Get rid of ants using ammonia. Home war: the best folk remedies against ants! Instructions for using ammonia

Most summer residents think garden ants almost the most terrible evil and disaster in their area, and the fight against them becomes one of their top priorities. This is largely true. Ant populations can cause enormous damage. And it’s not for nothing that gardeners who have this problem are actively looking for recipes to combat garden ants folk remedies, as the safest for both plants and humans. It should not be forgotten that the harm and benefits from these insects are comparable. They help maintain soil structure, eat pests that destroy garden plantings, and thereby maintain balance in the ecological system. Therefore, keeping them on the site in reasonable quantities will only bring benefits.

If you want your garden to be decorated with lush flowering vegetation, and your garden to produce a good harvest, fighting ants in your garden plot becomes a necessity.

They try not to avoid these six-legged sweet tooths and berries: currants, strawberries, gooseberries. Whenever given the opportunity, they eat ripe fruits, which clearly does not add to their love from gardeners. Not the best best neighbors ants also for newly planted seedlings: they gnaw at young succulent stems and roots.

Any gardener knows firsthand the damage ants cause to flower beds and lawns. The vigorous activity of six-legged animals often nullifies all the efforts of summer residents to improve the area. In this sense, these insects work like moles, even on a larger scale and at the same time contribute to dispersal throughout the territory weeds, depleting the soil and spoiling appearance lawns.

It is necessary to begin the fight against garden ants if their number has outgrown reasonable limits and it has become obvious that the harm from them is more significant than the benefit from them.

What to choose: chemistry or folk remedies?

When embarking on the warpath for the harvest, first of all, decide how you will fight garden ants: with the help of poisonous chemicals or available home remedies. It would seem, why study folk recipes, waste time making formulations based on them, when you can simply buy ready-made “weapons” in any specialized store and not bother too much. But the opinions of experts on this issue are contradictory.

Basically, all chemicals against garden pests are very poisonous. And although manufacturers of toxic substances are trying to reduce the level of their toxicity, the danger still remains, especially for children, pregnant women, the elderly and allergy sufferers. Of course, we need to remember about our smaller brothers - pets. By inhaling or licking the poison, they can at best experience health complications. Another way chemicals are harmful: if used carelessly, they can seriously poison the soil.

However, professionals, in their recommendations on how to get rid of aphids and their “hosts,” do not advise completely neglecting specialized insecticides. In comparison with folk remedies, specialists are considered to be more effective drugs and are advised to use both methods, of course strictly following the instructions for use and safety.

Popular Home Methods

There are a lot of folk remedies for garden ants in the garden, and it is not at all necessary to go to the store for them. Almost every home has at least one of them. Let's consider only the most accessible and proven ones:

  • Given the love of insects for sweets, you need to place bait for garden ants on the site: several jars of jam, honey, or just sugar water. Ants will climb there to eat, and the owner will only need to periodically rinse the jars with boiling water, killing the arthropods.
  • Regular baking soda is as effective against ants as poison. All anthills found on the site are thickly sprinkled with it. Insects will quickly leave the now unsuitable housing.
  • You can speed up the procedure if you mix baking soda and powdered sugar in equal proportions and also sprinkle on the anthill. Six-legged sweet tooths will pounce on such a delicacy, not suspecting that it is fatal to them.
  • Soda against garden pests can also be used in solution. In one and a half liter plastic bottle pour two tbsp. l. soda, add water and mix well by shaking. The solution is poured onto the anthill, sprinkled with dry soil and covered with polyethylene to block the access of oxygen inside.
  • Another very simple one, but effective way how to remove garden ants using traditional methods - watering the anthill to the very bottom with boiling water, warm lime, and livestock urine.
  • It is known that some products, for example, semolina, corn flour, and millet also help against ants. Insects not only eat them themselves, but also carry them to the nursery to feed their fellows. Once in the stomach, the grains swell, and insects that are unable to digest them die. Depending on the size, semolina or millet from 2 to 3 kg is poured onto the anthill.
  • As in the case of soda, to speed up the process, cereals, flour or semolina from pests are mixed with sugar. For one serving of sugar, take 3-4 servings of other products.
  • Yeast has the same effect. A small amount of yeast is diluted in warm water with the addition of honey, jam or just sugar. Saucers with the drug can be placed near the anthill.
  • Ammonia is also used very often against garden pests. It is especially convenient when you need to eliminate the entire anthill. Before removing the ant “capital”, the place where it is located needs to be dug deep. During the digging process, add ammonia diluted in water to the ground at the rate of 1 part alcohol per 100 parts water, as well as ash or lime. This solution will seem like fertilizer to the trees, and the ants will die or leave.

