Ready-made tasks on information technologies Mikheev. Preface

as a teaching aid for students of institutions

average vocational education

UDC 004(075.32)

BBK 32.81я723


deputy Director of the Moscow College of Urban Planning and Entrepreneurship for Informatization educational process,

Head of the regional computer center, member of the Expert Council on Informatization Issues

Gosstroy of Russia, Ph.D. tech. Sciences L. E. Timashova;

head Department of “Informatization of Banking Activities”

Moscow Banking Institute, Ph.D. tech. sciences A. N. Gerasimov
Mikheeva E. V.

M695 Workshop in Informatics: Proc. manual for environments, prof. education / Elena Viktorovna Mikheeva. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2004. – 192 p. ISBN 5-7695-1510-4
The workshop is designed to acquire practical skills in working on a personal computer in a Windows environment and the main office programs MS Office - text editor MS Word; spreadsheet editor MS Excel; MS Access database management systems. Contains tasks with detailed instructions for execution and drawings for clarity.

For students of secondary vocational education institutions. It may be useful for those who want to learn how to skillfully work with application programs.
UDC 004(075.32)


© Mikheeva E.V., 2004

© Educational and Publishing Center "Academy", 2004 ISBN 5-7695-1510-4 © Design. Publishing center "Academy", 2004


This book is a collection of training and monitoring practical tasks on working with information on a personal computer (PC) and using Microsoft Office applications, such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS Power Point, MS Internet Explorer.

The workshop contains practical assignments on the main sections of the academic discipline “Informatics”. The tasks are provided with detailed instructions for execution and drawings for clarity. To consolidate and test acquired skills, it includes Additional tasks.

The workshop can be used to conduct practical classes(core and elective), and for individual training in basic techniques for working with computer software products.

The author, a professional teacher with extensive practical experience in working with information technology, tried to create a system of practical tasks aimed at acquiring stable initial skills in practical work in the Windows environment with software products, and selected a set of tasks that become more complex as work skills are acquired.

An important feature of the workshop is the presence of additional tasks for independent work at the end of each practical work and at the end of each section.

Having studied theoretical material and having completed the practical tasks of the proposed workshop, the user will have stable initial skills in working in the Windows environment.


Practical work 1


Purpose of the lesson. Learning how to initially organize work on a PC, turning the PC on/off, learning how to use the keyboard PC.

Task 1.1. Turning on the PC. Getting started on PC.
Operating procedure
1. Turn on the PC to the network, press the power button on the monitor, and press the Power button on the system unit.

When you turn it on, the indicators should light up, the monitor will make the same sound as when you turn on the TV, and the power supply fan in the system unit will make noise.

2. Wait until the operating system boots (approximately 60 seconds).

Launch operating system occurs automatically after turning on the PC with the Power button on the system unit. First, the computer checks the functionality of its main devices, then you may have to enter a user password or network password if the PC is connected to a network.

After loading the Windows environment, the so-called Desktop(Desktop), at the bottom of which during standard installation is located Task bar. On the left side of the taskbar there is a button Start(Start)

3. Study the composition Main menu Windows. Click on the button Start, this will open Main menu Windows. Learn the commands in the required section Main menu Windows - Run, Help, Find, Settings, Documents, Favorites, Programs. Please note that the computer is turned off using the command Shutdown.

Brief information. To the structure Main menu includes two sections: mandatory and optional. The user can set items in a custom section as he or she wishes. Sometimes

Such items are created automatically when installing applications (for example, Ms Office).

4. Get to know the screen layout and basic icons Working field.

The main part of the screen is occupied Working field. There are icons on it - My computer, My documents,InternetExplorer, Basket, corresponding to folders of the same name. There may also be folder shortcuts there. The set of icons and labels is chosen by the user himself, so their number and list may vary.

5. Learn the basics of working with a personal computer using an “Instructor” type training program (or any other one you have).
Task 1.2. Entering information using the keyboard.
Operating procedure
1. Carefully examine the keyboard of your personal computer.

2. To display information entered from the keyboard, open the electronic notepad. To do this, follow these steps: click the button Start, select a command with the mouse Programs, Further Standard, then - Notebook(Fig. 1.1).

3. Use the key to turn on the numeric keypad (the Num Lock indicator will light up) and dial numbers from 1 to 9, after typing the numbers, press the enter key. Notice that the cursor has moved down one line.

4. Find the tab key on your keyboard. Enter a sequence of numbers separated by an interval by pressing the key: 123 456 789.

After typing the numbers, press the Enter key.

5. Install the Russian keyboard layout. To do this, on the screen on the right side of the taskbar, find the EN/RU indicator and set the RU position corresponding to the Russian language.

6. Consider a basic text keyboard. Find the keys for the letters fyva and OLJ.

7. Take the starting position of your hands on the keyboard, when four fingers of your left hand (except the thumb) are located on the keys and four fingers right hand(except for the large one) are located on the OLJ keys. At the same time, round your fingers as if you were holding a large apple in each hand.

Place your thumbs over the intermediate key, which is the largest and is located under the letter keys. The intermediate key makes spaces between words. If the word ends with a letter on the left, then the intermediate key is struck thumb right hand, and vice versa.

Rice. 1.1. Opening Notepad
The keys must be pressed one at a time, the blow must be uniform and equal in strength to each key.

8. Check that the Caps Lock indicator is not lit. If necessary, turn it off with the key.

Brief information. To turn on the fixed capital letters mode, press the key, and the Caps Lock indicator will light up. Attention! Do not confuse with the key that turns on the numeric keypad.

9. Type fyva and OLJ, separating the words with a space.

10. At the end of each line of characters you enter, press the Enter key.

11. Press the key that locks capital letters. The Caps Lock indicator should light up. Type FYVA and OLJ. Please note that the text is in capital letters. Remember the purpose of the key. Turn off the Caps Lock indicator.

12. Press in turn all the keys (from left to right) of the top row, which contain numbers from 0 to 9 and some symbols. Go to a new line by pressing .

Rice. 1.2. Set of characters in an electronic notepad
13. Find the key on the keyboard that changes the dialing case. Press and, without releasing it, again press all the keys of the top row in turn. Note that different characters are printed than the previous set.

14. Set the Latin keyboard layout. To do this, find the EN/RU indicator on the right side of the taskbar and set the position to EN.

15. Press the key and, without releasing it, again press all the keys of the top row in turn. Please note that some characters are again different from the previous set (Fig. 1.2).

16. Place the cursor on the first line at the very beginning of the character set and press the A key several times (seven to eight times). You will see / characters appear because we have the Latin keyboard layout installed and the indicator is turned off.

17. Remove numbers to the right of typed letters fffff by pressing a key on the keyboard. Please note that numbers located to the right of the cursor are deleted.

18. Press the key (left arrow above the key) to delete characters to the left of the cursor. Remove all characters fffff to the left of the cursor.

19. Go to the very end of the typed characters by simultaneously pressing the and keys (press the key and, without releasing it, press the key). Return to the beginning of the text by simultaneously pressing the keys and [Note]. Remember these keyboard shortcuts.

20. Find the cursor keys on your keyboard (in the form of arrows) and move the cursor right/left along the line and up/down along the lines.

