strength and energy in vain.

Perhaps by his actions a person greatly hurts someone's feelings, but does not realize it. After analyzing your behavior with friends and colleagues, you can understand the reasons for the dream and begin to behave more gently.

Taste, drink blood

According to Longo, when a sleeper drinks blood, in reality he risks being left without an inheritance. In most sources, drinking blood speaks of empty pleasures and the use of the fruits of other people's labor. If the sleeper tastes his blood, he is too arrogant, which will lead to the collapse of his aspirations.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

  • Dreams for Tuesday demonstrate the dreamer's cherished dreams. Depending on whose blood he saw, he will face defeat or, on the contrary, success. If a person drinks someone else's blood, the desire to advance in some business borders on madness.
  • Wednesday night talks about family relationships. The appearance of blood on the lips or chest shows broken connections and resentment towards relatives.
  • Career aspirations are most clearly manifested in dreams on Thursday. Blood promises failure, unless the sleeper is covered in the blood of enemies.
  • Dreams on Friday can come true, so any vision with blood should be taken as a warning and be careful. You should check your health and avoid any dangerous situations.
  • Saturday's dream is associated with wealth and finances. All situations with blood, except those where it flows from wounds onto the ground, are unfavorable. Transactions may fall through and profits may be less than originally planned.
  • In dreams on Sunday, there is a call to change the existing way of life if the dreamer drinks someone else's blood or bathes in it. The interpretations are fair, it’s time for him to improve his attitude towards others.
  • A dream for Monday tells about the inner world of the sleeper. Vivid visions with blood demonstrate his concern for his family and their well-being. It's bad if his chest bleeds. This shows past losses and trauma experienced.


In ancient times, sages interpreted a dream by finding out on what date and day of the week the person saw it. On certain days of the month, dreams have the opposite meaning, and a dream with wounds and blood in reality will bring good news and meetings.

You need to worry about your loved ones regardless of your dreams and, if possible, not quarrel with them. In the end, any dream is quickly forgotten, and bad relationships with loved ones worry and hurt constantly.

Peace and harmony in the family will not allow nightmares to arise, because dreams are a reflection of reality. If she is prosperous, dreams will be bright and pleasant.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!
