Games for adults for March 8th. Girls' best friends are diamonds. Competition "Princess and the Pea"

Participants in the competition are given cards, on each of which one of the words is written - cards, heart attack, desk, pawnshop, standard, apron, excitement, start, reserved seat. After which they are asked to compose a poem with the words “March” or “eighth of March” and the one proposed on the received card. Example: “When March 8th passes, I will pick up the socks from the pawnshop.”

Competition "Attention Test"

The presenter invites 8-10 girls to participate in the competition and says that they will not be able to repeat 3 phrases that he will say. Confused, the participants suggest trying. The girls say the first phrase: “The weather is great today,” without hesitation. Second: “Everyone is in a festive mood!” - also does not cause difficulties. The presenter states: “Well, you’re wrong!” To which the girls object indignantly, but should have simply repeated this third phrase.

Competition "Ha-ha"

Girls are famous laughers, so this competition is just for them. Those who wish sit in a circle, the first girl says: “Ha!” The next one adds the same syllable and it turns out “ha-ha!” And so on. Girls are immediately warned that they need to pronounce their “speech” seriously, without changing the letters, only increasing the number of syllables. The game ends when one of the participants “giggles”, because almost all the participants in the competition, and the fans too, will immediately support her with infectious laughter.

Competition "But I..."

Girls participate in this pair competition. It is carried out in the form of a verbal duel. You need to convince your opponent of your superiority. One of the participants begins with the words: “I am the most beautiful!” The other one answers her: “But I’m the smartest!” The first objected: “But I’m the kindest.” And so on, avoiding repetition. The one who provides the most arguments wins the competition. Get ready for the competition to last quite a long time. To complicate the task, you can suggest naming arguments that begin only with a specific letter of the alphabet.

Competition "Housewife"

Participants in the competition are asked to consistently perform a series of actions that a woman has to do every day at home. For greater clarity, each girl is given a toy crib with a doll, a set of pots and a broom with a dustpan, etc. It is advisable to indicate the list of works to each “housewife” in an envelope, then it will be easier to identify the winner.

Competition "Couturier"

Mostly boys take part in the competition. They are shown an image of one or more women's dresses and asked to show such details as armholes, vents, darts, cuffs, ruffles, hem, strap, slit, straps, flounces, and so on. The most competent couturier wins.

Competition "Wedding Ring"

Participants in the competition are given hoops. Their task is to place it in their hoop, that is, put it on " wedding ring"as much as possible large quantity boys. The participant must put the hoop on top of the boy, lower the hoop along his body to the floor and allow him to step over to release the hoop. The participant who gets engaged the most times in one minute wins.

Competition "Nesmeyana"

One or more Nesmeyans are selected from among the competition participants. The task of the others is to use any means necessary to make Nesmeyana laugh. Only touching and tickling are prohibited. You can tell jokes, make faces, giggle contagiously, and so on. The winner is the Nesmeyana who maintains a serious expression on her face the longest.

Competition "Twisting Path"

The pins are placed in one line at a distance of half a meter from each other. Participants in the competition are blindfolded and asked to go around all the pins along a zigzag imaginary path. Not only the number of pins touched is taken into account, but also the speed with which the participant completes this task. The fastest and most accurate participant wins.

Competition "Collect beads"

Participants in the competition are awarded a long ribbon. The presenter announces that with this ribbon it is necessary to tie as many hands of other bead children as possible in one minute. The participant who has the most knots with woven hands on the ribbon becomes the winner. Beads can different hands participate simultaneously in the creation of different beads.

Competition "Find your name"

A girls team competes with a boys team. Children's names are written on price stickers. Then they are mixed and distributed to the children. Everyone sticks the given name on their clothes on the left. You need to find your name and stick it on your clothes on the right, and then help the participant who gave you the name find his. The team that finds all their names the fastest wins.

Competition "With a jug on your head"

Participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives a symbolic “jug” - a box of matches. Participants take turns running to the finish line with a “jug” on their heads and return to their team, passing the “jug” to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Competition "Tie a bow"

Participants are divided into teams. In front of each team they hang a poster with a doll's head on it. Participants are blindfolded, given a felt-tip pen, and asked to go to their poster and draw a bow on the doll’s head. The team that places the most bows accurately wins.

Competition "Roses and the Gardener"

One gardener is selected from among the participants. The rest are located in the room in random order. While the gardener is not looking, the rest of the participants - the roses - do what they want, make any movements. But as soon as the gardener appears, the roses must freeze and not move. If the gardener notices the movement of a rose, then he “cuts” it, and this rose becomes the next gardener.

Competition "Granny Knitter"

From among the participants, a “grandmother” is chosen, who goes into another room, and the rest of the participants join hands and stand in a circle. The presenter, without uncoupling the circle, “entangles” the participants among themselves, creating a complex and fairly dense “tangle”. Then they invite the grandmother and time the time during which she can unwind this “ball” without breaking the “thread.” The fastest granny knitter wins.

Armless makeup artist

Participants in the competition are divided into pairs, each of which receives a set of cosmetics: eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, blush with a brush. One member of the pair must apply makeup to the other without using their hands, holding a brush or lipstick with their teeth. The winner is the pair of participants who do it more accurately and efficiently.

Competition "Cinderellas rush to the ball"

The competition props are two pairs of very large galoshes. Galoshes can be replaced with large men's boots. Participants are divided into teams. The first participants put on galoshes, run up to the “prince” (leader), take off their galoshes, run back with them and pass them on to the next participant. The winner is the Cinderella team that completely “attended the ball” faster.

Competition "Flower Glade"

Prepare the props in advance - colored paper cut into small squares. The number of paper colors must correspond to the number of teams playing. Then all the squares are mixed and laid out on the floor. Participants are told that one team must collect all the roses (red paper), the other - the snowdrops (blue), and the third - the mimosa (yellow). The team that collects all its “flowers” ​​the fastest wins.

Competition "Burenka"

From among the participants, one “burenka” is selected and given a bell. The rest of the competition participants are blindfolded. In this position, they must catch the “burenka”. Periodically, participants ask the question: “Burenka, where are you?” And then the “burenka” must ring the bell. After the “burenka” is caught, she is blindfolded, spun in place and she points to the one who will become the next “burenka”.

Competition "My sweet "Ale-Am"

A strong thread is attached to a cap or other headdress, with a candy tied to the end. Having put on a cap, the participant needs to swing the candy without using his hands so that he eventually grabs it with his mouth. The participant who managed to cope with this task faster wins.

Competition "Chocolate intuition"

The presenter shows a chocolate bar and invites participants to guess how many small tiles are contained in its relief. After everyone present has named their option, the chocolate is unwrapped and the bars are counted. The one who guessed right or was closest to the truth receives a prize - that same chocolate bar.

Competition "Women's Handbag"

Participants are divided into teams. The task of each team is to create the most full list something that should definitely be in every woman's handbag. Then the team lists are compared and only those options that are not repeated by the other team are counted. The team that ends up with the most complete “bag” wins.

Competition "Matryoshka"

Several sundresses and scarves are placed on one chair at once. At the command of the leader, the participants run to the chair, put on a sundress and tie a scarf. The participant who fully dresses up first becomes the winner and receives the title of “The Most Important Matryoshka”, and everyone else must dance a round dance around it.

Competition "Postrushka"

The competition participants are divided into teams. Each team receives a bowl of water, a handkerchief and a bar of soap. The teams' task is to wash the handkerchief, taking turns passing it to each other. However, the winning team is determined only by the size of the remaining soap. The competition is held for a limited time. The smaller the piece of soap left, the better the team washed, the more chances it had to win.

Competition "Princess and the Pea"

Several chairs are installed in the room where the competition is held. A stack of magazines or newspapers is placed on each of them. A small bead or ball is hidden under one of the piles. Participants are asked to determine exactly where the hidden bead is located by sitting down on a chair. The most sensitive princess wins.


Boy/girl couples are welcome. a girl should always be beautiful, and even more so on a holiday, so before the “party” the contestants go to the “salon”, where the “masters” will be able to professionally paint their lips. Only these masters are guys who wear mittens on their hands. The audience will evaluate what the result will be. The winner is the couple in which the girl has perfect lips.

Female detective

Participants in this competition can demonstrate their attention and talent to Miss Marple. 5-6 girls are invited, a man parades in front of them for 1 minute, then he leaves the hall, changes his appearance somewhat and returns to the contestants. The ladies’ task is to find what exactly has changed in the young man. The presenter says in advance how many differences need to be found. The ladies can answer in turn or write down the answers on a piece of paper and give them to the presenter.

Sweet couple

Which girl doesn't like sweets? What to do when there is no opportunity to eat? Of course, call the boy for help. So, he/she pairs participate in the competition. The presenter places chocolates in candy wrappers on a plate. Contestants place their hands behind their backs. Couples must "take" the candy, unseal it, and the boy treats his lady. The pair in which the girl eats the candy first wins.

Cool sausage

Both boys and girls can participate in the competition. Everyone forms a circle, with the leader in the center. Everyone takes turns asking the presenter a question, but the only answer can be: “cool sausage!” As soon as the presenter laughs, he changes places with the person who asked the provocative question.


Everyone knows that before work, announcers “warm up” by repeating tongue twisters. Participants are invited to take part in the broadcasting competition. Here are a few tongue twisters as an example, but you can use your own. The winner is the lady who clearly, quickly and correctly pronounces 3 phrases:
Coconut cookers boil coconut juice in coconut cookers.
In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocardine is from Bulgaria.
Palmists and surgeons characterize rickets by the fragility of cartilage and chronic chromosomal harakiri

A passionate kiss

This competition will require a poster of a popular pop singer, actor or athlete. Women are warned that they will be exposed young man, and therefore let them powder their nose and tint their lips. The presenter's goal is for all the ladies to renew their lipstick. Next, the participants are shown a universal idol, and then they are blindfolded in turn and asked to kiss the man on the lips. The winner is determined by the most accurate and passionate kiss.

Woman driving

IN modern world More and more ladies are driving cars. Girls are invited to demonstrate their skills. Participants are given toy cars on strings and asked to complete a given route. The winner is the one who arrives faster, breaking as few rules as possible.

Create an ideal

Several teams of 4-5 people are invited to participate. The presenter gives the participants inflatable balloons, colored paper, tape, scissors and offers to create the ideal woman, in their opinion. The winner is revealed by the friendly applause of the audience.


The presenter announces that the most hysterical young lady will be determined in this competition. Each participant is given 5 disposable plastic plates and asked to compete in the distance of throwing them. Throwing can be accompanied by shouts corresponding to the name of the competition. The “hysterical girl” who threw the plate the farthest wins.

Your lips are scarlet

The female part of the team puts on more lipstick and leaves imprints of their lips on a piece of whatman paper. For the competition, you must prepare at least two identical sheets of prints. Men participate in the competition. In one minute, they must guess who each print belongs to by signing it. The one who completely completed the task wins.

funny March 8 March games March 8 games March 8 games March 8 games March 8 games March 8 games

March 8 is Women's Day. To make the celebration fun, you should prepare entertainment program. The corporate holiday in honor of International Women's Day on March 8 will include active competitions and table games. In them, each participant will have the opportunity to show resourcefulness, ingenuity and a sense of humor. March 8 at school and kindergarten It should also be fun. Cool and interesting competitions for girls and mothers they will cheer you up and give you pleasant emotions.

    10 children participate in the competition. They are divided equally into 2 teams. To hold the competition you will need 2 small tables, 2 baskets and 2 identical sets of products - bread, milk, tomatoes, cereals, bananas, carrots, apples. The competition takes place in the form of a relay race.

    The children's task is to help their mother buy money in the store. The presenter names 5 products that participants must take turns putting in the basket.

    The team that completes the task faster and correctly wins.

    Game "Matryoshka"

    10 women play. They are divided equally into 2 teams.

    The game takes place in the form of a relay race. Opposite each team, at a certain distance, there is a chair on which lies a set of things.

    The participants’ task is to put on large galoshes or men’s shoes at the presenter’s signal and run to the chair. After this, they must put on a large sundress, tie a scarf, pull on beads, pick up a bouquet of flowers and shout: “I am a matryoshka doll, congratulations on March 8th.”

    The team whose members congratulate the audience on Women's Day the fastest wins.

    Men participate in the competition. They are divided into several teams of 3 people each. To conduct the competition you need to prepare threads, tape and Balloons different shapes, color and size.

    The task of each team is to inflate the balloons and make the figure of a woman out of them. Scotch tape will help hold the balls together. You can make hair from threads.

    The winner is the team that quickly creates a beautiful and woman-like figure. The winner is determined by a jury or audience vote.

    10 girls are participating in the competition. They are divided equally into 2 teams.

    To conduct the competition you will need 2 basins of water, 2 rags or scarves and 2 identical pieces of soap.

    The participants’ task is to take turns washing the scarf in a basin using soap. The competition lasts 5 minutes. After time, the winner is determined by the size of the remaining piece of soap. The team with the smaller piece wins. The girls who win receive the title of “most hardworking.”

    Participants in the competition take turns quoting lines from songs, poems, films, novels on the theme of women, their significance, beauty, spring, perfection. Aphorisms, jokes, anecdotes, parables are allowed. The winner is determined by the number of statements. If the score is equal, victory is awarded with the help of applause from the audience.

    The presenter asks different questions. Participants in the competition express versions of the correct answer. The person who made the correct guess gets 1 point. Based on the results of 10 questions, the score leader is determined. If there are several, the competition continues until a winner is identified.

    Game "Fish"

    Everyone who wants to participate in the game lines up in one line and joins hands. The leader approaches each child and speaks the name of a certain animal into his ear. The game begins. The presenter names different animals. Having heard his animal, the child should quickly sit up. The task of the two neighbors standing next to each other (on the right and left sides) is to prevent him from sitting down.

    For example: participant number two was given the word “crocodile”. Having heard it, he should sit down. Participants number one and three must hold their hands so that the second player cannot sit down. The point of the game is that the leader says the word “fish” in the ear of every first, third, fifth, seventh child. When he says it out loud, more than half the children will sit down, causing everyone to fall to the floor. The purpose of the game is to have fun.

    Game "Names"

    The game is played among classmates. Children are divided into two teams. Captains are appointed and given sets of cards. Each card contains the participant's first and last name. The team's task is to sort the records into two groups in 1 minute. The first should contain cards with the names of the players of your own team, the second - the opponent's. The team that made the fewest mistakes wins.

    All girls who are present at the festival can take part in the competition. Boys act as assistants.

    After the words of the presenter: “Our daring prince got ready to go on a long journey in search. After all, the glass slipper is only suitable for Cinderella.” The girls put their feet on sheet A-4, and the boys begin to outline them. Then the sheets are signed (so as not to be confused when summing up) and cut with scissors along the contour. The jury of the competition sums up the results: whose leg is the smallest, that girl is declared Cinderella. Schoolchildren can make a beautiful crown for the winner in advance.

As you know, March 8 is a holiday of spring and female beauty. And if this beauty is present in your team, you simply need to organize a bright, memorable holiday for the ladies in honor of And in order for everyone to have fun and interest, you must definitely include competitions in the program. For a corporate party on March 8, this kind of entertainment is perfect. It will be a great addition to a traditional feast. So, let's look at the most interesting competitions with which you can organize a cool corporate party on March 8th.

Competition "Second Half"

A fun corporate party on March 8 can be done as follows. All women in your team can participate. Before the start of the competition, prepare opaque ones. These can be scarves or scarves. The heroes of the occasion should be placed in the center of the hall and blindfolded. Then men need to be lined up around them, who, at the leader’s signal, must move in a circle or randomly. And at this moment the girls must catch their man. The result can be presented in different ways: established couples can take part in other couples competitions, or the man who was caught must give “his” girlfriend an interesting compliment and congratulate her on the holiday.

Competition "Strongman"

Men must take part in this competition. Women will judge harshly. So, the point of the entertainment is that women need to determine the strongest man in the team. To demonstrate their strength, men will have to perform different tasks, for example, who can do more push-ups or pull-ups. Well, a pleasant prize will be friendly kisses from the fair half of the team.

Competition "Creators"

The participants in this competition are men. You will need to prepare a lot of balloons and inflate them, and the balloons must be different diameters. Also prepare scissors and markers. Men need to be divided into 2-3 teams and each group should be given the necessary equipment. The task of the participants is to build from the balls female figure. The team whose sculpture is closest to reality wins.

Competition "Guess it"

You will need: printed letters, a gift box, surprises starting with the letters of the word you write next.

Cards with letters from which you can form the word WOMAN should be printed on sheets of paper. Each letter corresponds to its own surprise, which is in the box. For example, F - chewing gum, E - blackberry, N - manicure scissors, Sh - clothes brush, I - needles, N - handkerchief, A - accessory.

All girls of the team take part in the competition. The women's task is to be the first to guess what surprise is hidden behind the letter that the presenter shows. Such March 8th will not only diversify your event, but will also be an excellent training in ingenuity!

Competition "Super Prize"

You will need to prepare an interesting souvenir item that is packaged in beautiful paper. A note with a riddle is attached to the souvenir, then it is again wrapped in paper and a note with a new riddle is attached. You can make as many such layers as you like.

According to the terms of the competition, the presenter reads out the first riddle, and the women’s task is to guess. The one who guesses has the right to guess the next riddle. But if she answers incorrectly or does not know the correct answer, any other participant can guess. The woman who solves the last riddle receives a super prize.

Competition "Show off"

For this competition you will need various items that women use in life. It is necessary to attach a note with their name to each item. Each participant takes a note and tries to imitate the name of the object. All the other girls guess. The girl who guessed the name first gets the item. You can prepare items so that they are connected to each other, so that women would have a scene for March 8th at a corporate party.

Competition "Best Smile"

You will need a ruler or meter. The entire female half of the team must participate in the competition. Women need to stretch their smile as wide as possible, and the presenter will measure it with a ruler. Having measured the smiles of all employees, the presenter finds the owner of the widest one, for which she receives the Miss Smile medal.

Competition "Crawfish"

The following attributes will be required for the competition: two pairs of fins and two pairs of mittens, the same number of “Crawfish” candies for both teams, two chairs.

The competition must be held in the form of a relay race. Players from both teams, upon a signal, must quickly put on mittens and fins and run to a chair that is located on the opposite side of the hall, take a candy from the chair, unwrap it and put it in their mouth, then return to their place. The team that eats all the candy from the chair the fastest wins. The winners receive a kilogram of candy.

Competition "Extra Colleague"

Props for the competition: 9 chairs, which must be placed with their backs inside the circle, and the same number of men sitting on them.

10 girls are participating in the competition. The girls walk in a circle to cheerful music, and as soon as the music stops, they must sit on the men’s laps. The girl who does not have enough chair leaves the game along with the chair and one man. The winner is the girl who gets the last man on the chair.

As you can see, competitions for corporate parties on March 8 are varied. You can use the entire set presented here, or even remember something from your childhood. After all, competitions for corporate parties on March 8 don’t have to be for adults! On the contrary, everyone will be in favor of fooling around to their heart's content.

It’s certainly good when you celebrate March 8th together, in an intimate setting, alone. But still, situations are different, and for younger people, a more relevant celebration is with loved ones and with their friends together. Although such cases also occur in older adults.

So this article is suitable for everyone! Maybe this is a romantic holiday that requires only love and attention from your loved one, but still you can’t stop having fun, and the holiday itself will be brighter and more memorable.

Of course, a feast, gifts, toasts, etc. remain a mandatory attribute, but I also want to suggest a little distraction and fun. Now I will share with you very funny, cheerful and playful games and entertainment that are suitable for any company. The main thing is that there are at least 4 people in the company - and good mood you are guaranteed!

Game: I love - I don’t love

Someone who will be the host asks all the guests sitting at the table to name what they like and what they don’t like from the neighbor on the right.

For example:

“My neighbor on the right has my index finger and I don’t like his nose.”

Everyone must remember very clearly everything he says. After everyone calls it, the leader asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like.

Minutes of uproarious laughter are simply guaranteed.

Passionate penny

This game requires a company of 5 or more people and a small coin. A driver is selected and sits on a chair in the center, blindfolded. The driver takes a coin into his lips. Players pass an object around in a circle and stop at the command of the driver (you can think of a number and count, starting from the 1st, etc. Whoever ends up with the count completes the following tasks). The one who has the item must approach the driver and use his lips (or teeth) to pull out the coin from him. After which everyone takes their places, the driver, opening his eyes, must guess who pulled out the coin. If the driver guessed correctly, the exposed player takes his place.

Game: Card Transfer

Arrange the guests in a line “boy - girl - boy - girl”. Give the first player in line a regular playing card.

The task is to pass a card from one player to another while holding it in the mouth.

Don't use your hands. You can complicate the task, and after each transfer the presenter tears off a piece from the card.

In this game, guests can be divided into teams and have a team competition.

Game: magic cube

To play you need 6 people, 3 guys and 3 girls. Each player receives his own number. The first player rolls a dice with numbers from 1 to 6. The number rolled shows what he will do if it is rolled:

1 - kiss, 2 - suck, 3 - chew, 4 - squeeze, 5 - bite, 6 - lick.

The same player rolls the die a second time. The number drawn shows which part of the body he will do this with:

1 - lips, 2 - nose, 3 - forehead, 4 - cheek, 5 - right ear, 6 - left ear.

The player rolls the dice a third time. The number drawn shows which person he will do this with - the number corresponds to the player's number. When the first player has done everything, the second player takes the die, etc.

Next, I want to give games more for married couples, who, of course, love to have fun and will not create drama because of some nonsense in the game.

Game: stash

Married couples participate. All men are given envelopes with money (many bills of different denominations). They go into another room and hide the bills in their clothes. When they return, the couples change, so that other people’s wives look for the men’s “stash”. The winner is the couple in which the husband managed to “save” as much as possible more money, and the wife was able to find them from someone else’s husband.

Game: Sweet Brook

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. Women are invited to spread their legs wide apart and walk along the “stream” without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat the “walk along the stream,” but with your eyes tied. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played.

Having passed the stream blindfolded, and at the end of the path having removed the blindfold, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man is laid on the floor after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant’s eyes).

The woman is embarrassed. A second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the second, third. Everyone has fun, and men enjoy it.

Game: Find it in me.

Each of the guests, secretly from the others, hides in their clothes one of the small items that the host pre-distributes.

The presenter posts a list of all hidden objects and announces the start of the game. The guests begin to look for objects on each other.

The guest who finds the most hidden items wins.

During the game, the presenter writes down who discovered and how many objects.

The game can continue throughout the party and will help guests get to know each other.

Fun competitions for March 8

Any holiday, and not only March 8, should be celebrated cheerfully. True, we are used to having fun, devouring an incredible amount of food and drinks, but such is the tradition of the festive feast. However, it has long been customary to diversify the feast with intellectual conversation, jokes and a good song, as well as all sorts of fun, games, fun competitions and competitions.

There is an incredible amount of festive fun and usually they correspond to the spirit of celebration. On March 8, for example, doubles games and competitions based on gender are accepted. We invite you to get to know some of them. The competitions for March 8 presented on this page are suitable for any party and for a company of any age.

1. The most important Don Juan.
This table competition For cheerful company, although it can be carried out in any setting. Only men participate. Each participant must say as many compliments and affectionate definitions as possible for a given letter of the alphabet.

For example: "A"
The Scarlet Flower...

The most eloquent one wins. Viewers can count out loud and not accept some of the epithets.

Participants can name compliments with the same letter or with different ones. They may have a support group. You can come up with your own additions for this competition.

The winner is awarded a diploma, badge...

2. Fun lottery.
Women are asked to randomly draw a ticket from a pack with a comic title written on it. And then, in accordance with it, a souvenir is awarded. The more unexpected and witty the “title-thing” combination is, the more fun the lottery is.

For example:
Princess Nesmeyana - a pack of napkins,
Cinderella - a bar of soap or a broom,
Sleeping Beauty - decorative pillow,
Sister Alyonushka - a toy kid,
Snow White - apple
Vasilisa the Wise - book,
Elena the Beautiful - mirror...

Instead of fairy-tale characters, you can choose book heroines, famous women, etc. For example, you can give “Tatyana Larina” an envelope and a fountain pen, and “Sculptor Mukhina” a pack of plasticine. Or you can, without further ado, paint the entire female team with the titles of beauty contests: beauty queen, Miss Enchantress, Miss Attractiveness, Miss Clever, Miss Kindness and give them a plastic crown, a deck of cards, a traffic controller’s stick, glasses with a nose from a joke store, a large plush heart, etc. I think the principle is clear.

3. Broken heart.
Couples of different sexes must participate in this competition. Used as a “heart” air balloons appropriate form. The presenter, saying that after the meeting, the soul of both of them went into heel, ties a ball to the left leg of each participant. At the signal, everyone must try to crush their opponent's ball with their foot. The loser is the one whose ball bursts first.

Any minor cheating is allowed, except high-heeled shoes.

4. Ichthyander.
This is also a doubles competition, but opponents of both different and same genders can participate in it. Attributes of fun - fins and binoculars. The essence of the competition is to walk from start to finish wearing fins, looking through binoculars with reverse side. There should be several obstacles on the path of the participants in the form of chairs, buckets, etc. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

5. What is in a lady's handbag?
You can play right at the table. The men take turns naming the objects. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who names the item last. Women can give hints to their favorites, but not out loud, but through facial expressions and gestures.

For example:
Mobile phone,
Cosmetic bag,
chocolate bar,

6. Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo.
This is an art competition. There can be as many participants as you like. Determined by the presenter.

The principle is this: on large sheet What paper with a pre-applied blank in the form of a square or circle, the participant must draw a picture-symbol with a “feminine” theme.
For example, if the Whatman paper has squares on it, you can announce that this is a competition for cubist artists. The participant can draw another square next to it and call his picture “love,” or draw a second, smaller one inside the original square and sign “she is expecting a child.”

The winner is the one whose imagination is richer and wittier.

7. My favorite navigator.
Pair competition. Representatives of different sexes from the work collective or spouses participate if the holiday is held at home.

The essence of the competition is to collect as much garbage as possible while blindfolded using a dustpan and broom. It is best to litter the playing space with candy wrappers and some small, but not flat objects (for example, matchboxes or plastic cups). Men are working. Women guide them with their voice. And most importantly, men must be blindfolded.

The cleanest couple who managed to collect the most scattered items wins.

8. Together forever.
This team game. The essence of the competition is to remember and name as many well-known pairs as possible. Allowed to be called as fictional characters, and real people.

For example:
The beauty and the Beast,
Ruslan and Ludmila,
Romeo and Juliet,
Bonnie and Clyde
Peter and Fevronia,
Mikhail Gorbachev and Raisa Maksimovna...

The competition can be organized according to the principle of teams remembering and naming famous couples. Whoever has more wins. You can make the task more difficult. One team names the “half” of the pair, and the second must remember the “other half”. Whoever has the most correct answers is the winner. This version of the game is also allowed: the names of the “halves” are named by the host, and the opposing teams compete on speed. Whoever gives answers faster and gets more correct ones wins.

9. Golden wife.
This competition requires "joke bank" banknotes. However, just cut paper will do. Couples of different sexes participate in the competition.

The essence of the competition is as follows. The presenter distributes money to the men. Then he reports that bailiffs are approaching the house. Money needs to be hidden, but there are no secluded places. Is it just... my wife?

The door bell rings, and the man begins to hastily hide the bills on his wife’s body: in her pocket, under her arms, in her hair. Hmm, in your bosom (at this moment the audience is always having a lot of fun).

The main rule is one bill, one place.

The procedure time is limited. Let's say you need to hide as much money as possible in one minute. The one who hid more and more successfully wins.

10. Forfeits.
Everyone knows the rules of this game. Each participant collects “forfeits” in the form of some small things that belong to them, and then the presenter blindly gives a task to each forfeit. Tasks can be very different: simple ones like “read a poem” or “sing a song”, complex ones like “jump on one leg to the table, find a candy with a certain name and eat it in half with someone, biting off at the same time from different ends”, comic ones - “to declare your love to yourself,” etc.

The usual and familiar game can be diversified. For example, when preparing for a holiday, write all these tasks on pieces of paper, roll them into tubes and place them in balloons with which to decorate the hall. When the right moment comes (the fun has reached the right level), invite guests to choose a balloon, burst it and complete the task. Or call one guest at a time throughout the evening and send them to choose a balloon.

11. Burime.
This is also a well-known pastime. It consists of composing a poem using given rhymes. Guests can come up with these rhymes and write a poem themselves. Then, when reading, the best one is chosen by voting.

You can offer new rhymes to each next participant. Rhymes can be thought up in advance and written on cards, and the presenter will simply distribute them to the participants.

You can invite the contestants to compose a dedication or confession to one of the guests using given rhymes.

Examples of rhymes:
Cherry is not superfluous,
Treasure - chocolate,
The novel is a deception
Service - no need...

The main rule is that it should be fun and flatter the pride of most of the guests.

12. Eustace - Alex.
This is a coding competition. Participants are given a sheet of paper. On one side the task is written, the other side is blank. The participant’s task is to draw a sign or a schematic picture, but in such a way that it is clear what it is about, and the audience can later guess what message is encrypted.

For assignments, you can use one word-concept. For example, joy, fear, sadness, laughter, love. The task can be complicated by taking as a task a well-known situation: a marriage proposal, a wedding, a divorce, the birth of a child.

Well-known aphorisms and phraseological units are suitable for very intelligent groups.

For example:
I came, I saw, I conquered,
Don't sit in your own sleigh,
Through hardship to the stars,
Work is not a wolf, it won’t run away into the forest...

The winner is the one who can draw the message more clearly and wittily.

Note. For drawing, it is better to give participants thick, richly colored markers so that viewers can see the pictures better.
