Interior in a kindergarten. Kindergarten design (36 photos): arrangement of a locker room, play and study room, bedroom. What did the designer offer us?

Competent design interior of a preschool institution allows you to organize a special microworld where children will rush every day with eagerly. When developing a design project for a kindergarten, the arrangement of key functional areas is taken into account: locker rooms, play and study areas, dining room, bedroom, bathroom.

Basic requirements for interior design:

  • The kindergarten should not resemble a government institution. A cozy atmosphere in the premises can be achieved by diversifying the interior with light, bright curtains, sofa cushions, and large soft toys.
  • functional areas must be equipped only with durable children's furniture correct sizes and a height corresponding to the height of the children in the group. It must be placed taking into account the optimal free space necessary for games and exercise.
  • in playrooms there should be islands with toys, all sorts of craft materials, albums, pencils and movable light furniture.
  • To create a fun and comfortable environment in the interior of the kindergarten, there must be room for a variety of pictures depicting animals and cartoon characters.

If in Soviet times kindergartens practically did not differ in their design, today you need to try very hard with the design so that parents choose this particular preschool institution. Moreover, the choice of the interior itself should be based on the psychology and interests of the children, and not the employees .

The idea of ​​decorating all the premises of the kindergarten can be associated with its name. For example, in kindergarten“Fairy Tale”, everything should be like in a fairy tale, “World of Wonders” can demonstrate miracles at every step, and the atmosphere of the premises in the “Cosmos” kindergarten must be imbued with a space theme. Let us dwell on the design of the premises of the kindergarten with the name “Space”.

Locker room interior

The morning of any child attending kindergarten usually begins in the locker room. This zone is considered one of the most important in a preschool institution. After all, the child’s desire to come here again and again will depend on how attractive the locker room is. This is especially true for children who have just started attending kindergarten and are left without their beloved mothers, fathers, and grandparents for the first time. In the Cosmos kindergarten, the design of the locker room should be in a “cosmic” style. For example, the ceiling can be decorated in the form of a starry sky by hanging stars on threads. Make lockers for clothes like capsules for spacesuits, and mark them with pictures to make it easier for the baby to remember his place (“compartment in the ship”). And instead front door Install a metal-colored sliding panel into the group. Such a “space” environment will certainly interest the “future cosmonaut.” Typically, kindergartens have several groups, at the entrance to which small children's exhibitions can be organized. You can visually expand such a corner with the help of mirrors. The building of a kindergarten with several floors involves stairs, for the correct design of which you need to pay enough attention. For example, you can interest children by hanging pictures along the stairs about the history of the kindergarten or with fairy-tale characters, and the children will calmly walk up the steps.

Interior features play area

Modern kindergartens usually use a combined version of a playroom and a classroom with a clear division of zones. The “cosmic” spirit should be present in the decoration of walls and ceilings, in furniture, as well as in toys and educational elements. In such an environment, children play more interestingly and perceive information more easily. The ceiling can be made light or in the form of a soft blue sky. To follow the chosen theme, it is better to install the racks in an oval configuration. For active play and learning, lighting plays an important role in this area. There should be plenty of natural light in the playroom. Its optimal amount is achieved using large windows on both sides of the room. We must not forget about the requirements for “seats” - chairs and tables. They must meet the age and height standards for a given children's group. It is more logical to place the learning area on the opposite side of the play area so that children are not distracted from their studies during learning. The play area can also be equipped with sports elements, so as not to create a separate sports area. This solution allows kids to play while doing physical exercise.

Nuances in the interior design of the food area

The interior of the dining room should certainly improve children's appetite. It is known that enough bright colors in design, but not at all harsh on the eyes, stimulate the secretion of digestive juice. For example, a dark blue ceiling with golden stars and orange comets, as well as a bright red floor - all this will only help whet the appetite of kids. And if the window to the catering unit is made in the form of a porthole, and along the perimeter suspended ceiling install multi-colored light bulbs that change colors when serving the first, second course and drinks, then eating for kids will turn into an exciting game.