  • Almost all strong pungent odors help get rid of garden ants on for a long time: spirit smoked fish, herring stench, aroma of fragrant vegetable oil, freshly ground cinnamon. Arthropods cannot tolerate these aromas so much that as soon as they smell them, they leave their old homes and never return to them.
  • Sheepskin treated with carbolic acid will also help to expel ants from their place. At a height of about 20 centimeters from the ground garden tree wrapped in wide strips of chopped fur with the wool facing out. The strong smell of carbolic acid will deter pests.
  • In old pre-revolutionary newspapers, they often published extremely simple advice on how to remove garden ants using folk tricks. It was recommended to mix soot with ash, cover areas of the ground with insects with this layer, then pour it all liberally strong solution salt water. It was believed that ants in these areas of the garden could be forgotten for several years.

It is better to carry out actions with an anthill in the evening, when all the insects have returned to their home.

Plants are the enemies of garden ants

You can get rid of ants in your garden using traditional methods and by cultivating certain plants. Such methods of pest control are good because they are absolutely safe, and green spaces will not only protect the garden from pests around the clock, but also decorate it. Moreover, we already grow and eat some of them everywhere. The main thing is to know which plants ants do not like and try to plant them in the most vulnerable areas of the garden.

Even the smell of some green crops has a panic effect on ants. For example, it has long been known that aphids and ants are never found in tomato and garlic beds. Experienced gardeners, who are well versed in what garden ants are afraid of, wrap tree trunks with tomato tops. Approximately the same effect is obtained from rubbing garlic arrows on wood. They can also be tied around a tree. The ants will quickly leave and never return.

Tansy is an excellent natural remedy for annoying ants.

Black ants cannot stand odors herbs. Parsley, anise, laurel, tobacco, valerian, mint, tansy (pictured above), mustard, celandine - all these herbs repel insects. They can be sown in different places in the garden and thereby protect plantings susceptible to pest invasion.

If there is a lot of grass, you can spread it, like tomato tops, on the paths. In addition, you can make decoctions from these plants and spray them on the places where insects are most concentrated. And the stronger the concentration of the decoction, the higher the effect of use.

Preparing a herbal decoction is easy. A kilogram of fresh or dry grass is poured with boiling water and left to settle for 2-3 days. dark place. Then, the resulting substance is filtered and boiled. When the concentrate boils, it is diluted with 10 liters of water, brought to a boil again and cooled. After this, you can start spraying.

The presence of garlic and parsley on the site makes the life of ants unbearable, and their benefits are double. By planting these unpretentious crops, we not only find an effective, affordable and easy way to deal with garden ants, but we also always have aromatic, full of vitamins, fresh greens for dinner.

Boric acid for ants

Boric (or orthoboric, H3BO3) acid is colorless and odorless crystalline flakes. It dissolves completely in water and is widely used in gardening not only as mineral fertilizer and a seed growth stimulator, but has also become a real salvation in the fight against ants, since it is a deadly poison for arthropods.

Boric acid against garden ants is one of the most effective means. Its disinfectant and antibacterial properties make it possible to quickly and effectively destroy entire ant populations, and at the same time rid the beds of woodlice.

Since this substance only has a positive effect on the plants themselves, the easiest way to rid the crop of pests is to treat the places where they live with a weak solution of H3BO3 or make an edible bait from this chemical.

How to prepare an aqueous solution of boric acid

Using boric acid against garden ants in a solution is easy. The main problem in how to get rid of pests with its help lies in its preparation, since crystalline flakes do not dissolve well in water, and the solution should ideally be absolutely transparent and without sediment. In fact, the process of dissolving BC is quite simple and fast. The main thing is to know a few little tricks:

  • pour 1 glass into a small container hot water and dissolve 5 g of boron powder in it;
  • add 2 tbsp to water. l. honey or sugar;
  • The volume of liquid in the container is adjusted to 0.5 l.

You need to water the anthill with sweet poisonous water. They do this late in the evening or at night, when the ants converge on their “home”. For greater effect, a little liquid is poured into flat containers and placed on ant paths.

