Instructions for making a hunting gun safe. How to make a gun safe with your own hands Do-it-yourself wooden safe drawings

Good day. Today I decided to touch upon very interesting topic. Namely, connected with the fact that sometimes we have to hide something somewhere from prying eyes for some reason. In this article, the author will describe one of the examples of how to make your own hiding place, cache, mini-safe, “little hole”.

So. What is the word cache for us?! This is the treasured place where we can hide something, valuable or not, from the omnipresent secretive eyes.

Perhaps the most the best way to hide your secrets and secrets is to make a secret place yourself. It may seem very difficult for someone to find that very place, but just look around you and we can easily see dozens of such places that are suitable for this. But in this article I will describe only one example of the variety of such methods. This place will be the most common item for us - a socket! Which safely surrounds you and me literally everywhere: at home, at work, at the dacha, etc. and that’s probably why the choice fell on her, since from early childhood we are all taught - “don’t put your hands in the socket!!!” and thieves will most likely be no exception, and our secret will remain a secret.

Let's begin. All we need is


1 - pliers;

2 - screwdrivers of different types;

3 - hacksaw;

4 - construction pencil or regular pencil;


1 - socket box;

2 - double socket;

3 - self-tapping screws for fastening the structure.

First. Let's determine the very place where the secret safe-cache will be located. In the case of the author of the article, this place turned out to be a wall made of plasterboard, which made his task a little easier. Because in the wall of this material The easiest way is to make a hole, recess, and so on.

Second. First, let's take the box and disassemble it into its components. Since it was originally assembled.

AND the final stage There will be installation of the structure.

To do this, we take the box and mount it into the wall, while fixing it with several self-tapping screws.

That's all. If necessary, unwind and take out what you need.

Pros and cons of this work.


1 - the possibility of penetration into such a cache is minimal. Therefore, you can store really valuable things here.


1 - small cache capacity;

2 - the ability to use the outlet as an electrical power source. network is excluded.

And now I would like to add some tips.

1. It is necessary to take into account the special property of the item that you want to hide. It may be sensitivity to environment, temperature and so on. For example, you cannot hide undeveloped film, as well as some chemicals, in a hiding place that is made directly near a heat source. And if the item absorbs moisture, then you need to place it in an airtight package.

2. Before you build such a cache for yourself, you need to understand a few rules. It is best to make a hiding place yourself and not tell anyone about it. There is no need to make a very common mistake such as telling someone about the presence of this cache. Because some are proud of it, show it to friends and acquaintances. This can lead to great complications and problems. Therefore, if you have already decided to start a cache, keep quiet and save yourself and others from unnecessary problems!

Thank you all for your attention!

And let the secret remain secret!

To understand how to make a safe with your own hands, you need to have a general understanding of the designs of safes, what materials they are made of, and much more.

Factory safes are made of high-strength steel. In, for example, fire-resistant concrete is poured between the walls. That is, as you can see, making a safe is a complex process, as with technical point both in terms of doing it yourself.

Nevertheless, simple design You can make a reliable safe yourself. Fortunately, today in the markets you can buy both high-quality steel and a reliable or electromechanical product.

This was discussed earlier, but today the article will be about how to make a fireproof safe with your own hands, and about recommendations for this difficult process.

To make a fireproof safe with your own hands, you will need to use metal sheets of at least two centimeters. A fireproof safe must have double walls. An asbestos sheet, which is located between two metal sheets, is quite suitable as a substitute for refractory concrete.

It is recommended to make the doors of a homemade fireproof safe somewhat larger in thickness than the walls of the safe, at least 5 centimeters. On lathe It is necessary to make a recess in advance to install a mechanical or electromechanical combination lock.

It is better to make a fireproof safe with your own hands built into the wall, that is decorative cladding in this case, the outer wall is not needed. It will be necessary to decorate only the front part of the homemade safe and its doors.

The question is not easy. It’s best to start with careful planning, both the size of the future product and its design features. In this case, you should take into account:

1. What will need to be stored in the safe after its manufacture, since the dimensions of the safe you make yourself depend on this.

So, for example, if a fireproof safe is used to store important documents A-4 format, it is recommended to make a fireproof safe of such a size that the documents do not have to be folded in half during storage.

2. Metal for a homemade safe can be used with a thickness much smaller than 5 mm. It is clear that working with thick metal using ordinary metal is very difficult.

Therefore, for a homemade fireproof safe, you can choose metal 2-3 millimeters thick.