Sleeping area interior

The bedroom in a kindergarten is one of the very important areas. It is known that daytime naps turn into real torture for some babies. Therefore, the interior design of the sleeping area should contain only calm tones - for example, muted blue on the walls, a slightly darker ceiling. A good option for a “starry sky” ceiling, but without lamps. It is better to place the lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling (along the border), which will make the lighting diffused and muffled. To ensure healthy, sound sleep for children, the windows are covered with blackout thick curtains. For curtains, soothing colors are suitable: purple or indigo. However, curtains should not be too thick. Firstly, they accumulate dust, and this is harmful for babies. Heavy curtains are simply unrealistic to wash every week. Secondly, most babies are not friends with the dark, and when falling asleep they will be afraid. On the walls of the bedroom you can hang calm paintings or drawings, when looking at which your baby will certainly fall asleep. On a plain wall you can depict the whole plot of a famous cartoon, in which your favorite characters are getting ready for bed or are already falling asleep in soft beds. Experts have proven that children, when viewing such images, are immersed in the world of fairy-tale dreams and fantasies much faster.

Hygiene room interior

The bathroom is a problematic area, both for the smallest child and for the staff of the preschool institution. The baby has a hard time getting used to hygiene procedures. home environment, not to mention the kindergarten. In this regard, extremely important attention should be paid to the design of the hygiene zone. The design of the bathroom should be interesting for kids, and all its elements should be as comfortable as possible, both for children and staff. All accessories, including washbasins, potties, urinals, toilets, must be used in accordance with the age group. In this case, special sanitary standards must be observed. Covering the hygiene room with tiles with a “space” theme - best option in terms of cleanliness. In addition, the pictures on the tiles will be interesting to kids. If there are supposed to be special footrests in the hygiene room for using washbasins, then they must be made of wood and trimmed with leather or fabric of the appropriate color. It is worth noting that it is advisable to use dark colors for all bathroom accessories, for example blue or dark blue. The place for towel holders should be at a height corresponding to the height of children of the age group. Plastic containers for used toilet paper It's better to attach it to the floor. It would be good if these containers also continued the “space” theme of the kindergarten.

Veranda decoration

Many kindergartens are equipped with outdoor verandas that replace playgrounds when it is impossible to go outside, for example, in rainy weather. When organizing this area, you need to take into account that children will walk on the veranda in outerwear and shoes. Therefore, it is necessary to use only durable, atraumatic and environmentally friendly materials for decoration. The design of the building can be done in the same “cosmic” style for the kindergarten. It is possible to turn the zone either into a place “for landing a ship” or into “open space”. The “earthly” option is suitable for a garden with many trees growing around it. And if the building is surrounded by high-rise buildings, an acceptable option is “ outer space" The veranda must be protected from the wind by glass and also have an entrance sliding door. Because in bad weather natural light not enough, the ceiling must be equipped with several lanterns resembling planets. Circular benches are installed on the floor along the perimeter of the outdoor veranda. Mandatory attribute of such a zone are Stuffed Toys made of rubber, for example, pools with balls or just balls with handles.

All of the above zones should be in every kindergarten. And what more interesting design each of them, the more attractive it will become to kids. In addition, each component of the design should not only be interesting, but also environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, easy to clean, and also so that the baby cannot hit or be scratched. If all these factors are taken into account when decorating the interior, the preschool institution will become ideal for children and parents will certainly be satisfied.

Children are the flowers of our lives, we have no one more precious than them, we are so happy when we have them. And since then we begin to give them all the best, surround them with warmth, care and love. That is why it is difficult for parents to choose the kindergarten that would suit them completely. This is an institution where children go preschool age and spend a lot of time there, it must comply with existing certain standards, which say that the child here should feel comfortable, cozy, convenient, so that it would be pleasant and interesting to spend time here, and most importantly, it should be safe for children. In addition to all this, every parent would like to see good, educated, sweet teachers to whom they could entrust their child with peace of mind.

The interior of a kindergarten and its design must be taken responsibly and everything must be carefully thought out. Since each room, which is intended for children’s general spending time, must be decorated in a special way. By its appearance, the interior should influence and contribute to the artistic, aesthetic and cognitive development of preschool children. Now you understand how much the interior means, what functions are assigned to it, and why it is necessary to think through and implement it competently, carefully, correctly, so that everyone, both adults and children, feels comfortable, cozy, and convenient in this room. To do this you will need to use aged modern styles interior design or neoclassical, otherwise use simple shapes. And no matter what interior design style you choose to decorate your premises, use a large number indoor plants. They will contribute to the production of fresh air in the room; in addition, it is very beautiful, it gives the interior liveliness, lightness, and beauty. And in order for the effect to really be the same, do not forget to organically combine the interior of the kindergarten with plants.