How to prepare food for ants with boric acid

Boric acid itself will not work against garden ants. Since it has no color, taste or smell, it will not interest insects. Therefore, it is added to “ant” food.
Let's look at folk recipes that will help you get rid of six-legged pests for a long time using boric acid:

  1. Minced meat (4 tbsp), boric acid (10 g) and a small amount of mix salt thoroughly. Divide the mass into small pieces and place them near the anthill. For ants, meat is a delicacy. They will definitely eat it or drag it into the anthill to feed their relatives.
  2. Prepare a puree from three boiled potatoes and three egg yolks, into which pour 10 g of boric acid and a teaspoon of granulated sugar. Mix the mixture thoroughly, roll into balls and place them in the anthill.
  3. In a glass with hot water dilute any jam (1 tbsp) and boric acid (10 g). The sweet mixture is cooled and poured into shallow bowls placed in places where ants are most concentrated. You can do without water: 3 tbsp. l. mix very thick jam with 10 g of BC, and spread this sweet mixture near the ant trails and around the anthill.

It makes no sense to increase the concentration of H3BO3 in baits. The specified amount of garden ant repellent is enough for the insect to die almost instantly.

Boric acid against insects will work effectively in any case, no matter which recipe from the above you choose. When it enters the body, it causes paralysis in the ant, which leads to its death. Its effect is enhanced by the fact that members of the colony most often eat the poisoned insect and also die. But you need to remember that chemicals are used in the manufacture of soft, liquid and sticky baits.

When killing ants with boric acid, do not harm the health of humans and pets, and wear gloves when working with it.

Methods for using boric acid against ants in the garden are also suitable for getting rid of house ants, centipedes and cockroaches.

Another recipe for ants in this video:

So, based on the above information, it is clear that the old methods of fighting ants continue to work as effectively as ever, which will undoubtedly help gardeners rid their garden of harmful insects.


Alcohol is a fairly effective insect repellent.

During particularly strong reproduction of these insects, low growing plants suffer greatly due to the fact that the leaves become full of holes, and the roots, due to underground ant passages, are deprived of moisture.

Naturally, the main harm a gardener receives comes from aphids. But black ants enter into symbiosis with aphids: they carry their eggs over long distances and protect their “pastures” from enemies that attack them. For this reason, if nothing is done, aphids will multiply very quickly - exponentially! This creates additional difficulties at the dacha. If you decide to declare war on the ants, then you will have to fight two types of troops at the same time. First, you need to destroy aphids by taking away food from the ants. The second is to kill the ants that spread this nasty thing. But if you remove the ants, the aphid problem will solve itself. This way you will tear out the root of this unfortunate circle.

In search of a solution to this problem, those who like to grow strawberries, lettuce, flowers, and tomatoes should turn to a long-proven folk remedy.

His Majesty - ammonia!

As you know, ammonia is a ten percent ammonia solution. To put it simply in simple language- ammonia tincture. Yes, yes - the same one that lies in your medicine cabinet at home and which is waved in front of your nose when you lose consciousness. Not only can she save human lives, and can also become an excellent assistant in the country. You can kill the very persistent little black little ones that appear out of nowhere and in this way:

  • Method 1. Take one liter of clean boiled water(this is necessary so that ammonia does not react with the substances dissolved in it), measure out 100 milliliters ammonia, mix the two liquids. Pour the resulting solution generously over the entire anthill (you can initially drip it with a shovel for greater effect).
  • Method 2. You can make a solution that can be used to treat the plant itself. To do this: mix 8 liters of clean boiled water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia. This solution should be infused for 20-30 minutes so that it becomes uniform. Spray the leaves and stems of the plant you need with this mixture. Don't be afraid: such a tiny concentration will not harm the plants in any way, only insects will be harmed.
  • Method 3. For prevention, you can use a solution prepared from 10 ml once a week. ammonia and 10 l. Clean water. Water the plant directly at the root.

After and while using any of these recipes, you will notice a characteristic ammonia odor. This will not last long - about 5-7 minutes, but the effect will last for a long period of time, which, undoubtedly, is good news!

This wonderful solution is sold both in pharmacies and in household stores. It comes in different qualities. Most often it depends on the price aspect and the country of origin. But today in our market there is plenty to choose from.