3. It is necessary to connect the walls of the safe only by welding, no bolts, etc. Of course, if you are making a fire-resistant safe, then it is better not to be lazy and make double walls in it, between which sheets of asbestos board will be located.

An asbestos board will help contain the heating of the walls of a homemade fireproof safe for some time.

Privacy and security are natural human needs. Especially when you share an apartment with neighbors, over-caring relatives and other curious individuals. There it is drawer It’s clearly not enough to keep all sorts of secrets. Yes, and you have to hide your stash somewhere. Of course, as the character in everyone’s favorite movie advised, “keep your money in a savings bank.” And it wouldn’t hurt to have a house a hiding place that is very easy to make yourself. After all, secrets must remain secrets.

Wealthy people often equip their homes with a real safe for valuables. We propose to implement an idea that is much more modest, but nevertheless reliable. If you have a rich library, it’s easy to “lose” a homemade book cache in it. Moreover, such a secret storage will be an unusual gift for a friend or loved one.

You will need:
1. Thick old book
2. Stationery knife
3. Scissors
4. Glue and brush
5. Ruler and pencil

To begin, remove the cover to avoid damaging it during your crafting session.

Turn the book over and do the same with the back cover. Like this. Now the book is separate, the binding is separate.

On the first page, use a pencil to outline the outline of the future hiding place. We advise you to retreat at least 5 cm from each edge, except for the one closer to the spine. We will cut it completely.

Arm yourself stationery knife or even a jigsaw, if you can find one on the farm. We assume that you will still use the first option. In this case, do not cut a layer thicker than 20 pages “in one sitting.” Better slower and more careful.

Place the finished design resembling the letter “P” back into the cover. More precisely, glue it to one of the halves of the binding (but only to one: you want to open the cache, right?). All inner part Also treat “P” with a thick layer of glue so that the pages do not separate from each other.

It’s better to glue the spine back too, so that the book doesn’t arouse any suspicion at all.

The legislation of Russia, like other countries, requires certain rules for the use of any firearms. In particular, to purchase it you must have a license and pass an exam for the right to own it, and also provide a place for its storage, equipped according to strict requirements. No one will receive a weapons license until they provide a report from the local police officer that there is a safe and that it meets the necessary criteria. Buying a safe is not a problem now, but many hunters are looking for the opportunity to make one themselves. Why and how to do this - our advice.

Why do you need a gun safe?

Rules of conduct with weapons are specified in Federal Law on weapons No. 150-FZ dated December 13, 1996, updated as of December 31, 2014. Article 22 of this law talks about how civilian, hunting and service weapons should be carried out. Central element in this process - a safe, which is a metal securely locked fireproof box or built-in cabinet. By the way, this word is of English origin safe and it is translated as reliable, safe.

Every hunter should have a gun safe at home. You can do it yourself. Homemade boxes for storing valuables they are more popular than store-bought ones. This is because it is not always possible to find a model on sale that meets the stated requirements.

Any weapon (civilian, hunting or service) must be stored in an appropriate place under protection. It must be hidden in a secure box that is locked.

Every gun owner should have a safe in their home to store them. This point is prescribed by law.

Available in stock different types weapons do not have to be stored in a purchased safe. It is quite possible to make it yourself. During the work, it is necessary to adhere to the basic requirements for this device for storing valuables.

Requirements for the safe

The safe structure must be firmly attached to the floor or wall

Decree No. 228 lists the basic requirements that a safe must meet. It's about about the following characteristics:

  • the presence of reliable walls made of metal;
  • wall thickness is 3 mm or more;
  • the presence of two locks that restrict access to weapons by unauthorized persons.

If a person is engaged in the manufacture of a safe himself, then he can reduce the permissible wall thickness of the product to 2 mm. If you plan to store ammunition there, then it is better to opt for metal 3 mm thick.

It is allowed to store weapons and ammunition in one place. In this case, the safe must have a wall thickness of at least 3 mm. This is a mandatory requirement that cannot be ignored.

It is highly recommended to secure the metal box to the floor. This will prevent the illegal theft of the safe with its contents. It can also be attached to a wall. For this purpose, you should choose reliable bolts that can withstand the considerable weight of the entire structure.

Standard sizes

The decisive parameter when choosing a safe is the length of the weapon. If the box is too small, the owner of the gun will have to constantly disassemble it in order to place it under lock and key.

Different types of weapons have their own parameters:

  • IZH-27 – 1165 mm;
  • Izhevsk – 1280 mm;
  • Benelli Comfort – 1300 mm;
  • Remington 11-87 – 710 mm.

To determine the length of a weapon, it is enough to measure it at home or use tables indicating this parameter.