The interior of a kindergarten, and the basics of designing rooms for children

The task is to create some kind of microcosm that will arouse interest in all children. To achieve this result, to cope with the task perfectly, you will need to divide the room into several functional areas. This must be work zone, sleep area, bedroom, as well as a playroom.

The interior design of a kindergarten should in no case remind you of a hotel lobby or office. It should be the opposite of these rooms. To make the kindergarten premises look beautiful, comfortable and cozy, use light curtains made of translucent material, small sofa pillows, and many, many soft toys to decorate the windows.

All these items will help your small child to quickly adapt to kindergarten, and will also help relieve the child’s stress.

Now let's talk about those points that can be considered important when developing interior design. And so, it is important to take into account when developing, determine the size and height of the objects that will be present. This is very important, as it affects the child’s well-being. For example, if you need to define optimal height table for the child, you need to seat him at it. After this, the child who is sitting at the table must bend his arms so that his elbows are at right angles. If the table top is at the level of the child's bent arms, this is the correct table height.

As for the arrangement of furniture. Place furniture in the room so that there is as much free space as possible, so that there is a place where children can play outdoor games, do exercises, and so on.

The interior of the kindergarten must be equipped with play islands, which will accommodate a large number of completely different toys, craft materials, movable furniture, flooring soft coating, sketchbooks, paints, pencils, plasticine and steel things that preschool children love so much.

Preschool furniture for kindergarten is different from ordinary furniture. And this is undeniable. Firstly, there are differences in both design and appearance, secondly, in quality, and thirdly, in functionality. These are the main factors that you need to pay attention to when choosing children's furniture.

The discreet and laconic interior of the kindergarten and public premises largely determines appearance, design of children's furniture. The bases for it are wooden or metal frames. Furniture should be durable and environmentally friendly. Therefore, for example, when buying children's tables, what should you pay attention to? Special attention, so this is on the quality and composition of the chipboard used in the manufacture of countertops and other furniture parts. Ideally, the furniture will be completely wooden. This is the key to environmental friendliness and durability of furniture. For example, let’s take a laminated board, which is still used in building furniture today. So, it often breaks down without serving for two or three years. But this is not the most important thing. The main thing is that this material contains resins, which evaporate when they react with external environment L. Accordingly, children breathe in the fumes released, which are very harmful. Let’s take, for example, seats that are made from plywood, even though this is prohibited. Children's lockers should also have durable structures, be environmentally friendly. Without having special knowledge in the furniture business, the quality of children's furniture can be judged by the warranty given by the manufacturer. It must be at least two to three years old. If the fittings used are not of high quality, the furniture will become loose within one year.

You can use bright, rich colors. The main thing is that each color harmonizes, combines, and complements each other. The colors you will use in the interior should not create contrast; they should flow smoothly into each other. In general, colors are very important, they play important roles in the interiors of rooms, regardless of their functional purposes. They can not only decorate your surfaces, but if used correctly, you can visually increase the space in the room. If you do something wrong, then the space in the room may visually become smaller. And colors and their shades have a direct impact on a person. That is why each of them has its own characteristics, which are created by professional psychologists. Therefore, you should not rush to choose a color for decorating a kindergarten. Therefore, we emphasize once again that you do not play with contrasts or make sharp transitions in color, as this will distract the child’s attention.

The interior of a kindergarten may at first glance not seem luxurious or rich, but this is not important, not the main thing. It is important for parents that there is an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and love for their children.

Every interior, no matter what the room, must be decorated somehow, people need to be present here, decorative items, elements and so on. Walls in kindergarten, they, like no one else, need decoration. If they stand empty, the interior will look incomplete and unfinished. But when you hang various pictures on them, draw images of characters from all children’s favorite cartoons, decorate them with shelves on which the kindergarten students’ crafts will be located, the room will look completely different, it will become lively, bright, good, positive mood, fun, smiles.