Here are a few options you can purchase:

  • Online pharmacy: WER.RU. Price for “Ammonia / Ammonia”: 25.00 rub.
  • Pharmacy: health care facility of the Verlinsky Research Institute of REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE. Price for “Ammonia / Ammonia”: 10.00 rub.
  • Online pharmacy: MedTorgPrice for “Ammonia / Ammonia”: from 13.06 rub.
  • Ammonia 0.5 l/0.45 kg glass (Novgorod) *25/900 24.15 rub.
  • Company "LLC Zavkhozstroy" Ammonia BT-4 0.5 l 24.30 rub.
  • Alcohol YASKHIM ammonia 0.5l (25). Price 26.62 rub.

Using ammonia you can get rid of not only ants, but also some other insects. These include aphids, mole crickets, carrot flies, onion flies, secretive proboscis flies, wireworms, and houseplant midges.

If you haven’t used all the ammonia, here are some more tips for using it:

  1. For humans: Spray the space next to you with a spray bottle and then mosquitoes and midges will not spoil your pleasant outdoor recreation.
  2. For windows. After washing the windows, you should wipe them with ammonia, then next time it will be easier to clean them from dirt, and they will remain transparent much longer, since they will not attract dust.
  3. For heels. Mix ammonia with glycerin (also sold at the pharmacy) in a ratio of 1 to 1. Rub the resulting mixture morning and evening into your heels and then they will become smooth and soft, like a baby’s.
  4. Washing things. Before washing linen, cotton, silk or wool items, soak them in cold water with the addition of five tablespoons of ammonia, and then the clothes will be washed twice as well, even old stains will disappear. If your white things have darkened, then keep them in the solution for 30-40 minutes and then they will regain their former whiteness.

A pleasant addition to the main purpose of ammonia in the country.

Anyone who has studied at least a little chemistry at school knows that ammonia contained in ammonia contains nitrogen in its molecule. And nitrogen fertilizers are excellent for any plant, because if there is a lack of this element, the plant withers. Chlorophyll, yes needed by plants in leaves, simply cannot be formed without nitrogen. Hence the pale, yellowed leaves of your favorite plants.

Ammonia allows plants to quickly absorb the necessary nitrogen, and the amount that a particular species needs. Therefore, it is allowed to use ammonia not only when the plant has already reported problems, but also as a preventive measure, especially for “voracious” species. These are cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries, dahlias, lilies, chrysanthemums and almost everything else.

Be happy at your dacha, enjoy the big harvest, and ammonia will help you with this!

If ants run around the house, they spoil the appearance of the house, spread dirt throughout it, and get into household appliances, breaking it. Therefore, you need to get rid of them quickly. It's not hard to do. Buy ready-made products from insects that are sold in stores. They will not destroy individual ants, but the entire colony. But for the home, especially if small children and pets live in it, we choose a safe and inexpensive product that would not harm family members. To drive ants out of your home, use ammonia.

It's simple and affordable way fight against ants, because ammonia can be found in every home in the medicine cabinet

How to fight?

There are ants in your apartment. In principle, you do not use products from the store, because... If you consider them unsafe, do not use them in the kitchen where there is a lot of food. Then, at home, the fight against insects will drag on. To prevent this from happening, use not one, but several methods at once to scare away ants. Other insects also do not like the pungent smell of ammonia. It will drive away ants, mosquitoes, and other midges. To enhance its effect, use not one substance, but several:

  1. Ammonia. Ants don't like the smell of ammonia. To scare away these insects, dilute one hundred milliliters of ammonia (1 bottle) in one liter of water. Don't let it bother you Strong smell ammonia. It will disappear in half an hour. Wipe all cabinets, tables, and cabinets in the kitchen with this solution. You will not feel its strong smell, and the ants will smell it for a long time. Carry out this treatment of the kitchen constantly until the insects are gone.
  2. Vinegar. There are other odors that these insects cannot tolerate. You can alternately treat the kitchen with a solution of ammonia and then with a solution of vinegar. Take it table vinegar(9%). Mix vinegar and water in equal proportions: 1:1. Treat all surfaces in the kitchen with it. To ensure that vinegar penetrates everywhere, pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray it on all the cracks, baseboards, behind cabinets, etc.
  3. . After cleaning the apartment, wiping it with water and ammonia or vinegar, use cinnamon so that the insects completely lose the desire to visit your home. Ants don't like the smell of cinnamon, so they will avoid the places where you sprinkled it. Spray the powder on their paths and the places they choose. Buy whole cinnamon, which is more flavorful than the kind sold in powder form. Grind it in a coffee grinder and use it against ants in your apartment.