Rice. 1.3. Warning window
21. Find in the upper right corner of the window Notebook button Close(with a cross) and click on it with the mouse. The program will display a warning window (Fig. 1.3) with the text “The text in the Unnamed file has been changed. Save changes? Click the button No.

22. Open your existing keyboard simulator and use it to practice your skills in entering information from a PC keyboard.

23. Turn off your computer. Left-click the taskbar button Start, from the main menu select Shutdown. In the dialog box that appears, check the command Turn off computer and click on the button OK.
Additional tasks
Practicing skills of entering information using a keyboard.

To do the exercises, open Notebook. Before starting the exercises, learn the rules of typing.

Typing rules. When typing text on the keyboard, the hands move first, and with them the fingers, which should always be next to each other. When typing, the fingers almost do not diverge to the sides at all: the hands move up, down and to the sides, and with them the fingers, while the desired finger hits the desired key.

The starting position for the hands on the PC keyboard is shown in Fig. 1.4:

four fingers of the left hand (except the thumb) are located on the keys; four fingers of the right hand (except the thumb) are located on the OLJ keys;

thumbs are located above the intermediate key (spacebar);

all fingers, except the thumbs, should be slightly rounded (as if you were holding a large apple in each hand);

Without fail, after hitting the keys, the fingers (hands) return to their original position.

Rice. 1.4. Starting position for hands on a PC keyboard
Task 1.3. Keep your hands motionless in the starting position of the middle row and type the text of the exercise.

аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа вввввввввввввввввввввввввввввввв ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ы ффффффффффффффффффффффф оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо лллллллллллллллллллллллллллл ддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддд


ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava ava s awfas aws aws aws aws f aws f aws fol o lol o lol o lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lold o old old oold old oold old oold old oold o old old oldge oldge olge olge olge olge olge olge avyf olge avyf olge avyf olge avyf olge avyf olge fyva avyf fyva avyf fyva avyf fyva avyf zhdlo olj zhdlo olj zhdlo oldzh zhlo olj zhdlo olj zhdlo
Task 1.4. Type the text of the exercise, returning your hands to the starting position.
va ol
aaaoooo aaoao oaaoo aoaoa oaaoa ao oao aoaao aoaoa ao aoa vvvooo vvovo vovv ovvoo vova vova vovvo ovo vova vova lllvvv lllvv lvlvl vvlvl val vlvlv volov tin aaall aalla all alala lla alla allo lava lvllv vova oolol loall ololo lolo vol lov tin lola val oval allo lola vova oval lava vol tin vova lola alla oval lava lov tin oval oval allo vol lava lola tin vova oval
fy j

yyyddd yydyd dyydd ydydy ddydy hell two water water ydydy dydyd ode vola widow conclusions arguments frets long fffddd ffdfd dffdd fdfdf ddfdf fa daf fdffd fdfdf fal foul lafa coattails zhzhdd zhzhd zhzhfff zhfzhf zfzhf ffjfj as much as a lodge crap zhfzhf fzfzhf sting crap vozhzhv zhyf ski ozhyf fyzh lzhyf yyyzhzh yyzhzh yyzhzh yzhyzhy zzhyzhy lfja squeezed yzhy yzhzhy zhizhi skisfyffy yffyy ff-fyf yyfyf df coattails djj zhjzh thirst dvvvazhdzhd zhzhd waited dodge fdfyzh ddy yffj fzhyyd hell od two yes squeezed out the arguments foul rein sting waited dodge thirst fa ski squeezed out the conclusions coattails lodge widow waited for the lafa twice

mi th

mmmtt mmtmt tmmtt mtmtm ttmtm here's the soap mttmt tmtmt armor photo fleet fata scrap tom atom there mate moto miser iiiitt iiiit tiitt ititi titti go tif itiit titit vita wick lift chunks tahiti yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyypouring yyyyyyy milk live soap sting mmm mmm Imm mim dark mmym mol Mol Milia Milia Miimm MIM MIMMIM MIMIM MMIM MIMMI PLOTS MOTHING MOTHING WITH WITH WITH TOL SO READ SURN THE CHARTH IT WASH THE TIM TITM MIMIT MIMITS LAYTHING POSITION OF THE POWER THE REGURTION OF THE PLASS OF THE FILL Mother
Task 1.5. Type the text of the exercise, returning your hands to the starting position.
ep nr

pppprr pppprr pppprr pppprr pppp floor pop reef snout mug page pppppp pppp pir steam it's time port trail truth breach rapier eerrr eerer reerre erere eerre eerre turnip faith rerer eerrr relay drill wind mode nnnee nnene neneen nenen eenen no wife nenne enene hairdryer Vienna day singing in the arena shadow ppprpr erepn rpren pnper nerpp rnpr enrrp hi change plumage plywood jam rent missing coins now try on the belt opposite in the den
uk gsh
kkkggg kkgkg kggkk kgkgk ykgk kg com whale guide goal kgkkg gkgkg treasure count when the skittles claws bitterly easy uuugggg oougg guugg ugggu ggugg uh corner meadow oooooo oooo coal duck stew nougat circle dgkt beep shsshuu shshushu ushu usshu shushush ushushu shower joke sha lash shushshu ushshu shushush shushshu screw ears on the top of the head joke duck kkshksh shkkshsh shkshksh shshksh wardrobe Skoda kshshkksh shkshksh cone checker flurry of guts skin uukuk kukk kush prick ukuku kkuku crow slope ggshgsh shshgshg steps penny gshgshg shshgshg gouache ga shish uguksh gkshshu gugsh to Kgush I will bite the pear kite granules lace trap group soil crush cover whispering
chs byu
ssbbb ssbsbs bssbb sbsbs bbbsbs ball white dunce sbssb bsbsb bass bob baobab bank bucks boxing boss quickly to the training camp I feel the south I feel the south I feel the lisp chandelier bbyub byubb bust bureau byubub jujubeub love the skirt chbbchbb bsyusch yuchyuyus byusch yuchbs syuchb special fold log muesli burn the brochure load the parachute budget lawyer bunches hit the cabin boy in the jaw love the jury yula
Task 1.6. Type the text of the exercise, returning your hands to the starting position.
yts schz

tsktschtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyush yushy yay yoga howl bark chew goblin generous general yzzy yyyy yyyy yyyy yyyy slaughter yyyyy yyyy The rear narrow call of the contagious bunny with the zenoza of the Central Construction Center of the ZSCZ ZZCZ ZZTS COSAR COSSAR ZSCSI Ztzzz Censorship here Yitsyyy Yitsyy Yitsyy Kutsiy Kutziy Kusy Shchezschz Schoschezchi TIZHISHSSHYSHYSHYSHYSHYS ZC Shchychezch Shchyiz Zizhch Zyshchshshch Zizchshshchshchshchshchi Yztzch Cave Crushed Crushed Grocery Marking Square Skarevel Borsch hares hares replacing fighters at lightning
I eh

I eheh ehehhh ehehh heehh ehehhe eehhe eh echo ehma ehheeh heheh khan temple laughter shah khanja caliph this eftr this era era hash yayahhh yahah hyaahh yahahya hhyahya poison ham yahahah hyaha lizard box yacht plaque needles hatya to criticize yayaya yayaya yayaya yayaya yayaya explain yayaya declare hugs sarcastic eeee eeee ot filming eeee elf went to the congress yayaee eeyaee elegy aloe yaeya eeeeee emotion хххъ ъххъ entrance хххх ъхъх detour entrance yahyaeyahehyahyaehyaehyaeh yahhe ye yhya yayeh predatory slaughter gentle on hearing good tavern charter subcell cartilage boar anchors these want to embrace the immensity to present a flaw to the dashing hostess

eeee eeee eeee volume rise shooting ehehe hehee ehehe ferret ezeze zezze tears dreams still more still brush alkali yellow hedgehog ruff green tree stick capacious drawing account four-tiered funny prompter and stuff like that

Practical work 2


Purpose of the lesson. Studying the technology of organizing work in the Windows environment. Creating shortcuts, working with A basket.

