Insects living at home. What kind of domestic insects are there in an apartment: photos and names of pests, effective methods of extermination. Bedbugs are harmful blood suckers

Insects live in almost every home. This is a fact: even if the owners of the premises do not see them, this almost always only means that such “roommates” are simply very successfully hiding from human sight. In some cases, insects in an apartment can be absolutely harmless, but some of their species pose a serious danger not only to food and things, but also to the person himself.

However, some hypotheses can be identified, taking into account mainly the ecological strategy of this insect and edaphic factors. The ability and ease of termites to digest cellulose and lignin favor their biological development. Thus, as soon as the quality of the pasture deteriorates, due to the quality of the soil, the termite population is favored. Determining the spatial distribution of thermals in a given area can help identify factors that influence nest distribution, correlating environmental variables and nest distribution.

It is also important that many insects that can live in an apartment are absolutely indifferent to its sanitary condition. For example, silverfish (see photo below) may well be found even in an elite apartment with a good renovation:

Another fact that cannot be said is that deforestation naturally eludes the natural enemies of termites, which prefer and increase their population. In our country, nesting nests are commonly known as murundus. They are formed by mounds of earth and saliva, with a stone consistency. In our country there are several species considered pasture pests.

Insects in the apartment

Although some authorities believe that the presence of saturated termites in rural areas does not cause any real damage, the work developed demonstrates the exact opposite. Some genera of native termites, hitherto unmentioned as cankers in homes, sheds, barns and fences, are cited as causing damage and injury. Our observations suggest with confidence that termites found only in urban areas often occur in suburban and rural areas! Moreover, the opposite is true!

That is why you should not count on the fact that if the apartment is constantly maintained in order, then there will definitely be no insects in it. In some cases this makes virtually no difference.

Of course, in an exemplarily cleaned room it is unlikely that the ubiquitous cockroaches or wood lice will appear in the bathroom, but a certain insect fauna will master it too. Therefore, it will be useful for every home owner to know what main types of insects are found in apartments, what are their characteristics and how difficult it can be to fight them. We'll talk about this further...

Among the harmless ones there are

Each, without exception, caused damage and damage in the places where they were found. Currently, in the most developed countries economic consequences damage and losses caused by a terrorist attack have been studied exhaustively. On average, this amounts to about 2.5 billion per year, in this country alone!

Where to buy funds

To carry out highly effective test work Preventive and curative methods must be adopted against termites. The following procedures must be followed when performing work: Carry out a thorough inspection. Estimate your budget accurately. Define collected material or sample. Follow all preset steps. Define work goals and strategies. Continue monitoring for the expected time. Apply the most appropriate methodology because when it comes to termite control, every case is a new case!

All the variety of insects in the apartment

The second group is insect pests that spoil food or other property in the apartment. Among them are the following types of insects:

The photo below shows springtails in flower pot with ground:

Never use chemical substances which are not permitted by the relevant authorities. Ants, cockroaches, termites, every year only in summer it appears that they appear in more and invade houses and apartments. Urban pests can cause serious damage to property and can in many cases reach into buildings, electronic appliances, furniture and even the garden, as well as being a health hazard.

The hot weather has arrived, and the critters have appeared, and now what to do? She and her son face at least one of them almost every day. Her house was deified for a year and two months, but she attributes the problem to the abandonment of the building. My neighbors also use the pesticide, but it has made no progress, says a resident. It is important that the trustee invests systematically in adequate solutions to control insects and vectors, not just when they appear. Ideally, care should be constant.

Photo of scale insects on a houseplant:

Insects also live in apartments and do not cause noticeable harm. For example, these include:

Nearby real estate monitoring wet places, such as rivers and streams, should be monitored every three months. Treatment of cockroaches and rodents, in turn, should occur every 90 days. The period from October to November is the most suitable for preventive actions against the spread of these pests, especially since this is the breeding season. The indication is that insecticide applications are made before animals breed. “The metabolic activity of insects increases during this period, especially due to the greater water supply,” explains Watanabe.

