Wooden barrel garden ideas. Painted barrels at the dacha. Luxurious decor options

A dacha is not only a place for labor, it is a way of life! And if we talk about dacha holidays, then our summer resident has no equal in creating the appropriate surroundings and decorating his possessions. Today we are pleased to share with you interesting dacha ideas for arranging a home and garden, and with this we will be helped by outdated wooden old barrels .

Country ideas: crafts from old barrels

It must be said that in dacha farming there are no absolutely unnecessary or unclaimed things. Greenhouses from plastic bottles- Please! Flowerbeds and flowerpots from old car tires– just a sight for sore eyes! Garden lamps made of tin and glass jars? Yes, nothing could be easier! In addition, reusing old or worn-out household items saves our landfills from excess garbage. And our country interiors and cozy corners of the garden are replenished with new and original crafts, the price of which is creative inspiration and our skillful hands!

Old wooden barrels, it would seem, what are they good for? While you are pondering their fate, we will begin, perhaps, with the simplest thing - creating flower beds. From one single barrel, using a hacksaw, you can organize several wooden tubs at once. And sawing old barrel It is possible both along and across.

We cut the resulting tub in half - and here you have two additional containers for planting flowers. They can be placed close to a stone border or the wall of a house, filled with soil and sown with bright, fragrant summer flowers. And by cutting out a small barrel in steps and making fences from boards, you will get a multi-tiered flower bed that will decorate the entrance to the terrace.

With the help of old barrels you can create fabulous compositions in the form of picturesque islands on the lawn, and small barrels can be used as flowerpots for hanging plants. The combination of delicate openwork vegetation, old wood and iron hoops, wasted by time and rust, looks almost conceptual: life goes on.

From the inexhaustible floral theme, we smoothly move on to water treatments. Old barrels sawn in half are an excellent solution for organizing country mini-ponds. And those who prefer the sight and sounds of flowing water will certainly like country ideas for decorating a pond using wooden barrels.

Or maybe you like it cascading waterfall or a vintage washbasin from a large oak barrel? For true jack-of-all-trades, nothing is impossible!

Continuing the “wet” theme in country interior, what can you say, for example, about plumbing “bells and whistles” in barrel decor? No extra pipes, original, hygienic, and most importantly, your country bathroom is in a fashionable and current eco style.

Garden furniture for the garden and home continues our hit parade of crafts made from old barrels. Here, as they say, options are possible, and there are an incredible variety of them.

Ottomans and armchairs, bedside and coffee tables, bar stools and tables made from solid wooden barrels and their halves.

With a certain skill and ability to handle carpentry tools, all these old and new things can easily settle into the interior of your country house and in the surrounding area.

If solid shapes aren't your thing, old barrels can be freed from their hoops and bent wood planks can be used to make garden benches, armchairs, chaise lounges and folding portable chairs. The latest model, by the way, is especially convenient to transport - you can throw it in the trunk of your car, whether for fishing or a picnic.

From the same wooden curved ribs of an old barrel you can make light ones Garden swing, and an incredibly comfortable hammock. Just don’t forget to thoroughly sand and polish the boards before doing this, and enjoy your summer vacation!

Those who like to gather outside the city with a large and noisy group will certainly like the country ideas of mini-bars, solid barbecues and containers with ice for cooling strong drinks.

The front wall of the barrel is cut to the size of the door with an electric jigsaw, hung on hinges and, voila, the original bar table is ready to receive guests. All that remains is to equip it with shelves, partitions, glass holders and make sure that your mini-bar is not empty.

The kitchen in the country, as in any home, is a favorite and, one might say, sacred place for every housewife. Useful household items such as comfortable chairs, trays, baskets and fruit dishes or suspended structure for various kitchen utensils, may not be essential items, but they are the ones who create the mood and comfort in the kitchen feminine kingdom. And all this can be made from old barrels, or rather from their wooden planks, remaining after the manufacture of furniture.

And finally, a couple more dacha ideas on transforming old barrels into stylish interior items. Lamps, lampshades and entire chandeliers in the medieval style will undoubtedly become original decoration for the veranda and any room in your country house.