Task 2.1. Operations with windows in the Windows environment.
Operating procedure

2. If you have a Windows-98 operating system (OS), follow these steps to study the OS.

Launch the Get to Know Windows 98 Program (Start/Programs/Accessories/Utilities/Welcome to youWindows/Getting to knowWindows-98) (Fig. 2.1).

Launch the section “Basics of Computer Literacy” by pressing number 1.

Study the sections (Fig. 2.2):

Using the keyboard;

Working with the mouse;

Studying the desktop;

Using the main menu;

Working with the Windows system;

Rice. 2.1. Window of the program "Getting to know the Windows-98 program"

Rice. 2.2. Selecting sections of the “Getting to Know Windows 98” program
obtaining a certificate.

After completing the study of the material in the electronic textbook, complete the training program to familiarize yourself with the basics of Windows-98.

3. If you have Windows 2000 installed, to learn the features of the operating system, read the “Getting to Know Windows 2000” program (Start/Programs/Accessories/Utilities/Getting Started/Getting to KnowWindows-2000/Textbook)(Fig. 2.3).

4. From the desktop, double click on the shortcut My computer open two windows in sequence: My computer And Disk C:

Please note that two buttons corresponding to these windows have appeared in the taskbar.

Brief information. The window in which the user is currently working is called active. The active window is placed in the foreground on top of other windows. Any command applies to the active window, which runs in foreground mode.

5. Learn the basic elements of a window. Locate the following window elements on the screen:

Borders are frames that enclose a window on four sides. By grabbing and moving the border with the mouse, you can resize the window;

The title bar located below the top border of the window. By grabbing the window title with the mouse, you can move the window;

The system menu button is located on the left in the title bar (the appearance of the button usually corresponds to the contents of the window). By clicking on it, you can open a list of window control commands;

Rice. 2.3. Window "Introducing Windows 2000"
window control buttons – Collapse, Restore, Close(right in the title bar);

The menu bar located below the title. The menu provides access to a basic set of commands;

Toolbar (buttons for basic operations). The toolbar is an optional element of the window that contains icons and buttons designed for quick access to the most frequently used commands. You can add a toolbar from the menu View team Toolbar;

Scroll bars that allow vertical and horizontal movement when the window borders do not allow you to see the entire contents of the window.

Brief information. When working with multiple windows, the easiest way to move to another window is to click on the visible part of the window. If windows are maximized to fill the entire screen, the transition is carried out in one of the following ways: by clicking on the button with the window name in the taskbar or by pressing the and keys (a window with icons of running programs will open in the middle of the screen; without releasing the key, press the key).

6. Make a window My computer active and learn the process of minimizing/maximizing windows. Maximize the window to full screen using the button Expand– the window will increase in size and occupy the entire desktop. In this case, the button Expand turns into a button Restore showing two overlapping squares. By clicking the button Restore, we return the window to its previous form.

Brief information. How to resize a window?

To change the window width, move the mouse pointer to the vertical side of the window. The pointer will appear as a horizontal double-edged arrow. Drag the edge of the window to the side horizontally and the window will shrink.

To change the height of a window, move the mouse pointer to the top or bottom sides of the window, and the cursor will change to a vertical, double-edged arrow. Drag the edge of the window and the window will resize in height.

To simultaneously change the height and width of the window, move the cursor to the corner of the window - the mouse pointer will turn into a diagonal double-edged arrow. By dragging the window frame diagonally, you will reduce the size of the window.

7. By moving the windows (behind the window title) and changing the linear sizes of the windows (vertical and horizontal), arrange the windows sequentially in five options according to the sample (Fig. 2.4).

Rice. 2.4. Options for placing windows on the monitor screen
8. Organize the windows on the screen. To organize, right-click on an empty part of the taskbar and select the command from the context menu Windows cascade, so that only the window titles are visible. To view the contents of all open windows select a command at the same time Windows from top to bottom or Windows from left to right.

9. Minimize all active windows with the command Collapse all windows context menu Taskbars.

10. Close the windows My computer And Disk C:(menu File, team Close by simultaneously pressing the keys - or the window button Close).
Task 2.2. Creating shortcuts.
Operating procedure
1. Create a shortcut for a text editor on your desktop Microsoft Word. To create a shortcut, place the cursor over empty place desktop and press the right mouse button (right click). In the context menu that appears, select the command Create/Shortcut(Fig. 2.5).

2. In the command line window Create a shortcut enter the file path to the Microsoft Word program launch file – winword.exe. You can use the button Review. To continue working, click the button Further.

Brief information. During a standard installation, the full file path to the MS Word program launch file is: C:/Program Files/Ofiice/winword.exe.

3. The next window prompts you to select the name of the program as the shortcut name or replace it with another. Leave a suggested name. Click the button Ready. A shortcut to MS Word appeared on the desktop.

Rice. 2.5. Create a shortcut
4. Change the appearance of the created shortcut. Right-click on a shortcut (cryptogram) Word programs, call window Shortcut properties(Fig. 2.6).

Rice. 2.6. Window Shortcut property
Change the cryptogram, to do this, go to the tab Label, click on the button Change icon. Select the type of shortcut icon you like and confirm your choice.

5. Delete the shortcut you created in cart, why use the mouse to drag the shortcut onto the icon Baskets.
Task 2.3. Technology for working with the “Trash” window.
Brief information. Basket is located on the desktop and is intended for temporary storage of deleted files. It allows you to recover files deleted by mistake. Files deleted from floppy disks Cart don't fit. After cleaning Baskets files are deleted, and before the disk is defragmented, file recovery is carried out only by special programs.
Operating procedure
1. Open a window Basket and look at its contents. To do this, double-click on the icon Baskets, located on the desktop. On the menu View give the command Table(Fig. 2.7). Examine the properties of the deleted label - type, size, date of deletion.

2. Recover the deleted shortcut on your desktop. To restore, highlight the name of the object to be restored, select from the menu File team Restore.

Brief information. If you need to restore several objects, then highlight their names while holding down the key.

3. Perform a thorough cleaning Baskets. Call properties Baskets by right-clicking on its icon, and in the context menu that opens, select (with the left mouse button) the command Empty trash.

Remove from Baskets all objects are produced by the command File/Empty Trash.

Rice. 2.7. Window Basket

Rice. 2.8. Changing Capacity Baskets
4. Resize Baskets. After right-clicking on the icon Baskets select team Properties. In the window that opens, set the slider to the appropriate division - 10% of the disk capacity (Fig. 2.8).
Additional task
Task 2.4. Create desktop shortcut for office programMS Excel (C:/ Program Files/ Office/ excel. exe).

