Making a syringe for feeding trees with your own hands. gardener's "first aid kit" and injections for trees. Natural fertilizers from grass and weeds

How to make fertilizers with your own hands for the garden. Homemade fertilizers are simple, cheap and effective.

We all dream of growing our own personal plot good harvest vegetables and fruits without nitrates and all kinds of “chemicals”. That is why you need to feed cultivated plants with fertilizers made with your own hands. This type of feeding is very popular among experienced summer residents. For these purposes, they use almost everything that grows in the country. Homemade fertilizers have many benefits.

The most important advantage of their use is cost savings. After all, you can prepare them from available ingredients. You may find various garden plants useful, even weeds, which should be dried and then burned.

If you are breeding poultry, then you can use its droppings as fertilizer. It is rich in nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and other important elements.

There is no need to stock up on homemade fertilizer for future use. You can do as much as you need to fertilize a specific area. Therefore, you will always receive a fresh, high-quality composition that will only bring benefits.

In addition, by making fertilizers yourself, you can always be sure of their naturalness. As is known, chemistry causes significant harm to both the life of plants and human health. This is why homemade fertilizers are much better than those sold in the supermarket.

There are several recipes for making homemade fertilizers:

Wood ash fertilizer

Many experienced summer residents use wood ash to fertilize their plots. It is a product obtained after burning various plant materials. This could be tops, dry grass or tree branches.

Ash significantly improves the composition of the soil and does not contaminate it with toxic substances. Containing organic substances, it can be an alternative to mineral fertilizers. In addition, ash can reduce the acidity of the soil and also make it looser.

To prepare liquid fertilizer from wood ash, you need to take 150 grams of it and mix it with 10 liters of water, and then leave for 15 minutes.

This product can be used to water trees, cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage. For greater efficiency, wood ash can be mixed with compost, humus or peat. But to combine it with bird droppings and nitrogen fertilizers This is highly undesirable, since this results in the loss of most of the nitrogen.

Fertilizer based on rotted grass

Who said that grass clippings are useless? It turns out that it's quite the opposite. It can be used to feed various shrubby plants: gooseberries, currants, raspberries.

To do this, simply spread the mowed grass on the site, paying attention Special attention the base of the bushes. Experienced summer residents recommend doing this for the winter. This way you will protect the plants from the winter cold and can prevent the occurrence of certain plant diseases.

Nettle fertilizer

If you want to feed flowering plants, then ordinary nettle, which grows in almost any area, is useful for these purposes. It is better to mow it before the seeds appear. One kilogram of grass is placed in plastic container and fill with settled water in the amount of 6-8 liters.

The mixture should be infused in the sun for 10 days. To make the infusion better, it needs to be stirred periodically. It is advisable to do this several times a day. The herbal mixture will expand, ferment and foam. In addition, it may appear bad smell.

This must be taken into account when making such fertilizer. The finished infusion is diluted with water and used for root feeding or for spraying plants. The ratio of water and infusion is selected taking into account the procedure being performed.

Nettle is also used in pure form. If you mulch the beds with it, it will significantly improve growth and development cultivated plants, and will also repel some pests.

Top dressing, organic fertilizer for garden beds with your own hands

A flawless lawn at your dacha all summer long!

Nadezhda Nikolaevna, 49 years old. I have been planting grass near my house for many years. Therefore, we even have experience in this area. But my lawn has never looked as gorgeous as after using Aquagrazz! Like heaven and earth. The lawn is lush and dark green even in the heat. Requires minimal watering.

Of course, such fertilizers do not have high efficiency and cannot replace organic and mineral analogues. But it’s still better to start with natural substances, and if necessary, switch to chemistry.

When organizing their own apiary, people often face a problem when the bees need to be given additional food, vitamins, medications or spring incentives. To solve this issue, special feeders have been developed. They allow not only to competently organize the feeding procedure, but also relieve the beekeeper from extra costs time. You can make a feeder yourself using pre-made drawings.