How can we bypass our smaller brothers, lovers of country holidays and part-time security guards? A booth made from an old barrel is a reliable shelter for a serious watchdog; it looks simply fabulous and very cozy. It will suit your Mukhtar very much!

A kennel is a kennel, but comfort is also important for a pet. A comfortable bed made from the bottom of an old barrel with a soft feather bed will appeal not only to small terriers, but also to large ones. You can immediately see who's boss!

Whitewash from wooden barrels. Photo

Metal barrels are often left on the site after completion. construction work and repairs. For some, it's just garbage or a simple water container. And for craftsmen and people with imagination, a metal barrel is an excellent material for creating useful and beautiful things that will be useful in the household.

The simplest option is a flowerbed in a painted barrel. Special labor You don’t need to put any effort into it, but the end result will be very beautiful.

Which child can resist such a real train, where the barrels received steering wheels, seats and were put on wheels? The question is rhetorical, most likely, you will have to give rides to all the neighbor’s children, because your own will definitely boast about dad’s creation.

A metal barrel can become a spacious storage facility. If this version of a chest of drawers seems too brutal for your home, why not adapt a barrel for storing all kinds of tools in the garage.

A nest for laying hens in a barrel is also a good option for those involved in breeding poultry. Just don't forget about the bedding.

Furniture made from old metal barrels is a separate issue. What is not made from these items - chairs, garden benches, coffee tables, even sofas and bar stools.

A convenient and durable option for creating a stand for washing in the country or in summer kitchen. If it is not possible to connect the water supply and drainage, you can always adapt metal barrel as a base for a washstand.

As you can see, metal barrels are an excellent material for creating a wide variety of functional items. We hope our photo selection will inspire you to create something similar, and perhaps you will be able to do something even more creative!

What can you make from an old wooden barrel if you have one? To be honest, there are a lot of ideas, so there is room to expand in terms of imagination and decor of your room. Let's look at the options for crafts made from such a barrel.

How to use a wooden barrel in the interior

So, you found an old barrel at home, but it’s a pity to throw it away. Well, what should we do with it? Here are a few ideas that you can apply to your interior.

  • The next option is table, including coffee table. There are two ways in which you can fulfill your idea. They will consist in choosing the design of a wooden barrel table, which will depend on whether you cut the barrel lengthwise or crosswise.

    When cutting crosswise, it will be lower, and vice versa. By the way, in addition to such a table, you can make legs, straight or curly, according to your desire.

  • You won't believe it, but you'll do great. barrel cabinet where you can store anything you want. These cabinets fit in any corner of your home, including the living room and bedroom.
  • A separate option would be barrel cabinet under the sink. You can make it so that it will hide all the pipes, but will be functional for home life. For example, you can attach a shelf to such a cabinet and store everything related to kitchen utensils there.
  • A harmonious element of the interior will be shelf from part of a barrel, which can be hung in the kitchen, living room, bedroom or hallway. This will turn out to be both a wonderful part of the room decor and a functional part of the house, on which you can put photo frames and other trinkets.
  • Umbrella stand. A barrel that will serve as a place where you can put umbrellas or canes. Usually such a barrel is located in the corridor. For example, during rain, in order not to carry wet things or an umbrella further, they leave them in a barrel.
  • Place for a pet from a wooden barrel. Believe it or not, the barrel will serve as an excellent bed, though not for a person, but for his beloved pets. It’s very stylish and cozy, and most importantly, the animal has its own separate corner where it can spend time.
  • What to make from a wooden barrel at the dacha with your own hands

    We have already looked at what ideas can be used for the interior of the house, now we move on to our yard.

    Those who live in private houses or have their own dacha can safely use old barrels in the interior of their land plot in the country.

    Read also: How to use a metal barrel in the country

    Here are ways you can use a barrel in your dacha.

    Master class “Painting a barrel” with your own hands

    There is an option to simply place a regular old barrel in one place or another, depending on how you want to use it. But you can approach the issue quite creatively and paint the barrel yourself at home.

    Specifically, this master class will describe the step-by-step painting of a cheerful, bright barrel for a garden or yard.

    First of all, you will need to get everything necessary materials. We will need:

    • Sandpaper (coarse).
    • Brushes.
    • Pencil
    • Solvent or white spirit.
    • Dye.
    • Primer.
    • Directly the barrel itself.

