Get rid of mold in the apartment. How to Get Rid of Mold: The Ultimate Guide. Mold prevention

Evgeniy Sedov

When hands grow out the right place, life is more fun :)


An unpleasant picture is the appearance of black, brown, green spots on the walls of the home. No matter what you wipe or paint over them, the mold appears again. An unpleasant smell and a damaged apartment interior are not everything. Mold is a direct threat to the health of your family; the body can react to it with allergies and even asthma. Therefore, it is important to know how to get rid of mold on walls.

Causes of mold on walls

  • The presence of dampness in your home, steam, condensation. Humidity and room temperature– ideal conditions for the development of fungus.
  • Poor air exchange in the room. Some areas of the room freeze more than others, and moisture settles on them.
  • Insufficient insulation of the room.
  • Fogging of plastic windows.
  • Poor ventilation due to the appearance of plastic windows and sealed doors.
  • Violation of the deadlines for drying walls during repairs.

Black mold on the walls

Mold is fungal in nature and its spores are constantly in the air. When are they created suitable conditions for their development (warmth and dampness), the fungus begins to multiply.

At the first manifestations of the fungus, you need to get rid of it urgently. Here's what to do:

  • We tear off the wallpaper and clean all surfaces of fungus, regardless of whether they are affected by mold, because even clean areas can contain fungal spores.

  • Apply a mold remover to the cleaned areas and let the surface dry for at least 5 hours.

  • We walk over the treated surfaces with a dry brush to remove decay products of microorganisms.

  • We wash the cleaned areas warm water, and then dry it again.
  • A day later we prime the walls with a deep penetration primer.
  • Plastering. After plastering, it is important to thoroughly dry the surfaces so that no moisture remains.
  • AND final stage work - priming the walls and wallpapering. Choose a glue that is moisture-resistant and has antifungal properties.

Products for removing mold from walls

Mold can be removed with any antiseptic that has an antifungal effect (Metas-BIO, SCHIMMEL-ENTFERNER spray can, NEOMID Bio). When purchasing a disinfectant in a store, be sure to ask the seller if it is right for you.

Carefully read the instructions before use and follow safety precautions when working with toxic products (use gloves, safety glasses, a respirator, wear a robe, a headscarf).

Folk remedies for mold

Folk remedies that the housewife has at hand also help get rid of this scourge.

  • Bleach. It affects all types of fungus. This product is suitable for non-porous surfaces (tiles, bathtubs, furniture, glass). We dilute the product in the following proportions: 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. We apply the solution to the surface with a spray bottle or brush; we work in rubber gloves and a respirator, since the product contains chlorine. After treatment, do not wash off the product.
  • Borax. We make a solution - 1 cup of borax per 2.5 liters of water, apply it to a dry, cleaned wall.
  • Vinegar. Destroys almost all types of mold. Take white vinegar, apply with a spray bottle and leave for an hour. Then we wipe the area with water and dry it.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Take a 3% peroxide solution and spray it so that the wall is well saturated with it. Leave for 10 minutes, then thoroughly clean off the mold and rinse.
  • Pure ammonia. Dilute the product equally with water and spray on the surface, wipe off the mold. Remove any remaining ammonia with a dry cloth.
  • Tea tree oil. Dilute 1 teaspoon of oil in a glass of water. Apply the solution to the affected area. There is no need to wash it off.
  • Copper sulfate. Dissolve 100 g of powder in a bucket of water and treat the contaminated surface.

Mold prevention

To prevent your home from becoming “sick”, monitor its condition:

  • Heat the room well and use thermal insulation.
  • Spend on time plumbing work, repair pipes.
  • Make sure that the roof does not leak.
  • Treat wooden building materials with an antiseptic.
  • Ventilate the room daily by opening the windows completely.
  • Constantly ventilate the bathroom and do not close the door tightly.
  • Dry washed items thoroughly before storing them in the closet.
  • Do not dry wet items in unventilated areas.
  • Make sure that the ventilation systems are in good working order; they must ensure constant air circulation.
  • If you find damp places in the room, wipe them thoroughly with a cloth.

If you know how someone in your circle gets rid of mold on the walls, share this experience in the comments at the bottom of the page. Your advice will help other people.

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How to get rid of mold on walls using folk remedies. Getting rid of black mold forever, photo

Molds can often be found in both old houses and new buildings. At favorable conditions they easily reproduce by spores, enveloping more and more new spaces. Mold can settle on a wide variety of building materials: wood, plaster, concrete, brick, ceramics, plastic and others. It not only has a destructive, destructive effect on materials, but also becomes the cause of many serious diseases in humans. We definitely need to fight it with everyone. by known methods. How to get rid of it should be considered in more detail.