    Show all

    Standard Requirements

    The designs and shapes of devices for feeding insects can be completely different, but the standards for them are the same.

    All products must meet the following requirements:

    • capacity - up to 4 kg;
    • conditions for insects - comfortable (temperature, humidity, surface);
    • access to food is free at any time of the day and in any weather;
    • insects do not drown in syrup;
    • the remaining food is looked at (to know how much has not been consumed and whether it is worth serving a new portion);
    • inaccessible to bees from other hives;
    • easy to wash and clean;
    • any contact with insects during feeding is excluded.

    Any poorly designed feeder will only cause harm. Insects will drown in syrup, be injured, and become hypothermic. As a result, the productivity of the hive will drop.

    You need to choose a product based on the frequency with which the beekeeper visits the apiary, the structure of the hive, the amount of feed needed, and the season of the year.


    Bee feeders are made of wood, plastic, metal, polyethylene and other materials. Their design may vary depending on the method and time of use of the product. The following types of feeders are distinguished: external and intra-hive.

    External ones are divided into types:

    • Mounted - located in close proximity to each hive, which facilitates the distribution of food. The disadvantage of the design lies in its attractiveness to thieving bees or wasps.
    • General - they are a container that is filled with special syrup and placed a short distance from the apiary. For the convenience of feeding bees, small branches, grass or homemade rafts are placed in it (so that the insects do not drown). The disadvantage of this design is the difficulty of controlling the distribution of feeding among families - one may receive more feed than the other, which will affect the productivity of both families.

    Hanging feeder for bees

    Intra-hive ones are divided into types:

    • Frame - these structures are attached to the side of the socket. They are a frame that is covered with plywood on both sides. The advantage of such a feeder is its ease of use in autumn period, when it’s rainy outside, and the downside is that when adding fertilizer you have to disturb the bees.
    • Ceiling plastic ones are easy to use, but bees can get into the inner cup with food.
    • Ceiling bottles (made of plastic) are popular among beekeepers due to their low cost and reliability. They are placed at the bottom of the hive. Can be used for medicinal feeding. The disadvantage of such products is their disposability and rapid cooling.
    • Polyethylene - made from plastic bags. This feeder is cheap, quick to make, and disposable, just like the bottle feeder. This method was first used in small apiaries in Australia. This option is not suitable for large apiaries.
    • Ceiling box type - convenient for use in large apiaries when it is necessary to feed bees for a long time. There is no need to open the hives to replenish food.

    In-hive ceiling feeder


    Today, experienced beekeepers have created many designs for feeding bees. They are easy to manufacture and operate.

    Making feeders at home will save you money cash and choose environmentally pure material. Below are the most popular feeders with drawings and descriptions of each manufacturing step.

    From a plastic bottle

    Such feeders are a godsend for beekeepers: they are cheap to manufacture, the design is very simple, the supply of syrup is freely controlled, and the surface is quickly washed. It is used for hives with low roofs.

    There are two options for intra-hive plastic feeders: horizontal and vertical.


    To make it, take a two-liter plastic bottle, tape and an awl (or nail). In the bottle, on one side, closer to the neck, mark a line and 5-7 dots on it with a diameter of 1.5 mm. The points must be placed at equal distances. Next, holes are made and sealed with tape. Then the syrup is poured into the bottle.

    Bottle stands are made from two small wooden blocks (see picture). The tape is removed from the container and it lies horizontally on the stands. The resulting product can be placed inside the hive.

    Horizontal feeder made from a plastic bottle

    How more holes and the thinner the syrup, the faster the food will run out. You can use tape to control the number of holes and, accordingly, the rate of syrup consumption.


    To create a regular bottle feeder you will need a 1.5 liter bottle, an awl, a pencil, and tape. Equally spaced holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm are made at the bottom of the bottle and sealed with tape. 3/4 of the syrup is poured through the neck, the cap is screwed on, and the bottle is turned over. The structure is placed in the hive between the wall and the frame.

    To create a vertical feeder (box type) you will need some carpentry skills and tools. The drawing for making a bottle cassette is shown in the picture.

    The bottle itself is processed as follows: holes are made in it with a hot nail or awl. The holes should be located on the vertical wall in a circle at a distance of 1-3 cm from the bottom. There should be about twelve holes in total. Then the inner liner is removed and the lid is put on the neck. There is no need to tighten it all the way.

    Vertical feeder made of plastic bottles box type

    The bottles are placed in a finished cassette, and then the product is secured near the bee’s nest.

    Ceiling feeder

    The box-type ceiling feeder is universal. Making this structure requires carpentry skills from the beekeeper. The finished product is installed on the hive floor or directly into the folds. If the structure is installed in a position, then it is necessary to provide in advance that there is a hole for the bees to approach the syrup.

    The raft for the aft compartment can be made of polystyrene foam. The partition separating the two compartments from each other should not reach 1-3 mm to the bottom.

    Below are drawings of parts with dimensions:

    Grooves should be made along the side walls at the top, then covers are placed in them. The feeding compartment and bee passage are covered glass lid(in order to make it convenient to observe the process), and the section for filling the feed is made of fiberboard. The bottom is made of plywood, and the end and side walls- made of wood.

    The smoother side of the fiberboard should face the inside of the feeder. During the manufacture of the structure, it is advisable to use sealants and PVA with sawdust added to it. They are used to process joints.

    From a glass jar

    This feeder is easy to make. Take a liter glass jar and a large piece of gauze. Nutrient syrup is poured into the jar. The gauze is folded into 8 layers, moistened with water, wrung out, thrown over the neck and tied to it. Then plywood is placed on top of it, and then turned over.

    Pour the syrup and tie the bag.

  • 2. Open the hive lid and place the bags.
  • 3. Make 7-10 holes with a syringe needle.
  • 4. Close the hive lid.
  • Feeder made from food bags

  1. 1. When making feeders, it is advisable to use natural or environmentally friendly materials.
  2. 2. If the choice fell on polyethylene material, then it is better to use transparent food grade material, during the production of which a minimum of harmful substances are added.
  3. 3. Colored polyethylene and plastic materials- they contain recycled materials.
  4. 4. Quite clean and environmentally friendly material can be considered polystyrene.

You should approach the choice of feeder responsibly. From proper feeding depends on the health and performance of bees, as well as the taste of honey.

    Quick and inexpensive fertilizers for do-it-yourself use in the countryside
    According to statistics, about 15-20% of all summer residents have tried to prepare fertilizers with their own hands. This makes it possible not only to make the necessary reserves of fertilizers and apply them systematically to improve the soil, but also to save money on purchasing fertilizers.


    Organic and mineral fertilizers plants need for growth and development, and each of us understands this. No crop will produce a proper harvest if left alone with nature and depleted soil. Therefore, we often talk about how to make compost with your own hands, how to replace some mineral additives with green manure, and what else you can come up with to enrich the soil at your summer cottage. Today we decided to continue this topic, as we talked with some experts and acquired new knowledge. Do-it-yourself fertilizers for the garden are no longer a problem!

    Self-prepared fertilizers for summer cottage may not cost a penny!

    At the stage of writing the material, we had not yet had time to try fertilizers from improvised means on our own plots, and therefore we ask you to perceive the information as experimental. Naturally, the organic additives that we prepare cannot cause any harm to the plants, except if we begin to thoughtlessly and unregulatedly add them to the soil!

    Choose the right ingredients to get the best fertilizers

    Benefits of homemade fertilizers

    The number of advantages in preparing such fertilizers is simply enormous, but we will only point out the main ones, which direct us away from garden supermarkets to our own plot, where there is everything necessary for preparing fertilizers.

    • So, first of all, this is pure cost savings, since we have everything at the dacha to lay down and prepare a certain composition. These are weeds that we simply dry and burn, and more useful plants, which can be used in the recipe, and the same chicken droppings, which is one of the best suppliers of nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, boron, zinc and other elements.
    • Next, we will say that such fertilizers are always fresh, and you monitor their quality yourself. It is not necessary to prepare fertilizers for the future; they can always be infused for a week or a week and a half to apply fertilizing, so that the composition does not deteriorate and brings the greatest benefit.
    • And finally, these are environmentally friendly fertilizers, which do not contain any chemicals that can have Negative influence for garden plants. Agree, after all, you take all the materials for preparing fertilizers from own plot where you do not use harmful chemicals to grow plants or animals.

    The main advantages of fertilizers prepared independently

    Perhaps this is enough motivation to try your hand at preparing miracle remedies for growing garden and vegetable crops on your property!

    Nettle supplements

    The first recipe we offer is based on nettles. You can use fresh nettle harvested in spring or summer, the main thing is to make sure that there are no seeds on the plant. If the moment is missed, prepare the nettles, dry them, remove the seeds, and then follow the same recipe.

    How to prepare nettle fertilizer for the garden?

    To prepare nettle fertilizer, place it in a plastic container at the very bottom. This should be a good kilogram of greens or a jar or two of dry grass. Afterwards, pour 6-8 liters of rain or settled water into the nettles and leave this mixture in the sun. Every day, stirring the future fertilizer several times, infuse the nettle for 6-10 days. Be prepared for the fact that the infusion will foam, ferment, and increase in volume, and therefore it is better to immediately choose a slightly larger container. Also, a specific smell will appear, which is not very pleasant; you will have to endure it in order to fertilize the plants. In this regard, move the preparation and settling away from the buildings, closer to the farm yard.

    What requirements must be observed when preparing fertilizer with your own hands?

    The finished infusion should be used at the end of the fermentation process. To water with infusion, use the following recipe for preparing fertilizing - 1 part of infusion to 9 parts of water, watering at the root. If you decide to spray with fresh organic matter, then the recipe slightly reduces the concentration - 1 part infusion to 19 parts water.

    Wood ash fertilizer

    We often use wood ash to treat garden beds, but it can be used to make an even more effective product if you follow the right recipe.

    Wood ash on the site is extremely useful!

    IN wood ash contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements, so let's try to deliver them directly to the plants in need. To do this, we recommend preparing high-quality liquid fertilizer from ash. You only need 150 g of ash and 10 liters of water, quick mixing and infusion for 15 minutes. If the question arises about where to get that ash, then the material after frying meat on a fire or after burning tree trimmings is perfect for the process.

    After preparation, this product can be used to water the most different plants. So, for example, under mature trees it is enough to pour 1 bucket of ash solution, but under cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, the norm would be 500 ml of solution per bush.

    Be sure to follow the recipe when making your own ash fertilizer

    Do-it-yourself fertilizer from rotten grass

    It would seem that there is nothing more useless than mowed grass. However, it can be a wonderful supplement for berry bushes. It is most effective for gooseberries and currants.

    Grass harvested on the outskirts of the site can become useful for garden beds

    An interesting fact is that you don’t have to prepare anything; you just need to scatter the grass in an area with plants, place it under the bushes, and wait for the positive effect. Bacteria that live in rotten grass do a good job of suppressing many garden diseases!

    Grass in the garden is used in the form of mulch and fertilizing

    Naturally, there are other recipes for preparing fertilizers in the country, but it is simply unrealistic to list them all. IN in this case, we just decided to remind you of one of the previous materials, in which we talked about fertilizers for flowers from eggshells, coffee grounds and other products. It is quite possible that reading the article will help you choose high-quality fertilizer for plants in flowerpots and pots.

    How to make liquid fertilizer with your own hands (video)

    We cannot claim that homemade fertilizers from grass and ash are much more effective than organic and mineral fertilizers or can fully replace them, but we are simply giving you food for thought and testing. It may well be that your beds will like the nettle infusion or rotted grass more than the classic remedies, and if not, you can always return to them. If you wish, you can always supplement the article with your comments, for which we will only be grateful to you!

Continuation of posts on the series of lectures in Paer+.
Part 1. Autumn
Part 2. Winter
Part 3. Spring
This part is about the "gardener's first aid kit".
Lecturer: Dmitry Kalashnikov, Associate Professor of the Department of Landscape Architecture of the Moscow Timiryazev Academy, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.
What's worth having:
1. Epin
Epin is a hormone produced by flowers (brassin). Very effectively stimulates plant growth and damage healing.
In addition to helping to adapt and treat plants, it can be used to improve appearance with uneven growth. If you want additional branching, cut the bark down to the wood and apply a drop of epin with a brush. The kidney will be laid in this place.
2. Kornevin
Efficiency is determined by the honesty of the manufacturer (concentration of indomyl, butyric acid). Kornevin penetrates through damaged roots, so its use to stimulate healthy roots is pointless.
Effective: before planting, after planting and replanting plants, in case of other damage to the roots.
3. HB 101
(I have it written down that the analogue is elistin, I’m not sure I wrote it down correctly). Contains a protein complex, active substances and a significant amount of minerals, including silicon.
The drug affects symbiotes, fungi that grow with the plant. HB 101 delivers food to the symbiotes, and they stimulate plant growth.
Zircon - professional product stimulation of root growth. In order for it to be effective, you must meet the expiration date. The solution is not stored. In the amateur gardener's medicine cabinet, the drug can be replaced with other growth stimulants, so in mandatory list he will go without a number.
4. Kresacin
Means for treating seeds and spraying vegetable, fruit, flower and ornamental crops and grapes. Krezacin is a plant growth stimulant and also stimulates root formation; accelerates growth, increases plant resistance to diseases and frosts. We use it in the spring to save roots.
Active ingredient of the drug "Krezacin": 475 g/l orthocresoxyacetic acid triethanolammonium salt.
5. SuperHumisol
Foliar feeding for a "happy look" at the garden center. Many garden centers use depressants. root system. As a result, the beautiful plant on the site greatly loses its decorative value.
SuperHumisol does not inhibit the root system. Landscape designers were recommended to go through the plantings with this product 3 days before the commissioning of the project.
You can soak seeds in it and water the roots. Used until July!
Works well with HB 101.
6. AVA fertilizers
At late boarding For large trees, slow-release fertilizer AVA or Osmakod is recommended (harder to find, available in nursery products).
7. Magnesium sulfate
Fertilizer recommended in spring. Sprinkle under the roots. 50 grams per Christmas tree.
8. Complex fertilizers
In spring potassium-phosphorus-nitrogen
Potassium-phosphorus in autumn
When the tree crown is high and difficult to treat, injections are used to treat it. For example, from the bark beetle.
I repeat that the lectures were for landscape designers and gardeners, whose main goal is to try to save the plantings as much as possible. This is not always possible. Below are the instructions we were given at the lecture:
Injection kits can be found on sale.
For example, they look like this:

Tube and container with the drug.
We drill a hole in the bark along the diameter of the tube as low as possible to the root collar with a depth of 3-4-5 cm (to the white wood). We insert the tube according to the instructions so that the drug flows. Several such holes need to be made in a circle, retreating 15-20 cm around the circumference of the trunk.
Much cheaper than purchased kits is a bottle of naphthysine or a blood transfusion system. We drill holes the width of the spout in the same way.
Pour into an empty, washed naphthyzine bottle:
Bi-58 from bark beetle
Aktara, Kinmiks - systemic insecticides
Skor, Topaz, Fundazol - fungicides
For a bottle of at least 10 ml of volume, dissolve: 3 ml of dimexide (in the pharmacy), 2 ml of insecticide or fungicide, the rest of the volume is water.
Bacteriosis can be treated with injections. To do this, you can buy trichopolum at the pharmacy and dissolve two tablets of the medicine in a bottle.
From myself: I know a lot of opponents chemicals Location on. This effective means, but you can always find another control method instead of fungicides and insecticides. Perhaps more labor intensive. Choose what is more important to you.
Addition from Natalia's comment tasha_jardinier "the main danger is that a person injects his tree and enjoys life: saved! But in fact, he gave the injection, but incorrectly and the tree will die or become seriously ill, because it has not received any protection at all. To do it right When using injections for trees, you need to know exactly at what depth under the bark the sagging occurs. Accurately calculate the time of such an injection. Well, and have the necessary preparations. Forests infested with bark beetles are simply destroyed and new ones are planted. Actually, no effective drug for injection against this pest. What they offer for a lot of money different companies, this is most often a deception - they give an injection with drugs for deciduous trees."
And I will end today with the beginning of a lecture by Evgeny Zhukov, an agronomist-ecologist at Paer+, who shared his cheat sheets with us.
All of these drugs are used because in a nursery with many plants, the spread of disease or pests can be very costly. In amateur gardens it is not required. However, I believe that even for hobbyists it is useful to know what the plants were treated with before they were purchased.

Tags: How to make a tree sprayer with your own hands video

This video shows how to make a powerful and productive spray with your own hands, without investing any money...

One of the most convenient tools for injections against pests in trees. Most effective for mass treatments. The needle is inserted into the area between the bark and the tree, directly into the cambium. The tree recovers quickly. Injections are made quickly: 1-3 minutes per tree. Cost - 15,400 rubles.

How to give injections

First you need to determine what kind of bark your tree has in order to select a needle diameter that will not tear it and the needle will not bend too much. For example:

  • for old spruce and birch trees it is better to use needles with a diameter of 4 mm,
  • for young spruce, old willow, and apple trees, needles with a diameter of 3 mm are needed,
  • for willow, young aspen, old apple trees, pears, you need needles with a diameter of 2 mm

The main task is not to tear the bark when pushing the needle with a syringe.If the bark tears above the needle, it needs to be changed to a smaller diameter.

Insert the needle into the tree at an angle of 45 0 C at the level of the belt or paws of the tree, holding it with your hand, then push it along the tree trunk 7–12 cm from top to bottom. Then lift it a little and inject the Savoy product by gently pressing the handle for 7-8 seconds. 1 ml of the composition is injected, the pen is not released until the syringe with the needle is removed from the tree. The next portion is injected after 5–7 cm around the circumference of the trunk in the lesion, and 7-10 cm around the circumference of the trunk for preventive purposes. The presence of Savoy composition in the syringe is monitored visually through glass.

Video instruction

Table of tree sizes, injections and consumption of “Savoy-1/2/3”

Tree diameter (cm) Circle diameter (cm) Number of injection sites (pcs.) Product consumption (ml)
10 ~ 31,4 2 2–3
20 ~ 62,8 3 3–4
30 ~ 94,2 5 5–7
40 ~ 125,6 6–7 6–10
50 ~ 157,1 8 8–12
60 ~ 188,5 10 10–15
70 ~ 219,9 12 12–18

After injections, the syringe must be pumped with water and the parts must be washed and the syringe disassembled. Dry. Lubricate. Collect. If the cuff is damaged, it must be replaced from a spare set or ordered a new one from us.

After washing and disassembling, the check ball valves may stick. The syringe must be checked before use according to the preparation for use scheme.


When removing the needle from the wood, you need to cover the area with your hand, because Savoy may be released into the eyes by residual pressure. The injection syringe is not intended for dosing outside the tree, due to the risk of getting the product into the eyes.