    Step 1

    To begin with, we need to imagine already ready-made option barrels and what we would like to see on it. Accordingly, think over the color scheme and the drawing itself. Also think about where our barrel will be located, and what idea it will convey.


    Well, the preliminary draft is ready, you can little by little proceed to the next step.
    It will consist of preparing the barrel for painting. To do this, wash it thoroughly and remove it where necessary. upper layer wood using sandpaper.
    It is important to note that this is done if you have firmly decided to paint the barrel in any of the colors. Theoretically, there is an option to leave it in its natural role or restore it, but this is already in other versions of master classes. Apply primer and proceed to the next step.


    Now let's start working with paint. Will need to paint first internal part barrels. To do this, we use the color of paint in which we want to see our creation.
    In order not to breathe in the paint itself and its fumes, it is worth considering the option of lengthening the brush.

    Once the process is complete, we leave our barrel until all the paint is thoroughly dry, then move on to the next step.


    The most interesting and creative moment in creating our painted barrel. When all the layers of paint have dried, we can begin drawing the cherished design that we came up with in advance, or as we go along.

    For example, it could be a face that will be separated by stripes on a barrel. The nose and eyes are done in one section, and the mouth in another. Here you can do whatever you want, because our face can have both the correct outline and a caricatured version. Try different designs until you settle on one specific one. Paint it in the desired way color scheme and let dry.


    Well, our barrel is ready! Now it needs to be placed in a place where it will please the eye.

    This could be a hidden face peeking out from the bushes or an accent accessory that will be located in the most visible place. You can use it as you wish, so everything is in your hands.
    By the way, you can come up with a whole composition that will harmonize and decorate your patio or garden. After all, you can paint not only a barrel, but also garden tools, flower bed, old tires, etc.

    As you can see, a wooden barrel will come in handy in any case, because it can be used in many ways and for a variety of purposes. various options interior It is so versatile that it can turn into a mini bar, table, cabinet, shelf and even a pet bed. It will also be indispensable for the interior of the garden, in which it will show off and please the eyes.

    Barrels of various sizes are an indispensable attribute of a summer house. They often function as a reservoir for storing water; a place for a flower bed is another popular role for a container. Regardless of purpose, aesthetic appearance barrels indicate the thriftiness of the owner. To interestingly paint barrels for your dacha, you don’t need an art education. Creativity will solve the problem with minimal costs.

    Coloring ideas

    A beautifully painted container does not need to be hidden away from prying eyes; it will harmoniously fit into the landscape design of the dacha. The choice of location depends on its purpose and the theme of the drawing. If children are relaxing at the dacha, images fairy-tale heroes will organically complement the playground, especially if the painted barrel is used as a flower bed. Floral themes, butterflies or other representatives of flora and fauna as a design that can decorate the front garden, vegetable beds or barbecue area. This is very practical from the point of view of the close location of water for irrigation.

    There are several options for painting a barrel:

    • Having artistic skills allows you to select a suitable image and then transfer it to the barrel.
    • Lack of creative abilities is not an obstacle to creative garden design. All kinds of stencils will allow you to transform the barrel in accordance with your own ideas about beauty.
    • The painted barrel looks original, where all family members left handprints as decoration.

    Having chosen the first method of decoration, the subject of the image can be different:

    • The presence of children at the dacha obliges us to take care of their aesthetic perception. Heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, funny animals or insects are the most popular version of a painted barrel. If you want to combine relaxation at the dacha with unobtrusive activities, put colorful letters and numbers on the container.
    • Favorite flowers and ornaments are quite a favorite theme for decorating a barrel in the country.
    • A painted container can depict cheerful, mischievous and loving faces.

    Using a stencil also gives free rein to your imagination. You can make it yourself or purchase it ready-made. Stars, flowers and other vegetation - suitable option get an attractively painted barrel. Using live tree leaves as stencils for decoration is a favorite technique of many novice garden designers. The following photos will help you get an idea of ​​the originality of the painted barrels:

    Preparatory stage

    Large painted barrels with a volume of 200 liters look most advantageous. Depending on the material from which the vessel is made and the method of applying the design, the following items will need to be prepared for work in the country:

    • clean containers;
    • sandpaper and metal brush;
    • paints for external works;
    • brush and solvent;
    • a simple pencil or stencil.