Cinnamon is as unacceptable to ants as vinegar and ammonia.


If you have used all the tips, the ants will leave your house, because... they can't stand it strong odors. But ammonia does not destroy insects, but only drives them away. Therefore, ants may return, especially if you did not clean every day, but much less often.

If the ammonia has completely disappeared, repeat the treatment of the room. And don’t forget about preventive measures, because... food scattered around the house can attract uninvited residents. You cannot calm down, even if you managed to get rid of the insects. They can return at any time.

  1. Hide food. Ants come to your kitchen for food; they have no other reason to settle in your apartment. Therefore, keep the room clean. Hide sugar, jam and other products. After eating, wipe the table. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink; wash off any leftover food immediately. Don’t accumulate garbage, always take it out of the apartment.
  2. Set traps. If you watch insects, then determine where they come from in the apartment. You need to fight ants at home using sticky traps. Most often they come through ventilation holes. To prevent this from happening, stick it around it double sided tape(width at least 5 cm). Uninvited guests will stick to its surface, and some of them will die.
  3. Wet cleaning. Even inexperienced housewives know that the apartment needs to be cleaned from time to time. But you don't just wash the floors and bedside tables and others kitchen surfaces, and add ammonia to the water: for 10 liters of water - 1 tbsp.
  4. Pet food. Many people have cats or dogs in their home. Sometimes capricious pets do not eat all the food, leaving pieces in the bowl. You can thoroughly clean your apartment, but you won’t be able to get rid of the ants, because... they will be attracted to plates of dog or cat food. What to do in this case? Feed the animals a little at a time so that they eat everything completely, and clean up the crumbs after them. If you can’t do this, place the bowl of food in a basin, partially filling it with water. It will be difficult for ants to overcome this water barrier, and they will not feast on pet food.

Fighting insects is a troublesome and costly task. But if you do everything correctly, you can save a lot of money and get rid of ants using affordable and cheap means. The easiest way to fight them is with ammonia.

Cultivated plants have plenty of enemies, but the ones that stand out the most among them are the always busily hurrying, superbly organized, prey ants. They are distinguished by their enormous species diversity, and at the same time they are able to adapt to any climatic features of the region, so it is not unusual that they settle in our summer cottages - in vegetable gardens, orchards and greenhouses. How can we protect our lands from their attacks and completely get rid of annoying garden ants? This is exactly what our material will be devoted to.

They can destroy harmful insects, their larvae and even caterpillars, bringing great benefits to our garden. But that’s where it actually ends.

Why are garden ants such unwelcome guests in our summer cottages?

Firstly, they spread aphids to our garden plants: vegetables (), shrubs () and. They do this because they feed on its carbohydrate secretions - sweet honeydew.

Important! Until you completely remove the ants, aphids will be quite difficult to defeat.

Secondly, during construction their underground nests ( anthills) ants, as a rule, do not disdain chew and spoil young plant roots(especially newly planted seedlings). In addition, there are varieties of them that you can happily feed on plant sap. Because of this, the latter become weak and painful (they can easily catch various fungal diseases and infections).

It happens that you sowed seeds, but did not see shoots, or there were few of them. It is possible that our small pests were at work here again, which simply stole some of the seeds into their anthills, or rather, they stocked up.

Another trouble that can happen to young seedlings is that if small garden bandits like a place near a recently sprouted seed, they will dig their holes in the garden bed and, as if “accidentally” will cover your crops with soil, from which they will have to fight their way to the sun again.

Ants love everything sweet very much, so they are happy to feast on your fallen fruits and berries hanging close to the ground, such as strawberries.

Often on blooming peonies you can see these harmful boogers, which are attracted by the sweet juice secreted by the flower.

Thirdly, in the process of their life, ants produce acid, which gradually accumulates in the soil next to the anthill, thereby increasing soil acidity, which is contraindicated for some plants.

On a note! There is probably no pleasure in a summer picnic at the dacha when hordes of ants are crawling out of every crack.