Mold not only has a detrimental effect on materials, but also causes various diseases in humans.

Favorable conditions for the occurrence and development of mold, its impact on human health

Before talking about ways to get rid of mold fungi in the house, you need to understand what conditions are favorable for their occurrence and development.

Mold is a living substance consisting mainly of a fruiting body and many spores that easily spread through water or air over some distances.

It has a characteristic smell and appearance, its color may vary. Favorable conditions for the appearance and development of mold in the house are:

  • high humidity;
  • warm;
  • lack of air circulation;
  • surface condition.

The favorite places for mold to grow are walls with poor waterproofing; surfaces in contact with improperly installed plastic windows filled with bulky furniture that disrupts the air exchange in the room; places of all kinds of leaks, etc. Under favorable conditions, mold develops very quickly and spreads over large areas.

The food source for mold is wood, which as a result of its vital activity rots and cracks, becoming unusable. However, mold destroys not only wood, but also any other material, with the exception of some types of plastic with perfectly smooth surfaces.

In addition to the fact that mold has a destructive effect on finishing and Construction Materials, it is very detrimental to human health with its mycotoxins, which are constantly released in environment. The most common serious illnesses that mold can cause are:

  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • emphysema;
  • headache;
  • skin rashes;
  • gastrointestinal diseases and many others.

The impact of mold fungi on children, teenagers and people with low immunity is especially dangerous. Fungi can also spread inside human body, affecting organs. All of these diseases are very difficult to treat.

To save your home from mold and prevent its occurrence, you must take radical measures, which should be considered more thoroughly. To prevent mold in the house, you need to frequently ventilate and dry the premises in any weather, eliminate hot spots high humidity– leaks, breakdowns, etc.

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Instructions for combating mold fungi

Tools for mold removal: gloves, spray bottle, chemicals.

To combat mold you will need the following materials and equipment:

  • facilities personal protection: glasses, gloves, respirator;
  • brush, rag, sponge;
  • water container;
  • washing powder;
  • garbage bag;
  • spray;
  • anti-mold agent4
  • wood varnish.

Before you begin treating areas where mold has settled in the house, it is necessary to personal safety, wear glasses, gloves, a suit, a respirator. This is also necessary to ensure that mold and mold control agents, which are mostly poisonous, do not enter the human body. Processing should be done very carefully so as not to spread fungal spores throughout the house.

Work to rid the surface of mold should begin by cleaning the affected area with a brush and a soap solution. Mold and loose building material should be placed in a trash bag to prevent its spread. After this, dry this area of ​​the surface thoroughly.

Mold remedies: soda, sodium solution, citric acid, vinegar.

Then, using a spray bottle, apply the selected disinfectant to the affected area, covering the surrounding area. The product is left on the affected area for some time, after which it is washed thoroughly. hot water and dries. You can use a powerful heater for drying.

Some processing features should be noted various surfaces. Mold usually does not penetrate deep into the wood, so you can get by by thoroughly washing the affected areas. Then they should be treated with antifungal agents, dried and subsequently treated with varnish or paint.

If mushrooms have grown on the plaster of concrete or brick structures, then you need to completely beat off the affected areas and put them in a trash bag. All mold is removed, including nearby surface areas to be safe. An antifungal agent that kills mold should be applied to the prepared areas. After drying, restoration and facing work is carried out.

In advanced cases, mold fungi can penetrate deep into concrete or bricks. It is important to completely get rid of the areas occupied by mold, otherwise the process of its spread will resume again.

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Variety of mold control products

Exist various means to rid surfaces of mold fungi. They can be divided into 3 large groups:

  • pesticide;
  • natural remedies with a high hazard class;
  • natural remedies with a low hazard class.

If the mold cannot be removed, it is necessary to soften it with a chlorine-containing agent.

In any hardware store exists huge selection pesticides to combat mold. Great care should be taken when working with them.

Natural toxic substances that effectively remove mold include hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, chlorine solution and some others. They should be used in extremely advanced cases, because... they are toxic and have side effects(for example, they can damage the surface). Here are some recommendations for using these products.

A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is prepared, poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the damaged area for 10 minutes. May have a whitening effect on the area. An ammonia solution is prepared in equal proportions with water and sprayed in the same way. Leave to react for 2-3 hours, then rinse with water. The chlorine solution is prepared as follows: 200 g of bleach is taken per 1 liter of water. You need to know that the solution is toxic and can damage the surface.