Check to see if the program you choose has a different cryptogram icon. Change the type of shortcut. Remove the shortcut in Cart. Clear Cart in any way.

Practical work 3


Purpose of the lesson. Formation of skills for setting up the operating system, user interface, and operating parameters. Studying the technology of working with files and folders using a window My computer.
Task 3.1. Using the Windows Control Panel for settings.
Operating procedure
1. Turn on your computer. Wait until the Windows operating system finishes loading.

Brief information. Opening methods Control panels:

Open the My Computer folder and double-click the Control Panel;

Click the button Start and select commands from the main menu Settings/Control Panel.

2. Open Control Panel in any way (Fig. 3.1).

3. To display in a window Control Panel for a brief description of the icons, select from the menu View team Table. Study the screen layout.

4. Arrange icons with labels in alphabetical order (View/Arrange icons by name).

Brief information. Double-click on the icon Date Time control panel opens a window for setting date and time settings. The same can be achieved by double-clicking the time indicator icon on the taskbar.

Rice. 3.1. Control Panel
5. Set the current date and time of the computer system clock at the time of the exercise, as well as your time zone (Fig. 3.2).

Brief information. The date and time set on the computer’s system clock are recorded when you finish working with a document and help you find latest version file.

6. In the “Keyboard” folder window (double-click on the icon Keyboard control panel) tab Speed set the repeat and blink speed of the cursor, as well as the interval before the start of the repeat and symbol (Fig. 3.3).

7. In the window Mouse(tab Mouse buttons) set the configuration to "right-handed" (or "left-handed" if you are left-handed) and set optimal speed double-clicking the mouse buttons (it can be checked by clicking in the test area) (Fig. 3.4).

On the tab Moving set a trail behind the mouse pointer. Notice how the mouse pointer trails a trail.

8. Configure the screen. Open a dialog box Properties: Screen double click on the icon Screen in the control panel or by right-clicking the mouse after placing the pointer on a free surface of the desktop. The screen properties window contains several tabs: Background, Screensaver, Design, Options.

9. Background allows you to decorate the part of the desktop free from windows and icons with a background pattern or drawings (wallpaper)

Rice. 3.2. Setting the date, time and time zone

Rice. 3.3. Setting repeat speed and cursor blinking

Rice. 3.4. Setting computer mouse properties

Rice. 3.5. Selecting a screen design
from the existing set. Switch Place pregnant In the center places the drawing in the center of the screen, at position Reproduce repeats the pattern many times across the entire working area. Set the background you like.

10. Screen saver(screen saver) is selected from the list of screensavers. The amount of time the computer is idle before the screen saver appears is set in minutes in the list Interval. Install the screensaver you like and set the interval to 5 minutes.

11. On the tab Decor select the type of design you like from the list of standard schemes created by designers (Fig. 3.5).
Task 3.2. Set the style for viewing folder contents.
Operating procedure

1. Open a window My computer. Set View Style Large icons (View/Large icons). Using the menu View, set the view styles one by one: Small icons, List, Table. Note the differences between styles for viewing the contents of a folder.

2. Sort the contents of the My Computer folder. To sort in a table view style, click on the headings: Name, Size, Type, Modified. Please note that clicking on the header again will sort the parameter in reverse order.

3. To sort in other styles (not table) run the command Arrange icons from the menu View and set the sort key (by name, file type, size or date).
Task 3.3. Copying, transferring and deleting files (folders) in the “My Computer” window.

Instead of drive C:, to perform practical tasks, it is advisable to use logical drive D: (if it is available in the PC), so it is advisable to split the hard drive into logical drives and then deny access to drive C:.

Brief information. My computer provides a universal program that provides quick access to local computer resources, a network drive, various devices(printer, disks) and their settings. Icon activation My computer causes the opening of a window with icons corresponding to local or network resources of the computer.
Operating procedure
1. Create a new folder on the C: drive. To do this in the window My computer select the C: folder icon and double-click it to activate it. Select a team File/New/Folder, Give the folder a name (use your last name as the folder name) and press the key.

Note. If you need to create a new folder inside another folder, you must first select the folder with the mouse, and only then create a new one.

2. On drive C: find the largest file. To do this, in the window of drive C: set the table view style (View/Table) and sort the files by size.

3. Copy the largest file found to your folder using the commands Edit/Copy And Edit/Paste.

Brief information. To copy a file, select it and in the menu Edit select team Copy. To paste a copied file, place the cursor in the insertion location (highlight your folder) and in the menu Edit select team Insert.

4. Search the C: drive for all files with the .exe extension. To search, open the search box (File/Find), set the search mask *.exe and the search area - drive C: (Fig. 3.6), then click on the button Find.

Note. If you enter a keyword in the document title, all documents that have given word In the title.

5. Search the C: drive for all files with the .doc extension. To search, open the search box (File/Find), set the search mask *.doc and the search area – drive C:. Copy four of the found files to your folder.

Rice. 3.6. Search for files with *.exe resolution on drive C:
6. Create a shortcut to your folder on drive C:. To do this, place the cursor on the folder and use the command File/Create Shortcut.

7. Copy your folder shortcut to the desktop by dragging it from the C: drive window while pressing the key.

8. After the teacher checks the completed work, delete your folder and the shortcut to it. To delete a folder, file, shortcut, you need to select the icon with the mouse and use the command File/Delete.

Brief information. To delete a folder, you can right-click on the system menu button for this folder.
Additional tasks
Task 3.4.

Open the Trash folder, find the deleted shortcut and folder, and restore them.

Task 3.5.

On the tab Moving window Mouse remove the cable behind the mouse pointer.

Task 3.6.

Restore screen settings to default.

Practical work 4


Purpose of the lesson. Studying the technology of working with files and directories (folders) in the Explorer program.

Task 4.1. Basics of working in the Explorer program. Operating procedure

1. Turn on your computer. Wait until the Windows operating system finishes loading.

2. To learn how to work in the Explorer program in Windows 98, follow these steps: launch the help system (Start/Help/tab Index/enter search word "Explorer"). Explore the sections: Browse, Copy, Rename, Move, Drag and Drop a file or folder.

3. Searching for help information about the Explorer program in Windows 2000 is done in the same way (Start/Help). The corresponding help information window is shown in Fig. 4.1.

4. Launch the Explorer program:

in Windows 98 – Start/Programs/File Explorer;

in Windows 2000 – Start/Programs/Accessories/File Explorer.

Rice. 4.1. Help about the Explorer program in Windows 98
Brief information. You can launch the Explorer program by right-clicking on the button Start and selecting the command in the context menu Conductor.

5. Study the appearance of the screen and the program menu (Fig. 4.2).

Window working area Conductor divided into vertical areas. The left side of the window displays the computer folder hierarchy (directory tree) - a complete “tree” of everything that is on the computer. You can view the entire “tree” from roots to top using the scroll bar located on the right side of the window.

The folders are attached to the central trunk in the form of “branches.” If a folder has subfolders, then the node to which the “branch” is attached has a “+” sign. If you click on it with the mouse, the folder will expand into a new branch, and the “+” sign will change to a “–” sign. If you now click on “–”, the branch will collapse back into the folder.