General rules for ridding a garden plot of ants

A few tips for increasing the effectiveness of the fight against garden ants in your summer cottage:

  • Determining that an anthill is alive is quite simple if near its entrance there are small pebbles, which are taken out in the process of creating moves. This means that life is definitely bustling there.
  • It is best to catch and destroy insect pests in daytime , when they have, so to speak, a working day, and the entrance to their the nest is open.
  • Depending on where is it located anthill, apply appropriate means and methods of pest control. For example, if this is a garden bed or trunk circle tree, then watering it (the nest) with kerosene is not a very successful idea. If it's a flower garden and you don't want the flowers to die, use safer products. It's another matter if you want to drive them away from some empty space in the garden, where, for example, they planned to install a barbecue or bench.
  • It is not at all necessary to destroy all the ants on your site.(they have a useful function, which was mentioned a little earlier), it is enough to get rid of anthills only in those places where they cause harm to your garden, namely: in beds, on trees and shrubs, as well as in your picnic area, where you cook barbecue and relax on a sun lounger.

Advice! If you want the aqueous solution to reach maximum depth anthill (after all, this is the only way you can eradicate the entire colony, including the queen), you need to dig it (the anthill) a little with a shovel.

How does an anthill work?

Chemicals against ants

The most radical and most effective way is, of course, the use of special chemicals and from ants (insecticides).

By the way! There are insecticides with narrowly targeted action and general action, which, in addition to the ants themselves, will also help you get rid of many other pests.

Popular chemicals for killing ants:

Clarifying detail: in the composition of such products as Muravyin and Grom 2 the main thing is active substance is diazinon, which is completely safe and harmless to the soil and beneficial insects. However, even such drugs have a waiting period, which you must familiarize yourself with by studying the instructions in detail.

Advice! And yet, insecticides should be used only in extreme cases, for example, if more environmentally friendly methods and folk remedies against ants did not work, or you want to achieve the desired result in a fairly short time.

Although, if it comes to, for example flower garden, not vegetable beds, then why not use it.

Video: how to get rid of ants in the garden

By the way! There are also special ant repellent devices.

Folk remedies and methods of fighting ants in the garden

In addition to special chemicals, there are similar “chemical” folk methods for ridding a summer cottage of garden ants.

Gasoline, kerosene

To get these little scoundrels out, pour kerosene or gasoline on the anthill (just don’t try to set it on fire). After 3 days, the remnants of the surviving insects will leave in an unknown direction and are unlikely to return. This method is perfect if harmful insects curled up next to you garden house, in its foundation.

Acetic and citric acid

Although ants produce acid themselves, they do not tolerate the presence of any other acid. Therefore, if you regularly water anthills with diluted vinegar or citric acid, then the pests will soon leave this place.

By the way! The use of technical acids is also allowed: hydrochloric and sulfuric. However, they need to be diluted more strongly!

Boric acid

The easiest way to get rid of ants permanently is to use boric acid.

Sweet bait for garden pests with boric acid can be done as follows, taking the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons warm water;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of boric acid;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar;
  • (optional) 1 teaspoon of honey or jam.

Mix everything well and pour into a wide container (for example, a saucer). Place it near the anthill. And after a couple of days, make a new solution again.

The essence of this method of fighting garden ants is that they do not die immediately, but only after 4-5 days, while managing to drag the poisoned bait to their anthill, thereby poisoning everyone in it - the larvae and even the queen. Therefore, it is very important not to overdo it with concentration, otherwise the effect will be instantaneous and will not affect the anthill itself.

Attention! The next video presents a slightly different, but no less effective method use of boric acid.


One more effective means, which will help you get rid of ants in the garden forever is yeast. The effect of their use is similar boric acid, that is, it is not instant, but gradually causes maximum damage. The point is that the yeast will begin to ferment and thereby destroy all the ant reserves in the nest.

Yeast bait for garden pests is made from the following ingredients (in equal proportions):

  • 50 grams of fresh yeast;
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 50 ml warm water.

Again, mix everything thoroughly and pour into a wide container (for example, everything into the same saucer). Place it near the anthill. And after a couple of days, make a new solution again.

Ammonia (ammonia)

An excellent means of killing ants in the garden is the use of ammonia.

The working solution is prepared as follows: 50 ml of 10% ammonia is dissolved in 1 liter of water, and then the anthill is watered.

Note! The main advantage of using ammonia in the fight against garden ants is the fact that it is safe nitrogen fertilizer for your garden.

Video: ammonia is a super remedy in the fight against ants

There is also a slightly different method of removing ants using ammonia, which is very convenient to use in a greenhouse, although for a bed in open ground it will do.