Hydrogen peroxide is excellent at removing mold, but since it has a bleaching effect, it must be applied with caution to colored surfaces.

TO natural remedies those with a low hazard class include tea tree oil, grapefruit seed extract, and regular vinegar.

The appearance of mold on the walls of an apartment is a real disaster for owners, which not only spoils even the most expensive renovations, but also has a detrimental effect on the health of the inhabitants. Today we’re talking about how to get rid of mold in a living space, what disinfectant to choose, and how to kill it bad smell. Everything is short and to the point.

What is mold?

Mold is a rather noticeable coating formed by mold fungi. They are literally ubiquitous, growing on almost all materials and in all climates. Fungus appears not only on the surface of objects or walls, but also penetrates into surfaces with microscopic threads, so it is not always easy to remove mold.

Most often, mold in the house can be divided into several types:

  • Green. Often it affects food products, spreading and contaminating food.
  • White. You can find them in flower pots, on wooden furniture, bread.

  • Sineva. Amazes window frames, doors, parquet floors or furniture.
  • Black. The most dangerous type of fungus that appears everywhere: tiles in the bathroom, wallpaper in the room, walls, ceiling.

Causes of mold

Mold in the home begins to actively multiply and grow only when it gets into a suitable environment.

  • The ideal humidity level is 60-80%. This level can be in a bathroom or shower stall.
  • Plaque survives both very high temperatures, and at excessively low ones. The most optimal range is from 4 to 20 °C.
  • Difficulties in air circulation: piled up furniture, heaps of mismatched things, closed windows - the air is increasingly contaminated with spores, and it becomes much easier for the fungus to multiply.

First signs of appearance

The first sign of mold is a damp, pungent, specific smell, and after that spots of gray, whitish and black shades appear. If an uninvited guest appears in your house, then you need to get rid of her immediately, without delay.

The problem must be solved in a comprehensive manner. It is not enough to simply physically remove plaque; the issue of ventilation and humidity control must be addressed.

What you need to prepare for a successful fight

Before starting an unequal battle with the ubiquitous fungus, arm yourself with the following means:

  • For your protection: gloves, glasses, respirator.
  • For mechanical removal: sponge, brush, rag, scraper, sandpaper, water container, detergent or cleaner, garbage bag.
  • For final treatment: wood varnish, spore killer.
  • Before you begin processing, put on goggles, gloves, a respirator, and a special suit will not be superfluous.

Important! Remember that inhaling spores is very harmful to health. The respiratory organs and skin take the brunt. After the procedure, wash your hands and body. At the first feeling of discomfort, consult a doctor.

How to get rid of mold

Mold in an apartment is destroyed using the following simple algorithm:

  1. Mechanical cleaning of the affected area from plaque that has appeared.
  2. Mold treatment special means over the entire surface, capturing nearby meters.
  3. Drying the surface and ventilating the room.
  4. Prevent plaque re-formation by controlling humidity and air circulation.

  • The most important thing is to thoroughly remove visible plaque. If the layer is fresh and has appeared recently, then you can eliminate mold from the walls with a sponge or brush using a regular soap solution.
  • It seems possible to remove mold from wallpaper only at first. If the layer is ingrained, then it must be removed by cleaning it down to the plaster.

Important! You can’t hesitate, because household mold can penetrate through the plaster to concrete and brick in just a year.

  • During the removal process, wet the wall, this will prevent spores from spreading through the air.
  • You can remove fungus on a wall whitewashed with lime using a scraper or sandpaper. Don't forget to wet the ceiling or wall before starting.
  • Mold in the bathroom prefers to settle in the seams between tiles or in joints near plumbing fixtures. Use a scraper to clean the affected area and go over the seams with sandpaper. Dry, apply disinfectant, and reseal the areas between tiles and joints with sealant and grout.

Important! Immediately place all dirty residues in a sealed bag rather than scattering them on the floor. This will prevent the fungus in the bathtub from spreading further.

Which fungal remedy should I choose?

Let's move on to the main question: what is the best remedy for mold on the walls to prevent it from appearing again over time? Here is a list of the most effective drugs, each of them copes well with all types of fungus. Your task is to choose exactly the product that is right for you.