And the last group is insects that look into the apartment at one time or another, but do not live here permanently. These include mosquitoes, flies, stink bugs, lacewings, and many others. They cannot be called indoor insects.

Cockroaches are the most frequent “guests” in the house

The presence of these pests cause damage not only to property and furniture, but also to health, since insects like mosquitoes and mechanical vectors such as cockroaches and ants can cause a number of diseases for humans. There are homemade products that have a repellent effect, but care should be taken to ensure that unidentified products are used as some may be toxic. When the level of insects is very high, already at the level of infestation, it is best to look for companies that specialize in combat.

Cockroaches and the damage they cause

The main danger associated with the presence of cockroaches in an apartment is the spread of pathogens and dirt from garbage disposals. Constantly moving around the table, food products, and dishes, they greatly worsen the sanitary situation in the room.

Imagine: a cockroach first crawled through rotting waste in a garbage chute, and then made its way into the apartment and ran over the bread left on kitchen table

Choosing the Right Company There are a number of forms of treatment to get rid of urban epidemics or at least prevent them. Some companies use methods such as chemical barriers, mesh inflation and wood contact treatments to feed the masonry - in the case of termites. But how to choose this company?

The consumer must always receive a proposal in writing containing the treatment methods, products used and guarantees. It is important to ask the company about preparing vouchers for employees who will be performing pest control activities. More often than we think, we are visited by small animals in the house or garden. While some of them are completely harmless creatures for humans, many species of animals are considered harmful to humans and their environment.

Cockroaches are perhaps one of the most famous insects living in an apartment, so everyone knows them, as they say, “by sight.” For example, in the photo below there is a red cockroach, small, but incredibly easily adaptable to different living conditions:

List of pests in France

In the city, as in the country, there are several types of pests in France. We distinguish two main classes. Pests near or in the house: Collectively insects or small mammals, they breed near cottages and enjoy the presence of humans.

Pests in rural areas: These are often nocturnal animals that wander around small towns or live near fields. We can distinguish between clutter, ferrets, wood doves or even wild boars. They are considered harmful because they attack crops.

And then in the photo there are black cockroaches, which not everyone has ever seen. They are large in size - up to 4 cm. So if you encounter a large black insect, similar to a cockroach, then it is almost certainly Blatta orientalis (as this type of insect is called in Latin):

In this article we will only consider harmful types of house. They are divided into several families. Very invasive, the insect family can be divided into several categories of harmful species, we will differentiate. Crawling insects can be found in many houses with gardens or in old apartments in large cities. They are not synonymous with unhealthy, but they can be very embarrassing because they are disgusting. Flying Insects: Flying insects are harmful species that will not hesitate to attack you. Mosquitoes, wasps, flies - so many pests that can disturb your sleep see you causing some health problems, Aisle Insects: Aisle insects are not the worst, but can still attack furniture. Mice and Rats: These mammals are major pests of quite large sizes, which can be found in homes or poultry farms in France. It is necessary to protect yourself from rat and mouse infestations because these species can reproduce quite quickly. It is advisable to provide repellent treatment to avoid intrusion. . Peppermint Meat: Rats and mice don't like mint and the smell repels them.

Cockroaches can especially easily infest in an apartment where there is access to food, a source of water and places to hide. If you very diligently maintain cleanliness in the room and quickly destroy the first newcomers from your neighbors, then your apartment may well be the only one without cockroaches, even if they swarm in all neighboring apartments.

Therefore, by planting some mint on your balcony or in infested corners, you can get rid of them without killing them. Peppermint gives a little more impact. Rat Trap: A method of trapping a rat in order to deposit it elsewhere or directly kill it. Rat traps are quite effective, but are not always suitable for sensitive souls. Exist various shapes rat traps.

Cage Trap Sticky Trap Trap Trap. . Death to rats: rat death products are toxic, it is better not to use them. An alternative is to use a plaster of Paris mixture with sugar and flour. Rats love wheat flour and sugar and will eat poisoned food. It should be known that rats are a very intelligent and organized nasty species. Thus, the dominant family is likely to send tasters to test the food source. It is important not to put any food source in danger of being quickly depleted by the rest of the community.