As you know, kindergartens usually have several groups. So, at the entrance to the groups, I would like to see exhibition corners on which your children’s crafts and drawings could be displayed, displayed. If you have been allocated a little space for such a corner, then you can make it visually more spacious with the help of mirrors. When you hang a mirror here, the room will immediately sparkle with new colors. Place the exhibition corner at a height that is accessible to children so that they can easily take their crafts from there and put them in their places. In addition to convenience, this will also teach little children to be neat and careful.

If your kindergarten building has more than one floor, but for example two, then it definitely has a staircase. So, in order to properly design the staircase, you need to pay enough attention to it. In order for children to walk up stairs calmly, they need to be interested. How exactly to do this? For example, you can hang frames with photographs along the stairs that will tell children about the history of their kindergarten. You can be smart and come up with something else, more interesting and exciting.

Children spend more time in kindergarten than at home. It's important to give them maximum comfort, comply with the required safety standards, not forgetting the aesthetic component. Correct design The interior will be provided by the design project of the kindergarten, which assumes the presence of key areas. They are performed in a single style, which often depends on the name of the institution.

Children should be raised in a pleasant environment

A well-executed design of a kindergarten helps to ensure rapid adaptation of children in society and their comprehensive, harmonious development.

Kindergarten is a second home for children

The flow of information directed at children is enormous. Musical, sports activities and walks alternate. You need quality rest to relax and take your mind off active activities.

For decoration and interior design, they are selected environmentally clean materials, mostly natural

The bedroom is decorated in soothing pastel colors

The bedroom traditionally has a special cozy atmosphere. When creating it, adhere to the following rules:

  • soft lighting;
  • use textiles of one color range, not irritating to the eyes;
  • bed linen is chosen in delicate shades; for pupils of older groups, sets with plot pictures are acceptable;
  • there should be no bright images on the walls or ceiling; there may be fairy-tale or cartoon characters (it’s good if they are getting ready for bed, this will become a kind of positive example for children);
  • when painting walls, calming colors are preferred warm colors which will help you calm down and fall asleep quickly.

Thick curtains are hung on the windows to darken the room during the daytime.

The material for the curtains is selected to match the style of the room

Finishing materials in the interior of a kindergarten, textiles, and furniture must be environmentally friendly and comply with safety standards. To darken the room, hang thick curtains made from natural fabrics and carefully fasten them. The walls are decorated using mosaics, stained glass, three-dimensional applications, and removable stickers. There is not much furniture; these are cribs appropriate for the age and height of the children. To determine sleeping area Every child has story pictures on their headboard.

The bedroom should have a calm atmosphere that helps you fall asleep quickly.

For active recreation

The interior of the kindergarten is memorable, spectacular, and has a positive effect on the psychophysical state of the pupils. The group room is the main one, the entrance sets the mood for a pleasant pastime. When decorating the room, care is taken to create a warm atmosphere that ensures optimal stay for the child, and important functional areas are demarcated. The stands display useful and interesting information for parents, it is constantly updated, there is a menu block. The room contains toys, sofas with soft pillows, bright curtains, pictures with images fairy-tale heroes. The furniture is simple, durable, safe, preferably movable.

When creating a group room design, the age of the children is taken into account first.

When decorating the play area, bright, exciting colors are used that increase the child’s motor activity. The room is divided into zones that take into account the inclinations of children. One wants to draw, another prefers to build structures from cubes, the third needs to move.

To zone groups, use furniture, light partitions or curtains

Advice. It is desirable that decorations, stands, and exhibitions can be easily replaced. When developing the design of a room, attention is paid to the safety and comfort of the environment.

Corner for board games in the junior nursery group

Decorating a themed drawing corner

The interior of the kindergarten is designed in accordance with age characteristics pupils. Children actively learn about the world around them, sensory development predominates, play becomes an opportunity to learn a lot, so they select simple objects, differing in color, texture, material. Middle group would prefer role-playing games, the room is divided into certain zones: “shop”, “hairdresser”, “library”. Preschoolers are offered more relevant and useful design.