  • Bleach. Will help clean mold from tiles or glass, but is not suitable for all porous materials. It is toxic, so it must be used with extreme caution. You need to dilute the bleach with water in a ratio of 1/10. It is better to apply with a wide brush or spray.
  • Vinegar. Helps fight against mold on all surfaces and materials. Is different pungent odor, can damage furniture or wallpaper, affecting the color. Spray vinegar or apply it to the surface with a rag. After a week, repeat the procedure for prevention.

  • Lemon juice or citric acid. It has the same properties as vinegar, but besides that, it smells nice. Any materials can be processed, and tiles are washed most efficiently. For a glass of water, use 1 tablespoon of juice or acid. After this, the surfaces are completely processed.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. The optimal remedy, since removing mold using this method is convenient and safe. Peroxide is applied to any surfaces except actively painted ones (the color may fade). Use a rag or spray. After a week, repeat the procedure again.
  • Baking soda. Removing mold with baking soda is effective and safe. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Spray or rub over the infected area. After an hour, wipe the wall with water again to avoid streaks.

  • Prepare an interesting and very effective solution. Take 100 ml water, 50 ml vinegar, 50 ml hydrogen peroxide, 25 ml boric acid. Combine these components in a container and heat over a fire to 50-70 degrees. Spray or rub this product over the infected area. Repeat the manipulation once every couple of days for the purpose of prevention. This method is the most effective for cleaning tile joints.

How to get rid of mold smell

If you have successfully dealt with the fungus, but you can still smell the mold, use:

  • Baking soda. Scatter thin layer powder to the place where the fungus grew. Leave for 3-4 hours, then sweep or vacuum up.
  • Charcoal. Place several containers with coal around the perimeter of the room. After a couple of days, the unpleasant smell will disappear.
  • Improved ventilation, aerosols and other incense. These products will finally improve the air in the apartment.

What should I do to prevent fungus from appearing?

If you have already gotten even with all traces of the raid, then the next step is to prevent it from appearing again. To do this, you should study these tips:

  • Buy a specialized product. Apply an antimicrobial spray to areas where there was fungus on the wall in the bathroom or any other room. This will prevent the re-population of bacteria and spores. Hardware stores sell anti-mildew paint.
  • If the room is humid, making it most vulnerable to spores, then take care of purchasing an electric air dehumidifier. This option is ideal for long-term removal of black plaque.
  • Update the insulation system in your home. Often it is poor thermal insulation becomes the root of the problem. If your walls and floors are susceptible to condensation, then the problem is a violation of heat exchange.

How to “cut off the oxygen” to mold

The right solution to the problem is to get rid of moisture, which fungi love:

  • Straighten shower curtains properly and hang towels to dry.
  • Maintain the bathroom, kitchen and other wet rooms clean and dry. Ventilate the premises.
  • If the riser or drain is covered with “mushrooms,” it means there is a pipe leaking somewhere. Leaking communications need to be dealt with immediately.

Mold is dangerous only when the situation is advanced and the path to combat is long and difficult. Armed with our tips, you will deal with the fungus in no time.

Video: Checking anti-fungal products

Mold on walls is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. When you find it in an apartment, you must immediately think about how to get rid of the fungus in as soon as possible. This can be done at home using proven methods. Choose what you have at hand and start acting. Otherwise, you will encounter unpleasant symptoms: headache, cough, nausea and even asthma.

Mold on the walls in the apartment - types and dangers

Before removing mold from the walls, find out what kind of fungus there may be in the apartment.

No. 1. Black mold

The most common variety and the worst enemy to human health. It affects walls, wallpaper, wooden and concrete surfaces, paint, etc. If you leave the situation to chance, the first signs of intoxication will not be long in coming. It is possible to develop asthma, bronchitis, persistent runny nose, and cough. Some complain of fever, sleep problems, pneumonia, and dermatitis.

No. 2. White mold

Found nearby flower pots and in their cavity. Appears due to increased soil moisture. It poses a certain threat to humans - it causes allergies, rashes and itching. skin, breathing problems.

No. 3. Green mold

This type of mold on the walls of an apartment most often affects food, which can lead to serious poisoning. Before you get rid of the fungus, know that at home it also settles on brick.

No. 4. mold rotting

Found on walls that contain wooden floors. Depending on the degree of damage, the fungus acquires a brownish or grayish pigmentation. Periodically, the new growths become lighter and may crack.

No. 5. Mold blue

Affects furniture, window and door frames, parquet board and other wood surfaces. When a fungus appears on the coating, it changes the pigmentation of its “victim”, making wooden installations bluish with slight turbidity. The paint cracks and falls off, the varnish does not help.