When a folder is open in the left pane, and some are always open, its contents will be displayed in the right pane.

So, the left side of the window is designed for quickly browsing folders. If a folder is closed and there are other folders inside it, there is a “+” sign next to it; if it is opened and the elements included in it are indicated, then there is a “–” sign next to it.

6. Expand all “branches” of the folder tree on the left side Conductor(by clicking on “+”). Collapse all the “branches” of the tree (by clicking on the “–”).

Rice. 4.2. Explorer window
7. Make the C: drive active by clicking on it. In this case, the name of the C: drive will be marked, and its contents will appear in the right area.

8. Change the screen layout to include a status bar and toolbar (View/Status Bar, View/Table).

9. Click on the “+” icon to the left of the Windows folder on the C: drive. The list item will open (expand) on the left side of the window conductor, the contents of the right side of the window will not change.

10. Open the Windows folder on the C: drive. To open a folder, click on its name on the left side of the window Conductor, the folder will be marked and its contents will appear in the right area.

Brief information. Double click on the folder name on the left side Conductor will make this folder current, and its contents will appear on the right side. At the same time, the level of detail in the folder structure will change on the left side.

11. Sort files by name, size and file type by clicking the appropriate buttons (Name, Size, Type, Changed) on the right side of the Explorer window.
Task 4.2. Building a tree of directories (folders) in the Explorer program.
Operating procedure
1. Create a folder on drive C: with the name “1-Proba” and in it a tree of folders as in Fig. 4.3. The order of creating folders:

Open the folder within which you want to create a new folder;

Run the command File/New/Folder;

Type a name for the new folder.

Brief information. When creating a folder using Explorer, you must remember that:

Opening a folder in the directory tree (left side of the screen conductor) possible by simply clicking the left mouse button on the folder icon;

Opening a folder on the right side of the screen Conductor carried out by double clicking the mouse;

The folder name is entered in any language (English, Russian), limited to 256 characters (except special characters).

Rice. 4.4. Task to create a directory tree
2. Using the mouse (while holding down the key), copy the “Computer Science” and “Law” folders to the “Abstracts” folder.

Copy the Philosophy and Economics folders into the Practices folder.

3. Build a tree of folders on drive C: in the “My Documents” folder according to the instructions (Fig. 4.4).
Task 4.3. Copying, transferring and deleting files (folders) in the Explorer program.
Operating procedure
1. Copy files of a certain configuration with the extension specified in the task from the “My Documents” folder to the appropriate folder (for the task, see Fig. 4.4).

To copy a file or group of files to created folders, do the following:

On the left side Conductor open the “My Documents” folder from which files will be copied, and the contents of the “My Documents” folder will be displayed on the right side conductor;

On the left side Conductor make the “Receiver” folder visible for copying (expand the directory tree, use the scroll bar to move the folder tree);

On the right side Conductor select files for copying;

When copying to the Destination folder, the icons of the copied files are dragged onto the selected Destination folder icon while pressing the key. In this case, a “+” icon will appear next to the copied file or folder;

Copying, deleting, pasting and moving are also possible using the buttons Copy And Insert control panel or menu commands Edit/Copy, Edit/Paste.

Brief information. To select a group of sequential files/folders, click on the first and then the last file in the group, while holding down the key. A similar selection of a group of files can be done with the mouse using the lasso technique, covering the files with the mouse while the left mouse button is pressed.

To select a group of separately located files/folders, click on the files while holding down the key.

2. Move the Pictures folder to the Documents folder.

3. Delete the Files folder using the right-click context menu.
Task 4.4. Renaming files and folders in Explorer.
Operating procedure
1. Rename any three files in a third-level folder (Full Name), giving them names (NAME1, NAME2, NAME; using the right mouse button, call the file properties, select the command Rename, enter a new file name without changing the extension).

2. Rename the “Documents” folder, giving it the name “Texts and Drawings”.

Additional task
Task 4.5. Build a tree of directories (folders) in the Explorer program.

The task is shown in Fig. 4.5. Copy files of a given type from the “My Documents” folder.

Rice. 4.5. Folder tree for task 4.5

Practical work 5


Purpose of the lesson. Studying the technology of organizing work with information in the Windows environment. Search, save information, check for virus purity.

Task 5.1. Placing, searching and copying files/folders.
Operating procedure
1. Turn on your computer. Wait until the Windows operating system finishes loading.

2. Create a folder for your group on drive C: in the “My Documents” folder, and create your own folder in it (select your last name as the name).

3. Create three folders in your folder: “Copying”, “Saving”, “Virus scan”.

4. Find on drive C: the boot file calc.exe corresponding to the Calculator program. To search, open the window Find from the Windows main menu (Start/Search/Files and Folders), on the tab Name and location in the “Name” line, enter the file name – calc.exe and select the search zone – drive C:, including subfolders. Button Find run a search.

5. Create a shortcut for the Calculator program on your desktop. To do this, after the “calc.exe” file is found, drag its icon from the window with the mouse Find to the working field while pressing the key.

6. Copy the calc.exe file to the Copy folder. To copy, place the cursor on the file and use the command Edit/Copy. Open the window My computer, then drive C: “My Documents”, the group folder and your folder, the “Copying” folder. Next use the command Edit/Paste. The calc.exe file will be copied to the “Copy” folder.

7. Find files starting with exp on all local hard drives (Start/Search/Files and Folders). On the tab Name and location in the “Name” line, enter exp* (Fig. 5.1). Select the search area - local hard drives, including subfolders.

Brief information. The asterisk (*) in file and folder names replaces a group of arbitrary characters.

8. Sort the files by name and select a group of files called explorer. To sort files and folders, set the window to a table view Find (View/Table).

Rice. 5.1. Search for files starting with exp
9. Open File Explorer and copy the selected files to the Copy folder.

10. Find all files created in the last month (Start/Search/Files and Folders/Date tab)(Fig. 5.2). Record the number of files found in your workbook.

11. Find all files opened in the last five days (Start/Search/Files and Folders/Date tab). Record the number of files found.

Rice. 5.2. Search for files and folders created in the last month
Task 5.2. Preparing floppy disks for work.
Operating procedure
To prepare a 3.5-inch (1.44 MB) floppy disk for use, you must format the floppy disk.

1. Insert the floppy disk into drive A:. Before formatting a floppy disk, make sure the diskette write-protect window is closed.

2. Open a window My computer.

3. Right-click on the icon Disc 3.5 (A:) and select a team Format(Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3. Specifying the format command for a floppy disk

Rice. 5.4. Format floppy disk window
Note. Be very careful when specifying the formatting object, because the formatting process marks the disk and completely deletes information from it.

4. Set the floppy disk formatting parameters as shown in Fig. 5.4 and click on the button Begin. After formatting is completed, a report on the formatting results will be displayed on the screen. If defective areas are found on the floppy disk, i.e. The total capacity of the disk does not match the capacity of the available memory, then it is better not to use a floppy disk.
Task 5.3. Saving files/folders. Operating procedure

1. Open your notepad (Start/Programs/Accessories/Notebook).

2. Type the text in a notepad according to the sample.
Sample text
The Explorer program is designed to manage the Windows file system. “Explorer” displays the contents of folders, allows you to open, move, copy, delete, rename folders and files, launch programs, display a tree of directories (folders); The right side of Explorer is similar to the My Computer folder window.

3. Save the typed text in the “Save” folder with the name “Sample text” using the command File/Save(Fig. 5.5). In the “Folder” line, specify the “Save” folder, in the “File name” line, enter the name “Sample text”, and then click on the button Save. The file will be saved on drive C: in the “Save” folder.

Rice. 5.5. Save File Window
4. Once again save the text on the floppy disk with the command file/save as. In the “Folder” line, specify “Disk 3.5 (A:)”, in the “File name” line, enter the name “Sample text”, then click on the button Save. The file will be saved on floppy disk A:.
Task 5.4. Anti-virus scanning of information on a floppy disk.
Operating procedure
1. Insert the floppy disk with the task file 5.3 into drive A:.

2. Launch your existing antivirus program, such as Kaspersky AVP (AntiViral Toolkit Pro).

Brief information. In Russia, for many years, antivirus problems have been professionally dealt with mainly by two serious companies: Dialogue Science (programs: Aidstest, Doctor WEB, ADinf, Sheriff complex) and Kaspersky Lab (Kami, AVP series programs).

3. Set the scan area – floppy disks, scan mode – disinfection of infected files and click the button Start(Fig. 5.6).

4. Pay attention to the scanning progress indicator. If the antivirus program detected viruses and disinfected the files (as can be seen in the scan report), run the floppy disk scanning process again and make sure that all viruses are removed.

Rice. 5.6. Checking a floppy disk with an antivirus program
Additional tasks
Task 5.5. Anti-virus scanning of information on the hard drive.

Run your existing antivirus program and check for viruses on the local C: drive.
Task 5.6.

Find on drive C: files with any extension starting with the letter w (search mask - w*). Copy the smallest file found to a floppy disk (sort by size). Check the floppy disk with the recorded file for viruses.

Brief information. To copy a file to a floppy disk, you can use the command File/Send/Disk 3.5 (A:).

Workshop on information technology V professional activity. Mikheeva E.V.

15th ed. - M.: 2015. - 256 p.

The textbook can be used to study general professional disciplines of technical specialties in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education. The textbook is intended to acquire practical skills in working with the most commonly used application programs in professional activities. Contains assignments on the main sections of the textbook “Information Technologies in Professional Activities” by the same author, published by the Publishing Center “Academy”. These tasks are provided with detailed instructions for execution and clarifying screen views of the corresponding program for clarity. To consolidate and test acquired skills, the workshop contains additional tasks. The maximum effect is obtained by parallel use of the textbook and workshop. For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

Format: pdf(2015, 256 pp.)

Size: 16 MB


Format: pdf(2014, 256 pp.)

Size: 47 MB


Preface 3
Section 1 TEXT EDITOR MS WORD-2000
Practical work 1 4
Topic: Creation business documents in MS Word editor
Practical work 2 12
Topic: Formatting text documents containing tables
Practical work 3 15
Topic: Creating text documents based on templates. Creating templates and forms
Practical work 4 18
Topic: Creating complex documents in a text editor
Practical work 5 27
Topic: Formulation of formulas using the MS Equation editor
Practical work 6 33
Topic: Organizational charts in MS Word document
Practical work 7 36
Topic: Integrated use of MS Word capabilities for creating documents
Practical work 8 43
Topic: Organization of calculations in the MS Excel spreadsheet processor
Practical work 9 52
Topic: Creating an e-book. Relative and absolute addressing in MS Excel
Practical work 10 57
Topic: Linked tables. Calculation of subtotals in MS Excel tables
Practical work 11, 63
Topic: Parameter selection. Organization of reverse calculation
Practical work 12 69
Topic: Optimization problems (search for solutions)
Practical work 13 77
Topic: Links between files and data consolidation in MS Excel
Practical work 14 83
Topic: Economic calculations in MS Excel
Practical work 15 91
Topic: Integrated use of Microsoft Office applications to create documents
Practical work 16 98
Topic: Creating database tables using the designer and table wizard in the MS Access DBMS
Practical work 17 104
Topic: Editing and modification of database tables in MS Access DBMS
Practical work 18 113
Topic: Creating custom forms for entering data into the MS Access DBMS
Practical work 19 120
Topic: Consolidating acquired skills in creating tables and forms in the MS Access DBMS
Practical work 20 121
Topic: Working with data using queries in the MS Access DBMS
Practical work 21 129
Topic: Creating reports in MS Access DBMS
Practical work 22 135
Topic: Creating subforms in the MS Acces DBMS
Practical work 23 142
Topic: Creating a database and working with data in the MS Access DBMS
Practical work 24 145
Topic: Organizing a search for regulatory documents using document details in SPS “Consultant Plus”
Practical work 25 151
Topic: Organization of full-text search. Working with a list in SPS "Consultant Plus"
Practical work 26 159
Topic: Working with the list and text of found documents. Reference Information. Working with folders in SPS "Consultant Plus"
Practical work 27 170
Topic: Working with forms. Organizing a search across several information bases
Practical work 28 179
Topic: Searching for documents, working with the list and text of found documents in ATP “Consultant Plus”
Practical work 29 183
Topic: Organization of initial work in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 30 193
Topic: Formation of analytical accounting and filling out reference books in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 31,199
Topic: Entering initial account balances in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 32 205
Topic: Reflection of business transactions in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 33 214
Topic: Calculation of wages and unified social tax deductions in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 34 220
Topic: Cash and banking operations in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 35 224
Topic: Generating financial results, reports and obtaining a final balance in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 36,232
Subject: Email. Mail program MS Outlook Express
Practical work 37 237
Topic: Setting up MS Internet Explorer browser
Practical work 38 245
Topic: Searching for information on the global network
References 251






Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

as a teaching aid for students of secondary vocational education institutions

12th edition, stereotypical

Ð å ö å í ç å í ò û:

deputy Director of the Moscow College of Urban Planning and Entrepreneurship for informatization of the educational process, head of the regional computer center, member of the Expert Council on Informatization of the State Construction Committee of Russia, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A.E. Timashova;

head Department of "Informatization of Banking" of the Moscow Banking Institute, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A. N. Gerasimov

Mikheeva E. V.

M695 Workshop on information technologies in professional activities: textbook. aid for students institutions prof. education / E.V. Mikheeva. - 12th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2013. - 256 p.

ISÂN 978-5-7695-9006-1

The textbook is intended to acquire practical skills in working with the most commonly used application programs in professional activities. Contains assignments on the main sections of the textbook “Information Technologies in Professional Activities” by the same author, published by the Publishing Center “Academy”. These tasks are provided with detailed instructions for execution and clarifying screen views of the corresponding program for clarity. To consolidate and test acquired skills, the workshop contains additional tasks. Maximum effect provides parallel use of a textbook and a workshop.

The textbook can be used to study general professional disciplines of technical specialties in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education.

For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

ÓÄÊ 303.6(075.32) ÁÁÊ 32.81ÿ723

The original layout of this publication is the property of the Publishing Center "Academy", and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited

© Mikheeva E.V., 2004

© Educational and publishing Center "Academy", 2004

ISBN 978 -5 - 7695 - 9006 - 1 © Design. Publishing center "Academy", 2004


The interests of companies and firms with the expansion and deepening of the range of tasks they solve require the appropriate use of information technologies. Life itself sets the framework for the use of application software packages to ensure maximum efficiency of the organization.