Fighting cockroaches is not difficult, but it requires time and money: cockroaches are destroyed with a variety of insecticidal agents, and special gels and microencapsulated preparations (Get, Lambda Zone, Delta Zone, etc.) are especially effective in this fight.

Bedbugs in the apartment

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are the most unpleasant blood-sucking insects in the apartment. They attack humans at night, crawling onto the bed and biting any open areas bodies.

Cat: By far my favorite way to get rid of this harmful species. Give yourself a cat. Cats are very active and prove to be formidable fighters. They will not hesitate to hunt mice and rats from your home or garden shed. If none of these methods work for you and the rats or pests are becoming too much of a nuisance, your best bet is to call an expert pest control company to take care of the problem. Their teams of experts support many people and specialists throughout France to find long-term solutions.

I'm being invaded by insects - what should I do?

We identify two scenarios. You live in an apartment or condominium: Harmful species breed without question and don't know the concept of ownership. So, if you find cockroaches, myths or other bugs in the house, it's a safe bet that the entire building. Contact your trustee or the agency that manages your home immediately because they will be dealing with the problem collectively. Don't hesitate to contact your town hall if you don't respond because it could be a public health issue.

  • Real estate agencies are required to respond to this request.
  • You live in the house: You will have to solve the problem yourself if you own.
  • But don't let things fester.
  • It is best to address the issue as quickly as possible.
  • If you meet neighbors who have the same problems.
  • Feel free to ask for help at the Town Hall.
As you understand, these methods should be used in case of emergency.

During the day, bedbugs hide in furniture, behind baseboards, in mattresses, household appliances, behind the carpets on the walls. They are sometimes confused with cockroaches, especially young larvae.

The photo shows a bedbug larva:

Some insects are not synonymous with cataclysm. There are even insect huts for houses. For many people, the sight of an insect in the house causes panic. The first reflex often looks for a tool to kill unwanted ones: newspaper, brooms, vacuum cleaner, insecticide.

First of all, killing the insect won't stop your poop from getting lost in your own home, and the likelihood that the insect that was taken out again will mock you, you are very weak, except that killing an insect is disgusting, messy, and so on.

Due to the fact that bedbugs feed only on human blood, they, unlike cockroaches, cannot be destroyed by various poisoned traps and baits. The most effective way to combat bedbugs is baiting with insecticidal aerosols and sprays.

Ants: the smallest, the most difficult to remove

House ants (also called pharaoh ants) are very highly organized insects. In the apartment or outside, they organize a nest in which several females lay eggs, and working individuals serve them and store food supplies. Such supplies can rot, and the insects themselves can move along the walls of the house garbage chute and over food in the kitchen in one day.

The photo below shows these apartment insects that found a treat on the kitchen table:

Thanks to their ability to organize several interconnected nests, ants can occupy several apartments and apartment premises at once. This is associated with certain difficulties in removing them: even after destroying ants in your apartment, you cannot be sure that in a week they will not begin to colonize it again, coming from the neighbors.

These harmful little insects are removed using the same means and methods as cockroaches. However, it is important to take into account that until the queen of domestic ants is destroyed, the colony will live.

Fleas: danger, biology, specifics of control

The insect on the carpet shown in the photo below is cat flea(for an uninitiated person, it looks almost no different from other types of fleas - dog, rat, human...):

Adult fleas feed exclusively on the blood of humans and animals. But their larvae can eat both food products and the excrement of adult fleas or pets.

All the difficulties of fighting fleas are related to the fact that they can be found both in the fur of animals and anywhere in the room. Of all the insects that live in an apartment, fleas require the most integrated approach during hatching: they are first destroyed on animals, then indoors, and finally the surviving larvae are poisoned.

Moth as the main destroyer of food and clothing

Moths are flying insects in the apartment, the butterflies of which are most often visible on the ceiling, windows, and inside cabinets. There are many types of them, some of which are harmful to food products ( food moth), and some - fur and woolen items (clothes moth).

The actual pests are moth larvae. In most cases, its butterflies do not feed at all, but only lay eggs. Moth caterpillars can penetrate closed jars, bags and boxes at a young age and then feed on the product in which they find themselves.

Clothes or fur moths can damage even semi-synthetic fabrics, but they are not able to feed on pure synthetics.

The photo below shows typical apartment pests: barn moths and clothes moths:

Mosquitoes in the apartment

Mosquitoes - known to everyone summer insects, often flying into the apartment. The photo below shows a female mosquito sucking blood and clearly demonstrating why exactly these insects seek to get into our homes:

Mosquitoes do not live permanently in human homes, since they need water bodies to reproduce. However, they appear in apartments in search of victims, arriving in the evenings in the light of lamps.

In most cases, it is much easier to keep them out of the apartment by hanging them on the windows mosquito net, or by scaring away with special devices (fumigators, ultrasonic repellers), than then looking for them on the ceiling and walls and destroying them.

Woodlice are not exactly insects

In most cases, wood lice appear only in those apartments where it is constantly damp, for example, water leaks from pipes. These insects are excellent indicators of various plumbing breakdowns and depressurization of flanges.

Woodlice photo:

Sometimes woodlice can also enter the bathroom or toilet through attic vents or neighbors. They do not cause any particular harm; they are content with various debris in damp places, but they are very unpleasant in appearance. They are hatched in the same way as cockroaches.

Carpet beetles

Carpet beetles in apartments occasionally spoil clothing and food products. They pose a particular danger because the cereals or other groceries they eat become poisonous to humans. In addition, the larvae of these beetles can spoil expensive fur and knitwear.

These insects are rarely numerous, but can be found almost everywhere: in books, linen, food, garbage. It is quite difficult to remove them, and in most cases the fight consists of throwing away contaminated products and regularly cleaning the shelves and cabinets in the apartment.

In the photo - a bread grinder (also known as a skin beetle), a beetle the size of a flea:

Other indoor insects - butterflies, silverfish, book lice - if they cause harm, it is insignificant and very unnoticeable. Book lice, for example, feed on glue in book bindings.

Insects on house plants are also unpleasant pests, which may well lead to their death by damaging the roots and leaves. Often these are small insects white, inactive and easily destroyed by special insecticidal agents for treating plants. Generally speaking, there are many types of such pests, and scale insects, springtails and whiteflies are only a very small part of them.

In general, to prevent the appearance of almost any insects in an apartment, it is necessary to carefully check all purchased products and house plants, protect animals from infestation with fleas, and ensure that children do not become infected with lice. And the apartment itself must be thoroughly cleaned and kept clean, which with a certain reliability will provide protection from the most common pests.

How to make killer bait for domestic insects using Get insecticide

5 rules for choosing an insect extermination service

How to prevent attacks by blood-sucking and stinging insects? Possible symptoms that appear after unwanted contact with them. How and with what to treat the consequences of their bites? Review of medications and folk remedies preventing and treating insect bites.

What should you do if disgusting creatures such as bedbugs, cockroaches, ticks, as well as flies and mosquitoes are preventing you from living your normal life? You can try Tsifoks. This remedy will not only free you from an unpleasant neighborhood in the house, but will also save your garden from pests.

The remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches “Cucaracha” is an effective and effective drug. With its help, you can remove not only household bedbugs, but also cockroaches, ants, and fleas. The effect of the drug begins instantly, the product is safe for humans when used correctly.

Description of the remedy for cockroaches and bedbugs “Super Fas”, its main active ingredients and principle of action. Given step-by-step instruction preparation and use of the product, as well as necessary measures safety during disinfestation with this drug.

When a cockroach is sitting on the kitchen table, ants are running across the floor, moths are infested in the closet with a fur coat, and lice are found on a child, there is no need to panic and poison everyone with chemical insecticides. Find a smell that is pleasant to you and unbearable to uninvited guests, and life will improve.