Bright design of a corner for creativity

In addition to the gaming part, there are various “islands” - artistic or literary creativity, experimentation, scientific, physical education, self-care. An island of living nature becomes the decoration of the group, it is a place for development, instilling love for the world around us.

The living corner develops children's skills in caring for plants and animals

The duty officers' corner helps to instill responsibility and learn the right attitude to business; the privacy zone allows you to relax and be alone. Proper interior design of a kindergarten creates an amazing microworld where everyone feels comfortable and protected.

Gazebos: canopies and trains

Stay on fresh air important for children's health, strengthening immunity, physical development. Daily walks involve active activity on the site. To protect from aggressive sun, rain, wind and drafts, the interior design of a kindergarten involves the use of gazebos. These can be houses with furniture inside, sheds, trains, cars, huts, fortresses and more.

There should be a sufficient number of trees, bushes and flowers on the territory of the kindergarten

It is better to place the gazebo in the shade

Safe materials are used for the gazebo:

  • tree;
  • polycarbonate;
  • brick;
  • plastic.

Decorating a gazebo in the shape of a train

Spacious gazebo made of polycarbonate

Wooden gazebos with plank floors

Colorful do-it-yourself canopy design

Inside you can install benches, chairs, and a cabinet for storing toys. After active games kids can use an easel; preschoolers will need a magnetic board with numbers and letters and an abacus. The walls are decorated with bright drawings and stickers. The area on which the gazebo is located must be clearly visible so that the pupils are under control. It’s good if there is a tree growing nearby that provides shade.

The walls of the gazebo can be decorated with episodes from cartoons

Learn through play

Through the game there is interaction with each other, learning new things, understanding the world around us, and socialization. Classes carry a special load. The tables are placed so that the light falls from the left.

Tables and chairs must be suitable for children in age and height so that their posture does not deteriorate

Frameless furniture does not have sharp corners, therefore it is considered the safest for children

Bright images are not appropriate in the classroom; here it is necessary to concentrate, assimilate information, and consolidate the results obtained. The walls are painted in soothing shades, the furniture is comfortable and durable. The necessary supplies are placed in the cabinets: pencils, albums, notebooks, colored paper, toys that help establish contact with children. A magnetic board and handouts are placed against the wall. visual aids. The study room gradually prepares you for being in the classroom. Its design is laconic, with game elements.

Example good design study group

Kindergarten interior – important parameter influencing parents’ preferences when choosing a preschool institution and children’s desire to attend it. The aesthetic, artistic, cognitive development child, it can be decorated in various styles.

To conduct full-fledged physical education classes, you need a gym

The kindergarten should be cozy so that children want to return there every day

The design of a kindergarten allows you to show creativity and imagination, make the preschool institution special and interesting, fully appropriate educational standards and requirements.

Teacher of MADOU No. 203 “Kindergarten combined type", Kemerovo.

This work is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions, this is the design of a group and a reception area.

A kindergarten is a special institution; it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm. The lack of financial resources to purchase various equipment and games contributes to the development of teachers’ creativity.

This is my second year working in my group. The group arrived unkempt. But I tried to do everything possible to make the children comfortable and interesting, so that they enjoy every day they live in our group.

Design “Our group”. The squirrel and the umbrella are made of ceiling tiles, painted water-based paint with the addition of multi-colored colors.

Also in the reception area there was a stand for children and parents “Do not bring to kindergarten” (as practice shows, this is very useful information).

To congratulate the children on their birthday, I made a cake with candles from corrugated paper.

Algorithm for dressing (we hang clothes according to the seasons) and putting clothes in a locker.

This is the “Funny Pencils” design for the art corner.

I make a lot of benefits from waste material. Pencil in the corner of Fine Art (from toilet paper rolls).

These are the attributes for the plot - role playing games“Shop”, “Daughters - mothers: dumplings, dumplings, fried eggs, cakes, pastries, sausages, noodles, carrots.

The decoration of the play corner is also made of ceiling tiles and painted with water-based paint.

Corner for studying and consolidating traffic rules.

Corner “We are on duty” and “Learning to set the table.”

Corner “Mumming” and “Barbershop”.

This is our “Hospital”.

Decoration of the “Nature” corner.

Educational zone and mini-museum “Burenushka”.

Design of the Cognition Center.