Dimensions and drawing

The dimensions for making a gun safe should be determined based on individual wishes and the dimensions of the gun

As mentioned earlier, the size of the safe for storing it depends on the basic parameters of the weapon. Ideally, you need to add a few cm to have extra space in the drawer. It is also worth separating a separate area for convenient storage ammunition.

When calculating the depth of the product, you need to take into account the presence or absence of an optical sight. If it is present, then it is best to stop at the parameter, which is 500 mm. If the weapon does not have such an element, then you can make the depth 350 mm.

During calculation optimal width standard markings are taken. For one gun, this parameter should be 300 mm. Another 200 mm may be required to store accessories that are used when cleaning a shotgun or pistol.

Tools and materials

Gun safe should be at the disposal of every person who is interested in hunting with a gun. To make a hunting box, you may need the following materials and tools:

  • Iron. This is the main material for making a homemade safe. During the work, durable sheets must be used that correspond to the calculated parameters. A safe cannot be made from wood.
  • Corners 2.5 cm. They can be replaced with a profile characterized square section. These items are required if ammunition is stored in a safe.
  • Welding machine. They do the main work.
  • Locks. It is best to prepare three pieces at once. One of them should be left for the ammo shelf.
  • Pen. One of the additions to the product.
  • Grinder with discs that work on metal.
  • Canopies. They need to be used at least 2-3 pieces if you plan to make a heavy door.

The availability of basic tools and materials should be taken care of in advance. Thanks to this, you will be able to avoid unnecessary pauses in work.

Stages of work

Initially, the master must start cutting out all the blanks for a homemade safe. They will be used for the floor, doors and walls of the product. These elements can be cut using a grinder or a guillotine. The main thing is that the tool can work with metal.


All metal sheets of the gun safe are held together using electric gas welding

Electric welding allows for the assembly of prepared elements.

The current level must be set to a minimum level to successfully complete the workpiece assembly task. Following this recommendation will prevent damage to the underlying materials.

Assembly is carried out as follows:

  1. The workpiece is placed on a flat table or other surface.
  2. The bottom of the safe should be gradually placed against it.
  3. Next to general design required to be attached side wall, after which comes the upper part.

All welding points must be located in the interior of the product. With the help of such a trick, it will be possible to hide from prying eyes uneven seams and other defects that are present in the work of welders with minimal experience in this matter.

There is no need to try to weld the walls of the product with a solid weld seam. Such an undertaking rarely ends successfully. Such actions can cause thermal deformation of the material. It is best to use the spot tack method, which is performed every 100 mm.

Rigidizing the structure

After finishing welding work it is necessary to carefully strengthen the structure. For this purpose, the front part of the safe should be framed with a metal corner. Initially, you need to weld the corner to the side areas. All work is again done from within. Not a single seam should be visible from the outside.

Making the front door of the safe

A weapon storage product must have a durable door. It is made from metal sheet. Additionally, a durable corner made of the same material is used. Frame of this element should be welded to the door.

The metal corner performs an important function. It leads to the door being blocked if intruders try to remove it.

As soon as the corner is installed, the master will be able to begin installing the purchased locks. You will need to make holes that are intended for two wells at once. Upon completion of this stage, you can begin installing the door.

The door canopies need to be welded to the corners, and then proceed to attach them to one of the walls of the safe. In this type of work, it is customary to use the electric rivet method. That is, welding must pass through ready-made holes intended for self-tapping screws. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of unnecessary welds and holes in the material.

Making a cartridge box

The inside of the safe can be painted or sheathed with something

By law, cartridges and other ammunition must be stored in a designated area. This is usually a safe. The craftsman should weld the cartridge box small size. It will be located separately from the gun or other type of weapon.

At the very end, you can start painting the gun safe. Its interior can be lined with leatherette, and the door can be decorated with a rubber seal.

Completion of work

The work on the homemade safe has almost come to an end. The last stage is to install locks that will securely close the metal box and protect its contents from unauthorized persons.

The owner of the safe has the right to decide which locks to give preference to. He can choose simple locking devices or more advanced devices with several levels of protection.

The easiest way is to make a small loop on the body of the safe and its door into which the lock must be inserted. This is one of the simplest and budget ways locking a rifle or pistol storage box. Ideally, there should be at least one more lock, which enhances the level of security of the safe.

You can make a gun safe with your own hands in 1-2 days, provided you are actively involved in the work. To avoid gross mistakes, you need to strictly adhere to the sequence of work stages and periodically look at the drawings homemade product.