Mold affects absolutely everything Decoration Materials, therefore it is necessary to deal with it immediately after detection. Do not leave the fungus and allow it to spread, otherwise harmful microorganisms will begin to negatively affect your health. To a number of common and dangerous problems include severe cough, persistent runny nose, breathing problems, heart rhythm disturbances, sleep problems, etc.

Effective ways to get rid of mold on walls in an apartment

Since there are several ways to get rid of harmful mold on the walls in an apartment: various methods, we suggest choosing suitable option for DIY implementation.

No. 1. Vinegar

1. Mold on the walls in the apartment is removed with apple (!) cider vinegar, because it is very easy to get rid of fungus with its help. It is not recommended to use tableware, because at home it leaves an unpleasant odor and hardly dissipates.

2. So, soak in apple cider vinegar a rag made of light material, treat the fungus. Wash the rags, wet them again with vinegar and repeat until you achieve absolute cleanliness.

3. Finally, walk over the surface affected by the fungus, then time it for 1 hour. After the allotted interval, wash the wall with water, turn on the heating, and let the room dry with the windows open.

4. If the fungus has affected too large areas, then the manipulations are repeated twice more with an interval of 1 week.

No. 2. White

1. Any bleach will be a real salvation. You can take the usual “Whiteness” or “Vanish” for everyone. It is better to give preference to formulations with bleach, since they suppress fungus of any nature.

2. Not all surfaces are allowed to use white. It is great for cleaning tiles and glass, but not for wood or plasterboard.

3. If mold on the walls in the apartment has affected the wallpaper, and you are not afraid of ruining it, then use bleach. Before getting rid of fungus at home, mix bleach with water 1 to 10.

4. Dip a construction brush into this mixture, then lubricate the affected areas. Let dry, repeat steps. Finally, wash the walls.

No. 3. Peroxide

1. You will need peroxide with a concentration of 6%. It perfectly eliminates black fungus and also prevents its spread in the future.

2. Prepare the surface by removing mold with a dry cloth. If it is firmly ingrained, then soak an old rag in a soapy solution and remove the fungus as much as possible.

3. Fill a spray bottle with peroxide. Then start spraying. Make sure that the product does not drip too much. After half an hour, wipe with a dry cloth or leave to dry on its own.

4. You should be careful when treating surfaces that are pigmented with this method bright color. Peroxide brightens, which can lead to unexpected results.

No. 4. Antiseptic primer

1. A professional approach to eliminating mold on the walls of the apartment. Helps both get rid of the fungus and prevent its appearance in the next 10-15 years. Ideal for use at home.

2. On the shelves of building materials stores you will find the most the best means. These include “Dali”, “Biotol spray”, “Fongifluid Alpa”, “OLIMP Stop-mold” and others.

3. The primer comes in the form ready solution or a mixture that needs to be diluted. Read the manufacturer's recommendations to ensure proper processing.

4. The product is distributed only onto a surface that has been prepared and cleaned of fungus. It is necessary to remove all building materials, including wallpaper, if the mold is deeply ingrained.

5. If necessary, remove everything, including plaster, until you reach the brick or concrete walls. Then evenly coat the surface with a brush or roller dipped in primer.

No. 5. Ammonia

1. Ammonia perfectly eliminates mold on the walls in the apartment. When deciding how to get rid of fungus at home, know that the product is not particularly effective on porous surfaces.

2. Combine water and ammonia in equal proportions in a spray bottle. Spray over the affected area and leave for a few minutes. Wash the wall and leave the room to ventilate.

No. 6. Borax

1. Natural material, which is used as an effective fungicide, herbicide and insecticide. Therefore, take extra care when working.

2. Dilute in 3 liters. water 250 gr. Boers. Spread the finished product over the surface using a stiff brush.

3. Along with this, you will clean off pathogenic bacteria. Repeat the procedure several times. No need to rinse off. Wait for it to dry.

No. 7. Peroxide with boric acid

1. Since you can remove mold from hard surfaces and walls in an apartment different ways, take a closer look at another effective remedy.

2. Pour 40 ml into a spray bottle. water, 20 ml. vinegar and peroxide. Add 10 ml. boric acid. Distribute the mixture over the problem area, then wipe with clean wipes.

No. 8. Soda

1. Mold on the walls in an apartment can be easily eliminated with baking soda. Before getting rid of the fungus, prepare a solution at home.