The workshop is a continuation of the textbook by the same author, “Information Technologies in Professional Activities,” published by the Academy Publishing Center. It is aimed at mastering skills practical application information technologies in the professional activities of students studying in the “Economics and Management” group.

The workshop contains practical (training and monitoring) tasks on the use of Microsoft Office applications, such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, programs for working with by email and the Internet, MS Outlook Express, MS Internet Explorer, as well as decision support systems - the legal reference system “Consultant Plus” and the professional accounting program “1C: Accounting”.

The workshop can be used both for practical training (core and optional) and for individual improvement of existing skills in working with computer software products.

Ð à ç ä å ë 1


Practical work 1


Purpose of the lesson. Studying the information technology of creating, saving and preparing MS Word documents for printing.

Task 1.1. Make an invitation according to the sample.

Operating procedure

1. Open the text editor Microsoft Word.

2. Install the right type screen, for example - Page Layout (View/Page Layout).

3. Set page parameters (paper size - A4; orientation - portrait; margins: left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, top - 3 cm, bottom - 1.5 cm) using the File/Page Settings command (Margins and Paper size) (Fig. 1.1).

4. Set line spacing to one and a half, alignment to center using the Format/Paragraph command (tab

Indents and spacing) (Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.1. Setting Page Options

Rice. 1.2. Setting Paragraph Options

5. Type the text below (the text can be changed and supplemented). While typing, change the style, font size (for heading - 14 pt.; for body text - 12 pt., paragraph alignment types - centered, justified, right-edged) using the buttons on the toolbars.

Sample assignment



Mr. Yakov Mikhailovich Orlov!

We invite you to the scientific conference “Informatization of modern society”.

The conference will take place on November 20, 2003 at 12.00 in the conference hall of the Technological College.

Scientific Secretary

S.D. Petrova

6. Frame the invitation text and fill it with color.

Rice. 1.3. Framing the invitation

For this:

highlight the entire text of the invitation;

execute the command Format/Borders and Fill;

On the Border tab, set the border options:

type - frame; line width - 3 pt.; apply - to paragraph; line color - at your discretion (Fig. 1.3);

on the Fill tab, select the fill color (Fig. 1.4);

specify the condition for applying the fill - apply to paragraph;

Click OK.

7. Insert a picture into the invitation text (Insert/Drawing/Pictures); set the position of the text relative to the picture - “Around the frame” (Format/Picture/Position/Around the frame).

8. Copy the standard invitation twice onto the sheet (Edit/

Copy, Edit/Paste).

9. Edit the sheet with the two invitations you received

è prepare for printing (File/Preview).

10. Print invitations (if you have a printer) by running File/Print and setting required parameters printing (number of copies - 1; pages - current).

11. Save the file in your group folder by following these steps:

Rice. 1.4. Invitation color fill design

Task 1.2. Prepare a report according to the sample.

BRIEF REFERENCE. The upper part of the report should be formatted as a table (2 columns and 1 row; line type - no borders). This design technique will allow you to perform different alignment in table cells: in the left cell - along the left edge, in the right cell - in the center.

Sample assignment


The sector cannot complete the examination of the marketing research project of the Astra-N company in a timely manner due to the lack of complete information about the financial condition of the company.

Please instruct the technical documentation sector to provide complete information on this company.

Appendix: protocol on the incompleteness of the technical documentation of the Astra-N company.

Task 1.4. Fill out an application according to the sample.

BRIEF REFERENCE. Draw up the upper part of the application in the form of a table (2 columns and 1 row, line type - no borders) or in the form of an inscription using the tools of the Drawing panel. Align cells left and center.

Sample assignment


to CEO


I.S. Stepanov

from Olga Ivanovna Kovrova,

living at the address:

456789, Saratov,

st. Komsomolskaya, 6, apt. 57

Please hire me for the position of chief specialist.

(signature) O.I. Kovrova

Task 1.5. Create a personal certificate.

Sample assignment

OJSC "Vestor" REFERENCE 08.11.2003 No. 45 Moscow

Olga Ivanovna Vasilyeva works as a leading specialist at Vestor OJSC.

Official salary - 4750 rub.

The certificate was issued for presentation at the place of request.

Task 1.6. Create a short protocol.

Sample assignment

JSC "Vestor" MINUTES 08.11.2004 No. 27

meetings of the Board of Directors

Chairman - A.S. Serov Secretary - N.S. Ivanchuk

Present: 7 people (list attached) Invited: Deputy Director of the Book Chamber

Í. Sh. Strelkov.


1. Organizational matters.

2. About the project of an illustrated publication about the activities of companies


1. A.A. Sidorov to prepare the project staffing table for 2004

2. Instruct member of the scientific and information commission K.S. Petrov to coordinate the draft publication with the Book Chamber.


Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

as a teaching aid for students of institutions

secondary vocational education

UDC 004(075.32)

BBK 32.81я723


deputy Director of the Moscow College of Urban Planning and Entrepreneurship for informatization of the educational process,

Head of the regional computer center, member of the Expert Council on Informatization Issues

Gosstroy of Russia, Ph.D. tech. Sciences L. E. Timashova;

head Department of “Informatization of Banking Activities”

Moscow Banking Institute, Ph.D. tech. sciences A. N. Gerasimov

Mikheeva E. V.

M695 Workshop in Informatics: Proc. manual for environments, prof. education / Elena Viktorovna Mikheeva. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2004. – 192 p. ISBN 5-7695-1510-4

The workshop is designed to acquire practical skills in working on a personal computer in a Windows environment and the main office programs MS Office - text editor MS Word; spreadsheet editor MS Excel; MS Access database management systems. Contains tasks with detailed instructions for execution and drawings for clarity.

For students of secondary vocational education institutions. It may be useful for those who want to learn how to skillfully work with application programs.

UDC 004(075.32)


© Mikheeva E.V., 2004

© Educational and Publishing Center "Academy", 2004 ISBN 5-7695-1510-4 © Design. Publishing center "Academy", 2004


This book is a collection of training and monitoring practical tasks on working with information on a personal computer (PC) and using Microsoft Office applications, such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS Power Point, MS Internet Explorer.

The workshop contains practical assignments on the main sections of the academic discipline “Informatics”. The tasks are provided with detailed instructions for execution and drawings for clarity. To consolidate and test acquired skills, additional tasks are included.

The workshop can be used both for practical classes (core and elective) and for individual training in basic techniques for working with computer software products.

The author, a professional teacher with extensive practical experience in working with information technology, tried to create a system of practical tasks aimed at acquiring stable initial skills in practical work in the Windows environment with software products, and selected a set of tasks that become more complex as work skills are acquired.

An important feature of the workshop is the presence of additional tasks for independent work at the end of each practical work and at the end of each section.

Having studied the theoretical material and completed the practical tasks of the proposed workshop, the user will have stable initial skills in working in the Windows environment.

Section 1 basics of working in the Windows environment Practical work 1 Topic: organizing work on a PC. Working with a PC keyboard

Purpose of the lesson. Learning how to initially organize work on a PC, turning the PC on/off, learning how to use the keyboard PC.

Task 1.1. Turning on the PC. Getting started on PC.

Operating procedure

1. Turn on the PC to the network, press the power button on the monitor, and press the Power button on the system unit.

When you turn it on, the indicators should light up, the monitor will make the same sound as when you turn on the TV, and the power supply fan in the system unit will make noise.

2. Wait until the operating system boots (approximately 60 seconds).

The operating system starts automatically after turning on the PC with the Power button on the system unit. First, the computer checks the functionality of its main devices, then you may have to enter a user password or network password if the PC is connected to a network.

After loading the Windows environment, the so-called Desktop(Desktop), at the bottom of which during standard installation is located Task bar. On the left side of the taskbar there is a button Start(Start)

3. Study the composition Main menu Windows. Click on the button Start, this will open Main menu Windows. Learn the commands in the required section Main menu Windows - Run, Help, Find, Settings, Documents, Favorites, Programs. Please note that the computer is turned off using the command Shutdown.

Brief information. To the structure Main menu includes two sections: mandatory and optional. The user can set items in a custom section as he or she wishes. Sometimes

Such items are created automatically when installing applications (for example, Ms Office).

4. Get to know the screen layout and basic icons Working field.

The main part of the screen is occupied Working field. There are icons on it - My computer, My documents,Internet Explorer, Basket, corresponding to folders of the same name. There may also be folder shortcuts there. The set of icons and labels is chosen by the user himself, so their number and list may vary.

5. Learn the basics of working with a personal computer using an “Instructor” type training program (or any other one you have).

Task 1.2. Entering information using the keyboard.

Elena Viktorovna Mikheeva

Workshop on information technology in professional activities


In the age of digital technology, a personal computer is a tool for working with information for many specialists. This means that the qualifications of a modern specialist and the effectiveness of his work are largely determined by the ability to use information technologies in professional activities.

The workshop is aimed at mastering the skills of practical application of information technologies in professional activities in the preparation of students studying in specialties of group 0600 “Economics and Management”. It is a continuation of the textbook by the same author, “Information Technologies in Professional Activities.”

The workshop contains training and monitoring practical tasks on the use of Microsoft Office 2003 applications (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access), programs for working with e-mail and the Internet (Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Internet Explorer), decision support programs (legal reference system "ConsultantPlus" and the professional accounting program "1C: Accounting").

The workshop can be used both for conducting basic and optional practical classes, and for individual improvement of existing skills in working with computer software products.


Practical work 1


Purpose of the lesson. Study of information technology of creation, preservation and preparation for printing Microsoft documents Word.

Task 1.1. Create an invitation according to the sample

Operating procedure

1. Open the Microsoft Word text editor.

2. Set the desired screen type, for example Page Layout (View/Page Layout).

3. Set page parameters (paper size - A4, orientation - portrait, margins: top - 2 cm, left - 2.5 cm, bottom - 1.5 cm, right - 1 cm) using the command File/Page Settings(tabs Fields And Paper size)(Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. Setting Page Options

4. Set the alignment to center, first line to indent, line spacing to one and a half, using the command Format/Paragraph(tab Indents and spacing)(Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.2. Setting Paragraph Options

5. Type the text below (the text can be changed and supplemented). While typing, change the style, font size (for the heading - 16 pt, all capitals; for the body text - 14 pt), paragraph alignment types (centered, justified, left), using the buttons on the toolbars.

Sample assignment

6. Frame the invitation text and fill it with color.

For this:

– select the entire text of the invitation with the mouse;

- run the command Format/Borders and Shading;

– on the tab Border set the border parameters: type – frame; line width – 2.25 pt; apply – to paragraph; line color - at your discretion (Fig. 1.3);

– on the tab Fill select a fill color;

– specify the condition for applying the fill – apply to paragraph;

– press the button OK.

Rice. 1.3. Framing the invitation

7. Insert a picture into the invitation text (Insert Drawing/Pictures); set the position of the text relative to the picture - in front of the text (Format/Picture/Position tab/Before text)(Fig. 1.4).

8. Copy the template invitation onto the sheet twice (highlight the invitation, Edit/Copy, place the cursor on a new line, Edit/Paste).

9. Edit the sheet with the two invitations received and prepare for printing (File/Preview).

10. Print invitations (if you have a printer) by running the command File/Print and setting the required print parameters (number of copies – 1, pages – current).

Rice. 1.4. Setting the position of text relative to the picture

11. Save the file to your group folder by following these steps:

Task 1.2. Fill out an application using the sample

Brief information. Draw up the upper part of the application in the form of a table (2 columns and 1 row, line type - no borders) or in the form of an inscription using the panel tools Drawing. Align cells left and center.

Sample assignment

Additional tasks

Brief information. Design the upper part of the advertising letter in the form of a table (3 columns and 2 rows, line type - no boundaries, except for the dividing line between the lines). Align the table cells: the first row is centered, the second row is left-aligned.

Sample assignment


firms, enterprises, banks and insurance companies

The International Institute of Work and Management offers to your attention and the attention of your employees the program “Company Image and Management Personnel”.

The purpose of the program: the formation of a positive image of the company, the acquisition of communication and etiquette skills by the company’s employees.

Course duration – 20 hours.

Suggested topics:

1. Psychology of business communication.

2. Business etiquette.

3. Culture appearance company personnel.

Experienced psychologists, cultural experts, doctors, makeup artists, and fashion designers are involved in the implementation of the project.

Upon completion of training, students are issued a certificate from the International Institute of Work and Management under the advanced training program.

We hope for fruitful cooperation, understanding the exceptional importance and relevance of the topics we propose.

Task 1.4. Prepare a memorandum according to the sample

Brief information. The upper part of the report should be formatted as a table (2 columns and 1 row, line type - no borders). This design technique will allow you to perform different alignments in table cells: in the left cell - along the left edge, in the right cell - in the center.

Sample assignment


The sector cannot complete the examination of the marketing research project of the Eureka company in a timely manner due to the lack of complete information about the financial condition of the company.

Please instruct the technical documentation sector to provide complete information on this company.

Appendix: protocol on the incompleteness of the technical documentation of the Eureka company.

Note. After finishing work, close everything open files, close the Microsoft Word text editor window, and then shut down the computer (Start/Shut down computer).

Task 1.5. Create a property write-off act

Sample assignment

About write-off of property

Reason: order general director LLC “Vlados” dated 10.10.2007 No. 1 “On carrying out an inventory.”

Compiled by a commission consisting of:

Chairman: Commercial Director S. L. Roshchina;

members of the commission: 1. Chief Accountant D. S. Kondrashova;

2. Head of the administrative and economic department S. R. Semenov;

Present: storekeeper O. G. Nozhkina.

During the period from 10/11/2007 to 10/15/2007, the commission carried out work to establish the unsuitability for further use of the property.

The commission established: according to the list attached to the act, the property is subject to write-off due to its unsuitability for use.

The act is drawn up in three copies:

1st copy – to the accounting department;

2nd copy – to the administrative and economic department;

The 3rd copy is in file No. 1-03.

Application: for 3 l. in 1 copy.

Chairman of the commission (signature) S. L. Roshchina

Members of the commission (signature) D. S. Kondrashova

(signature) S. R. Semenov

The act was reviewed by: (signature) O. G. Nozhkina