Here's what you need to do: cover the anthill with a cloth, after spraying ammonia on it (it's better to do everything quickly). Then turn it over and cover it with something that does not allow air to pass through, for example, burlap or cellophane (some kind of film). Additionally, cover with boards or some other heavy object so that it covers the entire area of ​​the rag. Wait 2-3 days.

Video: how to get rid of ants in a greenhouse using ammonia

Baking soda

Ants can be driven away from a summer cottage using baking soda, sprinkled it on their homes. Of course, they won’t leave right away, but gradually there will be fewer and fewer of them. True, most likely, they will simply move to another place, for example, to neighbors or a little further.

Video: drinking water is the best and easiest way to fight ants


Ants love to settle in greenhouses, especially where they are located. To safely drive them out of your area, you can try using mustard powder, sprinkling the surface of the infected area (anthill).

By the way! Mustard will help you in cabbage beds.

Video: mustard - safe remedy from ants in a greenhouse

In addition to the above methods and means of combating garden ants, sometimes scattering around ant houses helps millet, semolina(it's better to use old and rancid), salt and even ammonium nitrate. If cereals are fairly harmless, then salt is unlikely to fertilize your soil. But ammonium nitrate is a very powerful nitrogen fertilizer, so you need to be careful with it, because the plant under which you scatter it for small pests may begin to “fatten”, increasing green mass to the detriment of fruiting.

Video: the most simple ways fighting ants - millet and semolina

Pungent odors and repellent plants

Ants do not like strong odors. Therefore, as such repellent aromas, you can place the following fragrant products and plants next to anthills (or even better, make infusions from them, except for herring):

Advice! Can be cooked garlic infusion to water the anthill: take 1 liter of warm water and one chopped head of garlic, let it brew for 2-3 hours.

Water the anthill several times over a couple of days.

Video: how to get rid of ants using rhubarb

It is very good to plant strong-smelling plants near the beds (or directly on them), which suffer most from ants:

  • sagebrush;
  • celandine;
  • white mustard;
  • marigolds (calendula).

Although, as practice shows, you can often find ants near these plants, or even on them themselves.

Ant on parsley flowers

Natural enemies

You can remove ants from your site by attracting them to your dacha verticesses. In addition to ants, this bird also feeds on aphids, as well as various kinds of caterpillars. It is believed that the whirligig is not very afraid of humans and often settles in gardens. As for how to attract it, as far as we know, if a whirligig likes a hollow or birdhouse, then it can throw someone else’s nest out of it and make its own there.

Also eats ants ant-eater, but to attract him to you country cottage area you are unlikely to succeed. You can't buy it either, unless special remedy with the same name.

Hunting belts for saving trees

To prevent ants from attacking young shoots fruit trees and bushes, you can use special Velcro belts. If they want to climb a tree, they will simply stick firmly to the surface of the trap.

Video: how to apply a trapping belt against ants, aphids, codling moth caterpillars, weevils and other pests of fruit trees

Mechanical methods

Some people try to get rid of ants by watering (more precisely, scalding) their nests hot water. Kind of analogue. But the effectiveness of this method is very conditional, since the water may not have time to penetrate deep enough.

Video: simple folk way ridding the garden of ants using boiling water

Important! If there is a nearby anthill useful plant, then boiling water can damage its roots.

A positive solution would be dig up and destroy the anthill with shovels, but you should understand that the queen ant can be located at a depth of more than 1 meter. Therefore, it is much more effective to not just dig it up, but also pour it into the nests or ashes. Also suitable as a repellent ingredient vegetable oil (For example, sunflower). For increasing the effect You can additionally add some other strong-smelling plant, for example, cloves, anise, bay leaf.

Instead of a conclusion! All means and methods of fighting garden ants really work, but under certain conditions of place and time, that is, it will not be a panacea for you. What helped get rid of small pests in one garden may not work in another and vice versa. Small insects adapt over time and develop resistance to our defenses. So experiment, try it different methods and fight the dacha enemy to the bitter end.

Video: how to overcome garden ants

In contact with

Fighting aphids and ants on garden plots, sometimes, it is fought not for life, but for death. Insects of these two species exist in symbiosis, so the fight against them must be carried out simultaneously. To kill pests, not only commercial chemicals are used, but also various traditional methods. Among the most effective home methods for combating aphids and ants is treating plants with ammonia.

This substance, in addition to eliminating pests, can also saturate the soil necessary plants nitrogen, and in the right concentration it is safe for the environment. In the article, we will look at the features of using ammonia to kill aphids and ants, find out how to use this liquid correctly, and how to spray.