2. Mix together 200 ml. water and 10 gr. soda Ready-made product treat the affected areas.

3. After an hour, wash with plain water. Attention: the composition can not be washed off. This move will prevent the further appearance of the fungus.

No. 9. Tea tree oil

1. It is absolutely safe for humans, and is also considered an excellent antifungal and antibacterial agent.

2. Dissolve 5 ml. oil in 230 ml. filtered water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray over the fungus-affected area. No need to rinse off.

No. 10. Potassium permangantsovka

1. Potassium permanganate, like most chemicals, has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. To deal with the problem, make a solution.

2. Mix 5 ml. potassium permanganate with 1 l. water. Next, treat the surface classical technology using a sprayer. There is no need to rinse off the solution.

No. 11. Grapefruit essential oil

1. With essential oils mold on the walls in the apartment quickly disappears in the same way as the previous method. How to get rid of the problem at home?

2. Dissolve 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil in 200 ml. water. Spray over the surface. As in the previous method, the solution does not need to be rinsed off.

No. 12. Lemon acid

1. To cope with pathogenic bacteria, use lemon juice or lemon juice. Organic acid destroys fungus.

2. In 200 ml. dissolve 10 g of water. citric acid. Process in a convenient way surface. The product can be left on without rinsing.

Mold forms in the apartment quite often, so do not despair ahead of time. Start the fight against dangerous fungus. To do this, consider popular methods of removing it.

Many residents of private houses have mold on their walls. These are microscopic fungi that grow and form stains and plaque that affect the home. The presence of mold always indicates that the operation of the house has been disrupted, there is no proper ventilation, and mistakes were made during repairs and construction.

Over time, fungi destroy building materials and cause corrosion. In addition, they pose a great danger to the health of residents. Therefore, at the first signs of dampness on the walls, you need to quickly begin the fight.

Reasons for appearance

If there is no ventilation in the house, the humidity rises, a musty smell appears, and condensation appears on the walls. Dampness is an environment that fungi love. High level Humidity can be caused by various reasons:

  • metal-plastic windows that rarely open;
  • irregular ventilation;
  • drying laundry inside the house;
  • a large number of indoor plants In one place;
  • leaking water supply pipes;
  • roof leak;
  • insufficient heating in the house with high humidity outside;
  • damage to walls (cracks, crevices) through which moisture from the street gets inside;
  • freezing of external walls due to lack of insulation;
  • ground dampness due to poor waterproofing of the foundation.

Harm and danger to humans

When mold spores enter the circulatory and respiratory systems, this can serve as an impetus for the development of many diseases. The danger is that these diseases are often difficult to diagnose and treat. This different kinds skin allergies (mycoses, dermatoses), respiratory diseases (bronchial asthma, rhinitis, cough). For unknown reasons, headaches, nausea, dizziness, and rheumatic diseases may appear.

How to get rid of mold in a private home

Folk remedies and recipes

How to remove mold from walls? If the affected area is small, you can resort to simple folk remedies. It must be remembered that folk recipes are more suitable for preventing the appearance of fungus, rather than for destroying it.

Proven recipes:

  • Spray vinegar on the walls pure form. Its pungent odor will dissipate after a short time.
  • Dilute 1 teaspoon of soda in ½ liter of water. Treat the infected walls with the solution, then clean off the mold with a brush.
  • Add 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract to ½ liter of water. Apply to the wall surface. Do not rinse off. You can replace grapefruit extract with tea tree ether (10 ml per ½ liter of water).
  • Wipe down the walls ammonia or borax solution.

Prevention of fungus

It is easier to protect yourself from dampness in the house than to get rid of the fungus that appears. You need to follow these recommendations:

  • Ventilate rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens more often.
  • Keep curtains open during the day to allow enough light into the house.
  • Do not dry laundry indoors.
  • Monitor the serviceability of water supply pipes and taps.
  • Provide Good work ventilation system.
  • Avoid overcooling the building.
  • Don't close the bathroom door.
  • Avoid placing furniture very close to walls to allow air to circulate well.
  • If in the house high humidity, do not grow violets and geraniums. Fungi love them very much.
  • During repairs and construction, use materials that are not exposed to moisture. Repair cracks and crevices in walls.

Mold is a dangerous enemy not only for building materials, but also for human health. Black dots and stains on the walls should alert its owners. The fight against fungi must begin as early as possible so that they do not have time to cause serious damage to the house and its inhabitants.

The fight against mold in a private home must begin at the first sign of the appearance of fungus. How to do this correctly? Let's watch the following video:
