The name jasmine means destiny health. Jasmine in business, in society. Famous women with this name

The name Jasmine is a form of the Persian name Yasmin (یاسمن). Translated from Persian the name Jasmine (Yasmine) means "jasmine flower" or even "one branch of jasmine". The name Jasmine is the princess in the Disney cartoon "Aladdin" and is often associated with this very image.

The meaning of the name Jasmine for a girl

Little Jasmine is a joyful and cheerful girl and at the same time endowed with genuine modesty and obedience. She is a harmonious child and easily goes through all the stages of growing up. You can mark it not childishly serious attitude to life, which does not prevent her from enjoying life at all. It is also interesting that her modesty and obedience do not prevent her from defending personal opinion. Jasmine will not allow herself to be offended. She boldly and persistently defends her interests.

Studying is given to Jasmine quite easily, and especially its creative component. Often Jasmine feels in various amateur performances, and can even seriously engage in theater, singing, or something similar. In her hobbies and studies, the girl shows herself as a hardworking and purposeful person. Behind her successes are often many hours of hard work.

Jasmine's health can be called strong. She rarely gets sick, and if she does, she tolerates the disease easily. It is worth noting the natural beauty of the owner of the name. Jasmine maintains health for many years. All this, of course, does not mean that you can neglect preventive measures or let everything take its course.

Abbreviated name Jasmine

Zhasya, Yasya, Yasmin, Yasmina, Mina, Minka.

Diminutive names

Jasminka, Jasminochka, Jasminushka, Minochka, Minushka, Minchik, Yasechka, Yasochka.

Name Jasmine in English

AT English language Jasmine's name is spelled Jasmine, which is pronounced Jasmine or Jesmine.

Jasmine name for passport- ZHASMIN, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Jasmine into other languages

in Bulgarian - Jasmine
in Hungarian - Jazmin
in Spanish - Jazmin
in Italian - Gelsomina
German - Jasmine
in Dutch - Jasmijn
in Portuguese - Jasmim
in Serbian - Jasmina
in Finnish - Jasmin
in Czech - Jasmina

Church name Jasmine(in Orthodox faith) is not certain. This name is not church calendar. At baptism, Jasmine will receive an internal church name, which will be used in the sacraments of the church.

Characteristics of the name Jasmine

Adult Jasmine is still endowed with a restrained and complaisant character. She is kind and calm, and her lovely manners only add to that. It is worth noting that Jasmine always attracts people's attention. People are drawn to her, feeling her inner strength. Jasmine can produce good impression and flirt, but once again does not resort to this. She is disgusted by the cheapness of these tricks. The owner of the name is a whole person. Jasmine always listens first of all to her heart.

In her work, Jasmine shows her industriousness characteristic of her childhood. In principle, she does not consider it normal to do work badly or half strength. Jasmine is very responsible and if she gets down to business, then strive to bring it to the end. Therefore, she often refuses many proposals, knowing how much effort it will cost to achieve a decent result.

If speak about family life Jasmine, it is worth noting the special seriousness of her attitude to this issue. She is in no hurry to get married, like many. Jasmine very carefully checks compatibility with her future husband, his family and friends. She is a good and caring hostess who knows how to organize life in the house. And of course, Jasmine loves her children very much. She is a caring and loving mother who is ready to do everything for the happiness of her children.

The secret of the name Jasmine

The secret of Jasmine can be called the fact that she is rarely truly happy in marriage. Often she loses the line where calculation outweighs love. Too much she strives to create Perfect marriage, which often leads to lifelessness of relationships. From the outside, everything may seem perfect, but the lack of love in speed makes itself felt. She needs to be very careful in this matter.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

totem animal- Sea Horse.

Name color- White.

Wood- Lily.

Plant- Jasmine.

Stone- Pomegranate.

Forms of the name Jasmine

Short form of the name Jasmine. Jasminka, Minka, Mina, Yasma, Yasmina, Minitsa. Synonyms for the name Jasmine. Jasmine, Jasmine, Jesmine, Hasmine, Jazhmina, Jazhmine, Gelsomina, Jasmina, Zhesmi, Jesmi, Zhesmil, Yazmin, Yasmin, Yasmein, Yasmine, Yasmiina, Yosuman, Yesuman.

Name Jasmine in different languages

Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 茉莉花 (Mòlìhuā). Japanese: ジャスミン (Jasumin). Armenian: հասմիկ (hasmik). Hindi: चमेली (Camēlī). Ukrainian: Jasmine. Greek: γιασεμί (giasemí). English: Jasmine (Jasmine).

origin of the name Jasmine

The name Jasmine has Persian roots, literally means "jasmine flower", "jasmine", "jasmine branch". In a figurative sense, the name Jasmine is also translated as “gift of the gods” and “fragrant”, because this flower has a fragrance that has not yet been recreated in perfumery.

The name Jasmine has a pronunciation variant, which is used not only in Muslim countries, but also in some European countries, with slight variations - Yazmin, Yasmin, Yasmein, Yasmine, Yasmiina. In Europe, the name Jasmine will also be pronounced in a different manner - Jasmine, Jesmine, Hasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine, Gelsomina, Jasmine, Jesmine, Jesmine, Zhesmil, each country has its own version. So among the Tajik people you can find the name Yosuman (Yesuman), which is an analogue of the name Jasmine.

The name Jasmine can be both a female and a male name.

The diminutive address Mina is also an independent name.

Characteristics of the name Jasmine

Little Jasmine is an example of a modest and complaisant child. However, one should not think that he is weak-willed. The girl is well able to stand up for herself and even in her childhood knows her own worth. Although there is no desire in Jasmine's thoughts to draw attention to herself, she does it involuntarily. Both children and adults are drawn to this girl, thanks to her intelligence and friendly manner of communication. In any society, Jasmine is valued for its inner strength and seriousness.

Outwardly, Jasmine is unusually attractive. This is clearly seen in childhood, and, growing up, the girl becomes the first beauty. Jasmine is aware of her beauty, and this is the basis for her pride. To other people, she is tolerant and condescending. Being well brought up, the girl never breaks down into rudeness or hostility.

Having matured, Jasmine attracts people to her. No one is able to remain indifferent to this beauty. In addition, the girl boasts a strong character. Jasmine will not let anyone into her soul. She keeps unfamiliar people at a distance, taking them too seriously. But in the circle of relatives and friends, this is the softest and most romantic person you can imagine. She is easy to communicate with and very reliable. Jasmine strives for material comfort, but does not put it in the foreground before friendship and obligations. A woman with this name is gentle and loves to compose poetry, but only the one whom she lets into her personal space will hear them.

The secret of the name Jasmine

This name has no exact meaning. It came to us from the East and is just beginning to be popular. Many believe that Jasmine is associated with the flower of the same name. And in some countries, this name is called not only women, but also men.

Most often, Jasmine has incredible beauty, she attracts people to her. At the same time, such a woman loves herself and knows her worth. But in relations with others, she often does not show her true face and tolerates their shortcomings. She is restrained, constant and has a strong character.

Jasmine does not see the goal of her life to start a family and find a husband. She will think several times than to give consent to marriage. This step is the most important and responsible in the life of this girl. An ideal partner for Jasmine would be a rich and highly spiritual man. In marriage, Jasmine becomes an exemplary mother, but devoid of passion.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color name: blue
Radiation: 91%
planets: Moon
Stone-mascot: jasper
Plant: jasmine
Totemic animal: fly
Main traits character: intuition, receptivity

Additional characteristic of the name

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 79%
Psyche: indecisive

General characteristics of the name Jasmine

The meaning of the name Jasmine is easy to determine by the number 7, which indicates that its owner has the ability to science, art, philosophy, religion. But in many ways, Jasmine's success depends on how well she knows how to plan her activities and follow the plan that has been formed. Very often she chooses the profession of a teacher or seeks to take a leadership position.

Jasmine combines in an amazing way a penchant for analytical thinking and creativity. However, she needs to be very careful when deciding whether to go into business, since it is precisely such an activity that can be fraught with some risk, again, due to the fact that Jasmine is inconsistent and impatient - she will not always be able to go to the goal, spending a lot of effort. As a child, Jasmine is distinguished by an accommodating character, but she cannot be reproached for being weak-willed. She can take care of herself. Children are drawn to Jasmine, appreciate her seriousness and inner strength. Moreover, Jasmine is attractive in appearance. By the way, because of this, she is extremely proud.

As for the basic qualities, firmness of character is one of the advantages of Jasmine. She is very secretive, will not reveal her soul to a person she does not trust. But in the circle of relatives and close people, she behaves as openly and naturally as possible. Often Jasmine is engaged in creative activities: she sings, dances, writes poetry. At the same time, she always strives for material comfort, and therefore, she tries to benefit from her activities. However, human values ​​for Jasmine are undoubtedly more important than money, and she will prove this more than once throughout her life. AT professionally Jasmine is very successful.

As an employee, she is conscientious and diligent, she reaches career heights thanks to her diligence. But despite the fact that Jasmine initially has very good health, she should avoid activities associated with excessive nervous and physical stress. Jasmine always approaches the choice of her husband very carefully, and therefore, in marriage, she is most often happy. She herself manifests herself in family life as an excellent hostess and mother.

The name Jasmine is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Taurus, that is, from April 20 to May 20. Taurus will reveal in the owner of this name all her positive traits, will make her simple, intellectually developed, expediently decisive, reliable, not loving intrusion into personal space, a little pragmatic woman with the gift of an observer and having the ability to poetry. Pros and cons of the name Jasmine What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Jasmine? On the one hand, it is beautiful, delicate, rare and unusual name, capable of distinguishing its owner from any team. But parents choosing a name for their daughter should pay attention to the fact that the name Jasmine does not go well with Russian surnames and patronymics (you must admit that Jasmine Igorevna Blagoeva does not sound very nice), in addition, it is difficult to pick up euphonious abbreviations and diminutives for him - caressing forms (the only option is to reduce Jasmine).


Jasmine's health is good, however, she should maintain it with moderate physical activity (for example, dancing and daily jogging), as well as pay attention to her diet.

Love and family relationships

Jasmine enters into family relationships after much thought and difficult selection. As a rule, she does not rush into love with her head, but takes relationships seriously and with restraint. As life companions, Jasmine chooses a highly moral man with the prospect of material security. In marriage, she shows herself to be a good housewife, a caring wife and a gentle mother, but sometimes her husband lacks temperament in her.

Professional area

As for the professional sphere, Jasmine is a very hardworking and responsible worker. She can become a good historian, linguist, writer, psychologist, veterinarian, ecologist, art critic, music teacher, confectioner, ballerina, librarian.

Notable people named Jasmine

Jasmine ((born 1977) nee - Sara Manakhimova, in her first marriage - Semendueva, in the second - Shor; Russian pop singer, actress, model, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan.)
Jasmine Yu ((1979 - 2009) real name - Kageyama Yuichi; Japanese musician, bassist of the symphonic metal band Versailles)
Jasmine Guy ((born 1962) American film actress, singer and dancer, played in the films Underworld and The Vampire Diaries)
Jasmine (Yasmin) Wöhr ((born 1980) German tennis player, best known for her performances in doubles, winner of 4 WTA tournaments in pairs)
Jasmine Richards ((born 1990) Canadian actress and singer)
Jasmine van den Bogarde, known under the pseudonym Birdy ((born 1996) is a British singer, composer, winner of the Open Mic UK competition in 2008. Her compositions are heard in such television series as The Vampire Diaries, The Hunger Games and in the cartoon "Brave".)
Jasmine Marie Villegas aka Jasmine Vee ((born 1993) American R&B and pop singer)

Name day Jasmine

Jasmine does not celebrate her name day, since this name is not in church calendars.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Jasmine is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign. Taurus will reveal all her positive qualities in the owner of this name, make her simple, intellectually developed, expediently decisive, reliable, not loving intrusions into personal space, a little pragmatic woman with the gift of an observer and having the ability to poetry.

beautiful woman's name Jasmine is of ancient Persian origin. The meaning of the name is translated into Russian as “jasmine branch”, “jasmine flower”, figuratively - “fragrant”, “gift of the gods”. Every country has a different name. Its peculiarity is that it can be both a female and a male name.

Character traits

Little Jasmine grows up as a modest and complaisant child, but by no means weak-willed. About Us early years knows his own worth and, if necessary, can stand up for himself. It does not strive for general attention, but nevertheless, willy-nilly, it turns out to be under the gun of the eyes of others. She is very beautiful and the girl knows it. Actually, external attractiveness is what her pride is based on.

In communicating with other people, you can see the patience and condescension of the owner of the name. Jasmine is well brought up, so she will never say rudeness to a person, does not flatter, does not sink to banal hostility. She is not one of those who are afraid or burdened by her own loneliness. But at the same time, people love her very much. It is difficult to remain indifferent to this beauty with a strong spiritual core. She perfectly combines an analytical mind and great creative talent.

Another undoubted advantage of Jasmine is her firm, restrained character. She is consistent, kind and welcoming. But the doors of her soul are open to units. He treats an unfamiliar person very seriously, therefore he tries to keep a certain distance in communication with him. To people who do not know her well, she may even seem like a hypocrite, and only relatives and friends know how soft and romantic the girl is, how subtle and lyrical she is. It is easy to communicate with her, you can always rely on her.

Jasmine greatly appreciates material comfort, but he never displaces friendship and commitment from the pedestal of her values. Being to a certain extent a materially oriented person, she strives to get the maximum benefit from what she does. Great pleasure gives her the learning process. In this personality, the craving for everything new is very strong, and the mystery of the name contributes to this. A woman is sometimes inconsistent, at times she lacks patience in achieving goals. And she is not always ready to work hard and hard to get the desired results.

Hobbies and profession

Jasmine is a very responsible and conscientious worker. Often she chooses a profession in the field of education or art. Can devote himself to linguistics or psychology. She makes an excellent historian, writer, veterinarian, ecologist, art critic, music teacher, confectioner and librarian. She loves to sing, dance and also write poetry.

Love and family

Jasmine is not one of those women who can forget about everything around and surrender to unbridled passions. She will not surprise anyone with an unexpected wedding either. A girl with this name takes the choice of a spouse very seriously. She has the same approach to family life in general. She must see that they have common interests and principles with a man, and that he can adequately support his family.

In relations with her loved ones, Jasmine is always affectionate and attentive. This is an excellent, diligent hostess and caring mother. A husband in a relationship with her may lack temperament and sensuality, but otherwise he has nothing to complain about.

The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore, you should pay Special attention the unity of style, the softness of the lines and, no less important, the general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing produces the same unpleasant impression as well-worn, stale, any part of the costume. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to the fact that you will look like a "gray mouse".

Jasmine name compatibility, manifestation in love

Jasmine, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to show your feelings in such forms that they can’t but cause a reaction. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift to find beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades. But although you often endure the breakup easily, memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, because you like to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. So quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It is good if you have enough prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards its achievement. It is bad if you are trying to "chase two birds with one stone", not wanting to give up even a small chance of success. In this case, you run the risk of wasting all your spiritual potential for nothing, “spraying” it, letting it go to the wind. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He does not care about external brilliance, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic natures. Therefore, it is it that at the right time will tell you the only right decision. Try to "hear" it.

The beautiful name Jasmine has distant Arabic roots, in translation it means the phrase "gift of the gods." This name is used in a huge number of countries, and not only girls, but also boys are called this way. Recently, the name Jasmine has become popular in our country.

    Planet: Jupiter.

    Lucky Stone: Jasper.

    Element: Air.


Girls with the name Jasmine have excellent external data, they are attractive at any age. From childhood, such girls are distinguished by a complaisant character, they are restrained, polite, friendly and kind. But, despite all her positive character traits, Jasmine will never let herself be offended even at a young age.

Jasmine does not like to be singled out from the crowd, but thanks to her sharp mind and innate goodwill, she almost always serves as the center of attention. The secret of the name Jasmine suggests that a girl with that name has a seriousness and fortitude.

People around are always drawn to Jasmine, whether they are children or adults. It is pleasant to communicate with her; she does not like to praise herself, and always remains the same as she is. Her inner hardness and good external data captivate the male sex. A girl named Jasmine always has a lot of gentlemen, they all strive to get her attention. But she is by no means frivolous, if she falls in love, then this is serious and for a long time.

The meaning of the name Jasmine, born in winter, will be as follows: the girl has charisma, she is interesting and artistic. Since childhood, she has been performing on the school stage, but in the future she sees herself as a pop star.

"Spring" Jasmine surprises others with her kindness and honesty. She loves to learn, all new information is interesting and informative for her. We can confidently say what the name Jasmine means in this case - it is calm and modesty.

Jasmine, born in summer, is an incurable dreamer. Her state of mind and comfort are very important to her. She likes to be around her close friends, she really enjoys being with them.

Jasmine, born in autumn, pleases those around her with her responsible approach to any business. She does not exchange for trifles, but prefers to act in a certain direction, quickly achieving the desired results.

According to legend, the meaning of the name Jasmine comes from a fragrant flower. Many parents prefer to name their daughters this way, because this name gives a huge amount of positive traits the character of the child.


Usually Jasmine does not complain about her health, she is quite strong. But still it's worth exposing yourself from time to time physical activity. Morning jogs and fitness classes are extremely useful.

Study, career and hobbies

Having learned the secret of the name Jasmine, we can confidently say that a girl with that name is very diligent, she diligently studies at school. She is given the exact sciences without any problems, usually Jasmine finishes her studies with one five. Organization and composure helps the girl to get good things in the future. higher education, perhaps more than one.

In her work, Jasmine shows herself responsibly and hardworking, it is a pleasure to work with her colleagues. A girl named Jasmine can become a linguist, psychologist, writer, music teacher or librarian.

Jasmine is fond of completely different activities: she is equally attracted to leisure and quiet hobbies, such as knitting or sewing. She likes to create something with her own hands.

If parents know what the name Jasmine means, then they will not have any problems raising their daughter. The girl is accommodating and always follows the orders of her elders, she does not cause concern even in adolescence.


Jasmine Al Faed is a famous fashion designer, Jasmine is a Russian pop singer, Jasmine Marie Villegas is a singer.