Description and action

Ammonia is familiar to many - it is a colorless liquid with a specific, difficult-to-tolerate heavy odor. Note that this substance is also used in cosmetology, in the manufacture of products household chemicals, and even in food production.

Ammonia or, as it is also called, ammonia, is a quite effective remedy against aphids. This medical substance for its original purpose has found considerable application in the economy, including agriculture. The damaging effect of ammonia on aphids and ants goes in two directions: firstly, the substance, having a pungent odor, repels pests from the area. And secondly, it destroys those insects that are directly affected by drops of the solution. But this will help you understand how to fertilize melons and watermelons with ammonia, and what results can be achieved.

The principle of action of ammonia on a pest is as follows: the substance enters the digestive tract of the insect, which causes a burn to the walls of this tract, leading to swelling, paralysis and subsequent death of the aphid or ant. In half of the fatal cases, the substance simply does not have time to reach the digestive tract, since the strong aroma of the product paralyzes the pest’s breathing, and the latter dies.

Ammonia also acts as an irritant on ants. Smelling a strong unpleasant aroma, the ants leave the area in a hurry. In addition to aphids and ants, ammonia is also effective against mole crickets, onion and carrot fly, wireworm.

Ammonia can quite effectively cope with aphids at the beginning of the formation of their colony. However, if the colony is already large, it is necessary to use more potent chemicals to save the harvest. Please note that if “military action” aimed at defeating aphids is not started in time, the pest will be able to destroy not only the entire crop, but also cause the plants themselves, even mature trees, to die.

It is also worth learning more about and how to do it correctly.

Note that ammonia is good because it destroys not only the insects themselves, but also their larvae and eggs. Thus, the elimination of the pest occurs at all stages of its development, which is very important.

The substance, unlike many herbicides, is safe for environment, does not cause damage cultivated plants, does not harm water bodies, beneficial insects, birds, and does not accumulate like nitrate in fruits.

How to use

When removing aphids and ants from an area, ammonia is good because it does not accumulate in the soil and fruits. Therefore, this product can be used throughout the growing season: from the initial germination of crops to the period of fruit ripening, as well as after harvesting. Be sure to add soap or shampoo to solutions with ammonia to increase the effectiveness of the drugs and give them sticky properties.

To properly spray bushes and trees with solutions containing ammonia, you will need following materials and accessories:

Using the simple materials listed above, you can properly treat your garden with ammonia from aphids and ants.

Cooking methods

Let's find out how you can prepare solutions with ammonia to fight aphids and ants.

Against ants

To implement this method Take a liter of boiling water and add 100 ml of ammonia to it. The resulting mixture, while it is still hot, is poured over the anthill. To make the effect more pronounced, you can pry the insects’ home with a shovel. But how to poison ants in the garden, and what the best means are, this will help you understand

Fighting ants

This composition is prepared in most cases when it is necessary to combat aphids. For a bucket of water (10 ml) in in this case take 60 ml of ammonia and add a quarter of a bar of soap. All components are mixed, it is necessary to ensure complete dissolution of the soap. Then the spray bottle is filled with the resulting composition, and the bushes are processed.

Standard solution against aphids

Sugar solution


As a preventive measure against aphids and ants, you can spray the plants every week with the following solution: 15 ml of ammonia per bucket of water. In addition to spraying, you can also water plants with this composition to compensate for the lack of nitrogen in the soil.

Rules for the procedure

It is necessary to treat plants against aphids with ammonia for at least ten days, with a break between treatments of one or two days.

It is recommended to spray in the evening, as at this time the risk of damage to aphids and beneficial insects is reduced.

Before spraying bushes and trees, the latter should be carefully inspected. Preliminary cutting of shoots and foliage damaged by aphids will increase the effectiveness of treatment. After cutting, be sure to burn this biomaterial; do not leave it on the site, as aphids can reproduce again.

After treating plants with ammonia, they should not be watered for several days.

Ammonia can be used as a spring preventative spraying of the garden against aphids. Before the procedure, it is necessary to carefully remove all organic remains from the previous season: fallen leaves, branches, old grass - all debris where aphid larvae may be located. Collected bioresidues must be burned and not thrown away. Repeat preventive spraying at least three times. Here's what to water cucumbers for: good harvest, you can find out by going to