To accurately determine which insects are jumping in an apartment, you need to try to catch an adult and compare it external structure With various types in the reference literature or on our website. You can refer to medical reference books and compare bites on the skin with the examples presented.

Domestic cockroaches

These are one of the oldest insects on our Earth, the most common of them are:

  • Black cockroaches - there are not so many of them, and they cause less harm.
  • Red cockroaches (Prussians) are very difficult to remove.

If you want to get rid of cockroaches, you need to treat the room regularly. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that your apartment maintains cleanliness and sanitation standards. If you use poisons, cockroaches can escape through ventilation ducts and cracks to your neighbors, so you need to fight them collectively.

It is difficult to fight these insects: often you even have to get rid of furniture. Their eggs end up everywhere - in any cracks, behind baseboards and wallpaper. If you have bedbugs, you should remove them as quickly as possible, because they can carry infections. How to deal with them?

  • You can treat each room separately with medications, trying not to enter it while the chemicals are in effect.
  • The tactic of searching for bedbugs in the middle of the night, when they emerge from their hiding places, works great.
  • If they end up inside a piece of furniture in large quantities, it often makes sense to get rid of it.

Bedbugs are a type of insect, to get rid of which they often turn to specialists, because independent struggle with them often drags on for a long time.


Most often, mosquitoes bother people only in the warm season. But in large apartment buildings they are able to reproduce in damp basements even in winter when the heating is turned on. In this case, they begin to pester the inhabitants of the entire house. You can fight them in apartments, but only special services can completely rid your house of mosquitoes. Mosquito control tips:

  • If you want to prevent mosquitoes from flying into your apartment from the street, use special nets by installing them on the windows.
  • You can combine business with pleasure by purchasing essential oils. Mosquitoes are repelled by their smell, especially the smells of eucalyptus, cedar and clove oils.
  • Electric fumigators help against mosquitoes quite well. But it should be borne in mind that the chemicals in their composition do not contribute to ideal health, so you should not turn them on around the clock.


  • Maintain perfect cleanliness, for which you need to thoroughly wash baseboards and floors, and rugs and pet beds should be disinfected.
  • Vacuum as often as possible: Vacuuming removes both flea eggs and larvae.
  • Treat all soft surfaces such as carpets and upholstered furniture. These formulations are produced in the form of easy-to-use aerosols. Blankets, capes, bedspreads and Stuffed Toys can either be treated with aerosols or washed in hot water.

keep the apartment clean and tidy and there will be no insects in the house

House ants

These insects in the apartment are able to penetrate anywhere. Products must be hidden from them very well, hermetically closing any containers. But getting rid of them is not difficult: they do not get used to poisons, like cockroaches. Honey balls with special composition boric acid, chemical aerosols - all this makes it easy to defeat uninvited guests. You can also use an improvised remedy if nothing else is at hand: chopped garlic cloves are good at repelling ants. If you rub any surface with them, the ants will forget their way there.


  • If flies live near your apartment and fly inside, keep a fly swatter ready. Screens on windows help limit their access, like other insects.
  • Hanging Velcro tapes are very effective remedy. When a fly enters a room, the first thing it does is fly towards the pleasant smell of “Velcro” and does not have time to do any harm.
  • Lovers indoor plants They can plant geraniums that repel flies. Sprigs of tansy placed in several places also help greatly with this.


These insects can spoil not only things in cabinets, but also food. Moth larvae and caterpillars are found in bulk products (flour, cereals); they may also take a liking to dried fruits. Moths multiply very quickly in an apartment, so you need to start fighting them immediately after detection. What methods of combating these insects are:

  • Using repellents against butterflies. This could be a chemical compound - naphthalene, or it could be herbal remedies - geranium and lavender.
  • A much more pronounced result is obtained by chemical treatment, for which dichlorvos is used.

No matter what insects that are resistant to poisons and influences pester you, you can still cope with them. But if you are already desperate to do it yourself, contact a pest control specialist. These guys know their stuff and can help even in the most advanced cases.