    Preparation plastic barrel It is considered less troublesome; the vessel should be thoroughly washed and dried. Before painting a metal barrel, it is necessary to remove all rust using sandpaper or a special metal brush. At the next stage, the surface is degreased by wiping with a rag soaked in an alcohol solution.

    Advice! If you want to paint a wooden barrel at your dacha, it must first be washed to remove any deposits, and after it has completely dried, it is varnished.

    Creative process options

    It’s practical to paint barrels at the dacha acrylic paints, which have the following advantages:

    • resistance to precipitation and other negative natural influences;
    • easy to apply to the surface and easily washed off your hands;
    • do not pose a risk to the child’s health when participating in coloring;
    • a painted barrel will have a bright design.

    Working with a stencil

    To paint a container using a stencil, you need to choose a dense and flexible product. If the finished specimen has an adhesive base, the decorating process consists of the following steps:

    • The future painted barrel should be given a plain background. The shade is selected depending on color palette future drawing. If you plan to paint the barrel with vegetation, avoid a green tone so that the image does not merge.
    • The adhesive base of the stencil is removed, the template is fixed on the barrel and carefully smoothed.
    • Free spaces are painted with a brush, aerosol paints or by tamponing using a sponge.
    • Painted containers look impressive, where the shades smoothly transition into each other.

    Comment! In the absence of a sticky base, the glue is independently applied to the stencil, after which it is attached to the barrel.

    You can paint a barrel at your dacha using a homemade stencil:

    • A suitable image is selected and printed on paper. If desired, apply your own design.
    • The paper is compacted by any in a convenient way: pasted onto cardboard or covered with tape. It is permissible to use plastic containers as a basis for a small stencil.
    • By using stationery knife contours are cut out, it is better to do this on an old table.

    The stencil is ready to be used in the country as a template for a painted barrel. Several templates are shown in the photo below:

    Another simple way to paint a container using natural foliage:

    • First, you should take care of your own protection and the landscape of your dacha. Individual means include gloves, a hat if necessary, a respirator and an apron. In order not to spoil the vegetation of the dacha, the surface is covered with polyethylene.
    • The background for the future drawing is created. In addition to the traditional monochromatic surface, painted barrels with smooth white-green transitions applied spray paint diagonally.
    • After the base has dried, large foliage with different outlines is fixed on the surface of the barrel, and its edges are emphasized with spray paint.

    The procedure for applying an individual drawing

    Barrels in the country - great way show your creativity by turning them into an organic element by painting them landscape design. The painting process contains the following steps:

    • Clean containers are cleaned of rust using sandpaper or a wire brush.
    • The primer is applied.
    • Depending on the future appearance of the image on the painted vessel, the background surface is formed.
    • Using a thin brush, apply the contours of the image in accordance with the selected sketch. If adjustments are necessary, use solvent.
    • Then they begin to paint the inside of the picture. At large sizes A wide brush will help.

    Advice! It is desirable that the dimensions of the picture correspond to the dimensions of the barrel.

    When installing several painted containers nearby, it is better to paint them in various colors, giving the cottage design more bright touches. Admire the photo examples of how cheerful the painted barrels look at the dacha.

    Non-standard methods of decoration

    In addition to coloring, you can decorate containers at your dacha in other ways:

    • One of the simplest tricks is to cut out colorful shapes from plastic bottles and glue them onto a painted barrel. Most often they choose the butterfly option.
    • Mastery of weaving techniques allows you to decorate a barrel with vines. Such decor will organically fit into the design of the dacha, and periodically painting the container will no longer be necessary.
    • Using small pebbles, a kind of mosaic is created on the container. In this case, it is important to choose the right frost-resistant glue; liquid nails are used as a replacement.
    • Decorating a barrel with forest moss using twine is a rather original replacement for a decorated container.


    Involving all family members in the barrel design process will reveal hidden talents. A creative approach and a little free time can transform the design of a summer house with the help of simple painted containers.
